The Oshawa Times, 15 Dec 1958, p. 20

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20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Decomber 15, 1958 'MOST FORMIDABLE' CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 19) 50--Articles For Sale | FRIGIDAIRE refrigerators; recond): tanec, with warranty, $00.80 wp. Large capacity Irvine Appliances, Bond East, RA 80841, Jan, 1 MARCONI and Admiral, Hallierafier, Rogers, Vieetwood for 1950, 819% up, Stereo WIFI from $09.50, Kelly TV, RA e418) D | SACRIFICE prices on bedroom suites, | beautiful triple dresser, Iarge chest and | hookense hed regular $260, chopped 10 dibs Gorgeous new mocha finished | double dresser, chest and hookease | bed, regular $220, smashed Lo $148 | Plus for ®e, you can choose either a box spring and mattress, or a five piece chrome set, Wilson Furniture, 20 Chureh Breet ' le USED tires, most all sizes, 83 up, B, ¥ Goodrich Store, «RA 5-454, KELLY TY, your authorized Beatty desler offers you up to 8100 for your old washer on a new Beally sutomatie or wringer washer, Bl. King West Dee, #9 BALANCE of entire stock from La Vogue Jacqueline, Conte, suits, dresses formals ete, Drastieally redueed, May| he seen daily from | 6 pom, st 238] Kalsey Crescent, ecorner of Louisa Street, Phone RA 61212 Dee. 1b THEY said it couldn't be done, look st whit "lid Wilson" is doing. Chester fields snd sofa beds, chopped to fabu lous. clear-oul prices, Hestonie chester field sets, $130; two-tone sofa hed suite wd with fabrilite 8186; plus for 99 enn choose either & five piece | n set of three arborite| Wilson Furniture, | Wie | Hlreet VACUUM c'enner repairs, all makes, paris, attachments, Brushes, EUAran rebuilt machines, Estimates free als. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ber ie HA 81081 anytime HIGHEST prices pald for used furni well and exchange, Contac Furniture Store, 19 Prinee hone HA 81181 AWNINGS, plain colors, or gay stripes prompt service, Free estimates, Order now for early delivery, Chair and table rentals, Cleve Fox, 413 Simeos North, Oshawa FREE wort) Absolutely, Free Up to $100 f gifts and furniture (your Our Christmas gift to you of a chesterfield, or i ra dining reom This is no gimmick! [ for yourself! Furnishings, 424 Bimeoe Kireel Deo, 14 0) Home Bout) FARULOUN than half-price clear-out of tables, less End tables, walnut and Blond, fancy earved legs, regular to 820. Out they go helow cost, $4.99 Beautiful Dellernft coffer table, regular chopped to 822, Walnut finished | 810.50. Vive piece hridge Card (ables, $2.00, Wilson ture, 20 Church Street le 50---Articles For Sole SELLING furniture or cleaning owt your basement? You will get your highest price when jo phone RA #131, The Oshaws 'Trading Post, Simcoe Breet Se WW MOFFAT range, excellent condi. tion, Phone RA 35800, ae B, ¥, GOODRION Biores, lires, baller: en, Kelvinator refrigerators, televisl Thrifty budget plan, BA 54543, JACKE heatar, Findley eireuinior, Princess Pat cook stove, four holes reservolr and warming eloset|, Kant after 4 AMERICAN flyer train, #80 worth of track and switches, plus locomotive and oars or less than half price, RA 14600 Ww CEDAR Chest until Christm makes Lane, Heirloom, Red Benl, ela. Many models drastically reduced in price! Hurry for hest selnetion Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Bimeoe wtreet South Dee, 14 FLECTRIC sewing machine "portale, forward and reverse $44.50, Call after 3 pom or Saturday RA 58677, wi BUY NOW AND SAVE Peterborough boats, Evinrude Motors == budget terms, Free storage on motors, Boat storage, Factory op- proved, Service centre for motor repairs, Open evenings and weekends, MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LIMITED Brooklin, Ont. Phone 87 BUY NOW AND SAVE PETERBOROUGH BOATS EVINRUDE MOTORS Budget Terms Free winter storage on mos tors, Boat storage, Factory approved, Service centre, for motor repairs, Open evenings and weekends, MARINE STORAGE AND SUPPLY LTD, BROOKLIN, ONT, PHONE 87 winter USED friges washers, automation ranges rangeties, TV and radios. GMAC terms, Kelly Frigidaire, 81 King | West Dec, 20 BIBL CEM bloyole, In good