The Oshawa Times, 1 Dec 1958, p. 18

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Lou Wright, an atiractive brim. ette, "because of a sudden urge I can't explain." Mazziotti was charged with juvenile delin- quency. PROVINCIAL RELIEF UP TORONTO (CP) -- Provincial expenditure for relief in Septem- ber was $972,837, an increase of $500,558 compared with the same month last year, the department of welfare said Friday. SAVED FROM CANAL CORNWALL (CP) -- Irving Bingley, 38, was pulled out of the 18 ™ OSHAWA TIMES, Mander, Bosomber 1, 1958 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 17) [F0--Articles For Safe ee eeeeeeeeetetepeemeeet-- WILLIAMS pianos, now at a price you can afford, at Parkway Tlevision, 918 Simcoe Street North. RA 3-3043, FOR sale, custom built, push .utton 1958 Chev. radio, practically new. Ap- ply Mercury Taxi, 45 King Eas SKATES, new and used. "Os NEWS BRIEFS BEAT, ROB MERCHANT the men, one of them armed with WINDSOR (CP)--Two masked a shotgun, gained entry through bandits escaped Saturday night the locked back door of his home. with $6,250 in cash and cheques| YOUTH HELD ON SLAYING after forcing entry into the sub-| VALLEY STREAM, N.Y. (AP) urban Sandwich East Township| Richard C. Mazziotti, 14, was ar- home of a Windsor merchant, rested Sunday in the slaying of beating him with a blackjack and his 23-year-old aunt, mother of Ceremony Marks 5.5. Promotions 1 Skate Exchange". Used skates $1 up. By MRS. FRANK SMITH ors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. New skates ns up. Largest selection COLUMBUS: A white picket| Merlin Hepburn. n town. Drayton cle, t: t with GIRLF Tigare Sater 3 pals aa G| Street East, Jonse and gite decorsion with Mr. and Mrs. Howard McCor- and 3; girl's winter coat, size 11;|FREE -- Absolutely Free -- Up to $100 ing for the annual promotion Sun- mack and Mrs. E. H. McCormack attended the wedding of Mrs. youth's sports jacket, size 36, Phone RA | worth of gifts and furniture (your A 5-3175. 1278 choles). our Christus Et to you -- day exercises at Columbus Unit- with the purchase of a chesterfield, orlaq Church Sunday school. The|McCormack's sister, Kathy Ken-|terrorizing his family. Nicholas two. She was found battered and a bedroom suite, or a dining room| cuperintendant, Ray Scott, con-|nedy which took place in Ajax|Stumpilich, 39, owner of Sand-|strangled Saturday night in her Saturday. Mrs. McCormack acted | wich Sausage Co., and three apartment; Police said Mazziotti as matron-of-honor. | Windsor district meat stores, said|told them he killed Mrs. Mary water. RAIN IN ANTARCTIC 49--Automobile Repairs |50--Articles For Sale BRAMLEY MOTORS SALES LTD. 1271 SIMCOE NORTH the Antarctic Circle--fell at Me- Murdo Sound Sunday, the New Zealand Press Association re- ported. ORDERS taken for storm sashes, meas- urements and estimates free. Terms. early. RA 3-4989. Jan. 1 0! will completely furnish your home. This includes chesterfield, suite. Easy terms. This is no gimmick! Come a see for Jontoelt] Barons' | ducted the service assisted by ome Furnishings, 424 mcoe Street South. Dec. 14 MTS. Walter Beath at the piano. PHONE RA 3-4675 Specialists in Ford service and parts. Wheel alignment, wheel balance, with latest type equipment. Newest type electronic tune-up equipment, Test-Drive the D.K.W. 3-6 ond the new FIAT For economy and perform- "ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP 408 King St. W. RA 3-7132 50--Articles For Sale BLAUPUNKT short wave radios, magic-eye tuning, 11 pushbuttons, FM, SW, AM, LW, car radios. Three speak- ers Hi-Fi, Europe's finest. Terms. Now ; at Kelty TV, 81 King West. Dec. 29 "WE pay highest price the city for 2 used furniture. Pretty's ONE gateleg table. Phone RA ser. Store. RA 3-3271. 