< By JACK GOOD EVENING GEARIN Employes who remal seniority but not pension THE REAL REASON This is undoubtedly one of the reasons that prompted the em- {ployes to give serious considera- [tion to the formation of their !lown company with an eye to |ooperating the Oshawa franchise. it is one of the cruel quirks |of fate that these men should {find themselves without pension | protection after years of long and faithful service, All of this preamble does not | {beclouded with plenty of other "1 jon the future operation the possession of all the salient facts, | sonable time, franchise agreement salled out [tion of stormy weather ahead, [the transportation and traffic had done a good job, | had completed four or risky financin' business, and one headaches, as well, | Citizens hwo have strong views (ical franchise should reserve [oan Judgment until they are in |1t is hoped that these will be fur- nished by Counell within a rea- [THE BUS FRANCHISE When the proposed new bus into open water in City Council this week, there was no indica. | The majority In Counc on one point, and said so openly: [committee, under the able chalr manship of Alderman Walker, | The committee (Alderman Bint |and Murdoch are also members) | months of arduous preparatory | [work before this stage had been Wihdrawal of the CNR for its bus operations in Oshawa has placed the majority of long-service employes with the local company in a regrettable position regarding pensions, n with the CNR will lose rights; but the future is not so hopeful for the other employes, @ on is of no consequence to us but play, Brother Xavier's letler nues very hoy has a chance to con. th "We also believe In giving bet ter players a chance to perform with boys of their own calibre, and for this reason we pick all star teams who play exhibition games outside their own league cause he appeared in a televi-| oto pr {and compete in the annual CYO |Ontario championships, However, every boy who does not make this [team plays at least 15 games in [the local league, | "We try to give all {equal time on the lee as far as possible, However, this Is easier said than done "Our aim is lo provide hockey for as many boys of our group as we can. Whether any of them make a career of the game later I oi trust this will settle any doubts \ | [change the fact that the opera. = {tion of a bus service today is & FH ¥ I ALDERMAN THOMAS when he asserts that his commit. tee has 'no figures or facts" to reed hide, It 1s to thelr everlasting fl agreed). adit that they at all times open | oe od the door wide to the press while these negotiations were go ing on, Alderman Walker and his com mittee members are also deeply concerned about the plight of vet five eran employes of the present city discarded his pre bus operators who stand to lose their pension rights if they do not in your mind as to the present policies of the CYO." THOSE TRAINS AGAIN The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to After Dinner Speak. ers owes a debt of gratitude Mayor Lyman Gifford | Erougings there are fewer teams, players, to dropped as the new King of Win-| ter for the forthcoming Lake Placid Ice Carnival at the end of this month in. favor of Donald Jackson, 18, son of Mr, and Mrs, | George Jackson of Oshawa, Tah was dropped following a| protest hy the U8 Figure Bhat. | ing Association which classified | him as a professional skater be-| sion show Silver Blades, Donald Jackson will not be home for Christsma as he is too busy training in New York City| under the famous Plerre Brunet for the World Ice Skating Cham: plonship In Colorado, Feb, 24-28, Donald was runner-up In the Canadian championship last win. ter and finished fousrth in the World Championhip - in Paris, France, SCHOOL JITNEYS Oshawa taxi firms that run jit. ney services for school children |would be well advised to adhere {strictly to Department of High: | ways regulations regarding maxi: {mum loads, if by chance they