CECA a ara Beta Ball To Rid | | Retarded Children The annual Beta Ball was held recently at the UAW, Hall pon-| sored by Ontario Gamma Epsilon] Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi. The| ' proceeds will go to the Retarded Children's Building Fund. The guests were received hy Miss Joyce Power, Mrs, Vera) Ferguson and Miss Helen Par- don, The hall was tastefully de- corated in the Christmas theme Mr. James Carson acted as mag- ter of ceremonies and presented | i the prizes to Mr. and Mrs, D.| Seeley, Mr, and Mrs, R. Skea, | Mr, and Mrs, J. Ferguson and Mrs, D. Wilson and Mr. John i Horky i Among those seen dancing were: Mr, and Mrs. J. Grose, Mr, | and Mrs, D Seeley, Mr, and Mrs, |J, Carson, Dr. and Mrs, J. Ander- son, Mr. and Mrs, D, Sager, Mr, | and Mrs. T. H. Greer, Miss J.| Gimblett, Mr. Philip Boynton, Mr, and Mrs, N, Gulenchy, Mr, |and Mrs, G McKinstry, Mr, and Mrs, H. Nugent, Mr, and Mrs, E. Kuntze, Mr. and Mrs, M, Rose- brugh, Mr, and Mrs. 8. Sheffield, Mr, and Mrs. L. Racknor, Mr. an v Mrs. E. J. Pinto, Mr Peter Wat- pv 4 son, Mr, Joe Malin, Mr. R. Eagle- ' 71) % son, Miss Isabel Russell, Miss Ths {Marlene Dawson, Mr. Gary Mor- gan, Mr, and Mrs, C Freek, Mr {and Mrs, 8. Roblin, Mr. and Mrs R. Joyce, Mr. and Mrs, D. Hoey Mr and Mrs, R, Skea, Mr, and |Mrs. A. Beard, Mr. J, Weiss, Miss | Betty Baxter, Mr. and Mrs, Mil-| Iner, Mr, and Mrs, J. Ferguson, | Mr. and Mrs, L. Ratelle, Mr, and (Mrs, H. Murdock, Mr. and Mrs |W. I, Doe, Mr and Mrs, R, Giles,| This Mr, and Mrs, R. MacGowan, Mr towering over a tray of Christ: Norwick, North Oshawa, Nancy |and Mrs. L. E. Potts, Mr, anc mas troc sandwiches, will set is the granddaughter of Mrs. Mrs, D. Howard, Mr your holiday table in fine style, | ' Tor |P, Bradley, Mr. and LV op " ' Joseph Harris, Toronto ' : and issue a welcome "help your: Morritt, -Mr. . Willlam [self invitation to your guests, Photo by Ireland aig Pauline Bakef, Mr - (Mrs, William Kurelo. Mr. and Mrs. D. Dodds, Mr, William Bel ko, Miss Marilyn Habberty, Mr and Mrs, J. Horky, Mr. and Mrs D. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Whit- [man and many others. King Street WA Christmas Meeting joftened butter dozen sandwich A) </ The WA of King Street United trees u Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 church held its annual Christ On one end of brown loal, make - ' = mas dinner last week in the cen-la Christmas tree outline with I} THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, 1958 i STARS IN HER EYES The magic of Christmas Is reflected in the phi caught by the camera, of Nancy Lilllan, two-year-old daughter of Mr, and Mrs, John dip, and the sandwiches boast two terrific flavor fillings, spread between the white and brown |breas. Easier to make than you might think too, since a whole loaf 18 converted to this special [shape You will require 1 lpaf unsliced white sandwich bread: 1 loaf un sliced brown sandwich bread; December 18, frosty-looking snowman, sadnwich fillings. | ide, |2 form 2 CHRISTMAS TREE SANDWICHES AND A SAVORY DIP SNOWMAN Holiday Fare That Says 'Help Yourself Makes Entertaining a Simple Pleasure tablespoons minced onion tablespoons drained radish |bread completely surounds 3 brown centre, 14 Chill thoroughly, then slice, De-| |corate as desired, | Note: To make two kinds of | lone end of the loaf, ham filling!well blended on the other end, Loaf can be crumbs Mix and chill in | until CHEESE FILLING 1 (4 ounce) package cheese cup chopped watermelon pickle |2 teaspoons chopped candied {hat, ginger Note Soften cream cheese, then blend .1.i110d thoroughly with watermelon body |pickle and candied ginger. Use a» filling In Chris 18 tree sand HAM FILLING 'Roasting Chart For Yule Turkey black olives, Sy just before serving. 