The Oshawa Times, 16 Dec 1958, p. 17

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14 pup, #0 Wi Saiuriny. Phone BA 8.508 "LOST" Library book entitled "JOURNALISM" from news. room of the Oshaws Times, Pleose return same Jan, --Antle los For Rent PO IT YOURSELF | with the power tools end squipment you con rent of Son's Sharpen Bic (corner % Burke) 33224, Rig x fig Ai Belt, Disc and Osclllating Sonders; Skill Sows; Electric Hammers ond many other tools "male, wm flor 5, 2461 (44--For Rent THIER + ¥OOm apartment on ground | floor private entrance, Vacant Decem ber 18. 178 Alles Birest FURNISHED apariment, Wying room, bedroom, kitchen and bathroom, with slove, refrigerator, washing machine, TV and continuous hot waler, Apply M Lloyd Blrest, 289 | BUILDING apartment, three roo [aon + place hath, washer, serial, oh ing, adults, ¥15 manthly, Near Oshawa | Shopping Centre, 218 Biavenson Bowth, | wy | For Results CALL RA 3-3492 |31-- Articles For Rent A LAL omplale gilts Toy vent, | diappotiiment consints of ow Wad (we + bedroom spariments, , relrigerator and save, private entrance, KA $9382 Ld TWO. room spariment, furnished, in basement Siiabie, for wo or (hres gentlemen, Phone RA 69143, 20 a HONTILY res Wireet North Three rooms and private hath, oll heated, heavy duty wove, billtin sup hoards, Available now. KA § om NA 50483 | WIORY for vent, miliable for wifice,| Hght and hast included, good location, 9 from Cadiline Hotel, 381 Simeon SANDER AND FINISHER from DO-IT-YOURSELF HARRISON & KINSMAN 337 Simcoe $1. 8, RA 3.4425 WEBBING'S RENTAL SERVICE Floor Sanders; Belt, Vibrating end Circular Sanders; (we have @ somplete line of sealers and waxes); Clreular Sows; Electric Drllly Staplers; Blow Torches; Soldering Irons; Contrifugel Pump; Pipe Wrenches; Power Trowel, and many ether Tools, WEBBING'S HARDWARE DRIVE-IN ALWAYS AM 282 KING ST, W 32--Articles Wanted PIANOS wanied Immediately _--r make, or ples, cash. Ostranders, 137 Queen Birast East, Toronto, HOward 1750 Dee LING furniture hasement? asl price when The Oshawa Trading 4 oul, Slreet South ' PIANOS, 10 Will pay ensh Write Bfx 237, Oshawa Times WANTED $crop and Poultry |, TURNER RA 3-2043 (enl or cleaning on You wii get your high HA B83) uprights or ministures Kinte make and price Dee 2 ect) CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON METALS LTD IRON METALS PAPERS RAGS OPEN SATUR AYS ALL DAY 5.9432 RED fi RA 5.4189 100 ANNIS STREET FREE PICK-UP CARS WANTED FOR WRECKING Scrap Iron and metals bought, Call SHAW RAG & METAL CO. RA 5.2311 #9 BLOOR STREET FAST OPEN SATURDAYS 35--Employment Wanted EADY Feaiiires housework by the d J J A Lotsa Kireel PHA YOUNG married woman any nd of employment Oshawa Times not 36--Female Help Wanted FABY 0 have refer fren. Nie I'l on, Phone A IMMEDIATE OPENING FOR OFFICE CLERK Experienced cashier, accurate with figures, with general of» fice kn Apply Box 318, Times, glvir fll details ve desires Rox 418 L-with housework, mu nd he fond of pi Lil) LLLD wedge 446 Bimroe | ROOM » Duteh FA Apply South 1 home for right per. | | meres "| Street 8 Atk In barber shop, KA S4740 24 TWO bedroom spariment, in Bowman ville, Phone MArket 3.2983 sont THREE or four rooms, three place. pri vale hath, second fioor, Apply M8 Al bert Breet, NA 53606 0H FIVE « room house with hath, Simeone 4 North, Phone RA 51808 or RA LIE All sonveniences, Mil basement, garage. Early posses sion, 106 William Street West or Phong KA BHM wu FOUR rooms, private bath, sink in kit chen, ehild weloomed, HA B6705, 20M TWO rooms, wingle girls or gentle: men, 814 Olive Avenue, RA A7610 wn room apartment with bathroom, central location hina PLE PARKING RA 3.4873 (37 Male Help Wanted y TWO men for fuel delivery, preferably ui experienced, commercial leense Ie § | uired Phone Whithy MO 8.3328, 202 BD WANTED = Immediately, experienced [vation ( arbar, Apply 8 Celina Btreot. 