The Oshawa Times, 20 Dec 1958, p. 1

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THE TIMES 4 WEATHER REPORT TELEPHONE NUMBERS J anon 1 Tey Cold tonight. Partly cloudy Classified Adve 'Lising RA 3-3492 with a few snowflurries Sun- All other calls ........RA 83-3474 day, Winds light. VOL, 87--NO. 299 Price Not Over OSHAWA-WHITBY, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1958 gg Ry Ric By Rig EIGHTEEN PAGES 7 Cents Per Copy i A COLD GRASPS CANADA 10 BELOW IN OSHAWA Reported Crash No Other Man Of A-Plane 4 False Alam Shirley Says Forecast S aye o£ | ODESSA, Tex, (AP)--The air , {below zero in Oshawa during thellocalities near the lakes force today wrote off as false the 4 | nd m m {force today diy 4 Ww i xt A personality clash, and not |sonality clash. There is no other g night, Temperatures recorded at] In Toronto the morning tems eerie ght of : ho i in the effects of life in Hollywood, man or woman " ' the main Oshawa Fire Hall, perature was four degrees helow ki ay night of a nuclear-ar was described today as the main| Agked if Shirley had any defin Simcoe street north during the|zero, coldest wince last Feb 18 |Jet, plane " arm." said reason for the rift in the mar Var a av Wh, night showed 10 degrees below| when it was eight below, At Ham- De Xx yaa 9 lalsg alarm, Spc riage of Shirley Harmer, Cana te divorce plan irs, Harmer / ee zero, while the thermometer at|ilton it was three below, London £ © James of gon the 8 dian songstress from Oshawa, sald her daughter did hot know * {the North Oshawa Fire Hall seven below, Ottawa and Peter. |Sommades yi h on ar orce land her husband manager, what was going to happen yet . |sank to a record 16 helow zero, |horough 16 below, Trenton 11 be: [pase at Big Spring. lex. , George Murray of Toronto solit The mercury at the warehouse|low, North Bay 18 below and Sud. | Two witnesses told the sheriff's| "COTE irra) The split has taken place and Mr | \ . ing J inel Mrs, W. H, J. Harmer, of 493] 1 of Imperial Oil, 14d, Court bury 17 below, pifice Sore id av oA supine Rossland rodd west, the star's urray Is in Toronto conferring i i' |street, rose to 6 degrees bhelow| Windsor, eight above and St, at Ig a dot Am up Siren pi mother said Shirley had called with his lawyers 4 d |zero this morning. The official Catharines were hmong the few over ios Os ald dense|a week ago and said. "I am upset| In the meantime, Shirley has weather forecast issued by the Ontario centres to have temper: dessa Friday by Si mse PEK ARO § did, ood ay ve p Y The Diack. smoke rose just after theland confused about George But [just finished a test for a picture 4 |Ontario Weather Office, Malton atures above zero, The most raft passed over the horizon. 'don't blame Hollywood, its a per-ito be made by Metro-Goldwyn 4 Airport, forecast little relief for frigid spots were Killaloe, west craft passed oO Maver in. Rome, Mt Harmar the weekend of Ottawa, 32 below, and White does not expect herd suzhter Oshawa streets were cleared of River 25 below, The mercury {home soon since, along with other [snow during the past days and went to 32 below at White River ; Istarlets tested. Shirley is await SHIRLEY HARMER {only minor accidents occurred overnight OLD SAN I A GE I S RA KISS as ing the: chose: of the st Ye |this morning The weather forecaster sald the g the choice of the studio bosses mn { ¢ The temperature in downtown Ontario temperatures would The daughter of an employe | party Friday night in the Ma ture attractions, Candies, pop regarding the part Hu e Ice Bar Whithy this morning was 10 de-|climb a little in the afternoon, F . Mr. Murray married Miss Har g grees below zero while 14 miles| The Ontario temperatures were of the Oshawa General Hos sonic Temple. More than 100 and special gifts were the order pital gives Santa a kiss as she | children attended with their | of the day for this special oc mer in October, 1054, shortly after north of Whitby in Manchester colder than the forecast lows, The receives her gift at the em- | parents and had a wonderful | casion TOU1 | or his divorce from. Merne Kavener : the lowest recorded temperature forecaster sald the cold air, cen- ployes' children's Christmas | time with Santa and other fea- | Oshawa Times Photo of Winnfpeg. It was erroneously oc S 1ps was 20 below [tred west of Lake Superior, came ---- -- - reported in two Toronto