The Oshawa Times, 12 Dec 1958, p. 19

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25Pets ond Livestock tex antss on i d singers Hi young , Lovell, 2 vin» Brest, EAGLE - ) " thea 9) field champion wogh, "is rmaning, "baling RA an aA, female, (hres months, male, one ihe year, pro), duality, Miss G, Sten. scent, Toronto | ¥ by budgies, ready fon pris strain, Apply yu 4 ond, 114 rest East, TFRRED bower pus ESF ei YN talking Elgin BUDGIE and cage with stand, Phone RA 50141, 290/ HORSES BOARDED Reasonable Rates Phone RA 5-6808 DEC, 18 26--Farmer's Column DEAD Tarm slock picked up, prom Phone collect Bowmanville, Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone, TRAW and hay, Phone Bowmanville a 3-680 Dee, §, BALED hay for sale, Ringwood A Whithy 20a Goon grade Holrein cow, second cal due Dec, 30, Lot 24, Concession 4, A Dehosk 2000 27 --Fuel Wood ENJOY the holiday, Cannel coal, hard coal brickettes for firepiafes Available Bathe and Melellan, 81% King Stree! West Jan 13 31--Articles For Rent tly, ", orl 30--Lost 'ond Found _ nie| 30-- 269, LONE =~ Vemale a 27 Fuel Wood beach hardwood, wi lit, $30 full cord, Deliversd in pd lots, Also dry cedar. Phone C,_Smith, #12 Clarks, J 7 ue Persian eat with ue collar ind I, Phone RA 53479. Re ard, we vull™ row grey Ll of Ontario Stress, of "Tinker", # a pd Ail Brown with r a to the name of i! ot FOUND pis pup, all Viaek, mais, 0 Wriny, Phone WA 5.3986 Alter 5, 2061 sible bo = widow, looking 2. OST! Library book entitled companion for oo invalid light housework, Fhone RA © "JOURNALISM from news: room of the Oshawa Times, A CAPABLE housekeeper, Te in Aum 5, Good wages, Duties 0 commence January b, Phone RA 3.762, Please return same, 37--~Male Help Wanted Jon 4| A GOOD opportunity for man in wile 7 motive paris stockroom, Apply In writ: ing to Box 317, Oshawa Times, ang 2 31 --Articles For Rent experience, FX Claus complete sults for Tenl, WANTED ~ Immediaiely, axperienced Ton early, avoid disappointment. (barber, Apply 6 Celina Blreet, 2000 A 3904, He required to handle new [pi roduet, Excellent opportunity for ad: Vancement with new firm, Must he sive, sell-starters, Apply in wi ting experienc Ke and ma 3 status to Box 306 © FULLER Brush Co, require -- part-time and two full-time men to! handle Christmas sales and deliveries Own ear required, Fhone RA 34210 200 TWO nal DO IT YOURSELF | with the power tools end equipment you con rent ot Stan's Sharpe sun Service (corner Kin Burke) RA 3.3224, op Saws; Floor, Belt, Disc and Oscillating Sanders; Skill Sows; Electric | Hammers and many other 41--Room ond Board ROOM or room and hoard for "Thiee fools, Lai one single, one double, Nesr | North GM, Home cooking, Phone KA | 3-208 20 [ROOM and board, near SGM, parking continuous hot water, privilege to have sandwich and tea in kitchen quietly when on night shift, RA 53710 wi ROOM and hoard in new home, con tnuous hot water, home and TV priv (legen, Apply 284 Guelph Birest, 2500 RENT A FLOOR SANDER AND FINISHER from DO-IT-YOURSELF HARRISON & KINSMAN | 337 Simcoe 51, 5. RA 3.4425 WEBBING'S RENTAL SERVICE Floor Sanders; Belt, Vibrating end Circular Senders; (we have o complete line of sealers and woxes); Circular Saws; Electric Drills; Staplers; Blow Torches; Soldering Irons; Centrifuge! Pump; Pipe Wrenches; WEBBING'S HARDWARE DRIVE-IN ALWAYS AMPLE PARKING 282 KING ST. W, Power Trowel, and many other Tools ROOM or room and hoard in nice Fi vate home, Phone RA (8053 Wl ROOM and hoard for gentlemen, sin gle beds, close to south GM home privileges, six days weekly Apply 7 Mill Street, Phone RA 5.7754 anni ROOM and hoard for gentlemen, good meals, single beds, continuous hot water, Apply 253 Arthur Btreet, RA 80723 kL ROOM and board, good home cookink. | Central, 10 minutes' walk from four eorhers, Apply 940 Division Street 2460} ROOM and hoard for gentlemen, close to downtown, Apply 23 Elgin East, | Phone - KA 37814 Jan 8 ROOM, hoard, double, single, Good European meals, Close Four Corners, and GM, 20 