The Oshawa Times, 24 Dec 1958, p. 9

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdby, December 24, 1958 © "we vor HOLIDAY SOCIAL NOTICES Officer Cadet J. L. Brough, Mr, and Mrs, A, T. H. Taylor, Royal Military College, Kingston, Roxborough avenue, are spend- lis spending a Christmas vacation ing Christmas with their daugh- with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. ter, Mrs, James Wilson and Mr J. G, Brough, Shelley avenue. Wilson, in Lindsay. Ln bd] Laid] Mr, and Mrs, W. Barrow: Mr, and Mrs |clou Brock street east, will of Toronto will be Christmas Mr. and Mrs, William Leahey have as their Christmas guests: guests of Mrs, Christoff's par- of Toronto and Mr, and Mrs. Rob-/ Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Black, Bar- ents, Mr, and Mrs, Joseph Joyce, ert Chalifour of Scarborough will ry and Roger, of Lucan, and Mr. Someriille avenue, be Christmas guests at the home and Mrs, C, B 250 and Miss YR. C r, | Patrie yo of London or ow Ys. er Chaliiour, [Patria Deyo Mr. and Mrs, 8. J. Fox, Gary, i NORE Gall and Pamela, of Niagara hol Miss Reta Boddy of Espanola galls, Mr. Donald Fox, and Mr, Christmas guests at the home will be spending Christmas with znd Mrs, Alfred Gervais, Terry, of Mr. and Mrs. F. M, McLel- her sister, Mrs. George Ansley, ylorence and Sammy of Toron. lan, Tooley's Mills, will 'be Mr, Rossland road west. to will be holiday guests at the and Mrs. Charles Brocone from J -- home of Mr. and Mrs, Cleve Fox, Toronto, Miss Blanche Stinson, Row e Simcoe street north, street, willl have as her Christ ebb Lt LU] mas guests the Reverend D. M.. wigs Anna-Jean McMillan, a Mr, and Mrs, Jack Jacobsen and and Mrs, Stinson and son David, si dent at McDonald Institute, Miss Randy Jacobsen, of Whitby, |Straffordville, and Mr. and Mrs. Guelph, will spend the Christmas will be Christmas guests at the J, K, Valleau, Oshawa. vacation with her parents, Mr home of Mr, and Mrs. A, Peter iy land Mrs, Duncan H, McMillan, sen, Taunton road east, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin. Breen Oshawa boulevard north aeons Cameron and Cralg, Bowman ah tL] Christmas guests at the home ville, will be Christmas guests of Mr and Mrs. Norval Cross of Mr, and Mrs, N. C. Fraser, Mr, Breen's parents, Mr. and man and Mrs, 8, Conlin, Arling Masson street will be Mrs, Mrs, C, R, Breen, Richmond ton avenue, will be Christmas J. C. Dobie, of Port Arthur, and street east, guests at the home of Mr, and Miss Margaret Fraser, of Galt neon Mrs. Albert Barker, Toronto inn Alderman Gordon Attersley and Wun Mr. John Humphreys, a stu- Mrs, Attersley are spending and Mrs. J dent at the University of Toronto, Christmas with their daughter Patti, Kathy and Robbie is spending the Christmas vaca- Mrs, David Carnie and Mr will spend tion with his parents, Mr. and Carnie, Scarborough, Ontario MeDougall's Mrs. R. D, Humphreys Alex ing andra street, cer, Richmond street Miss Barbara Watt, nurse-in eens training at Ottawa Civic Hospital, | TEEEY Mr. and Mrs, Paul will spend Christmas with her| Mr, James Sharples, who Is Paul and Julla, Toronto parents, Dr. and Mrs. W. G. studying at the university of To and Mrs. L. Nicholls Watt, Masson street will the Christmas with parents, Mr ville, will be Christmas guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs ---- and Mrs Sharples Mr, and Mrs. F. F. Crome and gua bou J. D. Tane, Fernhill boulevard family, Jones avenue, are spend we" ing Christmas with Mrs, Crome"s Christmas guests at the home mother, Mrs.' John Crown of of Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Wilson, || indsay Mary street, will be Mrs, Wilson's sister, Miss Alice Francis, from Vancouver, B.C., and Mr. Peter J, jade dh 4] Mrs. Oscar Nelson, of Toronto, Mr Janice of Scarborough Christmas with Mrs parents, Mr, and Mrs east D. Tane, and Mr Bowman spend his Sidney evard north gE Mr. and Mrs, W. K and Susan of Hamilton and Mr and Mrs. Alston Bair and Sandra of Palmerston Christmas Mr. and Mrs, F. V. Skinner, guests at the Mr, and Somers from Montreal, P.Q Rossland road west, will have aS Mrs. Robert Aberdeen their Christmas guests, MI ss greet NT Gayle Millman, Dr. and Mrs Holiday guests at the home of y 'A= wilkinson, and Dr. Paul Mr, and Mrs, E, C. & Souney, Aggett of Toronto, 2 v Beasborough drive, wi e Mr College, Bethany est Virginia, . hid will spend the Christmas vacation and Mrs. James Southey and : family and Mr, and Mrs, John Mrs, D, McIndless, David and with his parents, the Reverend McCarter, all Toronto Lynda of Toronto will be holl-'and Mrs, J, K. Moffat, Simcoe POO day guests of Mr. and Mrs. street south Clark Hubbell, Cadilllac avenue a Mr, and Mrs. Everett Sargeant,' "aang Mr, and Mrs, Garnet White of Kingston, will be Christmas guests of Mr, and Mrs. E. V, Sar eae. and Miss Beth White, Ritson geant, Burk street Mrs. Arthur Galloway and 'Mr. road north, will be Christmas reOene Cyril Galloway, Louisa street, guests at the home of Mr, and will spend Christmas with Mr. Mrs, F. C. White, Aldershot, Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Gust, of and Mrs. Lloyd Sonley and fam nadie Arnprior, and Mr. and Mrs Uxbridge Ont, Holiday guests at the home of James Garrett of Markham will ly, be Christmas guests at the home| neeen Mr. and Mrs, R. G. Aldsworth,| of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grindley,| me following residents of the Cadillac avenue south, will be| Flenwood crescent. [YWCA have left to spend the/Mr. and Mrs, Murray Metcalfe, | da Christmas vacation at their' re- Debbie and Robble, from Brock spective es: Miss Barbara ville, ig SL MAID hme | Lynds and Miss Margaret Mac-| ston, to spend the Christmas va- Fadden, Truro, NS Miss Bar cation with his parents Mr. and bara Cooper, Smith's Falls; Miss Fleanor Hughes, Easton's Cor John Reid, Alexandra sree' ners; Miss Marjorie Honey, Dart | linia) ford, Ontarlo; Miss Marion Rob. Mr. and Mrs. C. F¥. Fadie, erts, Cobourg; Miss Katherine Grooms avenue, will spend Christ. McGuire, Toronto; Miss Marion mas Day with Mr, and Mrs. Reynolds, Peterborough; Miss A. W. Eadie and family, Scar-'Zoria Melnychuch, Saskatche borough, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer wan Fadle and family, Markham, will Join the family gathering. naueoeney ronto, vacation 1} ill be of home frown, ney Mr. Richard Moffat, Bethany of wanahed and Mrs. L. V. Walker street, will be Christma the home of Mr, and Walker, in Barrie Qqgueg Mr, and Mrs, Douglas Turner, {Cathy Lynn and Patti Jayne, Oakes avenue will spend Christ mas with Mr. and Mrs, L. W Smith and family, In Islington nanan Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Barker and the Misses Cheryl and Vicky Barker, French street, will he Mr Mary guests at Mrs, M Mr. and Mrs. ED. Dudley | Toronto, will be Christmas guests Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Reld, Sim- at the home of Mrs. WC, Mar ene street north, will be Christ: shall and Miss Gail Marshall mas guests at the home of their Simcoe street north Cl . : * the I p son4n-law and daughter, Mr. and iristmas guests at the home o Mrs. L. H. Jempson, Niagara