16 THE GRMAWA TIMI, Tussdey, Desember mo Si THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [| i | VewAcoountants | 10-=Bharpening Service 21==Personal Service Please Note INDEX HOR CLANCY'S Ontare Accounting | ™ " SE fo hervies Twill do von a Deadlines n oft f f Bervices olisrs sompleis Bookkeepin SAWS SAWS! SAWS! ----" ml -" wd » now oftest for TO WANT AD | aegvices (oy small business. 18 Bop this selmi | Brunt Weel, Hum 1, Offies BA beri The Jno camplele Milomatly wis A = Jef 'me Hx Phone | Hepidenee, BA § 7608 grinding equipment in Gh KA 80783 firth, Me Memeriame, Cards of CLASSIFICATION 8 ¥, Hophine and Company, Corliiian| awa for sharpsning Hand: LONDON (allor = men's, Indies' 7 wile 9 AM, SAME D, | me AGEOUM ANN Fublle Accountants, 174 King Street] saws, Bandsaws (metal and made ty order Aeration har Lone oEATHE AY | aeBarristors Kant, Oshawa, Ontaria, RA HA808 wood), Lawnmowers, Skates Seat Wing, 91 King Wr beet -----" VALE, Prisdisnder, Winter and Ca; ote, STAN'S SHARPENING e------ TAILORING Beh f 7% 4 A | Rr (Asdaunte, gua noire: Viessoed| SERVICE, Cor. King & Burke : Beebuiting Borvices inst, Onnawai 0 by Vols, CA) ¥ RA 3.3224 CHRISTMAS TREES SANTA'S SHOWCASE GIFTS FOR HER FLOWERS FOR 4G umation Friedinnder, B, Comm, CFA Lp Te idea] A AS CHRISTMAS Own materioly made, b4 BLY YaI NIEITH, M thy Wish and Cao, Ea" NO, | Begteh ) hark ) Alterations of - a 4 MO anteith, Rishi and Co usiness Opportun ties (Wo ite ken Aol bf hist SANTA SUGGESTS YOUR DAUGHTER'S td Invisible weaving, Tame alaringr ions Chartered Accountants, Hospasd Tram Wi N yr wen, Aik, Oshawa, Bteatiord, Toronta i VERN servioe siation available " Wirast m Building Trades Vi Whithy aves, Finaneinl assistance wi "YARDLE " ICE Dress Alterations, Pmt Malerlol toil. Y mrelih iw Kiri irs hey ivan op army fof PAM DOA Sim trees for sale, Phone HA YARDLEY or TUSSEY 5 Christmas Flowers 10 Prince 51. (near Bus Station) DEWHINST. «= Click aad Beverly || |Geetharpening Service Ho ¥, Tihtlont, OAr George W hei A Aly Hin 114, OAhAwA Times BOA1 [00070 wil A COMPLETE LINE AT gm of bation, In Joint i R. B. REED & SONS RA 8.5311 Dewhirst (nes Phillips) 8 wid | wey, CA HA B0hi1, LAB Bimeos Bires FREE nin] Containg hundreds of [AMAR tress, Beoleh pine, bulk or in / ap = Baton or Highland, ' ' Anna nes the ale ArEivAL o Mihels Ih owBusiness Opportunities ! - Tm nil Thine Proper: fv nl Ofdars ¥s and wp: Phone POWELL 5 Frome FLORISTS LEN PULLAN wughier, Jil Ann, 6 Ihe. 8 oss, on Ha={fisiness Oppertunities tea thiouihaut Canada, Bpseity type |Orono, § K | Dee, DRUG STORE (English Tailor) acember Ih, 1b, at the Ouirwe obi 2--Barristars | chil delved ol rast WHO | CRRTEIMAR wi Wo, 1 Bealeh pine, 35% Simeos North HARVEY DANCE Winter Wreaths==Cenire Pleces 9 . 9 ond Vong! Onl A slater for Winke | |2eebrosmeking | CHETGRTON," Fraser, Diviih a lH Thisinore and Proparty Fuld IN (apruce and balsam, Fensonable prices RA 34734 ACADEMY Chilstmas Corsages Lola Yen |3=Gardoning & Supplies Musdaen, Barristers, Rallekare, Notory (i devon Wy Wianr Wrest el -------- ------ RA 5.6122 424 King 8, W Ph, RA 51131 == Wa Deliver PLOAE = M M | Am Maiaonald Repsire | Fublie, nk of CAME eR Widing, » one J "ee ada di La $44 Ring 3 c 5 ii et or Pi A Mrs Barty Bios | oo iniretion Mnwad, Merch Novi ih bbs jy STOR if [Tat EW, how Uses | onoron Christmas pees, reasonable For Your tiated tbetstai IAN SLACK Yendeising Aorghier, Maney Dianns, ' th wie) | {om neanee = |rvnan, GL Mirsach, WHA' poor wares' | Glass, 77 Park Road