Elgin East, RA shin : Jee. 13 all modern| BENT In town, single beds, RA! |gonveniences, gloss to south OM 54220. Apply B36 Lorraine Bireet RA 3.4873 32--Articles Wanted REVERENCE book -- Fernaid's Fyn: onyms, Antonyms and Prepositions Phone RA 54740, a6 WANTED three Guiders uniforms ais 1) also Guide uniforms, two alse | and 4 size 14, RA 5.408) 04¢ PIANO wanted Immediately any make, or size, cash, Ostranders 17 Queen Street East, Toronto, HOward 111730, Dee SELLING furniture or cleaning out your basement? You will get your high: est price when you phone RA 8.8131, The Oshawa Trading Post, 446 Simeoe Street South, CEDARDALE SCRAP 08 | Will pay eash ROOM and hoard for wentlemen, "sin gle beds, friends to share, central, 118 | Tyler Crescent, 2061 "| RoOM and board for two ladies, Share lroom In new home In west end. RA| 32--Articles Wanted GOOD used western saddle, New ae FIANOR, 10 ree 2601 =a 34800 43--Wanted to Rent WANTED -- House, three bedrooms for GM employe, Whithy, Oshawa or How manville district, Phone MA 32307 Dee. 16 | bedroom apartment, completely anywhere in Oshawa, Write Oshawa Times 2001 Write Box 237, Oshawa Times, SCRAP Raw furs, live poultry, feos thers, scrop Iron and metal, I, TUKNER RA 3-2043 Wo furnished, Box 319, 44---For Rent ™O0 "partly furnished "Teoma, workin | couple preferred, Call RA LR 2061 THREE room apartment, groun nd floor, modern, eomfortable, stove, TV| IRON METALS LTD, aerial, unfurnished, Phone RA 5.0623 IRON : : METALS PAPERS : : RAGS OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY RA 5-3432 RESIDENCE RA 5.4159 100 ANNIS STREET FREE PICK-UP CARS WANTED FOR WRECKING Scrap iron and metals bought, Call SHAW RAG & METAL CO. RA 5.2311 89 Bloor Street East YOUNG uty aks soon, store room, Call RA on. yaoi | Te i -- FWO Turnished rooms, sink and oup _ x AJC] «| boaras, near SGM 260 Malaga Nore ne! In iri ogy A . WOOMN "on round floor, separnie "on rl tranes, will fy Tian, sink, euphoards, 7 heavy duty wiving, Apply 88 Ritson Road South, after § pm y 26061 THREE vooms, modern apariinant stove and vefrigerator, No ehlldren, 70 Centre Street nef TWO partly furnished houseleening rooms, use of washing maghine, Couple preferred, Apply 48 Drew Street, RA 34158 after 5 pm 2h $00 MONTHLY -- Simooe Nirest North | Three rooms and private bath, oll ds heavy duty slove, bulltdn cup 8, Available now, RA 5.3367 ov NA | 200 YOUNG married woman desires any kind of employment, Box 418, Oshawa Times, LL 36---Female Lu) Wanted ONE Rll Time ady required Apply Ellott's Remadrant, 7 Simooe Street North, 061 LADY To assist with housework, must have references, and be fond of ehil: dren, Sleep In, good home for right per. son, Phone RA 3.080, Jove GIRL for Tunoh counter, Apply 348 Rit son Road South, IMMEDIATE OPENING FOR OFFICE CLERK Experienced cashier, geeurate with figures, with general of+ fice knowledge, Apply Box 316, Oshawa Times, giving hoa LALIT 2071 | RED Siling room, In aulel | a well heated, north of hospital, Apply after 6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, all day, $19 Christie Avenue 490¢ | TWO Teom cottake, winterized, sult able for couple or gentlemen, On hus line, Ol heated, Phone RA 8.8135, 200f | FIVE + room house, very central, refer ence required, Phone RA 5.5084, 200¢ FIVE « voom bungalow in excellent | location, near schools, $05 a month OPEN SATURDAYS Interested, RA S147 2000 FOUR room duplex, hath Avaliable January 1, Oil heated, Phone RA 5.2) full details, 2081 WHITBY C after 6 pm th FOUR Available now floor. one on ground, RA S488} furnished apartment Three rooms on second 200f room LASSIFIET FOR RENT «= Attractive room, ground | floor, with "laundry privileges, Lady only, Phone yo 4064 he FOR RENT « Apartment, large "Tiving | room with fireplace, Kitchen and bath, Suitable for business woman or euuple. Central, Phone MO 8.2503 i FOR SALE -- Christmas trees, rain Scoteh Pine and Spruce, Free delivery Elmer Hawes, 208 Euclid §t1, MO 8-388 FOR RENT -- Modern apartment, newly