The Oshawa Times, 13 Dec 1958, p. 16

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ST 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdoy, December 13, 1958 (50--Articles For Sole 50--Articles For Sale [50--Articles For Sale 50---Articles For Sale Ki gston Co Echaduar Sourt 3 Camada, hanhitd the \and trom May, 1m, A |PRIGIDAIRE refrigerators, recondl- BELLING furniture or cleaning out NATIONAL Temter, KIVes Cus |§io6 DOWN "will eomvietely Turais ) Es tioned, with warranty, $69.50 up, Al basement? You will get your| omers tick 4 | your sib wr weil _Airish| land Development Company Lim ropriated capacity Irvine Appliances, bo Bond highest price when you phone "A 5 Yilter, adding machine, n onanle. | A bedroom suite, television, refrigerator, | ited of Kingston, $20,000 on lan. Mr, Justice Thorson ruled thal East, RA 8.5841 an. 118131, The Oshawe Trading Post, 446 RUE DeeT® kiteher set, washing machine, 1amps,| £ S lost through a land expropria- he eould not estimate the silics MARCONY and Admiral, Wailesafier, Simeoe Street South |CEDAR Chests ~ 3700 will hold yours tables ete, All ems reduced un price | ' | tion deposit on the land at any more (Ci 0 age If Rogers, Fleetwood for 1959, $199 up. 40" MOFFAT, range, excellent condi- until Christmas, Choose (rom the best Barons Home Furnishings, 424 Simeoe | 4 v ud ontinued from Page 15) |Stereo Hi-Fi from $99.50, Kelly TV, RA tion, Phone R 39800, ; 0 makes Lan Heirloom, Wed Seni, | Street South, g Dee, 13 OTTAWA (CP) -- Mr, Justice The company asked for $464, (han $20,000, . Dee 4 Riss Rn ete. Many mo drastically reduced a ARE J.T. Thorson, president of the 046 as compensation for loss of ~~ rr |B, ¥, GOODRICH Stores, fires, batter Li rice! Hurry for best selection | GUNS, ammunition and hunting ' | . |SACRIFICE prices on bedroom suites: es, Kelvinator refrigerators, television ga one' fome Purnienings, 424 $imeoe| plies new and : r---------------------- -- interest in a silica development | 4 47 --Automnbiles For Sale/50--Articles For Sale beautiful trigle dresser, late chant and Thiifty budget plan, RA 54543 I Street South "Dee, 14. in town ses Provincial Tire, 48 Bond 5.0, Articles For Sal |on land at Joyceville, Ont,, ex-| For Results oi - di AAA Cn n oh 4 a A 51 DEROTO custom, filly equipred, 24" WOOD. planer, wilh moor 40d bell S188". Gorgeous new mochs finished TWO end (ables, one fie (a0Ie, TV'S iy porRIC sewing mag rishle Street West, RA 8311 (1 pn ih vor 3016 \propriated by the government as; uh must sell, RA 5-3281, 2691 | complete, ready to set up, two new cut re, dk overcost 40, bridesmaid's dress, two |" 4 . 4 - AROGA china eabinet, occasional { , . 1A 33 Toi lors imcraed, Exeolent condition, Can double. dresser, chest and booke we (0000 shirts. 16, AI like nev, 117 Ritson |(orward and reverse, $44.50, Call iter RADIOS, record players, hil and i Frisia ay Hat "a eauons! a site for a penitentiary, pm 90, RA 3 4 "oo be seen at 481 Drew, RA 30851, 201f| Pius for 9m, you can choose either (Fond South 2ie 2 vn 0 Saturday RA S077. - he Twi" pay you 40 shop par why Phone RA 6-876, ai] The company based Hts claim * - 9 or 5 PONTIAC, custom-built push box spring and matiress, or a five-(JACKET heater, Vindiey eireuiator,\PRIGIDIARE special big 10 cu Ii, (Television, 918 Simcoe Bireet North, SELLING ~furniure or cleaning out OP the assumption there would MisATE Auto Insurance, Save up to, 0 Tt ol fect condition, WA |Piece chrome set, Wilson Furniture, 20| Princess Pat cook stove, four holes |fridge, 42ib, treezer, bulter-keeper, no - sm - _ your basement? You will get your/be a market for silica and that per cent, Nine months to