a de BA EEE a , ' iw ero. v " yr re a a dd a oh a a EE ES a ? - people from the school entertain. land thanked the speaker and the 4 gr A / To ' Pupils Fntertain ed with songs, recitations, accor: entertainers, dion selections and a dance, Refreshments were served by . | Mr, Wendt fave a reading, mothers of the pupils from Miss / H & S Meetin Miss Margaret Knight introduced Lenors Kellars and Miss Helen g the Mev, Father Luchak from the Boddy's classes, Lucky prize was Fue 5 Greek Orthodox ehurch wh owon hy Miss Hacel Barrie, The Christmas meeting of Bouth|gnoke on the meaning and soirit, Next meeting will be held Jan. k J A / a | Himcoe Home and fichool Assoein-\of Christmas, Miss Agnes Brick: vary 12 4 ; § [tlon was held at the school re : . gas | % ; i: ] : I cently, A briot business period | y | o/ . p SE wns prow over hy the presi: v Won in aweey Meco. | Just in time for the festive ' ) rs, re Arthir Bargant inckle Women's Ediror Diol RA 3.3474 | ; hE minutes and the treasurer's re: f Jo Aldw hte, ad 5 VE port was given by Mrs, Charles | holiday season B. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, December 22, 1958 iw o (Cowle, A donntion is to be given : ; to the Retarded Children's Asso-| | ) Pe elation. Room prize was won hy ARTE ' J (Miss Christine Thompson's elass, | F A | # : 4 Mrs, George Bell, religious edu | 1h &. estion convener, was In charge of | d > the program and Mr. William | (King Bireet United Church) |by Miss Evelyn Gay | ie | Wand acted me len vol | The Bunshine group of King| The meting closed with Ment the plane for the singing of |Btreet United Chureh Woman's prayer, the singing of a carol and) + Hap n | Association held its December i eponting the wate word | Christmas carols, A number of | meeting at the home of Mrs WEAVERS GUILD ' [€, KE, Young on Haguenay av:| mp ol an 4 . ; / | he December meeting of th " la recently he 107. of" 3 cut lya Wormen's ord oe hod _ ; A Modernized {Christmas party, After the devo-| om some of Miss Mary Mac 4 thonal period which was given by [oon Figin street enst Mrs, J, W, Brogdhent the mem: | Mrs, Hans Gelssherger presid Ld ; y B (bers exchanged gifts, Games Were oq "Mes M, W, Perkin read the! J é V a flayed wna prizes awarded to Me imo and Mrs, 15, Bayly gave| 4 Liu 4 4 : . the treasurer's report, i ' 4 Refreshments i forved id Colored slides of Miss Mae: " 4 y jad [the fonts and fg ig Qo | 1onn's recent trip to Florida | | ' ' IApentgomry RIOD 6 thanks o[ V0, shown to the members 3 Y y y i 111e festive refreshments land Li Yona ware shived Lg exchanged FEE " pot : Beautiful Dresses for day or evening . . . Broken | sma istgyas gifs of range of colors and sizes from Junior to Misses. SUNSHINE GROUP "The Three Chests", was read {their automobiles for transports: | The Janualy meeting of the jude ; . V] thon to the meetings during the gq iid will < held on January er, Also fo the members (0 una Mise Ey Andeows, ni PRINCIPALS IN RECENT CEREMONY wr Yesuld Ni OE from Junior to Misses. nengssey Mn epg Yo "rector of Handicrafts at the Gren: we and Mrs, Ross William | George Sparkes of Cornerbrook, one sky, D.C, the year's work pleasant and sue: ro aisgion, #, Anthony, New:| Keenan sign the register follow: | Newfoundland, and the bride: Chiropractor 3 RACKS cessful [foundiand, will be guest speaker. jng thelr mareiage recently nt | groom Is the son of Mr, and | Specialist In Palmer Specific HARVEY HUNT EVE, AUX, (A bale of used clothing will he| First Baptist Chureh, Formerly re, Alexander Keenan of Ogh- Upper Cervical Method The pet of (he Made up for the Grenfell Mis-| Miss Ruby Ivy Sparkes, the | awa, A The Christmas meeting of the Com Tis meeting which vii bride 1s the daughter of Mrs, Photo by Peter ¥llins RUN DOWN i REG. 16.950 49.95 i [Harvey Hunt Evening Auxiliary | J 3 ? lof Bimeoe Street United Church|be held at the home of Mrs % 3 ¥ 8 [was held last Thursday