decorated, tained, nlee size bright rooms outlet, Paved parking. Immediate session, Adults, MO 8.4383, FOR WALE -- Christmas re Pine, nursery grown, all Free delivery, Birrell Cook, 318 Mary West MO an wu FOR WENT -- Two roomed apartment. | anturnishad, d-plece bath, heated, MO 7 after 5.30 p.m. ns cures trees for "Neotoh | Spruce. One block north of four | rners al Sunoco Gas Station, See fed Mee oy op Earl Pascos, Free Deliver Cs Dee a < RINTMAT Trees for wale | n's Anglican Men's Club, on sale a \ Fh Grill, 1628 Brock Stree! South, Free delivery Deo, CHOICE ¢ pohRimar Treen, Spruce, Pine L) seen from Grand Union, Tre delivery, MO mio Deo WUY and sell used furniture, Grixi furniture will pay cash for used appli ances, furniture, Apply basement, 131 Broek South, MO 8-4n i; Dee '© UAED VURNITURE savings, erib, modern bedroom sulle, sectional ohes terfield, guaranteed plano, $158.00, Re. frigerator (practically new) save $179 beds le with spring mattress, $17, four-reom sell con ™v| have) SKooteh ale, am, Across a. » i n To buy or sell clean used furniture dial MO 8.4981, Midtown Furniture (next to Legion) Whitby, Dee. 12 ARPTIC tanks cleaned the sanitary way, new tanks installed Walter Ward, Phone MO 8.336) Dec LIVE POULTRY also feathers want od, highest market prices paid. Phone collect MO 8.3408 Whit thy Jan, 2 204 Chestnut West, AVON CALLING to own Ladies required service homes in their neighs borhood, Good commissions, Write at once Miss E. Outerbridge 2 Saranac Blvd, Toronto 19, Ont, Dec 8,190,121 Mn SUPERIOR Afiminam, [and Whitby, 1008 "APARTMENTS for rent SELF.contained apartment, two warm rooms, heat 'lights, water included Near south GM, Phone RA 8:8320, 2008 HOUKE for vent, four rooms and sum mer kitchen, Apply 140 Wilson Road, South 200h THREE room apartment, unfurnished, | § stalnk teel sink, heavy wiring, Park ing apace, Apply 42 Ritson Road South of FOR RENT «== Room and board for one gentleman, 915 weekly, Phone MO § 2008, Whithy 0a FOR rent -- Mouse, all" convenignoen, on 401 hhway Close to Dunlop and General Motors, RA 5.5088 Oshawa 2000 FOR rent -- Bungalow, three: bedroom brick, $100 monthly, Con sider children, Phone MOhawk 8.3023 20h | THREE room apartment, electricity in cluded, parking space. No ohildren,| Apply 841 Bloor Street West 2000 SINGLE room, furnished, kitchen priv lleges, sultahle for twa, Apply 213 Osh awa Blvd, North, RA 5.8088 after § avaliable January 1, Phone MO 8.338 pm 4 Moi anytime . FHI Hie THREE large unfurnisfed root, |ARAND new three bedroom "bungalow. three clothes closets, Phone RA 5.8380 Semi heat, Brivate drive, decorate 2061 t tenant easonable for nh GNE" ar ue Toom, Kitchen, heavy duty party, Write Box 313 Oshawa Times. | oiiing, three . plece bathroom, furs nished nice warm place, separate en vice, night and! trance, Suit couple or single. Close to] Service, MO| Hospital and High Seheol. Mary Nireet | 8037, reverse oharges for long dis RA 32104, oe tance eal Jan O NEW three room apartment with hath, FOR RENT = Apariment, downstairs: al Knotty pine walla, bulltin cupboards, 100 one on second floor partly furnish. A Ven, Dus at door, rent od, Apply 840 Dundas east wn : PT | VACANT now, large house, 13 Mill eet 368 monthly, suitable for we doors, 140.30, half Jalousle, 863.901 any | (Nive, Prone RA 83433 or KA S801. | shai room flat, heat and lights. | 110 Albert Street, wr | new FOR wale 1080 Ford, low mileag: be financed. Asking price $2600, Fhone MO 8:4133 after 3:30 pm at FOR RENT --8ix - roomed house, #1 MOUR oll burner ser St, John's Heal double hung window, §19.80, installa. tion Included. Phone MO 8.3480 or RA |... 