MR. AND MRS, WESLE Friends Gather To Greet Pair Celebrating 40th Anniversary - Mr, and Mrs, Wesley Lageer, at a surprise party rece on the occasion of thelr 40th wed-| A telegram was received from a) and ding anniversary, The party was held at the home of the bride's brother, Mr, Clarence where a large group of relatives Mrs, Lageer were presented with Grierson street, were honored two "uby vases, a sum of money, THURSDAY {and many other gifts and cards, Mrs, Nell MacKay, MacKay, Kincardine, sister, Mr On English, |tario, and Mrs, English, Bowmanville, Mr a toast to which the bridegroom had gathered to express good|pegponded, The remainder of the wishes and congratulations, | Mrs, Norman Felstead pinned alcards and talking over old times, | corsage of gardenias and carna tions on her mother and a bou-| tonniore of carnations on her fath.r, A vase of chrysanthemums to match the occasion centered the| table from which a turkey dinner/married in St was served buffet style streamers and white bells de corated the room and In the cen the two-tier wedding cake have tre of a smaller table reposed grandehlleren member evening was spent in playing Relatives were Toronto, Scarborough, Elgin Mills, Stouffville, Udora, Duns- ford, Lindsay and Bowmanville, The former Miss Ada English and Mr, Wesley Lageer were Paul's Anglican present from Pink Church, Lindsay, on November 20, 1018, by Canon C. H, Marsh, They daughter and two Mr, Lageer is a Corinthian Lodge, [il of Following the dinner Mr, and 100] et DN | Clarence English proposed St, George's Aft, WA CLUB CALENDAR MONDAY Ritson H-8 Assn, Cedar Dale H-8 Assn, Lend-A-Hand Club Combined Nursing Groups Lyceum Club Pleasant Mon, Aft, Club Harmony H-8 Assn, South Simcoe H-8 Assn, Rundle Park Aux, Sunset Helghts H-8 Woodview Park Aux, TUESDAY King Street H-8 Assn, Wooderest H-8 Assn, TOPS Club SA Home League Christ Church WA King Street WA Canadian Legion Aux, Evelyn Goodwin Group Court Oshawa, 10¥ Calvary Baptist YWMC North Oshawa WA St, George's (Ritson Grp.) St, Stephen's WA Rendezvous Club 16th Group Committee Pythian Sisters Kate McLaurin Aux, 8t, George's WA WEDNESDAY SA Prayer Meeting Victory Lodge, LOBA Rebekah Lodge No, 8 Northminster WMS Come Double Club Parent-Teacher Assn; Dr, Robert Thornton H-8 Centre Street WMS St, Matthew's WA Beta Sigma Phi Gis Pd Gregg Emerson, Scott Frie and Dean Elliott are the sons of Mr, and Mrs, Rae Rundle, Bowmanville, Gregg was one | year old on October 23, Scott is MANY HAPPY RETURNS TO SCOTT celebrating hig third birthday today and Dean will be five in March, They are the grandchlil | dren of Mr, and Mrs. James | Petre, Oshawa, and Mr. and Kinsale WI Holds November Meetings By MAY E. BROWN GREENWOOD -- The Kinsale Women's Institute held the No. vember meeting st the home of _ Mrs, R, E, Mowbray. The pres|- | |dent, Mrs, Fred Titterton, open- |ed the meeting, . The topic for the meeting 'Con. servation" was taken by May Brown for Mrs, Charles MacTag. 1 \gart who was unable to be pres- lent, | Mrs, Brown sald it was pre. sented to preserve the natural [beauty and resources of the coun- tryside and dealt particularly with the Rouge River Petticote Creek and Duffin Creek, conser- vation project, PERSONALS Mr, and Mrs. Crapp and Mr, and Vins, Bell of Belwyn visited Rev, T. Fleetham, Sunday. Members of the Evening Women's Association and of the Evening Auxillary of the WMS with their husbands met at the home of Mr, and Mrs. W, Pegg to honor Edith Ormerod who is a member of both groups on the occasion of her birthday, She was presented with an over: night bag from the association and a life membership In the WMS from the Evening Auxiliary. The public school and Sunday Mrs. Frank Rundle, Bowman- ville, school are holding the Christmas leoncert at the church Thursday, Dec, 18, The children are busy . rehearsing the program, Huskies, or Eskimo dogs, sleep Mrs. Emmerson Ormerod of|in the snow in the most severe Toronto visited Edith Ormerod weather, and brothers, Bill and Howard