The Oshawa Times, 18 Dec 1958, p. 22

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, December 18, 1958 50--Articles For Sale |50--Articles For Sale 1 T M y J 22 oronto All [CA Patterson Prize. Higgins Prize. Rodney J, Ander-| on muonins op) miging al NEW YORK (AP)--The Amer. | 6 BV JOHNSON outboard motor, with! APPLES, sll varieties, open dally, Pol 2 ; | day tank, lent dition, lock Orchards, | mile north of Whithy, y son of Toronto and Dennis Zrum | fean nell for Judaism has eruise-a-day tank, excellent eon 0 ¢ 5 0 Becond prize In the final divi of Fort Frances shared second | andslide trend, veteran Alder. lan Coun fod og vont only three weeks running since new. | growers for over 30 years 29e . | fon went to Morley P, Carscal- ED AD ER [Phone RA _5-9565, I 16 aE . plece chesterfield, Kroshlar, Med 1 In : orley P. Carscal- 00 © white William MeAllister|™an Thomas H, Currah Wednes. har CLASSIFI se gre at ce sa ss, WS Medals fone But lh vcs in, VEE in ap Sf i (Continued from Page 21) also quantity of wood, short nd long | gy ysl) "Guebec heater for sale, Clarkson Prize. Winner of the Gorge A. Touche prize for audit-| 7} vacant wu Ad ph ty of same, The gift was part of a $12, Phone RA § | ehenp condition, 10 Westmount : f aiid alie 274 Sway, good eon 2041 In A un g |George Edwards Prize for ac'™ With 17.79 per cent of ible 990 grant for various humanitar- Tv ARRIALS, oi hain]. Tnsislled,| Yenue cco tin | counting was Frederick G, Town: Candidat ing final voters canny thelr ballot, fina) 140 chutes and wan Saserihed 8 | 0 {| ' CE pric hedroo ites, 48--Automobiles Wanted 3 Articles For Sole Wie Year Buatatien; 0; BA I ray, rg i TORONTO (CP) --~ A Toronto send, of Toronto, while Ralph L. included: tallies gave Ald, Currah 1,040 - ANTIQUE colored glass, bisque, from ' , "w |Jewish group, | bookcase bed, regular i260, chopped 19 nan Trying Rosen, has won the Beatty, a native of Peterborough, ngston--N. C, Gifford, D, G, Votes, Maurice Keck 470, and w.| JAvevunais Gold Medal and the|Sflver Medal and the Fred Page WINS COUNCIL SEAT JEWS AND ARABS | Will buy goed clean cars. Poy off liens, Sell on consignmer, Trade up or down, » private collection, makes 8 «ify suit: | MOTOROLA volumatic ear radio, only $168 . , , Gorgeous new mocha finished| wv Ly Ki MACKIE MOTORS a al aariminnting friend. Tew. eight months oid, Cost $80 new. Best|doubie dresser, chest and hookcase 195 Governor-General's Medal, iv pt VW. T Kernahan prize cif," J, Hope, C, Mattls 442, ' sonable, 45 Louise Street 295(| offer, Dial RA 58640 after 5, Jan. 1, |bed, regular #220, smashed lo $146. , the highest award In Canadian for auditing, | 'Port Avtiur--p. 7. Bt EATHER CHECK 12ANCH bandsaw, Stanley 45 mould |WIGHENT pricks paid for used. furs. (PIus for 99 cents, you can ehoons ober hartered accountant final exam-| In the intermediate division, ur--P, F, Strawson, The barometer for measuring ink plane, Bianiey 24-inch smooth plane; (ture, also sell and exchange. Contact|s box spring and metres, G58 FUP |inations, [Robert D, Brown of Toronto and| Sudbury--A. H, Bruce, B, A.