paper At the Whithy pump house near in from the northeast. It followed the Lake the temperature gauge|a disturbance Friday that brought WASHINGTON (AP) The|fence department's advan 8 figured been divorced. Her marriage to| 11] i. AWIEence sax to 14 below this morning|(some snow and slush : United States Atlas soared high search projects agency, nco nion i | 1 ers around the world today as its/it would be 1 p.m today by the Mr. Murray was her first Blais oh hs '|and rose to 12 below at 11 ann | TIE 20 Ane uth, ies ales |architects planned to again broad. |time Atlas soared within range popMER RESIDENT MONTREAL (Ct The wale! Most of Canada remained dipped. It was 13 below at Mont. cast from It President Eisenhow-|(of four army tracking stations c . 0 2. is a former level in Montreal harbor rose gunned in bone-chilling weather real and the high today for Of- * - The now rg Vv 0 ] | 2 le 's Yuletide message of good-|across the South. These statlons| 'Co = Fon Soh hse ers rapidly Friday night as the St. j,q4y ag cold air swept down|tawa, Montreal, Sherbrooke and ced re. Friday that Mi Harmer had » the > © ant to trig Lawrence River backed up be- . tie s C ; " W 11. . have ihe £048 qUIDmER trig She worked in the parts and pind a huge. jam a 30 i oe: from the Arctic regions, Only the Quebec City was expected to be WwW ( Y | They said it would be early aft. & as ' [service department at Generallextonding 50 miles downstream |cO#stal centres escaped temper-|only five degrees. {ernoon before they decide about, Johnson said it will be decided yo 0 oc nada Lid prior to! (x Mont cal Island |atures that hovered around zero| It was raining on the west retriggering their talking satellite by then whether to touch off Eis pursuing a singing career in To from onirea ant {or dipped well below it coast and the weather in Vane TORONTO (CP) A, "T can't tell you how happy I|were critical of the Canadian to broadcast the tape-recorded enhower's pre-launching record-i io. Fhe jam, rafted 15 feet deep In| Early morning temperatures in|couver and Southern Alberta was union negotiating team headed am," Mr, Daley said in announc-|Congress of Labor for failing to|words, ing a few more times or go to She nrogvessed ravidly and wa places, acts as a bar across the Southern Ontario were the cold. mild, back to Sudbury Friday night, /ing the success organize assistance for strikers. Atlas at 3:15 p.m. Friday, while|the next step--erase and send up H Ve progres od aa AiR Was river and has locked 19 foreign - - confident of winning membership| A union statement said the pro-| app 7 zipping at 17,000 m.p.h. over Cape another message for playback, |star oO 1" A prof '| ships in Montreal harbor, Eleven r, Thibault said his union still - " Showtime', prior to the Holly: other ships t missed its] hd hd approval of a strike . settling(posed agreement 'has won new hopes to get back into the CLC Canaveral, Fla., rebroadcast as Oe i nt of 1057 Y-lother ships Just miss 8| agreement reached with Interna./gains and greater benefits for our (which expelled mine-mill in 104g "cheduled a short Eisenhower T x : our clutches Ne 1 (®) Tl 153 tional Nickel Company officials. members and was made possible|on grounds of Communist leader. MCP 88e recorded Tuesday and ROCKET BABBL George Murray. was a well-| Between 4:30 p.m. and 11:30 sl leader | known tenor in Canadian radio nn, (he harbor level rose from The agreement, ending the long|only by the determined stand of gh) , arried aloft in the nose. cone, . " p and for failure to yield jur.| slevisio! wior restric " seve hos N and costly walkout by nearly 15,-/the strikers of Sudbury and Port|isdictional rights lo ey id 2 hie. test Slop, they the selon MAY BE WORSE fod Joigvision, prior Jo Tenirict- 7 fect, seve n inches to 49 feet, CG ] . ' 000 at Inco plants i Sudbury and! Colborne." Steelworker ; (CLC Port Colborne, will be put before, Inco spokesman declined com- aclworkers of America (CLC). jja] da'a tn hand, will be to erase LONDON (Reuters) =~ The iment of Shirley's career, But at midnight the rise was membership meetings of the In. ment. | The steelworkers stood by dur- the message and send up another, News Chronicle says a move. | Since going to Hollywood To ap-| ported levelling off, | ternational Union of Mine, Milll. The settlement was believed to Ing this strike hoping to pick upto he released by remote control] ment should be started to pro- (pear as featured vocalist on the wyon the harbor reaches 53| CHICAGO (AP) -- A strike by|a 75-hour work 'month ins and Smelter Workers (Ind.) Sun-|include a $25 Christmas bonus Ne Pieces," Mr. Taibault said.