condition, | #25. Phone RA 3.0601 un TELEVISION «= Dumont, blond, 34.ineh on base, 3 years old, Phone RA 3.5306 wot WELL buy all your used furniture and 1 top money for {t, Contaet 10 Prince Areet or phone RA 81131 Jan, 2 THEY sald It couldn't be done, look at what "Ed Wilson" Is doing, Chester fields and sofa , ¢hop to fabulous glear out prices, Restonie chesterfield set, 9130; twodone sofahed suite, trimmed with frabrilite, $188, plus for #0 cents you ean choose either a five lace ohrome set or a set of three ar rite livin, room tables, Wilson Furniture, 30 Chureh Street, FRIGIDAIRE 40" Eieoirle range, like new, completely automatie, $120.50, Irs vine Appliances, 50 Bond Emst, RA 8041, Jan, | STHEY sald It souldn't be done," Well "Ed Wilson" 1s doing it. Chopping prices to rock bottom, Table lamps with shades, values to 810.95, slashed to M0 OX steam irons, regular $21.08, chopped to 815.99; kindergarten sets, 80.00; floor lamps with fibre shades, regular $20.95, while they |. i smoothtop spring-filled , regular 850.58, half pries, all-to-wall floor coverings, #7e per foot, Wilson Furniture, 30 Chureh Street BLAUPUNKT short wave ma unin 11 pushbuttons, FM, BW, AM, LW adios, Three speak ers HIF, Europ finest, Terms, Now at Kelly TV, 81 King West, Dee, 30 LUNCH room counter and seven stools Apply 333 Ritson Road South i" GUNN, ammunition and hunting sup: plies new and used, For the best deal in town see Provincial Tire, 48 Bond Street West, RA H.6511 RADIOS, . record players, hi-fi and steren are all hore at the lowest prices It will pay you to shop at Parkway Television, 018 Simeoe Kireet North wi pay highest price In the eity for Prefty's Used Furniture {44 Bimooe Routh used furniture Store, RA 3.3071 CHAIN saw Plymouth, 34:ft space heater plumbing suppl trade, Chinn's All Co plete unit, new Apray. paint outhit, 'Se eabin tratler, furnace, | Lplece hath, sink taps, lon of all kinda, Nell or RA 27088 Dee. 1d A hop. Brunner, eom 178 1hN. operating pres feel & minute, #0 control, heavy oar radio, elegtrie greasing trucks, Alemite n Rand elec p, Commerolal Adding | MPressoy sire al ube automatic an tank » COMPressor, ia duty, ¥ ile v hhuttan or it, halt hop Nurroughs. Very reasonable] onsh Apply Oshawa Machinery | J Nimeoe Street South, RA 5.0014 FRIGIDIARE special big 1211 100 ov money own GMAC plan, 82 atre. 81 King West DOWN will 0 'is television weekly 00 completely furnish ineludes chestertield refrigevato: ashing machine, lamps tems reduced in price wo Furnishings, 434 Simeone Dee. 1d BOAT KITS 3 6.00 and up Evenings & Weeker okiin Marine Storage Supply Ltd Phone 87 ds ATTENTION HOMEOWNERS CALL OSHAWA ALUMINUM SALES & SERVICE For the best quglity alumins um and expert installations Free All W WINDOWS AWNINGS Estimates Kk Guaranteed DOORS RAILINGS Cosh or Terms Call RA 5.7922 Anytime ANDRE VAN DE VALK Dec. 13 NOW 1S THE TIME TO GET READY FOR WINTER t factory ¢¢ storm n ninum doors (nstalled ction at low y 24 MONTHS TO PAY YOAY FOR FREE ESTIMATE 52---Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Crediters ond others having claims against the estate © Frederick J, Clemens, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, are re- quired to send full particulars of such claims to the under- signed, Solicitors for the Exe- cutors, on or before the 23rd day of December, 1958, after which date the estate's as sets will be distributed hav- Ing regard only to claims that then have been received, JONES & GREER, 65 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa, Ontarlo, Solicitors for the Executors, Dec 8,15,22 LONDON (CP)--An upsurge ln Soviet submarine activity in the Atlantic and .1f the eastern North American coar' Is reported by Jane's Vighting Ships, | The duthoritative guide to the world's sea power says the rea 80 feet! gon Is that the Russian fleet needs | | with United States naval power If [it ds to eut West Europe's life- powered submarine has caw ed, arable increase in Russian aaval | "With thelr increase In 8128, uotiyity on the high seas," Inchid | propulsive power and' lest Hveling off the North American const, "3TH wi hold yours| Jane's new