weekend over the Lillian Mae Marsh SCHOOL OF DANCING DEA. Ballet, Tap, Toe, Character, Baton. Pre- school, Acrobatic at the Masonic Temple, 91 Centre Street. Fridays & Saturdays. INFORMATION: RA 3.7253 ~Photo by Rehder Studio, Bowmanville St, Andrew's WMS TOPS Club King Street WA Sth Scout Mothers' Aux, Calvary Baptist WMS 6th Scout Mothers' Aux, | Silver Cross Women | Cluaran Group Navy League Aux, Valleyview Park Aux, | 14th Scout Mothers' Aux, FRIDAY Centre 8t, WA (East Grp.) Christmas Cards |g Women, | . ' Reveal Personality Most people find that Christ mas carts are fun to buy unless they leave it to the Jast momen! and have to hunt through the left-overs and half the gailety of the Christmas season Is in re By ELEANOR ROSS celving cards from friends. But , few people bother to analyze = Want a worthwhile project for what the design and greeting on your youngsters at the weekends the front of the card reveals Then gather them together and about the person who signed the 84k them to go over their play name inside, things Professor W. E. Carswell, eol.| 1lave them put aside any toys or consultant and associate pro [Mot In active use or forgotten Suggested Wort hwhile Project For Children's Weekends ple of teaspoons to the wash] water will remove musty odors if the toys have heen packed away that may have accumulated in a drawer or a box REPAIRING TOYS After the toys are all washed Short address on children's books check them to see followed by a tour of the library, fessor of architecture at the Uni [explaining that you know they what repairs the children are and dried, [versity of Toronto. who has a would wish to give them to other able to make. | [litelong, expert interest in color little boys and girls who aren't and design, makes some Interest. fortunate enough to get brand A 10-year-old girl, for instance, loosened nalght bed, can glue together the seam of a wooden doll's "GROUPS, CLUBS AUXILIARIES Foamy HEIGHTS H AND 8 The regular meeting of the| {Maxwell Heights Home and School Association was held on RETAILERS ZELLER TO THRIFTY CANADIANS Monday, December 1, in the Chil: | dren's reading room of the Mec. | Laughlin Public Library with Mrs. Fred LaSalle presiding, | Mrs, Derek Barnett read the minutes of the last meeting and Mrs, John Dyck gave the treas- urer's report, | Mrs, Willlam Woodcock, chalr man of health and visual alds | committee, announced the guest | speaker for January would he Dr F.. MacBean, Medical Officer of Health for East Whithy Mrs. Mary Beard's room won MONDAY 14 Shopping Nights presents IN DECEMBER WEDNESDAY FRIDAY the attendance prize, Mrs, Stanley Ogle, chalrman of children's reading committee in troduced Miss Irene Boes, chill {dren's librarian of the McLaugh {lin Public Library who gave a DEC. 1 DEC. 8 DEC. 15 DEC. 22 CONNAUGHT PARK AUX, | The regular meeting of Con Park Ladies' Auxillary was held recently in the club DEC. 3 DEC. 5 DEC. 10 DEC. 12 DEC. 17 DEC. 19 {Ing remarks about the custom of "eW toys for Christmas, [sending Christmas cards. Here BROKEN TOYS (are some of his comments about| A on minus a wheel, a teddy people who send certain types of bear balding from fondling, a |eards. {dell whose face has been washed) TUESDAY THURSDAY DEC. 16 DEC. 11 mend a rip in a doll dress or house In the form of a Christmas touch up a doll In spots where party, the paint Is chipped. | The president, Mrs, Stephen A boy about the same age can|Dyl, presided. Roll call with 17 MRS. McLELLAN W {have your name imprinted in. [list of hundreds ~ |ably anxious with your {who send religious or glous cards give the holiday se think of it as a serious rather than a festive season. Those who!j,, send cards with semi-humorous,|n hox of b lively designs in colors of red. te ITH A WARNING Says Women's Organizations 'Must Crusade For Holiday Safety xix Mrs. Ethel McLellan, director] of women's activities for the Highway Safety Council, thinks women have a big part to play in averting holiday accidents, ac cidents that may spell tragedy