South, Prone HA PARTY Dios ais, "A GIFT OF WARMTH" GIFTS FOR THE FAMILY | Studio, Sleanderizing, reducing, in asiarige. esembee La) 1000 04'the | on Wanted ind PERE | NEW BEAUTY SALON OMNIA "Tises Riss a Ba SWEATERS " KENWOOD wanneneesesesnaesessey | Soom Both ond Mowage, Mhawa General Hospita = Lod) d |WERGER, Frankel and Ch, aecnih " i, #4 sneh, free ne 5 FOR SALE sam, ake your plek, All wool blankets, Priced from y Ab) Simcoe St, South BEAUTIFUL HAND SMOCKED | da orton he 24 Jugs: Wh Bing Sian livery," Bae fim "Waar "A "Wimesa | MILLINERY WORLD $1750 10 $20.95 RA 5.9602 For Appointment D960 or Appointmen HA BETH, Healdencs phones Regular $1.98 for $1.50 Open 10 om, 10 nm. || ¢4==Radio Repairs Giner, BA, 86 HA BANGI; Terence V.| €08 51, § HAND SMOCKED GAMBELE = Suddenly st hin Inia [| 23==Women's Column Helly, BA, BOL, HA 800905 Duncan R Joo hinds ub hg BROWNIE STAR FLASH OUTFIT | mmm pe------ DOLLS NIGHT TES, 806 22-Rodio & TY Repairs weaidence, WR No. | Beooklin, Orn, | Jgemarker Basket Phillips, BW, Comm, BA H1074 12D» ssmakl igh 4 ' p DOALyoursell. Teal your own TV, radio on Monday, Dee. 1h, 1960, Norman A. | 58 p rack GREER Masel" oi National essmaking Wholesale, 40¢ 10 90¢ accord Now $11.95, Features the SINGER RA 8.8700 and IP) tubes Open (11 mideiEht, i ois 8nd Livestes i i J n PLAIN sewing, Avapen, mending, sp ing to size each, Two hundred world's most popular camera Daily and Sundays, Fred's Prive A Gambell, beloved hushand af Darathy Fistors, Bolbeiine and Nokaries Pi Hil " - ------ Just right for veungsters or g 101 King Wrest West no SEWING MACHINES TY TOWENS compleialy installed, | opt | ==Farsonal Ean, HA W083 Four work stations, Twe |Bireet North, HA § 4 ou " i RA 5.1082 Ww A R D'S BABY'S NIGHTIES Wmetariage GREER and Kelly, Baristers, Balled | aging, 6 dryers, Sickness DEATHS 21 m=Farsenal Service one, en "haunius Bisa) Sour, Dia forces sale, Apply 289 Sime CHRISTMAS TREES -- 31 Simeon 51. 5, RA 8.115) Guaranteed expert job Silverthorn and dear (aiher of Bruce || de=Farmer's Column fh Wing Blreet Ean, HA BATT Hunnell | Pers, pant tte ohildren's elohes, Or More 16. ONE EUMOMEr dan | GIFTS Beth and Carol (at home! and dens 1 UA 6 jy 4 10g | wear, adednmensiie, and allera Bg Hunting por "id _Notary Polit $hih J. | Wau, ut FTA Hie, WESTERN TIR from 820.00) easy terms, Kelly TV, RA 0 dan FRED'S DRIVE IN DIAL RA 3.3431 ® Sewing Cabinets and theres (0 MeDougall and Brown Fu [| 31 emArticlos For Rent fire morigages, 80 Bimean SEF es | CHRISTMAS TREES COLEMAN ® Sclsors and Scimor Sets ond Bude! Plon, Free pork, |Y0et treet, Call KA 49708 "Jan Wilknd, wardens and lawns plou livery, Alse 1 tubes, Bor Oil end Gos Heaters © Attachments Jhe=Famale Help Wanied Dist offlen KA 8471) residence HA | Bveryihing for your garden, KA #5768 night ever; night HOME APPLIANCES RA 5.5443 Drivein December Ih, 1680, Wilfred Jahn My Gall and Jack, hiather of Margaret 0 his Alst year, Hesting at the W, ( Ade Roem and Board Wanted tare, 08 Bimens Brest Routh, HA HABEA 1 . y 3 | and laid NURSERY STOCK, Any quantity at 50g 1e 1,00 LOW COST MOVIES our Large Selection FOR CHRISTMAS! dh=Real Estate For a JA .nonion, Wilt am ol Norantny Ron dlmFusl, Weed o Mibphy and James A, MacDonald [ie Dial HA 540 IR. FOWLER @rown-ups alike A (nl home), Bianioy of Oshawa, Ken || summer Resorts N (or, Ball |[DRERAMARING, 7 and giv 3 / As low as 811995 (easy | YOAr guAvaniee, $64.00; no hells, no grandfather of Glen, Alan, Rickie, Dan YHOMAS M, RUNDLE, Barrister, Bn 192 Verdun Rd., Oshawa MI TCHELL'S DRUGS my), ' y For All The TIRE Vivien, all welded, All ehannel asrAe Be and Brucie tn hig Both vear. Hest: || 39m Summer Properties For Sale Avenue, Fhons HA 9 Simens North ng #1 the Hobinsan Funeral Chapel, | LJ ante MeGIRBON and Bastedn, Barristers, | oe. - 74 CELINA §1 " | oy rail uida oo, il 10. 