PEP ETE WET GALORE FOR MEN and BuYS ede [26 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thumdey, December 18, 1958 Mishaps At Prince Albert By ¥. E, SMITH PRINCE, ALBERT ported he will not lose the sight |of the eye, Brenda Leslie, aged 3, fell from a rocking horse while visiting in Toronto Saturday, knocking over |a jar of bleach, She received burns to her face and neck Larry May, two-year-old son of ~ A series Mr and Mrs, Howard May, of accidents occurred during the jumped from a couch in his home weekend, Roy Norton, four-year. causing a badly sprained ankle, old son of Mr, and Mrs, J. Nor ton, fell while playing and damaged his eve. He Is In when an oll space heater caught Oshawa hospital where It is re- fire. No damage resulted, Port Perry fire brigade vas called to the home of Mrs, W, Saturday Bonnell Sunday about 830 pm Season's COMPLIME Greetings CLIFF MILLS MOTORS OSHAWA 266 KING ST. Yesterday's winners of the courteous driver-pad- estrian campaign, Safe Driver T. McGEE 73 Nassau St. Oshawe Safe Pedestrian JOHN MORRISON s/o Rainbow Confectionery SIMCOE ST, § OSHAWA NTS WEST f 'ed children's songs and dances iby a film, Army in Bowmanville (Marlow Company with the milk | stock Blackstock WI Christmas Party By MRS, R. C, HILL Dave Bee conducted a question BLACKSTOCK -- The Wom- period en's Institute met In the com- problems of individual shippers, munity hall, Friday evening, for| the children's Christmas party, Commitiee reports wer ceived and Mrs. Gib Marlow keeping all utensils and equip- . tary methods of handling milk, - was thanked for her work on the ment clean. I. Cambell, an employe of Dons nds, entertained with his plano + Tweedsmuir Scrapbook, Mrs, Archer was also thanked for ari. ranging the Toronto bux trip. The program was in charge of | Mrs. Ivan Thompson and includ-| accordion and Walter Cosburn, office manager, directed and a Christmas 'story, followed The group served lunch prior to a visit from Santa with his bag full of toys Toys were donated by the chi}. dren to be.sent to the Salvation DAIRYMEN MEET The annual meeting of Don. lands Dairy and the Wallace Meeting By MRS. FRED PUCKRIN '/ shippers took place Wednesday in AUDLEY -- The WA held po Te - in which he discussed He also showed a film on sank |i Fe giressing the need for care in » thet dancing. He the Recreation Centre, Black. Christmas meeiing in the church .. with 18 present. The oresident, Elect Officers i At Avdlev WA = Lal " 18. a cs ® 7 , Mrs, Bert Guthrie, conducted the °° oa Surkey, dinger was served by business, It was decided to send ~ hh eveemneenee | CASH to the Association for 4, Retarded Children, the TB fund, Fred Victor Mission, and the M. and M. fund. A number of dishes and glasses nave heen {purchased | The annual reports were pre- seit2d apd Mrs, Bill Guthrie con ducted Ch) istmas games, She a'so led the vorship service, ns. sisted by Mrs, W. H. Guthiie, Mrs, C, Clemence, Mrs, Frank {Puckrin, Mrs, J. Cowle Miss Q. nr | Astley, and Susie Puckrin, Rev, M, Buttars conducted the installation of officers, afterins., | which the new president, Mrs, J, |Cowle, closed the meeting - | group served re- GAY 00LOURS--POPULAR PATTERNS! What a wide, wonderful collection of sport shirts! Fine quality makes include ARROW and FORSYTH , , , Patterns include attrac 4 tive checks, fancy designs, tartans, stripes. All with long sleeves, closing collar, Sizes S-M-L and ExL, See the all-wool tartans, $8.98 . . . Osmaline or Viyella shirts in plain shades, $310.98 . . . Vivella in tartan designs, $13.98 Remember, GIFT BOXES are provided -- free of charge | The East |frechments. |ENTERTAIN BABY BAND Mrs. George Squire and Mrs, Geoff Astley entertained about 18 of the children of the Baby Band and their mothers Friday after, {noon in the church basement, Following a worship service the {children played games, and were {served refreshments, The room | was decorated with Christmas trimmings and a tree {PERSONALS Mrs. A. MacDonald who