EE Sp as at Weekly Summary Of Stock Market Activity | The Csnsdian Presi # Advances outnumbered declines by 363 to 334 on the Toronto Steen Wri id this week. totalled for eo was 33754,000 week's 13,003,000. Total » (Quotations $10,331,183, Industrials Zao en> LH Ang Pulp pr Anthes Imp Arcan Argus Argus 210 pr 1390 Argus 250 pr 505 Ashdown B 160 Ash Temp B 217 Atlan Ace Atlas Steel Auta Elee Auto Fab A Auto Fab B 100 Bank Mont 6917 Bank NS 2788 Bk NS ris 42077 Bath Pow A 530 Bath Pow B 300 Beatty 1600 Beav Lumber 130 Beav L pr 25 Bell Phone 12320 Biltmore pr 2% Bowater 2240 Bowater pr 595 Bowat 5% pr 110 M2 Bruck A Build Prod Burlington Burns Burrard A Chem c Shiels der "a 4710 Hydro Car 47 bd 2350 816% 300 $13% : 30 fad 104 tN $154 184 154 280 $56 4810 332% 1 1340 821% 20% 21 635 428 5 EL] 7283 $414 40% 41% - 340 $1015 101 10 + a Magnes 640 810% - 4 m Hy 320 $30 3 3 + Ye co 1035 820% 0 --% m Stores 1682 "Ww 82 1 $83 5011 $14% 137 4h + % 19% --1% "" EwkK Y Wash pr 100 $17 17 17 +1 id Inv » 575 $3TWU ATW ATW Pddy A 50 $3414 M 3 +24 Emp Lite 62 $58 58 Equit Ll FA) 3 Fam 1960 $224 214 Fann 1740 $18 17 ¥ed Graln 2600 342% ¥ed Grain pr 200 Fittings 100 Fleet Mig 3900 Ford US 455 ] Ford A 663 $110% 109 Fndtn 220 S144 1AM Fraser 635 $32 3% Fr Pete pr 3925 Li 3 eau 1020 7% Gatineau igh ing® 2 7% TW $294 204 0a v 10350 Gen 'Dynam 410 $64 GMC 1392 846% GS Warés 730 $10 Goodyear pr $7 G Mackay A 775 #7 G Mackay B 200 §7 GL Paper 180 ! Gl. Power GN Gas GN Gas wis Vp 8 3463 % G rt 27408 H il hy nith pr Hur Erie tmp Bank Imp Inv A Imp Inv 6a 100 tmp $140 200 Inland Gas Ind Gas wt Intproy inter PL Inv Syn A u lroq Gl Jeff L Kel Kelvinator Labatt Lafarge A Lakeland Lakeld debs Issues un- up from the for the year ¢ents unless Block Mersey pr Mid West Milt Brick Yeon North Star Nor Star A This We OJ ements: 1958 Sales High Low Close Chahge igs id 45 Min 7 15 7s 22% 2 4 HH 2% sh 17 100 15% M86 12'4 4170 13% North Star pr 325 41% N St wis 56 3330 70 N St wis 87 2850 30 NO NGas NQ Pow Nor Phone NW vill pr Oak Wood Ocean Cem O Jockey © Jockey pr © Joek wis Ont Loan Ont Steel Page Hers Pbina Pembina pr Penmans Powell R Pow Corp P Pipe Mig rem Tr remium 5386 178 100 90 1738 123 16095 175 49700 2 170 3489 25 45 41 +1260 240 us 30 8 £100 2300 Pres Elect Q N Gas Robertson Roe AV Cn 13354 $13 Roe AV 5% 705 $100 Royal Bank 7852 $774 Russell Bt, Cem A , Corp. Cp Apr 9 $98 Maurice 8400 Salada § 12054 $31 SaladaS B 425 $55% Salada wits 4500 816% Shawin 3125 833% Shawin A 75 835% Shawin A pr 60 $43 Sicks Sicks vt Sicks pr Simpsons SKD Mig Somville pr Southam Spartan Spartan wis St Pav Stedman Steel Can 8 Propane 8 Prop wis Suptest ord Switson Tamblyn Taylor PC 766 $324 25 $324 1072 495 3561 $31% 7400 135 75 $49 220 $62 1200 $70 3515 200 3207 $50 490 $36 1734 $60 282 $12 1800 350 ia LIL] 725 45 120 820% 475 89 Tor Dom Bk 3376 851% ' TD. Bk rts Tor Elev T Gen Tr Tor Iron Tor Iron A Tor Star pr T Fin A TFnB T Fin Spe Tr Can PL 2058 170 $37 75 $1 430 $34 750 $33 140 $38 0nd sad 100 $42 208 $424 15830 828% Mtn 134481 $1144 PPL 2020 . > Gas 750 425 Ace 150 #9 375 810% Un Telef Univ Cont Vanadium Viceroy A Viceroy B Wainwr Walk GW Wat Equip Webb Knp W Copper W Cop wis 446. W Plywood B 100 $17% Weston A 1167 $34% Weston B 880 $344 Wm spr 18% a Wstn 6pe pr 155 § West A wis 738 Fr White Pass w 185 $1414 140 50 $83 230 $34 1314 7 ~1% 140 -8 2% -h 2 17% + % 864% ~2'% 14% ~ '» hg -W ih ' ~4% 1163 SUM MW 4 Third CG Tn 1270 #6 Oils LY) Asm Gas Cons Au Rox Am lLedue Anchor Bailey § pr 18600 nn wins 3 Ball § 8% pr 38 Banff B Britalta Calalta Cal Ed Calvan Con C Ol Lds C Ol L wis CS Oll wis C8 Peet Cdn_Atl Oil C Chieftn Cdn Dev C Ex Gas C High Cr C Homestd C Husky € Husky Cdn W O C Williston Cent Del Charter Oil Com Pete C Allenbee C Dragon C East Cr C Mie Mac Con ¥F C West Pete Cree Oi) Cree wis Dev.