WEATHER REPORT Light snow ending tonight, Tuesday partly cloudy, milder, winds light. THE TIMES TELEPHONE NUMBERS Classified Adve-tising RA 8.3492 All other calls ,.,.....RA 8-8474 ¢ Oshawa Times Authorized As Second Class Mall Post Office Department, Ottows TWENTY-EIGHT Price Not Over 7 Cents Por Copy OSHAWA-WHITBY, MONDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1958 FOUR NEW MINISTER IN SHUFFLED CABINE 'Nation's Goods "DOUBLE PROVED" Dr. M. Dymond | AtsliBillion | Thjyer Ends Health Minister VOL, 87--NO, 3.0 In a major cabinet shuffle, four works minister, formerly held by relin-| Provincial Treasurer Allan, Min other cabinet members i quished double portfolios or as-| £771 [sumed new posts [81 . in relinqui the H James A, Maloney, 83, member mines portfolio to Mr. Maloney, for Renfrew South since 1055, was| will still be responsible for oper. |appointed minister of mines, ation of the Ontario fuel board, George C. Ardrope, 62 member ENERGY RESOURCES for Port Arthur, becomes minis. Premier Frost sald: "The gov- ter of reform Institutions ernment Is giving attention to the Lands and Forests ister @ hi INGRID BERGMAN BRITISH CHURCHMAN DEMONSTRATES Rev. Scott AP Wirephoto dawn the farm was be | Police Fit Clues In Nurse Slaying VENTURA, Calif, (AP)--Pollce Elizabeth Duncan, 54, hired him fitted In the today of a'and Luls Moya, -22, to kill five plot they said led to the brutal months . pregnant Olga Duncan killing of attractive Olga Duncan, for $6,000 a Canad J] Investigators sald the 30-year bruised nnd old vietim may have heen buried shallow a alive, They quoted Baldonado: "I road don't know, We strangled her, An: itinerant and 1 think we killed her hefore eal police we put her in the ground.' tale of what he One oficer called It "the mast slaving cold blooded crime I've ever hand.scooped grave Sune heard o Augustine Raldona The In a that giea woman's n 15.000 Nickel Workers Young people should not be eritical of the aged. Becom- ing old is something lable to happen to anybody. oy | pleces whose In a lonely n orn \ hod \ grave do with a lo his a hired to her |ahorer | ( record naxed 8 leading | | 1a) or greater victim, a 30-year-old sur nurse, had heen missing Nov, 18 sald the Ww, dead Mrs statement | mother since Montreal East, seven miles down. Frost today brought four mew {gross national product--Value of | Thomas Connell, former minis 4 vinclal Secretary Dunbar. [000 this year, a rise of two per |. w.onin "nderground stepped| When pulled from the muddy The small rise, compared with |g00.mile trip from Prince George wered "all the people who smd] tirely due to increases In prices, | .uaq nis Tong mid-winter swim| Scarred, bruised and aching he to rest changes in the June-October per-| y pected to remain unchanged for), aor (here and travelled by| "When I came here from Eat I id B ngrid Bergma {member of the Ontario water re- natural gas and any other thing for 1059, perhaps of four per cent,|mpaelstrom at 20 miles an hour;|tupl, sea weeds, sharks or crabs Wellington-D uf fe r | n, becomes| 'The whole matter of power by police from scene after par- | oifists tried to storm the base an annual rate of $32,388,000,000 "Everyone told me the water her new hushand, wealthy Swed-{he will continue in public life as|guidance of one minister and one Chief Vernon Whitesides of sub- - . civil ceremony in London's Cax- Matthew B, { short of its $167,200 target by further, The response to further Benefittiig from the campalgn 26, was In the dispatcher's of MONTREAL (CP) -- An explo:| Paris, have to tighten thelr belts next and the threatened strike at Gen. !sm Society, Christmas Cheer heen trapped. | by William Byrne, 65, of Floris- Thy 20-year-old leader of the . y 4 wall (CP)~What happened to football quette's e, 10.year - old Re | The Campaign is being closed! 'The plants were re-canvassed, cil, Royal Canadian Army Cadets, oS sald "lots of children liv Anyway, Smith asked Byrne at Harvard University, Is here lower Rome court's decree an.