INTERMEDIATE "RA" Seventh Win For Bowmanville Bowmanville land blinked the light from Robby Drono Combines scored seventh win in 10 starts this sea teamed up with Germond son in the Eastern Ontario Inter. Ted Degray for the final sco) mediate "A" Hockey League by 12:02, defeating Kingston Aces 7-1 at Bowmanville Arenas. It was 10 after the first period, the winners, 41 after two stanzas and the win! KINGSTON Twa, ners outscored the Limestone City Stevenson, McArthur, Slickers 30 in the fingl frame. Tinkess, Meeker, Gutzman, George Westfall opened the Lynch, scoring on a pass from Jack Ger. BoC its Robinson at 9:01 and Syd Arnold and re al Referees Feberesu and Irwin meted out nine penalties, six to Mellow, Pettitt, Cole 's -- Hawe, Long, Cope mond, In the second, Dean West 1and, McGill, Degray, DD, West, hit from Chuck Armstrong and Armstrong, Westiall, Mickey Walker. Ross McGill tal: walker, J, Rennick, J. West, lied from Armstrong and Dean jngon, Arnold, Germond, West before Jack Lynch in. ----t terrupted BOC's march with # Kingston goal at 10:20, Before the period was aver Ger- mond had soloed at 18:22 for a 4-1 edge, Newcomer Long com bined with Joe Rennick and Ger mond at 3:26 of the third for BOC's fifth marker, Gary Cope Haggis Still Leads League PORT HOPE A turkey roll is being conducted in the Down Town Men's Bowling League this week but the results will not be known until after the Royal Grill and Canadian Leglon bow! I'he Haggls Bowlers are firmly entrenched in the top spot with a total of 35 points at the comple tion of one-third of the triple tourney's inception schedule schools have steadily Centrals are second with 33 ting stronger each year while Nixon's and Bradford-Hos hal each have 32 Following are Royal Grill, 28; Happy's Surplus, 25; King Mo-| tors, 24; Canadian Legion, 21; Queen's Hotel, 20; Heard's Head Pins, 15; New Service Cleaners, 13 and in the cellar, Murray's Taxi with 10 George Phillips has high aver. | age of 213 and high single at 337.) Bob Smith owns both high double) and triple honors with 562 and 782 respectively Nixon's have team triple at 3709 with Happy's Surplus lead ing the high team single with 1329 | LADIES BOWLING Colons Lead | Wday League, PORT HOPE In the Wednes-| day Ladies' Afternoon League, Colons continue to lead with 55 points, followed by Commas with 80, Dots, 48; Specks, 47. Spots| alt | pack BM M ahd hopelessly r n Dashes with ul are Ap Merel Wakely was top howler for the week with the remarkable triple score of 754 made up of , 204 and 280 Others bettering the 200 mark were -- Jean Mitchell, 284; Pear! Crawford, 240; Shirley Jones, 299; | Doris Morris, 233; Jean Duchesne, | 223; Muriel Clayton, 218; Helen| Markle, 216; Muriel Hiscock, 213 and June Branning, 210 KNIGHTS' LADIES' LEAGUE | Outfielders are leading with! 42 followed by Grounders with! 39, Flyers at 38 and Shortstuffs with 35 In a close contested and packed league race Five girls topped 225 during the week with Diane Phillips roll ing top single of 262, followed by Shaureen Highfield at 236, Susie Williams with 242, Alice Cleary and Eve Lingard tied with 225 each PORT HOPE ~ ey team from Trinity School flew from Malton Wel day for Princeton, N.J., to § cipate once again Jn the renceville Invitation Nf o.c Tournament to he played Ti day, Friday and Saturday the tourney including Upper ada College for the first Nichole, N.Y., 8t, George's, Exeter, N.H,, Choate, Conn the host