All other calls .. voeer RA B-8474 THE TIVES eer 4 WEATHER REPORT TELEPHONE NUMBERS Olearing, eolder tonight ; cloudy, Classified Adve 'tising [RA 8.3492 milder, with occasional snow Friday, Winds light. VOL, 87--NO,»297 Price Mot Over OSHAWA-WHITBY, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1958 A aioe ots Mol THIRTY-FOUR PAGES "TIA gr r-- &510,000,000 DAMAGE FIN MONTREAL BLAZE 2 Fes Exchange "WHAT'S IT LIKE" ll Trucking Firm = Suspends Fim | Ottqwa Teller ¥ ¥ Nearly Wrecked TORONTO (CP)--The ounoes| . Stock Exchange today announced | . » a one-month suspension of trad . MONTREAL (CP)--A smokey,| Fireman Rene de Bellegeuille, 4, #8 inc in shares and stock pure hase 'S; S three-larm fire wrecked the up- 2 sutaingd minor cuts hy 4 warrants of Willroy Mines Lic | | ' per floors of a trucking com- fall, while Berthe Marcotte, a £1 The suspension was effective] OTTAWA (CP) -- Bank teller ing his wife he was going hunting i ' pany's east-end warehouse early year-old nurse, broke a leg when with the opening of the markel Boyne Johnston today was sen- near his hometown of Renfrew | today and one company official she slipped on icy streets while today, Trading will be restored tenced to four yearn in peniten- He boarded a plane for Wind- y said damage to the building and watching the fire. Several other Jan, 19 lary after pleading guilty Dec.|sor. crossed to Detroit, flew as! stored goods could surpass $10,- firemen. escaped injury when a The exchange sald "this action 0 to the theft of $260,000, part far' as Los Angeles, He was ar-| 000,000, section of wall collapsed as they 15 taken by the board of gover-'of which financed a 17-day night- rested Nov. 10 in the washroom , Roger Saurlol, assistant mana- Placed ladders against it r vs because the company falled cjuh and champagne spree In the of the Gay Paree nightclub in| Zeal A ¢ [ger of the J. B, Balllargeon Ex.| The intersection of St, Denis to comply with the provisions of United States, (Denver, Colo, % [press Company, sald losses would And Ontario streets, where the a "law in that a materia ¢ ange Magistrate Glenn Strike, in sen Magistrate Strike sald it 18 no { v | "probably exceed $10,000,000." warehouse Is located, was left a \ made in the provisions of the janoing the 25-year-old former 7g ; , sheet of ice. Three bus lines had haan WArPE by Te » cossary for banks and financial 2 iid However, company President a purchase warrants by re: gnnlovee of the Imperial Bank 4 to be re-routed and general traf al price at whic! / = houses to place persons In posi hob Andre Balllargeon, sald it was dut'ng the initial price at Which or Canada here, said this "is a tions of trust. PROF. HARRY CROWE impossible to estimate damage. fic was detoured as firemen they could be exercised from $2 yor sorious 'theft involving a]. , . " played 35 streams on the build- Your motives were completely "The bullding contained furni- jpg' SANTA ARRIVES IN FORMOSA ON PEDICAB in. s™icics vy" 'oxy ports mt mn, tc Beso Sovmion vo| Upited Chugh [res mimes 'sd oer soot v6 oo Missing are snow, sled and | reindeer In sub-tropical For Jposa so Santa Claus rides a bring cheer to Christmas shop: change You were disloyal to your em After his arrest Johnston told pedicab through the streets of pers Willroy was the most active 18: ivan and your family," police he wanted to "see what it estimate of the damage yet," he! Five COMPANY VANS were re. . , vx Cha sdnesday ol py' hat much sald, ported destroyed, but drivers the capital eity of Talpel to | -- AP Wirephoto 'ue on the exchange Wednesday|" Duning his brief taste of high Was like" to have t C ved, - Fephoio rading 412,600 shares. Tt touched |jjying, Johnston spent $12,500 of Money roves owe The wind-fed flames raced over holding a meeting when flames [tar roofs, gutting the upper floor | erupted- snaked 45 other trucks Counsel for Johnston told the Dec. 10 that Johnston's of a two-storey section and the|from the warehouse and the main i high of $1.99 around noon then (ha money he took from the hank lipped hack at $1.68, up 10 cents, ron which he was working. This Court Willroy Mines began operations hag since been repaid by his fam wife Intends to take up Fasidlonce Reinstatement | top two floors of a five-storey sec. RATage ris mas 2) 18 zine-copperdead producer in with him again after tion. Cau of the fire was un- Thick