| | | HIGH SCORES FEATURE COBOURG BOWLING Gord Caine, top men's scor- | ling Lanes, shows form that got | registered in many er last week at Cobourg Bow- | him 799 points in three games. | games during the week. There were many high scores |Times Staff Photo by Macdonald ELECTION ROUNDUP Candidates Discuss Issues At Cobourg COBOURG -- Tonight the elec- vated. I think the voters are go- novations, but the wa: were bors of Cobourg will hear 15 can- ing to say what's to be done. {presented to the ey an fidates for municipal council| "Ag one of the major taxpay-| example of the type of thing I'm present their platforms from the aps in town, I want to know | against in council. 1 object to Mage of Victoria Hall Opera where the taxes go. I can't criti-| council planning on expenditures] House. e are' some of the cize anyone who has gone before | Without giving details to the peo- sandidates' views. Mayor J. D./me, but I've got new ideas, and ple. Council seemed to think the Burnet was not available for com- | think that's enough." |taxpayer wasn't interested." | ment. J. M. Lees, engineer: 'We pavel Lloyd Massey, machinist: "In| FOR MAYOR to sell the town to industry, and dustry is badly lacking in town.| John Erskine Sr. (Deputy have some way of getting it done. We have to find out why there Reeve last year): Industry: "My We have to put the town on dis-|isn't more, and find new me- ambition is to see a strong indus- play, and then go after industry, thods of attracting it." ial committee working with an hammering on its doors. | "Let them spend so much dustrial commissioner, I feel] "I've seen in a 1953 back copy every year on the town hall. They lat industry should come first.[of a paper where the town hall|can start at the bottom and go "I was born here, lived here renovations were being kicked up to the roof. It should be done sll my life. I want enough indus- around then. I feel that an inde- piecemeal, starting with the out- iry to keep the young people Pendent survey should be made side and the basement. some." {to verify that the town hall is| "I want to try to keep taxes On town hall renovations he sound enough to renovate. We down, find out where the money's said: "If the people will go for|Can't afford to get stung with going, and get the most out of renovations, they should be done $112,000. that money. We're going to have| 0 a pay-as-you-go basis." "We ought to have more rap- new big expenses coming up.| 'When I was on the Pu blic port between all the municipal | For one thing, we'll have the old Works Committee five years ago, (bodies and the people. There post office for the town with the the people wanted good roads. should be less friction between opening of the new federal build- We suggested that we do so/the counties council, the town-|ing." many a year, and I think that the ship council, the town council, A. 0. Perfect, insurance: gystem has been proven success- the chamber of commerce, the the duty of members of counci hal." |people, and the press. There is|to do what they can to introduce VE [too much wasted time and effort | new industry to town. There are a Charles Johnston (acclamation) through people not understanding lot more ways of bringing indus-| jor caring to understand each try in than we've been trying. | {other's problems. We should have an active indus- TP ii Jawyer | J. M. Gaiger, realtor: "I think trial commission and commis- d see Sn | Ag ernietiiy should be made to sioner. It's better to have a com-| industrial totes | got town the Setviess of an Skies Suan just one man, as in "I think we should proceed in the most practical way to re. league | + "I'm in favor of the town hall renovations. Some changes are RE to have something bet-| {able point of utility. ter for the citizens, It's quite] "I've been in and out of Co |true that $50,000 interest is not bourg for 40 years, and my big- 800d economic planning, but I |gest asset is two grandchildren. have always felt that it was up |T want to make Cobourg a better to the people to decide. | place for them to live in." Te Sony i the present _ | system av] 80 many s S Don 'Markles, production man |paved and so many street lights "I want to see the 19590 talled each year. We should se why shouldn't 'Queen's Park council immediat ly set up a five-| "0 "os lies of using me Omvarts Hospital and ting members not m coincn, (OUT harbor for seaway traffic. We "I'd like to see