school, Lawrencevi Trinity has won the tourna Since the one other occasion 18 DIE IN RUS QUITO, Ecuador (AP) Abus * plunged into a ravine Wednesday near Cludad Cuenca, about 230 ' 0) miles south of here, killing 18 Ad, No, 5702 ~B & W persons, press reports sald K. West, Rob: Trinity Squad Leaves For U.S. The first hock: College nes parti AW= key hurs J Eight schools are entered in Can- time Others are Belmont Hill, Mass,,| RI, and Golding 858; ( lle ment Us heen get. 3754; Royal Grill 3713; Beta Rays CKETS IN THE NEWS ) "rvs pureavs Plan Fun Port Hope TU 5-5357 For Cadets M. Hackman ' lain Macdonald PORT HOPE The executive of the Port Hope-Cobourg Branch U t Bo Is of the Navy League of Canada p own w met Monday evening In the Ward: . room, RCSCC Bkeenn, Port Hope, t d to further plans for metivities an ngs aboard the ship during the holl- day season PORT HOPE ~-- Btandings after The first is the annual cadet the twelfth week of play In the Christmas party to be held Thurs. Men's Uptown Bowling League st day avenlng Des 32. al Which 0! y time the Ladies Auxiliary will en-| Pinecrest Bowl #8 99 follows 'tertain all cadets, parents and Atomics 58, Clouters 55; Linton's friends at 8 pot luck supper, to 54, Churchley's 54, City Dairy 53, he followed by a dance, Trouble Shooters §3, TPT 52, Hi-! The second vont XJ New ways 81, Wilson Cleaners © 51, Year's Eve frolic planned for 9:00 : , ) p.m. aboard the Skeena, This Hightield's Dairy 49, Lightle's 48 event is sponsored by fhe' Com. | Lakeshore Cleaners 46, Blazers manding Officer and officers, to-| 46, P.H. Auto Body 44, O'Neill's gether with committees, and Flyers 44, Long Bros. 43, Eldos promises to. be a gala affair, 43, Lyall N. Carr 42, Welders 42, Fickets maybe obtained by phon- ing Port Hope, TU 65-4273, Royal Grill 41, Civil Service 41, "ype (udet Corps Band has com: | Uptowners 41, Lab Techs 38, Beta pleted a busy week, Wednesday Rays 37. lucky Strikes 36,/it od the Port fiope Julia Sw Wg pl .o. parade, organized by the loca Poden's 36, Lancers 1, dolce ib Saturday it repeated the |Sweanor 31, Shell Oil 25, Wakely's *"* in Millbrogk 23, Ink Spots 19, AMF 17 performance in Millhrog The training activities of the High Singles: J, Benedict 366: | corps, which have been extensive Harwood 355; B. Hoskin 343; during the fall, have now been Poulin 335 completed, Parades will be re. High Doubles: B. Wall 605, G. sumed in January after the holl:| Poulin 592, B. Brown B80, G. day break Spencer 385 p-- | High Triples: B, Wall 860; B VOTE BY MAIL | f Branning 840; R.. TORONTO (CP) -- The 10,000- Hochu #38 member Hydro Employes Union High Team. Singles: Beta Rays in Ontario Is voting by mall on G three times and been Tinalists on 1420; Wilson Cleaners 1413; Lan-'the question of accepting a wage the cers 1361, Atomics 1346 and contract offer or authorizing High Team Triples: Long Bros, Its executive to call a strike fall ing a settlement, Decision will be 36668; Blazers 3633 known Jan, Bb keep on the right track for winter refreshment ~advises the man from Schweppes What's this? Tonic drinks in the wintertime? Relax! Commander Whitehead knows what he's doing, He knows that warming winter sports and stuffy rooms can leave one just as parched as the hot weather can, The answer, of course, is "stay with Schweppes" for bright, tingling refreshment in your tonic drinks. . . all year round! Schwegpe » » TONIC WATER The essential tonic water for authentic