The Oshawa Times, 18 Dec 1958, p. 15

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La FoR, Fv AND CAMPFIRE | Scotland's Eleven Harness Racing Greats | _--"===rr=rnce tom By JACK SORDS Added To Hall Of Fame Peterboro Ace (ue, mre cos sa 20 goss and 26 asvists, Pill Mae E. | Boosts Lead In [2 i220 fn 2 oses ne od GOSHEN, NY. (AP) ~~ The classic, Cane died in 1056 after d n place with 45 points from 23 gle names of harness racing in which the Hambletonlan was and 22 nesisls : great the last century, 3 famous own moved to Duquoin, TI | : Statisties Including Monday Woe nc ain SORE By M, MeINTYRE HOOD | Round three will ses the end and Manchester United, at 044s crs, were elected Wednesday to] Others included Pop Geers, unior ace [maht's anmes show Chico Vipld « Bpecial to The Oshawa Times of cup play for at least three of 1000, Newcastle are quoted at the Hall of Fame of the Trotting noted driver killed during a race TORONTO (C of TeaPoos Is fourth with 48 Il LONDON -- Scotland's under-23|first division teams, Leeds play [1008 and Preston North End at! Horse Museum ot Wheeling, W. Va., in 1924; My oly oy ) P)Wayne Con ts ond Peterborongh's Lagey ternational eleven failed to pro- at Luton, Chealsen at Newcastle, 100.7, In the 20-1 group are Not-| he list of sulky immortals was ron McHenry, who drove Dan NY continued to move up' the Babcock fifth with #2 , land West Ham at Tottenham, |tinghem Forest, Blackjool and " A Harri: Patch in his races: Leland Stan. Ontario Hockey Association Jun: ju gues Caren, who minds the duce tem play, and lost to I Jou announced by E, Roland H 4 Pac 1 ULAR IANSY amnation ¥4f ps ew. Con, ibn tind hth I | of the the only games in which first di- Blackburn, Second division lead: man, president of the museum ford, senator from California, Wales by the only gos 3 y pre nl SIAeE 74 Gann the Petar Leia for the Petes, leads ihe Edinburgh, The game, played in each other. In each case, the odds ham, are listed at 66-1, I ness Oval Farm; Bep Palin, who . a inburgn, Th Sam only 7,000 are on the home team on the sea- BIT AND PIECES Bobby In the past, only horses were Greyhound end Hoot Mon to points goals in 14 games, Dennis Pee {spectators, a record low for an son's form, although West Ham Chariton, Manchester United and | elected as immortals to the Hall Hamblotonian victories; Benja. He has counted 19 goals and Jordy of Bt. Catharine's 1s a close p ' ' wor. 8nd win. the replay at home, [runner-up in the voting for the ing person may he elected to the Hambletonians; W, N, Reynolds, MA ---------- i ---- y at ob, SL Birlughans chy, seo In 10 games, first and second sports personality of 198, ba toe hall and it requires a two-thirds, Sohaveo nis Whe Taowd A loge) : n division teams clash, with the contests, one sponsored by the vole of the museum trustees to stable on grand cireult for BETA 3 18 REY J of VN BA BN | T APERIFNCED AT for Wales in the 11th minute, | ohle or : OUTFITTING Sues waren h [amming home a rebound after Sheffield Wednesday - West Brom: BBX and the other by the Dally he chosen, [many year ; and ¥, H, Hrriman, 7 is rote » (later bis oo Bookiin oud Toa one of the outstanding games of wen. to the Eurobean champion Heading the list wills "olde and owner of Historie Mr ( Wr ww) SUAUR CATS AF By the lof, Darlingien, who knocked swimmer, Ian Black of Aberdeen ending the list was /) M0 Track, and the champlon pacer z : TALL