EN RR NE GLISTENING CHRISTMAS PACKAGES cellulose film as a direct wrap ping, Novelties made of this film such as flowers, ribbons bells and rosettes add a happy sparkle, Gifts with odd shapes One mas nrek wing Christ ko ae it are differ ent and still unusually gay and decorat {0 use a transoar ent packaging materials such as PERSONALS The annual Christmas party of o14 passed the elementary that are diff can he done lending a gis 1nusical productions Man" At a demonstration ly Kirby tes! piano method this of the tening and Kel hi I'c My leult up in cell nd of col flection I'h Fal Ane Kinde aftern the 18th Scout Mothers' Auxiliary of the Royal Life Saving Soc lety, following pupils of Mrs the Alter cretary and home of Mrs. and June, who is brief reports The Award of Merit was held at John Baker from the s¢ La Chappelle the treasur: peother, Roy, for a motor 16 obtainéd English 1 They have eptes Beverley Mrs, Harold noth left with their mother and daughter of Mr erel ved thelr suth and Mrs to ho» yrap ophane rand e¢ Music Lady | recital rearien the 09 Robert certify werland RA trip Sutherland, 8imeoe street north er, Mrs, George Reynolds, games o, wiorida during the Christmas and Lynne and Jeffrey Murray children of Mr were played with prizes awarded There was also an exchange of gifts, Refreshments were served by Mrs, Carmen group. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 14 1950, at 1.30 p.m. at the home of Mrs I'hompson holidays with Mrs Mc William James street weekend Connell east Deering Gray Gray, Mr. Jerry Ciray and Mr, Peter Mitchell Hracebridge, and Mr, and Mr Fobert Litster and family, Bea verton Mr, and Mrs, F, ( Jan wood avenue Mrs and Mi Miss Patricia Mi Trull's road Mi nnifred Corner resi dence sccreta it the YWCA who Is recuperating from a re cent line 15 left spend Christmas and the month of uar wil |) daughter J. B. Stevens and Mr, Stevens in Windsor to Litster, Sher Mr, and Mrs, Donald M. Mac kinnon Somerville avenue, are spending four days In Ne York stant where they plan to attend two YWCA plane to spend Christma er parents, Mi d Mr ( A. Beacem, In Pl 1 deolia Beacom, a program at the left yester I Scout Auxiliary Christmas Party The Bth Sea Scout Mothers' enue. were Auxiliary held its regular meet. ful in pass. Ing Monday, December 15 at ons held Christ Memorial Church hall in this the form of a Christmas party Mrs, Douglas Radpath, the president, welcomed all and in troduced two new members, Mrs J, W. Button and Mrs. N. Laugh: | tou, Noy Susan Fleming and Mrs. R. J June - and daughters of M Fleming, Carne aMong- those 1 ing swimming -exar at York Mills logiate week, Susan, whe 11 years About 4) sat down to a turkey y dinner with the social conveners, Mrs, Robert Clavton and Mrs, | Stanley Gales In charge Following the dinner there wa a short business meeting The | minutes of last meeting were read and roll call taken b 5 {Donald McEachern, Mrs, FF. W Hastings gave the treasurer's re port, "Thank-you notes" and "sympathy cards' were read by the corresponding secretary, Mrs, Irwin Southwell Final plans were made for the annual card party to be held In Christ Memorial Chureh he!l on (February 4, 1950, with Mrs, R Ross as general convener Richard Fleming and Mrs 1°, N Farncombe, prizes; Mrs, J R Robertson and Mrs, Douglas Bar. ton, candy; Mrs, Fronk Baker tables; Mrs. Robert Clayton and Mrs, Stanley Gales, refreshments, and Mrs, E. J, Reed, tickets Anyone wanting tickets was ask- ed to call RA 5.55605 The Cub packs and troops received their Christmas treats The remainder of the evening was spent In various games Christmas gifts were exchanged Tha next regular meeting will he held