THE TIMES TELEPHONE NUMBERS Classified Adve tising RA 3-3492 All other calls ,.......RA 38-3474 dhe Oshawa Times WEATHER REPORT Clearing tonight, Sunny with cloudy Intervals and snowflure ries Saturday, Continued cold, - Price Not Over 7 Cents Par Copy VOL, 87--NO, 292 Authorized As Second Clas Post Office Department, O OSHAWA-WHITBY, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1958 s Mall awe TWENTY-TWO PAGES eg TA -- ik ' bh 4d 5 im # TRAIN PLOWS INTO BU FILLED WITH STUDENTS i - A RECOLLECTION OF TRAGEDY FOR JANITOR Hand to brow, James Ray Chicago, pauses in reflection mond, 44, Janitor at Our Lady | today during testimony at in of the Angels parochial school, | quest into tragic fire which cost Check On Gas Pipes Jury Asks In Inquiry Company (Canada)| Mr, Roberts has a particular the installing contrac: interest in the jury's finding he cause of the number of gas ex plosions that have claimed lives, he said, lives of more than #0 teachers and pupils last week AP Wirephoto Thed Machinery Limited tor Both companies 'must be held responsible,' the jury decided, |and the fault in- the jracturtd (valve was Oaused "by thelr -orwiciaLs STAY AWAY Hgence urelited,. tha.cdumm The shocking part of the whole ore r \ | afialr was that only one of the <r iy fre Yuh inte | which Weard about 40 Witnesses|dosen or so offioial of both com. ' : fand visited the explosion site, panies questioned during pro. was told by Assistant Deputy Ab ceedings considered the investi torney-General Eric Silk not to|gatjion important enough to stay| the deaths of Mrs, Roy Skinner and her son Gregory in thelr 3 1 3 | | Rida Juning hove, site ald consider expense In its recom: and hear the jury's decision, Mi mendations Silk continued, two Hamilton firms Mr, Silk said It was "of In: . w a A two-page writton statement terest to all the province to), ihey are plainly not in yead by Major Frank Darton, "learn how the future handiing|'evested," he told the courtroom foreman, asked provincial author: of this potentially dangerous com.| Before the jury adjourned, Mr jties to set up a hoard or commis: | modity can be done so an accl- Sik sald evidence had shown sion to approve or reject all pipe-'dent cannot happen again." lack of knowledge of the code of Hne applications, to lisué permit When the jury's statement had standards governing pipeline in or licences and to direct Inspec: heen Mr. Silk. who acted stallation by those in the gas tion of existing pipelines A to chief coroner|business and its allied industries It also said the ymirle Lawsom and Halton #t all level the gas pipeline valve coroner Russell Dingle lowed gas to seep acros ald he approved of the [indings into the Highway 5 home He added he had no doubt At. ripping up all the gas mains in not in accordance y specifica. torney-General Roberts and pro. Ontario, Only in this way could tions contained in the contract be. vinelal authorities would see the qualified inspectors whether tween the recommendations are carried mains had been laid aecording to Company out code specifications Snow Shovel, Furs In Man. Election BEAUSEJOUR, Man Snow shovels and fur heen as essential a posters In battle House of Commons Springfield decided in a byelection Monday The three seat left vacant Progressive Conservative Val cula had to blocked road dropping cl in efforts weather caused several rallies Most meeting Rising unemployment figure high price kK of income the farm, trade and tariffs have Hazen Argue Canada Weather Seen Clear, Cold And Snow By THE CANADIAN PRESS I'he Toronto weather office re No hreak the intense cold It got warmer in Northwestern ported during the night that the was forecast for Manitoba and Ontario during the night and with {coldest place in the nation ap. most of Northwestern Ontario the change went Graham's claim peared to be Norman Wells in| Winnipeg looked for an ov ernight | to national fame the Northwest Territories, 39 be: low of minus 20 and Armstrong, | For three night low Ont, the same ham, 85 miles st of Fort| The warmest