THE MOVE THEA AD (Welsh forwards" nippy play had | to. a LotR o the fourth, , , Nat Lofthouse of Bolton, 8, Rysdyk who lived rear Goshen john 11, Géntry AND i HOLDS ; » MR ent fwroughort the Kame. tind 1 wo in the third round, In which they |B. B.C, Bportsview personality IHambletonian, fonled In 0; ANNOUNCE DATES Bat L of international debut, |VIS! Averinglon Bianley, a game vole A note on rugger Cam- Hambletonian never raced, bu | BARRIE (CP) Barrie' _ READY TO WEAR nopressive ol [which could provide another cup bridge University won a smash: became the grentest sive of all} ' # An: CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS le shock, was disappointing, and apart ODDS ON THE Cup | win-|of harness horse: now | Pw " wil ; J annual Inter-university game win: ¢ g H RY AS from 3 San of Aberdoiinnd Wi Tetting on the winners of the ning by 17:6, with two Scottish in. trace directly fo him fn the male held Feb. 1415 ways co-chatrman 16 SIMCOE STREET $OUTH ; / English Cup finds Wolverhamp- ternationalists, Ken Beotland and line, HM, ig yoni ar s RA 3.7611 J future international selection [in the odds at 9:1, Close behind | Cambridge, playing the major Cane, Mr. Hambletonian, who jumping and an lee - fishing RE Xi ENGLISH CUP DRAW them are West Bromwich, Bolton roles in the Might blues' success Jook over the famous 3-year-old derby 4 ) Y KEEN IN SIGHT Cup competition have been f(a ARRIT3 gh > hi dU! HEY AL Nord with home games in the ---- All-Brass F NES RUNING To you dds § Sater CRACK" third round draw, The amateur INST , A team Tooting and Mitchen, are oe » J vision teams are drawn inst | ers, sheffield Wednesday and Ful G / far. owner of the famed Palo Al {match at Tynecastle Park, on te e dra aga ers, adjoining Goshen's Historie Har: o oe ¥ 0 i ya Ha Lote Sonlion WI yO international, [may force a draw at Tottenham England inside forward, was of Fame, Under the rules, no liv- min ¥, White, winner o four picked up 30 assists, Isecond with 2.92 ich tie, st Bheffield, likely to be! Express, In each ease, the trophy NAME RYSDYK founder of the Arden Homestead v THE EARLY MORNING the Seottish half backs in trouble round of the cup. Jest season, are| came fourth in the voting for the and owned the famous stallion -- Sixes A440 61 fo 6711 | The Scottish team, as a whole, | i" time, Approximately 99 per cent nual invitational speed. - skating [ing Victory over Oxiord in the J racing meet and winter carnival will be [1] U N N 'S T i i L 0 1] S Vdd no good to thelr prosnects {OF yu wanqerers and Arsenal tied | George Waddell, now students at| Another elected was William 1. clude dog Of ; o OK / MEM |" va a nls fries iB " BIL | The giant-killers in the English Hd Aludiniasiin drawn at home against first divi | sion Nottingham Forest, and hav ing knocked out Bournemouth and I " of / L mber in S Iéa Northampton in the previous Y 5 3 a ay S u [pounds at home, might well y i wih ; {spring a big surprise against N ) . hi |Nottingham Yi orcents Songuer. N lors of Millwall, have Liverpool of al Wh Tie For League Leaders 1p the second division, also at home ' oC | \ " Nvion and . Peterborough, however, hove to ' Hi y sot Fulham on the latter's - G Tuesday night at Simcoe Hall, (while outnetting the Cleaners 24- meet Iu : in an Oshawa Industrial Basket: 14 to win the game. ground, not a very happy pros Pr ball League contest, Ernie Cay Barney' Oldfield found