| A Wisconsin tourist told a re-day from Fort Lauderdale, Fla, on fire T k B {appeal court's decision 'would he|added, two Canadians he Idouti-| defensive end, played his first . vr Dug v Charron and. Mrs. Amy Dugas 4, sald he believed Clark and ment at Ottawa sald i had re MONTREAL (CP)-8ix Furop:| More were to follow them into Mrs f Meanwhile, Clark's mother, /it was making an inquiry, against Ford of Canada roar and the wall and the ceiling 5 steam confidently for the open| Twenty other ocean ships still contract, The UAW seeks a sel- chen Jfreighter Uddenholm, the Ger: Oity, Ieebreakers worked furi earlier this month, It provided know what to do. I called to my guard and Asia and the Norweg "There's Jams all over," sald a an eight-cent hourly premium for The Jams are not only threaten real to rise to dangerous levels, | stream from the city's Inner har | The Soviet! The biggest jump came 4 2 Per Cent Up | $ TORONTO (CP) Promier| New transport minister is John omy oe) ETOASET SWIM EET | { | | {without portfolio | men into the Ontario eabinet and Joods md Juivices produced VANCOUVER (CP) Louls(covered with ice in the swim's announced the resignation of Pro-lier of reform institutions, ely va Lourmals, a former eaptain in|earlier stages, switched to the post of publie Sent vol 1087, tne ig of 40: rom the near freezing Fraser|Fraser Sunday, Brittany - born tistics estimated today River Sunday after completing a|Lourmais sald his swim had ans- A post-war annual average of [to the sea there was no place for me in| {about four per cent, would be en The 38-year-old frogman fin. B.C." the bureau said In a preliminary |i "yy gov, "pach night he paused sald he had "double proved" | report dealing mainly with Near Quesnel, 300 miles there Is a place for frogmen in| A to the northeast, the river beat|the cold, fast waters of the prov: | lod, Voluma of production Was ex-yi. "when it froze over, He left|ince | John P, Robarts, 41, member| whole problem of energy, whe- the second consecutive year lear for 100 miles ern Canada 18 months ago, for London North, becomes min-|ther derived from water, nuclear The gross national product is 8] Lourmals became the first man could see a great future for frog ister without portfolio and a|power, thermo generation, oll and key indicator of the stale of the to swim through Hell's Gate/men In B.C." he sald, . country's economic health, Fed | Canyon, Just upriver from Hope, "Nowhere In the world are Weds Swedish sources commission, | which contributes to the energy The Rev. Michael Scott, an | base for American missiles near | and 850, including eral officials have forecast a rise/B C, He shot in and out of the there bigger sea mammals, oc John H. Root, 50, member for resources of the province, 5 J d i o N N -. . Enghsh churchman, is carried | Bwoffham, Fngland, Fighty pa- | were arrested boosting national production to smashing his snorkel and goggles! than off the B.C, coast Industrialist | ro Rit. Sortie, and energy, from whatever ticipating In demonstration at | but the demonstration fizzled $33,300,000,000, the same equipment that was| 'These waters. hold untold be an I % . {source is of the utmost import. --- -- - Some Indications of : step-up Waals hoth Fisiorals 04 food PARIS (AP)--Ingrid Bergman CONTINUE IN PUBLIC Mr {ance fo our province aud consid. were shown in the third quarter, ut we Know nothing abou om. called the cops today so she In announcing the resigna on | eration s ng given to the inte- Cl t : ) hd . when national production rose to| POLICE HELP AS We have never studied them. |aould honeymoon in peace with|of Mr, Dunbar, 80, Mr, Frost sald| gration of this problem under the omim 12)S] Il Vv ) up one-half of one per cent from {was too cold and 1 got fed up ish businessman Lars Schmidt, |a member of the Ontario St. Law-| department." 9 the second quarter annual rate of PRISONER FLEES with thelr expert opinion, IT knew| he 42-year-old Swedish film rence development commission.