1 a oa ag Sat fd Tg aE Ed a Eo dd GR a 4 lope to me in care of this news| CAMERA RUNTER paper.) : | HAMILTON (CP) ~ Mrs, ANSWERING QUESTIONS Charles E, Burke has returned » . | Q If your child were assigne 4 / / : 7 / Despite School Advice Says lby his church school to memao- With Phoiograps of a Vile i / 7 / rize certain selections, would you noceros, giraffes, gazelles » frie. cotta him to do it? | haboons which she took in South ? PRESENTS FOR YOU A. Of course, In some cases 1 Africa's Kruger National Park, » Ld Homework Help Permissible would require him to practice it'Now she's thinking of a trip to Russia in 1959, 4 {at regular periods, CHES 4 | By CLEVELAND MYERS, Ph.D, He studies because he really| An Increasing number of par. 20s to, and 1 help when I ean, {2 are aying that they took! "When he was in the 3rd and deodigned by Corer, 65 literally teachers' advice not 10 4h grades, 1 wanted to. help EVENING CLASSES ARPRGE--RUMBUR $4, "5 help thelr child with reading, | op "pi spelling but the teach: . PRETEXTE $375 4 spelling or arithmetic fn his 208 Cok BE ethod wes | MY BM BCANDAL $3.25 PEW earlier grades and now find him Lo Fo . ime fn or een nes Piney wow ve 1 tang in oon | Enroll NOW for Winter Term pA . Zifailing In his school work, They 4 usually express the wish that And spelling, and it breaks my they had helped the child, heart, Not because of the hu : | militation, hut because the poor AT THE ENCOURAGE. HELP child works so hard and thinks As | have often sald in this he is doing so well and then | leolumn, 1 never could see any comes home with an ""F" on his sen in discouraging parents report card," helping a child wit 5 THE REMEDY | { ils Jy rule, | lessoils at home. As 8 rule My reply, in part: "Without! BUSINESS COLLEGE heir children, showing them how teacher or ever obi 3 bar) CHOICE OF SUBJECTS I sults, keep a list of words thods are different, this very dif. and to spend a short ® Grr man Shorthand Unless you or Dad ean be eachers should do the epposite| nd encourage parents to help discussing the matter with the | 4} i th best re. in your child's presence, | I 4 they might do so with bes Ragin gti gy highs : ; The average teacher has fears Your child with his Bosiling and] ® Manuel and Electrometic Typing | I ts his other subjects, He to etn Fen ial paves spelis|| ® Elementary and Advanced Bookeeping methods, Even when home me. Wrong on his written school work > i dally on learning to spell them, jereice might sites hitb um se He also may need help in read-] ® E Aachines Comptometer -- Dictaphone ® metic and the like Ing i ° 3 The major Interest of the very calm and patient, employ tencher should be (hal he par, fet person te work wh yyy gM COE STREET SOUTH--Diel RA 5.3378 ent is calm, quiet and patient/)ad for a short period each 'with the child, aiming always to school day, 2 help him enjoy success with thie! (My bulletins, 'Home Helps extra help for Poor Joetlers," Home, Helps| -- for Poor Readers" and "Helping | | SHOE FITS Child with Lessons st Home," A Suis Mother writes 4 Fi be had by sending 8 =~ I read your column every day AR 4 The one today seared to fit my addressed, US, stamped ive problem exactly, "COUNTRY CHRISTMAS An wn iy 18 the 7h rade Surin If you are planning to have | ed with woven Spanish red a real old-fashioned Christmas Joues. For Coverup fhote ish Wringer Troubles? LJ y ple , / rief, matching bolero with full J back home with the family or length sleeves and a wide col. ON GIF TS THA T SAY haistmas LI) ED. WILS ' with friends in the eountry, | jap By TRACY ADRIAN here's an ensemble to grace | - -- -- ---- the happy occasion, The outfit | FURNITURE is ( p | a bodies oe | BUYING A RUG? [[20 comm se sa saan ff (S==10N | Beautiful WATCHE % We are wringer specialists, ! house parties and the holidays B cfcre You Do , , , ill rebuild your I'he dress is of gray looped where i ih x - new » ' mohair Seviey with a camisole See Our Stock ble rates | i top and a shaped skirt decorat- HIGHER QUALITY A DEAL 'JACK BIDDULPH | 3 from COWS LOVE MUSIC LOWER PRICES 5 ] APPLIANCE SERVICE (Jack ristle, owner FRITHELSTOCK, Eng. (CP)-- While farm William Marshall " , N, does the milking in this Devon NU-WAY RUG Af Rear of 43 Simide 3 lage h 13-yeor-old daughter AND CARPET SALES A DEAL RA 5-179 v Mary pla iymns on a harmon- fun I good practice playing | 174 MARY §7 RA 5.1202 For Pick-up end Delivery t t 0 the cows," says Mary, "It cer " says her father, BURNS CREDIT JEWELLERS (S-- rv] ; pg nil A ; my ; ; " : LA sikh, " Rugged masculine | NO INTEREST OR CARRYING CHARGES Er iii § fad i and shoek resistant, | Radium hands and dial, ; malnspring, BULOVA 1D ow" My wring WIS EXCELLENGY [ESS » | . / \ Amati ngly thin and { i Vy / {ifetime unbreakable of) y \ Mainspring. gertifie | } foo! 23 ek y fia mn LEXINGTON A wel GODDESS OF g A il { pl in 8 boldly TIME by Sesign. 3 i A beautiful 17 jewel |g : Yandsome "pindion IY g 8 watch that sliele i i : CANADIAN GIRL your wrist ike a NA y 3 olden caress, Life 4 : y bat ' E §rguisihe Meeied Ime unbreakaiol A ¥ hes A Vi ewel malnspring, matching 4 \ ns 5 wi beauty 1) un = expansion bracelet A + breakable Mainspring LY) AT SAY WITH LOVE DOLLY MADISON "T" BRE Styling that mirrors the ya ai Tor Happiness " This Joyous Christmasime five her a [ B N sll) helo lv or AY Ra FAN fs 52% YOUR CHOICE! dreams of enduring happiness together xm 4 / + ++ @ brilliant Bluebird Diamond, \ bo ay. 1 \ df She longs for a beautiful diamond Be NOH / oo f NN : N\ y 0: only $3975 ; y \ y WF Ua St «+ + from you, And when it's a 3 > ; en S& NY Bluebird, she knows it's a guaranteed i Re i A \%, AE bra shui ~r A RA NOW EER Senator perfect gem! (Registered) | hoa lV 7) diay fist WAN N S| A 17 jewel, snuck resistant wateh and insured fies : /%y / NR! (ols niecition \ N 9 0 | With the executive look, Liggtime. Ferdi wil ig re tog, certified AN \ YE. S| unbreakable mainspring, with smart expansion band, Miss America Youth and beauty are captured in this 17 jewel watch wii matching expansion bracelet, Lifetime unbreak able mainspring, H OND LA PETITE "AN Fashion magnificence with 12 sparkiin diamonds. 14 Kt gol cane, 23 jewely, | pracision adjusted with lifetime unbreak able malnspring uh - PAY AS LITTLE AS 1.00 DOWN--1.00 WEEK PAY AS LITTLE AS 10% DOWN JRMS CREDIT || CREDIT a JEWELLERS dP | LIMITED » | JEWELLERS 32 KING ST. WEST RA 3.7022 (lao KING ST. W RA 3.7022 LOPEN EVENINGS