14 THE SEHAWA TIMES, Wednordey, Posamber 17, 1909 Toronto, Montreal Stocks TORONTO id Tors Sark (Quntations In renis wn Odd int his 1) The Cansdian Prem Fark fee, 19 marked Exdividend, wr swe warranis Industiials Stark Abitibi Acad All A 7h Altg ist vt 209 Allg Gre 765 ad anya 1 Wi Salen Ld Phone will Oi a Kirns didvell | pr i Pos TETTIIIRITR D> Frod "mh Blane EL] a" am Ww Cm rt 4050 n Rrew Wh nA m Chem (nw Hydra ( oi Vin aro FOROD A Ll Pane; mM faohin A Latta pr Mages A Leal Masa: f Mass f Melati Mid-West Mant Loen Mill 1] in $12 Nimpsons Apartan TL) Pa Koel Can Suptast Ord Tor Dam ita I Fin A Tv Can PI Trans Min tm wis rin 200 40 nh Ashesing on sus € Paper Niupant in Int Li 2n4 MO Paper 100 Ofilvie i" Ex Nel Wigh law il am Oh My il Ld ld wh m LA pd wn (Ln 816% Ll Why LILA [LP CL 105 10h MA 48 | B08, 1047 He A sls Aly Bh 280 $0 A $id, 12 $131, " Wig "ey 108 1 108% fing 140 140 M7 LL S40 Bids ME $4 150 i) LL My LL i" $A LER] IE 8 "ne iy Aly MM Sialy BAY Miy 0 sols 20 LTA IN Ailey MY Milly ly " " Ay 30ie " iia iy Oils 1000 Son Armes fan Am Ledus I rm " in "" w BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Salon Nigh Law Il am, Li Batley 8 A Bailsay 8 pr Banff Bal Britain 19 7] 18 h " " Ld SO wis 8 Pris dan Atl mil Dev ¥ fins High Cr firaky in WoO nt Pel wile ee i rr wis vial wn i 1460 0h 2000 HH wis 8 mi 1000 } 1 200 Plains LEU Hume hl A Al Maitrans 1000 Medal 1500 Midean 1 Mill City Hn Nal Fein #50 N Bristol 1000 N Navies 1h N Superior 14 #900 1h 127 20) 2400 nh 2500 0 $0 A500 1400 A Ani non 17 na mw Phillips Prove Gian Pele Neenltn W lease 420 LU Wh Mh Lad kd #h $iiia 70 hh 17h IL 460 EL] Mines PLT] "1 nn 1504 4 1000 1000 0) nn 100M) an 1200 10 1400 1500) 204 LE im Hn A 1000 Vin 1200 100 1 Hon 1600 A) Ahh 100 1400 1] 2600 [EL] Wh 2000 #0 1500 nT 1000 on #0 1 00 3000 ahh 827 (1. FLEET] 108 Ain Hi mw TE] Rovinar Bialnine Kutind Will Ank Camp Chih Cadmel ' Can Mel Mel win Canning Cavey Chih M neh Moivison 18s thiand and Mines Yh Kage i AO Ann of 1400 1000 2000 A000 nn VIN AM aon 1960 10 Ath 1400 dave Bapl doburke dansmith Lake Cin ' fault L Ow | n L Wasa Leitch Lexindin Lovada 10's tL] its eoal and $lark Macdan Maslie Muclend Magnet Maren Maritime Martin Melnivre Merril Milliken Minds ML Wright Nealon Now Alger ew Deni NN Miken N Myviama Newnny New 'Taku Nor Acme Novanda Norgaln MNariartin N Hank Novihap Novsp A O'Leary Open Pardes Paley Fatine M Faymant Pekriess Pitch ye Fionn Quer Ascot Que Lah Que Tih G Metal Rayroek Rin Rup Sherritt Blanieigh Rianrock Sienly Sleep R BLurgenn Svivanite Teck HW Tem Ak { Mining L' Asheston In Fort \andon Ventures Salen 1000 0H #00 #500 wi Hann 780 0 M70H LI LL 300 1A 1000 wn LLL AN Wiltse Wi Hars Yale 1ond Nellovex Yi Bea Youn HG Penmun lurk Bulnin Ie Bales 10 1] & MONTREAL By The ( Mantreal Mock fanntatinng In renin unless y-Ndd AL rights, Int aw Sinek Ahitini Acadia Atl Algoma Alumin Alum mr Argus Ashesing Riau N& ria Atlas 'Neel Rainy 8 § pe Kank Mant Bnnue ON GW A Sales 1h 100 M0 LLL 1n rin Wn 100 ai Re Phone Cal Paw 1 an Com AN Chl 100 Rank Com ARN Rl em rt 10540 Aran 240 Aritish Alu Celan 200 Col LTA pr #10 Husky LL ! A Intpowey 200 A { Dist Reap I Hridge Nn Glas ns ord Dom Tar Dom Text Danohue IRL] [IY "w consumes hetween 4,000 5,000 tons a month Everybody thought we'd get new coal orders to fill the hreach mi Exwarranis) Industrials 200 time wave will," Net Hine Fain Gal Vg pr Gy Wpg G GL Paper Hamme (hl A Hame 1 B Hud Bay imp Bank Imp Inv A Imp Oi Imp Tih Ind Aceep Int Nickel Int Pas #4 LILA "Wa LL] sibs LAL 1h pr ih Mass Ver Mass Fer Meloll. Molson A n Molson B n Mont 1oea Norapda Ogee Par Pele Page Hern Penmans