OSHAWA POLICE TRA THE LIBRARY WORLD New Library Books Aid Better Language Usage around to $0 most words must anyone got an alphabet The following - notes on books recently received in the library were written hy a member of the staff of the MeLaughlin Publie Library GOOD ENGLISH, . HOW WRITE IT, hy G, WH, (Andre Deutsch, 1951 What H, W. Fowler did writers of English prose in second quarter of this centur his Modern English Usage The King's English, Mr, Vallins is attempting to do in the third Even those of us who are still foval to Fowler and all his works 4 will do well to consider the Meader changes in the accepted usage of interesting and sens r language arly explaine our nid so clears eXPANE pen avi on fw tn ove is pleasant to read, quite simple "°Me poor speech habits Fria 8 to use as a grammatical refer a brief, readable treatment of a ence work, and a valuable addi: Sihject that should Interest us to tion to the books on the use of the day, when we cannot escape hear English From gram. NE A great variety of speakers on mar to the history the lan radio and television, Bo much for guage seems a logical step, for YNat We say and why and how those who wish to study the why We say it oh as well as the how of English | Finally, for those wha like to grammar, spelling, and related watch the wheels go round, we difficulties, G. L. Brook, in his suggest a hook on the mechanic HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH of this process of speaking: THE LANGUAGE (Andre Deutsch, IMPROVEMENT OF VOICE 1058) provides the historical ex- AND DICTION, byJon Fisenson planation for some of the puzzling (Macmillan, 1058), This is an in features of the English language tensely technical hook which tells It includes chapters on the na. how the voice produced and ture of language, the development how the vocal equipment we have of English, the sounds of speech, [can be trained for the best use spelling, aceldence syntax, and The second part of the book Is is Hh trends, ny |devoted to diction, and would be| To consider now the most influ. of great practical value to public ential and powerful offshoot from speakers the main stem of the English] All these hooks are fanguage, we turn to AMERICAN American or English, This writer NGLISH, by Albert H, Marck: has, In a rather limited exper wardt (Oxford University Press, jence, come across some very dif 1058) the history of the official ferent and quite delightful accents language of the United States of and strange and interesting word America Is given from the Eliza: and phrases in five of our Cana hethan English of earliest dian provinces, Is it not high time Colovdal times to the speech of that some Canadian scholar today, with the various sources of should pub'ish a practical book on added vocabulary. The author Canadian English, or is this per shows the interrelation of folk haps a matter for provincial jur customs and culture with the liv. isdietion? Ing, changing language, The final ' a. chapter on the future of the lan LIBRARY RRIEFS guage, is thought-provoking. This Is not a text book, but a pleas think Horner, would ever AM we TO down in SPEECH (Phoenix many EVERYDAY for House, 1957) ; discusses the things, including how v in started and developed and human race modulation and public speaking In phonet les, London, it is guaranteed not ible ohserva language of Is either The hoyvs and girls lihrary re by finished their third round of visits with considerable enjoyment to the library anyone interested In the language and culture of our neighbors to Please ask at the desk if vou the south have missed gloves, keys, dark But language was the means hy glasses, scarves, ete, There is a which men told each other what fair assortment of articles left In was on thelr minds long bhefore'the library Handel's Messiah To Be Presented drawn from local churches, under the direction of Wallace Young A cordial invitation is being ex tended to music lovers of the dis trict by The Oshawa Times to at tend the presentation of Handel's Messiah in St. Andrew's United Church on the evening of Mon day, Dec, 20 This beautiful oratorio, now 217 years old, is often presented dur- ing the Easter season, Many of lat his desk, after completing the three weeks during the summer of of age, He worked incessantly on one knew what he was about, At inventing be spoken, and many of us use more words in daily speech than of writing his Valline SPOKEN WORDS, A GUIDE TO speech the | FFIC 8( ll Al: though this hook is published in to develop an English accent in the| in fact, there are some tions on dialect and