-Pal Dome Pete Duvex Fargo Gen Pete Gan Pet A Ge Plains Highwood Home Oil A Home Ol B HROIG Huniber Jump Prd Jupiter 1! Pete Majtrans Marigold Medal Midcon Mill City Nat Pete N Bristol N Chamb N Concord N Cont N Davies N\ Superior Northeal NC Oils NCO win NCO pr Northid Okalta ? 'Pac Pete Permo pr Peruv Oils Petro! Phillips Ponder Prairie OU Prove Gas Quonto Raneer Ras Expl Piety 36814 2205 20200 15997 16227 82178 al a 483 190 15600 45015 2000 4100 3Msi0 20800 2M 200800 7000 $9750 14833 5800 3000 1885 3991 5912 14100 A217 LY ALINE AEE) B-3n "a ais 320 Sock Wespac Ww Cdn OG WC 0G rs W Decalta W Dee wis Windfall Yan Can Curb Dsihousie SW Pete Acad Uran Agnico Akaitcho Alba Expl Algom wis Ar Larder Amal Rare Am Nephe Anacon Anglo Hur Ang Rouyn Ansil Apex Res Arcadia Area Arjon Atlas Yk Atlin Ruf Aubelle Aumache Aumaque Aunor Avilla Bankeno Bankfield Barnat Barvue Bary Expl Baska B-Duq Beleher Bibis Bicroft Blcroft wis Ridcop Black Bay Bonviile Bouzan Roymar Bralorne Brou! * Reef Brnhrst Brunsman Brunswick Buffad Buff Ank Buff RL Bunker Hill Cable Cadamet Camp Chib Camp RL Cdn Astoria C Dyno C Malart C N Inca C Nwest Cdn Thor Candore Can Erin Can Met C Met wis Captain Cariboo Cassiar ( . Cent Pat Cent Pore Cheskirk Chester Chib Jae Chib M Chimo Coch Will Cody Rece Coin Lake Coldstrm Comb Met Conlagas Coniarum Con-Key C Blkens C Callinan Con C Cad C Fen CG Arrow This Week Sales i Low CO 7 4100 10400 5932 32200 2900 2571 11000 76% 1000 12500 24815 7500 27224 23346 65705 8430 8300 11550 11600 5620 51000 5250 17000 4250 15231 9797 5990 2895 12166 11108 87300 37600 11531 15200 13650 1687 39100 14000 5160 9054 9000 C Halliwell 243950 Con Howey C Marben C Marcus Con M 8 Mogul Morrison Mosher on Negus Northind Persh Red Pop Coprand Coulee Cowich Craigmt Crestaur Croinor Crowpat Cusco Deer Horn D'Eldona Delnite Dome Donalds Duvan ¥ Amphi Fast Mal Faraday Fara wis FWest Tung Francoeur Frobisher 0 Mines ex ico Selen Gnt Masct Glant YK 6580 10800 16080 5547 5915 Gold Eagle 127350 Gold Man GF Gulf Lead Gunnar Gunnar wis Gwillim Hard Rock Har Min Headway Heath Heva High Bell Hollinger Hoyle Hud Bay Hugh Pam Ind Lake Inspiration Int Ran Irish Cop Iron Bay J Waite Jaye Expl Joliet Jonsmith Jiwsey Kenville Kerr Add Kilemibe 15200 45200 18550 12128 13250 20050 - ie Change -7 +2 Kilem wis 10750 50 36 B50 +14 2 Kirk Min 94871 B88 40 BT +16 7 " Kirk Town 48 10 Labrador in" 2% 2% + WH Lake Cin ih n hi L Dufault - Jake Ling W To * 1. Osu 28 22 2 94 L. Shore 30 & -23 1. Wass 29 3 +7 La L X 5 215 Lamaque 460 285 295 20 Leiteh 1 " Lencourt Lexindin LI, Lae Lorado Lorado wis Louvict Lyndhst Lynx Macissa 3? and a slight advance was scor THE OSHAWA TIMES, Beturdey, December 20, 195 Industrials Are Plagued - By Profit- GERRY MARTIN Canadian Press Staff Writer Industrials were plagued by profit-taking again this week and Canadian stock markets showed a continuation of the lackadaisi- cal attitude that has