the|Pect ro s-------- % Lumberkings (who were tied for range for Cay's in this quarter, es pr -- 30 RIGHT FOR MIS CHRISTMAS! Gives top spot, going Inte this game) ay he sunk nine along with John pia 4 ; Rsnial -- thorough gentle cleansing, powerful multi outlasted Acadian Cleaners by & Newey's seven, to put the winners CB e eases : a Jet streams loosen dirt ond float It eway, This 77:67 to take over undisputed pos: ahead to stay ; tn [oud x improved Mastercraft Wash Brush is fitted session of first place, | Ron Wilson completed a great : ou with rubber head and top - rated Acadlans started the game like nigh's play as he rolled in eight ew atings " a ars horsehair and nylon bristles Solid a balloffire, with a Are at more pid with the Cleaners' bi J HANDSOMELY bros, haovy duty hondle with rubber brand of passing and shooting new player, Randy Fvans' six, C d B ka) ag Mu ' gripe and convenient woter-fiow eon and quickly jumped into a 25:18 But time ran out and Cay's walk. ana a oXers x A Wi GIFT WRAPPED 8 ond shut-o first quarter lead, Playing coach od off with a sensational 77-67 UEBEC (CP)---The Canadian hd 4 \ 4 A fei Gary Vaughan ran in 11 big come from behind victory a. 2 Federation has released 4 lf Hm oa | Th points in thin quarter with a great| Lumberkings were led hy John Boxing Fe ation nes. veiansed y 4; | #4 £ | 5 ; \ A REAL B Y Jump shot In from In close, along Newey, "Barney'" Oldfield and its yeu! on Tin ratings { / iE 5 ] 1 AR. deat -- 0se ine as rush with big Bob Booths six, to pace "Sparrow" Goddard with 24, 24, Canadian fighters / . 1 'I in i) f4 A the Cleaners to their early lead. and 17. respectively, while the Federation chairman Gene Le Clean up your gift list In Jig time with this Wash Bob 'Sparrow' Goddard and Cleaners were paced by Ron|tourneau of Quebec City sald j ol 1} / Wie eh 1% i i ] Brush----similar "appearance to above model, but John Newey divided 12 points Wilson, Bob Booth, and G ary some of the ratings are virtually J £2 i i 1 AREA : § Is fitted with no-mar plastic head, horse hair between themselves to keep the Vaughan with 26, 13 and 13 unchanged because of the relat! 7 had \ § : 5 | RA t Ly bristles, rubber grip end eluminum handle Lumberkings within reach, efforts. vely few bouts staged since the / fy | : CTC value on LA The Cleaners continued on thelr CAGE COMMENTS Cay's|last list was released in March, merry way In the second quarter victory moved them once again The ratings, with the division, as they continued to dominate the into first place but' they have weight, champions and ranking play and scoring as they out: now played three more games contenders hooped the victors 10-12 to length: [than Maple Cleaners, , , . Bill] Heavywelght, over 178 pounds en their lead to 11 points | Horton of the Lumberkings play:|Champlon: George Chuvalo, To- Ron Wilson, Acadian' lanky ed a great defensive game, pull-/ronto; 1, Robert Cleroux, Mont. P Hl { centre hit for 10 with some un-/Ing down many rebounds andireal; 2, James J, Parker, To. eanny shooting, to lead his » uad checking well, . . . The three|ronto; 3, Ceell Gray, Halifax while Brent "Barney" Oldfield stars of the night went to John| [ight heavyweight, not over 175 and John Newey split 10 to keep Newey, Ron Wilson and Brent pounds--Yvon Durelle, Bale Ste Cays close. The halftime score Oldfield... . herkday JH Anne, ND. ") Burke Emery, , nin ' + | Sherbrooke, i 