4 ! 'fh y 111 KING §T, W -- Baskets ' SPECIALIZED radio and television poaklin, watt Wednesday morming | 30w=los and Found Balieitors, Clients' funds Ait 13-=Gardening & Supplies KING § Toke advantage of Layaway servios, All makes, Fred Thompson, 197 peral Chapel M0 BL Clair Avenue North, HA Bb 3006, Charles ¢ CEIBBOR, [LEN Bowlers' Tand ing and garden Wea, Toranth, (ne Reval berviee on | dde=Ariiclen Wanted ww Yidinr b Haste, Qi nil Bini My PHA | sodden, Order now for guaranteed des ® Buttonhole ond Zig-Zag ing oppowI1a wore, hii Dee. 1h 3 oF Tncerment | i" iin RA #3 alm is, pA, Parvister, Sol | kota: tilled Sidewalk sinha, patina slabs, [1] hick ( | FAST TV. SERVICE | ¥ eltap, wie, Jibs Bimene Btreet Nopth Q chicken, Open ill mid at SINGER MWiNG CENTER WEBBING'S HARDWARE For bh Ratdasiy a re, [[ 47==Maln Help Wanted habe e Lots of Free Parkin 14 Omatio Lael, Oshows From A to 2 k A [| i8==pmaie or Female Help Wanted || JOHN A. MaeDONALD, TA, Barrister HILLSIDE HA, v Sales & Service ------ ---- Ponald of Whithy, heloved hushand of [| 39==Agents Wanied and Bolieltar, 101 Bimess Alreet North CrAD RA 5.2533 282 King St, West Mariorie MeDanald, dear father of [1 go acoorunities Phone HA #8011 LANDSCAPING n 90 Simeon 5 LAMPS we FANCY CUSHIONS RA 3.4873 Call RA 8.5286 Me gr den (dean of doronim [| 41 =Rosm and Beard [BALE 3 JONES, BA uid Thomar If GREEN VELVET 50D supply CHRISTMAS TREES, pruned RA 58332 . IMPORTED POTTERY EXCLUSIVE GIFTS AWA ELECT s d Scoteh Pine, about 2,000 Choose a Gift for Mer from w o OSHA LECTRONIC 'awn Puneral hapa Whithy for Re dd=Wanied Te Rent Mavigage lawns available Everything for your garden \ Mass In BE John's the Evange vihing fo 0 r ' 2 hutch, Whithy, oh Thursday, he. || $4=For Rent We [in meuitor, ats King Mireet East | PHONE RA 3.9020 pecording to sia, Priced he FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY BETTY HAYDL o Wicker Chairs ELECTROHOME, 2 fd, § i Interment Bt a [ARG BOMeHaH HE R iy , . aw marke ome early for See y A Jon's WO Comeiry, 00h | 49aeRenl Einie Exchange hoe vl + dd RA Gielen i best selection, Cul ready for KARN'S I8 King §t F . Hag teal Kitchen Lc. ATR ADMIRAL, loading Lerey Hamilton or RA 5:2686 0 ) 3 1 L town) - dbmRaal Ealate Wanied pj ¥ A Bayehyn, BW ¢ ep on: fone fauwar dessheot Selale Wood HUMPHREYS ahi "Tovivin CHAE AJAX SOD SUPPLY Grower, Orono, Onf, Phone FOR CAMERAS DRAPERY oo JROADLOOM mh Ane Hand The finest in television and ITA 4 ad service A raroamantd 3 AhemAutamehiies Wanied WC 6, 8, Bayehyn, BAP James B Sod dulivered and laid, field R16 A \ EWI I" TON'¢ A= Autamahile Repair Lovie BA, 6 RE We An | leading, Loam, sand, fill and RARN ro gi! hd Yoola For Yow Wondy Man PARKWAY S i ] B0s=Ariieios For' Bale Offer 1h Henideny stone, Grading, asphalting CHRISTMAS TREES, beauti RA 3.4621 ERE A100 Ample Parking Space TELEVISION ) u Whithy MO 88761, Maney to 10aR FLOWERS Swap end Barter ho and excavation fully filled eut, pruned Seoteh ------ GIFTS FOR DAD 918 Simeon NRA 3 3043 PHONE RA 3.9833 =kegal Noles JOHN A CAMERON, Br flit PHONE AJAX 43) or Pine, 6 feet or better, first . 