12 (2% ounce) cans devilled ham teaspoons chopped parsley few drops Tabasco sauce 1 tablespoon mayonnaise in bird mayonnaise. Use as filling be dry and flaky. |Christmas tree sandwiches, SAVORY CHEESE SNOWMAN (Makes About 24 Servings) (8 ounce) packages cream | 7-10 lbs 10-15 Ibs 1 # the members at the December # \Capers dance in January, Mrs #7 ing report on the "Festival of Holmes, Rosemere avenue, 4 [by so many, made the efforts . rewarding. Tea pourers on that horse: 1adies for their work and generos- Ya cup coarse soft bread crumbs Combine two kinds of cheese 4i..08 sundwiches, use cheese filling on and seasonings with a fork until npee pq, bread firm. frozen directly on making, then Form mixture into two balls, one draws or the dolls which were, {slightly defrosted and cut off in |arger than the other. Make arms both directions as needed, | . [ys og Titi. foot eves|and Nuria McGill was the win-|aje0 present Sunday night cream | (rom cloves and use a paprika" the, bed jacket drawn by|" ay. and Mrs, Buss have lived /then led the singing of two dusted onion pickle for the nose, |' | Fashion a smile from a pimiento {trip and top with a tiny party Keep head and body well Place head on top of Hospital Auxiliary oe oy" GROUPS, CLUBS, KUXILIARIES | TR scour MOTHERS' AUX. president, Mrs, L. E. Astrop, pree | 11: ie monthly meeting of the siding, There membefs | To New Building vel | held at Holy Trinity Anglican 14th Scout Mothers' Auxiliary was present The minutes of the evious Co-operating with the board of Church with 16 members pres. meeting were read by oy -- Oshawa General Hospital, the ent, tary, Mrs. L. A. Thompson, oF. Women's Auxiliary in its new pro- Mrs, John Calder, president, lowed by the report of the trea {fect under consideration, the presided. Mrs. Lloyd Patterson surer, Mrs. Jack Guiltinan, [contr Auxiliary has pledged a read the minutes. The treasurer's, Brief reports on the conference contribution of $15,000 to cover a'report was read by Mrs, K. Pa- held in October were given period of three years, kosta In the absence of the trea Mrs. Thompson and Mrs, hol The pledge was approved by surer, Mrs, Edward Hobbs, es, + Reports on the tea and bazaar Fach member present gave & I meeting, with Mrs, C. D. Russell held in November were given by donation instead of an exchan| presiding, Christmas decorations/the conveners. A donation was Christmas gift which was turnelt in McLaughlin Hall and special given to the church, |over to the Retarded Children's |tea refreshments lent a festive air It was decided that the next Fund. - {to the occasion, meeting to be held on January 8 Games for the Christmas parly | Reporting for would be in the form' of a pot vere arranged by Mrs. Holmes, 'luck supper with an exchange of Mrs. Twine and Mrs, Trewin." her BIS. Prizes were won by "Niro the Capricorn {Peter Simpson stated that committee is very enthusiastic ahout the progress of their plans, The music and favors have been arrayed ii and & Barbershop sey SCOUT MOTHER'S AUX " |Quartette will entertain at inter-| "Tne 5th Scout Mothers' Auxil- : . A gift w resen Mry, | mission, iary held its December meeting oimes ig hy pete ou | Mrs, Alan Fulton gave a glow: at 'the home of Mrs, Wallace aonreciation of her hospitality.* (Gifts bazaar held recently. The The meeting opened with the of Tr sial Felrushients Ware Mrs, nancial success as well as the scout mothers' prayer, with the : social atmosphere commented or oes yey ------------" Stowe Keoteh and Mm. G. 8, Refreshments were served by Guiltinan, Mrs. L. E. Astr Mrs. Alan Cooper and Mrs. Wil- Mrs, L. A. Thompson, Mrs, J liam Boynton McVety, Mrs, J. ¥, Benson, Mrs; W. 8. Baker and Mrs. M. W, Pes Couple Honored pr, League Holds By Neighbors Christmas Party By MRS. CHARLES WHITE The annual Christmas Party of ary 4 the Salvation Army Home League HoRY ON'S CORNERS -- was held on Tuesday afternoon, rs. Walter Buss were| / surprised Sunday night when they | charge Wan iii "ee 50 much knitting for the auxil.