In Oshawa on Wednesday, Mrs McLellan sald "It is inevitable that at this season people are often more carefree than careful It is up to all of us toe watch out for thoughtless people, to protect ourselves and those we love, Holi days can be merry or misery, The difference Is an accident, | "Shopping, gift giving, holiday plans and parties all contribute to a sense of rush and excite ment, Holiday time is strenuous Fatigue due to holiday activity can he deadly. Don't drive or 2! low anyone you Know to drive, when tired and sleepy "Snow, rain, sleet and ice make driving difficult, Reduced speeds and alertness are vour best de fenses against bad weather driv ing conditions. Walking is simi larly dangerous. Motorists may not see you and you may not he able to stop in time. Help your self and the motorist by being extra careful." Mrs: McLellan felt that moth. | ers could Instill precaution into their ehildren "Mothers should remember that coal collars and scarves reduce the sounds children can hear and early darkness obscures what they can see. Light colored gar ments are more easily seen hy motorists "What goes for children" goes | for adults too, Jaywalking, wool gathering, trying to beat the light, and crossing diagonally are all invitations to spend Christmas in hospital or, let's face it, the mortuary," The following represent Osh awa groups that have affiliated with the Oshawa Safety Council Mrs, A. W. Jacklin, Oshawa Busi ness and Professional Club; Mrs Madge Lindsay, Pilot Club: Mrs Leopold Menard, Catholic Wom: en's League Mrs William Werry, UAW Auxiliary; Mrs E. J. Reed, Kinette Club; Alder man Christine Thomas for Osh awa City Council and Mrs. Lloyd Courtice Home and School Couns ell PROMPT | PRESCRIPTION SERVICE RS "STORE HOURS Daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays and Holidays 1pm, to 6pm. PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS PROM Pr FREE DELIVERY 8B KING ST. E 3.2245 BRA Re $3 NT S30 SIMCOE ST. 8 PHONE RA§-3586 If you design your cards your. and kissed so often that her rosy self, you ave displaying, he says, cheeks have faded--all are likely a streak of generosity, But if You | sandidates for new homes on Christmas Day, You'll save considerable time nd work for the Salvation Army, [the Red Feather, or other local agencies responsible for recondi {tioning and distributing the toys 1g you clean them up and make 8 minor repairs before turning and them In " First, provide the child who ndles the washing detail with aking soda ffectively removes dirt from ood, plastic or rubber toys with side ~~ unless you're in an offl-| clal position with an unwlieldly|, you're prob. to impress others importance! People son its original meaning, green, yellow or blue, reveal that | yw, for them Christmas Is a SOARON gut affecting color, It is also use of galety, with good food, good ful for washing doll clothes and drink and parties, soled stuffed toys, Adding a cou In the northern hemisphere, | often even more than religious symbols, we associate ever. greens, snow, reindeer and the color red with Christmas. So if, year after year, you send cards with holly or Santa Clauses on |{them, you're traditional in spir| it and, says Carswell, very| likely a little dull! | Then there Is the strictly Cana. | dian card with northern land. | [scapes and national insignia, {such as totem poles and habl tants, These indicate a strong \WIF An old glue bottle, thoroughly {washed and filled with water, makes a fine "licker" for enve lope flaps and stamps -- especial. ly for stacks of Christmas cards NEWS BRIEFS MOSTLY SURSTITUTES IPSWICH, Eng, (CP) Samp: | ling officials found a meat ple! 11058, at 6.30 p.m | & DEC. 23 DEC. 18 ON THE ABOVE DATES OUR DOWNTOWN SYORE WILL BE OPEN FROM 9 AM. TO 9 P.M. KEEP THIS LIST FOR YOUR HANDY REFERENCE Our services are designed for your use and convenience. ® DEPENDABLE ~--Serving Oshawa & district over 20 years ZELLER'S ® TELEPHONE ~=You may order by telephone: RA 3.2294 eo DELIVERY ~=Two