do inot already do so, There have been numerous. re- What His Worship did In City ports. of late of some taxis Council this week was highly cArrying as many as 12 children commendable ball rolling In a mo terminate with the the rallway tracks street It all depends CNR and the Transport Fver think of the dinner speakers ve that may removal from King the of now on Department fine after whose tempers have heen aroused hy those shunting trains on King street east, whose finest. efforts have heen frustrated? One tragic figuré was a' Cana dian professor of international wn who attempted to talk on ve all things) "Culture in Canada' several months fter heing interrupted at four times by the noise from these shunting engines, the poor professor, red faced and In what appeared to be a homicidal mood pared text and least cut his speech extra short later vowed privately never ago; | He to|dramatie effort he started the on 8 single trip, sometimes the entire load being of kindergarten of |venrs, If this is true, the guilty firms are 'courting serious trouble be- cause it is absolutely impossible for. a driver, regardless of his competence, to kecp a close watch on 12 youngsters, Thig jitney service for school children is a valuable one and | greatly eases the burden for par- ents, but a word of caution is sometimes a good thing, especial ly where children of tender years are concerned, | THE WORLD OF DRAMA When Harry Chapman of 74 Simcoe street north decided there was a dearth of children's plays, especially for youngsters in the more tender years, he decided to do something about it -- he wrote a play, The | name of his 80-minute fs "The Gifts" [reached; If they were weary from [remain with the CNR. They are|return to Oshawa even if they and it will be unfolded at its [too many extra - curricular meet. ings, their weariness was under-| standable, Said Alderman Walker: "The honeymoon Is over Oshawa as far as the bus fran-| chise Is concerned, For the past| A AT REGIMENT ASSOCIATION PARTY When Santa visited a chil. | Kenny McGuigan were on hand | time, recelving lovely gifts and dren's party staged by the On- | with 200 other children to greet | many pleasant treats. The party arin Regiment Association Fri. | him, This Is an annual affair | was held in the Armories day night, Susan Matthews and ' and the kiddies had a merry Oshawa Times Photo CAPSULE NEWS OBITUARIES Calif. Brush Fire | mw mms fee ds ose Guts 66,300 Acres to the taxpayers, but, like many| other Ontario municipalities, we now find the situation has chang: ed and subsidies are the new order, We don't llke the idea of (new subsidies, but municipal bus| lines do not appear to be a paying | | | Friday, Dec, 19, of Mrs, Samuel! Alderman Walker's report ap- Burgoyne, The deceased, who! peared to be lucid and reason: | was In her 71st year, had been able as far as It went, but it In poor health for two years, did not go far enough to suit ; Sai The former Mabel Elizabeth Alderman Brady (who pressed | SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, (timated the value of Tyrone collins, the deceased was a unsuccessfully for public owner-| Calif, (AP) Firemen Friday Power's estate at $5,000,000. She qu ahter of the late Mr, and Mrs, ship) and Alderman Christine night controlled California's worst made the estimate in asking 8u- Ralph Collins, She was born at Thomas, who wanted more in- brush fire of the year, During perior Court to award her daught Pickering June 5, 1868 and was formation, far more, | fs six - day rampage the fire ers by Power, Romina, 7, and married in Toronto April 21,| In an emotion-packed appeal, | blackened 66,300 . acres of valu. Taryn, 5, monthly support of $650 1904 y "| Alderman Thomas asked Council| able watershed, destroyed cab each to "'go-easy' and take miore time nd homes and claimed the : RS . Ne oe an Lal 2,0 RETURN TO JOBS [he cschise deo! WINDSOR (CP) Settlement [ ph PITCHFORK HER WEAPON |priday of the 