vadiod High Trigie: B, Colvin 44, " 50 OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS tr» worm » a (65 s High Single: 1, Ferenes, WI TOR DEPT, » (54s, 1 Doyle $34, 5, Hatheriord 525, 1, Genge #1, 1, Reid 815, J. Gaskell $19 [Butt 4 MH took them 4 points, The Bravers were! their first pines land oy Witters to & 24 tie defoniod the Lucky bres Johnsen downed | 20) i ol 8 Fog B J tivigual L dongs wi (a, ya rg 1 (28, Mm), Alte 848 (299, 314) and Howard |Marding " " Carter 78 vim " Fir "ny Mngle games were hy H WESTMOUNT LADIES LEAGUE | " ie iB, Colvin a , wl, {8 Koltueki 219; Simbist 2M, ne 4 ig 213; K. Graves high 14, @ x Bete 28; J amon Langue: ¥. Mackensia #0, 84; a? 3 Winter #15 0. Boivin 9) M, Blears iD, pM 208; M, Whiting HM 20h) 1. Bravin 222: W Welth 201 iony to ait winsers of the | ehickons 1am night: 218; O, Berwick 216; A Lan i 8, Dunn 293; A. Metals 903; | WEDNESDAY NIGHT LEAGUS Lamon League: M. Jordan 9; P Chriumas rol, Wigh triple without handle, Georgine Nesbitt, #43; The fotlowing are the Laam sanding | Ales Yanai, #47; Marion Tureski, end of the ret section: ges, Carel Misziak, 634; Pauline Pen Boll oy of the id 3, Bill Keenan 38, 202, Jaok| 1 41, Ohickadees 35, Canaries 3, cock, 615 Joyee Pritehard 617; Laons vi Jack Brocuman Bo, lar | Bhieibre 01 Cumann 10 Seagulls 25, Roser, 498, And » 20, Al Jamieson 228, Tarr #2 313, John Bailey 221, Wo , WL Romanuk 219, 201, Prank Dorothy Wallaes, #84 Hidden scores with handicap: Geor gins May, 18); Marg, Morton, 177; Goorsine Therrien, 178; Mary Hengon ins 22, Whippoorwills 22, OPUe LEAGUE eam Slandings: Spuiniks 22.806; 168; Joyce Tavior, 166; Ben Bronte 1 Stovenson 317, Andy Van de Valk | Wpooks 22,188; Duds 21,3528, Dooley 21, Rd and My Robinson 154 Willard 8t. Louis 212. 908 Savens 37, 208, Bill Newell 4, "Slieky" Mosier 201 and Jim Poot 360 Weeks lod the lemon leaguers' with 8 72 and #2, (ollowed by RB. Mas Lean % And Frank Locke 9. Now hear his, President Doug Taylor sandwiched & OAL 05 game Datween two 300 games Winners of lurkays were Don James Jim Poot, Wes Bright, Weward Vann, Al damisscn, Dan Pawlowski, Bert Waite, Prank O'Donnel, Bill Smith, Len a aux, Frank Bamum, Boh Hanne, Nasman, Ray Claney, Wii Moore, whuk, and Bud Eder. A spe ot pros wii won by Bill Keenan 87, GEORGE'S CATHOLIC LEAGUR The hurrying and seurrying of Christ MAS must have been playing havoe on the minds of our bowlers this wesk B. Yurwa looks #8 i his mind was on the alleys though Next week should prove inlerssting Powirs, Ohicken Roll, with hidden bones! High Doubles: B, Yurws 508 (301 202); 8 Bilenduke 468 (254, 202); P Herein 438 (268); Father Pereyma 437 (ER 210); J. Mrien 414 (B30) and O48 Mrien 400 (215) 200 Club; 2, Mandsuik 84, F¥ Wart 295, J Muzik 212, HW. Gourlle 100 J. Drugan 801 and Howard Gourlie 300 Lamon Leaguai B, Ternowski #1 and J. Crossman #3 Reoond Beetion Alley Cate §, Jets 3 Wild Cats 