|as the four-ton Atlas continues its| tect the people of the world [George (iobel TV show, MISS ju "water begins spillin over| Some 1,500 pilots today shut down an 85-hour work month for pilots day. [which Inco had earlier announced, 1hey were like vultures.' travels, . from satellite babble [Harmer has been signed to aly "oie at low Ting shore| American Airlines, grounding the on. jet aircraft, Terms of the three-vear pact!it wouldn't pay to strikers this) Crucial issue in the dispute| This second phase of the pio "A short Christmas mes- [seven-year contract by Para points across the river from Second of the major air carriers) ¢, R, Smith, president of were not disclosed but there were year and a guaranteed 40-hour Was the union's insistance on a|neering project promised to point| co00 from the American pres. mount Pictures. Her only part aroma munnels are frequently) the U.S, on the eve of the holl- (American, said in a statement: reports that it provides about 12/ week. Before the strike Inco was Wage increase during the first the way to a revolution in com-| {4a sounds innocuous [to date was a featured role ing 0 =" Y!day travel rush, "No responsible air line could cents. an hour in wage increases working a 32-hour week because Year of a new contract, Inco had munications mass transmis-| oooh hut much worse de |The Hangman" which stars Rob Tha Lohveaker 'NB. MeLb The pilots, members of the Air..." "the resent demands of spread over the contract period, of an over-supply in the world Offered a three-year agreement sions of sound and pictures 10] oionmants are already fore- [ert Taylor, Tina Louise and Fes ie Icebreaker N.B , Mclean ine Pilots Association, struck] ob ™a," rio "pilots Association. A . ha na ol butted away against the jam Fri WH i Fr , plus several welfare benefits nickel market: with increases in the second and LIA I ON ari through al c... Science predicts that |Parker ay, ji Homi snowstorm | American at midnight Friday nyo demands are arbitrary and Settlement came on the 87th! Mike Solski, president of Sud. third years Sf ne ; or visible to the| Satellites will soon be in orbit A wait of several months' pro: (planked visibility and hampered!" wo in Chi broke UnJustified. There is no good rea. day of the strike and the fourth bury Local 598, said he was sure, It was believed this was re roe Boe wh Hide bart with messages from each sec: [fessional idleness. preceded the ghinning operations : Negonanung nc HOBR0 rns son for a reduction in hours. At day of government sponsored the membership would approve solved by a small increase in the na = hip ome of its rounds tor of the globe they fly over "Hangman" role. If Shirley wins rhe McLean. aided by the Ern Sonn With an om iit ran that this time, some of the pilots are talks. Both parties were believed the terms. "It's a good settle: first year with the contract tak De "> oy out of sight and| Across the future's darkening [the part in the MGM flicker she} Lapointe is to attack again en A like . Mi osm strike, | ving 10 days a month, with 20 to have made concessions under ment,' he said ing effect on the signing date Wea ny ph trol from the| horizon falls the shadow of [tested for recently, her chances Fr O° ' Fi he, oi following | days a month off, and it would a formula advanced by Labor' Both he and Nels Thibault, rather than June ! when the old! fh. © ili . bit fol. the special loudspeaker." of coming home soon for a visit le American s ' a [be difficult to improve these Minister Daley anadian president of Mine-Mill, agreement expired United States as its orbi ) Calling. for a movement. [will have vanished Until a channel is punched|an 18-month dispute, pose al vorking conditions." lowed more southerly trails f B A through the jam, 19 ocean freight-|handicap for the Christmas sea-| = The boxcar - sized satellite is| against satellite babble, The Miss Harmer turned down ani, coe cool their bows in Mont-/son air passenger travel, | The airline announced that all lated to skirt the horizon south| News Chronicle adds offer to do a show for CBC a qx" aph0) Kastern Airlines is in the throes| flights were cancelled through - . Suc i } )1 Ir V ! 