TW OOMAWA TIMES, Monday, Desomber 22, 1958 Minister Tells About Youth LONDON (CP)--Defence Mini ster Pearkes returned to his birth place in the London suburb of Watford Friday and told about leaving home in 1906 to become a Canadian cowboy, | "But 1 didn't achieve that ambition after all," the defence minister told luncheon guests at the town hall, "I joined the Mounties instead," | The minister and Mrs, Pearkes a spent most of the day in Watford Where they were guests of Mayor W, Gamble and members of % | hs council. They visited a school, | and made a tour of the town be {fore attending the luncheon In {their honor, ¢ | He brought greetings from Wat i] ford, Ont, and also presented | the town with a plece b Eskimo | sculpture. Tn return, the minister was given a leather-hound L] of paintings of the Watford area, LU Program Hiked NET THAT CUIDED SHEPHERDS SHINES ACKIN AT RTRs ' j The first Christmas is faith. | divine Infant Yes in His man- | bends tenderly over Him, Sim- | star from the felds gaze In | To Combat All ages have honored the anniversary of Christ's birth with earols, In the carols of Shige is heard the music of | pe itd il Ba 4 | ger and Mary, His mother, | ple shepherds who followed His adoration, a" eral oT 1 ¢ . eal have severe head lacerations snd was Gi. Mental Disease H | ates NAVY Tate inareate abyilca, jae Lelped bulig o oe Ya 4 | division_anid_ ita bg avy Help Refused taken to hospital later, He had 'New Jot Service appy ircums ances 4 Back in the earthbound world cars since the 1950 models came v {missed a snow - covered detour JORONTO CP el ] Jib. Minh ' » 7 sign, A passenger, Hector Ger C -B ster amount * 1 [of commerce, signs continued to OW Oct. 17 od passong vig oh anada ritain Rreased program 10 combat and Avowed objective of the stock "m ' ined en {rard, suffered cuts and bruises, | bet . m h 4 bald multiply this week that the re The steel upturn gained speed {ro hn ok " 3 treat mental . disease is ng split; To create a broader market | - . h The car smashed into a ro LONDON (CP) A British! 0 usiness oom J by [COVery from recession was still|this week, Production was the at the bottom of the ravine and planned hy his department, for the company's shares by in high gear highest in more than a year, A ed Overseas. Airways Corporation He said research work on the breaking them into smaller : po 8 C ie. I at ue 0 |e wrecked, The men struggle Comet IV airliner siroahed into 0 Say Ariat co. hte By WALTER BREEDE JR, (future by proposing a threedor-| (A, T, and T. closed Fri.| New car sales took a sharp The US, Commerce Depar [up the steep hank and started to(¢ fon Alrport f Montreal pe department "so that everys NEW YORK (AP)--From Wall one split of the stock and a 10, 4ay on the New York Stock Ex-|[turn upward. Despite a crippling ment "said personal income of pARRY SOUND, Ont, (CP(- walk, bleeding, along the deserted Boon to Ty re Den me id iin what everybody Street to Cape Canaveral, a[Per cent boost in the dividend. ojange at $223.5 a share) strike at Chrysler Corporation| sr enicang last month hit a Two men from Gaspe, Que., who highway {and fastest--easthound scheduled h 4 is doing and there will be happy combination of . eircum-| This is the first stock split in| while A, T, and T.'s move|the auto industry set a produc-|.....q 'vearly pace of $360,000, plunged 50 feet into a ravine| Only one car stopped In re commercial jet service between 3 verlapping,"' stances and events added lustre A. T. and T, history, and the j,,1stered confidence in the eco-|"'™" goal of 500,000 cars this 000.000 up $2,500,000,000 from early today when their ear sponse to their signals, The driver h oi Mr no o DADE: ies wow ire IB to an already brightening busi-| first dividend ehange in 37 yea omy. successful launching of| Month, For the first three months |. 0" onih before and up $5,000,- missed a curve 15 miles southitold them he couldn't give them Canada an ain Researc { the Toronto Psychis DSS scene this week The dividend rise will mean i aut ton Atlas missile restored of 1959 it set a quota of 1,644,000 000.000 from November, 1957, But, of here say a motorist refused toa lift because he didn't want to| The Comet, with a full passen operation ah I Ok The ' end rise wan a the 4%-tof wtored| © . : . V 0 18 ' ' 06 J American Telephone @and Tele- ($63,000,000 bonus for A. T. and the public's lagging faith in U8 er. That would compte ya sald the commerce department, give them . ride he use he stein the iphaisiery of his sow ger load of a2, landed. at ho bine Homital A a. vy % 7 8 luring the last 12|didn"t want his new car blood- car, the men saic e promised a F » # On Co! ny, the world's larg-|T.'s 1,625,000 stockholders. Coin: prowess in the realm of space [price increases ¢ X y 2 Vinee sea WomerD raf trial ¥: 1 demon- | cldentally, member companies of As the huge Atlas orbited around [three months of 1958, months more th in offset the in-|stained to send help but they walked five|ing the 3,370 miles no- stop from | the Queen's and Ottawa, -- ted rr faith | gy omic'A. T. and T.'s Bell system in 11'the globe, shares of companies Ford Motor Company's Ford" ont gain | Gerlad Synott, 28, suffered miles before help arrived, I Montreal in six hours, 20 minutes tario, Ll ol s n the economic ¢ " [ 3 ' ' Picture This Suite in Your Home for Christmas... THEN ORDER YOURS TONIGHT ... We're Open 'til 9 p.m. Built To Sell For $229.00 . . . Yours For $179.00 added LUXURY AT SPRING- FILLED PRICES a re Big 84" Length i I ------ Foam Arms Exactly As ustrated i ' » Beautifully Tailored with Deep Foam Reversible Cushions i a i. 3 EN Here Is on exciting 1959 contemporary style by Sklar desingers that could quite easily TEV b o ! be sitting In your living room Christmas morning', , , AND WITH NO MONEY DOWN. TARE Rel 18 It is beautifully tailored in an attractive boucle fabric i L Y ol + + + In the prettiest shades , , , Chocolate , , , Toast CAN or Green, The sofa is B4" long and like the chair . A . { It has reversible deep foam cushions. The arms ara " f completely wrapped in foam and we will tell you this 7 L " Rt von + + +» YOU COULDN'T HELP BUT LIKE IT! '0 2PCE. SUITE aa a ----] ON THIS SUITE No Money Down and in Your Home for Christmas Balance Quickly and Easily Arranged In Monthly Payments (Not Due 'Til 1959)