Says Citizenship | Is Highest Honor bit also carries corresponding | duties and obligations. He told hem one of obligations is to observe the laws of Canada, bist added, ns horn | Canadians do not always do that, | "You are now o' 'ged 10] defend your country and to li ve in with your neighbors," he e highest 1 onor PETES of the { Citizenship Is Canadas con confer who are not native country, group of 175 new Canadian Citizens was told on Tuesday in Whithy, Judge J, | Smith, of Napanee, presiding in the Ontario Crunt ministered the oath of renunvia tion and the oath of allegiance to the group, "I am very pleased to welcome { lyou as members of our Canadian i i ly." " ( and vould rig a on Yor me veny During the ceremony at court solemn This the house, he was assisted hy mem-| highest honor that Canada can bers of the Viscount Greenwood confer on you Chapter of the 10D, of wi thy,| There are and the Golden Jubilee Chapter, | countries - in the world of Oshawa, who gave a persohal Canada, he sald but none Bred ting io Fyn new ins eld n hi rhe esteem 1 ™ ned en ith a greot~ et the world than Canada ing card as a memento of the "Your citizenship certifics occa Adding color 0 the| Is a very important document ceremony were two officers of and 1 would advi keen the RCMP, in scarlet coats, who it in some safe place with your stood at attention while oaths most valuable possession he were being administered sald all the citizens were Canadian of the chapters at a tea carries privilege on the a County FY peace said, Fach took the path on a Bible presented by the British and Foreign Bible Society OCCasion larger than are rougn | older and ale on vou to Later gue in citizenshiy, he sald and freedoms the United Church Hall SEA AND NAVY LEAGUE CADETS AT CHRISTMAS DINNER FLYING FORTRESS RETURNS FROM SOUTH PACIFIC The members of the crew of | erew to Ban Francisco, Hawall, | surveys, standing, from left, 17 Flying Fortress, belong: | Christmas Island, Tahitl, | are: Art Bilton, Oshawa, en- 9 Pik taey 5 gineer; James Greenshields, | Ing to Kenting Aviation Lim- | Samoa, Fiji Islands, New Zea- | Oshawa, pilot and Douglas | ited, which returned to Ottawa | land, Australia, the Phillipines. | Madden, Whithy, first officer, Airport Tuesday might, could | Tokyo and the outer Aleutian | Front, from left; ¥, E, Birch | tell many stories of thelr ex Islands. The crew of the For all, Toronto and W, E, Fell, periences in the South Pacific, | tress which took part in the | Toronto, radio operators and The flight, which was made | 42,000 mile survey for the Do- | Don Morrison, Brampton, first to conduct a magnetic survey of minion Observatory, depart. | officer, the Pacific Ocean, carried the Ideal Ski Conditions Remand Youths Cadet Corps Former Air Cadet, For One Week 'Kyo Guests Awarded Trophy At Dinner . hu ss: hate for one armed peared Magistrate dinner of der of the cadet Cadet to turn The next League held on Jan Fbhs in Oshawa Police Wednesday held hope there will be a better Tue Six Accidents On City Streets driven by Wilhelm Sechregg Celina St, was In collision with a car driven by Neil Attersle) 73 Burke St. Damage totalled $300 A car driven by John Verkuy! remanded on a charge of when they youths week rohhery before were 205 ap There were only 33 cadets on A F. 8 Court A fourcar pileup headed a list of six minor accidents on Osha wa streets Wednesday. Slippery streets contributed 40 most of the mishaps, No injuries were re ported On Simcoe street south, four oars collided bumper to bumper pa too unconcerned official 6, We turn The annual Christma Bruce McKenzie Black, 20, El- the Roval Canadian liot Lake; Donald John Shortt, Corps "Drake Jr., 20, Albert street, Oshawa ( 102 Byron 8t., Whithy, wound up snd John Gregory Pritchard, 18, af the Sea Cade in a ditch on King street west, Montrave avenue, Oshawa, had day. Dec. 16 hea oul and Navy Hawkins" wa barracks parade will hx det Corp out There is no official parade next The drivers of the cars, all of which sustained some damage, were: Owen L, Macdonald, 244 Gliddon Ave; Ceell