@AS FIRE PUT OUT tharrier. Three employess of HAMILTON (CP) Gas, es United Gas and Fuel Company wping from a leadking main ig. extinguished the flames, "There sited Tuesday night when it came was absolutely no chance of an n contact with flames on 8 warn plosion," said 8 company ng lamp around an excavation spokesman CHRISTMAS MIL FURS Specially reduced for Christmas giving! 75 KING EAST Opposite Hotel Genosha European Free Trade Causes Wide Debate By KEN METHERAL View as a grave threat to the come Byavich ls the conse- " |prosperity of the area, | quences [] olesale lowering Canadian Prose Matt Willer pupncy yiARp of her trade barriers on an eco-| A Vicorous ex hangs WOON prance, Italy, West Germany nomy long geared to a high-tar- British and French delegates on nd the Benelux countries have iff policy the question of who was threaten: | goog themselves into the Com: Her Common Market partners Ing whom brought this week's "sy euer which goes into ef- have expressed willingness to |Faropean free trade negotiations geo yan "1 This customs union join in a wider free trade ares, | to an unpromising halt, The dele-' uy ooo ocsively liberalize trade But despite visthle signs of an-| gotos now have barely four yong ite members and: erect a noyance st French intransigence, | weeks to get down to business, | onumon tariff 'wall against the they have made clear that their Before reassembling Jan. 15 outside world, | first loyalty ls to the Common for another meeting of the organ-| But in doing so, they have in mark~ ization for European Feonomic| iroduced an element of trade dis: INCREASED TENSION Co-operation, they must devise crimination against the remain: An unfortunate byproduct of some formula to reconcile the In- ing 11 OEEC members that vio: ihe dispute has been 8 marked ferests of the six members of the lates the spirit of that orgstza- increase in tension between Brit newly - formed Common Market | tion {ain and France, with those of thelr 11 OEEC| The main probl -- - partners If they (all, the new year may see the outhreak of trade war-| fare between the two contending VOL. 87--NO. 297 OSHAWA-WHITBY, THURS Canada om Is to over. Mine Dispute Flares Up CALGARY (CP)-~A disupte be- tween the International Union of J] . Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers Appoints Director (Ind,) and the United Steelwork ers of America (CLC) flared up WINDSOR (CP)--The Team: again Wednesday when mine-mill 3 sters' Union has formally an: charged the Loder's Lime Com. %" nounced the appointment of Ivan pany with union busting "Casey" Dodds of Windsor,| Charles Weir, mine-mill west | former city bus driver and one-\ern representative, sald he has time president of the Windsor | affidavits from an employee that and Distriet Labor Counell, to the company and the steelworkers |, the post of Canadian director of [are in collusion to oust mine-mill =< the union as bargaining agents for 36 em His appointment was recom: ployees mended by a vote of the Interna-| He sald mine-mill's lawyer has tional executive board of the|been instructed to proceed with union at a recent meeting In|legal action Miami, Fla, Once claiming 1,400 members| Mr, Dodds Is also president of in Alberta, mine-mill has been local B80 of the union In Windsor, reduced to 150 workers In Hy groups, a development that al. most all the countries concerned | Ris i Teamsters' Union a Ph yy, ' oe, I mg many, » we - - wi A Pi LIKE THIS, WAR COULD BE CALLED FUN It looks as though the US | thernecks at the San Diego re- ( to the corps for Its recrea marines have found a new way | ernit training depot are having | tional and physical fitness pro- to hit the heach with walter fun demonstrating new out gram Labatt's Party Programme } BLIND RIDE wiind Ride . , . this one can be played just for the fun or with two teams in competition, T'wo men are blindfolded and spun around until they have loat all sense of direction, The men then hold hands to form a cradle in which one of the girls sita, Then the passenger haa the task of guiding her carriers to a pre-determined spot on the other side of the room, pulling the left ears of her "horses" to guide them to the left, right ears to the right, This one will prove to you that. the telling of right from left is quite a difficult task when you're blindfolded! Whispe person next to circle, ful abo! she thir BALLOON BALL Balloon Ball , , , here's an active indoor game that can't do much damage and is fun for grown-ups and kids alike, Hang a rope or net across the rec, room about four or five feet up from the floor, Divide the party into two teams, one on one side of the net, one on the other, The object of the game ia to hit the floor on the « opponent's side of the net with a balloon, They, of course, attempt to return it to your side First team to score three touchdowns wins a ame, Balloon may be struck with the hand or ed and must be struck on your own side of the net, girls go out just low en legs of the above the k Male legs they 're sure SOLUTION TO LABATT'S CHARADE Just In case you haven't already guessed the answer to the charade in the Labhatt's advertisement currently appearing in street ears and buses, here it is, He's portraving "well"~~you can see how well he "Welcome charades at Games and puzztes for the Holidays... surprise, whispers into the ear of the