24 King S51, East, Oshawe CLASSIFIED AD RATES | Fost 1A bids NIA and private mort RA 5.3422 out frem this fielu, on the CHRISTMAS SPECIAL |e s ease sane HOBBY CRAFT I. V. AERIALS INSTALLED Hades arranged stump at $1.00 Leroy Mam Gigantle Savings AUTO SEAT COVERS and Models (2 doers fram Karn's Drug fore) B8 warda or oma JL JOREPH PF, MANGAN GC, Barrister ilton, grower, -Orono, Phone Reaula, 350 Durce Couns Mavad or Repaired . cow "choo (flit Rog Bt ofS) WILD BIRD here SE FOR CHRISTMAS PHILIPS THLAVIBON | yfitd or Roi King NOW ONLY $14.50 POLLARD'S RADIO $173 00 } CONSECUTIVE -_ wn a Fealilen oe A 340A | 489 Students and minors net ' GERROW FUNERAL INSERTIONS 238 20 dobwa: RA 3% ITTI : . / 1 ' Installed after Christmas CHAPEL JL HN REE | ria wal bog i Henryl SUPPLIES CHRISTMAS TREES ARTHUR ahi. stupios | Blankets, Packs, Cushions, "AND TELEVISION Len and Lou's T.V, I nat paid within 7 dave the [| RI2CK: $616 KIRK Aah Bas, NA 40% FEEDING STATIONS Saaqh 4 Wi 4 RA 8.1681 ete, 183 Simcoe Street South RA 5.7844 . MA 3.3942 Priced from $2.38 and up, fot Mart, i ung Hed | ------ WIDE SELECTION PHONE RA 3.9512 ---- of -- T.V. AERIALS | The finest service ot Charge ate will apply moderate prices Abave rales apply enly 18 ork a--Dentists | 4 ) ' al gre or GARMEWI Ive I NO. 1 WILD BIRD SEED and retail, All sixes | to 20 Visit Qshawa's Largest RA 8.6226 7 ELbveners raat) ane ergernd [AR BF KOWK. Office hours § 60 § MIX fos! Bi e-bay OSHAWA GIFTS PROM INDIA wold and invalled 390 King Street West al a laier date €oniitute @ new Bees Breet Bouth, Hone HA anh: Nz A FOWLER FORESTRIES [ TC . Genuine handmade Ivory uved and Repaire ginal arder NO. 1 SUNFLOWER SEED 300 Riel TRIS 1s | TOYLAND AUTO. TRIM carvings, rosewood elephants, 20:11, aerial, $29 and up, atensional and Business listin . Pratessional and Business (istings | §=Nursing Services | Enjoy this Colorful Dec. 241 See our complete selection Cor, Chureh and Bond St, Kashmir carving sets, Gurkha ROLLAND T.V 400 per manth far 3 lines dail IN MEMORIAM ah adiona Ine 15¢ bo marth, | AVATEARTE=Fiavtioal Je LL Winter Hobby of g ONS sea -- knives, ole coffes ol RA 3-4849 a¢ initial H apbrevig 100 lint yeforences, 1h oF out of lawn HA | . . nap |e A EE |, COLLIS & SON IFasK, vakes, trays, rays, JR TE LL) helt Cooper Smith Co, | , STRISTMAS TREES | J Sine . WA GIN FREE piri ends ldo, blk | Z3--Women's Column OOOKERNAM = In memory of my hus: || word, Box « Ik nd, AFRUF, whe passed i Beuteh Pine, Spruce, Red Pine, [1] soles, sterling . me \ Passed away Deven All Classifind Advertisements | 16 CELINA ST Wholesale and Retell Opposite Centre Street Jewellery, ete, Very reasons OALL WA done. ¢ old wave In id y 0 war ber 16, 1044 MUST bo in By 9 am. the day of ANDEN NURSING HOME ' y Thauhia: taday, I giblisation Gites he Baily |! RA 3.2312 2 20 ft -- CHRISTMAS ably priced. To view display, Jun ho ; d : RA $290) SPECIAL heat pormanania | ' HOTAL w 40,00) Nemaras forever 1 8 balurday 8 (Licensed) - s-- f ¢ MOVIES for Christ emembered | ia wile, C | ap "he ) or Vista ----- Wha wie, Bel nkGuLA TIONS KING ST, WEST [14--MHousehold Repairs HOWARD MILLSON _ , Pear nennnnnnnge |, Yt 10 Page Hnirdreising 8 Ds im all nat xelusi \ heme for 8 Movie Camera Kits from 106 Pine Avenue, HA bhioy COOKERNAM In memory of our Times shall nat he Exelusive nuning CHESTERFIELDN gohuilt, vecovered | Bowmanville MA 3.279) 3H $48.25 up CHRISTMAS PARTIES 24---Market Boske! fo on 18 Wha passed Away December Wh 3 f vert gonvalescent and elderly pets Ihe new. Why pay mare? Our rales ple. (Men and. Women), [Ate Ioasinanie Ratitfaction guaran JURY & LOVELL With your purchase of a sult | EMM EMMMMREMMMMEMMMEMME | A 1 FER = Holes by bushel oF Basket, dieticians Net ust today bul every day ¢ \ toed, Matis rebuilt Oshawa | i 11! Wi » JL « EE Ro thshee " amb Pint and # he 1 in hulateting S01 10 Hon Street Wea CHRISTMAS TRE for Dad, vou will receive a | 190 William Street Kast, RA 8.200 ATTY " Beyond ( : lone : ay Aerviee, IHal HA hop Nursery tirown, Scoteh Pine "for Bvervthing Phe tog raphie" | LITTLE CARROTH and parsnipe Wn por Bue Red te single \r ¢ radi V, lounge, FURNITURE repaired and reupholster: | Spruce, and Balsam, Sprayed * Oh RVI Suburben or Car Coat abies BUCKAR hel, Turnips 81.00 per bushel RA SUGDEN Wn loving memory of § mam =o oo a [™ ny WMALREIALY 108 PRoavVering tines, Drive right inte loco wi N ny lately FREE. Your Credit Is 00 RANCH ERT] Deo. 0 par Hiker, Gearge BUKAOR, who ded fe slanify adverviting \ Optometrists Arana Bi Datton, He Charles Birwel, RA[ 0, Viby Dee. 24 rey RESERVE NOW FOR YOUR [FOR thie = poiuiont "Abiiey nd we 1h awn clasaitieation, Wiame vy i . Meh nips, A 857 Nitson Road North, - ah famembered madly mined n LIA K. Oblomattisl, specieliong |, ' Ad doe JA NAOLA for earpeniry, K INGSWAY MOTI \ | - Good At CHRISTMAS PARTY Me ply | {em we |g ASARE. FIVORINES: MOR Weil, Fri, 8 (PARURE and. handyman 695 King St 8 - a ! BANQUET, DANCE i nd apples WF a . - hs HE i |i a" RA Aula Youn lanal lime fleanet, thin RA 9 TH \ East | } {E PERFECT GIF T DUNN'S TAILORS Hi-Fi Included ogg iy of Th, Bowmanville, dail) bhi da OVE BE AR Papal ed LU Ll ' \ ' A i 'B f i= SSUIVOYON an nay. en Pet | GOV YOUR TREE FROM | DOWNTOWN OSHAWA Complete Catering RA 3.2737 Ah ta Far i] oR Hil wisn PORTABLE A. ---- A ---- | MEE | eotly north Bowmanville Thin DONEVAN aid Assaciaion TAN | T§lnstruction D AND D Hohoo! (MATket 32831) RL and Engineering, 10 Bloor "Lif n MERE EET WN Ny Ty bi Bast, Oshawa, Onlarie, RA MURIOAL instruction on Npanish Ch {RIS I MAS | RE ES | TYPEWRITER CHRISTMAS FOWL 180-=Mortgages ARPLER = fot your Chittmas pic hd N 13 § A y ---- ------------ EE -------- T. HORTON and Assacinies, On HH igh Boeqmitane ogi I dEOIEh Pine and Spruce { J EY Town 2 ine North, nA don Tr n ay rl $i tole LARA Burvevers, Professional kn | FOF IRIarmalion phone RA 6A WE SPRAY TREES ANY Prices ax low oy g MORTGAGES 28 ter ' wi Live » vy BIAeering, FO Harwend Avenue Haulh ' Dee, 19 COLOR ' Fors an ves oc a By et A aigiah| arty of Parking $79.50 LYMER'S TURKEYS and FON = re Buchan mi LONDON (Reuters) Reel: | duties--whieh include answering | ovALD Ha Ree Ren "NA' HN WOE ROW, ABA King Worl, RA A iL One Big Location y Specially lected for fine eh rit, nile, unregistered, er eet ab gheus | the ucution, of a Stile in 460 PARK RD. SOUTH GENERAL PRINTERS | flavor, Fresh Killed, dressed AGREEMENTS GOLDEN R AS ie who guard the orown jewels were [1,000,000 vistors a year-4he yeo: [Be Building Trades TO DRAW CHOWDE use Classified . h ond delivered, Thamaion atock Reoh Jones: od reparied to he threatelng a par men have worked on winter Sun: [Wave aving. Wook 1 AAR DIAL RA 30403 for an ad wiiter a RA 57426 LIMITED \ rolet Kireel, Phone RA 3.3740, Ll ] strike \ 4 ol Lu) AVIRG, BIoek TAVIRG, WOROFAL| cba' Vour sale a SUCCESS » OSHAWA RA 8.0217 F Wi : Hal # days when the Tower (8 not open |eement work. A. J. Groen, BOWMAR g | ni f J d TWO registered Beagles, year and The Daily Mall save that Tower 10 visitors, attend outside fune- [vile, MA $2650 [FUTOR student eounaelinr, 18 Fear RA 8--603] | A large re ii n " hed