evening, |Ftuari, North street, Rrooklin We often unconsciously eom- fy | wy ot We Sh | ha og 4 J. KK, Moffatt ing B&P w Club LODGES AND pare our own body mechanisms " OM SALE rn A RSS IRR (quoted an impressive installation M na Main rize . to that of a watch, You II hear 4 NEWLYWEDS service for the new officers for | oa Pp h Christmas Party SOCIETIES Drygdes Ti Sow! Wht "A 1060. | } , Gordon Magee, devotional deock : further? When a wateh Is run Married recently at St, Mary's| ter of Mr, and Mrs, Albert Ar. tengo flordon M h took ution) Donald A Mrs, Lucas Peacock, Bimooe - , down and doesn't work right we Greek Catholic Church were | Senault of Oshawa, and the (for this part of the meeting The | Wed In Hampton | treet north, opened her home VICTORIA LODGE 18 [have It adjusted, We can do the Mr. and' Mrs, Michael Yurke, | Pridegroom Is the son of Mr. |heme for meditation was 'Christ-| for the Christmas party of the| Victoria Loyal True Blue Lodge same for the hody through chiro. ' and Mrs, John Yurko of Ennis: |mas, 1066", and the main idea The warriage of Moana Mema Oshawa Business and Professional No, 88 held the regular meeting [practic adjustment, The bride is the former Miss | jiljen expressed was thet each one bell Mainprize of Cobourg andy, = ow by last week In the Orange Temple, | The result in both cases is the Ceclle Marian Arsenault, daugh Photo by Ireland [ghould gratefully receive and W. Donald Adcock of Hampton omen's Club, The guest speaker jeune stroet, with Worshipful same, The watch and the body share the wonderful gift given at|was solemnized recently at|Miss Blanche Horsham, of Trini: Master Bro, Willard Spencer and are both made up of hundreds of Bethlehem so long ago. Mrs, Ma.-|Hampton United Church dad, a post-graduste student if|Deputy Mistress Sister Ma ry|tiny parts, all of which must be Trousseau Tea And Showers goo was assisted In the worship] The bride 1s the daughter of oon service at the University Thompson in thelr respective mested together in perfect co. | service hy Mrs, It, N, Pinder and Mn Jota Soe tallow of Oshawa, Toronto, gave an Interesting thaing A phon, portion of Rorip- ordination and balance, and with » i fekland and the bridegroom 18 16 son ' wre was read hy chaplain Siste Honor Helen Ruth Cole, Bride Mist Adiian Birios) econdueted Je of My and Mrs, (Hibert Adeock Il ue the different phases of Kida Howard, after PWhieh Non nckhing 10. Tide 100 ew of {remainder of the meeting. Mrs, of Hampton Ife In her native land, She was|flag was saluted and God Save te "hrain" Miss Helen Ruth Cole whose taining the shower gilts were ia a! Mrs, Worden delighted| The Reverend ¥, J. Reed offi: ini odioed bry Miss Bertha Clarke, the Quoen was sung, with Minto human. i J he nthe marriage to Mr. Grant Stephen Miss Donna Vice and Mrs, Frank the audience with their playing of|ofated and the "wedding music rR ha (Emmaline Henderson at th e|mainspring of all our actions eon: Herron took place in Trinity An:|Lueas. The wedding gifts were in|two beautiful plano duels -- "8 \was played hy Mrs, Keith Bil Program convener, and thanked | pian, scious and unconsclous, Our sys glean Chureh, Bowmanville, Sat:|the charge of Mrs, Robert Em.|lent Night!' and "0 Holy Night", let, hy Miss Cora Cruse Roll eal of officers and min: [tem of Interlocking gears, to weday afternoon, December 90,(herson; the bride's trousseau,|A Christmas legend, entitled Given in marriage by her) The president, Miss Evelyn utes of previous meeting we re|transmit vital impulses from the| has heen feted at several pre/Miss Jean Cole and the bride's grandfather, Mr, Norris fohert,| Moore, presided for a short busi: (read by recording secretary, Ms. brain Is our spinal cord, | muptial events linen, Mrs, Allan Werry R S |the hride Wore 4 ballavis prin | ness meeting, Plans were made|ter Ruth Gatehell Shock, fatigue, a fall, any one On Saturday afternoon, and| Also entertaining were Mrs, Es eport Uccess [fot yuwh of wh for the theatre party to be held| mierer Mossie Keeler gave a re.