109, Deo, 9 THREE | Une of washer FOR Tont--Thres + T00m APAFIMENT On | wr ground level, private bath and en. trance, light wiring, between Oshawa n Four-room apartment, newly Nnaston Road Weal, k { far decorated, all conveniences, separate entrance bottom floor, Laundry, parking, bus at door, immediate possess sion. Apply 165 Verdun Rd RA 3.0096 evenings HOUSE for rent, seven new! Aled roams, modern conveniences, cen tral, close to achool, shopping and new plants, Phone Oshawa RA 3.7473, 2am four roomed 2901 and two roamed, hea central, hot <¥0t} and cold water, private entrance, im " mediate possession. MO 8.3780 after § | ' ron rn w| FOR RENT | ean Jovi decorated. Phone : Alas MEADOWCREST | BROOKLIN 1323 after 7 pm ay PANT cutting and alterations, men's and ladles' wear: drapery alterations. | R. H, MacDonald; 1013 Centre South NHA BUNGALOW, ALL MODERN LUXURIES, OWN. ER TRANSFERRED TO US A MAY ALSO BE PURCHASED Dee, al FOR RENT 7 | ON MOST FAVORABLE TERMS, $98 MONTHLY Shot guns, decoys, cartop | PHONE | WALTER MITTLER | automotive tools WILDE RENTAL SERVICE AND SALES, WHITBY MO 8.3226 | Dec. 18 boats and canoes, skill saws, paint sprayers (ga and elec BROOKLIN 291 SATOK REAL ESTATE LTD tric), pipe dies, cement mixer, | Dec.6,8,10,12 200 | NOLID "hriok, _ furnished, heated supplied, wired with Jour: Knrage aul tow and Wealtors, 1" Athol Hiroe wi RA 56165 or RA 53412, THREE « room apart BEPRT A mi , B-2817 or RA 33693 ANRER ~ unfurni Yon Sesva floor, heated and electrielt rivate hath, couple only, avaliahle now, HHO Drew Breet, RA 57666, Jan, 4 Five room house, for Immediate occupancy, located In Oshawa, residen tial ares, for appointment to inspeet premises, Call Whithy MO 83668, 285 THREE - room aparimeni and bath, heavy duty wiring, Central Park Bou fl fovara Now available, $65 monthly, Phone HA H:H304 awl FIVE Toom downstairs apariment, 812 Oshawa Boulevard South, RA 53370, SIX room, (hree bedrooms, ving room, dinette, kitehen and hath, gar age, oil heated, children welgomed, py Pickering THREE room Apartment, entrance and hath, east and $7387 after 6 p.m TWO nice rooms, closes to bus, laundry fuellities. Reasonable, Will care for child while mother works, RA 5-0341, D Separate Phone KA w 0, 10 WRIGHT, one-, and two bedroom apartments electrically equipped, hal conies, TV antenna, parking. Apart ment 10, 101 Craydon Road, Whithy, MO #4301 Jan fd NICK clean, comfortable vomin five minutes from downtown, sult lady or gentleman, Apply 08 Nassau Bireet RA 5.7708 wi TWO . roomed apartment, furnished or unfurnished light housekeeping room, one single room, NA H-B363, abel TWO partly furnished rooms, one . or two men, or couple with ehild, Will look after child while mother works, JIA 1268 kl THREE « room apartment, stove, rig, I'V antenna, heated, private entrance 875 monthly Immediate ocoupaney College Hill aren, Phone RA 8.6423, 208( FOUR room self-contained heated apartment, 585 Mary Ktreet, All mod. ern convenlenves, Phone RA 5.0047 2461 GROUND floor, furnished, light house keeping voom, with refrigerator, tor one or twa gentlemen, central. Apply 246 Louisa Street Ww TWO room apartment, built n oup hoards and sink, 163 Banting Avenue 71 two blocks and hydro No objection Call RA Jan p THREE - room partment, from downtown; heat, water supplied, also TV to one child, #65 6028 after & p.m FIVE room house, centrally Toeated, oll heated; adults preferred, Possession | January 1, RA 5-012 of | ATTRACTIVE furnished "ToOme, avail able in private home, #2 Park Road North, § » L pom, RA B67], THREE + room, self + con(ained Ap Apart: ment, heat, lights, and water, three piece bath, private entrance, available now, RA 3.4000 0.84 NELF TOONTAINED, (hres + Foom apartment (new home), heavy Vik Adults, Near NGM, Parking, RA 3.78 aerial monthly RIMOOK North, four: and five + Feom apartment, ily auippe ed, Call RA 86343, 0 am, + 8 p.m, Jan SELLY apartments, furnished or parking, Immediate possession, Nimeoe North, Apt, 4, RA 5.6300, 285 FIVE + room apartment, 87 Wentworth Street, Oshawa, Washer, dryer, stove, refrigerator, TV aerial, Near sochool Phone MArket 3.3611, Bowmanville, Dee. 31 conte air "and_fiveroom unfurnished, {IMMEDIATE possession, nies four room Apartment, downtown, washer, [mam aerial, furnished If desired Also furnished bachelor apartment RA A180. Deo " MODFRN showroom, office and ware house for