person sitting and passes it on, and so on right round the one to get the sentence writes down what he or sentono finished, you'll understand how rumours grow! Legs... good fun for mixed gatherings, The A blanket is hung across a doorway and hangs man must nominate which pair of legs belongs to hia wife or girl friend. Sounds easy? Try it and see, And then for more fun, reverse the procedure, with the men rolling up their pants She's saying "come". That makes the word guests into teams, and let each team act a word that the othars have to guess, a Job he will continue to hold province, Most of them have until the first of the year been lost to the steelworkers ski troops, Actually, these Lea: | board water ski rigs presented 'No Joy For Wive Of Dead Miners By DON HOYT of England and Canadian Press Staff Writer SPRINGHILL, N, 8 (CP) | Tears form easily In the eyes of the women of Springhill, Christmas Is less than a week away, What Christmas there Is (Will be for the children. The (mothers and wives of 76 men [brought dead from the Cumber land No, 2 mine two short months Ago can find no joy in a holiday that is traditionally for the family to share Mrs, Harold Raper sat in the kitchen of the smart looking home her husband bullt with hands hard from 41 years in the | Indian Queen, Y Professor |conl mines Springhill "We always went to church on Christmas Eve," she sald, "I'll be going to church this year, But Christmas? Well, 1 don't know," She has a son, 13, still young enough fo enjoy Christmas. Two other children are married, "We always had such an exceptionally fine Christmas. All our kids al- ways joined our group and we had such a good time. "I'm not going to stay here Christmas Eve," Her eves turned towards the floor, Mrs, Fidele Allen is a Negro Her husband was white, He re. bullt an old company home over looking the now-closed Cumber- land Railway and Coal Company, In a window facing the pits where {men have worked and died for | three-quarters of a century, Gain Profit light cross bears testimony to tragedy. 'He was a good man," Mrs Allen sald, "He was one In a mil NEW YORK (AP)--A newshoy lion, People sald our marriage from Port Chester, N.Y., an| Wouldn't last six months but we Oklahoma Indian princess and a University of California professor today have one thing In common a sizable paper profit on thelr made out In our own way." Fl. dele Allen, Whose body was the last to be recovered from the PAPER PLATE RELAY collapsed No, 2 colllery, was bur- stock In American Telephone and led seven days before thelr 19th Paper Plate Relay . . . a good one for the kids Telegraph Company wedding anniversary, They had and energetic grown-ups, Split the party up Directors of the world's biggest four children, ; mto two teams and supply each team with two public utility recommended a' "There's nothing left of Christ paper plates, Each team lines up at one end of three-for-one stock split and a 10 mas now," she sald, the room with the front man having the plates, Per cent increase in the dividend, Some women can't talk about He has to get up the room and back, with his Wednesday, It's the first stock Christmas without thelr hus foot on the plates, He must not slide the plates lit In company history and the bands, Mrs. Charlie Burton is along the floor, but step from one to the other, fI'8t dividend change in 87 years. one. Her husband: was the first picking up the back one after each step an They ixmmons) sent A, T. and T placing it in front of him. Each member of the Rook geyzoe jeeing on 'the New oy docs this and the winning team is the one bail Soe Nr ange. Av ava), that finishes first. . | WHISPERING 1 + +» & game that always creates a 'he gang sits in a circle and one writes down a sentence which he rin him, This person turns to his neighbour Part of the fun is not to be too care ut how clearly you whisper. The last ka they heard, When you compare the o as it started with the sentence as it man to emerge alive from No. 4 pit after a 1056 explosion killed 39 and trapped 88. She knits and stares at the floor, Her husband suspension of trading for 1% hours. When trading resumed, the stock was up $23 at $226, breaking a 27-year high. It closed died In No, 2 this year There will be gifts for the chil {at $223, up $21 for the day on a volume of 110,200 shares dren. Special contributions have been sent by other towns and cities, Welfare organizations are seeing to it that every child from On the Pacific Coast exchange grade I to VI gets at least one AT and T, closed at $223.75, gift, Younger children will get up $23.76 particular attention, 7 AN WN DRAGNET \ Dragnet , . . for from four to forty people. R are a 'Murderer' and "Detective, lected uirements \ ; y dealing playing cards, The receiver of the Jack of Spades o potential Murderer, Jack of Diamonds the Detec- tive, The Detective reveals who he or she is and stays put, The reat, including the Murderer, separate through the house. All the lights are turned out. Murderer selects his victim and indicates in some manner that he or she has been 'done in", Immediately the victim screams and sits on the floor. This is the signal for the Detective to start counting to ten, out loud. During this period, only the Murderer may move. At the count of ten, everyone turns on the lights nearest them and stays where they are until