18-day strike at ate in oligo | PETERBOROUGH (CP)--Mrs, Chrysler Corp. in Detroit will| Predeceased by her mitted to the City Council (in Walter Lunn of nearby Trent/mean an almost immediate re- Mar, 16, 1054, Mrs committee) only five days River sald Friday she killed an'turn to work of some 2,500 Chrys. leaves a stepson, before last Monday night and spparently-rabid fox with a pitch. ler of Canada employees here, Boyne of Oshawa that Council, on that occa: fork after it wandered into her They were laid off Dec, 10 when' Also surviving are two sisters, gon had endorsed it after yard and was attacked by her the U.S, strike cut off the supply Mrs. Fred Sprunt (Ethel), of To:| oniv' two hours of delibera- two dogs. The fox is being tested of major stampings to the Cana. ronto and Mrs, Howard Pearson| gon for rabies and the dogs are in dian subsidiary (Florence), of Oihawa; two| "2" At no time was the fi. quarantine HEADS BOARD children and two great grand {ehildren | mance committee, of which SOLD TO TV FIRM | LONDON, Ont, (CP) I4.:Col,, Rev. W. G. Dickson, minister of ne Saige, soning TORONTO (CP) Plerre Ber-'D. B. Weldon was elected chair. Centre Street United Chureh,| spite the fact this represents ton, author of Klondike, an ac. man of the University of West-|will conduct the memorial service| a major financial transaction count of the rough-and-tumble rn Ontario board of governors at the Armstrong Funeral Chapel involving thousands of dol. days of the Yukon gold rush of Friday, succeeding the late Lt. at 3 pm, Monday, Dec. 22, In-| lars sald Friday he has signed a Col. Gordon Ingram, who died terment will be In Zion Cemetery, | 3 > tract with Ziv a hue a|lwo weeks ago, The board elected iw "Op > ole wipeyen, wil = Hollywood: firm, to make a Tv W: lL. Duffield vice-chairman. | MRS. JOHN W. HIRCOCK | sist on more Information on | ial of the book. The Toronto Fallowisk, "; lines et Sof the bus franchise deal, | author and newspaper man sald weeks the death occurred at the! Alderr Walke 0 5 will as Dae film WEATHER {family residence, Thornton's road Boy nding Thuy Ry od Ing | [south, Friday, Dec. 19, of Ellen! anted with the full details of the ; TORONTO (CP)--Official fore Roe, beloved wife of John W Hir-| case only five days before the TREE casts issued by the public Jock The deceased was in in "|open Council meeting and main. | STRATFORD (CP)--Two men weather office at § am {8th year tains she had ample opportunity were convicted Friday of stealing) Synopsis: Temperatures drop. yy A ahughter of the late Mr and quring the past six weeks to ac a Christmas tree, Paul Emil Joos ped rapidly overnight as readings!' rs, George Roe, the decease quaint herself with the full facts and Rudy Paul Helm were each|of below zero were reported Wa bom in peroyaiire, England and figures, { assessed fines of $15 and ordered throughout Southern Ontario this ane A pre d ete n 19 '| Council voted 11-2, to accept to pay a total of $10 to farmer morning. The only exceptions qr ip ooo nad heen a res: the offer of J. J. Dickson of | hid Toh "dent of the Oshawa district for| . (were areas where the wind was |g) years and previously had Wisdsor » Jake over Je fran William Jeffry . . {off the lakes and even here they). 5 Vears \ | _ MOUNTAIN RESORT dropped to 10 above, The centre, ayer, (oF 20 years in Cobourg |ject to the agreement of the On: | VANCOUVER (CP) Plans |of this cold alr lies to the west Bae bit fin adhiorent I N home| tario Municipal Board which may bave been announced for a $5. of the Great Lakes, and Is ex: |, ii nied Lurch, Her home| ag) for a plebiscite on the issue. | 800,000 mountain resort on the | nacted to pass to the south of the | esr, [AMAIY were her main| "Despite her forceful plea, Ald: verge of nearby Garibaldi Park lower lakes early Sunday. |inerests. her husband she leaves CMAN Thomas was rejected, 11. and served by an aerial gondola| A" patchy area of cloud and a pasos Pb i Bal Bg ig 2 