accent, with y ¥ | CANCER SOCIET At the Easter and Christmas seasons each yean, the Ontario County Cancer Roclely remem. bers the patients it had helped during the year with gifts, Here Mrs, J, L, Beaton (left) ehalr © A widiad i YJUAD POISE FOR IMMEDIATE man of the women's committee and Mrs, George Russell, gift convener, pose with some of the gifts which will he | sont out during the Christmas EMBERS COUNTY PATI service YO COMA TID, Betrder, Deseret 99, 1990 Police Plan Drive On Drunk Drivers Say Orders . Disobeyed An Oshawh man, charged with disobeying orders issued by the Fire Marshal's office, had judg ment reserved until Jan, 12 hy Chief Appeals For Care And Caution Magistrate ¥, 8, Ebbs in Magis trate's court Friday, Joseph Harry Chinn, 2668 Hill side avenue, pleaded not guilty to the charges, However, later in his testimony, he stated that pos sibly he was guilty by ignorance, the Fre Marshal of Ontario, told the court that he had Inspected the premises owned hy Chinn, at 268, 260 and 260 Hillside avenue He sald that an order was served on Chinn specifying the number of days in which certain improve ments were to he made to the satisfaction of the fire depart ment, The orders were not com plied with, he testified A, Prout, a member of the Oshawa Fire Department, stated that he had served the order on Chinn Magistrate Ebbs told Chinn to see that the work Is completed hefore he gives judgment Rabies has reached epidemic proportions in Ontario and Dur. N. ENTS donated organizas The hy various women's tons In Oshawa, Bowmanville and other county distriets Oshawa Times Photo eason gifts are Service To Open |Art Works Jubilee Advance |To Feature The Watch Night Communion Service at First Baptist Chureh, New Year's Eve, will be the opening service the Haptist Jubilee Advance. The Baptist Advance 18 a movement of Jubilee ports that Grades 4 and § from jn which the major Baptist con. whole year will he "New ant stimulating book to be read the Oshawa Public Schools have ventions of North America are for You" co-operating to reach all the peo ple with the full force of thelr Christian Witness The movement was at the 147 Baptist World - Alli ance Congress in Copenhagen and, In 1054, at a meefing of Bap tist leaders of North America at Louisville, Ky., the idea was fur thered in a proposed concerted effort hy Raptists to witness to [North America Since then the Southern Baptist National and the Canada The from generated {the American Baptist, | Baptist Conventions, Baptist Federation of have agreed to co-operate idea of the Jubilee stems The Messiah was composed In the fact that 1964 will be the 150th through Church extension, 1963 anniversary of the organization of in the United States and all o it In complete seclusion and no those taking part in the celebra Atlantic City, when it is expe {tions are members of National there will be 75,000 Haptist of cooperative and plans The five-year plan has heen set forth as follows 1030 Evangelism through Co-operative Witness and the motto for the Life programs It is of Interest to Oshawa that the minister of First Raptist Church, Oshawa, Rev, N, Frank Swackhammer Is the ehairman of the 1958 emphasis for the Bap tist Federation of Canada and has heen the chalrman committee that has arranged for the suggested program of Evan gelism for the Haptist Converition of Ontario and Quebec BIBLE TRAINING 1960 the emphasis will he Evangelism through Hible teach ing and training, 191 Evange Ham through Stewardship and en listment, 1062 Evangelism world mis Evangelism through 1741 when Handel was 58 years Baptist work on a national level |¥10ns and in 1964 the Third Jubl flee Celebration will be held in present eted that more than 100,000 delegates one point hs secretary found him (Conventions, It is estimated that Will attend At the Watch Night Service at its choruses are familiar and ber Hallelujah Chorus, in a state of churches and over 19,000,000 Rap. | First Baptist Church the Objec loved by many from their pres exhaustion and weeping uncontrol- tists taking part in the Jubilee tives of the Haptist Jubilee Ad entation at this solemn season, |lably On this occasion the oratorio Will| 14 his ater vears Handel ofte Friday in the hope of meeting the Servic [Advance "INITIATES PROJECT The Watch Night Communion vance will he read along with the proclamation of the six Raptist [bodies which have entered into the Race the five » year period of cooper es, which will be held ae: lative Christian witness, The pub- | be presented by a massed cholr, | gxpressed the wish that 'he good God, on the day