ww-- AN ANGUAY(R0 SEUAS 15 SASHIGHE SHE AT lo 10TH Sawa Yim, uy L S-- ad ny 4 : ! (VANKUA voTpuun» leondions due to smowstorms, 88 hunters couldn't get int Acadian Cleaners' HOCKEY SCORES oon Jarl : AND STANDINGS | Winnipeg Newspaperman i mie i, uss Gimme sind iat Get Their Revenge + comms ic game aii ---- go. 2 war "0 an Hag His Own Methods | Thursday night st Simcoe Hall to try and organize h. ] TF AN | Acadian Cleaners made up for op the Hird yiarr ended Chatham Ion PD "A their loss over at Ajax last Satur- the score res + B5 In favor of Kitchener 1 By TRE CANADIAN PRESS (cameras, and accepted food from i day as they came bouncing back Acadians 8. 8 Marie p11 0 7 918 A Winnipeg newspaper man mY hand," v to hand Ajax their eighth defeat, The Cleaners continued right|Sudbury 741 3 7 n i {who makes no claim to being a | The second chickadee had lost of the season by an 87 - 73 score, where they left off in the last Windsor 713178 1 Acadian started out the initial quarter as they again unleashed orth Bay 516 0 61106 10 | rolessiona bird . washpe, has all says the pair disap. |quarter with a strong scoring a scoring barrage outneiting the Friday's Result make their Some in the Wooded peared after three weeks and| barrage as thwy quickly jumped losers 25 - 18. Jerry Burrows, gudhury 4 Chatham § d |into & 15-12 first quarter lead, Gary Vaughan and John Hal: Tonight's Games oF heat 4 Soult Jails of iw liste Says luis 4 second erlp. {John Salter, Al Diekonson and ter split eight points between the g,dhury at Kitchener Winnipeg Pil Suckades BITIVOR id { Ron Wilson turned in the big three of them fo lead Acadians Noth Bay at Sault Ste, Marie | SUHDRR. ckors 'save be doomtioery or op pe 7:00 a.m to 9:00 p m scoring plays to put the Cleaners to their victory while Ted Pio Sunday's Game Boy kas Sazx he docans posh 0) 8 Group of ONE. nil : » » : o . in the driver's seat while Ted trowski hooped seven and Gord, . o | Piotrowski netted a half & dozen Schmidke five to close out the Sudbury at Windsor home In the area between them hs were a downy wood | § ew in scoring for Ajax, The final score Eastern OHA Senior A Midtown and Osborne Street pecker, a red-breasted puthatch, / ' . post} bn wey ie Alay ar or Rl An B7 Ajax 73, WL T F APis bridges, but he has become well a fox sparrow and a white - McLellan $ White Rose Station [AIA TAKE LEAD HIGH SCORERS | Whitby 17.8 2111 80 36 acquainted with about a dozen, |throated sparrow. But they later 38 PRINCE ST. | Ajax eame out in the second) The winners were led to their Belleville ¥ it 3 = # | <1 have never gone forth with went on their way, (quarter as though they were victory hy big Ron Wilson, All Hull-Otiawa A pair of binoculars searching for| pucks Unlimited report that I] . going to run the Cleaners right Dickonson, John Salter and Gary| Cornwall 611 2 57 08 14 rare species," he said, "The the final exit of waterfowl from R. J. Tumey 1 Shell Station out of town as they completely Vaughan with 21, 18, 17 and 17 Kingston 414 °2 70 106 10 bird - watching fraternity might the western Canada breeding 962 SIMCOE ST. N dominated the scoring and play- points feipactively while Alax ») Friday's Result say 13, 8 lazy man claim I grour"'s took place Now. 15-18, 3 ue making with a great team effort. top scorers were Bob Reynoldf gull-Ottawa | Belleville § {am missing a lot of fun, "Glimpses of migrating water ' " Myron Mech Ajax's flashy ball with 18 along with Myron Mech's Re ls Game WAITS FOR VISITORS fowl dure a sie on now 101 Alex Nathan's Sunoco Station handler hooped 10 big points|15 and Ted Piotrowski's 15, Whitby at Kingston But my method sufts me