"GOOD TOWN TO LIVE IN Ajax Growth Due To Natural Facilities AJAX (Ball) ---~ The treme Gaus growth of the tows of Alas Jom rian 4 sites of wepdeeant | people. partioularly Mgr AL the area in is The following may provide the answers to these two questions Pirst, location, Ajax is within the Metre plansing ares, % from the heart of the city of To- rent. It is located onghe shores of Lake Ontario snd is served hy the mainline of the CNR and two provincial highways. Freight ser vice, ral or truck, is the life tad of an industrial town The Bt, Lawrence Seaway is an niher feature which is hound to have a heneficial offect. Whithy harbor is only five miles sway, and a survev has heen made to determine the possibilities of opening a harbor al the mouth of DuMin's Creel. The survey was eneonra®ing, One of Conada's largest air ports is within an how's drive fram Afax and exnress service is avaliable from the Oshawa air port, 20 minutes away Major industries in the town present a wide range of pduets and provide employment to over 2000 peaple, Vocational traiming Pacitities in clude classes in industrinl arts, drafting, woodworking, some metal work, machine shop, forge work, heme econonvies, commer cial courses and venersl arts flervices include ample indos tris powers, twe (rensmiesion Hnes of 44.000 origianting cond in omie prices from Owhawa, or Toronto Ww track, Od), Yast Industrial fed bunker C fuel is available in tank wagon lols af regular prices. EXPANDING FACH. "WBS lant oh, which will ensure the town an ample supply of oryatal | Bust New Quarters As Cametoid Gets Bigger ATAX = Camoleld Limited we pleased te announce a Moe aves of 10.000 square and is located om a one sore providing ample voor far Nabure ex nansien, Cametedd Limited is an ROAF apnroved organisation, and op erates in a Wehly specialized section of the slectre plating in dustry, The policy of ho --_ pany provides emehasis | maintonance of quality of he manshin, and the siriet adher once to ne whether the latiar are writlon by a man ulfacturing organivation ow a government ageney. The operation Is rather wes al in the jobgplating Held, hoth in the wide variety of snocifics tion finishes provided, the oem trol and imapection methods end functions empleved The facilities include the use of a woll eawin tory for the maintenance of cer rect analysis of (he solutions Quality contre omeinment such as electronic plate film thick. nods test walls, and a salt fog testing cabinet for corrosion re Staves losts are located - ie ' LU THON LONDON (CP) ~~ A sethed of cauring ot onevations deep in wide the eye withowi cutting ang | eve structure: is heing weed ot | London hospital, Defective tissues are wned away hy an nutrument warking on the eile of the dorming a) Gorman invention ovet many recreational «| imelude Rotary, clear waler lor many yours i» came. The sew sewage plant is hui serve a population of 12,000 ™e present Joyiation in ne. The plant can the need vo. ain 1h _-- ers are already insialled across the heart of the undeveloped arcs, ready for immedinie connection to any service that may be re- quired Four elementary public schools, one separate school and we high scheols serve the town, pro- viding children with all the edu cational eppertunitios thai any town can offer. AN the schools are modern and fully staffed Police and fire protection is of a high erder, Vive full time men and 3 voluntesrs comnrise the fire-fighting force. Fire losses are low, a fact that is reflected in faverable insurance rates ight police officers, one patrol erser, and (wo auxiliary oruis ers, all radio equipped previde rotmd-the-clack police protection A 46 hed hosoital and full staff of qualified dectors serves (the town and surrounding district Further expansion of the hospital facilities is contemplated The division of wise ow shows a 56 - 46 tween rosident ial and prose} The tax rate in 1969 was 6002 mills residential, and 73.02 com mercial and industriel. Assess ment this year, when Tasindes assessment is added, will he over $10,000,000 There are 1060 housing nts in the town, Most are owned hy the persons residing in them with of the apartments, the town or its environs, which in clude golf, swinming, parks, hall park, comnwnity centre, bhadimin- tan, haskeiball, athletios and curl: Cultural facilities include » well stocked pubic Wheary aod art club, an omoual musie foul: val, litkle theatre. Sorviee cube ( 'anadian ™e osHAWA TIME, Tomdey, Bocsmber 16, 1996 § Churches serv, An do | Sears far wn p for July R. B. Reed and Sons branch flower store In Ajax now stresses the same splendid service which has charae- terized the building of this firm since its inception in Oshawa in 1912, Whatever the floral occasion YOUR FLOWER PHONE IM AJAX IS DAYS - - 1040 NIGHTS - - 1281 PAUL HOEMDERMAM, Menoger R. B. REED & SONS ® AJAX SHOPPING CENTRE +o If you have ploting or anodizing requirements calling for plating to gauges or guaranteed adherence to specifications call RCAF APPROVAL NO. MIVG054 Tel. Ajox 106 CAMETOID LTD. AJAX, ONTARIO TORONTO EMpire 4-4947