| Dr, Phillips will maintain re. £42,176,000,000, ST. LOUIS (AP) Voice I had to prove a frogman could| aotyess and her third spouse, who |The provincial secretary's post sponsibility for the Alcoholism ---- -- stand cold, fast water and this|is 41, cluded press and public Sun-| was taken by MacKinnon Phillips, | Research Foundation in becoming = urban Florissant. sald. a. pris. | hould do it day and were married In a quiet|whose health portfolio went to Dr. |provincial secretary and Premier y Blast Fire | oner escaped Saturday night d Dymond, former Frost sald changes are planned ' | with the help of a police dis ton Hall registry office, transport minister, {for the portfolio. The Greater Oshawa Commun-| 'No point is to be gained by decided by a meeting of the chest patcher who called him a cab, Mad je five yw proms mvived, ' t-- -- Chest campaign has fallen/lengthening the eampalgn any directors shortly I M t The DI sr. Robert Smith, @ couple had flown to Paris anc ty R palg n on rea The prisoner, Robert Smith Wed Beauty, 18 taken refuge in a little walled . . pearly $10,000 despite a 40-day requests sent out since Nov, 12 are: Canadian National Institute | fice sipping a bottle of soda GSTAAD, Switzerland (AP) farm Schmidt owna 15 miles from 2 Men Missin : extension of the original Nov, 12 has heen practically negative, |for the Blind, Canadian Legion, gion followed by fire rocked an| while patrolman Forrest Han The Aga Khan arrived In this Al deadline, he said [Canadian Red Cross Society, aast.end tenement building today | eock doubled as a dispatcher, pine resort Sunday night 'amid! ed BN en ia a ' It means some, If not all, of the] The deadline was extended In Community Recreation Soc ety, land early reports sald there was Patrolman Hancock was re |, oe that he might ANNOUNCE net QE y his " ™ A hs otog- . . 17 participating organizations will |view of the strike at Fittings, Ltd, (Canadian Arthritic and Rheuma-|s possibility children may have| leved at the change of shifts |. engagement soon to 16-yoar-| wall. Miss Bergman called police | Kin G t Call , i old Mexican beauty Slivia Casa: | from year, And the Red Cross Society|eral Motors of Canada, Organ. Fund, Childven's Ald Society, my, women, a man and a boy| sant, blancas. y jrom a aby iv? andl will not get Its bank for|izers thought it would give em. Oshawa Boy Scout Assocation..." ven to hospital suffering|: Byrne says he told Hancock " p | NIAGARA On-The-LAKE, Ont.(Mrs. William B. Clark, and Pa- which another $8,100 was added|ployees a chance to participate. Oshawa Sen Cadois, Oshawa Qitligrom purus to put the prisoner in Jall. Han-"tyen iy "wociom sect, his younger DEFIED COURT to the target, according to Chest, py ANTS RE.CANVASSED Guide Boclety, Oshawa and | t+] A "salted 'official at headguart cock says he didn't hear any | Cos Moslem sect, by younger Di4 ED Cob again. Miss Berg. Player Don Paquette and machine becca, suid at their homes here Chairman Fraok N. MeOallum, |" 4 {trict Cerebral Palsy Parent Coun-| Ly ed| Much order, {Princess Joan Aly. Khan. moved man defied the Rome court of Operator Ensliie Clark after they |the last sod, ihoy Tecsived ary Naw oy a ae ¢ 4 0 \ "lor- ca lark an AGU out today, By press time the total but the results were disappoint: Salvtion Army, St. John Ambu. In the bullding, situated on Gas-| ("cui a" cab, Byrne did and [\Dt0 8 suite In Gstaad's exclusive appeal which is considering a{phoned. thelr Jatin from ie De his home iri, ed eollected was $148,430, described!ing,' Mr, McCallum said ance Society, Victorian Order of son Straet Ne sad was Jol Smith hasn't heen seen since. Palace Hotel, The Aga, a student state prosecutor's contest of ald nearly fo: all x " o Nurses WwW, n are . nown immediately any of Ul Sty . bay i» | : o Mr, MeCallum as disappoint Joc ich Organizations will hve to Nur yh oman 8 Welfare Lea children had been trapped inside for the Christmas holidays, [nulling her marriage to Italian Porter on the Key West, Fla | Neither mentioned an impend« - -- Ls ---- : Six apartments were reported ---- film director Roberto Rossellini, |¢ die) Saturday Ri pe. Weis ng? Sip to C won, They pad, fone . At a hearing last Friday in|grilled, beaten and Jailed by Cu-to Florida for a brief vacation a St ik V { | Firemen from six stations sped Rome her lawyer was warned ban government police at Hav-|the tail-end of the football season Il e 0 e to the area along with two police uropedan 1PS that her remarriage before the @na. While he was there, helduring which Paquette, a rookie rescue squads, Ambulances were I don [also he highly detrimental to her case,' fled as Paquette, 20, and Clark, (games with Hamilton Tiger-Cats Two elderly sisters. Mrs. Rose . 