444 Simcoe of THREE - piece chesterfield suite, wine and gray, chesterfield, folds into bed. Good condition, 262 Oshawa or RA 35-7554. 279% WICKLESS oil burner eook range Apply 121 Walnut Street, Whitby. MO $2269, after 5 p.m. 27" MARCONI and Admiral, Hallicrafter, Rogers, Fleetwood for 1959, $199 up. Stereo Hi-Fi from $99.50. Kelly TV, RA 8-9181. Dec. ®V AERIALS, all channel, installed, one year guarantee, $29. Kelly TV, 81 King West. RA 5-5121. Dec. 29 : (CHAIN saw, spray paint outfit, bedroom suite, television, refrigerator, kitchen set, washing machine, lamps, tables etc. All items reduced in price. Barons' Home Fur 424 Simcoe LLOYD twin stroller, four months old, The Rev. Ronald Love address- in new condition, $20. Phone RA 5-5036. | ed the children and dwelt on the 27st importance of a graduation cere- Street South. Dec.13| RANGE, heavy duty, Gurney, excellent | 1, 77 condition, $35. RA 5-688 AWNINGS, plain colors, or gay stripes, | prompt service. Free estimates. now for early delivery. Chair and table rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North, Oshawa. Order | Cubic feet, FUR coat, new, natural brown Otter. mony. Cost $1200, Will sell for $680. Phone| Those promoted were -- Kin- RASS. ~~ TM 4ergarten to Primary - Debra GENERAL Electric petrigeraior, 9.1iStack, Robert Powell, Ruth Smith bie excellent condition, $125, Mo Charles Love, Carry Reed, Hea-| | |ther Cochrane, Brian Beath, Bar-| COMBINATION door, Phone RA 57491 . after 5 p.m. 277¢| bara Jose, Janice Partridge. USED friges, washers, automatics, ranges, rangettes, TV and radios. GMAC terms. Kelly Frigidaire, 81 King West. Dec. 29 SPECIAL discounts for builders, home- owners, on Frigidaire built-in ovens, cooking tops, pull-down elements, re- frigerators and ranges. Kelly TV, 81 King Street West. RA 5-5121. Dec, 29 CEDAR Chests -- $1.00 will hold yours| Primary to Junior -- Mar- until Christmas. Choose from the best/garet Reid, Sharon Stark, Gayle makes -- Lane, Heirloom, Red Seal,| ny Kenzie Linda Mountenay. etc. Many models drastically reduced $ in price! Hurry for best selection. Junior to Intermediate -- Diane, Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe Powell, Carolyn Webber, Billy Street South, Dee. Y| Ellins, Ronald Cosway, Jimmie| U FRIGIDAIRE 1959 automatic washers and dryers. Rated No. 1 over all others, by consumers' report, w overhead means lowest prices. From $199. Kelly Frigidaire, 81 King West. | Dec. 29 |FRIGIDIARE special big 10% cu. ft. fridge. 42-1b. freezer, butter-keeper, no money down with trade. Only $199. GMAC plan, $2 weekly. Kelly Frigid. aire, 81 King West. Dec. 29 NEW sump pump, with 40 feet of 1% " | inch pipe. RA 5-9753, wrii| Nesinu, Robert Orminston, . RE = 5 u NEW apartment size pianos at reduced id low prices, Easy terms. Trade-ins ac-| Intermediate to Senior -- Bar- cepted, A smal deposit will old Yours bara Henry, Kathleen Beath, till Christmas. But hurry -- the prices or] on all pianos are going up shortly! Francis Cosway, Alex Cochrane, Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe Gary Powell, Lloyd Pereman and Street South, Dec. 14 Charles Ross. SAMSONITE uggage rouse Te eal CHURCH BOARDS MEET stmas or evel . ta i 1 "motors available. Ask| The Columbu - Kedron official about our reduced prices. Barons"|board held a meeting Moislay evening in the lower hall of Co-| SELLING furniture or cleaning out your basement? You will get your highest price when you phone RA 5- 8131, The Oshawa Trading Post, 446 Simcoe Street South. 