3900 yyw i unfurnished roams, . {finar, private entrance, euphoards and | Two self-contained, RA bins LARGE hright apartment, IV antenna, main floor, also three: room apartment both with tiled hath (roams, each self.contained, Central > Phone HA 5.098 Hi four-room . dio [#ink, share bath, $45, heal and hydro (included. Abstainers, RA 57476 204c | |voum Inrge rooms twahedroom | | selfcgontained apartment heat and} {water supplied private entrance, one or two children, Apply 396 Pine Avenue APARTMENT, furnished, wsultahie for couple, two single men or girls, newly decorated, 'trig and stove, Riso Earane 293f| Apply 1 Elgin Street Eust VOT NEW une bedroom ele Wienlly oqiipped HA | gun wir | pr | week, wishing done, Apply 253 Quehe FIVE « vonom house, centrally, located, Nireet off Park Rosd South 20 [adults preferred, oil heated. possession » 3 api ROOM or room and hoard (oy (hiee | fia J, Close (0 downtown and hospisl, | {people ane single, one double Near | | North GM. Home conking. Phone HA APARTMENT three ronm Ae anf ing Kast. Privale entrance | | | | vedecnrated, hea wirin {NOOM and board n new home, eon | a $60 Ahsiainaia RA 14847 after [Unusus hat water, hams and TV priv 7 [lagen Apply 284 Guelph Birest. M8 [mOOM or room and hoard In nies pri: | vale home, Phone RA 8.8053 ROOM and hoard for gentlemen, sin. | day gla beds, close to 'south GM heme ywo Srivileyes, six days weekly. Apply 147) aie' for eouphs Wl treet, Phone RA 57784 B84 | Jine, OI healed ROOM and board for gentlemen, good [ong meals, single beds. eontinuous hel pished, water, Apply 308 Arthur HA llonces, new home, reasonable. Apply | hdd 2004 | 024 Olive Avenue or RA A6803, 20% ROOM or room and hoard, seven days MODERN fiveroom bungalow, oll heat, per week, Five minutes fo downtown, [all convemtences, Call after § or Satur [Phone RA 8.788) 200 (day all day, 807 Huron Ktreet pont [RLERFING accommodation for youn | FOUR « room duplex bath, Available man, close to downtown, 7 weekly, [January 1. Ol heated, Phone RA 02304 Apply 158 Verdun Rosil 2011 [after 6 pom go01 ROOM and hoard for gentlemen, close |KINGLE room, furnished, kitohen priv to downtown, Apply 233 Elgin legen, suitable for twa, Apply 213 Osh Phone KA M7814 # awa Blvd, North, HA 58028 after IROOM, hoard, double, single, Good |? m European meals. Close Four Corners, [THREE large unfurnished rooms, and OM. 20 Elgin East, RA Lad A three olothes closets, Phone RA 58380 LLL ROOM and board for twa Indies en ONE large room, kitehen, heavy duty room In mew home In west end, RA oiiing (hres pieces hathreom, fur 34008, nished nies warm place, separate on AT an "With (trance. Bult eouple or single. (lose to fison Road | Hospital and High School, Mary Strast BOM | HA 3 R104 Wl GROCERY CLERKS Fully experienced for supers market, five-day week, good starting - salary, Chance for advancement, Apply Bassing | Food Market, Ajax Shopping Plare wpartment, IV antenna en ond Board HOOM. and hourd, seven days hath heatnd his ory 1 Hi BED siting roam well heated, north of hospital BBL after 8 pom. Baturday and Sunday, A190 Christie Avenus in quiet hama Apply | all | 2001 room epttage, winterized, sult. | Sor gentlemen. On us Phone RA A818, 2004 rooms, completely fur privileges, all conven two oooking or Street nd board for | TWO © bedroom apartment furnished, anywhere In Oshawa Rox i, Oshawa Times [$4--For Rent MODERN » and stove, partment, new refrigerator vr reams and hath, suit able for ¢ #1, OF Nurse, private en trance, Apply Mary Ntreet, W0t FIVE mam frame bungalow, Ploker ing Beach, oulside conveniences, good well, immediate possession, $68 month Iyi alsa small four-room apartment, ground floor, outside conveniences, $40 monthly, Ajax 800 Mie THREE rooms, stove and refrigerator sonveniences, olos RA [Aireet $08 monthly, sultable for twe meals, home privilege he wn | ATX roam house, oll healing, heavy IROOMERS ne single room, one {GM employe, Whithy, Oshawa or Row: | IMMEDIATE possession, modern | bed eompletely [or HA K.0334 mi water supplied. RA 3.7088 Dee, 38 hathrooms, wood location just outside 398 [LARGE furnished housekeeping room BEAT In town, jingle | beds, fg Ae 1 VAUANT now, large house, 18 Mil AMS, Apply 800 orvaing Hh . [familien. Fhone RA 55438 ar KA §B007 HOOM and hoard for ntlamen," ot Close to all south planta, Phone RA [duly wiring, ali eonveniences, immed 23101 or 108 Mill Sires, Jan, 13 ALL Possension, Phone RA 32707, 20if 43---Wanted to Rent double, single all new furniture WA N = House, three bedrooms for |APPlY 47 Nassau "Mtieei wi manville district. Phone MA 3.0807 {room apartment, electrically equipped Dee 18 TV narinl, Garage available, RA A3RI8 Write [FOUR + room bungalow, alsa (hree 30 aomed apartment, heat, lghts and| ROUSE, nine rooms, briek, part ie modeled, suitable for rest home, twa oly large garage Mans Taunton, On taro Jan, 3 for business man, near Hospital and downtown, RA 3.4376, 843 Simoos Btredl North LLL THREE unfurnished rooms, second |floor, heated and eleotrieity, private apartment, (hath, couple only, available now, B00 7 | Drew Ntroet, RA 5.7500 dan, 4 Contre Strom $91 SWO nice rooms, close ta hus, laundry FIVE room apartment, seve and [facilities Reasonable, Will care for 'tigi possession January 1; ehildren ehild while mother works. RA 5.084) modern No ohildren 2081 37 Male Help Wanted BEFENDARLR married man, tw MARES, 10 help handle looal hus IPOCIAl pay tn siart, steady work, © MARY, Oshawa Times {ICRNaED mechanies for truek § ly MoCallum Transport Lid A oil (1 E000D opportunity for man In sute: Motive parts stockroom, Apply In writ ng te Rox perience FULLER BRUSH COMPANY Requires five delivery men at . 1.25 per h car emsential, two full time salesmen and Mx part time salesmen to "help handle pra-Christmas business, Write Box 322, Orvhawa Times 293% | parking, 40 Bimoos North, | Dee 10 apartment 4, RA M8300 BEI WOOMN, hreakfast, lunch optional Cor THREE roam exoellent apartment, | ner store, William and Mary Kireets on ground Noor, possession Fehriary | we or ean he arranged earlier, APPlY 100 rp roams and hath, heated, un Wilson Road North, Apt, 3 be Ll ya | furniahed Apartment, light wiring AA IS working couple desired, FA BRIT, 280 oll heated, 870 ui NISIIED room, hoard aptional, one (or two gentlemen or ladies to share, RA [close to south GM, RA 58340 after wit em wot ARIGHT, one, and two « bedroom Apartments electrically equipped, bal conten, TV antenna, parking, Apart. ment 10, 101 Craydon Road, Whithy, MO Baa Jan TWO partly furnished rooms, one or two men, or couple with ohild, Will look after ohlld while mother works, RA LALLY "we THRER . room apartment, stove, 'frig, TV antenna, heated, private entrance, 78 monthly Immediate aocupancy College HIIl area, Phone RA 8.8423. 9801 THREE . room apartment, two blocks from downtown; heat, water and hydro FIVE . room house, monthly, RA 53308 AIX © room how 1.3000, PARKWOOD MANOR Park Rd, N. Near King Government controlled rents, One and two bedrooms, $88 and $90 a month, Many ex» tras, Early possession, RA 5.7272 167 Park Rd, N, 2901 ory eeniral | WHITBY CLASSIFIED supplied, alsa TV aerial, No obleetion 0H one child, 84% monthly, Call RA A AGRA after & pm Jan ATTRACTIVE ahle in private home furnished rooms, avail A? Park Road BELIARLE day tare given whils me Wher works, bhrigh ereation ream, TV, two Blocks Worl A Henry Street, MO aun FLT BIKE a camera' 3 mm, Fi) lena, twin range finder and aocessories, Like pew. MO Baia "i WOMAN willing ehidron while Dovedale Drive, FOR BALE PING, NUFAOTY KIO delivery. Rireell Co MO dom ogg ob ne to mind one or two wiley works. Apply M13 Whithy Mie nan trees, Rootoh + All sires, Free MA Mary West Ma for sale, Seotoh ek north of four Gan Station Earl Pascoe ( trees CRRINTMAR frees fog John's Anglican Me ¥ Gr Fre or CROCE Street South De Balsam Ravary, MO BUY and fmiture w hoes, Nu reek Sw | CO " ne new ia » \ Chom Ww ' AN Aare, Grixu wed apy n hasement, 19 Dee An he sanIATY Ww e Ward ne MO AW) Dee. | EVE POULTRY feathers want Maher yop, dollect MO 8 NER . L) ang in atrietiong \ I new win | Walle ait machine an a pay an yeu SAF DAMA Band name and address and her --- My' Pritehard, NW oh, Hamblen, Se SRR 11) 1] POR * RENT-Fiveroom new house, 00 LF hm RA 88am, [avaliable January 15, 831 Dundas Bast (THREE © roam, self" contained