22, also were being questioned of the Big Four League. mas Ce arrier THOUGHT FOR TODAY |,, The American, Eugene Ertman| The external affairs departs UAW At Ford Yue rescued by an unidentified Paquette were still In custody ceived no word of any Canadians " n he was placed lane heing de WINDSOR (CP) Members of| "! wah making th hed, Said ea n ships broke through the the St. Lawrence estuary below i Joh Wost ny . pans [Doing detainte-at Havase i ud local 200, United Auto Worker 'harron, "and my SISer gpaunting St. Lawrence River ice|Quebee City today, including five (NEW THING OF T Ving. Flay Unlon (CIC met here Sunday was In the kitchen Preparing hlookade between Montreal and which were tied up at hg pro ANEW NOTHING OF TRIE ing. Briman and. Mra. Faquetiy, to vote on whether fo strike lunch when there was a terrible Quebec City during the weekend vincial capital during the night v The strike vote was ordered fell on me and the bed waters of the Atlantic and their had to break free of the growing last week by the union, which Is| 'I screamed and I could hear home ports [ce Jams In the 180 miles from currently negotiating a new Ford my sister screaming In the kit The six are the Swedish|Montreal downriver to Quebec tlement matching one worked out; "I couldn't see, There was dust' mans Christian Sartor! and Alex-|ously to helpthe ships as sub- with General Motors of Canada and smoke everywhere, I didn't andra Sartori, the Rritish Van-|zero temperatures persisted, for three annual wage Increases sister but she only screamed." lian Thorsdrake spokesman for the transport de- of six zonts An hour ner - partment's signal service, "It's cent where that is plus » the cold that's doing it." skilled workers Re pen 1ng P ing the ships--they are also caus |ing the water level around Mont. [§ For Vast Research Of the 20, five pulled out of MOSCOW (AP) in bor, during he weekend down a |government today announced a the projected government invest. passage hacked for them through vast new program of spending on ments to expand the Soviet pro.|@ 20«mile jam extending from Vote On New Contract By DAVE QUANCE Canadian Press Staff Writer SUDRURY (CP)-~The fate of a 12-week labor dispute at the In ternational! Nickel! to day lay in the of nearly 15,000 str Inco work ers The employes International Unlon of Mine and Smelter Work (Ind at union halls he of a three-year co whichswere Toronto office Daley last weel Agreement between the union on the reached Friday. 1 between 9 am. a decide whethe ceptable to the employe Results of the known hy 7 pm Details of the proposed agree ment outlined Sunday at seven meetings attended hy 5.500 persons the d Another meeting t horne also on st REGINS JAN 1 th beg | pore time crease CITY EMERGENCY | Te CoMMMTY wosprias, ia 5.41 (SCOREBOARD (following year and an additional three-per-cent Increase beginning Jan, 2, 1961, The union sald the settlement provides "a 16-cent-an-hour pack age cost to the company spread over a period of three years." Of this approximately three per cent would be in fringe benefits, much of this in an increase in sickness and welfare coverage to 26 week at $40 a week from 13 weeks at $30 a week Another portion of fringe hene fit increases would be accounted for by an automatic increase in company pension contributions when a wage increase is made Present wages have a low of $1.89% an hour for mine surface employes with slightly higher rates melter and refinery la Miners earn $2.20 an hour and first class tradesmen $2.50 an hour, Average wage Is $2.20 an hour ' The company savs present fringe benefits tofal an average of 19 cents an hour while holiday and vacation pay, mine produc tion bonuses and shift differenti ils cost It an average of 30 cents an hour 1959 SCHEDULE The 1959 wage Increases would add from 18 cents an hour for !