also, when she asked that] wamway. The project, financed | snow is expected to work Its way Rp A ) a 44 id [the final vote be held in abey- entirely by European Investors,| o iheastward to the west of this 0 Rik Abe Ry pov 40 in h oth og | ance on the Dickson deal until ealls for a hotel at the 8.000-foot | cutom "to give some light snow end Albert George, both of another council meeting in com. | evel on Brohm Ridge, 35 miles|oi "co ih wostern Ontario Sun have. ivi th a. mittee could be held at which] | 0 Surviving are three grand: the city treasurer and city soll- north of Vancoaver, " 1" children, [eltor would be invited. | A resident of Oshawa for MM years. Mrs, Burgoyne was a well known resident of North Osh. aw husband | Burgoyne | Oscar Bur-| ( K€ STOLE YULE | Forecast Temperatures Low tonight high Sunday Windsor 0 St. Thomas 0 London Wingham Toronto | Trenton St receive Regent veek Catharines Hamilton Muskoka Killaloe Earlton a Sudbury North Bay Kapuskasing + {White River Moosonee fout on man"' MALTA FAILURE Reglonal forecasts valld until] The funeral service will be held LONDON (AP) -- A month-long midnight Sunday, at the McIntosh Funeral Chapel | S0ld, the first lady of chy} attempt by British and Maltese Western Lake Erle and eastern at 2 p.m, Monday, Dec, 22, Rev. | "We were elected to protect | leaders to draft a constitution for| Niagara regions, Windsor: Cloudy John K. Moffat, minister of Sim: the Interests of the tax Mi pov Malta ended in failure Friday, It/and cold with snowflurries, clear. coe Street United Church, will [hat is what 1 propose a do." was the third fallure in as many [Ing this afternoon, Partly cloudy conduct the services. Interment | This bus Taki deal is Just | years Fin few snowflurries Sunday. will be In Oshawa Union Ceme about the most important piece ACTOR LEFT $5 MILLION Ty ny. hnt ee, lo legislation to pass through City | LOS: ANGELES (AP) -- Act: Eastern Lake Erle, Lake On| JOHN RADOWSKI ouch fois youd, Rat wy wl ress Linda Christian Friday es- tario regions, Toronto and Ham:| In poor health for the past six [the tank a A In an to! lliton: Mainly sunny today. Partly months John Radkowski, 304 Eu |aome Jay it will a thou: | CELEBRATING cloudy with a few snowflurries lalie avenue, died at the Oshawa [conde of taxpayers and thelr Sunday. Continuing cold, Winds) General Hospital Friday, Dec, 19. transportation problems, It is a north 20 today, west 15 Sunday./He was in his 56th year, th and px trans BIRTHDAYS i Hallgyston, Kirkland Lake and A on of Je late Me Li Mra. (aotion and it 1s understandable . | Nort Jeorglan Bay regions, [Joseph Radkowski, the deceased : ongratulations and best {North Bay and Sudbury: Mainly was born in Poland, June 14, pn. LX contains flaws, Junk so long wishes to the following resi. sunny and very cold today and and was married in Toronto Nov. | n fs of this, It would ap dents of Oshawa and district |gunday, Winds northwest 20 to./17, 199. [pear that Alderman Thomas who are celebrating birth. |qay west 15 Sunday | A resident of Oshawa for 22|K*Ih th' right when she claims days this weekend, Timmins-Kapuskasing: Sunny Years, Mr. Radkowski came to] ory Council acted with undue Those celebrating today |with cloydy Intervals and cont. Canada 30 years ago. He had|Nacte in endorsing the franchise are Lee Anne Martyn, 312 tinuing very cold today. Partly heen an employe of General Mo-| change and agreeing to certain! French street; Richard Hes- cloudy with a few snowflurries to. tors since coming to the city. |ohidies, Whether Alderman per, 606 Simcoe street south; night and Sunday. Winds west 20) He leaves his wife, the former Thomas is right or wrong in her George Samolenko, 619 Ste- lioday and Sunday {Annie Widish and a son, Edward, | yuertion Council endorsed the VERson Toad ; Rorth; Grant | Lake Huron and southern d student at the University of| qo.) ator only two hours deliber Roberts Rrooklin; Bruce Nor Georgian Bay reglons, London: | Toronto ation, the case requires deep on, 551 Bloor street east; (Sunny becoming cloudy with, Also surviving are two halfig qv and (exclusive of the Jane Alker, 369 Mary street. |snowflurries this afternoon, Con.