best, indicated it was a movement of 215 KING ST, W with a terrific two-handed set] CAGE COMMENT -- This vie Sunday's Games I Just set up a feeding station, considerable size," says chief Ab hy H iy shot along with big Gord|tory turned out to be revenger| 4 ' sit down on a fallen log and wait| naturalist Bert W, Cartwright * AN OLD BAVARIAN SPORT {Schmidke's seven to push the for the Cleaners as Ajax won tve(Bellovilie 8: Cornwall wait for my bird (friends 0) Regarding the 1068 breeding Kemp's Esso Station Two Bavarian strongmen, | sees to it that there are no dirty [the losers into a halftime lead last engagement . , , Acadlans 4 dor A |come, "The results have always season, Cartwright says there 288 BLOOR ST. W olad in their traditional Leder. | tricks, The match is over if one [While John Balter with six and played a great team game in re OHA Jun Ae Apu Tm good. was little over-all change from + Wo hosen, are fighting a "finger. | of the two has been pulled |Al Dickonson's five kept Aca-|gistering the victory, The three . w L os) ig This year, Vickers set up his last year, "The duck population ' vooking" bout, a traditional Ba. | across the line by the other, |dians close enough to overhaul!stars of the night went to Myron Bi. Cath 18 1! By feeding station on Sept, 11 {remained on a high plateau," T. Goch Supertest Station vavian test of strength. The two | Skin injuries are frequent, es. |AJax later on, The halftime score Mech, Ron Wilson and Ted Pio- Pete 12780 61 Within a few hours 1 had six| Deer hunting in Manitoba ended 4 |read Ajax 37, Acadians 32, trowski [x8t, Mike's 9 7 4 74 70 26 white - breasted nuthatches re. Dec, 6, with the closing of area 437 SIMCOE ST. §S. contestants hook one of thelr | pecially when a contestant sud- q " 4 0 80 24 hE i a 4 fingers in a leather sling and | denly lets loose of the leather After the halftime rest period,| ACADIANS Wilson, 21; Guelph 7 510 86 24 \moving sunflower seeds from the three in the southwestern part of try 1 ;: . , " y the victor's put on quite a scoring Vaughan, 17; Salter, 17; Fvans, Barrie 712 4 64 76 18 \container . . , This Is the firsi the province, / . i pus LSOpINeH rom slog. Which Might peel off the spree as they ran roughshod over|4; Shields, 2; Dickonson, 18; Marlboros 514 3 40 9313 year | have ever made close Cooper s Texaco Station a very disorganized visiting team Burrows, 8, Fouls 13 out of 21. Hamilton 212 5 50 B2 9 [riends with the white-breasted 56 BRUCE 57, while piling up 30 points to the| AJAX ~-- Hill, 2; Bibeau, 4; xincludes two 4-point wins, nuthateh," UAW Hockey League . South End Texaco Station » opposition's 18, Big Ron Wilson, Reynolds, 18; Mech, 15; Schmid Friday's Result Vickers sald that while the Acadian's snappy centre, sunk 10 ke, 12; Boyd, 2; Piotrowskl, 15 Hamilton 2 Guelph 6 |nuthatches are permanent resi Having Keen Race points with some sensational Dickson, 0; Bullock, 0; Daze, 0; eres (ONES Of the area, the chickadee WLTF A Pts, 506 RITSON RD SOUTH shooting along with Gary Vaugh- Elerick, § wanders off for the summer Tony's Refresh, 7 11 15, A A J ht t h lead' Official Bill Dell and Paul : "The feed tation, however, Belko Redy-M 229 f . By Geo. H. Campbell hs yy pul ham Inia a he Wein! Jd : nla Ji | Tennis Stars that Sn mation, howeves Maddoc Hh Mn Macko's Esso Station 3 Bob Reynolds, Ajax"s leading Timekeeper Ray Suddard, | dees is missing much," he says, Hoy Paving ( 552 BLOOR E SPORTS EDITOR point scorer ran home nine points' Fouls -- 7 out of 18, . d |'"This year I did not have long FUTURE GAMES ' J I0~ in e to ig Te first palit arrived Sunday morning, December 14; Fi S . St ti . : L 1 p / / vl Everything From Soup To Nuts . MELBOURNE, Australia (AP) (S00 [13 and an amazing 'pair Bowmanviie Arena weekly twin: ina Jervice tation ou on { 1 1a (®) = Three of Europe's leading Davis| vione was so quiet that itlvs Hoy Paving and 11.30 a.m, | 1180 SIMCOE ST, N. ; Cup players are talking profes: perched on my head, on my Tony's Refreshments vs Les agp " ' 0 ; : ) y CLEVELAND BROWNS and the N.Y, Glants are going to pr sonal tennis contracts with pre. |shoudier, even on my pipe and Maddock's White Rose, I vide the top entertainment, via TV, for football fans across the » Jack Kramer and severa Vide He RO BLUE BOMBERS all received gold signet Iroo n everse moter Jack Rrume ready 1a fof rings at a big do In Winnipeg on Thursday night ro MERV, sake the play-for-fun ranks McKENZIE has been named president of the Canadian Boxing By GEORGE FRAJKOR | The muscle hasn't been forgot | "1 1 signed everybody who is Federation for another jormt "fim KI ENTHUSIARTS oli Canadian Press Staff Writer [ten as Fontinato's other talents anxious fo Join the pros I'm ing the early winter, It's the first tim / A Christmas As New York's leapin' Lou Fon: developed, He was down to a afraid Davis Cup competition been able to indulge in thelr favorite hors. I or of To-|tinato gets better and heiter, his mare 132 minutes in penalties fn Would be just a skeleton." Kra. "PUNCH" IMLACH may be the goneral m nage to stay statistios get worse and worse. [1956.57 but rallied to take fhe Mer sald today. Talking contracts ronto Maple Leafs but he's also the _toacl ay os EK 28 10 ay The Rangers' big, bony de lenbe 1ooy again in 1957.58 with |are Ulf Schmidt of Sweden, Or "conch" for a while, Seems Alfie Pike play 8 hah fenceman would be a runaway is \ando Sirola of Italy and Jackie and Leafs couldn't close the deal as qu ckly u I ale if they winner of the National Hockey| po pac 71 minutes so (ar. a|BYichant of Belgium WINNIPEG WARRIORS want some B 3 right ow Leafs haven't| League's most improved player ood, healthy 27 minute margin "1 have told them all and are going to give up Alfie as coach anc oli He DURELLE ap. Award, if the league had one RO rh nt vival, Ted a others who have approached me got enough extra talent to hand out . . . YNON BECEETRe SETI vou wateh scoring statistics, (Ore ttle on Black' Hawke [0h the subject that I can assure pears interested In a re-match with Archie OF. he Aer vA Fontinato has been going steadily say of hicag ' them of around $30,000 a year, good showing on Wednesday night it seems likely down, (downhill since he joined the Fontinato's value was under: much more than they are mak bout will be arranged CHICAGO'S attendance 1s AWAY ack Rangers in 1984, If 'you watch !ined recently when he suffered ing now, said Kramer, "But I Seems the fans in The Windy City are not sticking by their Blac games, he's been skyrocketing, 8 badly bruised hip and had to can't give them contracts and Hawks . . . TORONTO LEAFS could climb out of the cellst -- Opinion around the league is P!ay the last three games gyarantees such as I have given week-end. They have two games, at home to Rangers for that the awkward, [Wrapped in heavy padding, The pancho Gonzales, Lew Hoad and wr , yass Unanimous a ing ogy It they. win them both, they could pars) oLliiz six - foot - one bruiser Rangers lost every game, and gen Rosewall in the past, My ack Hawks, w 1 3 om G 0 g/aren't hesitant in saying Lou's commitments are too hig." but it could happen . PRESTON Minpe ofthat, men want she jum Guest has Honma is slowdown hurt them Kramer recently added Aus: age-limits raised one vear in eal EANERS knocked off