edition is out today, | power, submarines are coming to Choose from the best It hag heen published anually for be {lines to North America in evenl of war, more than 60 years, listing all that is known of the world's Inavies, It gets assistance from most countries' naval depart ments--but not the Russian, SECOND TO US, | The 1066-50 edition says Tussin now is a first-class naval power second only to the UB --with a submarine force of 5° 'is most formidable defensive arm." Jane's says there Is evidence that Ruslan: shiphui'ding and marine engineering resources are being concentrated on nuclear powered vessels, which involves the conversion of cxisting plans, come clear that the over-all tech nologleal lead which the United Slates held over Russia is dimin ishing." The activities of the major naval powers "point to the rer. tainty of intensive submarine warfare in any future hostilities, "Naval administrators the world over have been shaken out "In recent months it has be: [of the orbit of conventional ships, | conventional propulsion and con'| ventional weanons, MORE AWARE |" "Naval architects and marl time xpos are becoming In {creasingly aware of 'he 'evolu the advent of the nuclear: regarded by the principal Inaval powers as the capital lof the future," Battleships were rapdly coming extinet, with cruisers fol lowing them into obsolescence lexcept in the US, and USK and there had heen a great resur-| gence of specialized warships of| the destrover or frigate size, { Among nuclear. powers (here was "little reason to expect (h alreraft earel.r to disappent yet," but the curriers of the fu. ture probably would he limited to about half the size of the largest | existing vessels | STILL THE CORE Speaking of Britain's sea role, Jane's says alreraft "will continue to he the core of {the new streamlined oy 8) Navy.' | Britain has ordered four guided: missile destroyers of ahout 3500 {tons displacement, but it will be | "some years' before they will Join the fleet, |" were two significant de NEWS BRIEFS FREQUENT HALTS MEXICO CITY (AP)~Mexican producer Victor Peset, fed up with radio and television com. mercials, proposed a 1969 Indus try agreement limiting them to one 30-second spot every 16 min utes, BANS UNIONS KHARTOUM (AP) ~ Sudan's new revolutionary council of min {sters has suspended trade unions and kindred groups for the dura tion of the indefinite state of em ergency. TRAIN IN INDIA JAKARTA (AP) -- Indonesian navy men are to he sent to In dia for training under an agree: ment just signed for closer na val co-operation and ald, The In dian naval forces themselves were trained by the British, BIG CENTRE TAIPEI (AP)--A new US, in. formation centre for Natlonalist China just opened in downtown Talpal includes 8,000 books, an auditorium for lectures, concerts and movies, and a radio studio, TRIBESMEN REBEL CALCUTTA (AP) = A Hima- layan source reports the Khamba trib NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF Wil. BERT HAMILTON MASON, DECEASED, All persons having claims against the Estate of Wile bert Hamilton Mason, late of the City of Oshawa, In the County of Ontarle, Welder, deceased, who died on or about the 14th day of April, 1958, at the sald City of Oshawa, are required t ofile proof of the same with the undersigned on or before the 22nd day of December, 1958 after which date the Administrators will proceed to distribute the Estate, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice DATED aot Oshawa, this 27th day of November, 1958, HOWARD BARAGAR and DOROTHY DELVES, Administrators of the Estate of Wilbert Hamilton Mason by Manning F. Swartz, 2614 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario, their Solicitor Dec. 1,8,15| soundless weapon for frontier pa«/tatal population of more than NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF ALBERT CECIL BRANTON, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, Retired General Motors Employee, Deceased, who died ot Oshawa, on or about the 27th day of Aug ust, 1958, Intestate, (Res sided at 218 Bond St. Bost), Creditors and others having claims against the above Ese tate are required to send