"Seat Of Empire" Seen As Top Research Job 2 . , ¢ Irving Brant, the distinguished captal. In "Seat of Empire" Mr., "We cannot, 1 fear, falsify the historian, wrote on the publica-| Bridenbaugh provides the answer pedigree of this fierce people, and tion of "SEAT OF EMPIRE" _ "Tne political history -of 18th. persuade tiem that théy are not (George J. McLeod Ltd.) by Carl century Virginia is the chronicle Sprung from a nation in whose Bridenbaugh: {of the development oi' self-govern-| veins the blood of freedom circu- "An almost incredible amount{ment by a specal, privueged lates." . , 7 of research has gone into the , . ..class, an able, responsible class. "This fierce people" were the textual pages of this book . .. who gradually came to hold re- British colonists in North| One may easily believe that the publican theories and, in the end,| America who, in less than 200 average historical writer, after disposed of kings." Planter aristo- years, had progressed from a|siories of what transpired in "the .doing so much in preparation, crats were trained from youth to starving, disease-ridden, despond-|good old days". NEW YORK (CP)--A United States action that would interfere with patent arrangements in Can- ada was described today as to come; to the battlefield at was lifted. This book is a collector's item . for readers wha, like colorful by the justice department, |charges General Electric Com |pany, Westinghouse Electric Cor poration and N. V. Philips Gloei:| U.S. Criticized 'By Manufacturers nence," by lan F. McRae, presi dent of the Canadian Manufactur-| ers' Association. In an address to the Na tional Association of Manufactur i 5 1958 13 lampenfabrieken of Holland with flicted with Canadian law. = SoRSpIRLY. jo restrain trade in. "This contemptuous disregard ---- radio and television sels betwesnie. our sovereignty Is bitterly re-' McRae, a native of Van- of the United States. the United States and Canada. Isented in Canada. We see il aé que 'is chairman of Canadian| His comments were contained Mr. McRae said pe American Hagrant dictatios by Nashia ii General Electric Company Lid.,|in a text issued to" the press be- action is a "barefaced attempt to dnd a blatant attempt to throitle oo oqo. ' 4 oh, victimize certain U.S. pn the autonomy of these Canadian- a subsidiary of General Electric fore delivery. - for business decisions taken, not based companies. by them, but by their Canadian| "jf I have spoken bluntly it is |subsidiaries." because, like all other Canadians "These perfectly proper deci-|I want to remove any doubt tha! |sions involved Canadian patents/my country's capital: is still Of and in no conceivable way con:{tawa." THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, December ers, U.S. counterpart of the CMA Yorktown where the royal yoke Mr, McRae criticized a recent anti-trust suit filed in New Yor! would have produced a volume accept and respect responsibility ent settlement into a group of ---- It To My Fellow Citizens ! | MANY ne" "4 WO ° fred nero eo®Y #ve times as long and one fifth and received a thorough ground-|hardy, vigorous, self-confident -- as good." ling in the management of prac-|and rebellious -- colonies. Brant wrote this in The Ameri. tical affairs and in the handling "BLOOD OF FREEDOM" is can Historical Review upon the of people. Between 1752 and 1765. 41. .ir story, told in their thoughts publication of the first edition of there occurred in Willlamsburg| py their' words. Mr. Miers the book. Mr. Bridenbaugh adds|events which marked the coming|i,, ag with imagination and sensi- additional lustre to a book which [of age, the political maturity, of | oi". heroic epic unsurpassed is already regarded as a rk-| Virginia, It is to this comng of {in American history -- from the ling gem in the study of 18th, |age and its far-flung effect on the; winter day at a Blackwell century Virginia history. {history of the U.S. that Mr. dock in December 1606 through Virginians of the 18th. century | Bridenbaugh has devoted his ef- the "starying . time" at James- f {town and the massacre on Good | have been regarded as "men of (Ors: I ; noble spirit" and men of noble] Another interesting book re-Friday of 1662; to the flowering spirit they were indeed. Seldom cently published is "BLOOD OF of Williamsburg as capital of His og Bn of the US. have FREEDOM" (George J. McLeod Majesty's largest and most popu-| so many top leaders been pro-|Co. Ltd.) by Earl Schenck Miers. lous colony and as birthplace of duced in such a limited area as| Edmund Burke, statesman