white smoke, that later uly. 1957 re y: biol his jall term, His yy TORONTO (CP)=--A committee known. | turned black, enveloped the area, and is currently mill ing around 1,000 tons a day It's properties are located near | VANISHED WITH CASH Hartzell, of Renfrew, plans to of lea Flames could be scen five miles Johnston, former chief teller ati make him a partner in a business' ada pris Fn has expressed ap- | away and as winds played with LJ LJ Manitouwadge Lake in the Thun. the bank, vanished with the|to be established in another part proval of the reinstatement of| Two persons, one a fireman, (the flames at the height of the { | } jy ario 1( y Le A der Bay district of Ontario money Sunday, Oct, 28, after tell-'of the province. Prof, Harry 8, Crowe by United were Injured as fire fighters,|fire, firemen evacuated 25 fam. - == (College at Winnipeg. | working in five-above tempera- ilies from nearby homes. They re- SUDBURY (CP) The nickel belt has pinned {ts hopes on a happy New Year a Merry Christmas is unlikely, With residents anxiously watch Ing government sponsored negoti ations in Toronto, welfare work ors Wednesday reported grim ychological effects accompany a $12,000,000 payroll loss in the International Nickel Company strike which started Sept. 24, At the same time the company announced ft doesn't stage its an- everyone stops and goes to the " hee Vm | The 12-member sub-executive tures, gained control in a little|turned several hours later, their ing into his office M the rate of has been running close to $100, "HORRIFIED" 9 of the church's general council | more th than two. hours, (houses untouched. 25 a day, many breaking down 000 a week" and the union isn't WAGGY TONGUE? sald in a statement following an| ---- ------------ mat ---- into tears, in a position to hold a party for In one case a woman had children, GOOD ADVICE [Pte hg A cracked and been sent to-a men-| me Salvation Army plans to Y 4 T lls Of | eka aren {was justified in protesting the assive ce a S tal hospital, "It was just the gistribute 200 Christmas hampers VATICAN CITY (AP) '= Py t strain of worrying about bills and in rind " " pin of Pope John had a word to say te 10 hia Suh nent of his hl how to feed five children H $3,000 but there is still no sign Wednesday about the WAGEINE (he hoard of regents has recti- ather Delaney said he 1s joo of any aid from the Cana tongue, fan organ bRIWeEN find the situation so far as poi. | (0) esse S oo on the Tor Wiig bY Yap dian Labor Congress, which has| nose aud Ss Fini oie sible by reinstating Prof, Crowe." p oronto negc said ft will act as a clearing 1 times is used disproportion | The '36.vear - old professor of ( Massive abou task two other ioe collapse, "Everytime there's & youee for donations from botive | ttawa ately." history was fired by the church- eT ONTRESL (OR) ve Shot er a N.B. Mclean Ke news report here in the depot|q..1 'Hold it." sald the 77-year | : ice rafts ocoan-going . nions ol at nd dhe TI-yous. [sponsored college high te trom 2S a white prison 30|the Ernest Lapointe, keep a pas- pon gen "ago after a letter he wrote TOM | mites from Montreal. tht this morn-|sagewny $14,000 Christmas party fox radio, SUISIDE AID TTAWA (CP) -- Little Glen Somerset Street following an 8r-| gee for about 7000 persons, {Kingston came into the poster-{fng but there was hope ome waters Yt Father Delaney sald ie Whelan sat horrified in Wa carigoment in a restaurant, He warned that wagging {sion of the principal, Dr' W. Sompany spokesman stmas will be bleak in that even A quick selUement ios individuals, ehureh organs t O'Leary staggered "A pathologist lold the hearing . y og be freed later today, ships Christma " said Rev, J. J, De. it would be four weeks coer and unions have jon Whew Hebert 0 the rival gang's O'Leary died of vicious wound tongues Cun Sus astinge. Lockhart, He was reinstated wi rests on the prow of later this week by the jcebreaker faney, in charge of the Roman most of the strikers were backitons of food and clothing and par holding his chest, [that severed blood vessels over| "0 coon and English The 450 - word statement ex. the Aah AN oy ibe. Labrador, on from Halls Catholie relief depot giving food on the job, Pay cheques would! $10,000 In cash directly to the re. He was bleeding all over--in| the heart and plerced a lung, He for the pontiff, who now is [pressed