i OPEN TONIGHT» FRIDAY TILL 8 TF "RS Two Modern Stores To Serve You me as being 1m xeeping with the| true spirit of Christmas in our democracy, PARENTS QUESTIONS | Q. When I leave my 14-month- lold baby in Sunday school, which | |takes place at the same time as the church period, he eries until | {1 go and sit with him, [A He fs still too young to get along without your presence or that of another familiar person. | 12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thundey, December 18, 1958 CHILD GUIDANCE Creche Supplants Santa In Christian Churches By G. CLEVELAND MYERS | I've been pleased to see some 'N | Tere Is a growing trend magazines for teachers and some Way sot Jeave Sum at home with among Christian groups to sup- for children run something about a ba » ly or iy ws ie Flin plant Santa Claus with the Hanukkah in their December is. better equipped to be awa) creche, The image of Santa Claus sues In recent years This strikes you "in person' at the Christmas tree » is slowly disappearing and more | often a creche is being seen or dramatized instead, Frequently one sees a creche outside a Chris | tian church during the Christmas season Reports in the public papers in recent years note an Increasing number of pleas, - especially by the. Catholic and Tautheran clergy, for more emphasis on the creche and less on Santa Claus, This strikes me as a wholesome trend, s0 long 8s It Is limited to the home and church Some Christian groups have let RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS YOU WILL FIND WONDERFUL GIFTS FOR EVERY * MEMBER OF YOUR FAMILY, AND REMEMBER, BUDGETS GO FARTHER WHEN. YOU SHOP AT A ZELLER'S. RNASE AAADNCAAE 4 ONLY FIVE MORE SHOPPING DAYS TILL or men He'll breeze through his morning shave . a with this electric So 0 W yhave set: Pre-Electrie their own enthusiasm for the creche cause them to feel there should be a creche In a public park, on public school grounds or other places belonging to the en tire community We sometimes read in the papers that Jewish and other groups have raised objections to this, If we put ourselves in the place of these objectors we would better understand how they feel We might then Insist that it is contrary to freedom of religion, Children are often guided by thelr teachers to sing Christmas carols and put on dramatic cre ations bullt around our Christ mas traditions In public schools at this time of year. Although many Jewish children have chosen to take part in the festivi- ties, teachers usually excuse Jewish children whose parents wish them to be exempt from such participation There are Jewish parents, nev ertheless, who think this Is not sufficient consideration of thelr in our demo children's rights 57.00 J "Shave Lotion, Tale, und Cologne. SHAVES ELECTRICALLY ; | Every little girl will love one of these, Steel frame, chrome handle, view storm apron, vinyl clear FEATURED IN TOYLAND CONVERTIBLE DOLL CARRIAGE 5-98 12.98 Horse and saddle of heavy quality plastic, springs and rockeds, 30" overall length, 15" SPRING HOSE Steel wide, CHRISTMAS WOODEN > PULL TOYS All wood gaily ecole sored, characters mounted on wheeled pedestals, A gift | thot will delight 3 rac 24" high. Palomina color FAIR EXCHANGE Some wine teachers familiarize EIGEN TI salt STI TTI % A perfect gift for the little cowboy! . hood, rubber tires, mud little girls and boys. their pupils with a highly spir- TITS guards and brake. itual Jewish celebration which take place near Christmas PROMPT FREE DELIVERY Hanukkah, The Festival of | light I'eachers may even have Jewish children dramatize some parts of thiscelebration at school. Many parents are glad to have thelr children participate in songs or dramatizations at school | 8 KING ST. E, 530 SIMCOE ST. S prone RA 3.2245) OSHAWA | "ohonE RAS-3546 | - PHONE MA 3.5778 MO 8-2338 15 KING ST WwW BOWMANVILLE oo eH 317 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY celebrating Hanukkah as well as Christma CHILD'S ELECTRIC IRON Plostic handle, enamelled CROQUET Set containing 8 wire hoops, 4 mallets, 24 balls, 2 posts and instruc. tions for playing, For In door and outdoor use, DOLL 20" jointed vinyl doll dressed in flannelette diaper and cot- ton knit shirt, moulded painted hair, sleeping eyes, drinks and wets. A life size baby doll, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY CHEERFULLY COWBOY BOOTS Black and brown embossed leather with white trim, Sizes 3 to 8, A grand gift for young cowboy fans, body, ale ap ow fig 5 x 4 complete bd SL: : REFUNDED proved). 3.98 THIS CHRISTMAS... SUCH A THOUGHTFUL GIFT! Put your family two feet ahead in comfort and style this Christmas 1.39 EASY-LOCK BRICKS ROLY POLY "VINYL" DOLL 14" high dolly stonds on weighted base, Tinkles merrily. TOY TELEPHONE Plastic cradle type tele- phones with coin slot for use os bank, Size 6%" x 5" with 24" diol thas rings when rotating, ~~ METAL TEA SET A pretty 20 piece lune cheon set includes cups, saucers, plates, cream and sugar, large pitcher ond tray. 1.39 DOLL STROLLER With shopping bag ond canopy of washable vinyl, metal frame with solid WOODEN CUPBOARD Natural wood with vare nish finish, Pretty decals on the doors, Assorted colors, Boxed, «+. put them in slippers by Bata. Available for every member of the family ...all Bata-priced to help your Christmas budget! rubber tired wheels, Fold. Set contains full end halt ing style 24" high, bricks, windows, door panels, picture window, garage door roofs, etc, Colorful instruc toin booklet enclosed, 120 piece | OB 1.69 TREE TOP Glittering tinsel star 8 points, 92 in, in diam. Red poinsettia Dart Boards Regulation size, wire one side Special laminated wood, Block with clear contrasting numbers, GIFT 2.19 RIBBON Bross darts with plastic flights, A lovely assortment of Siam; Re three packed in cello-front box. A lovely K ' net © green, red, silver and gold. 25' hank, 25 23 /g TEAPOTS Cookie Semi - porcelain with Jars clear high gloss, Your choice of smart de- signs with dainty de- To keep Christmas cookies crisp ond fresh, Gay and amusing designs, of smooth coration, Grond for your holiday entertains pottery, highly glazed brightly colored. "1.98 2.49 Ornaments Great variety -- rounds, ovals bells and birds and gnany other styles to drecs p your tree. of > _ 3 rqlls asst, designs and colors, 360" x 20". 3 spools of ribbon, 6 osst " d d colors, 50' x wreaths, 14", trimmed 31 wide colors with red berries, bells, 1.49 pine cones and red WRAP Continuous roll In con. venient cutter box, 360" x 26" various de- signs, Boxed Handkerchiefs Dainty white cotton gift handkerchiefs with color ed floral embroidery de- signs. Assorted fancy lace edges. Three per box. for Mom 4.99 $ Christmas Wreaths Gay, bright Christmas SNOW SPRAY White snow spray to decorate your tree, windows, etc, Seon, container | 100s, container 5. . BOXED TOWEL SETS Usetul and much apprecis ated gift, Floral and striped designs, Set contains bath towel, guest towel end Washcloth, Tree Lights Decorative indoor Christmas lights, Each lamp burns in- dependently. Complete with clip-ons, Assorted colors, Cups and Saucers A qift she'll treasure. Fine HOSTESS APRONS FREE * OSHAWA SHOPPING RA 5.3874 CENTRE * 15 SIMCOE ST. N. RA 5.9122 4 DELIVERY SERVICE ON PHONE ORDERS OF 5.00 AND OVER Great variety, smart aprons of nylon and cotton with pretty trim. Self-ties. Gift boxed. 98 English bone china, Cups and saucers beautifully de- ~signed in colorful floral pats terns. '| 3) 8 a SHOPPING CENTRE 226 STEVENSON RD. S. PHONE RA 3-2209 _-- ¥ ¥ DOWNTOWN 21 SIMCOE ST. §. PHONE RA 3-2294 -- ee eit