4 ple Pickering Blast of San Diego, Calif, at 7:03 p.m. | "There are enough robot janes time ago of a 26-day strike, initiated Nov [reat Pricey, An Lhbarko wos | today discourses already without Mr. Murray arrived in Toronto 24 when flight engineers and ma. Placed on all air freight and alr Caused By Roy Johnson, head of the de: haying to listen to a whole this week and has pot been avail THOUGHT FOR TODAY |chinists walked out over wage express until further notice : : | lot of rockets talking ideolo- able for comment. His lawyer | demands | "Tne company said it would a mile alin | : : | gical shop.' Royce Firth, said I'he couple One reason so many people In New York an American Air. keep open ticket and reservations Leakin G Train Derailment " {had the question of their velation-| act the fool is that it's the [lines spokesman said the pilots, offices to help passengers are g as | . = . {ship and careers under serious| only way they can attract {one hour before the strike dead: |range allernate travel arrange. SUDBURY (CP I'here is no the catastrophic economic, social TORONTO (CP)--Ontario Fire Rips Up Tracks Car Production review", | attention i . lline, had renewed a demand for ments, : En extra cash in the walle and and psychiatric effec on the Marshal William Scott says a fire. PEFFERLAW, Ont. (CP) handbags of Sudbury district population that were described injthat destroyed hose Monday More than 300 feet of railway line : shoppers, but there are thousands some reports published outside in nearby Pickering was caused was ripped up Friday night when Slightly Down | of extra smiles and quips on the Sudbury. But it was felt. No com- hy gas leaking from a stove a caboose and two freight cars { faces in the streets today munity can lose $1,000,000 a week He said in a report no faults|each carrying 15 tons of zine! TORONTO (CP) Canadian| It has been that way since Fri: in buying power and not feel it. were found in gas transmission or overturned in a derailment at motor vehicle production this day afternoon when word was re- Fyen with the four-day week service ling in the township port Bolster, two miles north of week is estimated at 9.270 ve-| ceived from Toronto thal the (hat was in effect when the strike(Vhich were examined immedi: this Lake Simcoe community, hicles compared with 9,681 last strike against the International was called Sept. 24, the average ately after the fire Conductor Fred Miles, 48, of weck-made up of 7,922 cars Nickel Company was settled Inco worker was making Just Mr. Scott said escaping gas was Capreol, and a brakeman who compared with 8,211, and 1,348 The strike had lasted 87 days, above $70 a week ignited by the pilot light on top was with him in the caboose es- trucks compared with 1,470 the costliest and longest indus wi pa 13 weeks since the ©f the stove when the gas es-|caped with only slight injuries. Production to date this year is trial dispute in Canada this year. uv. was called before any of caped through an oven vent The cars were part of a 30-car estimated at 344,240 vehicles com-| It did not have anything like yp "non "are hack at work. By M! Scott said the ovens lack fa t freight train pulled by three pared with 405,891 in the corres-| that time. 'taking the average ©f @ pilot tL would be brought diese! engines heading south to ponding period last year--made vage figure as a yardstick, each 10 the attention of the Canadian Toronto, Six hundred ties and 12/up of 287,037 cars compared with Ur e Reform orker will have lost more than Jas Association whose approval sections of rall were torn up 432, and 57.203 trucks com: | lL Was-on the stove [pared with 70,459 $000 in wages hy 4 the derailment When the men will return to the manually lighted oven Three other freight trains were! Chrysler Corporation" had no Of Canada work is not known. A previous had been equipped with an auto | |car production this week, due to Inco announcement had stated MAU pilot light, the fire probably The zine was bound for Penn scarcity of parts caused by a that some might be back on the YOWd not have occurred, he said. cylvania from the Manitouwadge strike in the United States which! Forces that some might be hack on the 7 mining district was settled Friday Armed Actor Karloff's tune-up period