Bi Al aya + Sh Football History ; THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wadnesdes, December 3, 1958 {3 | | a FUR, FIN AND CAMPFIRE | Yvon Durelle Figures | p00hi (C0 Fete mem EET Fs Bie ps Ln 2 ; By JACK SORDS : H C Whi Ar hi we tn (AP)--Two_foot- imei E Pictrosaiie. Sven TUG as Td 3 masks Given ie Lan yvinp Arche Pir es as te cay Misr A PHAR ie, 3 yd MONTREAL (CP)--Yvon Dur-| "Yvon has never been in bettsr|than 20 years ago have been se- OF HAI OOISTANCE. DON'T USE THEM [elle was in a confident. ood a4 haps. Be truined hav Detore Sin Shrine Eact-Wesr game | FIGHT STIRS UPROAR i st wor e ' 3 his aiaen pi in preparation | here. Durelle is one of the fast ofan Frassisto Dec, 2. Sy BUENOS AIRES (AP) -- Issac for his world light heavyweight the hungry fighters--he has four), ey are Bron agurski Jr, |Logart, Cu + Welterweight eight, boxing go with champion Archie|kids to feed--and wants to win| Dame tackle, whose father|knocked out Argen bo s orge this fight badly." was all-America tackle at Minne-| Fernandez in the ninth round af Hows knock him sill Meanwhile, Joe Louis, former|"02 10 1929, and Bernard Svend-|Luna Park Saturday night. Both "yr 4 y> i . . : . i " sald Do i New Brunewick|wor1d heavyweight ch sen, Minnesota centre, whose weighed 145%. The fight ended fisherman "4nd British Empire piked, Dursle to win, Here ta | T 0 iG THROUGH ICE, MUD » " ; ill be back the day of the fight. "I don't think Moore can. go|™.. >¢ . n Bote To a Ie Ne ant. This Durelle," hie said, is | OR SNOW Ae Ill let him carry the fight fust|'8ining herd end can move il ; about that long until he gets|3"O} de : tired Archie is in his 40s and not very OR "Then I'l move in and knock Soak any oe 1 think Durelle g ay f ow " take him. - ; him out, Louis sald Moore fights a wnt Pe MOORE HELD UP cramped, defensive style. i ye ~ gl ore a : : Durelle, 29, arrived Saturday Durelle will crowd him and ] ANIMALS . , 29, ye Mit , 1 i E WIND IS HIGH, THEY % for the bout, to be held Dec. 10|make him backpedal, Louis sald Lip ; Moore has to start moving, THE PROTECTION OF DEEP yi %Y in Montreal Forum. Moore--who|Once r J AND VALLEYS UNTIL THE TM admits being 49--was to arrive his legs will give out, {THER BREAKS. (r= 'v the same day but airline strikes ' it " i and bad weather pushed back his igi [I The Red Cross (Oshawa Branch) needs | 'New Firestone Durelle spoke with @ grim air. your blood to maintain their Then he brightened: CHARLOTTETOWN (CP)-- , v ta me GET TE | Fon ounirty WINTER TIRES spect for old age, but its time the National Hockey League, of-| & some of the younger fellows took pcjated Monday night at the] i RE =onensl FREE BLOOD eres very 5 A h Yvon, ng 176 nds--the for hockey referees and coaches By ! "WHILE GAME ANIMALS ARE OLED A GLE Bs limit Js 175 went six rounds with and said the NHL fs "searching 1 A ET Ie A TNF, sparring partners Monday and desperately" for competent offi- : Td bide go BOOKING FOR A QUIET AREA impressed ringsiders with his|cials, I Country X 4 speed and accuracy. He also| The school is sttended by rep-| ' you right through the "worst." punched the heavy bag, skipped|resentatives from Halifax, Syd-| | Come in, see these remarkable tires demonstrated and learn all the de~ SPORTS IN BRIEFS "oo mousse it Brivis] SERVICE | Sse isind). ger, expressed confidence for the scheduled 15-round bout. referees' classes. tow" guarantes EXPECT GOOD CROWD (didn't see the game. Sanatian) SQUAW VALLEY, Calif. (AP)/Rugby Union official Harry Mec- Tickets for Squaw Valley during Brien said 36,666 'tickets were i the 1960 Wjnter Olympic Games sold but only 34,426 watched the, | TO THE CITIZENS OF OSHAWA wv Feb. 18-29, will cost $7.50 a day|classic. He said he believed the| | - or $80 for the 11-day program, the|threat of rain dissuaded many AND DISTRICT 1 organizing committee announced People from buying standing. nday. It said it already had|room tickets. on AON a-- requests for more than 10,000] NAME TOP COLT SCRAPER , ° tickets and expects a throng apt . | 400 Donors Needed averaging 35,000 a day for the) SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- First) Premium STOVE OIL 1 : + Yahoo loo and anew off 2 winter sports spectacle. [stars winner of 10 of his 11] Quality faniesd tn & BOF starts this season, was named the Got youre, «MW GREY CUP DAMAGE two-y jar - old champion colt of 3 I B a CALGARY (CP) -- A CPR of.|1958 Monday by the board of sel.| »® Fromp} Delivery REGIA AS yu ficlal said Monday Calgary Grey ections of the Thoroughbred Rac- ® Courteous Service Cc GAL, @® Cup fans en route to Vancouver ing Associations. The board, com-| ® Reasonable Price | ¢aused $500 damage when they Posed of racing secretaries at I pulled an emergency cord and TRA tracks, had previouslyl For Delivery By Metered Trucks Phone: CLINIC TO BE HELD AT stopped the train three times be-|chosen Mrs. Ogden Phipps' Neji CORNER OF KING Be re wba ae coy Landing has. earned 3306300, a VIGOR OIL CO. LIMITED iy IRECORY % AUDITORIUM ST. E. & DIVISION ' 2 .4a o 5:15 pm. | knuckle were broken and the record for a two-year-old, wheels flattened slightly. A nine-| TROTTER DEAD RA 5.6566-67 bour delay resulted. | COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP)--The RA 5-1109 MO 8-3644 6:45 to 9 p.m. x 4 VANCOUVER (CP) -- More oe Dong 1 Shaupion tio veafsdid OSHAWA WHITBY For eppointments Phone RA 3.2933 than 2,000 persons who bought| Sunday of complications result tickets to Saturday's Grey Cup|ing from a training injury, PIR FOR CHRISTMAS GIFT Dunn's Sensational x Ideal Christmas Suggestions x Christmas Offer! ia; "1 7 i ) FLANNEL PYJAMAS MEN'S ALL WOOL MEN'S DRESSING A wonderful selection of fine GREY FLANNELS » GOWNS The ideal companion to blazer end quality flannel pyjamas --- senfor- wots, A relly wonderful The Ideal solution to e difficult gift ized shrunk for guaranteed fit. A selection of Tvousers guslonieed to oe wg lpi : please on ristmas morning.. Fine nels, Jacquar: ilks o artons in popular Christmas gift thet is always oll wool flannels, reasonably priced every shade imaginable. Sizes small, YOUR CHOICE OF welcome. 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