|returned home from a dinner date| charles Cathmoir led in the sing- jary and felt that much praise|to find their home taken over by jo of two Christmas carols and many thanks were due these neighbors and friends, | Mrs Chris. Osbourn led in pray- The occasion was their silver er. Mrs "Nick Coty read te Vv, | wedding anniversary Séripture, The Home League Two new members were Intro. [lelen Jean Pollard, daughter ofl ingers sang. "Remember 'Tis Mrs. G, 8, Hunking and Mr. and Mrs, E. Pollard andioyiicimag Day," Mrs, William Wilson Walter Buss, son of Mr, and Mrs, Short Ir gave a readi . Max Crozier made Norman Buss, were married "There'll Alway be Christ 5 Z in King Street United Church par- Mr Pat O'C ays " ais mas sonage by Dr, McTavish Dec, 16,' ras wa Airings Byet Aion 1933. Their only attendants were #010. "Christmas Medley." Mrs, © Mr, and Mrs. Roy Lick who were Yiliam James gave Boh on ( en, of the auxiliary members very occasion were Mrs. A, F, Me. Gilvray, Mrs. Gordon Conant, | Mrs. J. L. Beaton and Mrs, ¥., J, Rundle, Speaking of the knitting for the| hazaar and for the gift shop, | Mrs, Roy White paid tribute to fue non-members who had done it Mrs the won by Mrs, D, E. Jackson Marilyn Dodds and Mrs, Gibbi Mrs. Alan Fulton, on Thornton road north all their carols. Closing the meeting, Mrs. Rus-| married life, where they have Mrs. Melville Smith, Home sell read a Christmas prayer bylrajsed three children, Eric, now|League treasurer, who has been Robert Louis Stevenson, after married, Carolyn and Grant, both away sick, was welcomed back, which Mrs. Percy Thompson at home. ' She spoke a few words to the poured tea Neighbors presented them with members a table lamp and their children| Mrs. Major Rankine on behalf gave them a hammered alum!. of the Home League wished num tray. Helen also received a'everyone a Merry Christmas and vorsage and 25 red roses from closed in.prayer interesting ways to combine the her husband, .| Refreshments were served fresh and dried fruits 'or good The group sang Christmas There will be no meeting until eating. Cream cheese, sour or carols led by Mrs, Clarence Scott, January 6 when the members are whipped cream and nutmeats are Lunch was served Including al|invited to attend the annua! sup- INCLUDE ""UITS Fruit salads are always a holi- (day favorite and there are such Roast turkey in a slow oven, gycollent fo use in combination cake made for the occasion by|per to be held in the Salvation Mash devilled ham, then blend [325 degrees. The length of time with your selection of fruits. in parsley, Tabasco sauce and will vary with the weight of the Over-cooked the meat will The following |is an approximate roasting chart for drawn weight (ready to cook), 30 mins. per lb. Mrs. Alex Craigle. {Army at 6 pm, Collector's Item for Christmas 20 mins, per 1b, 15-20 Ibs 18 mins. per lb, A rule-of-thumb test Is to try |the leg at the time you calculate the cooking to be finished. If it moves so easily in the joint that you could tear it off, the meat is cheese | (12 ounce) carlon cottage cheese, well drained teaspoon salt teaspoon Worcestershire sauce HOUSEHOLD HINT cooked. Having trouble sleeping? Slow| Always allow the cooked bird to down your routine at the end of|rest on a warm dish for about 30! the day. Avoid reading stimulat-| minutes before serving. This ing books or watching exciting improves the flavor by allowing |TV programs. Before bedtime, the juices to penetrate the cook- down a glass of warm milk. ed flesh. Va Ya tennial hall, The junior choir un-'toothpicks, Make outline sim- White Christmas Ahead presided, Mrs, Jack Perry, first (Starting at tip of tree, cut dia- [vice dent chose as the gonally from centre top of loaf presi R infant or tiny toddler this holl- houette has taken over the fash- Mrs. Vernon Otome, Mrs Jom , bottom crust to day season. Assuming that fon story for little girls. It's not Percy Fletcher and Mrs. William trunk them and the Wonderland." : blouses and sweaters for the pleats and ruffles that flow from Mrs. Roy Terwillegar read the) Prepare filling or- fillings of pursery set, your choice (see recipes below). One dream dress, for example, [Ing officers and guests This is probably the most ela- has five tiers of embroidered or-| Mrs, Ewart Cornish, president , ; borate fashion season we've had gandie--a perfecto party dress, of the base of trunk, fit one long slice of white bread over filling to variety of sturdy, washable fab- PETTICOATS ATTACHED commercialism to bring Christ rics that look as airy and glis= While the high-walsted Empire ito the Christmas festivities \ mas tree with other two slices Butter and spread filling on |der the direction