ana ane Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Radway, Falls, Ontario ' Miss Diane Hubbell, Teachers' Dalrymple, Ontario College, Toronto, is spending the| p-- . albu Christmas vacation with her par-| Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Finlay ents, Mr, and Mrs, Clarke Hub.! Mr. and Mrs and family, of Toronto, will be hell, Cadillac avenue south May, Law Stree! Christmas guests at the home of Christmas with Mrs anaans {ter, Mrs. Cecil Mr, and Mrs. R. D. Humphreys Alexandra street Mrs. E. R. Trew and Miss Dor- Mr. Tomlinson, -- {ta Trew, Brock street east, will tario 4 ail be Christmas guests of Mr and Mr. and Mrs Mrs Clarence Carter, Port Albert street Perr) Christmas guests, Mr. and Mrs, Russell Hallman, Teddy and Di ane, from Bowmanville onanooaa Miss Dawn Steckley home from Cleveland, spend Christmas with her par ents, Mr, and Mrs. D. E, Steck ley, Simcoe street north nooaoey Mr. and Mrs and son, William will spend the ( with Mrs. Forman's and Mrs, W.'R. Carnwith street east John Delvin and will spend Delvin's sis Tomlinson and Belleville, Om noeqoa Miss Margaret Hoy, Toronto, will spend the Christmas vaca aanane tion with her parents, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs, Stewart Rodman, Mrs. Earl Hoy, Simcoe street Port Perry, will be Christmas south guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Ira Travell, Centre street aanoon Thomas Adair have as their Christmas guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lane, Miss Beth Travell, Centre Carnegie avenue, will be Mr street, will be the Christmas and Mrs. J. E. Lane and Mr guest of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur and Mrs. Harry Lane of Hamil Weldon, Woodville, Ont ton William Forman Jr., Dunnville aaa hristmas season Mr, Bruce Travell parents, Mr. ¢ireet. will be the Christmas dale, Taunton road north, will be King guest of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Christmas guests at the home of Green, Ajax Mrs. Borrowdale's parents, Mr and Mrs. John MacKenzie, Mont een real, P.Q Bruce English. New York Mp and Mrs. G. A. Weldon Mrs. J. J. Robertson. To: Mp, David Weldon, Mr. Lary ronto, and Mr. and Mrs. JS weldon, Hortop avenue will he Kerr, and family, Toranto, will Christmas guests of Mr Wel be Christmas guests at the home gon's parents, Mr. and Mrs of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. English. Arthur Weldon, Woodville Connaught vat a -- Mr and Mrs. Vern Greenaway Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Stewart, snd daughter Sandra will spend Toronto, will be Christmas guests Christmas with Mrs. Greena at the home of Dr. and Mrs ,o¢ parents, Mr, and Mrs. Ar H. C. Hall, Connaught street thur Weldon, Woodville, Ontario RRO] ht ) i will w iistma guests a -- bi bus the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. G Officer Cadet Robert Munday Mr. Campbell Hall, University Jackson. Herbert avenue Royal Roads - College, Victoria, |of Toronto, is spending the Christ , Is 'spending the Christmas mas vacation pend his parents i dd vacation with parents, Mr. pr. and Mrs. H. ( Hall, Con Mr. and Mrs, James Elliott, and Mrs. E Munday, Glen-'naught street Arlington avenue, will be Christ cairn street mas guests at the home of thelr anes danghter, Mrs. Kenneth Bfoad and Mrs. Walter Bestwick. and Mr. Broad, Lindsay Winston Bestwick. Sunset MARNE | be spending Christmas of Mr and Mrs Mrs Toronlo ¢ will be Ohio, to naaaean Centre Mr and Mrs, William Borrow none Mr . City, nanan Christmas guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J Parkhill, Simcoe street north, will he Mi and Mrs. Brian East and son Douglas, of Toronto LEAR] Mr. and Mrs. -D. W daughter, Janis, of and Mr. and Mrs. A and daughter Barbara, of Toron t Cordy and Newmarket, J. Jackson R Mr Mr a Miss E training. We ronto Gene spend Chri ents, Mf, and M Mary street nO Miss Dorothea Je will be a Chris home of Mr Meredith, G ve, wil Mr ! Jim Christma Edwin Peacock Miss Betty Peacock thelr M ind Mrs of Hamilton, and f Toronto Wf an Lucas T° home Bunce tn ank wo ste We as ohare A F will be and My MeGil Christma i Mr. and Mrs Rogers road Dr Burlington vray Peacock o Toronto It of Heattie MN Peterbor tmas guest A. Oke and boulevard \ at the Aa Ww mas gues and Mrs son AH te Chri M \ a LER LLL Ve 0 a Joseph Fle He Bob Fle « College and Ma we M la Christmas gu of Mr. and \r Oshawa, will Sweet, and Mr Pweet, Toronto, \ he ( Drew with Cecil Clark uto, | wid ge ¥ ¥ ) elyn at the he 0 \ SP D. Fleck, Suncoe strée me nd Christmas and Mrs. George ve 1 \1 'and Mr, Clark in Tore Anthony Christof A. McDougall W. F. Mer-| Osh Jackson Holiday guests at the home of The staff of 3C of the Oshawa Mr, and Mrs, Uriah Jones, S8im- General Hospital together with coe street north, will be Mr. and|Dr, O, Chan and Mr, Paul Ken- Mrs. W, B. Firner, London, Ont, nedy as guests held their Christ and Mr, and Mrs, P, D, Lawlor, mas party on Monday, Santa Port Credit, Claus, who wished all the pa- tients of 3C a Merry Christmas, ini : distributed gifts to thie staff, Dr, Mr, and Mrs, John Canning and 0, Chan played greetings and Juughter, Syoibia, Mowsed, and carols on the recorder followed Mr, a Mrs, hert Larway, To- ph cold buffet, ronto, will be Christmas guests at | ya ulte {General Hospital will be s) ng the home of Mr, and Mrs, M, L, hand Christmas away from ( Canning, Masson street; Mr, and Mrs, L, R. Barrand Mrs, Mildred Gulliver, Miss {Sunset drive will be Christmas Gladys Hill, Miss Jane Cole, Mrs. ees |guests at the home of the Rev-| Gwendolyn Newnham, Miss Ber Mr. James Scott," St. Aug- erend and Mrs. J. W. Houston, tha Clark, Mrs. Laura Whyte, ustine's Seminary, Toronto, will! Windsor, Miss Pauline Jones, Miss G, Vel. spend the Christmas vacation lenga, Miss Maxine Roberts, Mrs. with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, | |Betly Bakker, Mrs. Christine, Ray Scott, Division street, 'Bajorek, Miss Frances Gunning, {Bonniebrae Lodge, expect 1o|nfie Eileen James, Miss Grace tnd spend Christmas Day with Mr.\yeninos™ Miss Inge Trefzger . : 4 ' 0 Mrs. A. E. Kelcher, Toronto, and Mrs, Clive §, Aldwinckle and nye" ar 0 giokman, Mrs, Wile will spend Christmas with her sis-|family at the RCAF Station, jon Courtney, Miss Donna Hume | ter, Mrs, Leslie Burden, Highland Edgar, [phreys, Miss Mary Shelton, ave y avenue. CeCe Cones itd Mrs, Evelyn Bateman, Simcoe, gi dent nurses of the school of Holiday guests at the home of street north, who returned yes; cing of (he Oshawa General Mr. and Mrs, William Pomeroy, terday from a two-month trip 10! Hospital who will be spending Celina street, will be Mr, and|Callfornia and Texas, will spend Christmas away from Oshawa Mrs, Wilfred Snell, Toronto, and Christmas in Scarborough with ,.0 Miss Gerda Craig, Miss Carol Mrs. F. McClennen, {her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. Oghorne, Miss Mary Terwillegar, ---- {and Mrs, Jack Bateman, | Miss Betty Eldridge, Miss Katha- Epos - Mrs. Edgar Miller, Hortop ave- Et UU] leen Philip, Miss Eleanor Jones, | Miss Jou 3 ! nue, will spend Christmas Day! Miss Alice