rent, approximately 6800 sq feel, Parking space RA Adel, at NINGLE room furnished, housekeeping privileges, elderly man or woman pre ferred, 318 Ballard Street LLL RINGLE furnished bedroom In " let home for business gentleman, Apply WM Colborne Street West, Joo FOR vent or Kale = new Alxroom bungalow, near South GM, Avely 0 Malaga Road Dec, 28 | GROUND floor, (wa clean unfurnish od rooms, alnk In kitehen, private en trance, No children, Phone RA 44378 Di 1" ood location, son, Phone NIX room hriek hou central, immediate pe RA 5.1080 LLL PLEASANT threereom self-contained usted apartment, with bathroom, eloes trie stove Jridiauire, large lawn and Harden; Abatainers only, #58 monthly Dceahaney Dee, Phone RA 8.5860 after 7 pam, auf [MODE RN apartment, new "refrigerator nd stove, four rooms and bath, suit Able for teatner, or nurse, private en trance, Apply 338 Mary Street, 2051 new aplitievel, "Three bedrooms, finished recreation room, oo oupancy February 1, RA 8:1080, 208¢ FIVE roomed house, #00d l0oation, targe finished recreation room, warape, and double driveway, larke wmarden, automatio gas ye laundry tube, Phone Ajax 169 afetr § pom, Aveligt le January 1, 1059 NIX « room house with ga ed, finished Basement, all conveniences Phone RA 5.0890 0 FURNIAHED I consists of living room, hedroom, kitchen and bathroom, with stove, refrigerator, washing machine, TV and continuous hot water, Apply 3M Lloyd Street, HOUSE «= six + room brick, oll heating, All conveniences, garate, avatlable now $95 a mogth, RA 84 00 BUILDING apartment, three + Foom, four « plece bath, washer, aerial, ark Ing, adults, 378 monthly, Near Oshawa Shopping Centre. 312 Stevenson Sonth 200 FIVE room hriok bungalow, and ka rage, oll heated, centrally located, im mediate possession, References fequlr od. Phone RA 5.0301, 0 ONE. and two - bedroom ApARments, central looation, refrigerator and stove, private entrance, RA 5.3382. 00Rf RANEMENT apartment for rent. Apply 170 Hibbert Street nn TWO . room apartment, furnished, in hasement, suitable for twa or three {| those w 7pm Wl | duty wiring. { (share bath, [RA 5 (49--~Reoal & Estate Por Sale _43--Reo! Estote For sole L basemant Apartment, press WV outlet bie yo oo, Phone | ou 8 Servies A bat, pr HOURE, nine room "part 1 led, suitable for ii a wo oity large garage Haas Taunton, On tari, Jan, 3 UNPURNINHED vom suitable for Haht househes , Nice and clenn, ver, COnirali host, i mi wher nel Phone RA 3 bert, Phone R ONE two room fit, ation apartment, V2 pirest ant, and Kin, i cold walter Volt it br iephons 5 slop, For. in ot mad oh phone Gordon Bunker oh FURNISHED room, LA Fh | or two gentlemen or Indies to hare, south GM, RA H4240 after UNFURNIRNED #) ariment, "Two or thres rooms Subboards with Apply 128 Cedar 'Wrest, "A B40 THREE room unfurnished dow apartment, close to hospital, rivate entrance, business couple nurses, Immediate possession, ay id Louies Bireet, FURNISHED front room for wih to share, ght housekeeping optional, (we minutes from four corners, R ion ONE Single room, and double voom for sentiemen or couple, RA B4736, 1729 'hurch Bireel, on TWO rooms downstairs, sink and wp hoards In kitchen, separate entrance, close to Bhopping Centre, RA W415 Val) rooms, "also private Place hath, heavy 2001 (airs TWO Turnished [apartment three RA 57680 unfurnished rooms, ground private entrance, cupboards, $45, Heat and hydro in cluded, Abstainers, RA B7478, 300m UNFURNISHED apartments, central Joeation, self + contained, Phone RA 50308, : LL ne THREE room apartment on Kround floor. private entrance, Vacant Decem her 15, 178 Alice Bireel 20m ROOMBA, breakfast, lunch optional, Cor ner store, William and Mary ida TN THREE floor, ONE single room for gentleman, close to mopping centre. Apply 350 Fronte nag, Phone RA 6.5267 ane AWE Toma and bath, heaied, un furnished apartment, light wiring, working couple desired, RA BINT, 2801 SMALL house In Whithy, close fo bus station, all conveniences, heated, one ohild weloome, Apply 110 Ash