Price Bi Q Nal Gas Fine AY. sd Hoval Bank Al Com A BL Cp Bhawin Shawin A Ripgione Tor Dam rt Tor Dam Bk Tr Can Pipe Walk 6G W Wehh Knapp pr 100 Ahiton Dom Bug Cdn Arena 1 Inv « Marcon « Pane Con (as Ford A MO Paper Maou Rinne! Shan Nave T Fin A Trans Mi Un Gas fing | Mines pez A on An 2000 " 100 Ann o we # Aa0n 14 12400 42 hin 4 1500 7000 LLY 7100 ahh P00 0 Lu vinn 2000 500 1000 1140 100 gin 100 100) Agus Algor Alsenpe Ammium Anaeon Allan Aull Bateman Reatrice Relleohasne Bannyville Rornite Burnt Will Cal Fd Calumet analank INOrAMa ELT [1] A75.000 anadian Press Exehange=Nee 1 marked § rma Ll M Fadividend ( ( 11iA0 Net ( Nigh low am. (hips ('n { hiahy » IN ' bin : $i '" LH Is Wily 1 hha ory Denison Dome Faloon Fann (inld (UANAT Hollinger Ini Luke In" Cpramie ten ran Age 1000 aon 000 140% Aon 2000 25500 Npl ne NW Amilet Ohalski Opemises Orehan Paudash Pannher Portage Portage wis Que Cobalt Cue Lah Que smelt Nt LL River Pufault Trajan 1 Asheston tn Dis Virginia Willrey 000 Kalen tn 1100 a.m mines and alla 186,400 0s Ey "iy aly My Ind aly 1808 About 3,500 Jogging Meanwhile, it Monday (hal eo had »a Kuess hard we al "We've always herve, and | he sald Dr, DM, Cochrane, who op 4 ww Li " 17% 17 oh | Hl Ps River 'Taylor To Fight Brewery Charges TORONTO brought against Canadian Brew | eries {legislation will he | sisted etter The letter Taylor 11:80 Ned Sales Nigh Low a.m. Oh'ge 14 ' iL 7 Ld iY] slates uatriale 46,000) people live In the Hebert area announced dealers in WAN onl ment prosecution will {against the company No charge has yet heen laid, company has no knowledge of the delaits of any such charge It repeats a statement from the company's (CP 1--Any charges vinced it has done nothing con trary to law The letter says it Is not written Ae 4 criticism of the government or the suthorities whose respon sibility It Is to decide whether a prosecution is to he undertaken, hil to inform shareholders of the company's position it reviews the report in May 1995, of the Restrictive Trade Practices Commission which con cluded that Canadian Breweries did not control the brewing in dustry, was faced with sirong | competition, did not dominate the heer market and did not have the | power Lo dictate prices or elimin- ale competition IAd, under anti-combines Igorously re the company states in a to shareholders signed hy p chatrman--follows Just Minister Fulton's anngunce in an interview Dec, 9 that he launched 7 letter comments, and (he which is con annual report that the company Premium ® Prompt Delivery ® Courteous od I ® Reasonable Price For Delivery By Me VIGOR OIL CO. LIMITED gS ---- NEW REDUCED PRICE -- ON -- STOVE OIL 20- ed Trucks Phone: Quality MO 8-3644 RA 5-1109 WHITBY ADMIRAL TV The "Kent! Model C21G11X, 21" Super TV Console with new horizon tal full fidelity transformer chassis delivering 18,000 volts "Golden 5 "Cascode tuner, Pull-push, of picture power ignet' on-off and tone controls, "Golden Stage' picture frame. 110" "Black Magic" whites. 6" cabinets. In 1,273 picture tube for blacker blacks, whiter Tilted Optic Filter Slime full fidelity speaker mahogany or blonde wood, 1534" D walnut, 16" W; line 363/16" SEE THE COMPLETE ADMIRAL TV. DISPLAY 996.00 up Wringer WASHER EXCLUSVE ! ADMIFAL 3.PCE HI-FIDELITY THE ONLY WASHER WITH 2 YEARS FREE SERVICE erates the Cumberland Fuel and Trading Company Mine al River left with the closing of the Spring hI mines," Mr, Tavior sald, But PORTABLE in more States to Moncton were hringing Closing Mines To Hurt Others Ry JOE DUPLIS Canadian Press Staff Writer JOGOINS NS cp of the Springhill, N 8 rather won't need much coal from Jogging Ie ( Coal hill as umberiand Railway Company mines in 13 miles fram here cloned following the Oct, 2 mine IN caven tha! took 78 lives. Jog olla villages gins and River Hebert ave four Hehert miles apart. Ahout 230 miners Zork In the villages' two mines from Ca Wilhhiam Tay manager of the Amherst Maritime Coal Railways and moten Power Company in Jogging, sald the shutdown at Springhill even much thally will hart us Canada Kleetrie, whieh controls the Jog IL gins operation, and buys most of | and Spring were Closing mines last nonth may hurt than help woduetion he n al two wihern Nova 8 and coal pis MJ RRIN River I'he rtant pringhitl of of mines POW er arhy COMpany vere im Aer ada Ele md the Womost of i low trie ne electric coal from Joggins Springhill not using as I OF the electri will COMPany woduetion he cul and | TO GR WER WR GE RR GE WR SS -- | | | Long way to PAYDAY? | geta a. Cc" < LOAN from IT'S EASIER TO REPAY TNE ASSOCIATES' BUDGEY PLAN WAY! When yeu need meney, got it the Associates "4:C" way CASH, COURTESY, CO-OPERATION and CONSIDERATION. Phone or slop in to yaur nearest Associates Budget Plan office for fant friandly service, MONTHLY PAYMENTS $11.00 17.00 25.00 34.00 45.00 YOu wcuve 179.0% mmr 412.44 160.7) 1,524.00 ANY AMOUNT $50.00 to $3,000.00 BUDGET PLAN LIMITED OSHAWA 111 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH RA 5. 6531 hs crew M0 of 160 still haul about tons of coal a day on an ght hour bagis SORBED OF TIME A beautify! Iowa wateh RAL aireles your VELLA A golden Saran Lifetime WAR ARADIA MA ARRT ING, WALOR AR papal LILA Y Ry ing hat mina he alaganes af 4 URL GANAR AN CLIMNER A ih winding, 00K Takia tan 101 wate Ah ied of the WAR WAR IS §OINE Bases. 17 jewels fitatime unbraan ARI manapting Fad im Rand s ILLES SLR) Lb DIOtANRY Hebert sive not coal from the United hut offset shortages caused hy the mines shutdown In Springhill says the Springhill elo will affect us slightly materially he that * Boh difference! on DIAMOND LA PETITE A fashion aristocrat, PArKIing diamonds, 23 jewels, precision adjusted, 1 WRh shiatle MAMIAEINE, wih matehin APANSION Dbracele YAH teva 1 | aed. AY fewels WIARAR Waly "ATILEING, TONILANL, win (Tetime unbreakable maINSDI Ing welt LL} UR) i Better Jewellers Everywhere! PLUS A TURING: » Large 11:ll on 21:3 o Double Bar 129.00 12.YEAR REBUILD WARRANTY FEA. Porcelain Chrame Drain Pans Dual Pump-Timer ( Safety ® A.vane Metal Agitatar o Power Pump JUST IN TMF FOR CHRISMAS Tub ® Heavy ontrel Wringer Release WITH TRADE Model 21.5 RCA Vidor "Lockwood' THE LOCKWOOD SUPER MODEL 21TC290 Clearer Pies Tube ® Keyed Automatic Gain Push-Pull On-Off Switeh, Balanced Fidelity Striking new Frontscontral Styling © Brighter ture ® New RCA Picture Control & P Transformer Stay-Set Volume Control Sound ower Two speaker 269.00 RCA VICTOR Stereo - Orthophonic HI-FIDELITY 199-93 WITH APPROVED TRADE 88 KING ST. WEST Kelvinator keezel MODEL FEN:1S Chest Ty 14.8 ft. chest treezer living ot High-speed operates at storage bhaskehs latch has built-in lock when lid pe Home Fieesd This PEIMits canvenience and edomy low cost: Fivewall cold assures sate stor temperature treeaing section (s separated from storagk ompartment subeaeia temperature for toast tieesing simplity storing of packages. Chrome ple Non-alare tHaodlight in mter of Lid igs automatically In rained; Safely taht goes out ihower fallure or 1eMpEratue approag pont; forage capacity Powered hy a! | | Wl carrying 9 J Food Spoilage Warranty, Poth 323%, Heignt SPECIAL 0.95 ype freezer sanal Sealed Sy ula Wi ath PRICE EASY BUDGET TERMS Open Every Ivening Till 9 p.m. Unil Xmas RA 5-0706 -- 54543 |