on ROWMANVILLE MA 3.5049 alt old champ ending, i Governor Heig, L. FB. Wielder [Hons and ehureh parades and un: [Av PLUMBING and healing siiglies Hy a NTH Appointment only, Call rebuilt machines, Dee 2M" Hirde od Jeon Mortggens Fung. Reayorniie, a » y Haafonten! ide Di py v Phane HA 3-388), Harald W. & MW, : . ---- ---- reements ( hn A . ha " told hy Hee fe a i [dertaken night seourity work [ BIMBIRE, heating and 8 R008 i | KILLIAN Mas Marsh, Danes iveatori $d Bring Nhe children Deg, 64 Celina Street nly Gree wn le Hoan ING: oirimming, A 48 an wn [Wor Tom Their WENTH NAMED ovndaned ' LEMMA Re OhALE EIEN S00 BRBIAE | to Sore | "Tee ond telk PHONE RA 3.2233 CHRISTMAS TURKEYS | Efe: void on property ond (PUR fo sale = Enel sono fd Ha \ 9g thel NOW, the ministry of works has ANDY wal, LAE boa Manonte temple, RA ATR May 8) nie . for a free demonstration, Summer Cottages, $2,000.00 (PMN A Tovely aiff; Phone baht #1 t save the veamen of thei iovned the veomen thelr rents [Phone RA 3413 Deeb | - CHRISTMAS TREES ATU PAYS All quantities, all al and up con WA ACCEPT. : guard are threatening to refuse | (i've raised to £1 A week ANd (CARPENTER work, framing trim] Musie Studio for all Instruments \ R OPEN ON SATUR ' 4 Del q NC ORP. LTD. 112 RROINTRRED ploiden labrador res R \ § wk, 0 N A A ie oF ¢ J 10 CARTY OW same Cavertime'|,, minK KIENeR cabinets, NHA® Approved Pian Tuning The Best You Can Buy -------- kb Dread on fvarads pUnece § North, Oshawa, Hy Dood 100 Bow gcd outs Nursery Grown : ---- KEN WHATTAM hone RA 5.3546, Iuek Kennels, RA 8.3986) Oshawa, 203b duties In protest against an in The governor of Eurape's old: | AIeratans and venaive, No ahs 06 his | orease in rent est fou a has heen A hy (Saste Work marine. fa. ALTO MUSIC SUPPLIES [] A GIFT THAT Dee, 18/KERRY Blue Terriers to olear, Kerry One searlet-and blue clad Reef ihe Civil Serviee Union on behalt| {ew and Used Planes Sruned by Piiunal, Pine PLEASES EVERYONE n King St A RA 39322 Croft Kennels, Orono, Phone 4K 18 eater Is quoted hy the newspaner lof the men that from the thine [AA 0 Mu hen i ban) (New and Used) hbindlng oon. Apgeh | A : ET Hef onel REGIATRRED 8h ey as saving Never has there heen [the proposed tnereases are Made, [RA 13402 for sd.wiiting help i pelion @ 10 h | TW German epherd, BIARAE HR Ihre: MEE TH0 Lhe voomen wil M0. IONEST 0 Akl ap amp Ce | AT) repo AN | Coloredmpink, Blk, whe oly | CHRISTMAS FOWL Fs abn mag, B50 ons rr, rhe, of wr Tower was built in 1078" available for extra duties [Sng PIASIOTIRG ANA FRALES CRIM Lb i : decorated tree atonds nd good CAPONS & TURKEYS , \ Breet Rant, ; : Ja The yeamen, middle-aged Brit) Leslie Moody, assistant union (aes en ad feraiied Bist RA An 160--Inturance EE 1 way to CAN Rr A Nes AEAUTIFUL baby" buduies, ready for remember DRESSED AND Nes Passengers. Phone RA AS07003 hiking, taking alain Avply Mrs, th ex-servicemen of staff ser secretary, 8 quoted as deserih. | PLUMBING and heating pipes, Filings, ALERTATE Aula Insuranes, Nave AW RU jour frien ! cortaln 3 Wie TRRITARG 2 RUNDLE your friends DELIVERED LEAVING Oshawa for Montreal, mor: [npaintiNRD Roagle nor Ta geant rank picked for their lay: jing It as a4 "strike on alaren, Row ABA used, ORARKIRE TOF (a 30 par cont, RING MORIAS {0 PA ally, live with their. families fn /ditieg [Soho \WAKS 4h Sewer a Specialty. 