|pphy, R, V, Past, W. W. Kra- air pressures was invented by the two Brown and Sharp 36-inch, sralght Community Furniture More, 19 Prince plece chrome se ame] Mr. Rosen, 23, also won the an former Btratford resident was|Cook, 8. Walli, ¥, E, Wright, [mer W., W. "Lindsay w. J ik alan Torricelll In the 17th een~ edges, High back enamel kitchen sink, ' i; ' - ---- IC " | y ' ' A d, P RA 5.2488 noon-hour and 6-6 p.m. 2058 SKE sult and mitts, lady's, size 14 to 16, FRIGIDAIRE fil nutomatie ohana) Ontario Institut of Chartered awarded the Ontario Institute' Kitchener--E, W. Dyck, D, J |die, A. F, Wilson. tury, . ; Tome. | excellent condition, RA 83403 after 6/and dryers, Rated No, -- ------ a aati . NEW LOCATION att aide ulin avons vim: esa masta" ver, ten ion \ 000k 5 li-down elements, re: "3186 ail i7 . i King Street East Ei Mig Ageia Kelly TV, 81 70 Hw allowsnss for your old tals $109, Kelly Frigidaire, 81 King West p 'Formerly Varcoe's Drive-In King Shreet West, RA 58121, Dec. 20) yipni, Victor or Westinghouse at Park. | FO Tr good sondiien : LUNCH room counter and seven stools |way. Television, 918 Simcoe Sireet RERRICER' x0) 1.4 oo ida 14 RA 5.5743 | Apply 333 Ritson Road South 2911 (North Dec, 8 oiliip Murray Avenue after 6 wm BE ee | GUNW, winmunition and huniing wwe: WINGER button Roles, and ie sag ut | plies new and use or the best dea c| RA mm, {Bo our Chvistmas shopping while "Ed HIGHEST PRICES [in town, see' Provincial Tire, 48 Bond nesdny or Friday night 304p| BO-your Christmas shopoing while Ula [Street West, R tn ee ermnss, | ONE cash register, Coca Cola machine, Cedar chests, $20.95, hostess chairs, | PAI | RADIOS, record platens, Dl snd | electric meat slicer, almost new elec:| reg $18.99, while they last Som; stereo are all here at the lowes Imost new gas heater, one Kroehler platform rockers, reg 5, Good Sidon cars Jade Up Or I5UWill pay you to shop at Parkway | goo "if » couple fad onsen po] ridin' bo $38, Portable radios with down, 'Liens paid off, Television, 918 Bimeoe Street North, Shelving. MA 3.7031 or MA 3.3061 Bow.|batteries' $19.99, Presto automatic DODD MOTOR SALES WE pay highest price in the city for| manville, 2041 | skillets reg, $27.95, half price $13 95. | "~ |used furniture, Pretty's Used, Furniture --. iE tom alll. push tion 314 PARK RD, §, Store, RA 33271, 444 Bimeoe Bouth ONE pair girl's figure skates, site i; 1 er GliwBin dy new. Ap:| RA 3.9421 one pair boy's hockey skates, size 1-2.| Hibdibg A AIR Compressor, 5 hp. Brunner, COM: IRA 3.2006, 294 | Ply Mercury Taxi, 45 King East, ) plete unit, new, 175 1hs, operating pres-| a - p-- | LING rniure or cleaning out 49---Automobile Repairs sure at 22 cuble feet a minute, BO RTORE fixtures, one only S0-foot wall iil NG fun) wil ning your - eee | A100 tANK, AUtomAtie control, heavy unit including lghting, shelving, suit highest price when you phone RA 5.813) duty, Portable compressor, ear radio, ghie for any type merchandise; one The Oshawa Trading Fost, 446 Simcoe Test-Drive the 6 volts, push-button electric greasing pew 15-foot long wall unit with adjust: greet South Ww machine