Ajax the effective defencemien He insisted on playing, inci: tralia's Mervyn Rose to his cast except Junior ACADIAN CLEANFE lay and right now, GENERAL IM VEMEN dentally, to maintain his iron. and announced plans to sign this other night in Industrial Basketball Jangie Pi e. with Cav's GENERAL IMPROVEMENT man record, He has played 265 country's Davis Cup aces, Ash this local cage loop is having a mighty team rac +h In the . His body and puck-checking is consecutive league games iley Cooper and Mal Anderson Lumberkings, Acadians and Maple Cleaners, all very much in better, His passes are quicker running land more accurate. He gets MORE OF SAME: -- Belleville McFarlands defeated the Hull fewer useless penalties. Even his Ottawa Canadiens 5-1 last night and right now it's just a two-team giaiog hia dmproved,, though race in the Eastern circuit, with Whitby Dunlops out in front ts TUL stride can atl heat described as a full gallop TED POWER of Chatham Maroons, is currently headed for his, Poni J ) { hor / inato, 27 in January, had second successive OHA-NOHA scoring title with 37 points Why a Rn nl By ON JOHNNY SAIN, new pitching coach of Kansas City A's, wants his ! A a h b he theory t hey tay his first full season with New I Ne A at contribute ey bi Bog Por York, He Jatted tite souls 2 Premium IL SPECIAL -- BOAT LIGHT KIT SPECIAL B ------" CASTING OUTFIT HOGAN "KID" BASEY save hell fight anybody for his 10, T SPALL TL 8 BOGE COC Quality Includes Bow Light, Stern Light, Switch, 9 ok Includes Glass Rod, Reel, Line, Baits; 6 56 or . world's featherweight title , , . JOHNNY LONGDEN rode g wi ner yesterday, his first since he-broke his leg this last summer| Again, but only 12 assists. Last and 6-volt Battery. Hooks, 75, .. . DEL CRANDALL of Milwaukee Braves, is to be a guest YOAr it was three goals and eight ® Prompt Delivery Reg. 18.95. SPECIAL ; ; . speaker at Ottawa's sixth annual sporiamen's dinaee o Feb yuan, ENLON. this season. Tie's ® Courteous Service o" GAL. TT 1 rT pr q p Ny rec ' ' a JORONTO U. OF T. awiminers broks three Canadian r ® Reasonable Price SPECIAL STEERING KIT SPECIAL --- SPINNING OUTFIT against Western Uni. Already got the routine three versity , "TOE" BLAKE, coach of Montreal Canadiens has a goals but only one assist---far off . ks Phone? problevs. He doen't quite know where to Day lean Belivent py Xl he wasn't brought up For Delivery od Metered Veucks one Includes Tubular Glass Rod, Reel, Line, 8 95 ® Ad when the big centre returns to action, following a torn finger liga j Includes ment, Isn't that a great problem for a coach ? BLAKE jug. 0 the NHL for his offensive : Wheel. Nyl d Cobl 6 Nyl Baits, Reg. 11.95. SPECIAL ged his lines when Beliveau was sidelined and they've gone so ability, The suspicion in his first » Steering eel, ylon-covere able, 99 50 well, he doesn't want to break up a combination that's clicking Yar was that he wasn't brought Pulleys, 2 Clamps, 2 Springs, " . for defensive ability either, H 0 imagine, not having a place for a guy like Beliveau JOE |W vei e Reg. 31.95. SPECIAL AG . CROZIER, general manager of Quebec Aces, insists that the yah more 4 Muscieman than a RA 5-1109 MO §ispds 9 Quebec 'senior' loop is on the verge of folding SUDBURY 4 | And he proved it against Chatham '*Ading the league' in penalties OSHAWA WHI 0 WOLVES pulled their goalie and tied the score WE ALSO HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK OF BOAT Maroons with one second to play last night but the Maroons pulled with an all-time record 202 total out a 54 win In overtime CITY LEAGUE action at the Chil minutes i CUSHIONS, WINDSHIELDS, LIFE JACKETS, BOAT