pay. For | oo 289¢ | Church Street, 201c | reservoir and Warming closet; 50 feet! money down with (rade, Only $199, | VENETIAN blinds, one 95-inch vidih, t price when you phone RA 58131, competition would be overcome - Darionsf service at your home call RA of 2inch water pipe, 625 Kmg Street GMAC plan, 82 week'v. telly wrigid [two 304neh width; table radio; Rexaire The Oshaws Trading Fost, 446 Simeoe East after 4, 2881 aire, B1 King West Nee, 20! vacuum, Phone RA 5.3169, 286¢ | Breet South, /in & 25-year period. The company Tr -------- > |SAMBONTTY. luggage ~ The iden | Iuep tires, mast all sires, up, BF 7] [oR i - BU Christmas gift for everyone, Pay only | Goodric ore " - -- ---- age Bg Ug, lean [81 8 week! Ail colors avilable ASK ELLY TV, your suthorized Beaty AMERICAN flyer train, $60 worth off matching upholstery, Only $1095, King 8bout our reduced prices, BBrons'|gooio." oeiere you up to $100 for your|Hsck and switches, plus I ond West Motors opposite Shopping Centre, |Home Furnishings, 424 Bimeoe Blreet| qo, ine on" a new Beatty automatic |©Ars 'or less than half price. RA 19600 2474 | Bout Dee. 14100 wringer washer, 81 King West = a 27 Dee, 2 PIANO accordion, 120 key, cheap, 4, ec BALANCE of entire "siock from La Phone RA 5750 24 | BORE, deluxe sedan "A17 eondi. TV AERIALS, all channel, installed, | tion, also '47 Olds, coach, good trans. One year guarantee, $20, Kelly TV, Bi riation, Phone RA 33336 or apply King West, RA 55121, Dee. B/ yore Jacqueline, Coats, suits, dresses, ELECTRIC train, Lionel and accessor- 503 Ritson North, 271 | ONY. ballerina evening gown, size 16,| formals ete, Drastically reduced May! les, almost new. Will sell complete 7% METEOR tudor with custom radio, powder. blue net, Phone RA 59218, 288¢ be seen daily from 1 5 pm, at 238 bet or individually at reduced Prior. two-tone blue and white, snow tires, | WARDROBE, aimost new. full-length] Kaiser Crescent, corner "of Louisa RA 50760 Saturday or Sunday alia Really beautiful $1505, King West Mo- | ir 00 ble doors; also twin haby|9treet, Phone RA 51212 Dec, 18 POO. fo 4 tors, opposite shopping Centre, 287( 4 : . vi) THE 7 TYPEWRITERS, adding machines, p o _-- - carriage, grey, immaculate, all very| THEY said it couldn't be done, look at h register wand used, essy: i V oP 4 1 Pri i . : 80 PLYMOUTH, "50 Hillman, 48 Pon reasonable, KA 56233, 2871 what "Ed Wilson" is doing, Chester: erms, Oshawa Business Machines, 329) tine, '48 Plymouth; cheap. 5.1526 m= | fields and' sofa-beds, chopped to fabu-|* 3|MOTOROLA volumatic ear radio, only lous clear-out prices, Restonic chester. Simooe Bireet South, Phone RA ih , 18 3 Op elght nths old, Cost $80 new, Best Ao dn oiler. ia Hh Sa hr 3. dun fl th 1, Ma VALS ly igs re 2691 | iy ub abr i "PRY $50 TO 8150 allowange lor Jour old tele. cents you can choose either a five piece | used furniture, Pretty's Used"Rurniture Vision any miw Bisstrohona, Ad. chrome set or a set o three Arborite Store, RA 3-3271, 444 Simcoe South, Try the 1959 w {way Television, ~ IF Simeos' Birest ox room lables, \Vileon FUIINUIE: mesma mt------ i North Dec, 8 . p-- Paris Styled FRIGATE 1990 simatic wasers| YACUOM BOAT KITS and dryers, Rated No, 1 over all} " ' e Renault Dauphine [Chessy consumersr' rious iow teed Tebult machin, Entmates'fre overhead means lowest prices, From | Four doors, 44 miles a gallon, [$190 Kelly Frigidaire, 81 King West, |vice, RA 81081 anytime $56.00 and up water cooled, Dec, 29 ulGHEST prices paid for used durni-| Open Evenings & Weekends ORDERS taken for storm sashes, meas. ture, also sell and exchange, Contact| 4 . AT urements and estimates free, Terms, Community Furniture Store, 19 Prince | Brooklin Marine Storage 1 - TAT An an. | |Street, Phone RA £113 VAN HEUSEN MOTORS |" i Jy RA Jit. dan WRT A colors, TR, Supply Ltd, ' p {EASY washer with pump, two years 149 King W. lod, runs and looks like new. Call RA (prompt service, Free estimates, Order Phone 87 RA 5 3 57 B.5846, 4 - 6 p.m, 287¢ | now for early delivery, Chair and table i Dec, 11/PECIAL discounts for bullders, home: Jota. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North, =~ ec, owners, on Frigidaire builtin ovens, |*"AWA | cooking tops, pull-down elements, re:|FREE -- Absolutely Free -- Up fo $100 BUY NOW AND SAVE frigerntors and ranges. Kelly TV, Bl worth of gifts and furniture (your SABYAN MOTOR [King Street West, RA 55121, Dec, 29 choloe). 'Our Christmas Kift to you Peterborough boats, Evinrude . | " " with the purchase of a chesterfield, or SALES LTD. {SIAL'8. Ble yale, sod condition, ehaup. n bedroom suite, or a dining room| Motors -- budget terms, Free | -- suite, Easy terms, This is no gimmick! winter storage on motors, yourself! Barons' : STUDEBAKER-VOLKSWAGEN | #KIS, man's #0" Swedish laminated Come and see for hickory, complete with harness, boots! Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe Street Boat storoge Factory op~ < SALES ond SERVICE f rh [South Dec, 14 | size 10, rubber-handled aluminum poles oc proved, Service centre for 334 RITSON RD, SOUTH | good condition, RA 8-5685 2900 | ¥ABULOUR elear-oul of Tables, Jess than half-price. End tables, walnut and| motor repairs, Open evenings OSHAWA, ONT, MUSKRAT tur coat, good condition Shan halbprice. End tables, ut an dresses, size 16; chrome chairs And d ancy carved legs, regular to TEL: RAndolph 3-346] ren en eve roite (S20, Out they Ho: Delo" con 'aio ond weekends, fo---------------- al 0 RA 3.0000 2901 | Beautiful Delleraft coffee table, regular rea 13 worn | 849, chopped to $22, Walnut finished MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY SKI 1 son, BUYING or SELLING [Wen San Sen "312. Phone fix desks, special $10.50, Five-piece bridge ' ' $19.05, Card 'tables, $2.09, Wilron Brooklin, Ont, Phone 87 " " 50703 200h | ets 2 703 Furniture, 20 Church Street 201¢ See TED CAMPIN (TWO new metal single beds, spring-| filled mattresses, very reasonable, USED friges, washers, automatics, + 200¢ | TANRes, rangettes, TV and radios Phone Newcastle 5186 i 4 ey, , MOTORS [Eee Tar Tooket, | MAC terms, Kelly Peigidaire, Kini BUY NOW | Lan r Dec, 29 607 KING ST, -- OSHAWA [size 38-40; boy's brown sult, also sport... corso piomrm AND SAVE hockey game, Phone RA 5:0267 i (Just East of Wilson Road) cont; 200¢ 925. Phone RA 3.9601 2071 RA 3-4494 Res. RA 5-5574 | i siete with attach. | TELEVISION -- Dumont, blond, 21 Inch PE RE RONG Baars on base, 3 years old, Phone RA 5.5306 E 48---Automobiles Wanted |mentsi skis, with harness poles, in he io i | Phone RA 8-014) 200 2601 Budget Terms WANTED a 81 Ford In K000 00: | iusto a es high, | WE'LL buy ail your used furniture and : dition throughout, will pay cash, will senle construction giving tone Grand PAY top money for it, Contact 19 Prince Free winter storage on mo- consider other models Write par | piano, $185 cash, RA 3.9184 2004 | Street or phone RA 8.1131 Jan, 2 tors, Boat storage, Factory tieulars to Box 335, Oshawa Times A A . 