pars tieulars and full proof theres of to the undersigned on or before the 2nd day of Febru ary 1959, after which date the assets of the Estate will be distributed having regard to the claims that have then heen received DATED at Bowmanville, this 8th doy of December, 1958. LAWRENCE C. MASON, Barrister & Solicitor, 10 King Street West, PO Box 29 Bowmanville, Ontario Solicitor for the Administratrix Dec 22 15, 22, 29 MODERN AIRPORT PEIPING (Reuters)---Peiping's new international airport opened last March now has a modern terminal building with stores, a bank, post office, movie theatre and restaurants serving both Chinese and western food PRESERVE RECORD CAIRO (Reuters) The Egyp tan antiquities department will copy Inscriptions and photograph the walls of the Abou-Sinbel tem ple in Nubia, built about 1340 RC It is to be flooded by con struction of the 'Aswan high dam of eastern Tibet are fighting a Suerrilla campaign against Red China transport con voys, The source sald the tribes men accepted Communist rule for a time, but no more, RED CHOPSTICKS SAIGON (AP) - South Viet m has banned the use or pos session of chopsticks made in Communist China, Red China manufactures are all prohibited but some chopsticks with slogans such "China « Soviet Friend ship" have heen smuggled In, ARREST SANTA BUDAPEST (AP) Santa Claus was arrested by Budapest police in the Central Market, for working without 'a .permit, Police found he was a legitimate worker of an enterprise owned hy the Communist state, gave him a (permit and returned him to his post, [ CHECK POSTERS LONDON - (AP) Britain's movie theatre owners have set up a flveeman committee to censor film advertising posters, after complaints that many posters stress sex and horror, NO ARROWS STOCKHOLM (AP) Swedish Army's search The or a trols led to denial of a report that | DAILY CROSSWORD 2 Vietnam olty A, Antelope 4, Bogs B. Jewish month a Pull 7, Group of three 8 Porala ACROSS 1, Head cook 8 Garret 10, Robust 11, Donkeys 13, Silly 15, Ogre 10, Governe ment reprosents ative 9, Hide 18, Formerly 13, Pllfers 19, Young goat 14, Europe = 20, Steal and 22, Water god Asia (Babyl,) 17, Fortuna 23 Sensible § 21, Kind of 26, French \ aircraft writer | 29, Bodies off \ water 30, First lotters 32, Guinea (abbr) 33, Conatells ation 84, "Honest » 37. Egyptian Joddets 40, Trapped 42, English dynasty 44, Notehed (bot) 45, Light helmet (15th C,) 47, Prayer ending 48, English city 40, Baseball equipment DOWN | 2 Young hen | being better sald a crosshow 1s "We can do think" the anclent considered than that, 1 spokesman, CACTUS PEST BRISBANE, Australia (Reut ers)--A variety of cactus intro duced from South America as a household plant has "turned wicked" and Is over - running large areas of the back country An official called it "a night. mare pest that so far has us beaten," BIG RECOVERY BUENOS AIRES (Reuters)-- Thirteen months after he lost both legs In a railroad accident 20-year-old Alberto Abuin equipped with artificial limbs, learned to drive a motoreycle and won his wings as a private pilot, Now he hopes to become a commercial pilot, | CHRISTMAS FOG TOKYO (AP)=A nearsighted schoolboy excited with Christmas shopping walked into the Isetan department store's plate - glass | front, He was unhurt, but the glass replacement from Britain, costing $4,000, will take four months to arrive, | SECURITY COURTS CAIRO (Reuters)--Courts spe: clally set up to try offences) against the security of the state have been formed In the Syrian region of the United Arab Repub lle, similar to those operating in Egypt, | BROTHERS' KEEPERS | BUDAPEST (AP)--A new de eree approved by the national assembly In Bucharest, Romania provides that a driver must not only have a licence but must re port any other motorist known to he unlicensed BONES NEED PASSPORT ROME (AP)--Oreothecus, the | small sekelton perhaps 10,000,000 years old belleved to he an an cestor of mankind, ran into pass port trouble, Swiss scientist Dr, Johannes Hurzeler finally got permission to take it to his la horatory at Basel after promis ing It would be returned to Italy, NEW IN ISRAEL TEL AVIV (AP)--Prime Min