Robinson 171 Windsor Ave.; Michael Ko lynko, Wilson Rd, N., and R.. J Cobbett, 184 King St, W. Damage totalled $355 A car driven by Eric D, Jack Mn, 314 Drew St, was in collis fon with a car driven by Herbert W. Gray, 63, 400 Pitt St, Whit by. The accident took place on Bloor St. W. Damage exceeded $700 At Simcoe and Ash Bt, a car Thirty after skidding and snapping off hail set at $3000 each five members of thet: a hydro pole. His car suffered They face charges of armed gen Cadet and 36 I $600 damage = robbery and automobile theft, [eague Cadets were in attend Sha onan Damage amounting to $175 re- andwill appear hefore Magistrate gn0e. Turkey dinner was served ba ga y h ryous sulted from an accident on Nipi- Ebbs Tuesday, Dec. 23, In Whithy. hy the Navy League Auxiliary," " W Hind ou A ou gon Bt., involving cars driven by Oshawa p iy doin) te | Harry Dick, 453 Bader Ave., and Tha aster Sons to Program | Joseph A, Soboroki, 458 Nipigon the cleared with the a | the classrooms will be J Two Women Are A car driven by Adalbert Hal Given Remand Chairman during holida field, 9 Harding Ave,, Toronto Surge was struck by a hit-andaun driv er, then hit a tree, at the Crom well Ave, Cloverleaf, The car suffered $100 damage 'uesday but the officers illenged the cadets to a basket. Also if you come down the work notiduys, The has heen Club fixed Corp Nay rf AVY | oh of ceremonies for Henry Davie Branch DeeaniOn oy Len Lieut Two girls, 17 and years of Grace, Guest age, who sald they have been Lt. Daw, RCN, Assistant Area 'Wo films, During living in a cabin in the city were Officer, Sea Cadets, HMCS, York period the juniors had range remanded Wednesday, In Oshawa Lieut, Daw brought greetings Intermediates had drill and Police Court by Magistrate F, 8, from the area office and from Heniors liad a lecture from Ebbs, on charges of breaking and the Navy League of Canada Evans entering and theft, They will ap- Lieut, Yaw also stressed the im- PLAN RIFLE CONTESTS wa Oshawa of the the ie . The first period on Tuesday was neaker was extended to allow the W. K. Blair m ing of econd The the Mi sald ho 18 the For Area Enthusiasts With Old Man Winter setting in|ever, and that was that all were early, members of the local ski riding the tows, As one executive club are enjoying thelr favorite sald at the bottom of the big lift conditions! "This Is the easy way to reach winter pastime under that are usually reserved for the the top month of February, This past] After one or two weeks of ex weekend skiers were greeted with perimenting Ernie Gomme, who an eight-inch fall of new snow on engineered the new tow and add Friday which, added to the pre- ed Improvements to the other vious snow falls, made for excel-|two, had the satisfaction of see lent skiing ing the tows operating to perfec Taking full advantage of this, (ton. With all lifts running a total were some 150 to 200 skiers rang of 10 to 15 skiers are taken to It will be wise for anyone read. ing this column to keep the week end of Jan, 31 to Feb, 1 open, as on these two days ski competi. tions of the highest calibre will take place at the local club, Sun. day will see the jumping event and for those who have never seen a jumping or slalom event they will have the opportunity of seeing some of the best jumpers and skiers In action, TO TEACH BEGINNERS Starting Saturday, Dec, 27, al children of public school age wi! Another feature of the club put have the opportunity of learning In operation last weekend and onejto ski free of all charges. The Po ea pice I trip to Euobe. oth propoty, he borir skiers at 'wl be a Haun t# members cub, with, the atsatance of Winter, former squadron WO, has vote Joon dol He new Took one known as the Fix and Wax Shop ing the following, free bus trans. won the trophy for the most en: novanel type, There was one|!? stocked with accessories and portation to the club and return, thusiastic cadet on the overseas pa tn aommon. with all howe the needs of skiers, Joe Flynn,|free instruction, free tow exchange visit. This means that| S-08 mmo the operator, has just