of Mr Rhyddid ple , , , just a triangle on a trunk, Williams sang three Christmas Using this pattern as a gu For The Festive Toddl or e estive 0 er [theme for the devotional periodito form sides of tree, following By ELEANOR ROSS the family credit in this white. | "Home for Christmas" using|toothpick outline, Cut in towards, clothes makes the woman at any such a bad idea, either. Little Skuce, accompanied at the piano, Cut thrw lengthwise slices oi) \ y age, make not of Empire en- girls can seldom white bread. Remove crusts Ro f i l ge g a pretty embroidered or tucked "thank-you" notes and gave the Na | | L | Dress her in white for the holi- yoke are very becoming to bud. card report. Gifts were presested" Spread one lengthwise slice of brown bread Christmas tree with a Presbytery WA, guest r in many a year--as much so for Less formal are cute little out. speaker, spoke on "The Christ i point of tree, This will use up half the long slice of white bread. Do tening as whipped cream. And line Is news, the bouffant skirt. A very successful and busy they pop into the washer, rarely is still favored for dresses for year was shown by the reports other side of tree. Fit remainder of whtie bread strips over filling Songs cut a Christmas tree shape out Mrs. Harry Blakely, president, of the whole length of the loaf. ble carols to add to the but not quite to, centre of loaf If there ever was a pretty lit-|plus-red outfit suite ; . : tle girl, it's going to be your own' The all-important Empire sil. Message A trio consisting of to form bottom of tree. Cut up brag about BY Miss Hazel Rundle, sang "A sembles for lounging, elabora-|their waistlines, Uusually they Christmas Lullaby" and 'Winter with a rolling pin to make more tely embroidered dresses and can't even find pliable, day festivities, It's quite the ing figures, by Mrs, Jack Perry to the retir thing. butter and filling Starting with the narrow side at tots as for their mothers. And fits with dark bodices worn over mas Story" and stressed the need the reason, of course, is the white skirts that all do their best in spite of not cut off remainder of strip. . Repeat down the length of Christ- need any ironing. the younger girls. And there are from all the groups. The Rever- For The Man Who DON'T FORGET BOYS plenty of such dresses In the end M., A. Bury brought a White for the holiday season stores, lovely, frilly affairs with Christmas message on other side of tree so that white is as suitable for little boys as their own bouffant petticoats, PRFID IPIIIII DD DDI RIED it is for the girls, Boys don't Nice gift idea for grand mother, have to consider fashion dictates godmother or admiring aunts! such as the Empire silhouette, = Appliqued - felt skirts and but they'll ike their ew white quilted " wig hi " e also being "Ty ~T ~ juckers are caling 1 ow. Water Yate are ara Vor asions 2nd I VE BEEN FEELING SO white wool, cross - barred with wide color range Including the MUCH BETTER SINCE I'VE BEEN USING MY CYCLO-MASSAGE® HEAT AND MASSAGE PAD" thin lines of red and black, Is new cyclamen pink ooo Says Arthur Godfrey - Four reasons why a real old-fashioned Christmas is the best kind: Helena Rubinstein's great cologne classics delivered in old-fashioned apothe- cary bottles designed from a decorator's viewpoint. The four famed colognes have lovely lightness, unusual staying power. Pick her favorite habit: blithe, fresh Apple Blossom in pink; romantic White Magnolia in pale green; flowering Heaven-Sent in blue; and elegant Command Performance in lavender. 