3, Blowers 3, Rockets § and Plo Herds La Polish Cardinal Returns Home WARSAW (AP) Stefan Car dinal Wyszymaki, primate of Po. land, came home In his (lock Sunday, bringing them a price less gold altarpiece ae a special gift from Pope John XXIII The cardinal was the only prince of the church from behind the Iron Curtain to take nart in the funeral ceremonies of the late Pons Pius XIT and the election of the new pontiff During his #*sv in Rome hs had mary talks with the new Pope on defence of his faithful The chief problem the cardinal must face spoon battle over teaching Catholic ¢ religion in the public schools of Communst ruled Poland, The government has banned monks and nuns from gving religious Instruction in the schools, $28,500 Loss | In Toronto Fire TORONTO (CP)--Fire swept through two rooming houses and downtown Carleton Street and 10 Adjoining houses on Clinton Street early Bunday foreing about M0 sons, including 28 ehlldren out, 0 Sub-ReTO temperatures I About 40 persons, including the ehildren, were left homeless after | they fled the flames dressed only in nightelothes, No one was ser ously mjured In: the two blazes Damage was $28,500 Arson squad officers are in vestigating One Carlton street tenant fled to the roof with her budgie birds where she and her erippled us. JURY AND LOVELL SUGGEST FOR THE 35mm Photo Fan On Your List BELL and HOWELL 706 SEMI-AUTOMATIC SLIDE PROJECTOR CASE Matching Slide Tray Cabinet 12 Micro-fit Slide Trays and 40 x 40 QUALITY SCREEN Regular Value 113.40 Net] "Everything 133 Photographic' OSHAWA | *%R'058ac"" ° «= MA 357178 MO 8-2338 B KING STF RA 3-224% + BOWMANVILLE WHITBY 15 KING ST. W 317 BROCK ST. §, Band were rescued Quality | Ohristmas TOM TURKEYS . ' HEN TURKEY CAPONS . ROASTING CHICKENS . . GEESE . . New York Dressed Weight STUFFED TURKEYS . STUFFED CAPONS . PRE-DRESSED SPECIALIZING IN COOKING STUFFED TURKEYS & CHICKENS AT AN NICKORY SMOKED TURKEY POULTRY STATION 117 BLOOR ST.RAST RA 3-4722 Ib. 55¢ Ib. 60¢ Ib. 65¢ Ib. 50¢ Ib. 60¢ $ +.» 79 79¢ 59¢ Ib. Ib. Ib. DUCKS -. .. ADDITIONAL CHARGE & BARBECUED TURKEY AVAILABLE IF ORDERED IN TIME A«P PEAS to you and yours from all of us at AsP| I _---- \ STORE HOURS MONDAY 9:00 P.M. TUESDAY 9:00 P.M. WEDNESDAY 6:00 P.M. CLOSED THURSDAY & FRIDAY SATURDAY 8:15-6:00 Extra Specials! AdP Reg. pkg ho~BAVE 10s MIXED NUTS samo 12-02 pho 5 Qc Kraft Reg. jor Weo--BAVE Ae CHEEZ WHIZ SS SERVIETTES cours dy Fieinage SOCKEYE SALMON 2m 8 5¢ . tin 480--BAVE Be Pook Frean Reg. pkg Be=BAVE 20 COOKIES srorrcaxe sorpke RB ¢ Paney Quality in the Shell Rep. 400---BAVE do A&P MIXED NUTS 11b pke 45: Bahery Features! BAKED IN AAP's OWN BAKERY BY MASTER BAKERS Jane Parker (8", 24.01, Reg: Bbo-~BAVE 6g PUMPKIN PIE each 49: Jane Parker (9" Pie) Reg. 76o--=BAVE bo PUMPKIN PIE ouch 69: Jana Parker Oranges Delight Reg: BBeBAVE 100 LA YER CAKE each 69. Jane Parker Reg. BoBAVE 100 FRUIT STOLLEN eh 9c Jane