on Monday, January 19 1959 at 8 pom. in the Hilleroft Street Scout Hall | usual 4854 WAIST 24-32" SOCIAL NOTICE AT HOME Mr. and Mrs. John McRobinson, 185 Highland avenue, will be at home to their friends and neigh: bors on Boxing Day, Friday, De cember 26, from 3 to § and 7 to 9 p.m. on the occasion of their 50th (wedding anniversary, ALL-OCCASION Stiteh this arvow-slim 'skirt in less than wear it for city, country, travel from now through next spring ! Hip-tabs, front detail add to its smart air Tomorrow's pattern Mises' chemise dress Printed Pattern 4854: Misses' Waist Sizes 24, 35, 26, 27, 20, 92 Size 28 takes 1'y yards 54.inch Prihted directions on each pat tern part, Easier, accurate Send FORTY CENTS (40¢) in coins (stamps cannot be accept ed) for this pattern. Please print plainly SIZE. NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER Sond order to ANNE ADAMS c/o The Oshawa Times, Pattern Dept, Oshawa, Ont a day FAVORITE BOOKS HAMILTON (CP) Healthy or sick, women still prefer love stor les and men like detective stor ies and westers, Mrs, G Fancy told a women's hospital auxiliary here. The auxiliary runs a library and distributes about 300 hooks a month to hos pital patients * PROMPT ISTGRE HOURS \ PRESCRIPTION y Daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. SERVICE Sundays and Holidays 1pm tobpm. DRUGS PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS PROMPT FREE DELIVERY 8 KING 87. E 530 SIMCOE ST. 8 PHONE RA 83-2245 OSHAWA PHONE RAS 3546 Murray N A Miss Eleanor Barfoot, Toronto eital Thompson's gible College, is spending the Mrs, English, Mary street the for Ie J wi hap persor the al I inl anpron and New Year pect to he out of town durin holidays or 1] will be Sunday guests of please telephone RA 13) and share others The re this insertion Mr, and Mrs and Mr Grierson street was held at the Departmen » Accept il column, « Ing ( season, If having 3:47 vour festiy is no cha Robert arrived from Vancouver make nres Mr Mr thelr nt the Mitehe Arth avenue Mrs hagen extended holida Mr Pel Paul Hermansen nnd will he guest of Mr ericksen Jil | Mrs, | +€ Scout Married and Mrs, Gerald Krukkert ho Il ! rl Her Tenn) tl and Mrs Pontiae me in Oxi fermansen rk, Is spenc vith he mansen a on ee _Chris H. ( mvenue DUTCH COUPLE WED recently in Cross Catholic Church wre Mr home mans ("harles The re of { Is ems for pecially wistma you ex the (5 4 (local ity with rge for Mitehell B.( Wa Copen ling an I m d Mi avenue Day Died Holy For merly Miss Rick Bouwmeester | the | Mr bride and is Mrs the Anthony daughter of Bouw omen Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Sotuidey, December 20, 1958° Christmas Kringle Coffee-Cake | Has Spicy Mincement Filling | Kringle is in the best traditions within % inch of edges. Roll out of Christmas, The name alone has second portion of dough into a a festive ring to it. To German|rectangle 10 x 12 inches and place children, Kriss Kringle is the per. over mincement; seal edges, sonifieation of the holiday, the Brush top with a little melted but-| counterpart of our Santa Claus, ter or margarine, Cover with a As apolied to a coffee-cake type tea towel, Lel rise in a warm of confection. the actual origin of place, free from draft, until the name Kringle hasn't been doubled in bulk about 1 hour, tronked down, It does seem log. Bake in a moderate oven (350 de- ical, though, that Old Kriss him. grees ¥.) 