7 c SEE . THEY said It couldn't be done, Inok at| @pproved, Service centre, for a ble, all ' Jan. 15. (WINE and cider barrels available what "Ed Wilson" Is doing. Chester: motor repairs, Open evenings sizes. Oshawa Hardware and Electric, | 50 LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars |g'cot on giioe "RA 3.7624 fields and wsofa:beds, chop to fabulous) o.4 weekends clear out prices, Restonie chesterfield for wrecking. Highest prices paid, RA TRY " 81181 or RA 5-1182 PERSIAN pieces, black lamb coat, 38: |set, $130; two-tone sofa-hed suite, . - - meee | 40, needs a little repair, $35, 34-plece [trimmed with frabrilite, $188, plus for MARINE STORAGE |set Rogers = Silverware, "initial "R", [00 cents you can choose either a five AND SUPPLY LTD, HIGHEST PRICES [never used, $25. RA 5-4807 200¢ [plece chrome set or a set of three Ar : borite living room tables, Wilson BROOKLIN, ONT, LADY'S English worsted sult, size 16, | coo S Xo 3 ! PAID FOR [never worni value $65, half prices | iar hureh Street PHONE 87 | hand stitched (apels and arrowheads | FRIGIDAIRE 40" Flectrie range, like - Good elden con. Tiads UP OF (492 Athol Street East, 2061 (new, completely' automatic, $120.80, Ir 52---Legal Notices A - = vine Appliances, 50 Bon 508 [NEW apartment size planos at reduced g54, an, || TAKE Notice that | shall noi be re DODD MOTOR SALES [low prices, Easy terms. Tradeins ac-| © . " sponsible for payment of any debts cepted, A small deposit will hold yours| "THEY sald it couldn't be done Wellloonipacted by my wife, Joyce Hill, for 314 PARK RD, § Simms But hurry = the prices "Ed Wilson" is doing It, Chopping|anrly of 24 Jones Avenue. Oshawa, f0 RA 3.9421 fon all pianos are going up shortly! prices to rock bottom, Table Iamps jowing the publication of this nol cc Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe with shades, values to $10.95, slashed nated at Oshawa this 13th day of De 49--Automobile Repairs [Street South Dec. 14/to $3.98; G.E, steam irons, regular cember AD, 1958, William John Hil - | WILLIAMS pianos, now at a prige you|$21.95, chopped to $15.05, kindergarten ile i" Tievision, 916, %ets, $6.99; floor lamps with fibre can afford, at Parkway T hades, regular $20.95, while they BRAMLEY MOTORS |[simeoe street North RA 33043 | SIR SASS Tore oO riled] NOTICE TO CREDITORS SKATES, new and used, "Oshawa"s NO | mattreses, regular $59.95, half price SALES LTD. | Skate Exchange' Used skates §1 up $20.05, Wall.towall floor ove ae IN THE ESTATE OF MARY y 08 up, L ection | per foo /ilson F \ 2 ureh or o an Sho Wer SORE PE id Hi HS UST U GIVE A 52.WEEK GIFT SUBSCRIPTION of Oshawa, in the County of Street East ALL-PURP ] ILPERK; C i | RPOSE WELPERS: Classified Ontario, Decaesed, PHONE RA 3-4675 MODEL airplane, 18" wing spread, 085 ads! To buy, sell, swap, rent, hire, call | engine, reel control; RCA Vietor port {RA 3.349 All persons having claims I | 3 t istors; pocket ear - -- A Specialists in Ford service odio Tigdletigaiin? two blazer BLAUPUNKT short -wave radios, against the Estate of MARY T0 THE OSH Ww TI ES | RUSSELL, deceased, who | A M ond parts, Wheel alignment, conts, 12 and 16, Lady's station wagon magic-eye tuning, 11 pushbuttons, FM, YT 280¢ | SW, AM, LW, car radios, Three speak died on or about the 21st wheel balance, with latest | oat '16. RA 3.9560 after § (AM, LW, adion, Three spesk- 1d _--- e------ ers , Europe's UJ Terms, 4 " NE ecuiprant Neves vps | y J at Kelly TV, 81 King West Dec, 29| day of September, 1958, are Saciionic Tuneup sauip -- |PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS |CRESTERFIELD and chair, air foam, haveby natilied to He proof i occasional chair, card table, four of same with the undersignec é EVERY MAKE al & Test-Drive the chairs, four piece bedroom suite Solicitors on or before the DKW. 3.6 Best Prices Best Terms Al condition, Apply 283 Drew Street 15th day of December, 1958, WALMSLEY & MAGILL ; TY 30 After thot date the Solicitors Phone RA 18-2003, 300 will proceed to distribute the and the new FIAT