about any-| rides when necessary, and there will be a new shield in the thing and everything from waxes|free entrance to the club prop. [to goggles and many made use of erty, The man in charge of this | fice, seipients of this trophy ia Ay ne Moti Tt iA Fine Results the opportunity to fit themselves | portion of club activity is Ben SWEEPINGS | F Cc h The date for the RCAF Band rom ras real feather in our cap to say he {out with the big glasses, so that Fallman, an original member of squadron, {they could run the hill through the! the club and one long experienced snow squalls that were frequent in working with juniors in many on Sunday afternoon, [types of athletic endeavor, Over on the new jump, the out:| Any youngster Interested in tak- concert has been set at March 20, run and landing hill were packed (ing part in this fine offer has More about this later, and some of the exponents of this/only to he on hand at the E, A, NCO' ». reminded of the phase of the sport were in their Lovell School Saturday, Dec, 27, Thali Shs iA on Dec, 29 and oid ft, Nu fined 90 2 glory. Jumps of 80 to 90 feet were 9.30 a.m, sharp, The only requir. A map Is on the Bulletin Board|ell. in Oshawa traffic. court, Peng made without the use of the ment Is that each student must to help those who do not Know Tue takeoff, This means that, once the have his or her ski equipment, where he lives -- Our thanks to Mr, J. Halliday for his contribution of a steel plate for our range and to Mr Gray for the new filing cabinet Tues Tuesday. in-run 1s put Into use, jumps of It's been rumored that Mr, Poter Tweel 406 Phillip Mur-|at least 150 feet will- be made] ray Ave, was convicted on a without too much trouble, Many JOHN A. OVENS Hambly will donate a cooler for Optometrist the pop we sell Tuesdays, We charge of falling to come to alexperienced jympers, some of full stop at the intersection of whom were on hand over the hope this is true, hot pop is 8 BOND ST. EAST w= HOURS wu Emma and Albert streets, weekend, are more than pleased Constable Hiltz, of Oshawa po- With the jump and have already lice, testified that on Oct, 8, he| signified their intention of becom tasteless 9 AM ~--6 PM, Wed, Until 12:30 PM, Sot, Until 2:30 P.M, investigated an accident at the Ing members of the local club as PHONE RA 3-4811 intersection, and that one of the well as offering to assist any For en appointment pear In court Monday portance of remaining In school . y Barbara Arline Pettitt, 17 and and obtaining as much education | Mt Roudien og & Shoot-olt ° ° Gail Rae Leggett, 18, who are as possible, Lt, H, A Maynard Turing the ovies ap oat. both married, pleaded guilty to proposed the toast to the Queen ey ¥ Bp . h Al 1wdanis Tress breaking, entering and theft at a Lieut, H Tullock, Command Will enter a east ig Tg service station on King street/ing Officer of the Sea Cadet tions sg var gare i Vi Hi The purpose of stereophonic phonic sound, which as yet, is ©ast. Mrs. Pettlt's husband ap- Corps, said a few words of greet: [eA shoot and the DCRA | nv jo. peared In court, but he said / nd ween only in is infancy, Improve i ing i 4 sound, the difioreacy ou ments in types of speakers and 'She will not talk to me." Mrs.| Lieut, H, A, Maynard, also an soo du Bow NORLLY, one MA and etereopho it was| Cos will make great improve Logxett s Mishand Is a sallor at officer of the Sea Cadet Corps ol ia Aor. danced: evel the topic of an extremely Inter: ment, within a very few years Halifax 8 and Acting Commanding Officer held in Oshawa The orchestra . " i They broke into the service sta » Ni sague Cadet Corps esting and educational talk giv- the speaker intimated, of the Navy League Cadet Corps, |. so0d dance floor excellent WILLIAM WINTER |e in age from 18 months to 65 the top every minute, |years, Many were on the skis for SKI SHOP OPEN tel has to be 1d-t " plane the first time and were taking fMmocel has io he an ole me Pp ane, thelr share of dumps and bumps around the First World War era while, on the more expert trails New Sound Theme tell you this much though, The n came