The Oshawa Times, 20 Dec 1958, p. 9

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EE eS ba e of | over and the girl's pullover Is made of only two pieces, They ire so easily and quickly done sleeves which ar ni e Instructions are for There is no enm I 14. If you would the boy's cin ( eo knitting instructions ] \] Couples' Club CWL Presents Yuletide Party Cheque For $1700 The Couple Club « Alhe J G d [] sire United core neia 1s an 10 Of. Gertrude's nual family Christmas party last A sheque for $1700 was presen week, A pot luc mper ened to the Reverend Francis Joyed by the Pore Lahone Glertrude"s I'wo | ( I ¢ Wan League at a for the « ' ! 1" fd In ¢ Mr. J ele ( h (le ness meet fi "al The | son installed the ne ' 1 SU tive as fo end Mys. ¥ presidents, Mr, and Mi Grey; secretaric Mr. a Erie Jacklin: treasurers, M Mrs, Per Bo I ! Mr. and Mrs, Gerald Leslie; pre reporters, M and Mi Russel Wick From a motion hy Mrs, Sidney Mr idan, seconded hy Mrs and Mr lack Lowi I 1 Angus Nell, it was agreed {o send thanking them on hehalf « he 5 tn needy familie club for Il done as pr M Bruckner, spiritual dents for the past tw onvener ve a report on the half years, Mrs meeting at 8t, Gregory's, chaired sented the Reverend' \ Reverend Father Stone on KC. H. Atkinson f Door Rell Spiritual their loyal a will be sent to Cardinal Santa Claus brought gift party to N¢ Year's eve | d fo the club members and their friends by Mr, and Mrs, Frank Sullivan to be held in the club house at Storie Park The interesting these handknits for is that fea Teen-A the size like sim demand sew lor Ger Hall recent and mber for Tahone thanked lated the m tantial sum and spoke ork and the congenial eo ration required to amass such wont Patrick Roberts convened supper and presided for the welling which followed, Reports vere received from the various committee and group leader rank C0 pe 1 My Mrs nd ithe Stanley Grey pre a Joh we Jack LL ion istance TOL made 1eGulgan for the Iu ), A I wesident, Mrs, Patrick ftoberts, thanked all the mem vho had helped to make the bazaar a success. Tickets have (heen printed for St, Gertrude's Night of Cards to be held in Janu arv in 8t, Gregory's Hall, | | Mrs, Dorfs Halliday, Whithy he the guest speaker at the meeting, It was an Sunday Schools nounced that there will he a In Basement Rooms wes spesker every other moni Are Doomed To Fai blessing was given Miss Eva Bruckman won the Sunday cklace and earring set with clearly failing in their funectl ticket number 168 | the Reverend William CC Be \ well, Anglican chaplain a University of To "Teachin tandard ire far below those in our day he declare A the idea that anyone can Sunday school do." The school offers Christian education u year In stead of rece \ in tion, taught bh ] ( take pla on being planne Tanuary schools In Canada aré ne meaning behind the words" ' he say few Aap for children he ronto, charge There y PERIINE Programs vond the age of 13, even though It 1s perhaps In his teens that a child most needs the guldance a can and should are choo! too prevalent is teach and, alas, th Sunday school average Canadian Sunda f Mr. Bothwell deplores the fact that are "tucked away In cubby-holes of basement late meth often too small, {ll-lighted ods children.' Mr, Bothwell and inadequately equipped." asserts Are ¢ forced tol "The devil himself couldn't waste valuable izing have planned worse quarters for Golden Texts just as their! Christian teaching than those that grandparents did and undoubt- now exist in the majority of our edly understanding little of the'churches," he adds, #00 minutes o Sunday classes { inst wl instr room our time meme ANNUAL FUR STORAGE DRAW - for - WILD MINK STOLES Storage No. 05-4107 MRS. GRANT LOCKE, 86 Onlario Si, Oshawa, Ontario Storage No. NT-9930 MRS. HARRY MOON, 97 Robert St, Mimico, Toronto 14, HANDKNITS FOR TEENAGERS: ' MARY HAWOKTH'S MAIL "Son's Drinking While Driving Presents Problem To Parents Mary Haworth: 1 eople' write a column of advice; but in {manning oe sole hue CIASSK ~~ With 00r ee rn ' # dilemma 1 also find it neces Iphone buzzing, everybody want- sary to get Share viinioms; jor ing Bud am not self-sufficient, espe. - ; cially where a heloved son Is con- CHART OUTLINES cerned $0 he has this (but at what 1 have a wonderful son--hand. price?)