persisted since the beginning of the month, Industrials started the week |cautiously, moving ahead Mon- |day and Tuesday. The middle. {days were lost to profit-taking 0 | Friday. mn { | Golds were strongest on index Maneast U 4 ' 7 3 oi but few gains were better than Marslgo 2 3 2% $1. Marcon Maybrua Meintyre McKen McMar McWat Merrill 18 65 a am 1 19% 910" | Canadian Breweries, a $3 1oser | Min Ore Moly 600 3 : Moly wis 8 2 1 Moneta 62 + 48 Mt Wright Multi M " 4 Nama Cr Nat Expl % 8 Nealon m0 7 LJ 1 by Nell 3 3 3 elo 32 zn IE, P. Taylor that Canadian Brew- Nes Lab New Alger 3 4 6 New Ath 2 X + 19 New Bid 3 4 New Cal 1 2 - 18 2% New Delhi 2 N Dicken 35758 8 A 185 h A ~ 18 N Goldvue N Harri New Hosco New Jason N Kelore Newlund N Mylama 3 Newnor New Rouyn N Senator dy 2 New Taku Nickel M§ a - 101 Niek Rim - 5 Nipissing uz 1s 7000 6 LL Nisto Nor Acme +18 H | Noranda : 2 8 Sve 3 Norlartie 3 3 3 A7 Normetal 3 A 1 305 2% Norpax 0300 » 2 » in Norsyne 2 3 7 3 4 N Golderst of E, N Rank L 1% bid Northsp L - 450 181 Norsp A wis 4950 5 -18 350 106 Northgate 25300 60 § J h 55 North Can! 2 128 8 5 101 10% perts Norvalie Among industrials corporate + news was mixed. Bank of Nova inva Scotia declared a rights offering "after the close last Friday. | The stock dipped more than $5 i" |on Monday as it traded ex-rights hen recovered $1, % | $68.7 RECOVER LOSSES {last week when the government |announced it was considering] | |prosecuting the company under the Combines Act, recovered part of its loss following a statement | the company's chairman, | eries would 'vigorously' resist [any charges which might be laid by the federal government. Aluminium, : | Hog Marketing * Opposition 'Seen Planned )'4 Leader Donald C. MacDonald [to the hog producers association | marketing plan. {fact that sufficient It ed |™ $17.87%, down $4.5 closing at a steady winner yf the past | few weeks, led the most TORONTO (CP)---Ontario CCF says the provincial government is| [encouraging organized opposition "Producers now must face the if the trade opposes any marketing scheme and ex- pressure," Mr, Nadu : : 136 |MacDonald said Friday night, the Nov Beau ObAska O'Brien Ogama Oks Rare Paramaq Parbee Pardes Pater Patine M Patino rts Palo Paymast Peo Expl Peerless Perron Pickle Cr Pioneer Pitch Ore Placer Pr Bord Preston Pronto Pros Alr Que Qunston Quemont Radiore Rainville Rayrock Rexspar Rio Rup Rix Athab Sherritt Sigma S11 Miller a 10% 10 890 Sil Stand Siscoe Slocan VR Stdcona Stanleigh Stanigh wis Stanrck Starratt Steeloy Steep R Sturgeon Sud Cont Sulllvan Surf Inlet Sylvanite 14300 17278 21200 15000 65755 Taurcanis Taurcan vt Teck-H Temag ™ 4 Tiara Tombill 'Torbit Towag Trans Res Tribag Trin Chib Ult Shaw U Mining U Asbestos 24085 Un Keno Un Fort Upp Can Vandoo Ventures Violam Waite Am 2548 Weedon 15000 Werner 11000 W Malar 1600 Willroy 623460 Will wis 171100 Wiltsey 192000 Winch 500 Wr Harg 7070 Yale Lead 33900 Yellorex 5200 Yk Bear 23450 Young HG 88200 Yukeno 5349 Zenmae 16800 Zulapa 7600 government will force them to 4 |revise their marketing plan, even 4% when it he been endorsed i: 14 {the required number of voters 11%| "The government plays the 873 | packers' game of trying to force 3 [revision of the marketing plan," 25 |he said in a prepared statement, Ly | ~"'revisions whose sole purpose lis to weaken the farmer's control 37% lover the marketing