befdre the entire OTTAWA (CP A United abhor force of some 14,400 is hack Kingdom report prepared for the will probably stretch over four to » » British ministry of defence may five weeks N ce I d lead to some reforms in the Cana fembers of the Internationa ie njure | dian armed forec : Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter P . "ge r Defence department spokesmen Workers (Ind) vole Sunday on olice Waitin say the services, especially. the the proposals brought back by i aq 1 army, have been studying the re: their officers HASLEMERE, England AP) Four RCAF Members Killed In Crash port with interest Reaction to the settlement on Police waited today to hear what EXETER (CP)--Four members of the RCAF were kills The committee remmmended downtown streets was. best sum- a niece of actor Boris K elon! od and three others severely injured in a head-on collision to the British government that of- marized in the oft-heard phrase, can tell them about the de ith of early today a mile and a quarter south of here on Highway ficers should not be forced into "It's a great Christmas pres: her two children, sons of a cab 4. The four dead men were in one car travelling south on the retirement at an age when they ent." There was a slight increase !inet official uly highway, while two of the injured, a man and a woman, cannot find employment in Civvy in the number of shoppers out! The two grandnephews of Kar were in the other vehicle Street and when they can still be Friday night and merchants were 1off were found wit oir throats used in administrative posts. optimistic that the strike settle- cut, Mrs. Diana Bromley Kar Superconstellation Lands Safely Most Cavadian officers must re: ment would add considerable life Joff's niece, is in a ho ital. with i : tire well hefore the roma civil-ito the last four shopping days throat wounds, ay parently from LONDON an Tire Wicks ANY ras Jenners Soc by ian retirement age of 65 before Christmas SRT Yolice A Rk early today as a Trans-Canada Air Lines Superconsteliation This was the biggest single At the NT focal point of Br ie iid she was ex airliner made an emergency landing here after reporting A 3 & \ : cause of the armed forces' dif: union activities during the long Thomas Bromley. British undercarriage trouble, The big plane landed safely with 57 AP a AER, A ficulty in attracting a sufficient weeks on strike, reaction to the sul in Washington 1¢ py eon passengers aboard pumber of good-quality officers. news from Toronto was re: now attacl it Wn Jai amd POLICE TO WATCH FOR DRUNK DRIVERS : Ww attached to the trade minis " H 3 Other points in the committee strained. The men who hi y[ter's cabinet sec by 2 Killed B Washin report i have caught the eye the vouchers, assign le ik oy 44 arus a the Bey. 2 Bille RB y (CP)--A i Mechine kill Oshawa City Bolick are plan out fear or favor" in this re- | have instructions to stop all termined that the coming holl- of ( inadian personne} oftieck {look after special union police sons dead Thursday ny Wh today when pulled into the Ti Ee Bi Masi rgeant Harry King of | "suspicious" looking matorlsts. id a Ot Wg i. g The tere ih Yities a ostly dot sie ind he arrived with Christmas gifts atl - machine at-his home. Bruce John Hassett: climbed on to the drank drivers during the com- | City Police reviews the de | Every effort will be made to | go. co hi Reavy Baie b to everybody in the services ex- tossing papers about in authusi 19 i iS il n_Surrey Martin,| wash stand beside the machine when his mother went up ing holiday season and Chief partment's holiday program | keep the roads safe. Car keys | jt is important to keep drunk cept officers sic TesTORsE Steohen 10 wall. Rarige and| stairs. Police said he started the wringer and his arms were Flintoff has announced that | with a group of 12 officers | will be taken from errant mo- | driving to a minimum d¢ ; I Stephen vas in a bedroom | drawn through | the law will be enforced 'with shown at headquarters. Police | torists, Oshawa police are de- | -QOshawa Times Phole - sm -- -- ning an intensive drive against far CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS COMMUNITY $30,000 $50,000 $70,000 $90,000 $110,000 | $130,000 | $150,000 $175,000 POLICE RA 5-1133 CHEST 'IRE DEPT. RA 5-657: DR RA re SCOREBOARD we has

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