the town get/And the first thing the commis. | Should go after out MP's for as- more from Counties Council. If Sion is to do is to set up arrange- [Sstance in putting Cobourg on the 'm elec ty-reev ']i| ments to hire a good industrial | . im to boy 2s deputy reeve, Ll misioner | ,R. E. Hogan (insurance agent): Jown's relations with the other| "If the people want to have the|"I want to see more industry, municipalities." town hall fixed, at least they|and I think we should have an Councillor T. Jones «1'q|should be told all about it. industrial commissioner, Wke a vigorous industrial pro-| "1 Want to see constructive| "I'm in favor of the town hall gram." Speaking on town hall short and long range planning. renovations bylaw. I don't think renovations he said: "If the We need sound economic govern. | the job is practical if you do it bylaw is defeated, immediate ment to represent all the people. |in bits and pieces. leaning of the inside and out- Give the people a council that Ive been chairman of the Pub- side of the building is a must We knows what it can do. There lic Works Committee for two must budget and see what we should be better relations be-|years now, working at paving, san do. Something should be! Ween town and township or coun- sewers and sidewalks a bit every ty councils." year. e'll soon have all the bad i like to see the town get more tax money from the prov- Reg Higeinson, methods| " analyst: "Obviously, if a town sidewalks and streets in good con- is to expand, it must have indus- | dition. This year we put new sew- try. Without it, it stagnates. No ers in on Orange, Tweed, and the town can stand still, it must go|/west end of James streets. forward or backward. We don't There's still a lot of work to be want to be going backward with done." "]1 want to see improved traf- be conditions. Ontario and Univer- sity should have more traffic Wghts. There is a big hazard at the Ontario - William - King in- of the winners. | whitewashing winless Baltimore "rt 1590: Jim Bradford and Ray Med- 1 | hurst were the big snipers with ang two counters each, singletons to out the only penalty. |Richard Rupert, Peter Harrison, | Stephen Brett, Bob Carlson and|BANTAMS Bob Weeks. Blaire Sayers record- ed the shutout. |original members of the Durham County District High School Board from 1951 to 1954. He was a member of the Public School Board from 1945 to 1950. DEPUTY-REEVE Seek Nomination In 1958 Mr. Waldyka served as president of the Kiwanis Club and served on the board of managers of St. Paul's Presbyterian Church. He is an executive mem- f] ber of the Port Hope board of| THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, December 1, 1958 7 cil in 1951. In 1953 and 1954 he was again elected to council. In 1955 he ran for mayor but was f d by Mayor Moore. In 1956 trade. He was and pub- licity chairman for the Canadian Cancer Society of Port Hope and chairman of the special proper- ties committee of the United Counties Council. Mr. Wladyka has intimated he would like to intensify the work on roads and sidewalks if re- For P. H. Council {timated his interest in Monday's PORT HOPE -- Four members|with time to devote to the work. nominations but would not de- of Port Hope Council have de-| Management of industry here clare what position interested clared their intentions to run for | might be able to encourage some him. However, it is likely that he election. The rest have intimated able me: to come forward if will run for the position he is now their interest but will not admit |they were assured co-operation holding. they are candidates -- preferring from the industry in the matter| The 40-year-old deputy - reeve to wait until nomination day. of some time off for council feels he has taken the initiative Nominations for didates will work." |in several council projects. He be received Monday, Dec. 1 at| Mayor Moore is clerk of the states he laid the ground work the town hall. session oi St. Paul's Presbyterian! for the present sanitary-fill dump 1t is likely that all of the pres- Church and formerly served as and sold council the idea of pur- ent council will be nominated. [treasurer of his church. |chasing their own equipment. Mayor W. N. Moore, aged 73,|WILL RUN | Mr. Wladyka was first elected said he quite likely will run for, Reeve Read Budge, 44 years of to council in 1955 when he served mayor again but the final deci- age, declared that