3, Charlle Pav: read Acadlans 47, Cays 30. CAY'S MAKE MOVE PM la Nigh Ohrome Exhaust Guards MOTORING ~~ MAGNETIO Ourb Guards Maples must LW i Coach Fred Whalley gave Cay's move back into tion, Protests fenders end a pep talk at halftime, as they CAY'S -- Newey, big Bidtield, oo devs, to To Popular surved design, Jetarvle, handsome of TRAY SET DASH TRAY . wwe ty same out after rest period and aq; Campbell, 4; Whally, 4; Hor: pamenton: | defiscts exhoust chrome with red enems nd out y outplayed, oliscor ton, 4; ard, 17, Fouls 11 out a 'a nckle Header, Fd down and prevents og oat 1 68 Meme hed, Penal and Smart tyling In wide y " Yams when outran 08ers 13, s 8 a peg: | bumper [ wi ii close to surb, into & tie at the end of the| ACADIANS -- Booth, 13; Wil. Opti & Weare, Wines | snr oration 1129 pin mont ean win permerant 9.29 ore hie 1,20 pun. 1.19 quarter, son, 34; Vaughan, 13; Burrows, ds--OCh 1 Gale Kerwin, John Newey, who really turn-|3; Evans, 9; Shields, 4, Fouls 3 Ponce Splat: | ng To od out to be a real killer as far out of 7, ronto; 3. Buddy McDonald, Ed. A as _Acadians were Officials ---- Dave Kelly and 10 00100," 3, Peter Schmidt, To-| : (4 SMART SNOW.WHITE DUAL-JET AUTOMATIG concerned, sunk § with a beautiful jump| Kelly, Timekeeper, Ray Suddard, vont. RY oy | g i RUBBER SNAP-ON shot trom the corner along wit Lightweight, not over 186 oY ss . » Barney" Oldfleld's five and CARRY CHAMPIONSHIP loounds -- Champlon: Richard : , f | Whitewalls in S ie i 3 | "Sparrow" Goddard's six, 1o| TORONTO (CP) -- The CBC|(Kid) Howard, Halifax; 1. Jackle push Cay's right In along Withiwj)| telecast the National Foot: jayden, Westville N.8.: 2. Ron Wilson netted five and four peo 28, Starting time has not Mo v 4 ~ | Dec, 28, , Vancouver, for the losers to leave the three: heen announced but the CBC will] Featherweight not over 120 : quarter acore reading 53-53, lcarry the complete game. The nounds-Champion; Gerry Simp: ® KLEENEX HAND A LP . the losers while Bob Booth and hall League's final game Sunday, [George Dunn, Edmonton; 3, Ken Ernle Cay's kept rolling right Anal will be decided by Baltl.| " ante Be" ah, ware dn Cota ad ir Bo ev ress 3. 10 Weir van] AUTOVISOR Aux, Twin FILTER SUN SPOTLAMP 4 ' v1 ped very bd - . Woe couver: 3. Buddy Daye, Halifax; HOLD - ALL Rear Lights DISPENSER 4 Peter Kawola, Winnipeg: 8 Regular $4.98 ALL FIST QUALITY = Convert A sparkling Idea for clear vision ony tires to sparkling anow- ot Christmas, or anytime. Twin white sidewalls, In minutes, jot spray cleans windshield, Need no cementing «= never powered by handsome push-but- | wear out, Durable white rubber ton control for hand or foot | | Hanson, 32, an engineering con: Steve Korvath, Toronto; 6. Fer Removes 878 of harm 40,000 candlapower and ce astator |multant who plays out i Sou dinand Chretien, Toronto; 7 Attaches to any In Easy to install on rear ful rays; protects ayes Fits neatly under glove beam unit EA cord Ibe \ ; . a Ne terior visor, Art Leather fenders, gives blg-ear Increases vision clarity, sompartment, chromed Plugs Into eigar lighter oro Golf-Club, is ranked second. Benny Randall, Sydney, NS; 8 ot amp 1 98 styling. & of 14.98 Ph oad PR ? 