overnight reading, At 2 am, EST it was 26 below | William known {was retarded Pacena. Point, [at White River, Ont. It reached spot in ernight {Vancouver Island 52 degrees minus 29 before morning lows of & Southwestern Ontario got snow Thursday Thursday night and today was cold kept ils reported the mercury expected to he clear and cold country --Graham had a mere 1ijhovering between five and 153'But none of the night tempera below wero. That w ne The weather office at Ed. tures was below zero Toronto's than Edmundston,/N RB monton said the western prairies reading reached 10 above and St bee City could dod may be in for a mild spell" Thomas had five BURLINGTON, Ont, (CP possibility of a provincial govern ment check into all existing On tario gas pipelines arose alter a coroner's jury Fotanstuded the n in its verdiet Thurs on elon explosion at Poem The fiveman jury, which de | read counsel installation ol which al. County the road If necessary, he said, the jury's plan for Inspection will mean Was wit} NO United Suburban Ga Limited the and Gia Coffee Prices Slashed By | | Big Stores been used by opposition speakers TORONTO (CP) Canadian as prime issues in campaigning housewives are getting their cof in the southeastern Manitoba fee at a lower price today. Most farming district, Government brands were cut at least two speakers: generally were content cents a pound In the last week | to defend their policies and some of the large chain Canadidates' are 'Jacob (Jake stores' own brands were reduced Schulz of Winnipeg, CCF; Anton |PY #8 much as six cents a pound BR. Weselak of Beausejour, Lib-| Main reason for the decrease is eral, and Dr. Joseph B, Slogan that production of coffee has been of Winnipeg, Conservative Increasing over the last few Campaign speakers included [Years Northern Affairs Minister Hamil:| "Green coffee Agriculture Minister Hark:-lmajor countries of production Frade Minister Churchill, (Brazil, Columbia, Central Amer Labor Minister Starr, Liberallica and Africa--have heen declin Leader Lester B. Pearson, Lib: ing steadily over the last vear eral financial critic William Ben: (says W. L. Scandrett, president wp hats have campaign for eat to the the in constituency I the death of Ya now candidates tor by the ontend with temperature 00 below voler ind oro prices in the Bad ol e lo meet cancellation Lon ne have heen quiet \ al on lof Canada in 1 a row, Gra was the « at Canada it night and below rer hove although bitter Albert tool the | Thursday a and Saskatchewan rip « no ) better above or Que qe | | 4 Lb] NL - "RIGGED"? Strikers' Wives May Plan Appeal The decision to call on {he wives who don't see eye to eye mayor to Intervene in the strike Thursday that production at the with the union in its conduct of alwhich hogan 81 days ago Wis | lear plants was suspended at 4|"'ike against the International reached after a meeting Wodnes pm,' Wednesday affecting 2,300 Nickel Company of Canada day night at the union hall dur hourly rated employees planned to see Mayor Joe Fabbro|ing which heated debate devel A portion of the engine plant of Sudbury today and ask him tojoped, Al one point & number of | operated until the end of the re intercede in the dispute, women walked out of the hall, aular shit Thursday: while' the One group of wives sald they contending the meeting was balance of the engine plant will would disregard the Fequen 0 rigged continue operations until} further prosident Mike Solski of Local 898) Mr of the International Union of of the strikers, sald she fell notice, Lo [Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers |" strikers should be given a at Lh sk plant is not- affected (Ind,) that they postpone the pro {chance to express themseves in Canadian Chrysier officials said posed meeting la supervised secret vole on the suspension of production In Another group agreed to abide whether or not they wish to re the auto plant has been caused]? the request and to drop the|turn to work b ov a: lack: of materials from cet {meeting Idea, at least for the