THE TIMES TELEPHONE NUMBERS Classified Adve tising RA 8.3402 All other calls ........ RA 8-8474 dhe Oshawa Tes with possible WEATHER REPORT Cloudy tonight, and Tuesday snow, clearing Tuesday night. Cold, winds light. VOL, 87---NO, 288 Price Not Oyer 7 Cents Per Copy OSHAWA-WHITBY, MONDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1958 Authorized As Second Class Mall Post Office Department, Ottawe TWENTY PAGES LOCAL 222 MEMBER SIGN NEW CONTRAC gf Thieves Break US. Army Preps Ths 2nd Moon Rocket Eo alr force' Vote In Local 222, UAW-CIO, voted 85 By FRED 8, HOFFMAN WASHINGTON (AP) second space shot ahead, U.S Army sclentists set out today to correct troubles that thwarted thelr first effort to hurl a tiny package of Instruments into orbit around the sun, Al the same time, they rated the experiment a success in mea suring the depth of man-polson- ing radiation around the earth, The space-probe Ploneer III first of two assigned to the army With a|300 miles, J J - # Ploneer 1 reached 71, | Stamps valued at $1000 and $91 | in eash was stolen from the safe which had been removed from the Ajax Post Office during the early hours of Monday, sed up all llotted to It The alr force has three space probes for the present at Jéast, It sought to send a somewhat heavier sat-|™" ellite into orbit around the moon,| Thieves broke into the building | some 220,000 miles from thelthrough a washroom window, | earth. They took the safe across Com: The army's intent with Pioneer mercial Road into rough ground 111 was to pass the moon and per- [and broke it open with a sledge haps to orbit around the sun, hammer and crowbars, some 93,000,000 miles away, Police have recovered hun-| Maj, - Gen, John P, Medaris, [dreds of money orders which lit-| met its flaming end over North|chief of the army missile com: tered the field and $7 in cash Africa at 2:51 p.m, EST Sunday. mand, sald another shot Is at/A fow registered letters are mis: | per cent in favor of accepting terms of a three - year agree. r ont with General Motors of Canad? "Ad, Sunday. ¥ meetings were held throughout the day at the UAW Hall as various departments of the glant GM assembly plants here came to hear terms of the agre« "mt outlined, George Burt, Canadian direc- tor of UAW, was among the union officials who addressed members of Local 222, The agrsement was signed Fri WERNHER VON Braun, rear, | early today, how the stages of Jeans over Dr, Willlam H, Pick the Army's June II missile sep 11, into the heavens after | launching from the missile | range at Cape Canaveral (AP Wirephoto) | |sing, The break-in was discovered at [20 minutes after 1 a.m, A search of the area disclosed the safe and money orders blowing around, Fired aloft by a four - stage least a month off, rocket early Saturday, the 13.| Sclentists sald Pioneer III was pound cone reached an an launched at too low an angle, And nounced peak altitude of 66,054 they sald its first stage fuel shut miles before falling back and|off three seconds too soon, cut day in Toronto following almost six months of negotiations which torr inated in seven days of leng- thy talks prior to the actual sign ing, | GENERAL DEGAULLE DeGaulle Puts CommiesAreTrounced In Berlin Elections By REINHOLD ENSZ was re-elected in a smashing per: tian Democrats, In the last par- BERLIN (AP)--The people of sonal triumph, His party got 78 of lament, which had anly 127 seats, West Berlin gave an emphatic no the 133 seats, a solid majority. the Socialists held 64 for a major Sunday to Communist plans to/The remaining 55 went to the|lly of one drive the Western Allies out of Christian Democrats, West Ger MOSCOW SCORNFUL their city, |man Chancellor Konrad Adenau- " ft Hid ut . . or! ty. Moscow radio sco! at sug- But the resounding Communist © 8 Part 0 4 : defent in the election of a new| The Communist candidates re. gestions the elections Mig any West Berlin parliament did not|celved a mere 1.9 per cent of the kind of Yelurondum on the Soviet kill the Soviet proposal to end the vote, compared with 2.7 per cent free ity proposals, four-power occupation and turn in the last election in 1954, They| East German Premier Otto West Berlin into a demilitarized never have won a parliamentary Grotewohl also