the Detective has seen their posi tions. Then the whole party gathers in one room and in a given time, say twenty minutes, the Detective tries to discover the identity of the Murderer by questioning all concerned. Only the Murderer may lie, the others must tell the truth. LEGS of the room and remove their shoes ough to allow the men to see the others as they parade past, Each nee and parading past the blanket. may not look so appealing, but harder to identify, There's more passenger room in the 1959 Oldsm Dealer's and try a '59 Olds for sizel |2 Children Die They still carry combat | gear even while water skiing, | a ROCKETS IN The sharon Sines DAY, DECEMBER 18, 1958 PAGE TWENTY-FIVE Refuses To Buy Paintings Worth $445,000 For Art Gallery OTTAWA (CP)--~Prime Minis- Minister Fulton, He was a ter Diefenbaker has confirmed | minister of citizenship and im: that the government refused to| gration last May and as such re- buy two European paintings for| sponsible for reporting to Parlis- $445,000 and says it maintains its ment for the gallery, stand despite 'repeated urging| Published reports Tuesday sald from various quarters,' the government had verbally au- The government state ment| thorized the transaction and later Wednesday followed published re- withdrawn that authorization, ports that the National Art Gal- leaving two dealers with the pie- lery last May had to drop plans tures on thelr hands to buy the paintings Mr, Diefenbaker sald the gov- "Nobody told the gallery they ernment decision last May 7 had, sald Justice been maintained 'to the full {knowledge of the vendors or the agents Involved." | He sald the government is "not | prepared to ask Parliament to ap- {propriate nearly half a million |dollars of taxpayers' money for the purchase . . . ." In Fiery Home OTHER NEEDS KENORA (CP) Two young ,, children died Wednesday when The government is still of the opinion that, with many pressing fire destroyed their home atl ils on the treasury, mich an Eagle River, about 70 miles east ax ture, , would mot be of lere stifled," The victims were Na Kalstkal- h Jallery Director Alan Jarvis nen, 5, and her two-year-old sis: and gallery trustees have denied ter, Seppa, daughters of Mr. and| reports to the effect that they Mrs, Yrjo Kalstkalnen, threatened to resign over the Mr. Kalstkainen was away matter, working in the bush at the time The pictures concerned are and his wife discovered the fire | Landscape with Christ Appearing as she returned from a trip to a|to the Apostles at the sea at Ti- neighbor's to obtain milk |berius, a work by the Flemish The mother and the neighbor, master Pieter Breughel the elder Mrs. B. Airaksinen, tried to en- priced at $350,000, and Lorenzo ter the flaming two-storey frame Monaco's Virgin of the Annunci house but were driven back by ation valued at $05,000. Breughel Intense heat. Mrs, Kalstkainen died in 1569 and Monaco, a monk, required treatment for shock, in 1425, Uranium For Japanese Use By KEN KELLY Canadian Press Staff Writer OTTAWA (CP)---With an eye to] as one of the most ex countries in this regard Canada may be asked by the Japanese ¢future sales, Canada Is taking to do this job for them. steps to get Canadian uranium | Officials here believe that as into use In Japan's atomic the Japanese atomic program re energy program, |quires greater quantities of ura- Government sources sald today nium an agreement will [this is one reason behind Can-|signed with the usual stipulation ada's recent offer to the Inter-|that the uranium must be used national Atomic Energy Agency [for peaceful purposes, of the free gift of about three, By that time, Japan likely will tons of Canadian uranium (have had experience with using Japan, planning a small re: Canadian uranium fuel in its re- search reactor, asked the un-al-|gearch program and this country fillated agency for uranium with may be regarded by them as a which to operate it. The agency logical source for future pur called for bids and has received chages. three to date. The United States wanted $25 a pound for its product, Belgium about $17 a pound, Canada in fered its uranium free with the stipulation that whatever the Land Near Targets agency gets for Its resale to Japan go towards the agency's LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Both work in promoting peaceful uses|the Thor missiles fired Tuesday of atomic energy on the east and west coasts of Decision on Canada's offer the United States landed within likely will be made in January, (five miles of their targets, More than an Introduction to missile source said Wednesday. the Canadian product may also| Each of the rocket dyne-pow be Involved if Canadian uranium ered douglas missiles went theif goes to Japan. The uranium still [full scheduled range--about 1,500 mest be made into fuel rods and (miles--the spokesman said, ---- Two Thor Missiles ---- THE NEWS Father of four goes for '59 Olds living room| obiles than ever before. More stretch-out room, more hip room, shoulder room--front and rear! The luggage space has been increased as much os 64%, --room for full, family-size travelling needs. Take your family to your Oldsmobile Quality You can have lots of fun with vour party. Just divide the ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD. 150 BOND ST. WEST, OSHAWA, ONT, HARRY DONALD LIMITED WHITBY, ONTARIO