SOLSKI'S PLEA : tain American supplier plants present Solski sald We appreciate | where labor dlicalties have Mayor Fabbro sald he plans tothe support hy our women in the |curved he at Sudbury arena to see any district, However, in the interests of the women who show up foriof co-operation with the Ontario the meeting, Earlier he sald he{government in its efforts to bring BEAUTY QUEEN TAKES BUMPS turned to Ottawa last Sunday, CP. Wirephoto would ask Reeve Bill Ellis of about further meetings we have McKim Township and Reeve Don|asked them to call off thelr plan Gillis of Neelon-Garson Township until further meetings with the REDWOOD CITY, Calif (AP) Arlene Pettas, 16, chosen Miss Burlingame of Ford-UAW to be on hand too union strike committee are held." 1058, sued San Mateo County 5.Inch Lake Ice Negotiate Thursday for $25,000, charg. * ™ On Contract Imprisons 7 Ships To help advertise its fall "m - v R va 4 4 TORONTO (CP)=Ford Motor fiesta, the county invited her Company of Canada Limited and MONTREAL (CP) breakers are grinding their noses six feet deep in spots, to pose for pictures astride a we I elon . hdl Faalinib nr ale Three ice: opening up, there were ice jams|United Auto Workers (CLC) of: and tame" but whic n the {ficials met around the bargaining p \ "i . al against the five-inch Ice of torpid, The powerful icebreaker D'Ih. lable again Thursday in efforts (Lake 8t, Peter, new villain in the erville reached Lake St, Peter|!0 reach agreement on a new con: |drama of ships against the/Thursday night to help out the tract. 2300 Laid Off At Windsor Chrysler Plants WINDSOR (CP) Strikes at American supplier plants have forced a serious curtailment of production at Chrysler of Canada plants here A spokesman for Chrysler sald -. on | SUDBURY (CP) Strikers' Liola Breen, wife of one RECOVERED Governor . General Massey, who underwent a minor opera tion In Montreal last week, Is seen after his return to Gove ernment House, Mr, Massey re. ol county "should have known was ungentle and perhaps vis | 2 Dead, 8 Hurt Bus Cut Apart | WINDSOR (CP)~Two children were killed today and eight others Injured when a school bus was struck by a New York Central J oy train on a level cross Ing at nearby Essex, | The driver of the school bus | was also injured, The condition of described as serious, The bus was heading to the St, miles east of here | The train, the Detroiter, was travelling west from Chicago to Detroit The two boys killed were the sons of Kd Purvis and Louls Bos: | sye, David Purvis 11, and Paul Bossey, eight, The bus was sheared in two by the speeding train, CROSSING ICY The crossing where the accident {bay ed Is steep and this morn {some of the Injured children was Ignatius School In Essex, 12 treated by Dr, Collin Markland, | Essex, At first examination many {were found to have multiple [bruises and at least three hag fractured arms or legs, "It's a miracle all of them weren't killed," Dr, Markland sald, | | Driver of the hus was Albert |Slacht, 24, who was also treated {for multiple cuts and bruises, LUCKY TO BREAK It was fortunate the bus was {broken in half, an observer sald, otherwise some of the passeng: would have been crushed by train dragging the vehicle, The two-track crossing is not | protected by any signals, The train hit the rear of the bus, where the two hoys whe were killed were sitting, The bus is owned by Alberd {Heil and Edward O'Nell, A boy who was believed to have a broken leg was taken to hospi ¥ [ing was icy, Several cars falled|tal in Windsor, to make the grade on thelr first run up the incline, The driver and three other chile |dren were taken to the Essex Miss Margaret Seymour, who|Professional Centre where lives near the scene, said the ac:|were treated by Dr, Markla cident sound.d "as if the boys Dr, D, W, Clare and Dr, M, W, were shooting," Daniels, None was seriously ine A brother of the dead Bossey|jured, Dr, Clare said, hoy home to tell of the fatal crash The injured boys were taken to the Seymour home and were crawled to Miss Seymour's| Slacht