UEREC heat > . . OFFICE EQUIPMENT LTD, [QUEBEC heater ' p for economy and perform : 11 King St, E (MANS new Mary Maxim hand knit said Estate having regard ordy M k it MERRY CHRIS TMAS . \ i " i y : ' ane to the claims of which the S---- b d $ h fo ANDY NAGY'S RA 3-3333 RA bam - shall hove had Por iid u e ! . ac ay 0 t el yea : "ry I" Jan, RE - BODY 'SHOP BARGAINS Rangettes $8; Singer por cabinet model 839;] DATED at Whitby this 27th 408 King St, W. RA 3.7132 | table $24; Singer PORTABLE TYPEWRITER Sinker roadie $13; ashore a Dryer| day of November, A.D, 1958, 50--Articles For Sale GOOD CONDITION, $35 Sombl iH D, Move Rel Astral tie. 20 ALFRED M for those at home or far away. DO your Christmas shopping while " Fd N a . his Christman choy ping! | L. C. Smith Standard -- good EE big 3 new WOOTTON & WOOTTON, WHITBY, Ontario, condition, Apply 20 Oshawa Blvd, South First Come First Choice ric Norge range; chesterfield suite Issued by the Reeve of the 001 t x er Phone RA 5.1918 or apply 240 Huron PERSIAN lamb coat, good ondition oon, PI 2011] Township of - Whitby under his hand and the seal of size 16, $50. Phone RA 5.0640 01a Pp » nN LUNCH room counter and seven stools PING PONG table, good condition, 20. WwW E B B | N G S Apply 333 Ritson Road South 211] the sald corporation, bearing RA 37487 FU Fiano For sai Fees ia io. HARDWARE DRIVE-IN |rERSIAN 1amb cont, size 10:30; Per:| date of the Seventh day of dd ' , Islan paw, size 16; hrass bird stand; -- ------Tt0e) 282 King St. W, reasonable. RA 5.7430 201a Agus, 1958 le " lore R sale, custom built, push utton| - | ELECTRIC rain, Marx, i 4 axes In e 1830 Chev. vadio, practically new Ap RA 34273 Jan. 11 Tone TA nan06 Dec. "13.0510 Township of Whitby will be ply Mercury Taxi, 43 King East, Dec. 20 Jan, Josh pil hi TH held at my office, Brooks BRAND new portable ~ dryer, ides) SH mm (Plymouth, 3¢#t cabin trailer, furnace, lin, Ontario, at the hour of Christma rose 3 'all afte y ee: ' \ | pm or Rib Phone RA 5 887 COMBINATION Te 2 clock in the afternoon SUBSCRIPTION pe [trade "Chinn's, RA 37088 Dec.1s| On the 30th day of Decem- WINDOWS ber, 1958, unless the taxes RATES BY MAIL BEAVER rangetie, good condition. RA AIR. Compressor, 8 h.p, Brunner, com | FLIES 2% | plete unit, new, 175 Ibs. operating pres ond costs are sooner paid, Jat:4; omer ehaile, Con TE BOX 305 arhorite coffee tables $9.95; Encyclo oy ' 9 oy las i pedia of America, new, save $150 at solicitors for the 4 Kroehler platform rockers, reg, $59.95, 4 least; Filter Queen cleaner $20.50; Ad t h d L) " h dio. Q Io 25: skates. $3 4 M dministratrix, BE oth Rt, Minty] OSMAWATIMES foramen, ltr tho) GRACE LOMA. SEND The perio receiving the subscription will-weesive on iiijelive 7.98, price 4 Contact Community F Ie Store, 19 « i ROYAL vacuum cleaner with attach 2 iid iy ne "RA PTH i w-- - Nov.29,Dec.6,13 Christmas card, informing them, with the sender's name and ments, baby's large, whit | ISINGE N 3 pos fn Tay is oi PAINT SALE MNGER sewing machines = 0 88) 1/0 6A 6URER'S SALE TH IS best wishes. This is a perfect solution to your Gift problems . . . . 5-54 ) home! A small deposit will hold yours . RUG & x 0. hand hooked. moi new | At Almost Wholesale ini) Chraimas, do te beat © fit, OF LAND this year a Times gift subscription, ars winter overcoat. RA 50356 after Prices from "your authorized dealer, Barons' | FOR TAXES HAN DY sk we Furnishings, 424 Sime Street ' é ST -- _------------------ -- ---- -- -- a-- a ainiy CCM bicycle, perfect condition, SUPER KEM-TONE | south nishings, 4 Th Township of Whitby, -- -- -- - $23, Phone RA 3.2050 1a $5.99 gal. $1.80 qt. TV ANTENNA with rofor, #35, used 16 County of Ontario v 3 ID on 1 ling, y " ULES Vir LAO] SWING SATIN." BEB tet, ies. SOU 7g Wo | COUPON CIRCULATION DEPT. ; A EIGHT -plece dining room suite; elec By virtue of e@ warrant THE OSH AWA TIMES | TO BE MAILED TO THE FOLLOWING: s He . ) 1. NAME LE EE RE EEE RE EEE REE EE TE EY] MAILING ADDRESS . amen | : | ! 