from our A motorist, who though he had time to cross a busy intersection Cadet appointed thelr places for al vehicles involved was driven by others who wish to take up this the accused, The other car, a thrilling part of skiing taxi, he told the court, was driven by Bruce Murray, 219 McKim | street, This car, he sald, came to rest on it's roof. The authorities in this Essex To Employes Erle Maynard, and Ronald/town have decided to pull down Trusket, two independent witnes. four cottages built as barracks The master barbers of the Osh. ses, testified that they had been for soldiers during the Napoleonic Branch of the Ontario Bar- sitting in a car on Emma street,|Wars 150 years ago. ASSOC jon played host to and saw the Tweel vehicle el . their employes at a dinner party west on Emma street, and carry no the ndalwood Restaurant on into Albert street, without Tuesday night, The event was an coming to a full stop, They said tanding success hat they saw the vehicles col {lide OLD COTTAGES BRENTWOOD, England (CP) Four efor Polows played | the plan Clement over seven were Oshawa Police on charges of ind theft face three jointly eon awa bev for of two char Gary Fdward Welr, Willy Rraekeleer, Douglas Lorne thews and Gordon Sherman Ste phenson were remanded for one week, They,will appear in Whithy Police Court Dee, NR Stephenson was represented by l'evence V, Kelly The youths are charged with hreaking and entering the Allis HIGH Chalmers Equipment building on De Mat 242 out Guests were present from the V0 4 lia 17 T'weel various shops in Oshawa. Guest brogant :} iy nalt.: Dut were also present from Bowman. |PrOught "his car to a halt, bu . Cut Your Own Scotch Pine ville, Whitby, Port Perry and|that he had stopped at the stop Toronto. sign, previous to entering the in C HRIST S TREE During the evening a number | tersection, 1 saw a car coming of prizes were drawn, Following i! the distance," he said, "but 1 the entertainment. George Math figured that IT had plenty of time] » to make it across." | Passing sentence, Magistrate | 1% MILES NORTH OF BOWMANVILLE ON SCUGOG RD. F. C. LEAVER NOTTINGHAM, England (CP) Highway 12; Stevens' Food Mar. ews, president of the local asso a safe-breaker who stole £100 ket, Myrtle and a Vigor OIl Sta: ciation, thanked the large crowd, ell ould that Teal should have stopped exactly at the in high prices are geting wih the neck rool D Kun Lieut Navy other insisted that he had offences Tuesday, LIVING from a snack bar here helped tion on I thway 7. A car was for their attendance and extended himself to a meal, then took a'stolen and also a car radio onson's greetings to the repre taxi to London, tipping the driver They chose to be tried by a'sentatives of the trade in the tersection, and not at the sign [with a £5 note magistrate, district "You did not give yourself suffi cient vision," he said, BINGO St of oor and Simcoe, 19, 8 pm, 20 games, #40 jackpots, Fifteen on 205a prize NEW Year's Eve party, tickets on sale Kinloch's Men's Wear, Juvilee Pavilion Dee, 7 door minute gift problems handmade «ift from 930 Telepfone RA 205¢ and for SOLVE your last with an unusual India, Open tll 3.2047 CHRISTMAS Bingo at the Avalon Thursday, Decpmber 18, North Osha Park. Twenty games at $18, and #40 jackpots, Share the wealth m the Bowmanville centennial parade Willi nu to the ladies on heha Wood Product Mr Jose Smith sent Henry vd master of cere a gift of china I of Oshawa un Henry presented NOVEL BINGO THURS, EVENING, 8 PM At ST, GEORGE'S HALL (Albert and Jackson St.) Games $6, $12, $20 May be doubted or tripled anytime Door prize $30 Extra door prizes, 3 turkeys 3 chickens social coffee wary Brearton and Mrs (flowers to Mrs. Found on { Vi Mr behalf Ihe evening was rounded out neing io the music of Bob Orchestra ONE DENTIST FOR 4,000 IN ALASKA Il of Alaska 0 denti pre of W hd Fowler Man"; fourth to Ted Tozer Tozer with a special prize as 12 KING E. RA 3-3633 Plans Meeting o wo dow, Ahout $22 cash was stolen 4 wy '5 Kiwanis Club and their guehts, duced the guest speaker to ti They also attempted to break into