56 Plymouth, 24-ft. cabin trailer, furnace, space heater, 3-piece bath, sink taps, plumbing supplies of all kinds. Sell or trade. Chinn's, RA 3-7088. Dec.15 VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, parts, attachments, brushes, guaran. teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free. Rentals, Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser. vice. RA 8-1081 anytime. KELLY TV, your authorized Beatty dealer offers you up to $100 for your eid washer on a new Beatty automatic er wringer washer. 81 King Wet ec. BADIOS, record players, hi-fi stereo are all here at the lowest prices. Jt will pay you to shop at Parkway Television, 918 Simcoe Street North. SINGER sewing machines -- $10 de- livers a brand new Singer fo your Bome! A small deposit will hold yours until Christmas. Get the best -- get fully guaranteed Singer sewing machine from your authorized dealer, Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe Street South. Dec. WHREE large wardrobes, with full | Jength mirrors, drawers. Beautiful de-| sign. Can be seen at 1081 Rossland | West or phone RA 35-8233. | FHEY sald it couldn't be done, look at »what "Ed Wilson" is doing. Chester fislds and sofa-beds, chop to fabulous lear out prices. Restonic chesterfield | set, $139; two-tone sofa-bed suite, trimmed with frabrilite, $188, plus for| #9 cents you can choose either a five chrome set or a set ar-| te living room Wilson | Furniture. 20 Church Street. CONTINENTAL single bed, with head. | Board. RA 5-3081. 28 XMAS shopping? Large selection of gift items, at tremendous savings dur- fag E4 Wilson's Big Sale. Hassocks, etures, smokers, hampers, tables, ps, cedar chests, mirrors, kinder- garten sets, rockers, bridge sets. See them today at Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street. 280b BENDIX automatic washer, like new, used only six months, $79.50. Irvine Appliances, 50 Bond East, RA Fy an. 1. FRIGIDAIRE refrigerators, recondi- up. Large and| gf [in town us les, Kelvinator refrigerators, television. SPECIAL chance purchase -- New Ger- man tape recorder, AEG, 4 tapes and microphone. Model 58, $220, 27 Park Road South. RA 8-6979. 275¢ up, terms, guaranteed. Ostrander Piano Company, 1378 Queen Street East. HOward 6-2313. Dec. 5] ONE child's desk and chair set; one| girl's pleated reversible skirt, size 12;| two ladies' winter coats, size 12. Phone RA 57884. 278c| a =] {SELLING furniture or cleaning out your basement? your | highest price when you phone RA 5-8131./ 14| The Oshawa Trading Post, 446 Simcoe | Street South. GUNS, ammunition and hunting - plies, new and used. For the best deal see Provincial Tire. 48 Bond Street West. RA 5-6511. B. F. GOODRICH Stores, tires, batter- Thrifty budget plan. RA 5-4543. WINE and cider barrels available, all sizes. Oshawa Hardware and Electric, 8 Church Street. RA 3-7624. BALANCE of entire stock from La Vogue Jacqueline, Coats, suits, dresses, formals etc. Drastically reduced. May be seen daily from 1 - 5 p.m. at 238 Kaiser Crescent, corner of Louisa Street. Phone RA 5-1212. Dec.18 MEAT DISPLAY CASE Modern, 12' double duty, sacrifice $290. Phone collect or write quickly, JOHN HARVIE LIMITED PETERBOROUGH Dec. 5 , with warranty, $60.50 oad, Irvine Appl 50 Bond ast. RA 8-584]. Jan. 1 EY cso oman WRIGIDATRE 40" Electrie range, like Sew, completely automatic, $129.50. Ir-| wine Appliances, 50 Bond East. RA an. 1. 