8.50 each for a thumping 6 ounces. used in a jacket that looks smart. You can't look at them with. with bright red shorts, Wool, out laughing, but look, anyway, alte all, washes as successfully at the Mandarin lounge coats for as cotton if given sensible care. toddlers in paisley cotton prints All it needs is warm suds, gentle piped with gold braid, Such airs! squeezing and the same temper And look at the front-belted peig: ature rinse water, Junior will do noirs in flowered nylon for a size two, IN LUCK {op | The Empire robe for age one is made in bright pink cotton | corduroy to go over a gown of viscose and cotton, Lace and flower embroidery decorate the nightie. It's such fun to dress a little girl and boy and when you can do it entirely in washable fabrics machine-washable fab- rics, actually--you're in luck, 1 Don't let the elaborate, high- style trend in infants' and tod. dlers'. clothes intimidate you They're reasonably priced as well as easy to suds as often as they need it--and that's often Nylon Silicone SKI JACKETS Wind, rain and tear proof. Scarlet and navy with hood 13.95 Legion Auxiliary Increases Donation To 'Retarded' Fund The Ladies' Auxiliary, Cana- dian Legion Branch 43, met on Tuesday evening with first vice- president, Mrs. Herbert Bathe, presiding. A short business meet- ing was held; financial and cater ing reports given, It was decided to increase the donation to be sent to the fund for Retarded Children. A donation is also to be «= (sont to the Toronto Sick Chil Sam dren's Hospital Mrs Soulsby, a member of the Guelph Auxiliary, was a very wel come visitor The annual Christmas tree) party for the children will be! held at the OCVI on Saturday, | December 20, commencing at 1 *T'm sure that it helps Increase the efreulation of blood wherever applied and I know it gives me a very special feeling of relaxation. And they tell me there's plenty of clinical proof that Cyelo-Massage health pads help relieve the moderate pains of arthritis, bursitis and rheumatism whenever they strike." This is the experience of millions who now use the Cyelo- Massage® heat and massage pad made by Niagara, Would you like to feel better? Be sure to visit the Niagara showroom or mall the coupon. No obligation, of course. CYCLO-MASSAGE® HEALTH APPLIANCES AT WORK FOR YOU ® Help ease physical and nervous tension © Help relieve fatigue @ Help induce deep, drugless sleep ® Aid increased blood circulation in the area of application © Help make tired, aching muscles "feel like new" Silk Brocade T.V. COATS A finger-tip length lounging coat 19:50 3740 SPORT COATS = 49.50 By Society Brand . : Down Filled JACKETS by Deacons : Grenfell with reversed Scarlet . . 4610 Toran SEW-EASY From By ANNE ADAMS England Rear abou! Cyelo-Massage® health appliances on ARTHI'R GODFREY TIMP, CBS Radio Network; the JACK PAAR SHOW, and TODAY, with Dave Cut a smart and slim figure this new year with this sew-easy fashion! You'll love the dash of the collar, smooth fit of the bodice, easy skirt. Tomorrow's pattern: Child's dress, Printed Pattern 4610: Hall Sizes 14%, 16%, 18%, 20%a, 224, 241%. Size '4% takes 4'4 yards 35-inch fabrie. Ka | |] Printed anections on each pat- tern part, Easier, accurate, Send FIFTY CENTS (50c) in coins (stamps cannot be accept ed) for this pattern. Please print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER Send order ta ANNE co The Oshawa Times Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. ADAMS Pattern pm On behalf of the Auxiliary, Mrs Bathe welcomed members of the Men's Branch who were guests hel the Chri tmas party following the! meeting. Mr. Robert Skelton, pre sident, on behall of men thank ed the auxiliary for their invita tion, Tasty refreshments were] served by Mrs, C, E. Vermoen| and her committee. Carol singing followed with Mrs, Alyn Elliot] as "master of ceremonies" and | Mrs. William Reed at the piano, | Santa Claus arrived and gave! gifts to all present Th canclud activities and the another next business! meeting will be held on Jan. 6 11950 at 7.30 p.m. ear's Garroway, NBC-TV: Don MeNoll's BREAKFAST A R( See your local paper for time and stations A Guaranteed by = Good Housekeeping SA © Niagara Thorany My. Corp. 1040 A NIAGARA Lat me have FREE booklet and full information without oblige: tion (please print) CLUR, Wd HEALTH APPLIANCES Radio "continuous ° for more healthful living" 259 SIMCOE ST. §. OSHAWA RA 8.6711 Name Address City, ZoNtem State DAKS SLACKS 97.50 and scores of other personalized gifts --for the men who care-- Johnstons 8 SIMCOE ST. N. (OSHAWA) Ltd. PROMPT FREE DELIVERY 8 KING ST. E. 530 SIMCOE ST PHONE RA 3-2245 OSHAWA PHONE RAS5-3546 ERLE BOWMANVILLE 317 BROCK ST. §. WHITBY - PHONE MA3-5778 MO 8-2338 FreefeecaeeoceIreeeent