Lesley, nurse in Li Joan Bowyel, Mise viia with her sister, Mrs. Joseph training at St. Michael's Hospital, Marion Tolmaon Miss Catherine Janes, and Mr, Janes, Toronto. Toronto, is spending the Christ Gouldburn Miss Donas Harris grr -- mas vacation at home with her . Miss Jean Tribble, Miss Mary i mother, Mrs, James Lesley, Elgin 4 ped Mr. aid Mrs, David Pugh, gireet east. Bin Margaret Kerr, Miss Peggy Gow. Thornton's road south, will have er, Miss Galle Dafoe, Miss Shire as a Christmas guest, their niece ley Elliott, Miss Marilyn Kelly, Dr, Gwyneth M, Waind, from Lon- . pee don, England, celebrating her 91st birthday on My and Mrs, Russell McBride gene Catienas Eve, 3 in ante Easthaven street, will have visit. Ith her son, Mr, Ewart Everson n v the Chris Willlam Watson, who is study- |, AT Everson. ahd or Ing them for the Christmas holl- Ing at Queen's University, KIng- embers of the FAP Yor the days, Mr. McBride's father, Mr, ston, will spend the Christmas SRAR M. McBride from Niagara Falls, holiday season Ontario vacation with his parents, r land Mrs, William Watson, Osh ney awa boulevard north, enanaw Christmas guests at the home Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cordick,| Miss Janet Oke a student at/Mr, and Mrs. J. K. Lifton, Hor. of Dr and Mrs. J. P, G, Mar- McLaughlin boulevard, will spend Queen's University, Kingston, will top avenue, will be Christmas| 005i8, King street east, will be Christmas with their daughter, with her parent, Mr, and Mr.|Day guests at the home of Mr, | Mrs. George Inksater and Miss Mrs, L. K. Willams and Dr. spend the Christmas vacationland Mrs, B., Lifton, Toronto, |Beatrice Inksater of Paris, On Williams, Islington, with her parents, Mr, and Mrs re -- |tarlo, and Miss Florence Ink pee A. Oke, Oshawa boulevard north M and M RB. Andrew sater of Toronto, | ] Mr. and Mrs ' arews Cl in Vineland with Mr, and Mrs, Dr. and Mrs, T. H, Orton and tena and Mr, J. 8. Francis, Masson MRE wi Jrechritunm divher Davy family, Simcoe street north, will] Miss Flora Hawkins, Mec. street, will spend Christmas Day and Mrs. John Lorimer Mrs Norval Cutler, El i st be Christmas Day guests of Dr. Gregor street, is spending the fes-(as guests of Mr, and Mrs, Wil- and son, Charles, of Halifax, pus his Monday Death, Siree Orton's mother, Mrs, T. H. Orton, tive season with her cousins, Miss llam Berry, in Brooklin, [Nova Scotia, will spend the "AR. : 4) t in Toronto Luella: Jewell and: Mr. Bert [Christmas season with Dr, Lorl.| Guests from Oshawa included FS ewe rena Imer's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Miss June Miller, Mr, and Mrs,| | ss Mrs. Charles Bowra and Dr.!w, J. Lorimer, Mary street, {Donald Crossman, Mr, and Mrs, | Mr. and Mrs, F. F. Bartlett et bt 0 (and Mrs. Alfred Halam Andres J |Charles Lemaire, Mr, and Mrs, Brock street east, will have as Mr. David Currie will be homeland son, Charles, Simcoe street | Otto Rogers, Me. and Mrs, Haw-| Christmas guests Mr. and Mrs, from St. Augustine's Seminary, north, will be Christmas guests! Mr. and Mrs, W. J Brownlee, ley Piatti, Mr, and Mrs, Wil Edward Bartlett, Paul and Jenni: Toronto, to spend Christmas with|at the home of Miss Ann Bowra, Central Park boulevard north, | liam Bickle, Mr, and Mrs, John | fer, of Owen Sound, Mr, and his parents, Mr, and Mrs, R. E.