live with her daughter, Mrs; Alec, oh For the convenience of Christmas Shoppers all stores in the OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE WILL REMAIN OPEN UNTIL 9 P.M. TONIGHT AND FRIDAY | Richards, fol and idle hor by {and wrist, She is in Oshawa Hos. 5 AMPLE FREE PARKING Pa and Mrs, M, Hedge visited his parents, Mr, and Mrs. R, ¥ DRIVE UP WITH EASE AND SHOP Hedge, Myrtle, Saturday : OSHAWA pnp k Give Him GLOVES Good quality leather-- warmly 13 Ll] 0 IRON SHIRTS lined Men's Gloves, Choose Save On Laundry Bills! black, brown Will wash easily----safe to bleach, or grey, 34% 1 b% h 95 $-M-L, " Handsome sheen; smartly styled, Sizes Choose single or double cuffs Also regular ARROW SHIRTS, with popular ARDEN coller style, and other styles 4.9% CHRISTMAS SHOPPING IS A PLEASURE WHEN YOU SHOP AT THE Hy 4 Foy? " wr od J J + on : h Men's PYJAMAS Choose plain, fancy, or stripes In popular broadcloth, comfort. able to the skin, Generously cut for eomfort, Also tlannelette pyjamas in neat CER hal | Sizes A to E, 36 to 44, Famous Makes Include PENMAN and TONY DAY PULLOVERS and CARDIGANS Let Him Choose His Own &1 Long Aleeer, V-neck baa ' reful ed, available In id il We oi rly (RE o] [)% "COMO" CARDIGANS Ago With Smart 2-Color Trim 75.12%" Large range of colors. Sizes $-M-L Gift . . . Give Him a Kd Slipovers from 4.98 Long sleeves, three-button, WITHOUT SLEEVES trom 6.98 JACK FRASER " r] No : » » » | LETTER TO SANTA = CHICAGO TAP) -- In the an. nual flood of letters addressed to = Santa Claus, post office workers ® found this one, carefully printed by a child's hand and unsigned: "Dear Santa: Please send some presents to my brother Give mine to him too, He was burned up at school. He is with Jesus in Heaven," Famous FORSYTH Sizes 144 to 17 or HAT CERTIFICATE a ¥ ¢ : GIFT * NAR AV". in Orlon and other blends CERTIFICATE 5177/2 In Three Weights Plain wool flannel, washable plaids and tartans, lightweight gowns In fancy de- signs. Viyellas, Sixes S-M-L and ExL. 9-95 to 29° A Practical Welcome Gift = $00KS hE % 3 Choose all-woo! b | nylon, or Stretchies rms. (EN | Rod 1" Dozens and Dozens of Patterns TIES There are stripes, plains, and gay pat- terns to delight every type of man! 1 «00 to 230 Hell like these extra young and tender very early sweet peas Weve grown them with loving care , . . picked them very early while extra young and sweet! For the freshest-tasting, tenderest of all baby peas . . . serve Blue and Gold Brand. These delicious young peas are packed while dewy.fresh by the famous Green Giant . . . your assurance of finer garden flavour and top, fancy quality. alle blends Many pat- Boys' Hockey Sweaters A thrilling gift for Junior! Heavy wool knit with crew neck, close fitting cuffs and waist, Authentic Maple Leat design on 2 99 . or Les Canadiers 08¢ 2.49 a per Big Selection of Men's Handsome SCARVES All-woo! tartans, plains, checks Famous makes include SAMMY, CURRIE, and 9.98 te 9.95 gs Warm QUILT LINED or PILE LINED SUBURBAN COATS Including warm wool Melton or "Zibe« Nine" Coats. 19° 1) 29" CAR COATS 14" nd 19° hest (blue) . (red) With TOQUE to match With matching HOSE' Neatly Boxed, Irish Linen boys' SPORT SHIRTS NANDKEROHIEFS Choose Ivy With tit Len Sine wf Initial -em« | ,.. generous Checks . broidered on | size, handkaer | All Sanforized 3 fr 1,00 chief, and Colourfast, tor 4, Makes Include 3 1.80 DAN RIVER \ STORES . 8lso better SHOPPING CENTRE hd ? hae Sizes 6 10 18, RA 5-8972 OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9 P.M, EXCEPT SAT. Warmly lined -- smartly styled, b= Qsb : : R ] £ £ X & £ £ id MEMO: Buy some next time you shop! ar » k * i i Warm Wool! Melton in Smart Overcheck hoys' DUFFLE COATS With ORLON pile lined hood pockets. Warm al 4 Choose mid blue or char grey X Sizes 6 10 18 95 x Ryn Ny Ey Nt eh el iN aid ' Fs ' { x £ two generous sess' 7, wool fleece with quilt lining, A PEA DELICACY by the famous GREEN GIANT GREEN GIANT OF CANADA LIMITED, TECUMSEH, ONTARIO bes iain it "