59 face, Complete 1 08 le ; minute L with tissues LJ 12 volt " Is Nam Ont [He waa unranked last year Rocco Jones, Halifax; 9 Don mirror, oie [0 12 volt, SET ed | Ranked In the third spot are Gritton, Brantford | " " * |Gary Cowan, young Kitchener | Bantamwelght, not over 118 a ft ond 15" tubeless and operation, Migh-sheen chrome |Rockway player, and veteran pounds--Champlon: Pat Supple, | Sa . ube types fittings, Fit most cars op mateur Nick Weslock, Windsor Essex, (Montreal; 1. Jim Hurley, Brant. Limited Quantity = ne phone Limited Quantity = ne phone Other rankings In order (ford; 2. Marcel Gendron, Quebec TORONTO (CP)---Bruce Casta-| Gordon Ball Toronto; Hugh|City; 8. Johnny Davidson, Glace tor, Canadian amateur champlon Paterson Toronto; Bob Panasiuk Bay, N.§ | bk d 1 who represented Canada twice 16-year - old Windsor Roseland| Flyweight, not over 113 pounds A \ hort, or mall orders on this Item, or moll orders on this Item, Protection for expensive carpeting Floor Mat this year In International com- player and Canadian junior and --Champlon: Lloyd Gordon, Saint petition, has been named top Ontario junior champion; Dave|John, N.B.; 1. Jimmy Hurley, . amateur golfer in Ontario for Morland, North Bay; Bill Mor. Brantford: 2. Gaston Bisson, Que Y 1050 land North Bay: William R. [bee City; 3, Fred Leblanc, Monc The 32-year-old Toronto Weston Parkes, 10th, Brantford [ton, N.B y h ker heads th ki | - -- " Ahomaiar Seas the unis i AUTOSNAOK LEATHER Deluxe Auto lon, He | | last ddan OOMPAS wun "wwe BAR TRAY KEY OASE KEY CASE year, Castator, an Industrial caterer ALL FAMILY GIF { S Nylonmitoks and tesle An "satsout'! ald we and former caddie, won the A novel precision made Ike expensive Beaver. holds drinks and send. TOP erain eowhide 4 Crafted In English Canadian title one-up in an all. direction finder 1% noice of wiches, Fits any wine keyhooks end license Morocco, leather lned Toronto final against Eric Han ony car or boat, De 19 dow, Purdy plastic holder, Neat too, Howy son. He tied for low amateur in \ NN 4.98 SOIOUN 11 verse Wat oie 1.10 end compact 00 wipper action, 1.19 A a 5 ; ye ol " the Ontario open and won the eastern Ontario amateur at Kingston for the third time in a record low score SPECIAL VALUER 1.59 PAIR A TUNE-UP FENDER TROUBLE Licence Plate Auto Baby BARGAIN PRICE t FRAMES BA IRIN GAUGE GUIDES LIGHT FRAMES» - adie Warmer amend Crest design Insulated mitten keeps CEILING TILES Mounts on dash, shows Clear moulded plex! Plugs Inte cigar lighter taliove) how to Increase gar 9!0W, visible doy and ample light for road triple chrome 1.10 hottla cold «= plug Inte night, Makes parking side repairs, mop read el | gar lighter 1 80 "| PREFINISHED PANELLING WNiewge ond 4.98 eorier 2.49 Ing. Leng 1.34 Luxury Chrome with plostie to heat \ Dress up the car floor area=--cover Worn mate---protect new car equips ment, Install right over prgsent ear mat, lift out to shake clean in sees onds, Jet black durable rubber, cone toured to fit driver's and passens 8 areas At -anadian Tire == PAIR Ll Deluxe AUTO FLOOR MAT SET Twin Auto Carpets == Cover '. Bh PAR ord window 1 t N : large floor areas «= protect and LR FREE CUSTOMER PARKING Lapel A k \ wearing flexible rubiber = in \e Blue, Green, White, Grey, Tan, Red or Black, FRONT SET PAIR eacock OPEN EVERY OPEN - run NIGHT TILL 9 P.M. coc lt tore A Exp ORTA . 328 RITSON TILL CHRISTMAS A ! (WNADIAY FILTER TIE ROAD NORTH = E EXCEPT BUDGET | TRS ASSOCIATE STORE CIGARETTES ' PHONE |} SATURDAY ACCOUNT \ \ * Oshawa--115 Simcoe Street South RA 3.9811 RA 5.2245 Diol RA 3.3423 Earl A, Smith Co. Ltd.

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