apart Apply John Koohman, RR, 8, Whithy, (ment, heat, light And water, three |clow to Lynhrooke Park hie [Meee bath, private entrance, available . now, RA M4008 Deo FOR RENT. Five-room apartment Wp | NK ww CONTAINED, stairs. MO pMII4 10 apartment (new home), | 'FOR rent Mouse, all conveniamoos, [Adults on 401 highway, Close ta Dunlop and General Motors, RA L300 Oshawa, [SIMCOE North, four, and five » M00 (apartment, fully equipped, Call - | 9 Tent completely furnished bed. [Loin ld Rm Ba room and kitehen, private en [FIVE + roam apartment, round floor, Apply 381 Palace (Street, Oshawa Street, Whithy Af |retriveratar. TV Phone MArket FOR sale 1358 Ford, low mileage, can 38 Thani Robs Miipag S2600. Phone | SINGLE furnished hedroam in quiet M( after 3 LAL Finame far business Reftieman Apply 3 MH RMOUR oll hurner service, night and Colborne Street Wes Deo 2 day. 8b John's Heating Service MO ix panm house with garage, oll heat RAWAY, reverse eharges far 1onE Aid [oi finished hasement, 811 ponveaniances anes calls an. % Phone RA AO an | SUPERIOR donrs, $4850 double hung ton ineladed three oom heavy wiring Near NOM, Parking, RA A704 Deo 18 room RA Jan 57 Wentworth Washer, dryer, stove, aerial, Near school AML Bowmanville Deo, 3 FOR siting trance Aluminum wll NAME Jalousie, $63.8 windaw, $10.50, installa Phone MO RA oF RA °. Dee 0 alterations, men's drapery alteration 101) Centre Ko Deo staring Ni ANY tment, newly conveniences, tance PANT culfing and And Jacies' wear immediat HH MacDonald Wy + Iv 165 Verdh UNFURNISHED APARTMENT FOR RENT Shor gur Boats and ca nt decoys, cartop noes. skill saws, ADI § ' motive 1 RENTAL . SERVIC AND SALES, WHITBY MO 83224 W 28 CEDAR STRERT RA 5.4092 4 |45~=Real bate. Fc 1 Sale A4--For Rent SMALL house for rent, ll eonveniens. les Apply 443 Bloor Blreet East, 2884 [¥WO bedroom, witrs + modern Apart ment, conveniently located nesr Shop ving 'Contras sove and refnigerslor, sutomatie laundry fasllities. Phone RA RL wi {GARAGE Bimeos snd Brock Breet, {now available. Phone BA 5.2994, 2911 SOLID brick, new split level, threes hed room hemes, finished recreation room |@eaupaney February |. Phone "RA ILE! "if ne + room apartment, third floor, heat, lights, wal He weekly or monihly, 476 Albert Btrest before # A Bd Ed UNVORNISHFR oom, siliakie for Hght housekeeping, very eeniral, heat, bits, ond water Included Phone KA THREE room, unfurnished apartment, gentral, hot water and oll heating. Ap ply #0 Butterworth Avenus, Toronto 13 or telephone OXfrd 42948 evenings 00 per month rent Pa «2 BUCKINGHAM MANOR APARTMENTS One badroom apartment, ¢leg- trically 'equipped, goed loce- tion, Apply 498 Simcoe Bt, N., Apt. 5. AA B.B676 Dee, 25 BUTEDIVE Tala for wile _overlonking Oshawa Goll Club Park nond North, 80 or 80 foot frontage, fully servised, North Shore Realty Co, 1 112 Sim: cos Street North (opposite bre, Halt), Phone RA b-3068, OWNER built new broom hy oy slow, low, low payments, Neat room fio me, 13 ner hool close, Ten-roam hriek home, § res, Modern dairy farm, 150 aere ommercinl % acre {Danforth Road, Toronto, Tea room, (48--Real Estate For Sole A5--Reol stots Por Solo New Homes by Kaman Construction Limited $1,075 6 ROOM BRICK BUNGALOWS 3 BEDROOMS Colored ceramic tile baths; valence boxes; lendscaped front; divided basement; immediate posession; close te new scheel, FOR INFORMATION CALL RA 3.2265---DAYTIME Evenings; John Zakarow, RA 50494 Hanry Stinson, RA 50243 Bill McFeaters, RA 5:1726 Schofield Insurance Associates Ltd. McQUAY & KIDD, REALTORS WHITBY PLAZA 3 BROCK ST. §, n 99 WHITBY MO 8.3414" OSHAWA RA 5.6632 TORONTO EM 3.9603 ATTACHED GARAGE New six-room brick bungalow with ettached garage, close to the centre of VWhithy and adjacent to public schools and high seheel, Bright roomy living room with fireplace, 3 bedrooms with lorge closets, dining room, Full basement with forced alr oll heating, Kitchen large enough for a breakfast area, Only $3,500 down #0ing congern with apartment. Lots and others. Call Don Kteadeski, Oshaws, RA 81826, Rep. Wilson Real FKstale Toronto, AX