The Oshawa Times, 12 Dec 1958, p. 8

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8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, December 12, 1958 PICTURED IN an informal are | pose prior to the dinner (from left to right) Mrs, T. K Creighton, Honorary Regent Candle-Light Dinner, Party Fun For Golden Jubilee Chapter Members of the Golden Jubilee lin school for (he Majesty the Mrs, E, L vening the annual bridge to he the dinner the members mel at held in House for thelr annual Cheistmas|14, at 8 p.m The tables were Pick up thelr tickets beautifully decorated with sprays|the hall to act as hostesses Mrs, H (volunteers to serve refreshments Christmas al the Christmas party for mem: meeting will he held at the home hers of the Golden | The regent spoke of the coming | nominations [Hive and advised that the nomina ton forms all chapter members Chapter, Imperial Order Daugh ters of the Empire, gathered Monday evening at Adelaide] dinner party of plonseltias, silver baubles and; a regiment of red candles Mrs, Douglas Langmald, re gent, presided and gave a sum mary of the year's activities thanking the members for their efforts and co-operation. Mrs Langmald 'expressed her compli ments of the Head table MEASON guests Included Mrs, T. K. Creighton, honorary vegent; Mrs, Michael Starr, hon rary vice-regent; Mrs. W. F Mercer, and Mrs, K. 1. Wagg regent and secretary of Prince Phillip. Chapter Mrs. Vernon Walker, Mrs, L, R, Sawyer, Mrs John Houghton and Mi Elgin Munday Letters of thanks were read by Mrs, 8 R. King from the Cen tral Collegiate for scholarships and from the Adelalde McLaugh Christ Church Eve. WA Names Officers At Christmas Dinner The annual Christmas dinner of [corresponding Christ Memorial Church evening Harvey WA was held at the home of the' Mrs Mrs, Robert Galpin retary, Mrs, Edward Davies; liv message A. Mcllveen president, Mrs, Clare McCullough on Tuesday evening, December 0, Mrs, H, D. Cleverdon sald grace in the form of a "Christmas pray er", Following the dinner there |Mrs meeting | ell was a short business with election of officers work in the past year and pre of all the members The treasurer's reports from encouraging The officers for 1050 ave as Tol: | Murdie Macleod The January 20. at lows: honorary president, Mrs D. Cleverdon; president, Mrs ! lare McCullough; viee:president Mrs Howard; recording secretary, Mrs Francis James Peter | Golden Jubilee Chapter; Philip Slarr I forms be completed and returned |jepary and reading group of the al the January meeting Mrs card prepared for a Mrs poem mas tume olght reindeer proved most receptive The exchange brought the Ing Mrs hostess Mrs, Charles Dewhirst thanked |phom Mrs, Clare McCullough for all her | Broadbent Mrs sented her with a gift on behalf | Glen Dru After a gift exchange the played court the bridge and bazaar were most ||, on Mrs, , Golden Jubilee Chapler; Mrs, Prince | Douglas Langmaid Regent, Michael | Golden Jubilee Chapter; Mrs Hegent, | John Houghton, Vice - Regent, PERSONALS The Amity Group of the F., Mercer, Regent Chapter, Mrs Honorary Vice WA ol Northminster United Chureh held portrait of Her jig Queen Baldry # din After December meeting at ner party at Sandalwood who 1s con the Mi RW Yeo devotional UAW hall, Januaryitae home of asked members LO gwitzer drive and to he at for the business, and music contests and exchange of gifts, The period Ward-Whate asked for BAmMes January Age Club Mrs Furey, Greta ) Gordon street for the 1069 execu A. Wallace, Jone nome Mrs avenue Tuesday for the Ralph opened evening Christmas mailed to on January that thee would he her on December 9 wes requested party of the Club and Women's Art vhen 15 member Mrs, ¥. W, Fay Interesting Christ Ruth Lyceum