|Bewdley {will spend Christmas Day with|Bint, Mr, and Mrs. Neil Knight, Mrs. Frederick Bartlett, Linda, Currie, Bond street east. [ P-- [their daughter, Mrs, B, Ferrari, ii iy a pion! Kenneth and Karen, of Downs and Mr, Ferrari, in Toronto, d y Mrs. Don ynyk, NRE Mr, Leonard O'Malley will be] view, and Mr, and Mrs. Thomas From Bowmanville were Mr. and Barber, Ronald and Stanley of Miss Nancy Walker, who is at- home from St. Augustine's Semin- wane Mrs, Ted Miller, from Kingston, | Courtice. tending school in Pennsylvania, ary to spend Christmas with] Holiday guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Robert McCor- will spend the vacation with her his parents, Mr, and Mrs. XK. G.|Mr, and Mrs, R. A, Wallace, mack and from Toronto, Mr tuted parents, Mr, and Mrs, E. H, O'Malley, Simcoe street north, [Jones avenue, will be Miss Olive and Mrs, James Finlayson, Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Wage, Walker, Simcoe street north, a --. Wallace, of Guelph, Mr, and Mrs, Golf street, are spending Christ aaa : . Robert Hanna, of Ottawa, and| anna mas with Mrs. Wagg's sister, : Mr. and Mrs. T, R. McEwen, ia. "and Mrs. Albert Cawker and] Mr, and Mrs, Norman Rich. Mrs. J. A. Nicholson, and Mr,| Mr. and Mrs. O, J. Tuttle Parklane Apartments, Mary gmiy of Port Perry. ards, Westmoreland avenue, ex froit are holiday guests at will be Christmas guests | | pect to have as Christmas guests, nlite |Mr, Jack Morton of Detroit and Nicholson, in Toronto, home of Mr, and Mrs. T, L home of Miss Elizabeth I y son, Colborne street east, in 'Belleville, Mr, and Mrs, W. E, Mann, | my and Mrs, Percy Moore of Miss Carolyn Mann and Master paiieville, iy | Miss Isabel McLaughlin of To LLC) ee! ne CLL] Douglas Mann, Buckingham av- ronto, and Mrs, Fileen Mec |{Echren, of Todmorden, Ontario, Mrs Margaret Rogan and| Mr, and Mrs, H M. Smith enue and Mr. and Mrs, D. R. Hun- will spend Christmas with their daughters, Jackle and Roberta, Alexandra street, will spenc ter of Toronto will ba Christmas father, Col. R. 8. McLaughlin, at Elgin street east, are spending Christmas with Mr, and Mrs. (pay guests at the home of Mr, Cedar Lodge, Paget, Bermuda Christmas 'Day as the guests of Claude Smith and - family in and MIs. R. F. ---- Mr and Mrs Harold Reynolds, [Trenton (more, Ontario. Miss Carol Jamieson, nurse-in. Bloor street west, Toronto. | training at East General Hospital, | Pa" neaaos tt h Toronto, will spend the Christ " i am " Christmas guests at the home mas vacation with her parents Ho ok Neh red Little [cor of Mr, and Mrs, D. H. Lander, Mr, and Mrs. David § Jamieson Christmas guests Mr Mo 0 4 Mrs Brookside drive, will be Mrs King street east abauzlt and tamil vn and A. G. MacKay and Miss Marion nevenaag and Mrs, H. Elliott, from Fort ronto MacKay from Owen Sound none Alderman Cecil Bint and Mrs, Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Cryder. Francis man and family and Mrs, FE naannn H Hastings, Simcoe street north, will : . Holiday Ruests at the home of | mint Celina street. will have as be Christmas guests at the Mr. and Mrs, F. C. Litster, Mr. and Mrs, § J. Nobbin, War helr Chr t que ts Mr, and Rome of Mr ar Mrs. Gordon Sherwood avenue, will be Christ-|ren avenue, will be Mr, and Mrs thelr ahi 8! il i family 1 1 i 3 mas Day guests of Mrs. Litster's| Norman Le Neve, of Toronto NR AURIRI0N. AIX y sister, Mrs, George Angus and : Pe LLL LLL] Ee. Wilbur in Hampton canon Mr, Angus, West Hill, Ontario | Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Latham na ad Mrs, x harles Eder, | The Reverend and Mrs, H A Besshorough drive, will have as : 4 ernhill boulevard, will spendin nioy McLaughlin boulevard, their Christmas guests. their Miss Jéan Shortt, Reg. N., of (Christmas with Mrs. Eder's sis!' 1 t + Christ Juests at the . . J + |Santa Barbara, California, 1s ter Ross MeAnuff and Mr will be risimas Bie ' . (daughter, Mrs. James Allman = od and Mr.