confidence in Dr. Lock. ville which began crunchi Ju [fax Wednesday, and clothing to about 200 families take two weeks to come throug gh. lief depot and it has gone to his chest, in his hands, in his| said an eightdnch steak knife studying both these lang |hart, who resigned along with 15/Wa¥y through 154oot packs ' The Liberian freighter Eli. daily, | SPIRIT BROKEN "It's bad enough to see a man hungry but it's worse when you break a man's spirit that's what's happening here. A lot of the men are broken, They Just sit and stare." Captain Sidney Tuck of the Balvation Army said "tremen dous strain' has been apparent among relief applicants stream Inco, Union Back At Neaootiations TORONTO (CP) Negotiating teams headed back to the confer ence table vith hopes stil running high fc settlement o the long and costly International Nicke omp trike Ontay Minister Daley said Wedn wv the government FPONSOTE lks would go on A long as le. Ineo off and' the International Unio M Mill and Smelter Ind.) met for 90 minute dav and talked 2'2 hours Wednes day Mr Daley indicated some pro gress was made in the first ses sions and said there had been no Indication of a hreakdown Neither side has commented on the negotiations It was reported the talks have already made advances on the disputed fringe issues but that the major wage issues is still in discuszion stages Average wage at Sudbury be fore the strike was $2.20 an hour Historic Castle May Be Replaced TORONTO (CM) Historic Castle Frank, built In 1792 as a summer residence by Upper Can ada's first lientenant-covernor may he replaced by a multimil Hon-dollar apartment proje The National Trust Company responsible for disposing of the estate, Is reported to have granted b 1 promoter Re been Dennis an option on the land at a price «1.000 000 Construction of the 21 apartme would b would m mans land off or St River in east The nal built by ( Simcoe CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE RA 5.1123 FIRE DEPT. RA il HOSPITAL RA 3.22 ) {ager R. H, Waddington said his| "We're just prov iding the hare In Toronto Inco general man about 4,000 familie: eyes, his ears and his mouth, found near the body Solid nave) ges other faculty members during the nesday from Lake St, Peter oi marie, which had been tra firm has begun paying Christmas necessities of if "He tried to reach the ¢ been He eepon. AGRA in furor which followed the firing, [Lanorale, |at Sorel, was freed Wednesday, bonuses to foffice Yarwploves and Fathe r De ae sald strikers' door, missed, and fell against the opi! on 'as a man of integrity and one| But the D'Iberville's work will [fd aturtid hid hi Pag 0 Ho, trie oil My Hi ney a ® front fender, ' - Y th Ki 11 d {whose devotion to the cause of only be beginning when she fin. Lean, made fhe 40-mlle journ pensioners but 'no plans are he. families are doubling up apart Whelan sald he was driver of ou 1 e Christianity and the church is of ishes smashing a 200-yard-wide down Lake St, Poter to Trois i . 3 Nps 2"! me Some ho are "Then he rolled over, fell s fiv. , ng made at the present time' ment ome homes were un Then h the car that carried the five ac a very high order.' [channel to the ships sometime to- Rivieres, where she anchored to give them to the 14,800 strik- heated. two or three days at ato the ground, and stayed cused and four others to the fight Wi h Sh [, Dr. Lockhart did not disclose day. [for the night. ers time in 10-below-zero weather, there , , . ." keene t tqu p "It fsn't a punitive measure," Bread and potatoés were the The frail - looking 17-year-old He identified McDermott as | 0 n id duxt of the Miler 10 tie board _ a art hp hog whieh DT ris he said, "They just don't meet basis of many m N | ning Wednes J th who wielded the knife, al ey J on 10 ani a m ny meal testified at the opening We ne the youth who wielded In Hold- Up Try take of photostating the letter. for the trapped ships to manoeu-/the morning on the 70-mile voy- he regulat choo 5 | ' A al % : Mine-Mill fi ancial secretary a classn Jig hall i) pais ay hy Liking Jounin This was a mistake In judgment, |/vre in--tricky because none of age to Quebec City, was forced it nan ROT YiR ( Vrl ¢ cause he of murder charge alnst J 4 J ack when heavy snow Norman Jacques said strike pay didn't have or R Dermott 17 Jom STR a (epy Without malicious Intent, forthe ships are anchored