deliveries dally within city limit, ® LAYAWAY For your convenience at no extra cost, "Ovi wee * CHEQUES w=Boby bonus and pay cheques cashed. OD ter Ee ® GUARANTEE ~-Merchandise satisfactory or money refunded straighten a bent axle on a car members present, was answered surfaces, add a nall or two where carol, | nails are missing, Dues were paid and secretary's the 'youngsters happily and use: Grice; treasurer's report by Mrs. | fully occupied, but it will foster jy, A. Whiteley and bingo report | ing others, a habit that should be port by Mrs. H. J, LeFalve, started early In. life, | The lucky draw was won by | Business was attended to and |the meeting was turned over to AT HOME {Mrs, John McQuade, Mrs, John Mr. and Mrs. Archie Statham,|Poch, Mrs, Ray Hobbs and Mrs, to their relatives, friends, and| The evening was spent In neighbors on Saturday, December games, contests and Christmas the occasion of thelr golden wed (ding anniversary, PRIZE APPLE Mr, and Mrs, Claude McDonald An apple weighing 25 ounces has| of Oshawa. wish to announce the| been picked in an orchard in this vy, to Mr, Ronald Reld >, son of Mr, Harry 8, Lee of con Lee, The marriage is to take place on Tuesday, December 50, | of Ontario Ladies' College, Whit hy, | {For har ko) o specially with only 16.4 per cent meat, and a sausage roll with only 11 per cent sausage, in tests in West Suffolk. MEAT COMPANY V.p LONDON, Ont, (CP) Danlel John Bieman, 67, vice-president and director of Coleman Packing Company Limited here died Fri day, A native of Clifford, Mr Bieman entered the packing in dustry on a small scale with his father in Hanover, In 1920, Mr, Bieman's' father purchased the Coleman Packing Company, Kin cardine, a company which had originated in Paisley in 1886, In| [1926 it was moved to London, | LET Steno-Serv Take Over Christmas Card Addressing and Mailing - Direct Mailing « Complete Service - Indiv. idual Typing and Secret- arial Service. Phone RA 56-3376 Announcing the OPENING or train, repaint badly scarred|with the name of a Christmas| | Not only will this project keep | report was given by Mrs, P the habit of sharing and of help by Mrs. John Poch, and card re- 0 1 Mrs. John Poch, 8 Cl A NOTICES the social committee in charge, 244 Alice street, will be at home! Evelyn Harrington, 20, from 3'to § and 7 to § p.m. on kilt exchange, ENGAGEMENT WORCESTER, England (CP)-- of thelr daughter,| West England city, v Agincourt, and the late Mrs All| in the chapel TA Yi \ LON thrilling giftee | MBRINE 'contoura" It's contour-moulded!= a new kind of baggage «+ smartest, lightest overl of EILEEN'S new modern BEAUTY SALON DECEMBER. 8th Specializing in ..,, ® Cold Waves ® Haircutting ® Styling FOR HARLY amontnenr Phone RA 8-0131 Eiloonis Beauty 259 SIMCOE ST, SS. . OSHAWA Come in and see it! PULLMAN $41.98 TRAIN CASE $27.30 Qther, plecessnot shown AEROPACK LLIN) WEEKEND $29.98 PACKETTE $21.98 Tims Thy LUXURY ITEM... IT'S nothing that would be of machine with multi-heat of the leading brands, a Betton SURE Guild (@ EY RTT AN AUTOMATIC CLOTHES DRYER that Challenges the Sun itself clothes line and purchased a modern, automatic, electric clothes dryer. And once you have used one you will wonder what you ever did without one, Remember, AN AUTOMATIC CLOTHES DRYER IS NOT A unloading. Why not drop in at Cherney's and talk about dryers . . for Performance & Convenience SPECIALLY ¢ T H { i yy TAKES THE "WHETHER" OUT OF WASHING '149 AND AS LITTLE AS $10 DOWN DELIVERS There's two ways of spelling 'weather', But no matter how you spell it, it presents a problem at least once a week at almost every home. There are exceptions , , . where the lady has eliminated the old fashioned outdoor A NECESSITY , . . And at this price you shouldn't be without one. There is opreciated more than a brand new Thor', As you can see it is a beautiful drying control . , . An extra large full opening door for effortless loading and . any dryers , . . Cherney's have most [4 nd fully experienced servicemen available at all times.