\y me of Mr, and Mrs, Wilbur and Mr. Allman. of Kingston, pending the Christmas holidays | McAnuff in Toronto, Miss Mar. Goodman in Napanee and Miss Mabel Latham, Mr with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. garet Eder, nurse-in-training at : : Kingsford Latham and Miss K. C. Shortt, Simcoe street south. | Toronto General Hospital, will be aoe { Beryl Gray of Toronto onnnng Ving Hun, jor part of 'the day.| Mrs, E. 8. Dafoe, Simcoe street | NT srend r. Karl Eder who is teaching north, will have as Christmas | Mrs. Roy Fl gl ) ) : J . Mr. D Bigham ters, i ar RIDE hog dangle in Munich, West Germany, Will guests Miss Jean Dafoe from t pH Ponsa Pierson, u Student Roy, Carnegie' avenue have be spending his first Christmas Peterborough, Mr. and Mrs, J will ol nd BR motored to Florida to spend the away {rom home. (Walsh and family and Mr. and tion with his parents Mr and Christmas vacation - Js. 5. 2X Dues ng vB! i 3 A I Mrs. . . Mrs. H. FE. Plerson, Gibbons onan Miss Sylvia Joyce, Queen's Un yaks illo Mr. and Mrs. Roman Prell. Me versity, Kingston, will be spend Laughlin boulevard, will have as in& the Christmas vacation with/ Mr. and Mrs. John Miller and their Christmas RUSS Mr. and Bor parents, Mr and Mrs, R. G family of Montreal P.Q., will be Mrs. A. J. Prell and family from J0Y¢e, Somerville avenue, Christmas guests at the home of Sarva, atl : Me Millers parents, Dr : and| naannoe mit and Mrs Sidney Owens and | grand and Mrs. F. C. McMulkin! rs. 0. Miller, Bessborough! Mr. and Mrs. Paul Diederick children, of Alliston, will bel and Canon F. C. Tomalin of To. drive rson and family of Raglan, will be Christmas guests of Mrs. Owens'|yonto Mr, and Mrs. M. A, Col! Christmas guests at the home of father, Dri. George Telford and|)ing of West Hill, and Mrs. H Mr. and Mrs, H, C. Diederickson Mrs. Telford, Simcoe street noth. cook and Miss Ada Cook of In. Pontiac avenue NUL] gersoll nannen Mrs. William Pipher and Mr Mr. and Mrs. Glen C. Hager. and Mrs. Arthur Hughes and son man and son, Neil, of Toronto, David. Scarboro, will be Christ will be Christmas guests at the Mas guests at the home of Mrs. greet, will be Dr, and Mrs. A. G. home of Mr, Hagerman's par [Wentworth Barrett and Mr, and Reynolds and family of Toronto. ents, Mr, and Mrs. I. E. Hager 'Mrs, Jack Forder, Rossland road i aT man, Rossland road west east Mrs. G. R. Booth and Mr.| teneae I Douglas Booth and Miss Margar- | Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Irwin, Mary Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Helllwell, ot Brown, King street west, will street, are spending Christmas Arthur street, will have as their|spend Christmas with Mr. and| naenne with their daughter, Mrs, H, Wil. Christmas guests, Mr. Frank Hel. Mrs, William Edwards in Weston. | Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Reddoch llams and Mr, Willlams, St. Ca- liwell, Mr James Helliwell and one and Miss Doreen Reddoch, Darey harines Miss* Victoria Hellivell of High: nr and Mrs, Maurice Johnston. street, will fly to Ottawa to he land Creek Ritson road south, will spend Christmas guests of Flight Lieut Christmas with relatives in Lind S. RB MacDonald and Mrs. Mae-| Jy Say Donald and family Ottawa nia \rs. MacDonald former the Miss Joan Reddoch ents CHRISTMAS ] The following graduate nurses from the staff of Oshawa angen Mr, and Mrs, J. A. Aldwinckle Ireland Studios At this special time of the year, we think warmly of