dren's Arena this rear is being highlighted by the Bantam League, HARDWARE, MOTOR CARTS, SWIVEL BOAT ALL REGULAR LINES OF, where they have five teams all battling tooth-and-nail for top hon ors in one of the closest league races in years TODAY, at the SEATS, WATER SKIS, BOARDING LADDERS, Dshawa Curling Club, a total of 32 rinks, about half of them out |] sftown entries, will compete in the annual O'Keefe's Bonspiel and HORNS, SIRENS AT ATTRACTIVE PRICES, Indications are that it will produce some of the best curling of 4 the season LOCAL BOWLING leagues (5-pin variety) are lin EE Aa rot rd Ty vo woul TEE NEE BOAT TRAILERS CASTING, SPINNING & FLY RODS & : REELS, TACKLE BOXES, CREELS, LAND: SPORT FROM BRITAIN | GAUTH HEAT RECLAIMER NEW & USED BOATS | 'NGNETS, PLUGS, WABBLERS, SPINNERS ; . bee LINES, FISHING SUITS & BOOTS Billy Wright Headed For hon -- apvrovid || TA LARGE STOCK OF NEAT EXCHANGE CORE FLUE TEMPERATURE 100th International Cap | sm on m ¢ aman GUARANTEED USED GUNS IN STOCK SS NEY, Sa vas, an or OUTBOARD MOTORS AT COST ment in soccer --_-- Next April, the 34. year . aid [0% for & Job In soccer. He way : 2 HP. TO 50 H.P. Wolverhampton Wanderers centre after five months manager Frank half nnd captain hopes to make { his 100th appearance for Eng Ruckley told him he was too wy hon he plays against Scot small to make the grade \ . svt mt Wernhl A broke-hearted Wright JOHNSON OUTBOARD MOTORS land at Wembley f right left S. E. wOoOoDS Me blonde defender from Iron. the manager's office, resigned to he \ rronshire. has long wp A career outside soccer. But not die. Shronshire, has long since A career outside sarcer. But not Hunting Coats .......... Reg. 16.95 to 41.95 onttisianced the snccer heroes of sravions decades in his aceumul. interceded on his hehalt and pravious decades in his accumu Itevander OL iA eR ane Just The Gouth Heat Reclaimer Is self contained DYNION WATER Hunting Pants . .......... Reg. 8.25 to 17.95 nternational caps. His has made him an started, Buckley relented and and completely automatic. ------ choice ever since 1046. SiEned him to a plaving contract, | CLL le 0 nL el rae. FURNACE PURIFYING UNITS Insulated Underwear ....s..... . Reg. 23.50 } rompton, with 42 appear Ruckley had made one of the ; anees {00 Scotland, was the pre. hest soccer investments of all When ordering specify stack size. vions international record-holder. time for a mere £10. When the \ Since his England debut, Wright war ended there was no holding 00 THOUSANDS has missed only three matches, Wright, who went on to win LJ 2 MODELS TO CH SE FROM ® all because of Injuries every honor soccer can offer NOW ENJOY MODEL 101 Designed for' space heaters and on furnaces that hqve @ i limited space of 12" smoke stack. Will reclaim 150 to THE SAVING 250 degrees of claan hot air and push it-up to 30 feet rt Sy 2. Se ee" 4098 d COMFORT C.C.M. SKATING OUTFITS -- BICYCLES -- TRICYCLES TAN KS ON LOAN | area desired. PRICK h an : iV. n MODEL 101-A of the amazing Will reclaim up to (250% te 400%) almost twice as much . « « For Your Stove Oil al Sua Fie made fue rwice Tra GAUTH : ¥ required ta install this mode! It will supply the reclaims 250 Gallon Tank, Top, Hose and Nozzle sup- Mig 2 Hot Air Regten you a! 69 05 NEAT 353 KING OPEN plied all at NO CHARGE To Our Customers. . RECLAIMER ST. W. EVENINGS Phone RA 3-3443 - Night RA 3-7944 NOW ON DISPLAY AT MADE IN CANADA TILL Harry O. Perry (|| Stan's Sharpening Service [| .."ov. PORT CHRISTMAS PETROLEUM CO. 285 BLOOR ST. Ww, rn OSHAWA "32 Yeors In Businen" 227 KING ST. W. OSHAWA PHONE RA 3.3224 Authorized Distributor for Oshawa & District ALWAYS GOOD PARKING