Btreet, Whitby, seuth rear door 2c LARGE furnished housekeeping room, "A business man, near Hospital and downtown, RA 3.4376, 542 Simcoe Street North 200 FIVE « room Apartment, heat, lights, water, Rent monthly, 476 Albert Street Mid room apartment, private hath Phone RA 6431 2000 room Apart sin [4] ano! third floor weekly or Wier, i ho! FOUR heavy wiring, Earage FULLY furnished (wo ment, refrigerator, suit couple or gle person, Very central, Apply Centre Hireet ONE furnished Toom, suitable for wen tieman, kitchen privileges, 87 Montrave Avenue after 6 p.m ELL | 45 Reo! Estate For Sole od | OENERAL ATORE for vent, sullable for "ition, ght and heat included, good location, across from Cadillae Hotel, 381 Simcoe Street A, Ask in barber shop, RA 54740 of « Countr $1,000 DOWN -- $1,000 DOWN living with city conveniences, S-room bungalow near Landsdowne Sho, Pin entre, on o lorge lot BO fr, x 188 ft, 2 rooms finishe: torr. oil heating, 12 x 20 ft. garage, reasonable toxes, "eh price $ 1,500, ; N.H.A, RESALE -- LOW DOWN PAYMENT 6-r0om brick bungelow, large rooms throughout, master bed- room with built-in furniture, forced oir oll heating, asphalt drive, decorated ond lendscaped, Full price only $13,200, owner would consider exchange on commercial property, Colle OZZIE ADDISON-RA 3-2254 LLOYD AYERS REALTOR 290b ANSLEY SUBDIVISION New Seroom ultra modern ranch style bungolow with double attached garage on good lot in this choice location, Natural eup- boards in modern kitchen, broadloom In living room, dinette ond master bedroom, ceromic tiled bathroom, decorated panoramic windows, beautiful view, radiant heating, ready for immediate oseupency ond priced of only $19,995.00, Call exclusive agent, $1092 DOWN LOW DOWN PAYMENT HOMES Built by 5. Jackson & Son Lid, on Highland end Cadillac Ave. Just 3 of these five homes so close to schools still available, These are the same homes selling In other subdivision for $12, 3 ond include gluminum storm windows, - aluminum screens, 2 oluminum storm doors, forced air with oll heating, laundry tubs, clay brick with partial stone front, large picture window = everything complete for enly $11,500, Act fast on these becouse these are the last at this price, INVESTMENT PROPERTY Live rent-free in @ modern 2:bedroom new opertment end still have an income of $170 monthly. This tri-Plex Is complete in every way ond includes 3 TV. plug-ins, stoves, 'friges, storms, screens, landscaping, and Is tastefully decorated. Contact this office for early appointment FOR RENT ot RA 59191 LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE 3V2 Simcoe Street S, Dial RA 3-9329 or RA 5.6551 After 5:30 Diol Lloyd Metcalf, Everett Elliott, 6:r0om modern brick bungolow, Coll Joe Mege Joe Maga, RA 5.9191 ick Barrioge, RA 5:6243 RA 5.6983 RA 3.9290 2900 SMALL house for rent, all convenlene " Apply 443 Bloor Street East _ 20m FIVE ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW Cadillac Ave, South, For rent or sole, new vacant, Call evenin y only between 7-8, RA 5+ 208¢ sore and cold morake plant, with 100 lockers, Eas pumps, an miles from Oshawa, year around busi nens, In good farming community, This property can he bought with a reason ahle down payment, Reason for welling, All health, For further information, ao A426) 2000 TEN + acre Wom, $6000 tor, LL] Pri $100 DEPOSIT BUYS LAST OF EQUITY N.H.A. HOMES IN ORCHARD GARDENS Located at 577 Shakespeare Ave, between Wilsen Rd. § and Farewell St, across from Colpus Public School This house offers the most for the money In! 1. ACTUAL LIVING SPACE 2. STYLE, QUANTITY AND LAYOUT OF KITCHEN aroein, off Taunton oad forma, W, MeAvley, Ileal: . 