for cars or trucks, Alemile| zhie shelves; one electric cash regi: ' | complete unit, Remington Rand elec {ter one wrapping counter with three and the new FIAT | trie bookkeeping machine, Commercial| paper units; one new key machine For economy and performs {reHinsronng unit, half hp, Adding with blanks; one 15.foot Neon sign, ance [ machine, Byriousns, Mog Jaasoiable suitable for hardware store, ingluding] . for cash, pply shawa Ac | timer and cable, Apply Melntyre Har ANDY NAGY'S Co., 597 Simcoe Street South, RA| ware 106 Brock Street South, Whiihy BODY SHOP 59216, ot aL BK 560, 204¢ S |PRIGIDIARE + cial big 104% eu - ~ 408 King 5t. W, RA 3 7132 _ |tridge. 42-1b, freezer, butter-keeper, no money down with trade, Only $199 - QRAMLEY MOTORS (MAG, git Jf, yeoki wal fred, EXTR A SALES LTD. NINE piece dining room suite, Pd Bond West, RA 3.7506 REMINGTON wing master 870 pump 1271 SIMCOE NORTH |Meriaron wins mise #0 sum FOR THE VERY HONE RA 3.4675 Apply 254 Athol Street East, Ant. 3. BEST P - gam odpm he FUR coat, Persian Paw, size 38.40, ALUMINUM 0 heavy tin lining, excellent condition, C c . Specialists in Ford service ond | SIO, BUCh pony 'Market 3.3823 or| OMS, worms, Screens, Win parts. Wheel alignment, wheel | yi "sox 181, Bowmanville a205c| dows, Awnings and Porch bolance, with latest type | yyuinG dryer, like new, resonable Railings, 206¢ equipment, Newest type elec. |p) RA 85-1300 tronic tune-up equipment, Map furniture or cleaning out NOBODY ¥ 50--Articles For Sole |your basement? You wil got _ Your BUT NOBODY [% F : Fit Tog ing Trading. Post, #6 con peat our quality prices NATIONALIST PILOT KELLY TV, your authorized Beafty| a desler offers you up 10 $100 for your Simcoe A, an -- and guaranteed Installations, From Fukien province, Red old washer on a new Beatty automatic XMAS clals! Tollet » China, comes this photo of what or wringer washer. 81 King Weil. istainjess steel sinks V0) / HELL The People's oleh claim Jee basins $10; rece ke ! ! [] te to be a Nationalist Chinese ANTIQUE walnut dining room tuble,|"Ystema $59; sump pump 0 teel and copper piping and fittings : ' . also kitchen table, reasonable. Phone WIC 4! Te and Park ALUMINUM pilot whose plane was shot Whitby MO 8.3809 after 5 o'clock, 393 pol A300 an. 13 RA 5.2431 | down but who balled out and MEN'S hockey skates, size 8, (Bobby pos auius yan ccites #0; Ringer por | was captured, His plane was a Bauer) one of the better makes, prac. .. 1." go. ginger cabinet model $59; Anytime till 9 p.m, U.8.-made F-86 Sabre ally new, Apply 73 Gladstone Av: ginger (readle $15; Washer and Dryer enue 29 | combination 859; Refrigerator $79; 4 FRIGIDAIRE refrigerators, recondi: burner H.D, stove $30; Astral frig, $20; tioned, with warranty, $60.50 up, Large Singer featherweight portable "no; 80 Bond Space-saver and ¢ $58) new capacity. Irvine Appliances, il, Jan, 1 arborite coffee tables $9.95; Encyclo ~La|pedia of America, new, ie a CHCH-TV Channel 1l---Hamliiton CBLT-TV Channel 6-Toronte least; Filter Queen cle i chrome set $25; skates, §2 a pair, also WROC-TV Channel S5--Rochester many more bargains to choose from.