26 to 30 minutes, | self sanctioned it, associsted as Spread top, while still warm, with he Is with the good things of the the following Lemon Confection season--even the special sweets, ers Icing and sprinkle with chop: It's most appropriate then to In ped nutmests ECTIONERS' elude a Mincement Kringle in the LEON CONF Christmas baking scheme, The ICING spiev mincem2at filling Is covered 1 cup sifted icing suger top and hettom with layers of 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind veast dough that come from the 1 teaspoon lemon juice oven golden hrown and cake-like Water in te The festive feeling Is Combine icing sugar, lemon carried {o completion hy a tangy ind, lemon juice and sufficient lemon feing sprinkled with chon. water lo make a stiff jeing, ped nuts, Cut into small bars, it's " 4 a delectable neccompaniment to coffee or festive punch, Warm from the oven, larger servings of Mincement Kringle are a delight ful holiday dessert offering MINCEMEAT KRINGLE Yield -- one large Kringle cup milk cup lukewarm walter teaspoon granulated sugar envelope active dry yeast cups once-sifted all-purpose flour 4 cup granulated sugar ture Anna van den Berg Becomes Bride Of D. Cameron The marriage of Anna ering Berendina, daughter of | Mr, and Mrs, Jullus van den Berg, RR 3, Oshawn and Doug {las Alexander Cameron, son of Mr, and Mrs, Hugh Cameron, RR 2, Finch, Ontario, took place re. | | [ Cath ANITA, AGED THREE TOMORROW | daughter of Mrs Kelly, Cardinal Mr, and Mrs, A No wonder Anita is looking so happy. She has a birthday and the visit of Santa Claus all In the same week, Anita, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Armand Pi geon, Lakeside street, will celebrate her third birthday to morrow, She Is the grand Ontario Pigeon of Mrs dinal Photo hy Flizaheth and Iro quols, and great granddaughter William Mallory, Car- "| Weight-Watchers Can Enjoy | This Cake With Clear Conscience } | Christmas and New Year, the| % cup sifted cake flour season of goodwill ~mjoicing and] 1; cup sifted cocon {a round of festivities, is upon us| 1, teaspoon galt |once again, It is A $0uson we all] 1 teaspoon sods look forward to, and at the same p. a gl " ve eggs at room ftempera- time the season our figures dread ture, Beat eggs in large mixer the most, For it is hard to resist : bowl on high speed until light, § se Suseulent sptend " minutes, Add suceryl, lemon hristmas table, and you juice, vanilla and food coloring, surprised at the damage just a few days of abandoned eating can{Comtinue, beating ug oi do! Those unwanted inches ap-| (oo gig dry Ingredients togeth. peor with horrifying speed and oy' (imeq "Gradually blend in are singularly reluctant to 1eave.| 000 flour mixture on low speed, Christmas cakes, an essential 2 minutes, Line bottom of jelly. pert of the season's fare, are poll pan (15% x 10% x 1inches) among the worst offenders, Have|with well-oiled waxed paper, you made yours yet? If not, here pour in batter, Smooth top, Bake is a calorie-saving suggestion: A fm a slow oven (300 deg, ¥,) 20 "yule-log' cake adds . (radtion- minutes, or until top springs al touch to the occasion, and this hack when lightly touched, Turn recipe for chocolate sponge roll, \onto a sheet of waxed paper, festively lend and decorated, will sifted with | tablespoon corn be a popular favorite with every: giarch andl 8 crushed sucaryl body, - What's more, welght- tablets, Peel paper from bottom watchers can enjoy it with alof cake, Trim off crisp edges, clear conscience, since It's made Roll up cake with waxed paper with sucaryl, the non-caloric/yntil cool, Unwrap and spread sweetener, Each portion contains with filling; rewrap, Ice and deer only 74 calories, compared with orate to suit your own (este, 154 if made with suger ! |Place In the refrigerator for at 5 eggs least 2 hours hefore serving, |5 teaspoons sucaryl solution or (You can use sucaryl in your "40 tablets, crushed