and will tc turn bac Leh 1 william Post, 19, his ari yn onroe Police BH! re: Que dcp which he has made a public begin to move with the current and thick vapor condensing over hr or Ja 16 | Henri Du | " h u Mn apology." N as soon as ice is cleared away,|the water cut visibility to a mini yrother James, 16, and Henri Du man was fatally wounded by { | making collisions an ever-present mum. D 11 puis L Child |.12 gauge shotgun blast on the | or the 11 shi t 1. ale 0 ars Pumped WELD GANG FIGHT 0ses 1 [front doorstep of an elderly pen THOUGHT FOR TODAY | 0 experts in the St, Laine Cn? the ga ae sloner's home here. The dead » 9 They are accused of slaving npw YORK (AP) -- Actress Ww 4 a trv rence River channel engineer's turn their attention to 19 more s man was one of five trying to en An Ontario man bought an |office say, the ships may be all salt-water vessels riding in Mont. 20-year-old O'Leary in a KADER Arapilyn Monroe has lost her sec |ter the . ne Into West Berlin fight Nov, 23 on west-central 4 horn ohild In 16 months ' Erdhe Ma ie, Doli o Seid old re.| engagement ring with his moving towards the Atlantic and real harbor and a fresh obstacle The miscarriage was confirmed [cluse, told police the five men first old age pension cheque. a winter of sailing ocean routes --an ice jam extending from the BERLIN AP The West is liner who does not know the Wednesday night tried three times to break into A man Is never too old to by Friday, h D'Ibervill sastéen end of Montrend way, PUMBing hiatized Death Penalty The 32-year-old blonde film star his home, and had fired one shot YO ' While the rville goes pL . of millions of fac dollars inte West Berlin : was reported recovering at her through the glass of his front very vear, the West Ger : ds Primal 'home here with her husband, ldoor American and West German of. government and the United li 4 Bibi I ry h playwright Arthur Miller, at her! On the fourth try he shot back fi jas have pledged that the flo Joie I Ip more than a Ls Hon or a 1 omia I side striking. Andre Yvon, 25 of St will go on ar ( 000) IM ( | > / ye b I {5 'one 1 wi 1 Bor n bud iy a nicall Fi | But Joseph Wolhandler, Miss Therese, in the chest, Yvon tot Ss me FeaAsSoOn Viny 1" Lh int ALLL y AJ H Monroe's personal press repre-|tered to a nearby hotel and died 3 0, n a . " fic 1 " | i y 2 300,000 We Berlin have not Min gel t since Lhe war Rapist, Killer sentative, sald she is extremely in a corridor con ermplec Wy kita K rush. In addition, hundreds of mil upset over the loss of the infant His companions fled and four chev's proposal to make Berlin lions in cheap credits are made - SAN DIEGO, Cali. (AP) He said the actress's doctors de. suspects were arrested later, one fh demilitarized "free city available for RB Investments, "Some erimes are so revolting termined she had lost her baby in Montreal Russia's note, outlining the or to finance West German or: (here is only one Denany the early this week |" Police said the old man was free city proposal last month, ders here death penalty,' sald Judge John Miss Monroe, whe married rumored to have a large amount sald it would give West Berliners: U.S, ald granted to West Berlin A, Hewicker, "I've never heard Miller In 1056, was five or six of money hidden in his home in ill possibilities, for ralsing thelr «ince 1049, the year the Russian anything like this case and 1 weeks pregnant when she lost her this community, 30 miles south of iving standards." blockade ended, totalled $619,- hope 1 won't again." first baby Aug. 1, 1857 Montreal It spoke of the prospect of Rus: 000,000 by last June Refore him stood Harvey Glat Last Sept, 15, Miss Monroe was 'He is really a poor man who an orde Khrushchev added West German and American man, 3 televi. taken to a Hollywood hospital only lives on his pension check," n an interview that West Berlin: help is needed to keep the city : when she complained of feeling a provincial police officer said ill. Her illness was described as Police gave this version of the due to overwork shooting a Los Angeles sion repairman who had con fessed luring three young women nance West German vearmament make up i] * the $ \ ake up fully for the disadvan: 14 remote areas ta take photo but uld increase their city in- tage esultin ro vst \ at could ease their ely In 08 Ts from West Ber: oanhe then raping and slowly come n's Isolated