| WGR-TV Chann PN. of a Contact Community Furniture Store, 19 el 2--Buffale WBEN-TV Channel ¢--Buffale t, Ph RA 5.1212, .18/ Prince Street, Phone RA #1131 La Tr te ei MARCONI and Admiral, Hallicrafter,| THURS, EVENING 1100 AM FRIDAY EVENING yAcUM sla of repairs, all makes, Rogers, eetwood for 1959, $1990 up, 5.00 P.M, 8--Paris Precinct | 500 P.M, oot gi Lan gran. Stereo HLF from $99.50, Kelly TV, RA |1i--Theatre; Sports FRIDAY 11=Theatre Sports Rentals, Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser. 70 ---- MRE... J S-Whistisiown 83-T Soh AM, 6--Hidden Pages vice, RA 81081 anytime, |ALL-PURFOSE HELPERS y ' wi DORY Be Miavhouse TTT - ---- | ads! To buy, sell, swap, rent, hi | $--Santa Claus Kangaroo 4--Santa Claus AWNINGS, plain stripe ' Three Stooges Ln AM 3-Three Stooges prompt service, F' stim , On an er LPM, 8=Dr, Christian | ly delivery, Chair and table '| é~Children's [Iheatre =Popeye's Play: SM » Ho r.M, Fox, 413 Simcoe North, les, Kelvinator refrig 0 house ~Mighty Mouse 590 PM, 3 Trouble With Father | #=Dinner Date Theatre Thrifty budget plan, 6-Woody Woodpecker ono AM PPT! 2_wild 'Bil Hickock 0,20 be seen dally from 1 Kaiser Crescent, eorner Wa Sulomatios, (BLAUPUNKT _ short "wave i| 4=Dinner Date Theatre | 5 _pavorite Story p YANges, rangettes, d radios, |magic-eye tuning, 11 pushbutt M.| 3~Huckleberry Hound t=You ee Your Family | 1} Theatre; 170 GMAC terms, Kelly Frigidaire, 81 King SW, AM, LW, car radios. Thre: peak | he West ' Dec 29ers Hi-Fi, Europe's finest Fermi. Now| 11 rneatre) "a. Buby atin | fe Nyather YO GIVE w Y bad Kelly TV, 81 King West __Dee, Weather 8.2-Dough Re Mi 2--Colone! Bleep - ay top money for it. Contact 19 Prince (ORDERS taken for storm sashes, meas | 8--News &~For Love or Money S10 P.M Blreet or phone RA 8-113], an. 32, [urements and estimates free, Terms | 2..Jeffs' Collie 080 AM, BeNOWT - ~ | Please nrder early. RA 3.4089, Jan, 3 M, Phy Your Huneh ~Conniin - Grial 52 SE BE |e. TO THE OSHAWA TIMES what "Ed Wilson" 1s doing, Chester. | USED tires, most all sizes, #Wup B ' 8,2~Price is Right &=News; Sports fields and sofa-beds, chop to fabulous Goodrich Store, RA 54543 ih 6-1 Married Joan clear out prices. Restonic chesterfield |yyiSR RAT fur coat, good condition: 6130 FM, ] § set, $130; two-tone sofabed = Wulte,|qrouues size 10; chrome chairs and | 8--Rifleman t=AnNUr 0dfey MLL trimmed with frabrilite, $188, plus for |y.p ip heauty parlor chairs, dresserette | 4,3--News; Weather 5.2 i dei cents you ean choc either a five. 4 4 I | Concentration 100 PM, o, Chrome het or & hel Of three ar. |\able etc. RA 3.3630 . 90 as PM 4=Top- Dollar 11=Theatre rite living room tables, Wilson WINE and cider barrels available, all 6,4,3--~News 19.00 NOON | #=Tanion Furniture, 20 Church Street, sizes, Oshawa Hardwa d Electric, 1.00 » Tac Dough | S--Real McCoys | --te 18 Church Street, RA 3.7634, | U=Family Theatre ' © Weather 4~Cdlonel Flack FRIGIDAIRE 40" Electric range, . ---- / 2 ue new, completely automatic, $129.50, Ir.