directed Association execulive were present read two very mas stories, and Mrs, J. D erford read several nel taining to the festive season, The When Banta arrived with usual exchange of gifts follawed the loud laughter the program. Mrs, A, W. Hard Lhe ing and Mrs, H, Gi, Willes assist ed in serving refreshments and Mrs, Glenn A. Henry poured tea at the attractive decorated table William bingo while Kit Baldy narrated the The Night Before Christ which was enacled in co Lock the poem hat audience was of presents party to a close Elizabeth The Social Department is al ways anxious to accept items for column, especial for the approaching Christma and New Year If you ex pect to he out of town during the holidays or are having guests please telephone RA 33474, and share your festivity with others I'here is no charge for this in sertion the personal REASON Mrs RECreLary treasurer, bulletin sec secretary Beadle; press Edwin Roberts secretary, Mrs, F Doreas secretary Donald Souch; parish coun Miss Jean Hamilton entertained the girls of the lunch counter Stanley Lawrence: tea slaff of Karn's Drug Store Mrs, Edward Culp: tele other friends at her home Ritson road south, on Wednesda) committee, Mrs. William Mi A. F. Powell |8Vening December 10, Gifts were Robert Mis exchanged: with Mrs James Fssex acting the part of banta Claus. Bingo provided entertain BIOUR ment with prizes awarded to he high and | Miss Vivian Clark, Miss Hazel won hy Mrs \Waring and Mi Norman Ven | and Mra inor, A buffet Christma dinner | was served by the hostess, a meeting will he held sisted hy Mrs. Robert Melntyre the home of Mrs, Jack Murray, Mrs, James Essex and Mrs. Bert Rogers ant on Chatterson A ist prizes Bellingham wer next Fdward Culp Old Country Club (Ladies' Group) Dinner Meeting The Ladies' Group of the Old Country Club gathered for a tur key supper at Simcoe Hall on Monday, December § Mrs, William Foote sald grace During the evening gifts were ex- changed by the members The president, Mrs, James McKeever, read a letter of resig nation from Mrs, Foote, vice president, who Is leaving Osh. awa, On behalf of the club, Mrs McKeever expressed good wishes and thanks to Mrs, Foote for her work and interest in the past in the Ladies' Group, A gift was presented to her hy Mrs, James McNab from the members Mrs, Charles Warren entertain ed at the plano, Christmas carols and songs were sung after which Mrs, William Exley expressed thanks to the president for her efforts and work in the group The entertainment committee consisted of Mra, Ernest Lang dale, Mrs, William Exley, Mrs Robert Hewitt, Mrs, Lawrence Homer, Mrs, Edward Dobby, Mrs, Leonard Riley and Mrs David Patterson, who arranged the enjoyable evening The next meeting will be held on January 12 at Simcoe Hall, A new vice-president will be nomin ated at this meeting Bedroom Chairs . . 14,95 Hostess Chairs. . . 23.50 Foot Stools 8.50 & 12.50 each Cushions . . . . . 2.350 IDEAL FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS Drapery Remnants yd. 1.50 CHESTERFIELD SUITES RECOVERED CHOICE OF MATERIALS BRUCE R. DALTON UPHOLSTERING 75 CHARLES ST, RA 3.7212 SIM LASH Noted Accordion Artist and supervisor of the WILSON & LEE ACCORDION STUDIOS Was Featured Performer for The Ritson School Junior Assembly sponsored hy division of the Catholic League hall recently Reverend Frank 5 assisted Mrs president of Sit division Murphy In greeting the ated hy Bi red enlor of evergreen ind points of "he group Joseph Group Grosp handled the eatessen table tahle yeur the in cel Ihle Gerard the vill he mas noon hy My Mi ning hy Mrs Sidney Sheridan taken Donable not only 'to even lo allments Mrs secrelars ' Golden Jubilee Chapler Kenneth Wagg Prince Philip Chapter Oshawa Times Photo