| brothers. Peter Tymoshik, of Osh: [walker committee), it does not [hose celebrating on Sunday tinuing cold. Winds north 20 to WA and Willlam Tymoshik, of appear to have Tecelved this | are: Donna Johnson, RR 1, gay west 20 Sunday 8 Poland LIRA ant i Brooklin; Mrs Annie Muir, y J The remains will be at the 204 French street; A. C. Harts Armstrong Funeral Chapel for plies Thomas [Ramtain shorn, 564 Grierson avenue; service In St. John's Ukrainian iyo yomework, were given little! Albert Reed, 249 Woodlea Greek Orthodox Church at 10 a.m. lonnomunity to do their home: | crescent Monday, Dec, 2. Interment Will wk in" the bus case, but en: The first five persons to in be in Oshawa Union Cemetery. !qonced the Windsor deal, never | form The Oshawa Times of Rev, D. Luchak will conduct the woes Onee again, there is evi their birthdays each day will |services, dence that the herd nstinet MN double tickets to the {strong In the 1988 City Council Theatre tood for jand that some members follow period. i \e our the pack occasionally without mn The Sheep knowing exactly in which direc. {tion they are moving | Alderman Walker is quite right |deeply aware of the hardships that could prevail There are two sides to every story, and these are just a few a transaction There is little doubt but that 19 years we have enjoyed a bus the Windsor offer is the best of if, peeved because transportation system at no cost the three received, but Council, in characteristic fashion where major issues are involved, cer tainly gave the Impression of ramming this measure through without careful consideration The Ontario Municipal Board will have to rule on the trans. action, Meanwhile, it would be advis able to acquaint the publie with aker In Lake quiet Sunday billed him as a view Park on afternoon Mayor p a Gifford 1s to be eon in|of the problems Involved In such gratulated THE KING OF WINTER Movie Etar Tab Hunter is plen as many pertinent facts concern. | ing the transaction as possible REPLIES TO COLUMN Rev, Brother Xavier of the Oshawa CYO Hockey League, has written in reply to last week's column regarding policies In the hockey leagues at the Children's Arena The CYO does all in its power to accommodate as many Catho- lie players as possible, he re. ports. There are approximately 150 players in the Junior Atom and Separate School league, with six teams In each, In the other secretary | DON JACKSON nremier in St Chureh, Whithy 7pm Asked to describe it, Me, Chap man sald "It carries a mild rebuke for performance tomorrow Andrew's Presbyterian at 9.45 am, and he has been ehildren who judge the success of Christmas by the presents they receive , , it also contains some Irreverent remarks agaist adults who make Christmas too com mercial," Mr, Chapman, a member of the Pilgrim Players of Othawa says the play will be published hy the Canodian Christian Drama Council, an inter - denominational groun that promotes drama in the church BAND APPROVES SALE SARNIA (CP) Sarnia re. serve Indians Friday night ap. proved sale of about 3,000 acres [of the reserve to the Crown Trust [Company Ltd, for $8,500,000, The vote saw B88 cast ballots in favor lof sale, a margin of four votes over the minimum 84 needed to make the deal binding, A total of {87 opposed the deal, Final sanc- tion must come from the depart. {ment of Indian affairs, REGULAR 27995 ® 4 Speed Change ® 7-Tube Radio Power Transform Bass Reflex Cha 3 Balanced Speakers 2 Sapphire Needles NEW 1959 HIGH-FIDELITY COMBINATION 99° ® Hand-rubbed Cabinet 4-Pole Motor r LJ LJ LJ Automa Bass & er mber KELLY T.V. 81 KING-ST. WEST Stide Rule Dial MARCONI MODEL 431 ® A CHRISTMAS TREE SPECIAL tic Shut-off Land Sales Are Probed EDMONTON (CP) ~ A hearing harges of eivic