of His resur- Toss the Nations, will be thelic Is invited to the Watch Night i | might breathe his last on Good gh British Comet rection." He had his wish for he [opening service of the five years!Service Sets R d |died on the night of Good Friday, . . | |78 years old and blind ecor ern and nd we ve] SPACE RELAY | Canada-London hy divine inspiration, | when he was unhappy and in fi ONTREAL (CP) The nancial straits, and though it did Co not Immediately bring fortune, it met IV, proud queen of Britain's secured him immortality, It was airways, lost a tussle with a because he did not think it would Canadian snowstorm Friday but|get fair treatment in London, that could still claim a flying record he took the manuscript to Dublin for the London-Montreal route, The Irish gave him a noble wel The British Overseas Alrways come, a memory precious to all Corporation's jet liner landed at musical Irishmen, who got ahead Montreal airport in suburban Dor. [of the English that time, val at 8:19 pm "some three DRAMATIC MUSIC hours hehind schedule to Inaug To the ke " urate the first commercial jet air 0 the keen student of "Mes service between England and Sah', there is a dramatic power . color, Intensity and massive sim Canada . plicity such as has never been But the actual flying time for gumassed, The great contrast he the 3,540-mile trip was only nineli een the solos and the choruses hours and 15 minutes, some Wo iha heautiful. 'Pastoral Sym hours faster than the time gener ony a ploture scene of the ally taken by ROAC's turbo-prop parivity based on a simple tine had provided the fastest means wrich he actually heard played by of transport between Montreal a shepherd in aly y and London People think of 'Messiah as distance communications The big cigar-shaped airliner, cut and dried but Handel himself| ARPA directed the launching of whose quiet performance won the colored his performances with his! the Atlas which now "is orbiting the 52 passengers own extemporizing. If he found a/MEh above the earth with tiny aboard her, was forced to extend contralto with the right dramatic [T@dios and a tape recorder stop at Gander, Nfld, to almost| force in her voice, he would have aboard hours because of a heavy her sing. the great bass solo SPACE RELAY STATIONS "Thus Saith the Lord" and con:| Young told a reporter that sat If weather conditions had al: versely he would not hesitate to!ellites would be used as space re lowed a landing at Montreal the have a tenor sing one of the lay stations to transmit messages ecamet could have made the jour soprano solos if he had an Inferior on high radio frequencies which pey non-stop in about eight hours. 'sopwane, jean pot be used in ordinary By FRANK CAREY WASHINGTON (AP) The space communiy atlons system tested with President Eisenhow er's Christmas message is de signed ultimately to provide a new aid to the military services in worldwide communications David Young, space technology eo « ordinator for. the Defence Department Advanced Research Projects Agency this ac count today in telling of plans to hreak current bottlenecks in long Have admiration of four snowstorm over Montreal Ike's Message New Radio Test transoceanie, long - range radio transmission, He indicated the system also would add vastly to the message capacity now offered on crowded oceanic cables The defence scientist gave this picture of Atlas' communications gear The radio system consists of two devices each' a little larger than an ordinary portable radio Each device can receive voice or telegraphie-type radio, store it on a tape recorder, then transmit it to a ground receiving station upon command The two radio devices are carried in finlike tunnels on the sides of the fuel tanks of Atlas rocket carcass: Two werd \ stalled in case one should fail Each was tuned to a slightly dif ferent wavelength in the high frequency band Atlas will pick up only mes Yule Service I'he Christmas Sunday crvice at First Baptist will take a unigue form the direction of Mrs, FF, MeLel lan the Christmas theme will he Hustrated in beautiful living re production of some of the world's great works of art In this tableau form the fol lowing paintings will he portray ed: Rossettl's Annunciation, The Fvening Church Under of the Coming of the Shepherds hy Le | rolle, The Adoration of the Mag! hy Leinweber, Narocel's Nativity Holy Night by Maratta and Ma donna of the Veil by Doli The Scripture will be read hy Don Rice with Raymond Hesse, Joe Wilkins, Carol Gardner and Ron Colling assisting witlr other readings The soloists will be Miss Nor ma Bowen and Herb