88841. J §oTorRoLA yolumatie car radio, only wight months old. Cost $80 new. Best sifer. Dial RA 5-8640 after 5. Jan. 1. BOAT KITS $56.00 and up Open Evenings & Weekends Brooklin Marine Storage Supply Ltd. Phone 87 BUY NOW AND SAVE Peterborough boats, Evinrude Motors--budget terms. Free winter storage on motors, Boat storage. Factory op- proved. Service centre for motor repairs. Open evenings end weekends. MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LIMITED Brooklin, Ont. Phone 87 NOW IS THE TIME TO GET READY FOR WINTER For the finest factory con- structed aluminum storm windows and doors Installed to your satisfaction at low- est prices, UP TO 24 MONTHS TO PAY CALL TODAY FOR FREE ESTIMATE ALEX VAJDA MODERN WOODWORKING HOP SHO RA 3-9851 EXTRA FOR THE VERY BEST ALUMINUM Doors, Storms, Screens, Win- dows, Awnings and Porch Railings. NOBODY BUT NOBODY can beat our quality prices and guaranteed installations. CALL HOLODY ALUMINUM RA 5-243] Anytime till 9 p.m, BUY NOW AND SAVE PETERBOROUGH BOATS EVINRUDE MOTORS Budget Terms Free winter storage on mo- tors. Boat storage, Factory approved. Service centre, for motor repairs. Open evenings and weekends. MARINE STORAGE AND SUPPLY LTD. BROOKLIN, ONT. PHONE 87 PIANOS, all makes and sizes, from $79 SCATTER rugs 27 x 54, Home Fur 24 Simcoe Street South Cc. : lumbus church. The Rev. Ronald LLOYD baby carriage, in new condi- p tion, $35. RA 59625. 77st (HL. Love was chairman i Ross 500 REMNANTS scatter rugs, special, | Le® of Kedron was recording-sec- $1.50. Axminster and Wiltons. Nu-Way, retary. A financial report was 174 Mary Steel, 276f| given by Frank Smith. SPECIAL stor carpet' sales, Sredall Following several matters of xminster stair carpet sale, R - : eT, RES Bn che, eke te E00, FINCH Wilton &ply wool hardtwist,|J. I. MacKay of Toronto and Dr. $7.95 a yard, Nu-Way, 174 Mary Street.| George Telford, pastor of St. -- 76! Andrew's United Church, Osh- ALL wool Wilton 4-ply hardtwist, " : : : Towed length. 9, 12 and 15-foot widths, rey, | AWA-A disvssion petted Jollows green, beige, .mink and Vellumn re..| Pertaining church extension. duced to $10.95 a square yard. Nu-Way,| At the close of the meeting the 174 Mary Street, 2% | Board of Stewards of Columbus clearing 70 [Jnited Church held a short meet-| per cent off. Nu-Way, 174 Mary Slrget; ing with George McCulloch, cf ir-| SEWING "machine, electric portable, an, in charge. like mew. darns, mends, etc., with at. MISSIONARY MEETING tachments, original cost $129.50, Will| i enin; a meeting of sell $59. Call RA 5-8976. 76¢| Friday evening, go rr |the missionary and maintenance |committee of the Columbus Uni-| TO RA li Fei, wae led Church 'was 'held at the} in England, take over payments, $10 manse., The Rev. Ronald Love monthly. Call 5-8976. 276f acted as chairman and opened SKATES, new and used. "Oshawa's No.|the meeting with prayer. 1 Skate Exchange". Used skates $1 up. | New skates $4.95 up. Largest selection| in town. Drayton Cycle, 204 Bond Street East. USED tires, most all sizes, $3 up. B. F. Goodrich Store. RA 5-4543, Business pertaining to the M| attended to and the evening was SEE! FRIGIDAIRE! SHEER LOOK -- PLUS AT HOME APPLIANCES 90 SIMCOE ST. S. RA 5-5332 51--Swap and Barter SPACE heater, Coca Cola cooler, roto hy tiller, steel door, SOmbination TV, ches. session, terfield, truck, trailer, tile .nachine, new plumbing supplies and piping of| Lunch served by Mrs. Allan all kinds, Chinn's, Park Road and Hill-| McKenzie and Loraine and Kaye side. RA 3-7088. 52--Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF WIL. BERT HAMILTON MASON, DECEASED. All persons having claims against the Estate of Wil- bert Hamilton Mason, late of the City of Oshowa, in the County of Ontario, | Welder, deceased, who died Gy 5 on or about the 14th day of 'April, 1958, at the said City of Oshawa, are required t ofile proof of the some with the undersigned on or before the 22nd day of December, 1958 after which date the Administrators will proceed to distribute the Estate, having regard only Love. EXPLORERS MEET The Explorers held an expe- dition Monday evening at home of Gayle