sald in a state free city. Red spokesmen sald the seat in West Berlin, . {ment that the election had no ef. proposal still stands, | Brandt, 44, became the undis- fect ol the Soviet proposal, The Mayor. Willy puted loader of West Berlin and outcome, he sald, will be decided A i Ri i mi let, WE TS"SRE " he 1 he will go tof jous ahead Germanys, No y ] ADN, the East German news candidates were victorious in the election, viewed Bonn later this week to confer agency, blamed the Communist widely as a plebiscite on Nikita|with Adenauer, But he declined defeat on what it called a reign Khrushohev's proposal, The Com: to say Whether he will form anjof terror in West Berlin, It sald munists were the only ones who all Socialist government or/the West Berliners weren't given au) od the Soviet proposals, |whethér he will continue the|the true facts about the Soviet burning in the heat generated by ting its speed below the 24,900 {miles an hour needed to break which was seen in town around atmospheric friction, It was 38 hours and six min. away from the earth's main grav- midnight under utes in flight The army's Ploneer III didn't get as far into space as did the U.S. Air Force's best effort Oct, 11, Revised figures showed the VANDALS WRITE "HATE SCHOOL" COBOURG ~ Cook's School, Creighton Helghts, North Co- bourg, was left a shambles after two youths gained en- try by breaking a window with a rock, cleaning the edges with a shovel and using the shovel for a ladder, Sat. urday. "I hate school' was written on the walls in the class room, "were Hlued the flogr, and. chalk was orushed and driven into the {loor with the force of stomp- Ing feet. Several small piles of stuffing was all that was left of mounted birds, A clock torn from the wall showed 3.90, Cliff Burney discovered a broken window in the school's itational pull, | Police are investigating a car suspicious eir. cumstances, "DUMB OR STUPID" Inco Strike Seen Bone-Head Play By JOHN LeBLANC Canadian Press Staff Writer SUDBURY (CP) Did the mine-million union make a multi: million dollar bone-head play in its nickel strike? A lot of knowledgeable tons here will tell you that this Is exnetiv t was done by the Red-led " International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers in its $1,000,000-a-week walkout, On a tour of the locality, this reporter has heard many people| describe the calling of the strike as dumb' or "stupid." | The reason is that the employer International Nickel Company holds the high cards in this big stake poker game, And right now Inco looks lke the winner--with nothing 'much to he the 18,600 men on strike against Inco's diggings and ~ smelters, lose--~while the losers could And thelr families, Here's the setup briefly; With Inco loaded a big stockplle of base metals in a poor world market, the union de: deal and nity," the premier sald, manded a better money then struck about 2% months ago when the company sald no, So far as can be learned here, Inco doesn't give a hoot economi. cally, It's better off than It wa before, as far as payroll is con Damper On Extremist Plan ALGIERS (AP) -- French Pre- mier de Gaulle has put another damper on the hopes of French extremists in Algeria who are de- manding the territory's speedy Integration with France, Ending a five-day tour of Al For the first time in the 20-year UAW history in Oshawa, the two sides agreed on terms which guaranteed Canadian GM em. ployes an equal increase to that gained in the United States. ANNUAL INCREASE The Canadian pact gives 18,000 GM workers an annual increase of six cents an hour and an eight cent hourly premium for skilled workmen, The first hike is retro. active to Sept. 1, the second will geria and the Sahara, de Gaulle Sunday night called for the real. ization of "liberty, happiness and dignity" for Algeria's 9,000,000 | Moslems before any political set. tlement In a recorded three - minute speech broadcast as he left by plane for Paris, he also avoided saying he will integrate Algeria itically and economically with rance, "Every, man and every woman here should have their liberty, thelr happiness and their dig- "As this Is being done, we will see much better revealed the liv. {Ing personality of Algeria on the one