--and you boast naively; some, intelligent, a real nice kid "One wouldn't think 1. had a prob fle has many, many friends who lem." Thus disclosing your foggy hang around our house all the theory that a person enmeshed in ltime, The phone Is ringing con-'#@ web of popularity and a round stanily ahd so is the door bell, of frolie Is reslly living--"has it You wouldn't think 1 had a prob. made," as the phrase is : lem, would you? | Evidence indicates that Bud Is But the other evening Bud, who Mciplently Methalle, Tu A] to is only 17, was out with a couple page 211 of James Lamb Free's yok Just One More; Concerning of his friends; and came in al The Probl Dopar midnight, staggering. He had Mog roblem ig or { we d been driving: and they had gone|° ann) Here is a chart oullin across the state Tine so they|Ing the symptoms of alcohol could drink 4 ism' the first phase, the second (erucinl) phase, and the third His father and 1 were very | (chronic) phase much upset because (1) he was Bud is In the first phase at doing the driving; (2) he is so present--""sneaking drinks, pre. young to he starting this sort of \oeoupation with drinking, gulping thing; (3 1 was married before qoinie evasive about drinking," (to an alcoholic, and have & COM: aia Ag fo why he is In trouble plex on youthful drinking with alcohol--aybe he is aller FAMILY LIQUOR gic to it; one of those who can't This isn't the first time he's handle it, There are such people had too much to drink; and lig who have to leave It alone or (wor 1s disappearing in our house ¥0 under uuticeable because we seldom HERE'S (WIDANCE drink; and then only one or two, Also Bud probably needs help cocktails if we have guests iin getting his bearings, He needs! Are we making a mountain out to "find himsell" -- needs to dis molehill? We pride our. cover an absorbing long range on being understanding purpose for his living; and to de and tolerant: but we also think velop deeply self-assured know we see danger ahead, 1 can't how In organizing his efforts to trust my own feelings My achieve his alms, Maybe his par son savs all the kids drink"-- ents are pretty light weight vou just aren't one of the gang If Bud's mind is open to help f you don't here are two books for him: How {to Stop Drinking (Henry Holt) by I want Bud to have a mind o op d ) GROUPS, CLUBS he Fantini Bin Ru ib ari Ba Bob Boones AUXILIARIES iui) To be one of the nd Twenty (Prentice {gang seems more important to|W hieh show an astoundingly] CORONATION H-8 ASSN, |" A the him than anything else, The kids f8vvy grasp of reality, Reading he goes with all come from nice Boone's story and Boone's phil What is the matter? Too osophy, you realize that his great Coronation Home ociation, Mrs pre | Dear too | cial scceptance by "nice A iy ply send a stamped addressed envelope cents for handling, fo Needlecraft Department of (h paper, requesting HANDENITS FOR TEENAGERS, Leaflet No CW-111 plus of his friends December meeting of homes Isuccess has not been an aceldent.| ill hecome an aleoholie, How|Mere Is a lad who knows what can 1 prevent this? AR he Is doing, MH 4 Mary Haworth LACKS DIRECTION through her column, not hy mall Dear AR. What Is the matter, or personal interview, Write her| ou Ask--too much, too soon" Onin care of this newspaper contrary, ton little, and too late, | think, on the score of edu Ag. uch, too soon? 1 am afrald he and School duck Kauffman ident veleomed the mem counsels and secre ed bh Raike and Mrs het I'he ne Lary 8s reports were 'presen Mrs, Norman the PRINTED PATTERN "of | FASHION WORLD ACCLAIMS EMPIRE EMPIRE, the line all the | or satin for this Is the dress fashion world ncclaims, Is | that can make your reputation shaped here by a master's hand | as a fashion leader, Printed the brilliant," young Estevez. | Pattern A893 Is available In His Original, black wool Jersey, | Misses' Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16 and seamed high under the bosom, | 18, Size 16 requires 2's yards is ignited by burnished cocoa | B4inch fabric; 14 yards 39-inch satin draped into a fringed contrast. fabric. Send ONE how, and cascaded into a panel | DOLLAR for Printed Pattern caught at the hem, The curving | ABSS to Dally Times - Gazette, grace and elegance of the de Pattern Department, 20 Front sign is the signature of this Toronto, Ontario EX oreinary aan create} > Please print. plainly YOUR VRIIADIE 10 YOu eXCiusivery | our Printed Pattern, Sew it | NAME, ADDRESS with STYLE with loving care In crepe NUMBER and size sireet west won! | pattern, especially gold or silver wash. Old THE OSHAWA. TIME, Betusdey, Desomber 20, 198 § (a glass Just washed in fot water