maladmin- istration will he opened here Jan, 5 by a committee of five alder: fen and Mayor Willlam Hawre- lak, ; The hearing, which will deter- mine whether a provincial gov- ernment investigation ls warrent- ed, stems from a petition signed (investigation committee is Ald, Donald Bowen, Other (3 besides the mayor, are aldermen William Henning, Fred Mitchell, Clif Roy and Dr, H, Harris, The petition contended city lund has been sold "without re gard for its actual value" It aise raised uestion of whether by 36 Edmonton residents who said they were "not satisfied that the affairs of the eity are bing administered in a proper and ef. ficient manner," Specifically, the petition -- subs mitted to city council several weeks ago -- claims that 'enor. mous' and "fantastic" profits have been male w #) : awn buying and selling land from eity, or 1and that the city intends to annex, Chalrman of the elty-appointed some tors knowledge' of the city's intens tions to annex land from an ad. joining municipality, Girl, 18, Faints In Open Court TORONTO (CP)=An 18-year old Toronto girl fainted fn court [Friday when magistrate J. L. Prentice sentenced her fo one CITY AND DISTRICT CHECKER SOLUTION Following Is the solution to the checker problem published in Friday's issue; 15-18, 82-28, 18.9, 20.24, 9:14, 24-81, 14-18, 20-24, 23 27, 24-28, 21-32, 81-26, 18-22, 26-17, 21-14, White wins, year's probation along with twe sccomplices who pleaded guilty to car theft, Mary Pears told the court she had nothing to say about why she, John Laframbols, 18, Cornwall, Douglas Gibbons, 19, Blyth, Ont, and another youth stole a Toronto man's cer, The third youth, Kenneth Drou- illard, 19, of Windsor, with a rec. ord of a previous conviction, was |sentenced to 30 days in jall, COMING EVENTS ' NEW Year's Eve party, tickets on sale Kinloch's Men's Wear, Juviles Pavtion, e, 7, BINGO Coronation Orange Temple Saturday, Dec, 20, 8 p.m, 20 games for turkeys, share the-wealth, 4 $40 Jackpots to go, | $150 speciol to go, CHRIS TURKEY TICKETS WIT DRAW 10 TURKEYS TMAS BINGO SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20 16 PRIZES OF $10 | EACH OF $20, $30, $40, $50 SHARE THE WEALTH go gown RA tie SOLVE your last - minute [ with an unusual handms India, Open til 9.30, Telephone 52987, XI NSMEN BINGO (CANCELLED) During Holiday Season STARTING AGAIN TUES, JAN, 6, 1959 H ADMISSION FOR OUR CHRISTMAS DRAW DEC, 20 AND NEW YEAR'S DEC, 27 SAINT GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM SIMCOE STREET NORTH ADMISSION 50 CENTS EACH. NIGHT Dec, 12,13, 19, 20, 26, 27 WHITBY BRASS BAND SPECIAL BINGO TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23RD CLUB BAYVIEW BYRON STREET SOUTH, WHITBY GAMES START AT 8 P.M, Bus Service leaves Oshawa Terminal-~25¢ SPECIAL FEATURE OF $300 $20 each horizontal line=~$200 full card TWO $250 JACKPOT GAMES 87 and 58 Numbers or less, consolation $25 each game, Top line is worth $50, Must go to night, 5 Games at $30,--20 Games at $20 $1.00 admission Door prize and free All proceeds go to the pur for the Whi 4 Turkey vouchers will be giv Christmas turkeys, includes | card admission tickets, chase of new Instruments thy Bends, en away every night, also 297 WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO MONDAY, DECEMBER 22, 8 P.M, CASH PRIZES $1,30 CASH PRIZES 0.00 $100 FREE CASH DOOR PRIZES INCLUDING Four Prizes, $50, $25, $15, $10 TWO $250 JACKPOTS (54.52) ONE $150 JACK POT (must go) 20 games at $20--5 games at $30 Plus Free Pass to Person on Right of Every Regular Winner $1.00 ADMISSION INCLUDE CHANCE ON $100 C BUS SERVICE 4 ONE CARD AND FREE ASH DOOR PRIZES TO DOOR RED BARN \TURN LEFT ONE BLOCK PAST A&P STORE, NORTH OSHAWA) 297% Treble Control RA 5.5121 RA 5.9181 Season's Greetings COMPLIMENTS CLIFF MILLS Morons OSHAWA 266 KING ST. WEST the courteous driver-ped. estrion campaign. Safe Driver Safe Pedestrian Yesterday's winners of Floyd Marnden 26 Church Se, 'ohn Pendergest 189 Bloor Se,