The Oshawa Times, 18 Dec 1958, p. 9

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thunddy, December 18, 1958 § | PERSONALS |" "0. . {mtitution the fourth largest in ' ; Naval Academy Stagliners [emer ommre, «1 ogen bo. vs wa (¢ Wl Spice Ima Pot was neta a me home| Announces Merger of Mrs, Arthur Bilton, Welland Discuss Dating Philosophy |street, After a short business) NEW YORK (AP)~The famous The finest meeting Miss Joyce Power act banking house of J P, Morgan f A wh i ed as Banta Claus and gave out/and Company, and Guranty Trust ' : : Dear Mary Haworth: Apropos friend--but of course she can al Rifts from under the tree. A buf.|Company have announced 8 mer A treasured gift Grooming Aids a man can own! certain letters published rec-| ways decline.) ently, from girls Juhin to drag! 'Article 5; One of the main fet lunch was served by the hos-|ger into one firm under the name d (58 the United States Naval Acad- reasons IT will avold an engage. (tess assisted by Miss Betty of Morgan Guaranty Trust Com-| | |emy, 1 am supplying herewith a|ment -- or even an approach to Leask and Mrs, Bernard Lefeur- pany of New York, | certified copy of the Stagliners" one -- while | om ge fehon, The Merger ap 1s sublected Declaration of Independence (ins that I fully inten exper- ito approva the superintenden regard to dating) OP eevised Oct. lence the life of 8 bachelpr jun. The Social Department Is al- of hanks of New York and the 15, by the Naval Academy Stag- for officer. There will be plenty ways happy to accept items for federal reserve board, It also line Association, at Annapolis, of time to get married and set the personal column, especially must be submitted to stockhold- Md, It reads as follows: tle down afterward, Further-|for the approaching Christmasiers for their approval, "Article 1: 1 believe every more, 1 will then be hetter|and New Year season, If you ex-| wow 0n f(g the 22nd largest member of the brigade, except equipped to make an unqualified pect to be out of town during the, "0" wl United States and plebes, has the right to attend success of marriage, particularly holidays or are having guests, co amanty Trust rates ninth, The| [ hops. as a stag and, during times| from the standpoint of econom- Please telephone RA S304 (loci erged institution would have | ¥ ------r . when cutting-in is permitted, may ies." 3 @ ! lcapital' 'funds of more than| 4 or : , 3 . exercise the privilege of dancing] "Signed: William M. L. Asher, others, There is no charge for 5500 00 and total resources of, 3 hy? of ATIR SHAVE LOTION BODY TALCUM 1.28 PREECTNE SHAVE, with any young lady to whom he Midn. 1-¢, President; Frederick|this insertion about $4,000,000,000, ve i ©, Vice Pres hap ben propery Inroduced, || Oe, Mid 1 Prints and. relives of stud This would make the merged above, is the minimum affirma-| As President of the Stagline ents of the School of Nursing | [tion wequired in order for a mid-| Association, I would be very were entertained at a concert Inge, eons Heavenly Light" and shipma . to qualify as a Stagliner, happy to ald young women in McLaughlin Hall Sunday even: iin 1oveliest Night" In leu of| Subsequent Articles listed here securing dates at the Naval Ac: Ing, December 14, The program... o change of gifts a collection may, or may not, express exactly ademy, Sincerely, W.M.L.A, {was presented by Junior students), "(aren to be presented to the the convictions of a specific ! {and was arranged by Mrs, Helen Retarded Children's Fund, Mrs, by : DON'T WRITE deBoo Vamiijen, The planist SLAC ' joiner, Some men may agree only | 1 The planist was py, omag Adair spoke of the work with one additional article, or| Dear Midstipmen: Ty | Miss Mary Bell, a student In the that 1s being done for the retard Y A R D L = Y part the eof, whereas the dedi-|" Yere's Ply Jundor calss, A social hour fol-| oq" children and of the great need! B | cated, enthusiastic Stagliner willl oW and then, too; so here's pub-|joed the program i / the On Sunday ger quarters to ce on ; buy the whole course.) lishing your letter, to show thelagiemoon December 14, the Can- foe larger RO er ny en: Luzurious LAVENDER ; : |girls how a Stagliner's mind | (erry singers travelled through 2 "g TESTE ig not afrald of "Tk our man-hunting read [the Surridors singing carols for ove: TE TOILET SOAP and 'oi ser 288 SMOOTH SHAVE, TRAVEL S57 2.00 1 y p Trove! Size Aer' the patients' pleasur | Aer Shave Lotion ond Regular or New coptains ; competition, If some smoothie i.e (n vour age-group recognize pa pleasure matching 8 $300 ar Shave oa oe y J Il k ff I BATH SAI After Shave Cologne Mentholaled 1.25 should actually make off with a (he kidding quality of your offer] The Commingle group of the STENO SERV o - girl about whom I was quite ser-| i, pein them find dates with Ac- WA of Simcoe Street United : fous, it is better that I discover, ademy boys, 1 hope you aren't|Church met recently In the la A Aloo avallavie 10 Lota, Other Sets from 1.35 te 9.00 then and there, her tendence 10|4qiy ged with earnest petitions dies' parlor for its Christmas Is Ready To Serve | Avril Violets and Red Roses stray. If she was Just a casual|pom' wighful damsels, determ-|meeting. Mrs, Rex Harper open! YI : ey " Yer |acquaintance, no harm Is done.