Groups Combine To Make Bazaar Complete Success Ihe annual Christma of, Gertrude hazaar was held in the The bazaar was Mahoney Patrick J Gertrude's and Mrs convener of the bazani HITIVIDE guests I'he hall was attractive) Anne he as th deco group and complemented hy I'he Christma Interest hough YALIVILY Lhe (ree The knitting wis the and taney handled by the booth hy Mt I'he hake apron and deli the being a ne feature 1. Anne Ciroup ery table gin Group featuring par wrapped, Si Vi respon tea table vhile St Group worked already for the Kitchen Mrs Gerald ts on a set of jewelry drawn for at the Christ meeting on December 11 was poured in the after Merkley Tea Advertising of hazaay Mps the care of hy SHOULD FIT Poorly fitted IS a posture faults, some nerve s Bub Women's parish opened hy the who officers Rober(s, Vice sub: | Russell | Talk on Formosa ho us predominant Beene vere work Maria Marion delacalessen this looked aller ably In AVhich Fugene MeAvoy and Leo Connelly and in the eve | Angus Nell and Mrs Was John lead his wife hut he himself and spinal|through the Women, Jo Aldwinckls, Women's Ediior Dial RA 3-3474 H&S Association Organized At Adelaide McLaughlin School The Adelaide Mclaughlin {Home and Behool Association was lorganized recently under the di- rection of Mrs. Harold Donald Home and School organizer for |Oshawn, Mr. H N. Pascoe, prin cingl of Adelpide Mclaughlin g ml, and Mrs, John Gaskell | vesident of Oshawa Home and Behool Council Mr. Pascoe and the teachers were hosts for the evening. which very well attended, Mr, introduced the teaching splained (he proper the conduct of the Iwas | Pascoe staff and rules for pupils 4 Donald summarized { he functions of the Home and Behool Association and acted as chalr Iman for the election of officers as follows: President, Mrs, Mort mer Brow, first vice - president Mrs. Kenneth Fortier second (vice - president, Mrs, Arnold [Behell; treasurer, Mrs, John H "Richardson: recording secretary Mrs, Frank Gazley; corvespond ing secretary, Mrs. Douglas Wil executive members, M1 Jack Bridgeland, Mr. Douglas congratulated the members Wilson, Mr Andrew Buwala, | Association them a Mrs. Lorne Seeley, My. Blephen ful term Kalyta It was. decided to Mrs, John Gaskell installed the meetings on the firs Mrs Lloyd Courtice month. Refreshments president of area "C" the teaching staff MORTIMER BROWN (President) MRS son of the and wished eee hold he Tueeday ol evel wert served hy and hi the ANCeS fuddhist that formerly he Lor had followed religion hehalf of the Young Peo Baciel thie peaker H Haymond Besse, and pressed the MeLaurin On Features Meeting 3 Of Mission Circle \iil"W thanks of December Ie Collins ¢ the Kale On Tuesday evening f, the Kate McLaurin Clrele of First Baptist Chureh met in Lhe hureh parlors Mrs, W.. R, Collins president, presided Mrs, FF. M. McLellan presented a Christmas and Resents Sales Guif he members read the story of 4 . he Nativity In unison from Lhe Aimed at Children 2nd Chapter of St. Luke, 1-20 Plans were nancial aid at needy families The members in the lower auditoriom Young People's Boclety of the Chureh, to hear the for the evening, Dr. Huo Cheng, of the Oshawa Hospital medical mothers: 1 staff, formerly of the Island of pou 0 (he Formosa, which les off the Chine [| 50000 pre ese mainland She added housewives are he Tho speaker told his interested ginning 10 resent exnensive pack audience that Formosa grows an ging "and gimmicks and Now abundange of heautiful flowers all der what n trim to Hawvall Ws the vear around and large crops HA OONe them. She of wiger cane and tropical fruits A ranoting from results. of. con as well as rice ra had Trade Dr, Cheng mentioned that Gen he had 1 erallssimo Chiang Kai Shek and