| WILLIAMS pianos, now at a price you J-Tabiow New? FM. | #=Rescue 8 e Appliances, 50 Bond East. RA can afford, at Parkway Tevinon, He 4=State Trooper | lt could ba You | TLRS Beaver 85641 Jan. 1. Simcoe Street North, RA 33083 | g wi nhaitan Music ~Search for Tomorrow | 5=Rin Tin Tin GIRL'S white figure skates and guards, new and used, "Osha s No TH PM, 12:45 PM 4=Hit Parade . size 2, like new. RA 5.353] before 6 p.m. |. § Exchange" d 1 up| 8=Dial "999" {1All Star Theatre | 2=Buekskin a e it a ---- ac 2041 |New skates $4.95 up selection| 5..Colonel Flack Guiding Light | non PM WHOLESALE factory prices on Mel, In town. Drayton Cycle, 204 Bond) 4-1 Love Lucy 1.00 P.M, Here's be mac dinnerware, stainless steel cook Street East, 2~-Jelferson Brum S&-~Matinee a L Ellery Queen . , : RY hair. Phone x nF anture ovie Trackaown ware, sewing machines, vacuum clean: USE n chesterfield and oe 6~Musio Ma 3-Mid Day Matinee | o 0 94e | 11 NAD PM, ers. Melmac 20 plece starter sets from RA 53~Fd Wynn 4=Meet the Millers 11.8-Plouffe Family | or ose a ome or ar away. $998 up. Electric hand mixers $14.95 - - ------------------------------------ | " Many other Christmas gift items. For 4=December Bride HMB EM," | 4=Jackie Gleason - ° _ Nan PM, free home demensiration, RA Stoy or $AVE -- $AVE pag Unforseen 180 PM | 11-O1dsmobile Show "edd A Jould ' Wao ™ 6-We [ King Street West Me MacFadyen's Real Seal 4~=Yanoy Derringer a i 52 HI phd MAN'S all weather coat, quilted lining von PM, Jimmy De 4=Phil Silve i size 18, $10, Man's skates. site 8, 4; ALUMINUM PRODUCTS |, Hockey 2--Holen_ Neville nl The person receiving the subscription will receive an attractive lady's pink strapless formal and jacket] COMINATION ALUMINUM 6---Wyalt Earp [ 0.30 P.M, 11,6--Country Hoedown : : sre 14" $15: lady figure skates, 7. 83 STORMS AND SCREENS ~~ |13--Behind Closed a =Newi 53-Thin Man Christmas card, informing them, with the sender's name and RA 5.0820 M44 4~Zane Grey Theatre 8--~Home Cooking 4=Playhouse BLUE baby carriage. RA 51637, 304a $16.95 EACH gh dd d-tioise Pary in +m TH IS best wishes. This is a perfect solution to your Gift problems, .. Loretta Young | ®~Haggis Bagels 1146.5:2-Cavaloade of ---------------- J For any double hung window ee Ly Se regardless of size. Installas | "¢= Playhouse 90 11,8-N School ~The im i BUY NOW regardless ot house 0 | 1 Nursery Sein he. Lineup this year a Times gift subscription, | FULL FACTORY GUARANTEE $- Explorations te 11,6-Hiram Holiday Person to Person HAN DY Yo our Life To-day , AND SAVE | PHONE RA 8.1547 PM | ST The Re Pavelt a ---- ---- ---- ---------- A ------ -- AA -- Pr, ~The Rig Payot 1146-Jim Coleman g 0 rm CIRCULATION DEPT. THE OSHAWA TIMES | PLEASE ORDER ( ) TIMES GIFT SUBSCRIPTIONS J: ) | 5-Fight Reat PETERBOROUGH. BOATS | ANYTIME HeNorm Macs WELLL BIR MOTORS ema {om | COUPON Budget Terms PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS 3-26 Mm oon BM, J a yore Free winter storage on mo- | EVERY MAKE . Ae P.M, elite Bunny = Viewhomt : i Party 8-~Maovie tors. Boot storage, Factory | Best Prices Best Terms na PM, 5.2-Queen For A ns PM, approved, Service centre, for | p = Viewpoint &~Serial Dramas Wrestling [ WALMSLEY & MAGILL 3--Feature Movie | 50 PM, ~Prémiere Perform | | otor repairs, Open evenings and weekends, "* | OFFICE EQUIPMENT LTD haw PM. [1i-Popiye ance 11 King St E 1 <Ihe Late 6~Howdy Doody Film Feature MARINE STORAGE RA 3.3333 t-Mytlery The $--County Fair | adack Paar AND SUPPLY LTD. | : nd ak Paar FEUDS pa A, BROOKLIN, ONT, SE sig --- ---- PHONE 87 | Now Is THE TIME | DRILY CROSSWORD SUBSCRIPTION : TO GET READY FOR PAINT SALE | WINTER ACROSS. Lange IER RATES BY MAIL At Almost Wholesale For he tings) factory gon | 3,Minua 7. Unit of cloak Prices structec Q uminum storm 5. Joined work 24. Comie , _ windows and doors installed 11. Region 8. Small verse SUPER KEM-TONE to your satisfaction at lows 12, Dry gully crowns 26. Pinch $5.99 gal $1.80 qt est prices (Sp) 9. Looked at 27. Cun. SWING SATIN UP TOZ4 MONTHS TO PAY . | 43 yittle 10. Love to ving $5.99 gal $1.80 qt CALL TA oR FREE | streams excess 29. Moslem | 185, Wading bird 14, Spread title First Come First Choice ALEX VAJDA 16. Mar around 32. Tear" : MODERN WOODWORKING | 18 Poem a7, Ostrichlike 35. Severe } WwW E B B | N G ' S SHOP | 19. Molster bird 36. Foote Yorierlay's PIL | U.K. and us A. LB J 15.00 R E RA 3.9851 22, Craze 20, Former less 41, Withered HARDWARE DRIVE-IN -------------------- 25, Large soup German 87, Weather. (var,) 282 King St. W = dishes tat ace 43. Mendin| BUY NOW AND SAVE 8, in BE n id 30 hu ry . FOR RA 3-4873 Jan, 11 Peterborough boats, Evinrude | 20 submarine (contr.) dum 4. Girl's name ---- : L Up to the 22, Merriment 40, Eskers 47. Like Motors budget terms, Free FURTHER BOAT KITS winter storage on motors Lume ot \ 4 2 |e Boat . Scolders storage. Factory ap- 33, Enemy $56.00 and up proved. Service centre for a Soot gb INFORMATION : Bes NS . Showy Open Evenings & Weekends | oi vero Open evenings | wy Hail! 7 PHONE Brookiin Marine Storage | = 38. Musical IN RAG Sup instruments / Supply Ltd | MARINE STORAGE & UPRLY |, Shateim THE CIRCULATION faire Jacket ---- Phone 87 Brooklin, Ont Gi hone 87 45. Junie id DEPT. Ascended TC TR el Be Winter-Seal 48. Aster ; ® RA 3-3474 ¢ a ae 49, Alluvial ALUMINUM WINDOWS AND DOORS deposits : Kool Lite Aluminum Awnings 00: In shia CUSTOM AND OPEN AND CLOSE / 3 RAILINGS-- Interior and Exterior ou a : Fir ¢ Furnishings and Bathtub Enclosu pig fat | 2 Lake port ; : LES EVENISS SALES LTD | ake : : 15 PRINCE ST RA ; 4. Tossed greens Les Eveniss, RA 3.270 Bill: Galbro 5-88 8 Father Don Howe, RA 5.031) : TO BE MAILED TO THE FOLLOWING: To NAME. co oivi ivi iain vss savas vars atiots wires sit tol (om | MAILING ADDRESS ...ccnnmnrsnsoss real 1 YEAR | | | | | | | | | PROV. OF ONT. . .. 12.00 2. HUE | | | | | | | | | | | DEREE Boks CIiZImiZ) i CiniminlD im WERE EE EEE EEE EE EE EE EERE EN EEE EE EE EEE EE EE ERE EE EE NEE ) ic] IL sell OTHER PROV. ai {>I010) MAI LI NG ADDR ESS SRLALA CASA AARARSANK RAK EAR AA ALARA ASA CAA ARR SAT ASS * A848 18 U00 © Bnd + Rema ENCLOSED IS MY CHEQUE FOR S..... .. SENDERS NAME . Pre r eset ai rss eee MAILING ADDRESS RE RR ar i REL LEE LE A NC ERE RE RT ECE SY

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