Johnson, The choir, under the direction of Mrs M, Joyce, will sing special num bers and the Sunday School will their Christmas offering which will be used to assist the Haptist Sunday School in Spring hill At the morming service minister, Rev, N, Frank Swack hammer, will he the preacher on the theme "Can He be the Saviour? Ask the Saved of All Gas Company Check Ordered TORONTO (CPM) Suburban Gas Company, © Lim ited, has been ordered by Mines Minister Spooner to uncover all shut-off valves and pipelines in stalled In its system since Jan 1, 1987 The order stems from quest verdict which held the com | pany responsible for an explosion Nov. 8 Killed a son The order also states that once the valves have bben approved hy an Ontario fuel board inspec tor they must he covered to the specifications, set by the board's ongdinears Maps, plans specification testing records and other mater lal pertaining to shut-off valves and pipelines must be made available to an inspector of the board at Palermo, Ont, which mother and her infant sages which ave in a proper code, thus eutting out unwanted sign Likewise special ground ve: are set to cateh only such messages as are addressed to them in their particular codes Young said that at present the receiving stations not placed ideally for a worldwide relay system. Plans envision locating them all near the equator, als celve are the ham counties, the federal depart [ment of agriculture"s anima | health division at Bowmanville {sald Friday This year so far more than 275 leases of the dread disease have | been confirmed in the counties the division reported A hreakdown tally positive tested 111 up to De reaction in CHRO fol cattle i 14; sheep 1 4; swine |, discloses [laboratory lows; foxes cals 14; dogs skunks f; horses 3 wolves ] In Oshawa three cow have been Infected since January, These figures are in cluded in the Ontario county total To date, no human case of ra hies has heen reported in the several people, who have in contact with rabid ani have been treated, how ns foxes and one area heen mals, ever, Band P "Pop" Concert Members of the Ontario Regl mental Band, under the direc tion of Bandmaster I, J, Francis, presented the first of its Winter Pop" concerts at OCVI Friday night The 42:plece brass band played selections that were enjoyable and easy to appreciate "Largo" from the New World Symphony, composed by Anton Dvorak, was played in approved fashion and the mood was Im mediately captured Some of the selections played by the band were excerpts from "South Pacifie", Haydn's 'An dante from Symphony 104", "Oy pheus in the Underworld" hy Of fenbach, and 'Polished Brass" by Siebert, | Guest soloist for the evening was Soprano Marguerite Gignae accompanied by Kelvin James, pianist, She showed technique and flexibility in Handel's "Re Jolee Greatly", | Inflections in her volee showed a complete mastery of the works she was singing, Pitch and in tonation were clear as a bell and seemed to roll from her with ease: All notes from the lower |FeRister to the upper register Robert Sledziewskl, assistant to Police Chief Herbert Flintoff many drivers and pedestrians; 'Whether you are walking or warned city motorists today, in|succumb to the pre-occupation of driving keep your eyes on the la preholiday message: "Alcohol|the season, and continually risk traffic and gasoline, when combined, (life and limb ds a result of thelr, *'Your local police force will be make a lethal mixture, If youl|inattention to traffic around them. on duty full strength during the want to survive the holiday sea-|AL the same time, early dark- holidays to maintain law and son, keep them separate, Drunk ness, increase In visiting and the order, But we cannot help you |drivers will not be tolerated and opportunity to shop mich later in| unless you first make some ate ill be locked up "without fear or|the evening than normally, not tempt to help yourself by observe vor', the chief sald, only add to the traffic volume,|ing these common sense safety City police will make a concen-| bul introduce unusual distrac- rules, |trated effort to keep holiday driv-|tions "I am confident that common ing safe, Experience shows that) 'The continual help of everyone sense and consideration for the [the temptation to drink Is great: Is urgently needed to remind other fellow, will prevail among er during this season than any pedestrians to walk heedfully|the drivers of this eity throughout other and to remind drivers that the the entire holiday period The chief's appeal to the Osh: season Increases the risk of being| "Oa behalf of the Oshawa Po. awn