are Christians, and thal had heen converted I'he testimony of his not always ti Dr, Cheng stated from a fomd-energy ed bh M¢ VETER her Kale Refreshment the west Laurin Cirele group of the the Cirele VOIrship service TORONTO (CP) directed lel to two yitimate in Huth Hardin then. assembled gion officer of with the Advertising it children Is the advertising inforn made to send fi Christma unfaly consumer the Olnario de rieulture ld th the Ontario partment of a annual meeting of Food Processor As She sald » speaker wh advertising made dimwits and not cede Hike did else costs sumer survey SHOPPING HINT higher priced foods are mos! Christian wife tandpaoint, Double her holiday cheer with Helena Rubinstein's charmi Fragrance Duo, only Helena Rubinstein has taken two favorite American habits -- her famous, clinging colognes and beautiful body powders -and brought them to- gether for Christmas, They come in a gay, gifty package for present fun,,.in delicious fragrances for future pleasure: either Apple Blossom to give an advance whiff of Spring, very romantic White Magnolia, or beloved Heaven-Sent, Just 8,00 for the set, 00] 3 PROMPT FREE DELIVERY 8 KING ST. E. PHONE RA 3-2245) OSHAWA 5 KING ST. W. 317 BROCK ST. §, 530 SIMCOE ST. S. | PHONE RA5-3546 BOWMANVILLE - PHONE MA3-57 WHITBY PLAZA MO 8.2338 to nourishing Hanging Of The Green Brings Yuletide Gaiety To The YWCA On Wednesday, December 10,8 short Christmas skit based on the annual Henging-ofthe-Green "It was the Night Christmas program was held at mas,' A the YWCA The evening's Program This program is the traditional under the direction of Miss Ruth one held in YWCA's around the Naish, program director, and the |: world to usher in the Christimas!Y Teen skit under the supervi- SCRBON i ih It was planned by the senior sistant program director girls as na and begsn with a Miss Lois, Cullis, Y/Teen Advisor, carol service, interspersed with) Christmas readings by members tion president, was the leader for Mrs sion of Miss Janet Beacom, as her were and Crom and Barbera Colpus Mrs, 1, B, Armstrong, Associa-| M7 school st Montres) Lake, Saskat. chewan Mrs, Thomas Murrell resd thew | rag for the prayer perinerly iss Constance Colpus and Miss Mabel Jones The president closed the meets' efore Christ-/Ing with a Christmas poem ond Mrs, Thomas Keast led in carol was Pinging Turkey dinner was convened hy Harry Campbell snd Mrs, {Wilbert Hall, Guests at the dine the Reverend ( A Mrs, B. C; the Reverend md. Trent and Peter 4 of the various "Y activity [the enrol service groups, including Y" Variety! At the conclusion of the pry Club, Render - Yous Club, Crafts gram au social hour was enjoyed groups, Y Teens, Vriday - Camp,'hy a large number of "'Y" mem "AL Your Request" and the Resl- pops and thelr friends dence This yesr the collection taken Then followed the decorating will be used as a donation to the of the halls and Christmas trees, Retarded Children's School build. after which the Y-Peens enacted ing fund, ' | LODGES AND | St George's WA SOCIETIES | Dinner Meeting _--_-- The regular meeting of the ' REYVRAN Vobak Xo. 4 Afternoon Branch of the W.A, of ie Wee aelines ner: ¢ leords' . o tained the members of Rebekah Bt, George's Anglican Church was| Lodge No, 3 at the regular meet- held in the parish hall with the ing on Wednesday evening, De. President, Mrs, Jack Sawyer, cember 10. Their gay costumes Presiding and sweet tones under the direc Mrs, Willlam Collins read the tion of My Fred Fox nided to seripiure lesson Mrs Firnes the galety of the Christmas par- Seeley read the minutes and Mi ty. Sharon Barton and Patricia John Chaplin gave the treasurer's Chatterton also entertained with report # tap dance Miss Ethel Wesson read the Bister Lena