tonle drinks. Enjoy world-famous Schweppes Dry Ginger Ale and Schweppes Club Soda, too, SCHWEPPERVESCENCE LASTS THE WHOLE DRINK THROUGH == § cols, x 100 lines © # es b 7), Th: vZ IR HEY TR TTY vey THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thundey, December 18, 1958 114 vy 4 [| 2) » L( NZ 7 V4 20 ' SWIFT'S PREMIUM GRADE "A" TOMS Popular Family Sizes 20 LB, OR OVER BUTTERBALL TURKEYS = BD ALSO AVAILABLE SMALL WEIGHT TURKEYS, 20 LB. DOWN, AT SLIGHTY HIGHER PRICES, AND GOOD SUP- PLIES OF CHICKENS, GEESE AND DUCKS, Switt's Premium ready-to-eat, eryovac wrapped BONELESS COOKED HAMS 2/3-1b, Average 1b. 89¢ Swift's Premium FULLY COOKED HAM Whale or Shank Portion 1b. §3¢ shankless COOK SMOKED PIC 1b. 45° Swift's Premium ready-to-eat NICS Swifts Lib. Dupied Sage SAUSAGE MEAT 1b, 39° Swift's Sliced Side EVERSWEET BACON Sealed Paskege 1b. 54¢ BEST BUY MONTE FRUIT COCKTAIL FEATURE--LIBBY'S FANCY Peas & Carrots FEATURE--WELCH'S 31° GRAPE JUICE 35° FEATURE---HEAVY DUTY STUART HOUSE 15.02, TINS 24.012, BOTTLE 48.02 TINS 115 ALUMINUM FOIL 18" ROLL 55° FEATURE--AYLMER SWEET GHERKINS .\" 33° FEATURE -- IMPORTED 39¢ STUFFED OLIVES....c... EXTRA FANCY uw 49° MIXED NUTS CHRISTMAS FRUITS and VEGETABLES CALIFORNIA'S FINEST CHRISTMAS SUNKIST ORANGES | SWEET JUICY LARGE 113s fl BEST BUY BEST suy | MIXED PICKLES | FANCY PEAS | 16-0Z, JAR 15:0Z, TIN 20.0Z, TIN 29: 349: 33 BEST BUY HEINZ FANCY, BEST BUY CHASE & SANBORN | TOMATO JUICE 2 42 63¢ | INSTANT COFFEE 65 e SAVE ON CHRISTMAS NEEDS °* KRAFT MIRACLE WHIP SALAD DRESSING '$°% 47 ALLSWEET MARGARINE ue gle GOLDEN HOUR ASSORTED CHOCOLATES ii: 89¢ GOLDEN HOUR JELLY STARS...}} 59° SUPREME BRAND BLANCHED PEANUTS it 39¢ SUPREME BRAND SPANISH PEANUTS i 29¢ AUNT MARY'S CHRISTMAS CAKE 1 5 AUNT MARY'S CHRISTMAS CAKE A 118 McCORMICK'S HEATHER SHORTBREAD BISCUITS 29¢ LIBBY'S FANCY MINCEMEAT » 4§¢ STOKELY'S FANCY PUMPKIN 2 12" 39e RED & WHITE TEA BAGS 0c om §Qe RED & WHITE JELLY POWDERS 3 vaceres 256 SUPREME BRAND NYLONS 1s Shadaust © gge SCOTKIN NAPKINS ne. 21s OCEAN SPRAY CRANBERRY SAUCE wor ge AYLMER STUFFED QUEEN OLIVES '* 2% Sle THREE GREAT COFFEES - "ROASTER FRESH" SILVER LABEL RED LABEL YELLOW LAREL 1-1b. pkg. 77¢ 1-1b. pkg. 71¢ 1-1b. pkg. 59¢ FROZEN i. Shovburas FOODS or ere 12-0z, poly bag 2/43¢ 15-02, pkg. 39¢ 2 |b. poly bag 49¢ 2 |b. poly bag 49¢ 4 3 poz. : RED GRAPES OCEAN SPRAY BRAND, CAPE COD FRESH PKG. 25¢ CRISP CRUNCHY DELICIOUS APPLES So 29° EXTRA FANCY LARGE PLUMP 2 LBs. 35° CRANBERRIES ne. FANCY DELICATELY FLAVORED CELLO '69 Olds opens up all outdoors for hunters! Oldsmobile's conquest of "inner space" gives you more room where it counts, For the hunter, for the travelling man, for you and your family, Oldsmobile's increase in trunk capacity=up to 64% ==means valuable extra luggage space. In addition, you'll find more passenger room in every Olds model for 'S9, Space-test the new Rockets . . . at your Oldsmobile Quality Dealer's today! 2°. 49° w 19 Do Your Christmas Shopping At Brussell Sprouts TENDER GREEN, GARDEN FRESH MARKET Javer | GREEN BEANS et Be lg ie or-Holidai MAPLE GROVE SUPER SPROULE'S McKENNA'S, SPROULE'S KINGSWAY BROWN'S | SUP SUPER MARKETERIA MARKET MARKEY King St. East of | " | Corner King Corner ot Ritson Simcoe N, Simcoe at Mill Town Line Rd. | Brooklin O.175%.A HARRY DONALD L'MITED WHITBY, ONTARIO EE I Chop Rods White Shop Red 2 White ld ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD. 150 BOND ST. WEST, OSHAWA, ONT,