§ cents an hour for Company ocrel ballot King members of the Mill voted fon acceptance | t, terms of hammered out in the f Labor Minister Inco and ferms wa balloting will 1 f ire for horer vole may be were We wh Are " 06 tL would that n \ \ at laborers to cent n heginnir » \ HOSPITAL RA 3.2211 of the top tradesmen. The union saidl scientific research, social welfare duction facilities a huge In. and expansion of the Soviet econ. crease of 71,400,000,000 rubles--or that by 1061 wages would be amy, nearly $18,000,000,000 over the $2.01%4 an hour for laborers, Finance Minister Arseny amount spent In 1958, |$2.65% for tradesmen and $2.33% | Zverev outlined the program to| EXPANSION FUND for miners, with a top rate of a joint session of the Supreme So $2.00% viet, the parliament of the Soviet The union has been assured by Union, which opened its annual the company that there will be a meeting to approve the govern return to the 40-hour week. How. ment budget for the coming year LATE NEWS FLASHES Goldline Gets Three Months In Jail BOSTON (AP) Federal Judge Charles E today sentenced New England industrialist Bernard Golfine to three 'months in jail for contempt of court in falling to turn over company records in a tax probe. Miss Mildred Paperman, his secretary for many years, was given 10 days in jail Sentences will start: Jan Roth were released in personal recognizance of $1,000 Ice-Fishing Brings Record Catch PORT DOVER, Ont. (CP) Dozens of persons went ices fishing during the weekend on Long Point Bay in Lake Evie, some hauling in as many as 100 perch and some smelts One fisherman reported some of the smelts caught off St. Williams and Port Rowan were 10 inches long, Saxonia Buffeted By Storm LONDON (Reuters Zverev said the expansion fund would total 484,300,000,000 rubles ($121,075,000,000), including direct {government investments of 308, 700,000,000 rubles, and 175,600 000,000 rubles of profits from goy ernment enterprises to be ploughed back Investments will be Increased particularly, he continued, in the iron and steel, chemical, oil and allocation of 30,300,000 000 rubles Wysanzki Jr. |(87,575,000,000) for the expansion lof agriculture | By contrast with the big rise in expenditures for education and so. clal benefits, a slight decrease was promised in the defence ap propriation I'his was put at 06,100,000,000 (£24,025.000,000) as lecompared with a 1958 defence ap Ipropriation of 98 300,000,000 ru. bles ACTUAL FIGURE GREATER (The actual figure for Soviet defence spending is far greater than. that given for the defence appropriation but éannot be esti mated, This Is because much of the Kremlin's military ture is concealed under such bud get headings canital invest iment, scientific research and ed 'ueational appropriation 7 | ) Atlantic storms off the southwestern England coast today buffeted the Cunard liner Saxonia bound for Southampton with 400 passengers from New York and Halifax, The ship was expected to dock late tonight 36 hours late expendi as Montreal by the icebreakers HB, © McLean and Ernest Lapointe, | However, four of the five were!§ stuck Sunday night in a new ice jam in Lake St, Peter, a bulge in | the St, Lawrence River just above Trois-Rivieres, 70 miles down river from Montreal | Titan Rocket | Spurts Flame | But Flops | CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) The first attempt to fire a Titan, | the newest U.S, war rocket, has failed, But today the launching crew prepared for another shoot in the near future Titan spurted a flash of flame when the first-stage engine ig. nited Saturday, but seconds later| it sputtered out when a malfune tion occurred. The trouble appar ently was caused by a fuel line hose that burst as the engine roared inte action | This was the first attempt to launch the Titan, a %0-foot two stage intercontinental range bal.| listic missile which is being de! BRAZILIAN CAT DUE FOR ROCKET RIDE Flamengo, the housecat, elat | rocket, This took place during | lage, head of the Delix 1 pro valoned # at he wl ed to be fied in a Brazilian | tests in Rio de Janeiro. The | lect, Officials hope the rocket elope Ww combs se A \ a pl N pee Wig OE he MET Army rocket, bares its teeth in- | rocket Is named Felix 1. Fla wil eas h fi " altitude of 13 letsshaped Titan stood still as | miles and return to earth with clouds of hlack smoke swirled! Side pressure chamber that will | mengo is the pet of two chil the cat still alive around the base of the missile. ' be placed in nose of the 19-foot | dren of Manuel Dos Santos AP Wirephoto $30,000 $50,000 $70,000 $90,000 $110,000 $130,000 | $150,000 $175,000 fr -------------------- DX $148,420 4