LRLLEL) Jan LLOYD REALTY RENTAL AGENCY Our fee Is less than a vacancy, only screened and reliable tenants, Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) 101 Simecos St RA 8-5123 Ltd, LOW LOW PAYMENT brick, stain lazy LOW DOWN Custom built recessed black mortar ed and varnished trim, susan, exhaust fam, many other extras, excellent loca tion, bus at deor Asking $12,700.00 Call Fugens Patterson at RA 5.6544 JOHN A, J BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTOR 12, 18, $300 FULL DOWN PAYMENT BRICK 5-room 16 Dec SIX.ROOM SOLID BUNGALOW, AIR ™ CONDI» TIONED HEATING, DIVIDED BASEMENT LARGE LOT PRIVATE DRIVE, EXC EL. LEN AREA WITH SCHOOLS 5, SEW. ERS, BUSES, ETC, RA 5-883] W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD 293% BUYS LAST OF EQUITY N.H.A, HOMES IN ORCHARD GARDENS Located at 8577 Shakespeare Ave, between Wilson Rd. § ond Farewell St, across from Colpus Public School This house offers the most for the money In 1, ACTUAL LIVING SPACE 2, STYLE, QUANTITY AND LAYOUT OF KITCHEN CUPBOARDS OUTSIDE APPEARANCE, BRIGHT BASEMENT, AIR CONDITION, OIL HEATING $500 when you move In, low monthly payments like rent, See this house and call builder Collect at Toronte HUdson 8-1895 or see your 3 4 5 breerway on @ 180 x { A bargain for | heating and $14,900 total price BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Brick store and attached brick residence on a corner on No, 2 Highway in Dunbarton, |deal for snack bar, barber shop er hardware (and this growing village needs this type of business) plus the planned residential development adjacent will give you all the business you can look after, All new plumbing, new tile floors, new kitchen cupboards, le=2:pigce washroom end == 3-plece bath: Taxes only, $191, $13,900 full price with enly $2,000 down, CASH TALKS This lovely 7-room clapboard bungalow with attached garage ond 170 corner lot must be sold immediately, Check these features: 23 x 14 living room, steel kitchen cups board units, colored bath fixtures, aluminum storms and screens, Only '3 years old and 5 minutes drive from centres of Whitby, somebody BROOKLIN SPECIAL $1,000 down far a new six-rmam solid brick bungalow, 4 mentihg ald, no salary requirements or rad tape. Full basement with eil Sodded front lawn, An excellent buy at $11,400, Carries for $69 monthly, principal and interest. Owner transferred, RESIDENTIAL «= FARMS -- ACREAGES BUSINESSES L. S. SNELGROVE C0. 0, 43 PARK RD, §,, OSHAWA BUNGALOW WITH BASEMENT APARTMENT 6 rooms on main floor, large modern kitchen, 4:piece bath, 3+ room basement apartment with kitchen and J-plece bath, sep arate entrance, new forced air with ell heating, double forage private 'drive, located near shopping centre, Asking $12.9 0 with terms. Call Keith Peters, RA 5.8761 or evening RA 5.4162, $900 DOWN te acres of hi é-room unfinished home with approximately | Hd ond $ and dry land, located in north suburbs, Asking per month on balance, Call Sid Martyn, RA 3 CEDAR ST, $700 DOWN, 6é-room house, lot 50 x 376 ft, Askin $55 per month en balance, Call Keith Peters, RA evenings RA 5.4162 GRIERSON ST, bungalow, modern kitchen end bathroom, herdwood and tile floors, forced alr with oil heating, private Sve, $9,900 full price with terms, Call Sid Martyn, RA 3.9 $1200 DOWN WARREN AVE, ow DOWN 6-room brick home, 4 rooms and 4-piece bath en main floor, hardwood and tile floors, 2-room apartment on second floor with kitchen and bathroom facilities, garage and Jrivate drive, Call Keith Peters, RA 5.8761 or evenings RA 5.41 10 ACRE FARM é house, modern kitchen and 4-piece bath, basement, bam 30 x 40 ft, large brooder house, henhouse and piggery all with running water, exceptional marke! ardening land, Located close to Oshawa, Call Sid Martyn, A $98 ily ST. é.room brick bungalow completely - decorated and landscaped, extra modern kitchen with exhaust fan, 4-piece ceramic tile bath, plaster moulding asking $13,500 with $2,500 down, Call Keith Peters, RA 5-876) or evenings RA 85-4162 $1,000 DOWN 1 V4 storey hame, "modern kitchen, livin room and dining room