with an ice-cold drink! Table Iinens and children's clothes frequently need first-aid treatment for cranberry stains at this time of the year. You can For China, Glasses And Linen Stains remove cranberry or any fruit. Juice stain if you sponge prompts Vine chins with a decorative ly with clear, cool water, then stains on white cotton and colorfast cotions must be bleached, Soak in a solu tiop of 2 tablespoons chlorine no hotter than the hand can bey to every ih of water for stand 15 minutes, Wash In sudsy water, Using mild soap or detergent For all other washable fabrics and soft water i you have It, soak in solution of 2 tablespoons wash your dishes as soon as pos- hydrogen peroxide in a cup of sible after a meal, because fruit! water for 15 minutes, then wash. acids, vinegar dressings and salt Stains on non-washable fabrics attack the glaze and colors, Al- should not be treated, but sent to ways rinse In the hottest water the dry cleaner's, possible and dry to a shine, Boraxy p-- applied on a soft cloth will re.| move tea and coffee stains. RUGS AND And now a tip for glasses, If Cleaned to Perfection you have stored them one Inside! NU-WAY RUG the other and find they have ond Carpet Sales stuck together, you'll find they'll 174 Mary RA 5.0433 Christmas Tips trim, should be washed In warm " and linens, water, not hol. The water should be about 115 to 130 degrees F., come apart easily If you fill the top one with cold water and sel the outer one in warm water, As you know, sudden changes of temperature crack glass, so don't] put ice . cold glasses into hot water, or, on the other hand, fill HOUSEHOLD HINT Perfumes were meant to be used separately, not mixed! NYA PURCHASE FOR LAST MINUTE Donald Sugden, cation for living As | get the picture, Bud and his friends have no true con Mr, Robert McLeod. principal, cepts about what they are living thanked the members who helped for--either In terms of Now, or in the board of education survey, uver the long haul The January meeting, with! Insofar as they know, or feel, re, George Werrv, convener, they are just bodles (or selves') will be held in the children's see: in search of diversion, in herd tion of the library activities, during waking hours It was announced that former] You don't mention a thing nurils of Miss Velma Kalser, with worthwhile that Bud May be their parents, are invited to an doing-not even studying Inter: Open House to he held Tuesday, estedly, with a lifeswork in mind January 15, at King Street School, His goal, and yours (uncons ta honor Miss Kaiser clously) for him, seems to be so The attendance prize was by Miss Oliver's room won The next councll meeting Is to be on January 27 The Coronation Players present ed an amusing skit depicting mothers and children visiting Santa Claus, Carol singing was GREEN GOODNESS Salads have an important place in the festive meals and it seems a shame when there are ro man; | oh! d by Mr, Jack Kauffman with Mr AURER 1M variations > ho J Paul Melmtosh at the plano stand-bys nol to experim scme of them, Enhance your tos Mrs, W. R. Lean won the lucky sod green salads with a contrast | prize of romaine, butter and red tip Refreshments were served hy lettuce, as well as endive and the mothers of the pupils in Miss watercress, Remember, too, to Oliver's, Miss Van Blaricom's use raw cauliflower and broceoll | and Miss Williamson's rooms flowerets, radish slices, carrot with Mrs, Norman Bryant, Mrs, slices, celery chunks, diced green Howard Bann and Mrs, George pepper and «non to offer variety Twaltes as convener of color and flavor [ of SPECIAL BOUQUET Ny OF POM POMS ..... the most beautiful spray of all... LARGE ORCHID CORSAGE GIFT BOXED newest Fabergé creation... cologne spray in your favorite fashion fragrances = Aphredisia, Woodhue, Tigress or Flambeau You can choose a golden-capped jewel.colored aerosols 3.78 Red Carnations 75 KING ST. EAST 1032 King St. W, N { od 3.00 - 6.00 Choose from our wide selection of flowers for Christmas. Pom Poms, Mums, Carnations, Roses lovely plant and send as a gift! Colorful Azaleas Popular Potted Mums R. B. REED & SONS Rar or far Sehy BOUQUET oF ROSES fragrant fresh beautiful ~ 7.50 - 10.00 DOZEN Just Call |, , We Deliver FLORIST OSHAWA Phone RA 5-1131 4 obits 2 EVERYONE v o three m ony owntow" {4 1 stores \° ¢ shop o er rr on ho ot ® ved " . 7 OPN FRIDAY UNTIL goo (X GOODS SATISFACTORY OR MONEY REFUNDED Downtown Oshawa

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