0 Nirent RA vane dan d OPEN HOUSE ON FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, DEC. 12, 13, 7 T 349 FRONTENAC AVE Are you interested In an incame of $260 per month? Then In vestigate the possibilities of owning aon architecturally designed triplex, One building has just been completed in slag brick, with large panoramic sliding windows, storms end screens, red oak floors In living rooms and bedrooms, tiled 4-piece bathrooms, plug-in telephone and TV. outlets, natural mahogany doors, sodded and landscaped, completly decorated, oil heated, ready for occupancy, Everything here within walking distance of public ond high schools, shopping centre and GM KING DEVELOPMENTS 349 FRONTENAC AVE, 290b CUPBOARDS 3, OUTSIDE APPEARANCE , BRIGHT BASEMENT AIR CONDITION, OIL HEATING $500 when you move in, low monthly payments like rent See this house and call builder Collect at Toronto HUdson 81895 or see your local real estate agent JOHN WACKO INSURANCE-REALTOR CHRISTMAS IN YOUR OWN HOME! What a wonderful gift for the whole family, A beautiful J-bedroom brick bungalow, with all modern conveniences and services Large lots, Attractive sur roundings, Still at this year's price $11,975, Down pay ment $1,075 NHA mort gage at 6% payable $69 per month, For information call Mary Mobbs, RA 3.9849 Available for immediate oc cupancy, A lovely é.room bungalow, with all modern conveniences, oil heat, close to transportation, Nice lot Taxes $108. Must be seen. OPEN TO OFFER, Call Mike Hrehoruk, RA 5.7587, WILSON ROAD SOUTH Built of bark brick, stone Kentlemen. Phone RA 80142 Hn BUCKINGHAM MANOR APARTMENTS One bedroom apartment, elec: trically gquipped, good locas tion. Apply 498 Simcoe St, N., Apt. 5. QA 8.8476 Dec. 28 | | | PARKWOOD MANOR | Park Rd. N. Near King .| Government controlled rents, | One and two bedrooms, $88 | and $90 a month, Many ex tras. Early possession RA 5.7272 167 Park Rd. N, front, located in a good area - 3 bedrooms, oil heat, all ser vices. NH. A, financing, $67 per month, $2,000 down. Full price $12,500. Call Steve Melch, RA 5.4481 EXECUTIVE HOME located in the north-west section of the city. Ranch style with at tached garage, modern 'and custom built, This is one of the finer homes in the ou located on a lot 70 x 158 A bargain at the Lr of $5,000, Attractive terms, For information call John Wacko RA 5.7472 136 SIMCOE ST. § RA 5.6569 290e $300 DOWN IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Spend Christmas in A Beautiful New Home QUALITY BUILT HOMES COMPLETELY DECORATED ~Automatic heat --Fourpiece ceramic bath with colored fixtures Copper Plumbing ~=Aluminum sliding windows -=Deluxe, self-edged kitchens ~=20-minute bus services -=3 minutes to school MOVE RIGHT IN! OPEN FOR INSPECTION NOW! Go direct: King St. East to Farewell Then South to Satok Model Home, EXCLUSIVE AGENTS SATOK REAL ESTATE LIMITED ONTARIO'S LARGEST SUBURBAN REALTOR RA 8 8921 RA 5.9647 Dec. 6,8,11,12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, Desomber 1X, wr rr m-- 45-Reol Estote For Sale 45---Real Estote to Sale OLIVE HOWE, REALTOR 130 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY MO 8.2527 LUXURY LIVING In an exclusive area In Whitby, ore low down poyment riod ong feature these extras; a, 0, 100m, axiro 2-piece washroom, jorge bright kitchens, Full price gly $13,500, Call | our office for further information, MO MO 8.252 ONLY $795 DOWN This beoutiful split level home is situated in 8 choice location, in | Whitby, near churches ond schools, Possession 7 omory 3m, Coll anytime for further informetion, MO 8-2527, LOVELY FIVE-ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW in the villuge of Picks ering, Large lot, only one block from the school, beautifully dec. orated throughout, Carries for $84, pring po, interest and taxes, Ful rica, nly $12,500, Call Audrey Mocre, MO 8.4088 or Acad | / em -------- THIS LOVELY STOREY AND HALF, situated on « holf ocre lot, featuring country jlwing with gity conveniences, low toxes, fruit trees, patio, venetion blinds end many extras. MAKE AN OFFER Call Audrey Moore, MO 8.4088 or MO 8.2527 OUR HOLIDAY SPECIAL $12,250, extra low down payment arranged, on these beautiful ith bedroom spilt love! Homes ot Lokavitw Hilghty in Oshawa, all today end have a look ot these, Mrs, Coulson, RA 139 or Mr, Hinksen, RA 8.8228, di 2900 BUILDING Tol Jor nals