sdid he didn't know the two youngsters had died until he counted the children nearly 18 minutes later, Oswego ------ Blizzard vious," The horse threw Arlene, who said her bathing suit was inadequate as a cushion, She asks damages for "wrenches and sprains about the hody and extremities.' I deepson vossels |blocking passage to the ocean City, weather, The shallow lake, a swelling of he St, Lawrerge River near Trols-Rivieres, was holding seven prisoner and Hetween Montreal and Quebec where - the river begins Cross-Ocean Try By 4 In Balloon SANTA CRUZ, Canary lslands (CP)A small balloon took off] early today with four daring Brit ons ahoard in Kn attempt to cross the Atlantic. Only heads | saved the departure dis aster y A I6knot cool fom dragged the gondola-boat the heach| and 500 yards out to sea hefore the crew could jettison enough| ballast to start the rise into the wind ACTIONS used as a hoat In an emergency It is 15 feet hy eight feet, Although they expect to com plete the crossing In from one to three woeks, drifting between 500 and 1.000 feet above the ocean, the gondola Is stocked with enough food to last three months Radio sels and cameras lalso stocked If the flight is successful, it will be the first time that a freely ing balloon has crossed the lantic The 46-foot balloon's destination Is Barbados, In the British West Indies, 3,000 miles away PM Races Home are| At: The negotintors were to clean up non-monetary loca Issues and then turn toa master [CE EAST OF QUEBEC |agreement covering 8,300 work Navigation conditions east of epg at Ford's Wi lcobreaker Ernest nite and the fer Honteatny : " n | 'Gone, Sun Return: OSWEGO, N.Y, (AR) -- The Spirits were raised sor, Onkville y | bright broke oa Quebec City also have deteriors and Toronts plants, I Sanyal win igs sun broke thidigh an Tovey of four diary Sonlority at the Windsor plants |tario appeared to be over today, had snarled the city in. 20+foob rence was stuck 75 miles down. |WA3 one of the local Issues still|A bright sun hroke through drifts, stream despite the best efforts under discussion, Thursday and no heavy snow was| "We're doing a brisk business of two escorting icebreakers, Ford's last proposal was for a reported in sight today, (today, things ave perking up" ® Twenty-four ocean vessels in J year sontiut with a iol However, the weather bureau store-owner commented, Montreal harbor---many of them | oanis 8 ne predicted periods of snowflurries| Many people poked thelr noses winners of a long struggle (in the area today, [outside for the first time, The union has asked for a flat | The streets were open, the men | - ---- against fee in the Lachine Canal |, nf Nas ona were advised hy the departs | RO a Se yo! were working, the women wo ' shopping, and children still had a T t Pl 1 Teamsters Plan The storm, which began Sunday . noon, left extensive damage, | 0 ight er ment of transport not to attempt |#EI'C® ] the downstream run until ice killed trades and improvements holiday, Buildings and roofs had collapsed under the weight of the 6% feet] WASHINGTON (AP) -- James Workers lost| R, Hoffa declared Thursday night breakers and a hoped-for change |'" vacations, supplementary un of snow and fell lin weather improved conditions {eaployment benelfts, Insurance "wy anc woensions The department expects to get"! [nearly a week's wages, Merch.|that the Teamsters Union will ap missed every ship our of the river, the official said, but not for a while Car Insurance . ants what was to have peal an order that the union quit Up Slightly been the first big holiday sales | blocking reforms recommended Meanwhile the battle to clear downbound ships through the! canal system above Montreal jand Into Montreal harbor week by court-named monitors, dragged on, KITCHENER (CP) Car in. The schools, which remained FR Dickinson Letts, 83-year-old 16 ON LACHINE surance rates will be increased closed today, were a week behind U8, district judge, directed Hoffa slightly and only on certaln/schedule and other teamsters chiefs Thurss moved