Parker Reg. loaf 21o--BAVE 110 | RYE BREAD PLAIN or SEEDED 2 24-01 loaves 33¢ Frozen Food Specials! AAP Fancy Quality Reg: pkg 380--BAVE 10s STRAWBERRIES 3 sernke 9 5¢ Faney Quality Reg. 2 for 370-8AVE 70 3 12:02 phos 49: MARY LOU CHOCOLATES vbr Jl Be 2bbor 1.49 vier 219 A«P INSTANT COFFEE aw 3G an Q@ Be TENDER Grade'A' OVEN- READY o YOUNG HENS 8 to 14-lb average THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, December 22, 1958 YOUNG TOMS 18 to 22-Ib average 23 Smoked, Cooked, Ready to Serve -- No Centre Slices Removed i A MS SHANK PORTION 49: BUTT PORTION Ib 5 0. I Beef Roasts or Steaks Boneless Round Steak or Roast Boneless Point Sirloin Roast Boneless Rump Roast +83: PORK ROASTS Lean Shankless SHOULDER 33. BUTT wor +4 y 43 4 SIDE BACON Pure Pork SAUSAGE MEAT :39: Faney BREADED SHRIMP 20: 5is1. 33 All Good, Smoked, Rindless 1bpkg 59: SOLE FILLETS 1147 Banquet Brand, Turkey, Chicken or Beef COMPLETE DINNERS "59 y i, Kuli ese ra Suits Fresh Fruits and Vegetables for Christmas! California Seedless Navel, Sweet, Juicy, Extra Large ORANGES -69---59 Ontario Grown Mcintosh Red or B.C. Delicious APPLES Florida, No. 1 Grade, Juley, Large Sine TANGERINES California, No, 1 Grade, Large Clusters «39 EMPEROR GRAPES +19 Fresh, No. | Grade, Christmas Btoek Cranberries cco wun Se California, No. 1 Grade, Tender, Crisp ICEBERG LETTUCE 2.«2.9: Cold Storage Stock, Firm and Crisp, Packed In our own plant under ALP Label, Fancy Grade nin33: California, Ne, 1 Grade, Frosh Green Ib 2 3 ¢ BRUSSELS SPROUTS wh 3 Qe California, No. 1 Grade, Snow White, Wrapped Florida, No. 1 Grade, Pascal, 2 Hearts Per Bunch CAULIFLOWER CELERY HEARTS 2.29. Be sure to viel sur beautiful Christmas Flower Display, We have a wonderful assortment, very attractively priced, sush ae Analeas, Hyacinths, Poinsettias, Tulips, Daffodils ARE many others ---- § VBE CGE Christmas Necessities Jane Parker ) 2402 loaf 18: BREAD ro STUFFING 8.01 pho 29: Jane Parker, Merb Boatened 902 nw 29 STUFFING MIX 4802 tin 29: Shirriff's 141b plece 49 CRANBERRY SAUCE 2-1b piece 97¢ AAP Fancy Quality ctn of 6 12-02 btls 33¢ TOMATO JUICE box of 12 99¢ Ann Page Famous FRUIT CAKE Reg. phy 1e=BAVE 20 8.0z pkg 19¢ Yukon Club (Contents Only) GINGER ALE Christmas 2 10" candles 19¢. string of 7 1.89 12-02 pkg 35¢ 16-02 btl 85¢ Fries In This Ad Guaranteed Through Saturday, December th, 1088. CHRISTIE'S RITZ Tapered, Red, Green, White CHRISTMAS CANDLES Noellite for Indoor Use CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTS McCormick's CLUB CRACKERS Maraschine RED CHERRIES THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TRA COMPANY LTD. SPECIAL! CASE SALE Stock Up For The Meliday Seasen YUKON CLUB CONTENTS ONLY Ginger Ale «+12-+1.39 Regular 2b!'s25¢ - Save lle 3-lb ring 1Vaelb piece ay EXTRA SPECIAL! POPULAR BRANDS Cigarettes 2.77 Exoept Winston, Qaylerd, Camels, Dally Mail, British OCensely, Craven "A" LAM,