overlooking Oshawa Gall a fuk Park 'Road North, 8 or 60 foul fronts, hol sstvired, North Shore nek 04 Mm: North ( ie ore, 59066, ROSSLYNN ESTATES 3 bedroom bungelow, red rug brick, NMA, resale, Beauti~ fully landscaped, storm win. dows, new decorated, close to separate and public schools, Low down payment if desired, Immediate possession, Phone RA 5:2206 or RA 36208, oe Sisal J Na), Thoms RA MODEL HOMES OPEN FOR INSPECTION DAY OR EVENING $888 FULL DOWN PAYMENT LOWER DOWN PAYMENT MAY BE ARRANGED IF DESIRED ONE N.H.A. MORTGAGE These homes are located In one of Oshawa's fosteitsgrow- Ing subdivisions, Close - new school, bus service ry churches, THEY FEATURE; =e Sewers, water, streets in end pald for, sodded fronts, laun~ dry tubs, fixtures, tiled bath, 3 bedrooms, hot weter tenk, sidewelk, grave! drives and many other extras, FOR INFORMATION: RA 8-1338 GUILDCRAFT HOME BUILDERS LLOYD REALTY RENTAL AGENCY Our fee Is less then a vecancy, only screened ond reliable tenants, Lloyd Realty (Oshawe) Ltd. 101 Simcoe St, N, RA 8.5123 LOW LOW LOW DOWN PAYMENT Custom bullt, brick, recessed black mortar, stain. ed and varnished trim, lazy suson, exhaust fan, many other extras, excellent loca tion, bus at door, Asking $12,700.00, Coll Eugene Potterson ot RA 5.6544, JOHN A. J, BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTOR Dec. 12,15, 14 OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 8520 CREIGHTON AVENUE Beautiful new six-room buns qalow, loaded with extros, . Reduced for quick sale, Subs pry down payment ree. d, Come see o reel b GERALD BARROW BROKER 25 BURK ST, RA 5.3852 290¢ PETER FEDDEMA Real Estate Broker General farm, 100 acres == 7«r0om insul brick house, large barn, Implement shed, hen house, gorege. Rea ood soll, nice creek, Price 21,000 or trade for smaller farm. Dec 30 A. J. SCHATZ REALTOR GENERAL INSURANCE WHITBY MO 8.3337 OSHAWA RA 5.846) PICKERING: 690 SECOND, MORTGAGE os down payment on N.H.A, resale, wner being trans. ferred, Wants quick offer on his 3-bedrdom brick Osh. owo residence, To see call A J. SHATZ-=MO 8.3337, LOTS OF LOTS single residence, apartment, commercial end industrial sites, Evenings call G. Borlow==RA 5.2010, $87.00 PER MONTH carries this lovely bungalow In fine residential district Whitby, Solid brick construction, full basement, Large grounds. $11,400 full price, low down payment, Call W, Schatzmann, even ings, MO 8.3253, FOR RENT We hava an excellent selection of 2:3.4:bedroom houses end apartments in Oshawa, Whit. by and Pickering. Call J, Daly, evenings, 0 8.4775, A. J. SCHATZ WE LIST PHOTO CO.OP 2900 NHA, 40 acres, north-east of Bows manville==7sroom insul brick house, large L.shape barn, hydro, good well, good poultry farm, on paved rood. Price only $12,000, Easy terms, 20 acres near Orono, paved insul brick house, large barns, {malsmant 3 shed, hen house, good repalr, Price $10,00 000, terms, 4 30 occres with neversfallin stream, nice view «= ideo spot to build a house or on Move In By Ch A PICTURE BOOK HOME FOR LESS THAN RENT IN EXCLUSIVE ROSSLYNN ESTATES HERE'S FAMILY LIVING AT ITS NO PIONEERING ROADS STREET SEWERS SODDED WATER A BEAUTIFULLY PLANNED COMMUNITY FOR MORE LIVING COMFORT ! Contact Your Rosslyn Agent: WILSON REALTOR RA 5.6588 BOLAHOOD REALTOR RA 5-6544 RA 8-5155 DOUBLE SASH SCHOFIELD INSURANCE RA 3-2265 RISTOW & OLSEN RA 5-6165 VICKERY & GOYNE cottage, Price $3,000, terms. bu Grove, kitche aluminum you low ot Josie cupboards HP ood lan 2 size lot, rice id +} 0, terms, 9s Scugog Street Bowmanville Phone MA 3.3644 2904 NEW HOMES by KAMAN CONSTRUCTION LIMITED Down Payment | Only $1075.00 . 6-ROOM BRICK BUNGALOWS 3 BEDROOMS COLORED CERAMIC TILE BATHS VALANCE BOXES LANDSCAPED FRONT DIVIDED BASEMENT IMMEDIATE POSSESSION CLOSE TO NEW SCHOOL FOR INFORMATION CALL RA 3.2265 -- DAYTIME EVENINGS: RA 5.04%4wlohn Zokarew RA 5.0243 «Henry Stinson Schofield Insurance Assoc. Lid, Dec.5,6,8,11,12 ristmas BEST ! LIGHTING (Contlaued on Page 20)

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