1h: nataaRa) services AL Your home, eat GARDEN CENTRE Jind lative FRANK HOAG prope. Proms RA S000 al tH AON Canstines, Phone sul EEN apartments inside the tower at Perey Relsan, loeal seeretary of [xialliions teatime iy Rigg A ANI 1018 KING ST. EAST Rn hates Hee Bb I J 1 to give them Rossland Road West BATRA CAR RIBRLY Te: 1 py N AUDGIR and cage with stand, Pho LRU LH] or Ww nad nominal rents of five shillings (70.1he Reefoaters, dommented: "We | HRT AVP TAT A Wh - pd y A y ATR A so INGS poky of Famou POrienced women for hahy sit Gels) A Week hate this, We're laval here, BU GOuienyeR work, framing iim 17---Money to Loan N EVENING Phin Yootat oh. DIAL RA 5.6837 ARK A138 10 oare far ehildren or elderly |" Tn opetuen for this low rent the vou can let a fellow Bwist your aes' Kiehen saninets, NHA approved | FIRET and | second mortage, SaT | MVIEMMMMMMMMMNMMM ERNE ny N feos hy day 3 Mg periods, voi: (COLLIER pups, six weeks old, MArket yeomon, actually eivil servants tall so far and ne farther," AGEALIORE ARA TRRALES. No Oh 100 BIR ARESRMORIA Burehased and ha) Hen GOOD EATING ets, They are good the bY onan Mra" A Dina, RA [32004 78 Prospect Street, Rowman: entitled to a five-day week, have! But Brig. Wiekder said cont 10 smal Wark guaranteed, RA Hk SA Holic, RN Harrisons, 3 King i aig pi TOWNLINE TURKEYS AR Ty PAN hulsiny Ville - mit traditionally aeeepted extra du dently Iwill net happen. They TORRES OTE WW y DOXES \ Dy afternoons, ne ' PLARTERING and ro pa tea, coment CLTENTE monies Oo for 118) cartonettes, The cost in NOW FRESHLY KILLED " : les are still part = servicemen and |} R oy ARAL MeenRA IMOTEAReR MATES \ a ' rT p™N ! NYGIENIO mippiies (rabber ------ POODLES FOR SALE TIAMOTIN, WALSTRTONHAE NARSMOAIN Fn AIEARSY AN Dine At The small compared with the DELIVERED OVEN READY fyaiied post aid in main seas on] Pedigreed French Poodle 1] art fram thelr regular guard doval? Har ION fo Wag flaars | ARFOOMERIS oF sale purchased, Apply Hy . Apa ) pt : , y en ig pun Ty i Wo Wo INF Rwars HRY and Nalary GRAND pleasure given, Books may "The best 1s your beat buy" SH Mh Jib on 9 Jalen 3 pups, 8 weeks old, $150.00, Pee 1 Publis, 3 King Bast, Oshawa, RA RESTAURANT he purchased by both Adult DIAL RA 5.4233 ig A 3, bie LEO Sa ana Call Mis. A. Bathie, YU RA & 10H A ARNE and Children and are accepts Hamilton, OALANS Dev. 3 32 2192, Por Perry rew Stays ; (Upstairs) or are oc 3 x One-Day Fast } Canal C Y 1 RT NTR money ( oan an Hest mand For Civitas | ahle at all Famous Players TOWNLINE 8B. NORTH RYPROMN volver are or GRAVEL AE0. Martians ARM ARVOOMOAL of Male 1 . ¥ Bag heatrex from Coast to Coast . sarohared Nia mel od sod © alalty IFAUOR, OMPIONSR, ROFVOUS PAIRS, hab . 2 On Duty For Ships Comant $3.08 nee head. Road Jurohaied ay i dad tad Chiney aS o oe abecialiy, rr-- wm (ved ee WOIRRL Alp Smoking, help HORSES BOARDED n er ire PORT COLRORNE (CP) Well ne vu het Ig ; Hark ole Lut Uitien NOW SORPORTIALION 1h Atidies, IMPIOVE Malek ORT OR {i ell sR OO og RA 3.9422 "NN | TURKEYS WMARSAID ote, Consult Bawin Heath, In \ y arse SR 00 per or . eos ( | SH KILLED stitute of Bihioal Hypnosis, Professional Reasonable Rates and Canal orews are remaining IVE AND FRE Ride, W4 Dundas West, Whithy, Dally wi duty far at least another 4 t | n a SALE By Minister hours to enable several vessels dh Be wtitied w= Dil NEED CASH? QUAL ITY BAKERY DNL IVIRIO Pont No Hd a a Phone A CATARIVES 4e% ro. 16 BASE OND he WAIBEWAY 1 RA 8 5379 77 CELINA ST, RA § 7573 At the Regent ourben, Wighuay No y (fam Lith RA 5.6808 A \ AY He Can was offietally {For the best Christmas baked \ealie ox Q ' - N - quest that ministers of the | aod oheduled to close at midnight SPECIAL Se e Seaboard