he would be on the roads committee. In 1956 sion will be made at 7.30 tonight running for the position of reeve he was again on the roads com- when nominations begin. Th e|again this year. Since selling his mittee and in 1957 he was on the mayor has claimed his present clothing business in 1947 Reeve sanitation committee. . office four times on acclama-|Budge has devoted much of his| Last year he was elected dep- tions and has been mayor the time to municipal affairs. |uty-reeve and served on the past nine years. He won by ac-| In 1955 he entered council and roads committee. In his first year | clamation last year, of age, J. M. committee since 1949, When asked about the town's | financial picture he said he'd just {served as chairman of the town/of office he re-allocated the old Mayor Moore has been a resi- |property committee. In 1956 he town shed to a new area and had dent of Port Hope since 1910 and |was elected Deputy - Reeve and a quonset - type building set up prior to retirement worked in the|in 1957 he became Reeve, and in|so that all town vehicles could be office of the Port Hope Sanitary 1958 he was re-elected as Reeve. stored inside. Under his commit- he ran for reeve but was defeat- ed and in 1957 he was again elect- ed to council. In 1958 he served as chairman of the sewage com- mittee, A resident of Port Hope for the past 13 years Mr. Everson is in the grocery business. He is mar- ried and has four daughters, he enter d council as runner-up| to Moss Hewson, who died while serving the council, A résident of Port Hope since he said. "I believe in wise spend- ing but I am not one of thoce who believe in no spending at all -- that 'could lead to disaster. But 'where circumstances permit I think council should strive to 1933 he is the assist. Bradford Hoshal Associates Ltd. He is a member of St. John's Anglican Church, the Masonic Order, the recreation committee and the golf club. "Good government should be ;1 [the first concern of councillors," coming year, Co." He has three children, two| Reeve Budge is keenly inter-|tee leadership a town roller for of whom are married, all living ested in town planning. "The big- rolling road patches, and a town in Toronto. | gest completion of 1d plan for the sewer cleaner were purchased. "Next year we'll have to take proper growth and development The town sewer cleaning equip- advantage of the government of the town," he said. "We need ment, valued at $5000, paid for offer of ald for winter employ-|to take a long range look at the|itself the first year by eliminat- ment for those out-of-work and town to determine how it should ing rentals, said the deputy-reeve. placed on municipal projects," | grow with suitable sites earmark-| Other equipment purchased in- commented Mayor Moore. "We|ed for future schools, parks, in-|cludes a compressor and paving have some storm sewers that dustry and other uses. Otherwise breaker and a portable patching need installing. It may be pos-\we could spoil a beautiful little machine. Mr. Wladyka's parents sible to use men on that work if town with patchy development. |were both born in Port Hope and conditions are suitable. I would, "The greatest need of any mu- Mike has lived here for the past also like to see some of the lovely |nicipality is men with the time to nine years. ravines in and around town pre-|attend to the details of council] "With three growing boys at served as natural parks. | work." {home I would like to continue "The work of council has in-| Born in Port Hope, Reeve in council work to help make creased a great deal over the Budge has three daughters of Port Hope a good place to live years. It's difficult to find men school age. He was one of the now and in the future," he said. New Entries In Hard Ice Battle i Trot COBOURG -- Weekend results| Training School 2-1 to stay un- dns in the Cobourg Church Hockey defeated. Larry Henhawke gave penalties NE League follow: |OTS a first period lead on a pass of th jot d B ; of Tri lfrom Fyfe at 1250 but St, An.