and political masterpieces which were were developed in the colony of passionate orator of 18th. Century to have profound effect on nations MANY THANKS To everyone who voted for me or assisted me in any way in the recent election. JOHN STEZIK | THANKS 4 For your confidence _ electiig me/fo the i ot pd . SCHOOL BOARD FRANCIS J. BARON FOR EXAMPLE: Monthly Payments $306.94 _ $2200 $1,526.72 $60.00 | "$2,500.00 ~ $98.25 | $50 to $5,000 Without Endorsers or Bankable Security Life Insurance Avoilable 160 39 59 2840) 2 INANCE OPEN SATURDAY UNTIL 12 NOON RA 5-6541 Virginia and in Williamsburg, its'Britain once said: of the world through generations 17 Simcoe St. N. KELLY'S ON STR v -- AGAINST HICH PRICES... LOW OVERHEAD...MEANS LOWEST PRICES! SAVE 11090 1958 DELUXE REG. 309-95 Full width thrifty oven Porcelain enamel, inside and out Electric 60 minute time signal with continuous buzzer. Built in clock Automatic cook master timer High speed radiantube broiler. Porcelain broil- er and roasting pan Appliance outlet XMAS SPECIAL 199 DON'T BUY A DRYER... UNTIL YOU SEE 1959 FRIGIDAIRE o DRYER » o WASHER o PERMAVIEW GLASS OVEN AT NO EXTRA CHARGE __, RD 38G58 "WITH TRADE Wl Frigidaire 19 DELUXE MODEL RATED NO. 1 19.95 DELIVERS «NEW SNOWCREST THIS DRYER! WHITE DYNACOTE ; "MAGIC MIRROR" STAINPROOF FINISH TRADE Frigidaire With Trade-in' *APPROVED 85 KING W. It has elways been the policy of my company te give the best possible appliances for the lowest price. This does not meen inferior, low-grade merchandise as "sucker bait" but honest appliances by Canada's largest manufacturers such as Frigidaire, Marconi, Admiral, Beatty, Rogers-Majestic, Phillips, Hallicrafters Fleetwood, Webcor, Seabreeze, General Electric, Elactroholme, etc. . . . names that are here to stay. In the past few years, | con think of over @ dozen manufacturers of T.V. and appliances who have gone out of business -- end, as many dealers have come and gone right here in Oshewe in the ~same periods FAMILY SIZE 19 "® Big 42-Ib. freezer ® Full width porcelain crisper ® 5-year meter miser warranty ARIAN 95 We feel proud to be one of the few who have weathered the storm of tremendous competition in our field not only from other dealers but from the steady increase in cost prices to the dealer. The recent steel strike has caused shortages in materials. Copper, iron and other raw materials have zoomed in price along with freight rates, Bell Telephone, ond labour in general, In 1949 a 21" T.V. set sold for about $500.00. Todey e similar set will sell for about $250.00. Appliances are the only manufactured product | know of that have decreased in price by about half. Take your cars, homes, real estate, food, rent, etc. They have in some coses more than doubled in cost. Your appliance dollar is still the best buy today!! 10.4 CU. FT. To some, our small store is by no means impressive, but over $1,000,000 worth of appliances have passed through our door. We, purposely, have learned by the mis- tokes of others not to enlarge too quickly, and to be enveloped and strangled by high overhead. Instead, we rent wareh space at a'fraction of the cost and cut the "big overhead". We do not hire high pressure or high-priced sales people to cut into and add to your cost of purchasing. We buy ot carload prices and poss on the saving aot the lowest prices possible. 95 Limited Quantities Just last week, @ mon and his wife come into my store with literally dozens of folders and prices. In fact, he was so confused by travelling around Toronto's so-called bargain stores that he was fed up, but his wife insisted on getting more prices. | handled the sale personally end within less than 10 minutes | had shown the customer that he could have saved himself and his weary wife all their trouble by staying in Oshawa and buying at our store, My price was $20.00 LESS THAN THAT OF THE LOWEST TOR- ONTO CUT-RATE STORE. They went away happy with their new fridge and: stove. This is just 0 cose in point, Another man ond his wife just purchased their THIRD T.V. set from our store -- o great portion of our business is repeat from our earlier sales. We have said it before and will say it again: "We don't live in a Taj Mahei", but we give the BEST DEALS IN TOWN. Drop in and see us -- never a parking problem! Dean Helly Butter slot Removable door shelves LAYAWAY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS frm GMA y (@ 4 | TIME FAYMENT PLAN 85 KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA PHONE RA 5-5121 &RA 5.9181 a CARR RRB R ES SEE Brn Te Bp ARS fg en WR bed