of his own 30 |products," I Mr. MacDonald also eriticized 250 acoret meetings held recently be. 14 tween Agricultural Minister Good- 2 fellow, the Ontario hog producers 22 [association and the Meat Packers | Council of Canada, | Charles McInnis, president of [the association, 1as said that at the meetings the council tried to force the hog producers into ac- fomng the auction system of gel- Taking Trends active industrial list Thursday ak Stata Friday contributed to 4 it dipped $1.25 on word of a cut-|gain by base metals over. back in production, This was the week. pi third reduction this year, Noranda had the best with up National Steel Car was hard [$1.42% cents at $52 on the week, hit Thursday when the company's) Western oils moved only a few directors announced the regular decimal points on the Toronto in. 40-cent January dividend would dex and changes were small, not be paid, The stock dropped) {Index gains at t6 @ new low for the year of $17. dustrials 1.21 to 510.46: golds 1. recovered B87'% cents, closing to 87.80; base metals 1.70 to 1171.99: western oils 01 to 131.26. Index changes at Montreal: 8 to 60.09; utilities AV. Roe (Canada), a stock] that usually moves In a SAFIN (Bala up range, dipped more than $1 early 1.5 to 148.7; industrials off 7 tn in the week on word the United 202.4; combined unchanged at States is not interested in buying 244.5; papers new up 3.5 to 455.6; the Arrow Jet aircraft, papers old up 15.52 to 1,400.62; A increase in the custom golds up 2.55 to 84.19; a new 1938 price of copper in the United high. Se 1 A. W. RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE 1015 KING EAST RA 5.1764 ns : | Ship Subsidy > | Could Harm "Canada Trade OTTAWA (CP) w= Gunttiet |views were expressed here F day about the effect on Cant. dian shipping of the possible entry into the Great Lakes of subsidized United States deep sea way opens, to overseas destinations, But W, J, Fisher, manager of the Canadian Shipowners Associa- [tion, said a US. subsidy would put American operators in a posi- tion which Canadians can not match, Mr. Fisher sald that for the first time in his knowledge foreign ocean-going, ships have booked full shipload cargoes of grain next season from the Lake: head to overseas destinations, That was "Evidence of the pat- tern that will inevitably follow." ships after the St. Lawrence Sea. A federal government official said he can foresee no effect on Canadian lake carriers, since any American subsidies would be paid for the carriage of US. goods from American Great Lakes porte An Exclusive ICE CREAM PRODUCT Distributed by : IDEAL DAIRY LTD. RITSON RD, NORTH, OSHAWA PHONE RA 5-5812 LOOK! NEW REDUCED PRICES Effective Immediately On Premium Quality ZYRNACL FUEL OIL REDUCED 16° TO RESIDENTS OF OSHAWA JER AND WHITBY all stores in the AMPLE For the convenience of Christmas Shoppers FREE PARKING DRIVE UP WITH EASE AND SHOP WHY PAY MORE? For Prompt -- by Our Fleet Of Metered Trucks Phone OSHAWA CHRISTMAS SHOPPING Lob Co pr Lowney MacMill A MacMill B Mages Maher Mack A M Lea! Mill 0 1297 34450 10 713 720 313% M Leal M pr LL) Mass I Mass-V pr Maxwell MeColl Mere Chip 43338 8 3918 $1004 160 $3 350 861% 100 9 2 2% LJ ove B11 04 Se $outh L Spoane VIGOR OIL RA 85-1109 OSHAWA COMPANY LTD. MO 8-3644 WHITBY @ OIL BURNER SERVICE DEPT. 00. FUEL OIL DELIVERY o IS A PLEASURE WHEN YOU SHOP AT THE