|3, "he VICLOTS and Bazay in PEE-WEES rom Jlty1e es bt. ity were penalized. The two newest entries In the drew's rallied on two second per- league engaged in a hard fought|iod goals to grab the decision,| Unbeaten St. Andrew's downed battle before Trinity B's emerged their fifth with no setback, Stone | Training School 3-1 for their triumphant over St. Michael'sand Ward of the losers were fifth successive victory. John An-| B's 140. Following a scoreless penalized. derson, Scott MacKenzie and first period Ross Burgess fired| Four times St. Peter's Pee Wees Blue n= wae amplighiers the only goal of the tilt at 8.05/took one goal lead and four|pr ore Co crs. fimms rep : |for OTS. Martell and Brocken- of the second and it stood up all times St. Michael's A's tied it|gpi emote ion 0 ond H the way. Bob Carlson registered up as the two evenly matched ¢ of Teil 25 arp the shutout. Two penalties were squads drew 4-4 in the opening | 21,0 rew's drew minor pen- called, to Burgess and Hoskin|fray of the night. Billy Ryan 04,000. | "This final debenture issue will completely pay for the. sewage plant," he commented. "This| was the largest single item Ti ever handled in council." | He said the total debenture debt of the town is about one mil- lion, 300 thousand dollars and he| estimated that the town would have a total assessment next| year of about ten million dol-| lars. | Mr. Rosevear said he felt the ratepayers association had taken | a negative approach to council) work and were not contributing too much in the way of con-| structive criticism. "I'm going to wait and eee what the nominations bring forth," he said. "If there's a pile of them running I'll quit but if no one is running I'll offer my services again. "I know the Mayor's been to see his doctor and I guess he's waiting for the outcome of his physical checkup before he de- cides what he's going to do. And my wife's after me to quit too." WILL WAIT Dr. W. A, Herberle, chiroprac- tor, said: "I'm not trying to be coy but I think I'll wait until nomination day before declaring my intentions." Elected as coun- cillor in 1957 he served on the Health and Sanitation Committee. Last year he served on the same committee. "If you go out to the new dump at 5 p.m. any day you can walk around it without smelling any bad odors or seeing any rats, cats, burning refuse or other unsightly objects," he said. "Mike Wladyka deserves much credit for getting it started but I'm sort of proud of the way it has been operated. "I feel that the ambulance has been giving good service too. When they get a call they don't waste a second -- '*~ police tell me that sometir :s ine ambu- lance is there ahead of them." R. C. Everson sald he would be 'standing for election again but declined to say in what capa- city. He was first elected to coun- Superfluous Hair Permenently Re- moved by Electro lysis and the new- est, fastest, elec tronic short - wave diathermy, reveal ing your true self, free from worry and embarrassment. FREE Consultation RESULTS GUARANTEED MARIE MURDUFF om be In Oshawa ot the Genoshe otel, December 2-3. RA 3-4641 Phone for appointment en those dates. Trinity 42. Terry Lenhan, a new- comer this season from Owen Sound, was the big gun with the hat trick. John Primeau length- ened his lead in the scoring derby with a goal and assist. Barry Dawe and Pancho [scored twice for St. Petes, sin-| St. Peter's whipped Grafton 6-1 Trinity A's stayed hot on the gles Robbie Williams and Significant in defeat was the con- heels of the league leaders in BodWio Ay Goalgetters|Soling factor that Grafton finally for the Irish were Gordie Kelly, scored its first goal after three | y| | Terry McGlynn, Danny Gadbois shutouts. Vie Rusaw turned the Terry Mahony. McGlynn sat trick at 10.15 of the second canto to break a 150 minute famine. Bob Borthwick and Gary Reading |tallied two markers apiece for With their regular goaltender St. Petes, singles to Robert Spry back on duty St. Michael's cele-| and Roy Quigley. Just three Andrew's squeaked past brated the occasion by defeating'penalties were assessed. a treasured piece of skilled Luxurious textured fabrics widths up to 6 widths. 27 Matching SHOWER 15 King Street East Christmas Suggestions * BEAUTIFUL LAMPS Many new styles in china, metal and glass . , . 