2 NAME A EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EEE ET RN) DOORS, AWNINGS, THE |J0F ai 22 cublo feet a minute, 80] Notice is hereby given that BEST FOR LESS. {gallon tank, automatic control, heavy the list of lands for sale 1 YEAR fut Portable wr, ear radio, CALL RA 8.8571 oa van, Slectric greasing] for arrears of taxes was R i achine for cars or trucks, Alemite blished | P ov OF ONT 12.00 Whitby MO 8-4891 [complete wit, Remington Rand elec Ba on i re . LB BB) " Manufactured in Whitb [trie bookkeeping machine, Commercial v refrigerating unit, half hp. Adding] ©f September, 1958, and | " Very reasonable] that copies of the said list | THER P V. FOR THE VERY machine, Burroughs BEST COLONIAL ir waa Frid hig Jluchinery may be had at my office, : ; : h it . 4 U.K. and U.S.A. LI | 15.00 Tresaurer's Office, this thir ALUMINUM ALUMINUM je | teenth day "of 'September, Doors, Storms, Screens, Win me . dows, Awnings and Porch ATTENTION C. S. THOMPSON Railings, $AVE ae SAVE HOMEOWNER! . ag eo iirer y FO MacFadyen's Real Seal CALL ept 20,27,0ct 4,11,18,25 Bu EOE sv ALUMINUM PRODUCTS | OSHAWA ALUMINUM Nov.),, Dec, 13 R COMINATION ALUMINUM SALES & SERVICE FURTHER con beat our quality prices STORMS AND SCREENS For the best quality alumin- NOTICE TO CREDITORS and guaranteed installations, $16.95 EACH | um and expert installations, IN THE ESTATE OF EDWARD INFORMATION CALL For any double hung window | Free Estimates FREEMAN ROSE, DECEASED HOLODY | regardless of size, Installa- All Work 'Guaranteed All persons having claims PHONE WINDOWS DOORS * against the Estate of Edward ALUMINUM pn de: v GUARANTEE | AWNINGS RAILINGS | Rose, late of the City of Osh. : RA 5-243] PHONE RA 8-1547 Cash or Terms deceased, who died on or THE CIRCULATION | SENDERS NAME ie) > Anytime till 9 p.m, ANYTIME Call RA 5.7922 Anytime oor ose Ath day of Octo Bb shaadi lade ped dnd Dey Tb . saa é ANDRE VAN DE VALK er 58, are hereby notified DEPT. | to send in to the undersigned, ADDRESS \ EEE REE EE EE EAE EE EE EE EE EA ER EE RE EE EE A EE ER EE ERE ER ET NY Dec. 13 on or before the 31 | efo \ st day of Wi S | ) January, A.D. 1958, full par . ® RA 3-3474 Inter- ed NOW IS THE TIME | ticulars of their claims, after TT \ . | which date the estate will be ALUMINUM 'WINDOWS AND DOORS TO GET READY FOR |: distributed having regard only MAILING ADDRESS ca --------------) | | po 3. NAME fee EN NN ERR EERE ERE EERE CR PY | MAILING ADDRESS . EMS id "a 3 i » | ENCLOSED IS MY CHEQUE FOR $. .....vvvvnvnn By Woh A J y | WINTER | to the claims of which the Koal Lite Alumin Awning : minum Awnings | For the finest factory con. | undersigned shall then have CUSTOM AND OPEN AND CLOSE | 'structed aluminum storm | notice Re, RAILINGS-- Interior and. Exterior windows snd foors in tolled DATED ot Oshawa, Ontario to your satisfaction at low- || this 10th day of December. Fireplace Furnishings and Bathtub Enclost est price AD. 1958 ' J , UP TO 24 MONTHS TO PAY CALL TODAY FOR FREE MARY ELIZABETH LOUISE ROSE ; | LES EVENISS SALES LTD "ESTIMATE Executrix, by her Solicitors 15 PRINCE ST RA 5.4632 ALEX VAJDA HUMPHREYS & BOYCHYN ; MODERN WOODWORKING 6 King Street West, Les Eveniss, RA 3.2707 Bill Galbraith, RA 5.8832 | SHOP Oshawa, Ontario, Don Hows, RA $0313 RA 3.9851 i Pee. 13,2037 Sl ee se td A hen A

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