CDCI PRINCIPAL SAYS THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, December 17, 1958 7 1700 Kids To Many Problems Face Attend COD Teaching Profession COBOURG--Cobourg will have to double present collegiate faci ties hy 1065, Principal Col, C, G King, of Cobourg Distriet Coleg: ale, addressing members of Trine iy United Church Men's Club Tuesday night, revealed that the school hoard expects 1200 sty dents enrolled in the next six years, The present collegiate, would normally house 690 stu dents, now has an enrolment of B20, This figure Is expected 10 exceed 1000 hy 1060, when Grade 9 graduates will Increase from the present 249 to over Hx ~~ yeni on staff problems, Bald many teachers entering | the profession today were partly, | or totally, unqualified as a result of attempts to remedy an annual teacher deficit "Next year the province of On tario will need 1400 new (teachers, Ontario College of Education has about 300, Summer courses will supply 700, The defieit has to be made up somehow," He referred to six and len week emergency courses given by the department of education to provide elementary school teachers to fil} the gap, "Un qualified!" was his comment about the teachers Pupils suffered many problems, he sald, One of these which appeared In Cobourg collegiate was the problem of students who are prepared after a succession of in adequate teachers In rural ele mentary schools He sald one boy's mother told him, "We might have heen better to have closed the school this year, Khe was referring to A session under an emergency teacher Niaff problems are Increased by unequitable salary se Ale § AC voss the provinee, he said, "High fr ASKeREMENn! Areas lure Away good teachers, There 1s supposed to he a move on fool to stand ardize pay scales In metropolitan Toronto, There are 13 municipal ties, each with its own boapd of education and Ils own sary [1 ale titebicoke has the highest pay | scale In Ontario now.' He sald later there was as mich as f1200 between some NS and poi i schools Col, King also sald criticism of long vacations given [eal hers Is unfair, "They earn thelr money, I think, Teaching is a demanding profession, They need time to re cover from the strain imposed on them for more than 200 days a year Commenting on the competition the teau hing Drutoamen hare ences from suggested nat i had Bo or | | ter take cave, If industry takes | all the skilled men, there will be no one left to teach the next gen eration, Speaking about eritielsm from universities that Grade 18 grad uates were. nol measuring up, that they were "spoon fed', and | that there was a high wastage | i rate In university ie, he added) "Is true, bul we don't what we can do about it "In secondary school we try to] help them with thelr study habits, In university they have to listen to a professor who Just about the subject, and they're on thelr own, Nobody cares If they pass or not He sald there are HO students in two Grade 13 classes at the collegiate this year, This is the first time the school has had two separated lasses in upper school Of the students in upper sehool, realise that he sald You will Grade 13 work calls for a great| deal more energy than Gade 12. He sald he was conducting ve TEMPERANCE MAN DRUNK CHICAGO (AM) Richard Reunt, 37, was convicted Tuesday of drunken driving Temperance, Mich P.H. Council Plans Work For 300 PORT HOPE With an esti mated 200 persons unemployed in Port Hope, a special commit tee of the town council met this week to copsider ways and means to help provide employ ment for these in need of work, | The committee decided that the most practical project would he to tear down a bullding on | Cavan street and convert the ad jacent property into a parking lot In addition it was decided that a five-fool high retaining wall be built from Bassett street 1a On tarlo street as a spring flood control measure Subject to approval hy the coun ell, the conmittee's plans will be submitted by the town engineer to the provincial government, I the province approves, the pro posal Is forwarded fo the federal government for iis assent The subsidies provided by the provincial and federal govern ments are for work not normally done In winter, They consist of a 21 per cent subsidy hy the pro vinelal government and a 3M per cont subsidy hy the federal gov ernment on labor costs only WAS ONTARIO NATIVE EDMONTON (CP Nea. Le wella Hardy, 61, wife of author W. G. Hardy, died Monday night De. Hardy is the head of the Uni versity of Alberta's classios de partment. Mes Hardy wa iv Pinedale. On Vind Uxbridge Wag bora educated at | and the Laiveraly of Teron which | hegause of | 8 inadequately | had | know talke | He lives In| | | Yule Party COBOURG 2% Central Ord nance depot will hold its annual search Into what Grade 12 char: tor, ¥, Ruggles; socls) commit: (yivisimas party Saturday for acteristics appesred in the final'tes, Truman Mills and Kills Reed, (children of depot employes, A year, Bo far, he sald, it looked as | Membership commitiee will be visit from Sania Claus, gifts, re though students with an average chaired hy vice « present Lloyd |freshments and entertainment of less than 60 per cent in