McKenzie. Mrs. H. Mountenay lead the girls in a short worship period. Acting for the chief-explorer who was unable to be present, Diane Powell, presided for the business | PERSONALS | Mrs. E. H. McCormack re- ceived word this week that she has a new grandson, Gregory | Wallace, born in Germany. The parents are LAC and Mrs, Stan-| ley McCormack, stationed in Ger- many with the RCAF, Mrs. Mary Ashton and Will Ashton of Enniskillen and Mr. | and Mrs. Clifford Swallow of Maple Grove were Sunday visit- PAINT SALE At Almost Wholesale Prices SUPER KEM-TONE $5.99 gal. $1.80 qt. SWING SATIN $5.99 gal. $1.80 qt. First Come First Choice WEBBING'S HARDWARE 'DRIVE-IN 282 King St. W. RA 3-4873 $AVE -- $AVE MacFadyen's Real Seal ALUMINUM PRODUCTS COMBINATION ALUMINUM STORMS AND SCREENS $16.95 EACH For any double hung window regardless of size. Installa- tion included. FULL FACTORY GUARANTEE PHONE RA 8-1547 ANYTIME ATTENTION HOMEOWNERS CALL OSHAWA ALUMINUM SALES & SERVICE For the best quality alumine um and expert installations, Free Estimates All Work Guaranteed WINDOWS DOORS AWNINGS RAILINGS Cash or Terms Call RA 5-7922 Anytime ANDRE VAN DE VALK Dec. 13 Winter-Seal ALUMINUM WINDOWS AND DOORS Kool Lite Aluminum Awnings CUSTOM AND OPEN AND CLOSE RAILINGS--Interior and Exterior Fireplace Furnishings and Bathtub Enclosures.. LES EVENISS SALES LTD. 15 PRINCE ST. Tenies, BA 3-2707 RA 5-4632 ill Golbroith, AA 5-882 or ay to the claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED ot Oshawa, this 27th day of November, 1958. HOWARD BARAGAR and DOROTHY DELVES, Administrators of the Estate of Wilbert Hamilton Mason «. by Manning F. Swartz, F 26Y2 King Street East, Dec.1,8,15 Oshawa, Ontario, their Solicitor. INHERITS CASTLE Sarolta Lorraine, 18, of San Diego, Calif., is one of two sis- ters named heir to an Austrian castle and % of a million dollar estate. She plans to continue her college education. For Results CALL RA 3-3492 DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 5. Poland A . Chums (abbr.) . Alpacas 6. The wallaba . Ostrichlike 7. String bird (var.) » 8.0dd (Scot.) 11. Portuguese ©. Trip seaport 12. Resist , Swedish Z° 16, Grave 4 19, Affirmative 28. Hotel Bible 28. Strong feeling 27. Type [ENNNEIO] HIODIS E[TIO[P] 0] ISIOJLIVIEISTINN | | (TIR[1 JAILIMAIL ICES] E[LIS[ERBIEINIT] SITIEITIB[AISISH * Saturday's Answer 88. Biblical name «Ml. Eager (dial) ¥ J 42. Pigpen . interview 24. Long -.. playing / (abbr,) | 83. Brittle cookies 87. Hint , College \ buildings p (collog.y * # . Barnyard birds Ve Coin (Ind.) * Absorbed Perform National i | flags f . Engrave with corrosives « Wading bird Tankers The Thin Man's wife Candy . Military life ; Poverty. stricken 47. Greek letters DOWN 1. Wampum | 2. Jordan's capital : 29. 40. 43. 44. 15. 46, Dec. 8 concluded the meeting. and M work of the church were] closed with lunch served by Mrs. | the| | SEND THIS Sug YOU GIVE A 52-WEEK GIFT SUBSCRIPTION TO THE OSHAWA TIMES « FOR CHRISTMAS Make it a MERRY CHRISTMAS--each day of the year-- for those at home or far away. HANDY COUPON SUBSCRIPTION RATES BY MAIL PROV. OF ONT. . . OTHER PROV. UK. and USA. . FOR FURTHER 1 YEAR INFORMATION PHONE THE CIRCULATION DEPT. ® RA 3-3474 The person receiving the subscription will receive an attractive Christmas card, informing them, with the sender's name and best wishes. This is a perfect solution to your Gift problems . . « this year a Times gift subscription. eran en a nh A en i CIRCULATION DEPT. THE OSHAWA TIMES PLEASE ORDER ( ) TIMES GIFT SUBSCRIPTIONS TO BE MAILED TO THE FOLLOWING: : To NAME .. .. 0 ooo iviivinmtsnitioneinnes o.0:0 st STITT TIN OORT, MAILING ADDRESS - 2. 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