ister David Ben - Gurion told a rally here that Israel received 2, 400 immigrants from 386 coun: tries In November, This brought {the 10-year total to 900,000, in a 2 1000,000 23, Rodent 24, Hawal. | a = 27, Uncoms mon 28, Muslo note 31, Land measures 84, Fragrance 25, Harans 36, Paradises 48, Not working [HIELSTON au Saturday's Answer 49, Solitary 41, A Moslem 4%, US, river 40, Tenalle strength (abbr,) carriers) Was | Soviet Sub Activities Reported On Increase {old ships have been diverted to tion in naval strategy and think-|the development of new weapons, of Zinch water pipe, 625 King Bree! ison ive (raining to catch up ing and In global sea warfare thal BIG INCREASE Ship | ried States has 200 I (Unlon"is not turning them ont at o | Marine engineering [hullding resources are helng von | CCF Leader Sees Charges |] y Lo J As Fantastic WINNIPEG (CP) Maitoba CCF leader Lloyd Stinson says charges in a letier released to the press by a former leader of the CCF student group at the Un. iversity of Manitoba were *'{anta- stic and irresponsible," Mr, Stinson was commentin on a letter addressed to him a signed by Stuart Barber, fourth. year law student at the univer. sity, who pleaded with the CCV to dissociate self "from the ae- tivities of some CCP supporters at United College." The letter re. ferred to the dismissal of Prof, Harry 8. Crowe by Unied Col: lego, In a sialement, Mr. Minson anid the gist of the ledter was that "1 should 'spurn the sup pt of ooriain CCVers at the villege boonuse 'an attempt is edu made bw them to gn con trol of the college with thelr own and of eynieal, biller social Inn * "I deeply regret (hat Stuart Harber has chosen this method lof onsting doubt on. the Integrity velopments in Russian naval pol- fey In the last year, says Jane's "The dead wood in the shape of obsole:cent warships has been cut out, and the men and re- sources needed to mainfain the "And there his heen a consid Jane's says that while Russia ' a now has B00 'submarines -- the the Soviet the same rate ns two Yeurs ago Instend, Tussin Is belleved furning Wa plants over to the manufacture of new types of sul marines with improved propml ston and more lethal weapons "Phere Is evidence that Wun lan and ship Dingo, a 225 pond long forked tongue on nuclens contrated powered gard vessels," new stereophonic The best thing about these Electrohome Hi-Fi sets can't be shown, it can only be heard, We mean the superb Hi-Fi sound. Electrohome uses only the finest components, houses them in beautifully designed, acoustically-perfect wood cabinets by Deileraft providing you with the finest sound in High-Fidelity today, And now with the same quality components, Electrohome offers STEREOPHONIC MLFIDELITY | | the greatest advance in recorded music of the century, Two sound tracks, on the one Hi-Fi record, are played simultaneously through two amplifiers end two speaker systems, The result is incredibly realistic sound ~- PRICES START FROM $259 -- Vast dan dragon Wznrd sticks oul his in York's Bronx Zoo as he has his toenails ¢lipped by the 20's di of people whom 1 hold in high| esteem,' Mr, Stinson sald, 1 re Ms charges as fantastic and irresponsible, There is noth: In A New cure-pedicure ( CHRISTMAS MAGIC PUTS A SPARKLE IN CHRISTMAS records now! RECOGNIZABLE AT A GLANCE ') If you already own an Electrohome Hi-Fi phonograph, you con adept it for Stereo quickly and at very little cost, ONE OF GANADA'S*GREAT STOR ing sinister about the activities of CCF supporters at United Col lege either umong the teachers or among the students," OPEN TONIGHT 'TIL 9 PM... $10 DOWN DELIVERS seme CALL IN TOMORROW Ask For A Free Demonstration BIG LIZARD DOESN'T APPRECIATE THIS ATTENTION rector and curator Dr, James | A similar lizard named 1jantik Oliver (righty, At the left, soothing Djago during the mani proceedings, Stephen Bpencook, head keeper, | people, also got a clip job, It was a tieklish undertaking because the is | big lizards don't take kindly to Mr, Stinson also sald he de lored 'this attempt to drag po- ities into' the Crowe econtro= versy, i FOR: THE Home

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