favorite filling recipe, too--1'%4 1 tablespoon lemon juice teaspoons sucaryl solution, or 12 teaspoons vanilla tablets, has equivalent sweeten. | % teaspoon red food coloring |ing power ns Ys cup sugar.) WEBB IIII IIIS II III Jhnstmas or 8, rv, RA > EL cently in the home of the! bride's parents, | The Reverend Roanld Love of " Kedron United Church officiated at the double - ring ceremony Measure lukewarrs into a Given In marriage by her fa large bowl: stir in the 1 teaspoon ther, the bride wore a ballerina sugar, Sprinkle with yeast, Let Bown of white chantilly lace and stand 10 minutes, then stir well, (nylon net over taffeta with a Meantime, sift together into a long-sleeved lace bolero, A coro howl the flour, "4 cup sugar and net, beaded with pearls, held her salt. Cut butter or margarine in elbow-length veil and she car: finely, Stir lukewarm milk and ried a nosegay of red roses and well-beaten egg Into dissolved white carnations veust, Add Nour mix¢ure and stir] The bridesmaid, Miss Marilynne until combined, Turn out on flour. Seaton of Lindsay was in a simi. ed hoard or canvas and knead lar gown of nile green lace and untill smooth and elastic, Place net, She wore a sequin coropet dough in a greased howl, Grease and carried a nosegav of pink Let rise in a warm and white carnations from draft, untill Mr. George Cameron acted as doubled in bulk about 1'2 best man hours ' For the reception, the bride's Punch down dough and turn out mother wore cream taffeta with on lightly-floured hoard or can- a red and white carnation cor vas, Divide dough Into 2 equal sage and the bridegroom's moth portions, Roll out one portion into er was in navy blue crepe with a rectangle 10 x 12 Inches and a pink and white corsage place on a greased cookie sheet For their wedding trip to Spread mincemeat over dough to points east, the bride travelled in la beige sult 'with fur jacket and feather hat to match Mr. and Mrs, Cameron are teaspoon salt cup hutter or margarine well-bealen egg cup mincemed Scald mitk; cool to lukewarm valor top, Cover place free [| Lillian Mae Marsh SCHOOL OF DANCING D.E. A Ballet, Tap, Toe, Character, Baton. Pre- school, Acrobatic at the Masonic Temple, 91 Centre Street. Fridays & Saturdays. INFORMATION: RA 3-7253 making their home in North Osh. === [Enchantment Se PEN | 4 Ah Hand Lotion to keep hands satin-smoeth, In festive carton, Blue Gram, June Geranium, Blue Grow Flower Mist In = gay Christmas carten, a lovely & way of saying Merry Christmas, $2.50 'awa, Me EVeLEl YULET meester- and the bridegroom is the son of Mrs, Bernard Kruk- kert and the late Mr. Krukkert, all of Holland Photo hy MucH Mary's studio LN \ Th Chuistmas cheer to everyone! fre MOTOR CITY CLEANERS BRANCH STORE: 184 Simcoe RA FREE PICK UP AND DELIVERY Sout 1-021 h AND T Pag © by nm RING ouT THE OLD RING IN THE NEW XCELLENT HEALTH SINCERE GOOD WISHES rry Xmas GH CLEANERS IDE GREETINGS HAPPINESS O ALL OUR CUSTOMERS save Kingston Rood East ot Town Line RA 5.64%8 Lo Blue Grass Flower Mist (1 oz,), two Bath Cubes and two hearts shape Sooper. 2.00 June Geranium Hand Lotion and three heartsshape Soaps $2.2 slue Grass Men Lotion, six Blue Grass Luxury Bath Salty 50 Bath Petals and Bath Mit, $3.50 and Both Seep 2, Blue Gran Flower Mist, Hand Blue Gras Flower Mist and Lotion and Bath Mit... $5.00 Hand Lotion for satinismeoth hands $3.75 Blue Gross Hand Lotien and three heartshape Soaps, Blue Grom Mond LoNen, Dus ing Powder, Bath Mit and Hand Soap PTET \ PROMPY FREE DELIVERY 8 KING ST. E, NTT 530 SIMCOE ST. 8 PHONE RA 3 2245 PHONE RAS: 3546 BOWMANVILLE 5 KING ST. w PHONE MA 3577 | BROC KST, S.--WHITBY PLAZA---MO 8.2338 addi@oooorttooooanno