Harper presided correspondence; Mrs Thomas for the meeting assisted by Sister Keast gave the social service re Agnes Kirk, There was a large port attendance Bister Nelda Thomp Mrs reported on behalf of the Dorcas T committee stated that a ¢lothing bingo would he held on WA December 15. Members were ask: ing to Humewood House, also a ed to contact Bisters M. Lockie cheque and A, Tonkin for ticket A box of Christmas presents Sister Nelda Thompson vas heing sent to Miss Constance recommended (0 receive the Colpus for the ehildren In her of Chivaly Donations were ent 10 the Bick Children's Hospl James Brooks report Two boxes of) had heen sent Lo the House, a box of baby cloth gave the S01 cp A fowl Was De ree Lad Bow Hear Betton, | ENITH HEARING AIDS WEAR jy WSPICY, MEHIND THE tas ZENITH DIPLOMAT SLIP-ON WEARING AlD Ships on or of in 8 yily Plugs instantly 10 ling lightweight earmold Wow LINITH EYEGLASS WEARING AID World's most attiachive, in CONSPIEUOYS hehring wid worn (ght 8 your esl Inconspicvans ond lightweight Worn entirely of the one 0 dongling cords tal and the Retarded Children's hullding fund and the Barrie Home In recognition of thelr 15 years hip Bisters Allee Lan Nelda Thompson re Hyver locket, sultably in Gladys Blyth nember ning and ceived a eribed, and Bister received a ring Degree scheduled for January 9 at 7.30 p.m, sharp Refreshments were sevved in the banquet hall when Banta Claus arrived and gifts were exchanged ister Lena Harper thanked all those who had taken part in the practice | sli Give DRAPERIES and the whole family will Le pleased. Large stocks of , , , Natural, sardovel telephone vse 10-day money-back guarantor ® Voyeur warranty ® Soyeer service ples Complete Line of Zenith Transistor Models from $50, . . . . ding performance . . Ne Bulky Apparatvy 19 Mar Your Looks XJ 1omelrist, or optician Program READY. TO-HANG MADE-TO-MEASURE ose NOW for Christmes Delivery ! WARD'S Simcoe ot Athel = RA 5.1151 HOUSEHOLD HINT If you've tried sewing jar rings lo the kidd rugs without Akuin wound to corner, One on vill not provide suf Helent suction Che corners of sUCeess, ty three Jar each using gether cach corner ings on DEFERRED PAYMENTS If Desired IMPERIAL OPTICAL 22", Simcoe St. §. RA 5-174) new 1958 'ours ©$299.95 dl Just All these exclusive Westinghouse features: Soap 'N Water Saver saves 14 the detergent, 10 gals, hot water, per N load Patented Welghing Door is actually a scale, shows exactly where to set Soap 'N Water Saver Two-Cycle Fabrie Master Dial, settings for fine and regular fabrics, Water Temperature Dial provides three sets tings hot, warm and cold, Big work surface front loading leaves a full sweep of work surface on top, YOU CAN BE SURE IF ITS WESTINGHOUSE WASHES CLEANER! There's no oldsfashioned center-post Clothes go 1uside Fo h » x \ RINSES BETTER! Revolving Agitator lifts clothes while soil and dirty water yy ~ drain away from / 3 tnever hack the Revolving | nt through) them \\ SW L) Agitator which Lifts, turny, plunges them 50 times a minute, ohines strain it all washes the hack through the clothes, The Sand Tost proves itl | \W BA \ Conter-post ma "WE \ olothes A Westinghouse Laundromat and Electric Dryer for Every Need! / / Wash 'N Br © n TIN Combination 92 SIMCOE ST. N, OSHAWA * automatic washer LAUNDROMAT with sensational REVOLVING AGITATOR WASHING Here's why Revolving Agitator Laundromat is best: Imperial Twins Royal Twins vou can nu SURE...iv iv Westinghouse MEAGHER'S CLEANS ITSELF! Hooause of ita patented design, the Laundro mat oleans olothes better, then auto matieally cleans iol ready for the next load, All sand, soum, lint down the drain proves it} Deluxe Space-Mates RA 5.4711

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