|inag to take you seriously led the meeting with the singing YOU! Just one of the fragrant P VY YAS 1] 2 [ A | RETTY IN PASTEL PINK OR BLUE In any case there are plenty of yy the event you are so be-jof a carol, The secretary and PHOTOCOPY EQUIPMENT Yardley gifts al pebbles on the beach. sleged, Just remember you are treasurer's reports were read MAILING LISTS nd : T "Article 8: I am not worrled fic nd gen 4 "ily ? ; {in training as officers and gen- Mrs, Fred Williams and Mr TYPIN SH J For Artistic Decoration IY shoul spending Mont oF ever all igen; and don't let the Jini Clarence Toaze sang two duets.| ANG ® RU OB of my Nava cademy c of fun and adventure lead you "Whispering Hope and "In That STENCILLING AN I} | | | I t d ( )f ( ) | without nefit of a 'steady' girl into unscreened exchange with Beautiful Land," Mrs. J. K. Mof- OTHER kING AND [| I C | | & WoO rees ns ea ne friend ach a igos Why unvouched - for females, 1f 207 fat presided for the devotional Drug: Stone " v . week-end Cragg we eich mall seems Interesting, turn period. Miss Evelyn Gay prese This Christmas why not have length. Spray evenly, slowly turn- along the line of entertainment, gn to a mature-age chaper- ed Rid yn lan present DIAL ¢ "he Legend of the two trees? The large traditional ing the decoration. One attrac. recreation, a change of PACE one of correspondence, for pre: Black Madonna," The Misses RA 5-3375 Christmas tree and, to supple: tive color scheme might be to use from the week's work, In a word, oautionary study, And don't you Phyllis and Lenore Glass sang ment it, a small coffeetable tree pastel green with a silver touch, fun | er without advice'/duets ent "Bre, | where you can let your decorat-|or, perhaps pale pink with a 'Article 4: 1 think ¥ is ridicu put pen 10 panes vy 3 entitled "Break forth or ing ideas have full play with un-ivivid red accent. lous to act as if a man has some MH usual colors and decorations. A! Algo the eolor sche of vour | sort of title to a girl just because . EYE small tree could also be used as room might be carried out in he has a date with her. I believe OILY FLATTERER a centrepiece on your dining-room your little tree any girl should have the right to, Dear Mary Haworth 1 am a table accept Invitations to Naval Acad midshipman at the US, Naval Decorating the small tree can, emy functions from any number Academy 7 give your creative urges full play, €ifts wrapped up to match the or midshipmen -- absolutely with. are the epitome of maturity and Forget about the usual red-and. decorations on your coffee table , i censure understanding. 1 would appre-| green color scheme. Pick up some tree are a pleasant touch, Each pLENTY OF TIME |clate it if you would accept a spray - paint in your favorite Buest can select his or her own «jf | am introduced to a girl, date with me, Sincerely, EW shades and don't be afraid to try Package. like her looks and think we could] Dear E.W.: What is it they say ; unusual color schemes One idea ---- ---- enjoy each other's com wn 1 "rn head on young 1 is to use a monochromatic theme would not hesitate to w and should iaybe that explains iy and spray your tree and your de HOSPITAL BIRTHS ask her for a date--no matter your appreciation of my mind corations the same shade More than 90 per cent of On- who happened to have a date But flattery will get you no- N When spraying the Christmas tario births now are in hospitals'with her when we met. 1 might| where, (Aside to the audience balls, hook them on a stick which and in Toronto it's about 98 per make an exception if she were He's joking) you can then hold out at arm's cent, pinned or 'engaged to a good M.H, FIRESTONE STORES... PUTS A SPARKLE IN CHRISTMAS { T 0 Y A L E Single . . . Double and Triple Width Draperies | Savings up to 50% FULLY LINED COMPLETE WITH HOOKS Tr . Pinch Pleated Headings HUNTER"S SHIN HOCKEY « « + Ready to Hang RIFLE GUARDS GLOVES the Day You Buy Them! With Telescopic Sight REG. 3.50 o REG. 6.99 REG. 4.50 SALE PRICE SALE PRICE 2.25 1.75 3.49 <r I © YOUR NEW : DRAPERIES 11F4 1126 AND 11C27 11P66 FOR XMAS TOY PLAY Girls' & Boys' Roy Rogers . ys STOVE schoo. pags | |GUN&HOLSTERQ 1° oc odd new beauty and charm to @ room, And one REG. 3.19 look at the beautiful colors, and attractive pat- REG. 2.09 terns and you will readily see how easy it would be to put a sparkle in Christmas, 1.59 rs * . 8.95 Ps SATIN MANY MORE! COME IN AND LOOK FOR THE MANY MORE! RED TAG SPECIALS : Bout Sieping en % Ps With ON ALL DOLLS &7 AIRFOAM Su. 1 % AND N PILLOWS A STUFFED TOYS 2) Bh pdiea Oh = Good Looking Attractively boxed: for 4, Christmas wrapping CHENILLE BEDSPREADS MIRACLE BLANKETS 5h 19 each A serviceable gift , . . yet Inexpensive, Allover solid J color with durable cotton bocking end fringed sides, OPEN EVERY EVENING TILL 9 P.M. PLENTY OF FREE PARKING A beautiful gift and one that is certain to be appreciated. Double bed size UNTIL CHRISTMAS EXCEPT SAT, & CHRISTMAS EVE ® BUDGET TERMS AVAILABLE o Light in weight and made of Viscose rayon and nylon. x" Available in seven attractive colors, "OPEN 1 Floral Patterned . Sale Priced 5.98 EVERY NITE | TIL Except Saturday & Sunday CHRISTMAS Tale, Regular Size Lather Shaving Cream 9 SIMCOE ST. N KA 3.343) If you are entertaining, token I think that you CORNER DIVISION AND KING STREETS ta sesessr (ERS : AT STORES FOR THE HOME Closing Xmas Eve at 6 p.m,

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