aod on the table fee or Dial RA 3.9012 ELECTROLYSIS 3 Chueh af takada do oh a one: Monday ; MN ' | Look for QUALITY hadd for im Dee. 24 DIC, 18 day ta ta draw atte oN to the NEVER oF elght more ships were Good Top Soil Lending Neighh oh Vv label mediate delivery i e | Removal of superfluous hair 2 Farmer's Column. ehureh s Ch \ oF the sohedwled to pass through the AA R AIRA \ OANS uP TO $3.000 " \OKE FOR \ n | Mare Murdutt will be in 6 needy has met Os On from canal before it shuts down for RA § 2158 BROOKS FOR CHILDREN TURKEYS Oshawa, 'Dec. 18, 17. Phone DEAD farm stock poked wp promotiy, ane minis ¢ e winter and were expected $1.8 OSHAWA OFFICE | UPTOWN MEAT MARKEY SIX TICKETS $0.10 | J Phone collect Bowmanville, MA iene Rev Bt ov. oF Wel of { A _ , . ( A \ a3 5 DELICATESSAN | | Genosha Motel on these dates Mangwilt Fw Far r tar, | Tyrone, ! me Hme today, depending on v : w 291% Simeoe St South | 17 Siveon $t 'N BROOKS FOR ADULYS | Fresh Killed | : kak \ \ ¢ a he bh FROM 2.7 Special tor bo a | y the £300,000 Ww as displayty \ ail they he date. it is Offer you the best in meat 2.73 | So § ¢ eh and Dec. | DRY bheaeh hardwosd. stove wood h A skeleton staff Ww COBOURG OFFICT ad audtted cold eas tor | | Church Juppen |20-=Cartage tong, ARIEL 20 BW earl. Delivered in 2 he 100ks and hwkiges your Cheistmas Parties PHONE RA 8 5392 - | Walt card ots, Alva diy codar. Phone hn Wednesday | NES King Street West RA 88172 CHRISTMAS d \ {Ravine and eartage Phone WA [¢ Sith, 813 Clarke Jan, 3 IVR > | x ! == -------- ee TALL IWOOD UtHRE BY Dass saw AN Oh \ y CONTRA | FR 2.746) : TRANSPORTATION | tw R21 Personal Service SN, SNOW PIOWEN, Phone RA Aa tls he POST-ELECTION JOns | or. 8 le 'A BD : R | THE ACRES Oe t Ww LIVING LOVABLES {4 Lo pl Jan drawing # to u tent COORSVILLY \ The EABOARD FINANCE CC 3 IR IN of Rix CORBrORAtnN OORSVILL 8 ¢ 0 ade : ardwood ¢ ANADA LIMITED RESTAURANT The Sate Wav to Celebrate oe | Ni te holiday, Cannel coal, hard i N » WRath omplaved no sarrounding Toro a oF DA LY § \ She N b AJ \ | ol / ~ E \ ~ ool hrickettes ar Replaces, Available Me. Ashley COMING Tawnshin ha Ari ot aR } werly Belivue BD . hi ' in het 5 " oh HAT CLEANING Nathe and Molollan, #1 Ring Ntveel minster United Chureh desorbed ice conditions hear the Detroit ali 4 loas for appointment 27--Fuel Wood RA 5:11) ? 4 The Molidhyy Season \ ) al Bi Bh ; : © boon given pie eat Wh Tropical oR Rig Si Ladies and Gents Mat [Wem Jan. | K v of ca wn 1 Reserve new RIDE WITH ana wii ¢ leaned and blocked, $1 00 of ; \ 30-Lost and Found ather United ¢ \ A | oY ) NS PARYIER sands. and pet supplies Ne Bhon 5 N On A th \ \ ( MH MA A { FR \ P Ww nihbony \¢ Woe Bay pe! A teen to 18a Mortgages CHRISTMAS DINNER MERCURY TAX oll kingh. Cocker puppies. A shine a pecially Tony ALL WHI Samaved dog. males \ ( \ \ 4 ok 4 4 ve . \ 3 dena: i he n Reis Sood reward aden, vieinity of Rib ARIRMLIAG Wo y bees | hp! 10 Sharpening Service WE WAVY or IM ARS ; Aig A oa tw IHR Cheat SHARKY'S Yoh NOUR. Phone RA NPIS MA A \ \ ® WA LB ¥ NER A King { v = y NEW YEA DINNER | PALM CIGAR STORIE [GREEN plastic tlder containing Wi EPORALIONS, 10 Relp race B00. 16 reo : . WAVE AWRIMANSL Vha N e NR As ais BN TRIOS BIRCH OR MERE All MO sins we ER, Sig Po Neh v . Phone MA 3.254) --OIHAWA'S MOST MODERN PET STOUR SUPPLY 14 Simcoe No. Oshaw (Mam oF money, ost near Eagel's olet 0 on he pool, 1) ty MAR ww 1 | 0 PAT (10 Wiha, RA SAN [awh RA hab | Proavietiesi Mis. Revel tt | © TAXI SERVICE ® Colina 8. RA 3.004) pM Hn Rena Foose BA 20,