(0f 8 hundred causes can throw evening, December 18th, Mrs, tells Leask of Bowmanville, host over white satin in January and for the Interna, the spine off balance, Sonn Parutias Cole entertained af leon at THO ooh any! hy Toe h F ' The fitted bodice styled finger: tional Night dinner to be held port. on the afternoon bingo and tie Solio ance, interiors trowikau tea at her home on/with Mrs, Clare Allin, Mrs, Al Of C ristmas air tp Seavis oad wok. trimmed at] ot the Hotel Genosha on Monday, 4 RE Ay Whe §'Ven.a hearty impulses from the brain to the Many he J fd pear Mehr y eh h tario street, Bowmanville, fred Allin and Mrs, Norman Al Bt. Mary of the People Catholle (aurora borealis sequins, A white | qonmiery, 8. Mits Margarst Ath The Scarlet degree was exem.|other organs of the hody, When which was colorful with arrange: (lin as eohostesses; Mrs, Donald | ' . i : ' other organs of the b ments of Chrysanthemums, Doll of Ofawe. as poston af| "emg. , Laegue held a Chita lara of weed pearls and sein nadian Federation of "Wusiness lode mermmere, welcome sistors1om. that, lke ouf_waichew, We J K Mrs, Cole received wearing a8 linen shower, with Mrs, Jacki engon's road north, recently. juslon and she carried a white 4 Teroloasional. Wametrs, Clube to the lodge, The candidates need "adjusting", The chiroprao- sheath dress of teal blue deluster-| Marshall as co-hostess, The fair was convened by Mrs. Bible, the gift of the bridegroom, gion to Japan will Is JH anole briefly and Happy Mirth [tor corrects the distortion that od satin and corsage of pink ear| Mrs, Harold Gibson and daugh-| Joseph Cooper and was officially | on which rested a single red rose toaker. pun, oi Bf he Kuen day was sung for Bro, Cary has altered or obstructed the | mations, Assisting was Mrs, F.|ter, Betty of RR 2, Newcastle en: | opened by the Reverend N. J.| The bridegroom's sister, Mrs ; Gonght, one of the candidates, [proper channeling of nervous im- Wuliman, of Toronto, aunt of the tertalned af a luncheon when &|(iiumne, pastor |Wiliiam Annabell of Port Perry. phen fo other women's organise: Prizos were donated by Sister pulses and restores the body " : en bridegtoon, wearing presentation of several pleces of| The conveners of the varlous|was the bride's attendant. Shel Joan Ewen and won hy Slater the desired equilibrium, LADIES WEAR LTD 4 deus ered satin wit corsage crystal was made to the bride: hoothe were as follows: Home: wore a street length dress of tur:| Tt Was decided that a letter of Susan Spencer, Sister Annie One of o series of articles published . so yin . #|eleot, baking, Mrs, Larry Dodds: |quoise velvet with white feather. (Protest regarding the removal of | Toms and Sister Kvelyn Bilton, in he publie Interest to supleln a | o © ole oy green Mrs, Allan Werry assisted by|Chrisimas decorations, h ed hat and carried a mosegay of AN historic elm tree be sent to the Lodite closed shortly after, Re | IIRC, he | RISIHER OF Selon wl ® 72 SIMCOE ST. NORTH o ool areps on pricess ines. and (Miss Winnifred Cole and Mrs, [seph Cooper; fancy work, Yn white and ywllow chrysanthe Ky Council, freshments were served by the d of' Chiranragtie '| OPEN TO-NIGHT & TUESDAY TO 9 P.M 0aes. KE. A, Werry were co-hostesses at| Frank Donald; toys, Mrs, Har mums The usual offering was taken up| committee in charge, sated ot 100 Kin M, ing, Mire. J PC reifhton assisted, bathroom and kitchen shower, land Williams; white elephant,| My. Rill Harrison, -brother-in dawito provide Christmas cheer for a _-- gm | +4 Thidtre bullaing), Tole wearing _ivd_and black Siok A miscellaneous shower was Mrs. Kenneth Johnaon;, Selidiou of the hridegroom, acted as haat | pubes of elderly people, VOTING AGES ' iba a re given by the Courtlee Commun. Articles, Mrs, Walter Atherfold; man, Ushering were Messra Roy| A buffet supper was served by| Women of 31 years or older 4 '|ity and held in the Sunday School | tea room, Mrs, Robert Dionne, [HBurns and Robert Goodfellow, (the executive, A hearty vote of have had 'the vote in Britain Mrs, Gordan Flliott, Mre WH | oop at Courtice, Mr, 1, War.