'each ene * READY MADE DRAPES range colors, plain, prints and fortisan . , « available in 2 * BEDROOM & BATHROOM RUGS ely postal shades, acrilan-verepile, machine washable. "x 48", A REAL SPECIAL * Betty Haydl MRAPES--BROADLOOM--FURNITURE artistry. in a wonderful of SETS -- 15.00 up RA 5-2686 AE virco SMALL FRY HOCKEY at | face off as referee lifts puck. | Dunn, and Paul Massey, St. | Left to rixnt -- Red Stephen- | Andrew's. Cobourg is big business -- and | son Trinity, Referee Gary [Times Staff Photo by Macdonald serious as was this game be- --- -- 1 ar€ industry, but we should also be "I'd like to see more down- own parking space available. With 401 going through, we need lective. "I am in favor of the town hall S----_-- ----_--_--_ =n soos potent stn, pati tots "» we STOn, Wiry THE ile 1-4 ai ' Xe. "eS [LA eg n |renovations. It's a matter of civic pride. We look after our the space to bring down business. |p meq "to create a good impres- "I would propose a committee gion on visitors, so we can be to study the public works pro-iproud of them. It's the same to see *| thing. vantage of the winter employ-| «I want to see some investiga- ment campaign benefits. Street tion of traffic control. Division lighting invoices mostly labor. street, for example, is a 30-mile Maybe we could take advantage zone through an empty area for a snd save money. I want to see mile past CGE. council budget to keep taxes| 'Then you get out of town, into ' |a 504mile zone, and you enter a {built-up area. | "How can a driver have re- spect for a law which says he n.| must drive 30 miles an hour in an area with no people, but may speed up through an area with |lots of children playing? "I believe in honest govern- ment. In the administration of Fe | Money to "I agree in part with the elec- I'm 100 per cent town hall MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY SPECIALS tween St. Andrew's Mites and Trinity Mites. Hockey enthu- | siasts of the 8 to 10 group | The Red Cross (Oshawa Branch) needs your blood to maintain their FIRST OF THE SEASON CALIFORNIA SEEDLESS NAVEL--SIZE 138s SUNKIST ORANGES oor. 49° Il FREE BLOOD FRESH, CRISP, SHREDDED COLE SLAW town affairs, I would be govern- ed by the principle of observing the rights of everybody, moral and legal." Ted Prosser. - Businessman: "For new industry, I think we need more land development. We should have land available we can show to industry and have it already fully serviced. With this we need an industrial commis- sion and a full time commission- on a pay-as-you-go basis, save the town over $50,000 inter- est costs. We've got more than $1.4 million dollars annual debt in Cobourg now. "Council is a very important bunch of people trying to do a very important job. I'd like to see & give the town efficiency, econ- omy, and progress. "With efficiency, if you have a eompetent, able, and operative er eouncil, it follows that you get progress. For economics, I've been in the investment business for 26 years, and I think I know the value of a dollar "Above all, I want to see coun- ell practice principles without personalities." Wilbur I. Thomas, business man: "I'm definitely in favor of a full time industrial commis groups or personalities." sion or commissioner. 1 don't Mrs. Isobel Murray, house think Cobourg has been getting wife: "There's not enough being fe fair percentage of new indus done to encourage industry to hil come here. We need something to make it possible to keep our youth. We have a beautiful tewn, good | with everything but enough in- torn dustry "I'm not against town hall re- | Need money to expand or improve your home or business? Get the cash the day you "When the town hall goes to want t--[ust phone or stop the people, they will have to de- cide. There is a lot to be said for the bylaw. The piecemeal way of renovating is impractical in many ways. I would want to an- alyse the situation before suggest- ing anything else. orm going to make my own de- cisions, and not be influenced by in to the nearest Associates Budget Plan office for fast, friendly service. > BUDGET PLAN LIMITED OSH 111 Simcoe St. ( "1 wasn't in office, so I don't now all the facts and figures on the town hall. I'ye heard reasons why it should be down and why it should be reno- | Above Canadian Tire) hw OT-12 TRANSFUSION CHOICE--RIB LOIN LAMB CHOPS IT'S EASIER TO REPAY THE ASSOCIATES' LEAN SERVICE TO THE CITIZENS OF OSHAWA MINCED BEEF AND DISTRICT 450 Donors Needed You RECEIVE $179.89 277.97 MONTHLY PAYMENTS $11.00 17.00 REGGATA STD. TOMATOES 28-0Z. TINS 2 39° 412.64 860.71 1,525.00 25.00 36.00 65.00 107.00 KRAFT SALAD DRESSING MIRACLE WHIP 16.0Z. we 41° PURITAN BEEF S CLINIC TO BE HELD AT ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM THURSDAY, DEC. 4 at 2 to 5:15 p.m. 6:45 to 9 p.m. For appointments Phone RA 3-2933 AWA RA. 5-6531 [ TEW TINS 4 16-0Z. 1.00 VALUES EFFECTIVE IN OSHAWA AND WHITBY DECEMBER 1, 2, 3 DOMINION STORES LIMITED EP CA AS53555