combined, 3 bedrooms and bath en secon floor, newly decorated, new tile flooring, full basement, autos matic coal heating, aluminum storms and screens, private drive and fone central location, Asking $8,900, Call Sid Martyn, R [! MEMBERS OF THE LOCAL REAL ESTATE BOARD, Hs $7,700, 874) or, 3Y-bedroom, local real estats agent Move AP FO HERE'S ROADS SEWERS SODDED A BEAUTIFULLY PLANNED COMMUNITY FOR MORE LIVING COMFORT! Contact Your Rosslyn Agent WIL>ON REALTOR RA 5-6588 BOLAHOOD REALTOR RA 5-6544 V 293 In By Christmas ICTURE BOOK HOME A5--Reol Rotate For Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Yuesdey, Desember 16, 1958 17 brick bun eitehen RE Avenue, #Hveroom iH slone , large front, Koad ome, completely th, BA 3810, will handie, Call 1. 8, Bnelgrove (had, 48 Park Bouth, BA b¥isi, wi TWO slarey, three-bedroom brick hosise, ofl heating and garage. Bik {stantial down payment, Reasonable tor cash, Apply 245 Athol Street Kast, 293 be acre paresis, off J vinton Word West, $6000, Terms, W, MeAviey, Real br " Prince Sirest, LJ vin hené EXECUTIVE TYPE HOME In excellent north-east resis dential section, three ° bed: rooms and three-piece bath. room on Yop level, good size den on intermediate levsl, combination livingreem and dining room 12. feet hy 27 feet, Large kitchen with sep. arate bracklest area. One bedroom and two-piece bath room on main level, Finished playroom and laundry room in basement, Home 'Is com. pletely carpated in Indian bregdloom and Includes a beautiful chromestone patio with covered overhang Asking price $23,500, Sub stantial down payment re quired, Can be seen by ap- pointment only, Phone RA 3.3380 MODEL HOMES OPEN FOR INSPECTION DAY OR EVENING $888 FULL DOWN PAYMENT LOWER DOWN PAYMENT MAY BE ARRANGED IF DESIRED ONE N.H A, MORTGAGE These homes ere located in one of Oshawa's fastest grow. ing subdivisions, Close 10 new school, bus service and churches THEY FEATURE ~~ Sewers, water, streets In and poid for, sndded fronts, aun. dry tubs, fixtures, tiled bath, 3 bedrooms, het water tank, sidewalk, gravel drives and " many other extras, FOR INFORMATION; RA 8-1338 GUILDCRAFT HOME BUILDERS . Dec 30 291¢| GOING CONCERN Well-known restaurant on highway, Does terrific iness and steady in winter, seating capacity ninety, Established ten years in modern building with living quarters. At $27,500 vou will be amazed that this business which draws repeat trade from miles away can be purchased with a reasonable dawn pays ment and the ewner will take back the first mortgage. Ask for Erv, Atkinson or call Newcostle 3201, WHITBY Owner will trade large 3-bedroom brick bung old, for a larger home, or with a substantia balance carries for $63 menth Including taxes, Has 20 ft, live Ing room, forced air oll heating, storms, screens, landscaped and decorated. $13,500 fll price. Ask for Grace Nell OSHAWA New bungalow, near 401, ready for immediate oecupane good residential section, paved road, 3-bedroom bungalow, has tiled bathroom, forced air oil heating, large living room, Pri vately built and priced to sell at $12,990 with low down pays ment summer bus alow, gbout 3 years down payment, the In HOUSE, GARAGE AND SNACK BAR On Y%.acre lot at junction of highway and main street, excel. lent site to build a motel as well, Established business, goed turnover, some buildings new, Som jalely op ped garage and restaurant, modernized house, I 838 ob 0 o nil Piles owner will take bock first mortgage, Ask A BERNEICE ARMSTRONG BERNEICE ARMSTRONG REAL ESTATE 124 DUNDAS ST, WEST, WHITBY RA 5.3692 $15, 000,00 DOWN Restaurant and living quarters, spotless condition on main street in Newcastle, turnover approximately $60,000,00 yearly, Many extras included in purchase price, owner selling due to peor health, For further information call Ozzie Addison at RA 3-2254 any time, Lloyd Ayers Realtor, $1,000 DOWN Country ving with city conveniences, five-reem bungalow, near Lansdowne Shopping Centre, on a large lot B0' x 188", Two rooms finished in basement all heating, Garege 12' x 20', Rea sonable taxes. Full price $11, S500 GROCERY. STORE-7 ROOMS Centrally located, excellent turnover, owner selling due to poor health, loads of equipment included In purchase price, stock at in« voice, living quarters consisting of a 7-roem brick home which could also be used as an Income. Attached garage, For further Information, eontact this office, é-room brick bungalow, large rooms throughout, master bed- room with bullt<in fumiture, forced air oil heating, asphalt drive, decorated and landscaped. Full price only $13,200, ewner would consider exchange on commercial property, Call w= $1,400 DOWN Large é-reom brick storey and a half home, only 7 years eld, north-west district, 2 rooms up with built-in. cupboards, sink and stool, 2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen, dinette and 4 pe. bath down, oil heating, garage, landscaped and decorated, N.H.A, New N.H.A, bedroom brick bungalows on a large lot, located In the north end with reasonable taxes, Many extras including builtsin valance box In living room wall to wall, cove ceiling with pattern, semi-divided basement, expert workmanship throughout, These ranch-style homes must be seen to be appre- ciated, Be first, you are not under any ebligation, Full price as low as $11,380 with down payments of $1,680 with ene mort: goge, IN NEED OF SIX OR SEVEN ROOM HOME, ANY DISTRICT, RELIABLE TENANTS WITH LOW DOWN PAYMENT, IF YOU CAN HELP CALL RA 3.2254, Call; w= OZZIE ADDISON--RA 3-2254 LLOYD AYERS REALTOR 293¢ R LESS THAN RENT 46---Real Estate Wanted 47--Automobiles F For Sale ve or six room house under VLA WMA, on or near highway, In or res: [Chief Pontiae, 19, bl I BUR BL Li " ntiae, 19,000 miles, white and wa on IN EXCLUSIVE ROSSLYNN ESTATES Ll FAMILY LIVING AT ITS BEST! NO PIONEERING STREET LIGHTING DOUBLE SASH WATER Ww w '\ M SCHOFIELD INSURANCE RA 3-2265 RISTOW & OLSEN RA 5-6165 ICKERY & GOYNE RA 8.5155 '81 PONTIAC, excellent condition, radia, nrvate, PARTE off '&0 Ford springs, front end, elo, Phone RA 3.9066 after & p.m White nance, Tony at RA 34683 ar MO AR fob, avardrive, $325 or hes offer, P a PRIVATE sale, 10880 four + door Strate Write Box [Sierra gold, well kept and in good me SHAT | ohantoal condition. Rest otter Terma may be arranged, Will consider trade Sa len May he seen at 121 Stevenson Road [Norn RA 5.7462 after 6 p m. 0 14 M0 I ae, 48 Plymouth: eheap dan. 13 stack of new and used oars, Outstand Ing values. Speolal terms. Written Nuarantes, all oars winterized. '50 Pan. Alter ¥ RA Yjnc 63 Hillman, $308: '83 Chev., $1204 if Dodge, $1008; 'S6 Ford, $1198; , wpeado [56 Chev, SLRS; '85 Bulk Harvdiap, rear axle brakes, $1404, Iso new Hillmans, Americans heater and frame, And Ramblers at Wellman's, RA 3.4431, Wo '1 DEROTO custom, filly equipned must sell, RA s.3081 Ben PF METEOR, $308, RA 50888 after § 00 RA MAlAL, AY A349. eter, clock, Deo, 8 RLANE six Ford Tudor, radio, | A N black with extra vim be N walls List 33300, trade and Woo | MACHINERY MOVES [ aint | Classified ads! To sell anything, Taint RA 33402 hay ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up to [30 per cent. Nine months to pay, For {Rerkonal service at your home call RA 202 'MCHEVROLET, two-door, radia, heat. or, signals, low mileage. Terms a all able. Phone RA 38680 after five, Jan, 16 MOPEYMOUTH coach, good condition radio, S368, RA 56018 2104 STATION wagon '86 Pontiae, four doar; fully equipped, terms, Phone RA SAO 7 am, to ¥ pom, Jan, 8 "Wrough I MERCURY convertible, new dial Ad ™, Bawmany ile SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER. VOLKSWAGEN SALES and SERVICE 334 RITSON RD, SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT. TEL: RAndoloh 3.344) CRANFIELD MOTORS 331 PARK AC SOUTH RA 3-228 USED CARS B.A, SERVICE RAMBLER, METROPOLITAN MORRIS, MG. WOLSELEY, BUYING or' SELLING Se TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST, «= OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) RILEY Wi & SERVICE. RA 3.4494 Raa, RA 5.5574 45-~Real Estate For Sale |48--Automobiles Wanted (Lb | wuRKE WPRERT, six room two siorey | LAuuaions modernized, newly | for wieckin decorated, large lot with Eareks, hd {1181 or RA B-1102 wie Wreckers want cor fighest prices paid. KA HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR Good clean cars, Trade up of down, Liens paid off PODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, §, RA 3.9421 MACKIE MOTORS Will buy good clean cars. Pay off liens. Sell on consignmend, Trade up or down NEW LOCATION King Street Fast Formerly Varcoe's Drive-In RA 5.5743 49--Automobile Repairs Test-Drive the D.K 3. and the new FIAT For economy end performs nee, ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP 408 King 51, W. RA 3.7132 BRAMLEY MOTORS SALES LTD, 1271 SIMCOE NORTH PHONE RA 3-4675 Specialists In Ford service and ris, Wheel alignment, wheel lance, with latest type equipment, Newest type elece tronic tune-up equipment, 50---~Articles For Sale CHERTERFIELD one chair, nearly new or will trade on goed folding hed and une chalr, 638 Fark Koad South, comer of Bloor, oie COAL and wood stove, good condition, alwe quantity of weod, shert and long, Phone KA B 18677 between 6 and ff even Ings "nu H' WOOD planer, with motor and weil complete, ready ta set up, two new out tors ineluded. Excellent condition. Can be seen at 481 Drew HA 30851 g0u 40 ar A PONTIAC, custom bullt push bution padie, perfect condition. FA ERLE) iL] TV AEN One Year ee, $30 King West, RA 85101 ee, WM MOTOROLA volumatio ear radio, only eight monthe old, Cost $80 new. Hest offer, Dial RA 58040 after § #50 TO $150 allowance for your od tole vision on any new Eleetrohome, Ad miral, Vietor or Westinghouse at Fark: way Television, 018 Simcoe biieel orth, Heo, 8 FRIGIDAIRE 1000 automatie washers and dryers, Rated No, 1 over all others, hy consumers' veporl, Low overhead means lowest prices. ¥i $100, Kelly Frigidaire, 81 King West Dep ehanngl, Tnaialled lly TV, #1 B84 JORNRON authoard molar, ex: eellent condition, used one summer Phone RA 5.6860 dan. 14 BLACK electrie seal fur coat, sige 14, ond condition, $50, Call after six HA H1730 ia COAL and wood vange with water ye servoly, white pareelain, excellent eon. dition, $34, Coleman Naptha gas rane four bumers and oven, $80. Apply M Fark Crescent, Falrpbrt Beach, ering, COMPLETE i Gide uniform, iH] 14, Phone RA 8.3 204 N.H.A. RESALE-LOW DOWN PAYMENT |? HIGHEST prices for used fuini ture, also sell and exchange, Contacl Community Furniture Stove, 10 Prince Street, Phone RA #1131 REFRIGERATOR (in good oonditiol single roll-a-way bed, RA 85007, 71 Phillip Murray Avenue after & p ~ 2 PO your Christmas shopping while "Ed Wilson" does his Christmas chopping! 880.08; hostess ehairg while they last 8.08) Kroehler platform rockers, ves, $4964 hopped (a 838. Portable radios with $10.90. Presta aulomatie vel, $97.08, hall price 813.04, CHILD'S hrown, yellow and green plaid oat, moutan enllar, sige 10.12, 58, good condition, Apply 30 Oshawa Hivd, South, "mu VIKING gas range, 85" one vear old, {Phone RA 5.4347 after 4 pm ida FOR kale, custom bull, 'push Tatton 1958 Chev, radio, practically new, Am ply Meroury Taxi, 48 King East. Deo 80 NELLING furni'ure or cleaning of your basement? You will got i highest price when you phone RA so The Oshawa. Trading Fost, 446 Rimes Atreet Houth XMAS apocials [3 inless steel a $100 toilets "04 $10; recess tubs B45 pros.ore A $50; ump Dump $30; plastio, and copper phi and lJ 1 Onnn'e, a iA side , ark Road, R L] Tollet sels 8.08; SAVE - -- -- SAVE AS HA | CLEARING at reduced prices « entive{" MacFadyen's Real Seal ALUMINUM PRODUCTS COMINATION ALUMINUM STORMS AND SCREENS $16.95 EACH For any double hung window! regardless of size, Installas tion included FULL FACTORY GUARANTEE PHONE RA 8.1547 ANYTIME \ COMBINATION WINDOWS DOORS, AWNINGS, BEST FOR LESS, CALL RA 8.8571 Whitby MO 8.4891 Munufactured in Whithy COLONIAL ALUMINUM EXTRA - FOR THE VERY BEST ALUMINUM Doors, Storms «3 dows, Awning Railings NOBODY BUT NOB ODY can beat our qus and guaranteed a CALL HOLODY ALUMINUM RA 5.2431 Anytime till 9 pm THE (Continued on Page 18)

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