and district motorists to involved in an accident, lice Dept, I thank all citizens for exercise care and caution during! Remember these simple rules: (thelr safety considerations In the the Christmas season is as fol: "Keep speed down and obey | past and wish all a Merry Christe lows nll traffic regulations to the let- mas and a Happy and Safe New HAZARDOUS PERIOD ter, Year," "As we approach the year end, -- accident records show that we are entering one of the most haz-| ardous periods of the year, Too |W fa Rabies In Area Now Epidemic | Recently elght dogs In the Lawlor avenue vicinity were| quarantined for three months They were presumed to have peen In contact with a dead) skunk, or its dog-killer, found to have heen rabid, REPORTS ESSENTIAL I'he animal health division al Bowmanville 1s urging all people knowing of animals to have been in with suspected rabid animals report the case im medately (Telephone MArket contact lo 1 5 PASTOR OTIS A, BOTIMER PASTOR BROCK WELLS Church Names panned Two Officials suffering from rabies should com.| Pastor F, Brock Wells, of Mis: Pastor Garland B, Woag whe mence no later than 14 days Bon RC, and Pastor Otis A, with his wife and young son were lafter being infected, Botimer, of Mount Vernon, have killed in an automobile accident -- (Deen appointed to the National in Alberta last September. Symptoms of rabies In dogs In clude excitement, paralysis, jaw hanging with much salivation, viclousness or peculiar barking If everyone co-operates, the di vision says, the treatment of peo ple can often he prevented, Treat 35750) | Executive Committee of the|Botimer has held similar AM Reventh-day Adventist Church infor the church tn Michigan, Penns Canada It was announced today |sylvania and Ohio before accepts by Walter A, Nelson, national|ing the present post, president of the church, President Nelson revealed that Pastor Wells has been named to/while the appointments were efs HI the post of Educational and fective immediately the new offls {Youth Director at denominational clals would not be free to seltle headquarters vacated by Kdmun|in Oshawa until early January, M. Peterson who accepted a sim. were even, well controlled, and ilar position in the United States, there were no signs of having to Mr, and Mrs, Wells lived in Osh. force any part of the registers, awa for over five years (1050 Frank Heaton played obligato 1950) when he served as Edu. on Soprano Cornet behind Miss|/cational and Youth Director of Glgnae in Mozart's composition the - church's Ontarlo Quehee of "Laudate Dominum", This was Gonterenty A Rative of Waterloo, | TORONTO produced very well by hoth In/Quebee, Mr, Wells attended Osh ors' ) say complete balance of tone and awa Missionary College and Was or on Ga Company says it blend graduated from Emmanuel Mis." complied with an order is Miss Glgnae Is of professional slonary College In Michigan In 8ued last week by the Ontarle v- Consumers' Gas | Registers Plans cP) The Cone PRUNED CHRISTMAS TREES NATURAL PERFECTLY standards and lacks nothing el: 1940 Fuel board requiring gas com. ther as a musician or as a singer | He served pastorates in various Panies to register with it plans Not only did she carry off diffi Michigan localities before his or:|0f all gas pipelines lald since eult passages that take years of dination in Detroit in January of Jan, 1, 10587 vocal training but also smiled|1045, He served as a missionary, The company released to the with ease at the same time for five years In South Africa and | pross a copy of a letter addressed | Kenya before returning to Canada/to A, R, Crozier, chalrman of the in 1050 fuel board, saying it has delivs ALASKA IS BOTH Pastor Rotimer will head the or:[ered to him plans to scale of all ganization's Publishing Depart [transmission linea built by. Cons | HOT AND COLD ment vacant since the death oflsumers' Gas since that date With summer highs of 100 | degrees, and winter lows to 70 below zero, Alaska has greater temperature variation than any other state To get the high dollar for household articles you'd like to sell, use economical Times Classified ada, Colored ® SILVER CHRISTMAS SHAPED by Professional ® GOLD ® PINK ® BLUE Pruning ® WHITE The United | an In| 75 KING EAST il: FURS Specially reduced for Christmas giving! WMA atid 1.00 ARR SPRUCE FIR 7 Window Size Apartment Size "Large Trees Churches, Halls, SCOTS PINE EERE EEEE & p---- ¢ RED PINE ® BALSAM » CHOOSE YOUR : TREE EARLY Stores £0, 000000 A A A RR A. W. RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE 1015 KING EAST RA 5.1764 FURS Opposite Hotel Genosha