passed bil the greatly y of Liout best part of it, the dance com ting and at the conclusion of Russ Naylor, Commanding Offi h ' meeting and A another service station, but were o 0 Navy Te » Cadet he | Mittee tells me, is that we didn't [frightened away by dogs. The { Pog Bk ague Cadets, w 19 lose money on the dance offence occurred Dee, 15. Mr Davie, ekore 1 the Saturday night the Sea Rangers X pil Aviea eXpresse 1 € held a party at Guide House, To the local Kinsmen Club and well. Kiwanians and guests to Mr. Wil: 00 toad in court by Sergeant offf i Cad son, f Detectives W J mittee Ccors anc adets of " . .p. 4 known to local music lovers, as al JE A of Dete s Willlam Jordan, both Corps tothe Ladies' Aux of Rangers at our dance, i member of the Wilson and Lee, | illary for providing the dinner, {im "U7 '¢ 1 abulou 144, music store, | Cl b M b . and' requested Mrs Doro They tell me they had a fabulous i, \ y it agalr "It we consider music only for| u ember iven @QAY [Starkey, President of the Aux tine aid Would like Io Qo 1 agen » moment, then we can say tha | 1 . In the Navy, the custom Is declared Mr, Wison, He went on| Wins Award that youngest man aboard is ap-| Tuesday evening we were told to explain that the most obvious or fe pointed Captain for the day on!uf the RCAF National Model Alr improvement noted in mereo 1a Christmas Day and In true craft contest, For further infor that B Jotucn wit a. Helmut Kolodzik, 233 Highland Naval fashlon Sea Cadet Nichol mation and rules cadets are ask tener the sensation that he hears ,, o.. pe.emper Teddy od to » le ¢ Ce ay ed to apply at the office, We can the Oshawa Camera Club the !o one vear definite and six Luttela were i ~4t produces music with the President, Bert Boorman, an months Indefinite in the Ontario of the Day Corps, and same effect to the listening ear, nounced closing dates for mak. Reformatory on 17 charges of took. their the head when heard from a concert i theft- by Magistrate F ) | - Ing entries in various shows i y Magistrate F, 8S, Ebbs table stage. nat 4 In Oshawa Police Court Wednes Following the dinner the Corps The speaker pointed out that Inj, 0, member, Mrs. Roy Kolodsll i gad) : McArthur, on her winning the olodzik was charged with the an r aumgardiner with se pore, 2 Je repodictin top award In a magazine contest eft of building material from Jociions on guitars and they also ace ar es music via records, for her print "Coming in for a bullding projects in the city, such led the Corps in a sing y ! " break-through occurred with the rade PE a Sea Gull Inas schools and houses al Sea Cadet P Whithy youths appeared discovery of a compatible hoodie : months. several selections Magistrate x S k bh In n 3 I" I f our oane { that can pick up both normal an was judged print of the month, The material breaking pn ; vols the @arlier this year when shown in Kolodzik's basement sang a solo of 1 " stereophoniic sound Jain li club contest George Boychyn, appearing for) Sui Lieut, Blair made t I 0 I memory of the sound for the lis the accused, pleaded for 'the draw the winning ticket fc e1arges "8.01008 L a Archie Dancey gave a run ) ad Vinbing Lickel lo ] tener, fo, that J Laation of down of the a given for court's sympathy, and asked for the lamp raffled by the Ladie ed on the three this sound, Is identifiec The advantages of stereo mu circuit, Seventeen members had Maglstrate Ehbs sald: "In all won by Florence Colling | taken part in this project in airness to the public, who must Cadillac avenue south as compared with the normal| Coco To participating mem be protected, I cannot see fit to| Lieut, H, V, Harmer, Lieut monoral record, was given ah. "oi d four slides and IVC You a suspended sentence, Andrews, and Sub-Liewt, E more vivid explanation by Mr. oo, BolT 4 en at This was not an isolated offence, kel of the Sea Cadets and Wilson, with a practical demon Dane stration, A variety of records) had divided: the slides into na over a period of time." His League Cadets were the : A tech groups according to these. ratings Jorahin sontinued It shoal be head