through Thursday, but models of cars next year in| The Chamber of Commerce ex- day to obey the monitors' order still in the nine-mile Lachine Southern Ontario," says G, N, pects that December businessito accomplish a general house Canal were 14 ships, six of them ITunter, general manager of the will show a 25 per cent drop, [cleaning of the 1,500,000: member Four Canadian canallers were Only edickson and CCF House Leader of the Tea and Coffee Association M | HUSBAND WEEPS BESIDE Kenneth Giroux, 38, clenches | lies trapped beneath the under: his fists and weeps in helpless | carriage of an aute which anguish as his wife, Eris, 35, | struck her in Lakewood, Calif, \ | oart, With them are his 21-year Igetting out," admitted one of the] The All.=Canada Insurance Fed: | | old wife, Rosemary Suffers Relapse. in the canal may be cleaved an average of (wo per cenl signed the gondola, which can he ose rhe or, i some areas and Increasing as baker left Whenuapal alrport closed for the winter, "if nothing [schedule after receiving word] Ihe Canadian premier's visit lo DETROIT (AM) parents of a dead child went to morning. His plane took off vou'd be given a Jewish or Chris 86, has been in hospital in Sask- Liflander of Toronto--in tears, minister, relaxing in New Zea-| tarian cemetery, bedside Sunday, OTTAWA (CP)---The Canadian Labor Congress is pre. Port Colbogne, President Claude Jodoin announced today al's department has launched an appeal to incpéase the jail 4 Businessmen Arrested session of stolen bonds that police say were taken in a num« Leading the expedition is §1.! 0ceansgoing Waterloo Mutual Fire Insurance old son, Timothy, 31. year ol usually cheerful canal hands, oration has announced rates for! Mudie, who In 1952, crossed the "s y 8 oko sek throughout the province, drop AUCKLAND, New Zealand by this weekend, just a week I ) Ong sh as 25 per cent in others, B 1 E d Thursday night en route home to #008 wrong much as y i e-- that his {ll mother had suffered New Zealand originally was court here Thursday to decide shortly before 7 p.m. local time tian funeral atoon since last spring when she agreed to allow the Christian/and at the tailend of his world pared to act as a medium for transmitting contributions . for . Sommers' Sentence To Be Appealed sentences against former lands minister Robert Sommers TORONTO (CP) Four businessmen and a former bank ber of robberies totalling $10,000,000 year-old businessman Arnold Eil As Mother "I can't soe all these ships Company Colin Mudie and Mudie's 30-year But an official said all the five, theft and collision will rise Atlantic in an 18-foot sailboal. de a pC oping as much as 10 per cent in tic # sallboa) (CP) Prime Minister Diefon.|*te" the canal was to have(ping @ \ ¥ Canada, He departed ahead of Over Dead Kid '::"c: The divorcedischeduled to last until Monday whether the eight-year-old boy, Mrs. William T. Diefenbaker, Finally the father Matthew fell and broke her hip, The prime services and burial in a non-sec tour, is expected to reach her ' ' N CLC Will Accept Inco Contributions the relief of striking base metal workers at Sudbury and VICTORIA (CP) The British Columbia attorney-gener and timber executive H. Wilson Gray manager were arvested Thursday night on charges of poss Despite the harassments, resi. dents took a chipper approach to life, THOUGHT FOR TODAY It is usually the case that the person who enjoys being by himself is easily pleased, union Letts threatened to oust Hoffa las union president and with pum ishment for contempt If the mons itors are thwarted In Miami Beach, Hoffa cons {ferred with the teamsters' inte national executive hoard and sald: "We will appeal it all the way." - WIFE TRAPPED UNDER AUTO Murs, Giroux, pinned 20 minutes until the auto was lifted by a wrecker, was hospitalized, Her condition was reported as not. serious, , --AP Wirephoto CITY EMERGENCY COMMUNITY 1 $30,000 $70,000 $90,000 $110,000 $130,000 |__ $150,000 $175,000 NY ~ CHEST SCOREBOARD FIRE DEPT, RA 5-6574 HOSPITAL RA 3.2211 | si $142,390.86