location 110 miles oyannont og . od There is hardly a West Ber: behind the Iron Curtain Nungling the " 11) fferi Mild Spell Nipped "The torment and the suffering those girls underwent," sald Hew «would no longer need to fi- a going concern. But it cannot icker, 'must have been horrible LATE NEWS FLASHES |ix'rosne me «As Mercury Dips tatsrat tater roBOrtors: | SIRE [ater fold reperierss " A mild spell that brought bringing moder atin g tempera . . | warmer temperatures Wednesday tures and snow to southern sec: 3 Girls Kick Out Intruder | In a tape recorded confession was nipped in the bud Wednes. tions, followed by sharp temper TORONTO (CP)--Three . young women who share a presented at the trial, Glatman day night as the mercury dipped ature drops and clearing skies at downtown apartment proved too much for an Intruder today said his motive for dating the below freezing point In most Ca. night. In the north the snow will After a short struggle they tossed him out into the hall. women was sexual. He said he nadian communities be lacking and temperatures will way. Police said Marion Wright. Mure! Milligan and Ruth would not have killed them had The weather forecaster in Tor. remain below zero Smith heard someone unlocking the door and jumped on him they co-operated. He raped them ania said a series of storms was : when he got inside a nee gi them so they travelling across the country ; wouldn't tell police from southern Alberta through M d R k t i 4 Glatman's photos of his vietim x N anne oC e Niagara River Spanned By Ice Satna Hig 5 ti y ims the Great Lakes to the Maritimes NIAGARA FALLS. O CP) T} 3 " g Warmer temperatures accom : IAGAR : 8, nt. ( : 'e migh Niagara Riv gagged before death--were en pany each storm but following een ea it er was spanned with a bridge of ice this morning, the earl 3 pv "Nee A reles ar x Y We 0a tered ase Nidance and released to ood air quickly brings a return . Tepopiars Weane sday to the. December deep-freeze, he - WASHINGTON (AP) The Glatman said he persuaded all said United States hope of being the three victims at gunpoint to be In Quebec, today's high was ex. first country to rocket a man into tid up for crime magaeine pies pected to be between 10 and 20 space took an upward turn today . tures i F 3 s a degrees with light snowfalls, Cold --at a prospective cost of about 2 Ships May Be Freed From Ice | He was ordered to die for the aie was expected to lay over most |$200.000.000 ISTMAS SCENE AT PORT HOPE AMON Phi AL (CP Two of the 11 sl stalled in an icy In Jury il Mrs. Shirley Ann of Ontario by tonight Tempera The National Aeronautics and CHR S prison off Lanoraie, 30 miles rtheast of M eal Oe eXs iridgefor MH aS Valley, n the o are | 8 nA hg o 9 n ore i pected to be free and ong Ahoy the S | oh ph Calli . iT and Mi uliek. funcs I ihe ByLihary nig er id piston avs Rock The huge 'Nativity. scene set | Wednesday w Pon and | cought them wondering at the F g dowr Lawrence tive alll, 8 88 elow ro Ider p © P, vis North Amer | y u i toward the Atlantic hy noon today. The powerful wi Thibde Mercado 2 a Tal Angele ele ero and milder in the 16) a division of . orth Amer up in Port Hope tow park is Larry Bassett, aged nine and size of the "lamb" in the backs D' Iberville at 9 had finished: outt WL Jeo aronkar ! oi BIE geles south ican Aviation, Inc, Canoga Park | ten respectively, sons of Mr | ground. Don and Larry are car D ih vill at a m Na Inished culling a swath 300 yards model. He was not tried for the, Today's forecast said the next Calif, the job of designing and dtracting a lot of 'attention, | . 4 'Mrs. Bud Bassett of 83 | rier boys for The Times in Port Nide throug al 15fo0t ice packs between the head of Lake slaying of Hollywood model Judy storm, now in Alberta, will move developing a huge engine with up| especially - from the small fry. | Brown street. They turned to Hope. ; eter an norale roth Q . ) . N y a Anoraie : (Dull, 19 through Southern Ontario Friday!te 1,500, 000 pounds of thrust | Among the youthful admirers | smile at the cameraman who est and the thickest structure in several yea fhe ice an attraction for thousands of visitors falls wine spans the river from the R ) dge to the Ontario powerhouse in the gorge --Photo by Jackman COMMUNITY $30,000 $50,000 $70,000 $90,000 | $110,000 $130, 000 | $150,000 $175,000 | SCOREBOARD A =>. $147, 0 61 Be \