Grade! Cable, Members are Walter War-|will he the order of the day when' 12 stood a low chance of gradust-'ven, Eimer Bull, Doug Gibson, lover 700 children accompanied by ing with an honor diploma and W. Caldwell, Members of the (their parents will make (heir NEW EXECUTIVE work committee, which changes|vay to Warehouse 2 to join in Members of the executive for | chalrmen each month, ave as fol-|the festivities ithe Trinity Men's Club were!lows: January, V, -W. Climo;| Chairman of the Christmas elected at the meeting, These | Pebruary, Henry Chord; March, Commitiee is Major B, J, Carey are: president, ¥, G, Hempstead; [Fred Hempstead Jr; October, secretary, Mrs, ¥, Harold, mem vies president, Lloyd Cable; |G, G, Wicks; November, I, D, hers, Captain Hicks, It, Parkes secretary, Dr. J, W, Tripp; treas-| Dodge; and December, Vie Li, Hayaen, WO 2 MeCue, Messrs, urer, W, tf, Jones; musical direc: Hayes "Skelding and Tessier Lo O00 0 Ovo vb fh Oh 0 0 0 OO 0 O00 (0 0 0 6 Ob hh 6 LAST CALL FOR CHRISTMAS # Do-i-Yourself this Christmas . . 7 give a Gift that you've made yourself , , END & STEP TABLES 1" With ¥4 Douglas Fir Plywood 2.45 coc 3.15 cach To give your table a long, hard finish ' IARBORITE PIECES woot chums 2x4 , . . . only 528 2x8 or4x4 . only 10.56 EDGE TRIM Arborite, 10 fi, roll , , 1.60 Wood Veneer, 8 fi. roll 960 6" to 29" BIRCH Strong and easy to instal with a protective brass tin home that touch Strong, durable and easy to work with cut 4 x 4' x 2' #3 A smart 28" DIAMETER table of #8 Ya plywood is always modern (d WOOD SPACERS for Step Tables 60c to 4.40 per set h [ho Hew Mod eh Ives your 'modern Gives ) J | Set of four "a. 80 « 5.85 #§ Two-Tone Black and Brass V/ROUGHT IRON LEGS. 6" to 29" Legs of strength and quality te blend with today's modern furnishings i 3.25 + 8.80 BRIGHT BRASS, per set, 4.30 to 7.25 PING PONG PRE-CUT WORK TABLES BENCH AS :ov20. 00 6-95 | ASSORTED CHRISTMAS PLYWOOD CUT-OUTS DO-IT-YOURSELF CHRISTMAS HEADQUARTERS Oshawa Wood Products LIMITED Yard, Main Office and Showroom COURTICE, RA 8-1611 AJAX, ZENITH 2,9600 0) FOR ONLY Downtown Office and Showroom 84 SIMCOE ST, S,, RA 8-1617 BOWMANVILLE, MA 8.2130 ® Downtown Showroom Open Friday till 9 p.m, © Iitrtereeeoeeeeteeeas gE | HE EASY CREDIT TE ES SHOP AT SPRING BROS. RENSSESSEENESESSUEIRENN EASY CREDIT TERMS NSS SEN SHOP AT SPRING BROS. OU SAVE WHEN YOU SHOP DOWNTOWN VALUABLE GIFTS OF FURNITURE with the purchase of any bedroom, living room or kitchen suite! Buy now & save! SPRING BROS. CHRISTMAS SALE A BEAUTIFUL UPHOLSTERED TV CHAIR WH With Any LIVING ROOM SUITE (Plus @ Froe Turkey) EASY CREDIT TERMS » NO Payments UNTIL NEXT FREE! FREE! WITH ANY BEDROOM SUITE FREE! FREE! BL, SEE OUR LARGE SELECTION OF CHRISTMAS GIFT ITEMS FREE! WITH THE LOWEST PRICES EVER--1.00 DOWN FREE! HOLDS ANY ITEM TILL CHRISTMAS FREE! A TOP QUALITY SPRING AND SPRING-FILLED MATTRESS (Plus & Froe Turkey) A HANDY KITCHEN Utility Table WITH ANY KITCHEN SUITE (Plus @ Free Turkey If Suite is 75,00 or Over) 6 MATCHING TOWELS WITH ANY CEDAR CHEST Plus @ Frew Turkey If Chest Is 75,00 or Over) DRESSED TURKEYS FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! | FREE Large Spring-Filled Television CHAIR WITH THE PURCHASE OF THIS LOVELY AIRFOAM LIVING ROOM A guaranteed Spring Bios ux KUrous you've olways wanted in a wide range of the latest colors cushioning bed-davent SUITE Value , Init you'll find the styling and dependable quality construction thet Rich, beautiful rubber-backed nylon, Luxurious alrfoam 189.00 Your choice of chesterfield or roomy Reg. 209.00 PLUS FREE SPRING-FILLED T.V, CHAIR . , FREE--BIG CHRISTMAS TURKEY BUY ON A LAY-A-WAY w= NO CARRYING CHARGES w= FREE STORAGE SAVE 30.00 SMOOTH-TOP MATTRESS No buttons . . , no tufts to mar your sleeping comfort, A full quality smooth top mattress with 252 coll springs covered with sisal pads and Alr vents and turning handles, Cov ered In high grade Imported materials must not miss. Reg, 59.95, SALE 29.95 BUY ON LAY:A:WAY wu NO CARRYING CHARGES -- FREE STORAGE layers and layers of white felt A buy you The Buy of a Lifetime... For the Gift of a Lifetime... BEAUTIFUL CEDAR CHESTS Exquisitely grained Seal" "Meirloom' Cedar Chests of the finest construction inthe and Honderich "Red latest finishes to match your bedroom furniture, 49.95 and up LL LL 6 Free Matching Towels with the Purchase of = Any Cedar Chest IF YOU PURCHASE A CEDAR CHEST WORTH 75.00 OR MORE YOU GET A FREE TURKEY ALSO FREE SPRING and MATTRESS WITH THE PURCHASE OF THIS LOVELY BEDROOM | UITE You'd expect to pay this price alone for all the smart styling and tine quality in this beauty, You'll say ve when you see it yourself, Highlighted by a full size bed. Large Mr. & Mis. Dresser and deep roomy chest You'll he proud of this suite tor many years to come, Reg. 179.00, 169.00 PRE. CHRISTMAS SPECIAL PLUS FREE SPRING AND MATTRESS AND FREE CHRISTMAS TURKEY BUY ON LAY-AWAY -- NO CARRYING CHARGES -- FREE STORAGE "Highest Quality Furniture At Lowest Possible Prices" SPRING BROS. FURNITURE 10 BOND ST. W. Phone RA 5-031 "SO¥E ONIUAS 1V JOHS RETIRE SWY31 110340 ASv3 SWY3L 11G3¥0 ASY3 'SO¥g DNIYES LV JOHS HOF AT SPRING SRG. I TAS CRYGTT TERS ER |