hand, and on the other the nature of things which unite it with France, take effect Oct, 1, 1950 and the Favor 85 Per Cent The GM base rafe Is now $1.08 per hour, STRIKE MANDATE UAW negotiators had entered the final days of the talks armed with a strike vote mandate from its membership taken Nov, 28, Meetings began June 10 and had continued on a dally basis for the past 10 weeks, The agreement, which parallels settlements reached. in the United States in October, fn cludes the following terms: A one-cent hourly increase the cost of living allowance 19 cents, retroactive to Nov, 17} incorporation of 12 cents of this ar unt into the basic rate to pre. vent a loss to the workers i consumer price index falls, An increase for various groups in life insurance accident insurance and dismems berment insurance providing am average of $500, An increase in the wick ness and accident Sy ing from $13 a + & yu This will cost the ei... yes noth ing, Improvements in the pension } a and . ipplemental unemploye ment benefits, Severance pay for {third, Nov: 1, 1960, alibloves permanently laid off with two or more years' seniority, 'CROWE DISPUTE BULLETIN WINNIPEG (CP) ~ Resigna- tion of Dr, W, C. Lockhart as principal of United College here was announced today, In a statement issued at a press conference, Dr, Lockhart sald: Israel-Arabs randt, leader of the Socialists, previous coalition with the Chris iplan, et ------ " i Ont. Truc Exchange New Charges TORONTO (CP) - About 7,080 UNITED NATIONS (AP)-Is trucking employees in Ontario rael and the United Arab Repub will recelve wage increases un Me exchanged new charges of der an agreement reached be border attack today as the UN|tween 65 highway and city trans Security Council prepared to take port firms and the International up an earlier clash Teamsters Unlon (CLC), The five-stage Increase will Shooting along the border be-y cu) a) 'vents an hour by Jan, 1, tween Israel and the Syrian prov 1, when the final boost Is ap ince of the U.AR. was reported plied both Saturday and Sunday nights The agreement was negotiated The Israelis sald the Syrians hy the motor transport industrial fired for 90 minutes each night] pelations bureau and three teams but that the fire was not res ieps locals. It Is being ratified hy turned the union membership across On U.A.R. spokesmen charged that tario on Eiri night two Israell de I, W. Murray, bureau director tachments crossed the River Jor: sald rate increases will be neces can and tried to surprise a Syr- sary for companies to cover the fea frontier post, They sald a added operating cost, Trucking 45-minute exchange of fire en: companies operating on an inter sued |provincial basis already have ap k Drivers Get Pay Boost plied to rate control bodies for authorization of a 17-per - cent| rate Incrédase, effective Jan, 2 {There Is no regulatory body in Ontario The 38-month agreement ex: pires Sept, 30, 1061, Under it, all| employees who have worked 15] hours or more a week receive a $2 per week increase retroactive to July 1, 1058, expiry date of the old agreement They will receive a second in crease of seven cents an hour «Jan, 1, 10589, Beginning Oct, 1059 four cents an hour, equiva lent to $8 a month, will be plazed into a fund to establish a health welfare-insurance plan | The fourth instalment effective| Jan, 1, 1960, will bring a further] four cents an hour with a final increase of six cents Jan, 1, 1961 Snow, Sub-Zero Cold Blanket Vast C By THE CANADIAN PRESS The Vancouver weather office Subzero cold gripped the vast sald an additional four to five stretch of Canada from the Rock: inches could be expected today fes through the Northern Ontarvio|from a fresh Pacific storm mov bush to Quebec Sunday night and !ing inland, The mercury hovered the warmest place in the country around freezing . appeared to be British Columbia,] The overnight readings in Al having its troubles with from two pepta and Saskatchewan ranged to 16 inches of snowfall from 25 below to 10 below, Even Meanwhile, the east coast was today's general highs were fore buffeted by gales reaching 60 cast to stay between five below miles an hour and scores of lob: and zero. Early Sunday night, it ster traps were hurled ashore on was 