| 1oach child that entered the hoth of Oshawa thanks was extended to the host: since 1020; previously, from 1018, by hall py hall d a "Oe Teele urton, superin was given a halloon and 8] A reception was held In the ess and t wllve, an 90, | jh Mo, Joti Aroha Pre.| 0 Bthoon intend of fhe Aut hat, Also an attraction for the Sunday school room at the | A and the executive -- the minimum age was 30 D Y I Y siding over the guest hook were children was a "Tacky Dip" and church, To receive, the bride's! | Mie Cortina Htlons, Mas Suan) An afternoon tea was held at this was in the charge of Mr. mother wore a winter-white dress Mins Thad > Walter Atherford [trimmed with black fur, The Jane Werry |Btincon vest Julie Bohool,| Nokets were sold on a Christ: hridegroom's mother assisting JURY and LOVELL Su est ouring tea were Mry Norman | ootved a beautiful eup and saucer {mas eake which was donated by was in deep rose printed silk. | : Mis Seward Dowie, MO Mr. Herron Was the recipient oi Revolt Jubiagon, & satin Hoth wore white rose corsages F n, Mrs, Estella Leask, d cushion donated hy Mrs, Willlam| For the wedding trip to the Mrs, Mary Cann, Mrs, William K, |® wallet yf money from fellow Polak and a ehild's truck, donat leentral United on Te bride or the 35 M.M. Photo Fan Houslander, Mrs, Ernest Werry, Workers at the General Motors of-lad by Mrs. Frank Donald, Mra, (donned a pale blue sult with blue Mrs, Jack Hillman, Mrs, Jim! fice, Oshawa, and from the Pay:|Leo McCarthy held the winning hat. and of | ovens and a white rose Creighton and Miss Winnifred roll department, an electric toast: ticket on the Christmas cake, |corsage. Mr, and Mrs Adcock | Cole, Serving were Miss Grace|® | Mra Ronald Gibbs won the cush-lare making thelr home in Blackburn, Miss Aldyth Morrison, | A rehearsal party was held onion and Mr, Woodall the truck. [Hampton Miss Eleanor Leighton, Mrs, Friday evening, December 19, at Keith Shackleton, Mrs, Jack Mar-|the home of Mr, and Mra, Linton ¢ 0 shall, Mrs, Kenneth Tink, Miss |ferron In Oshawa a a y p ece 0 up Fleanor Maguire, Miss Joan Gib - son, Mim Mariene Peel, Miss HOUSENOLD WINT H : Ruth Pascoe, Mrs, Sldney Lan:| A baby's mill-stained clothes | a { easter and Miss Reatrice Ste: will wash more easily if they be CHESTERFIELD SUITES Ae up phena, Presiding In the room con-'are first soaked in cold water Give het the freshest, gm | 4 END STEP TABLES 750 youngest Joeling in the world , o We MOFFATT RANGES 119900, New BAUSCH & LOMB BALOMATIC 300 21" TV SETS (Name Brand) 1 8©-°0 w AUTOMATIC SLIDE PROJECTOR ut 1909-90 4 with SIMPLICITY WASHERS runes 40" x 40" § a NORGE DRYERS 1650 Two Exira Slide Trays Semi J FLOOR POLISHERS 35% comes wrapped in the gay spirit of For the Price of Projector Only MANTLE RADIOS roi 25 00 . ' CLOCK RADIOS holiday time? / Regular Value 120.20 PORTABLE RADIOS YARDLEY ~2only PORTABLE Tv 4% TZ 5.00 ENGLISH LAVENDER, LAVENDER SOAP $Q86 : oi TALG POWDER O° TT ~ REFRIGERATORS 18900, Vl he f the Sapa Ye rw RRR OPEN TONIGHT AND TUESDAY "TIL 9 Mere are the Lucky Winners of $5.00 Dry Cleaning AB 0 N . y TT b Voucher and a chance of an all-expense paid trip ) ® graphic FURNITURE : i to Florida this winter. 8B KING ST ¥ : 530 SIMCOE ST. S$ RA. 92245 OSHAWA RA, 83546 . AND Bond 0 Me J Alsen, 129 Keewatin $0, nar Mery 8 MA. Nomp, 30 Higin Wes EH 16 KING ST. W + BOWMANVILLE « MA 3-577 Simaoe S06 N Me. Clarke, 871 Simoes Noh ene APPLIANCES Delivery Mes, NF Benson, 4) Gladstone Avenus H1.144) thy 1] iddin pruee Ville thy 7 BR . . - Wai Sag. Savese Vile, WHY xa 37 JROCK ST. 3. © WHITBY MO 3.238 491 RITSON RD. §. RA 3.3343