our friends, of their favors and goodwill that we have been privileged to en- joy. thanks and the very best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year the Social Depart- ment, sincere Please accept | | from wenaey Mrs. T. H. Everson who Is iriver. Women's Editor, qunaeey The Social Department is al-| Staff Sergeant and Mrs, W, H. ways ready to accept items of Brown and son, Gordon, of King- news for the personal column for ston, will spend Christmas holi. which there Is no charge, If you'days with Mrs, Brown's parents, were out of town during the holl- Mr, and Mrs, R. E, Lambert, days or had guests, telephone Athol street east, 3-3474, local 13, and share the a festivity with others Mr, and Mrs, W, J. Salter. Kin . r. rs, W. J. Salter, nnn street east, will spend eh : : { $ | Dr i We're grateful to our many customers and would like to extend , De the street, Wil- at the McEwen Mr, and Mrs, E, D, Palmer of i [Ottawa will be in Oshawa for Noble in Balt: Christmas with their daughter, Mrs. J. R. Gorssline and Mr, Gorssline, Sunset drive naeey JEWELLERS 195 Simcoe S. RA 3.9433 WILL BE CLOSED SATURDAY, DEC, 27 MONDAY, DEC. 29 neaanaes Mr. and Mrs, Frank Fam combe and family, 'Lauder road! spend Christmas Day with Farncombe's parents, Mr Mrs, W. F. Bassett, in To Miss Judith Brewster, Toronto, will spend Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wendell Brewster, Lakeside street, | KARN'S DRUG STORE CHRISTMAS DAY CLOSED ALL DAY naean IY Mis street, | nenoae Christmas Day guests at the (home of the Venerable H, D. Cle. verdon and Mrs, Cleverdon, Greta street will be the Rev: "nanan Mr. »Morley Yeo, Queen's Uni versity, Kingston, will spend the Christmas vacation with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Yeo Fulalie avenue nanan Mrs. H.-P. Hart, Masson street will have as her Christmas guests, Dr. and Mrs. Alan Hart of Kingston and Mr, and Mrs Donald Jackson and family I'hornhill BOXING DAY FRIDAY nenone Christmas' guests at the home of Mrs. A. A, Crowle, Division MORNING -- 10 A.M. to 1 P.M. EVENING -- 6.30 P.M .1o9 P.M. of Lit LL and Mrs, Edward Salmon and dau Jackie of Sar will be Christmas t home of \Iy Mr. and Mh mon, Horton avenue Mr Ll LL] Mr. and Mrs al Cadillac avenue pa guests of Edward Sal Mi nd Irenton [ELL LLL guests at the Mrs, W \ Court, will he Mr, and R. Mason and family and Mr. and Mrs, Ron ewland, and family, Pont her Donald Anderson south, will be Mr. Anderson's Mrs. William in the Salmon's holida parents 1050 BR William Martvn, Victoria Toronto, will spend the vacation with his par amd M RW. Mar shorough Drive Anderson BUYING A RUG? Before You Do , . . See Our Stock HIGHER QUALITY LOWER PRICES NU-WAY RUG AND CARPET SALES 174 MARY ST My College Christmas Vir Hes Mr. and \ Buckingham Christma Murray Dinmell Willowdale Victor wenue, \M and bi I} ridland Holiday will spend wd Nh Mr. and Weostd SOns ) home of ont Dewland tyn ile 0 BERR Mary pend hri Mr. and Mrs McLaughl Mrs, Jack and Mrs. William Duy Ontario ile Mis ) Penfound D ald Faronto ( Ch f Aly Simcoe Mr Toronto tina \ the \ ill wn vi na home \ boulevar parent | Pen of a t nort KR ind and Nr nd My and children of gina, Saskatchewan, and \ 4 Ah drive found Mr. and Rrooklin can, Chippawa will also G Ibe Christmas Day guests, n treet R DRUGS 28 KING ST E, CDIAL mph he Ah Penfound nl § \ Charles south and verside will have their Christmas guests Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hil, from Montreal Hill n \ i Re Umphrey RA 5.1202 8

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