17 below at Saskatoon and southwestern Nova Scotia: Tem-!six below at Calgary. Snow was peratures inland Sunday were in|expected in southern Alberta but the 208 in Nova Scotia and below the rest of the two provinces that in New Brunswick and|/would be clear, the weather of Prince Edward Island, All three!fice at Edmonton said, Maritime Provinces were prom COLD AT WINNIPEG fsod drops In temperature and more snow Winnipeg experienced an over The lower B.C. mainland has night reading :of 25 below zero its first measurable snowfalljand the best the weather office since March last year. Heavy|Could offer as today's high was drifting was reported from the] 10 below, The clear, cold weather Fraser Valley. Six inches fell at|extended across Manitoba and Nanaimo on Vancouver island into the Lakehead of and from two to eight inches at northwestern Ontario, Penticton, Princeton had 16] The Toronto weather office had inches [the Northern Ontario rail town CITY EMERGENCY Fi hai |COMUNITY FIRE DEPT. RA 5.6574 SCOREBOARD HOSPITAL RA 3.2211 region N\ anada of White River down for an over. night temperature of 20 below wero, Toronto, south of the cold belt, still shivered In an ove night rea ting of 15 above Ottawa's low was five below | and the weather office sald the temperatures were running about 10 degrees below normal for this time of year The mercury sank to two de grees above at Montreal during the night but was supposed to re-| turn to about 14 during the day It was eight below at Chicoutimi during the night and zero at Que bee City, rapidly returning to normal after a weekend storm that dumped a foot. of snow. on the old citadel, ORILLIA (CP)-Orillia today Is digging out from its heaviest snowfall In several It struck here Saturday, depositing more than a foot of snow on the town to add to the 10 inches fallen ¢' cing the week before, So far this year the snowfall almost equals that for the entire winter fol 1957-58, years front door Sunday, 9.00 a.m, and PC C, Courville, investi gating offcer of the Cobourg detachment OPP was sum- moned. Footprints leading away from the school give rise to the theory that there were two youths between the ages of 12 and 16 involved, Week's Battle Rhead For Ships In Canal cerned, Meanwhile, the company is working off a huge stockpile of base metals which it 'has to sell fon the world market, It might [take Inco until mid-February to gt rid of what it has piled up. This accounts 'n some part for the company being able to tell QUESNEL, B.C, (CP)--A hefty the union, when it got tough, to Frenchman, his face bruiseti £0 take a jump in nearby Ram from ice and exposure, plunged *%Y Lake. Into the fast - freezing Fraser| SUDBURY (CP) A govern |River today - to continue his mant.sponsored vote among 14,- [planned 600-mile swim to the goo striking workers of the Inter {coast national Nickel Company to de Veteran rivermen say 38-year: | termine whether they want to re [oi Lott Lourmais will never turn Jo thelr Jobs appeared a pos y it, sibility today, | y y "ON Ut . ORT eo Conserv MONTREAL (CP) -- Deadlines Tor als ot dee oft of p hi fox al Prof vasive s wig discarded, work crews settled |p on" BC An insulated frog phi Te 4) Jnat 8 io down for a weeklong battle to) ang' quit and his powerful fists o d th ab uh RE he wer clear all ships through the La-\wane the only protection the 200 [oi i a el Me, an oil chine Canal hefore the vessels pound Breton had against toe, | Poh jon of bi ot, Pre are seized inland in the vise of gow and rocks in the river. iri ol ib Hh Minister winter Lourmals had to abandon his Daley, : : Temperatures nosing the zero swim temporarily Saturday when| ; mark Sunday night ensured that a small boat accompanying him the battle would be a harsh and crashed into a rock, While his weary one, wife and a friend helped, Lour- The canal is a nine-mile ribbon mais himself joined to: bring the filled with ice which the vessels hoat downstream to a logging have yet to crunch before reach-|camp. ing the open waters of Montreal| He obtained another boat Sun. harbor, day after a broadcast appeal, "We'll get them all through iff The swim began Thursday, 68 at all possible," sald department miles north at Prince George, of transport