table guests nique and the iwanians p 4 Ship . ote W everyone, al rst able to hear the tremendous dif 20d Jud up the Yewiie Gi Wiotfenders are not mecesssrily ference in the results obtained hb id averages placed on suspended sentence." type as compared with the old = h pr for her excellent slide inch ozer { phonogray "Farm" in which a red tractor working in rolling fields, togeth remendous , youd ot wat eee had © with a distant background of str wh WA reproduction trees and tiny farm buildings . . sw vears and that i oe past Jaw bly be expect: homey subject became a most similar progres pleasing picture wl Placing second was Fred Mil. Robert J, Fowler, a driver with' ler for his slide "Sew what?" Oshawa Wood Products for 20 COMING EVENTS Which was a great contrast to years was honored at the annual company Christmas Party in Se extreme close-up of an interest John's Hall comer, of Ing arrangement of spools ned with a wateh hy Cecil Friday, Deten Jer thread and skeins of embroidery Found, owner of the company, in ehickens cotton recornition of his many years of Third place was given to Haze! gorvice Ney Mr. Fowler is a noted square for "Great Trillium" fifth to many such dances in th 8 V8 ances 1e Oshawy Betty Brig"t for 'Green area Tn a h § Gold"; sixth to Jake Laird Following the dinner, served by °F ey | ih Light ; and seventh to the ladies of Solina, a colored 1 ; } ; 3 adeline Sinclair for "New movies, shown by Charles Warne 4 - . 7% ' y ¢ ren % ' Hampshire Farm of Hampten, depicted highlights gE X 4 ; Rf ! Tender EAT'N winner in the "Circuit" contest and after the members spent a time over doughnuts and they dispersed until Jan and the next club meeting : next club meetin Order Your Christmas Fowl NOW !! .. Eviscerate Ib. ¢ Douglas Wilkinson : F photo vriter Buchler's Have a Wonderful Selection of Turkeys, Geese, Capons, Chickens will b the as well as a splendid variety of smoked and cooked meats for your Holiday i ounty ' meeting of Feast ! 1b. 7 &- { vy way ost 1 ' en 6 members of the Oshawa Kiwanian Bill Marchand intro lon by way of a rest room win-|aynrecsed season's greetings and and the atmosphere was cosy, The was George Wilson, member of voiced the appreciation of the "4 "e oo 00 0 lm one ol. Davies od 1 1anks of the Navy League Com: oo "ike for the good turnout it lary, to say a few word music ia time, tone and space, MODEL CONTEST For Print seting of avenue, Oshawa, was sentenced and Navy League music from more than one point mesiing o Captain Whitby Youths He also extended congratula 1a Y day were entertained by Bob Griffin striving to attain greater Im the air. This print, incidentally, Period of about stored {n/accordion and Cadet 7 stereo sounds, He explained that I'hree of the youth slides In the "You be the Judge a suspended sentence Auxiliary he table lamp ale, or twindrack reproduction judging But 2 ln f and rating the slides, Mr il a series o extend: Fred Dewsbury of th were played via the stereo tech Top honors went to Mrs, Ted : . In conclusion, the speaker ong ervic were all placed so perfectly that ed in the improvement of stereo Mrs, Tozer's slide. This was an lina Hall recently, He was pre Worfolk for her slide "So Small dance caller and has officiated at Bob Stroud presented Mrs. BE I - TRUE-TRIM BEEF Canadian Club 294b KINSMEN BINGO ine (CANCELLED) | year At meeting Oshawa on Thursda - ll sped STARTING AGAIN TUES. | Comes "Out. of the Stone. Ae JAN. 6, 1959 and will illustrate his talk with Dec. J0Icolored slides. | well-known Arctic speaker at Canadian the new raphe and authority, Ontari ub's first In a only If there's fore there are today a cavity |n vour fill it fast wit wanted" Classified a RA 3.3492 now to ad the held in 15, he| Eskimo to he Jan The SIRLOIN WING T-BONE During Holiday Season on "help Dial vour Solina (right) wrist AT THE RECENT Christmas Party the emploves of Oh awa. Wood - Products, lad, in | Hall was watch Fotvler with a Found (left year Robert J presented by Cecil In recognition of his 20 with the firm Canadian Statesman Photo. | of of service wo § &