authorities as they Lourmals's alm is to prove that threw away the deadline for clos: frogmen can be of use to British ing the canal and laying off the Columbia industry all year round workmen, in various Jobs, LATE NEWS FLASHES Camp Borden Soldier Is Killed BARRIE (CP) A Camp Borden soldier was killed today at Crown Hill, about five: miles north of here, when his car skidded on snow-covered Highway 11 into the path of a trans. port, Identification was withheld until notification of next of kin, The truck driver, Morris Cockerill, 32, of Toronto was not injured. CNR Line Tied Up By Derailment HAMILTON (CP) « Traffic on the main CNR line between Toronto and Hamilton was tied up today following an early morning derailment at nearby Aldershot. No one was injured. Twenty-three cars of a freight train left the tracks just west of the Hidden Valley Road at 3:20 am. French Delegation Boycotts UN Talks UNITED NATIONS (AP) The French delegation walked out of the UN General Assembly's political committee today when the committee began debate on the Algerian question Five French delegates rose from their seats and left the room as the chairman, Miguel Rafael Urquia of El Salvador, an. nounced the committee now would begin consideration of the question, Frenchman Swims Fraser River - - H id IT WAS cold enough when | | Brittany « born frogman Louis | Lourmails, left, erunched letters | "It 1s when this is done that| "As a result of the vicious per- the so-called political solution will| sonal attacks upon me I have appear, practically and reason. been rendered incapable of dis- [ably," shating ty Huties 4 ny etal Ladd A : way as principal of the college." DEVELOPMENT FIRST His resignation followed the dis- His remarks indicate he In. missal of Prof, Harry 8, Crowe in tends to go ahead with his am: September after a letter the his. {bltious five-year social and eco-|tory professor wrote to a collea: nomic development plan before gue at the college fell into the trying to solve Algeria's political hands of Dr. Lockhart, problems. [NOT MADE PUBLIC | De Gaulle's tour of the new Sa.| The letter was never made pub: hara oll and natural gas flelds|lic, Prof, Crowe declined to dis: brought to light new estimates of close its contents, contending it their reserves, now expected to/was "personal and confidential," supply France with vital fuels for He contended the contents are 80 years, "completely irrelevant and of no consequence" In his dispute with THOUGHT FOR TODAY the college. he | A total of 14 resignations by t! teaching staff of the college have been submitted since Prof, Crowe's dismissal, All have sald| they would quit at the end of the| academic year next fall, In a statement today on Dr, Lawnmakers have a droll sense of humor, They desig. nate the husband the head of the house and give the pedes- trian the right of way, United College Head Resigns Lockhart's resignation, Allan Watson, chairman of the Alan. ® regents of United College, sald the board would make a states ment following a special meeti to be held 'as soon as possible, TENDERS RESIGNATION Dr, Lockhart sald: "I herewith tender my resignes tion as principal of United Cob lege to become effective as of Aug. 81, 1050, or at such time as the board may wish to relieve me of my responsibilities, I do so because of our fallure to effect 8 Christian reconciliation with Prof, Crowe and because the wide. spread attacks upon me now make it Impossible for me to pers form my proper duties as prin. cipal of our college. "I do so also out of the deep conviction that I do not see how I can in the present situation dise charge my duties in carrying out the avowed alms of the © set forth in the act of the incor poration of United College, vil, "To be a body corporate politic for the education of you! and the promotion of knowl according to the principles of Christian religion," a Rives Prince George, B.C. | Van Egmond, had to smash his fut things got worse downs wb 7 stream where Lourmals with | WY With fists through solid ice wife Lilian, centre, and Len | in battle to swim 600 miles down treacherous river to the Pacific Coast, --AP Wirephoto $30,000 $50,000 $70,000 $90,000 | $110,000 | $130,000 | $150,000 $175,000 =p $1425%0.86 v