20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturday, November 29, 1958 50----Articles For Sale 50--Articles For Sale 50--Articles For Sale 52--Legal Notices Bone Age GIRLS" figure skates, 2 pairs, Hae 6 GRRFEN tractor, #75, or will trade dor GENERAL _ Electric Tefrigeraior, f H 's wi ir coat, 1] al he cubic excellent condition, he is zst| "TREASURER'S SALE youth's sports jacket, size 36. Phone RA WILLIAMS pianbs, Dow at a price you 5, Dow at a price you 8-212, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING sere Tester good sondiion, ome : a ga afford, at Parkway Teviaion, 918 Fe otal, Jan length, Rice 1 ae od OF LAND Proven In 4 ud mcoe treet 0] N 3-3043 » a ls Contin from year old, best offer. RA 5-6096. 278¢ son. Owner moved to California. Ap- : vey ae takes for siorm sashes, mens: TOR wale, custom bulli, push ution|piy 23 Eina Street, nu FOR TAXES Tr ansva al . 'erms. ; ender arty, IA 34009, Jan. [Ply Mercury Taxi, 4 King East. Dec.30\CONBINTION door. Phone BA 393) po nchip of Whitby, 45--Real Estate For Sale |47--Automobiles For Sole |THREE large wardrobes, with full ight and mad Diswals Ne. PIANO Mason & Risch, with bench, oh JOHANNESBURG (Reuters)-- TW Oiorey brick house, oll Beated| i CHEV. good sonditioy Tiroughoui Icnth, mirrors, drawers. Beautlful de Late Eee ae election Good condition. Phone Brooklin 213. County of Ontario. Finds at two pre-historic sites in and garage, RA 52192. 19a | $145 or best offer; also GM pushbutton sn; Can be seen 20 108 '37st |in town. Drayton Cycle, 204 Bond He To Wit the northern Transvaal have ToT Tor suic oa Eiizabetn_ Crescent, Talo fit "49 - '52 Pontiac. RA 3:3000.| Cr ei Farniah | Sircet East. CEDAR Chests -- #100 will hold yours| 10 Wit: proved the existence of a "bone |§ I | einer oo Lo 20 0 DOWN wil compleptly furnish Free -- Up fo $100, Uti) . Choos from the best) By virtue of a warrant |age" many thousand years, Ct 279¢|55 CHEVROLET Bel Air sedan 23,000 suite, worth ete. issued by the Reeve of the |*"'probably hundreds of thousands $2000 DOWN buys a five-year-old six- miles, 6 cylinder standard radio, white| i hen get, washing machine, lahps, choice). Our Christmas gift you --| oo" rice! Hurry for best on.| Township of Whitby under .|of years" before the stone age room ranch style brick bungalow, fire. Walls, back-up lights, clock, A-1 condi- (abies etc. All items reduced m price. "th the purchase of a © Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe| . Prof ' place, everything condition, tion. One owner. RA 8-193 after 6 Px | Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe Ron (Juke, or 8 ny Street South, Dec. 14 his han and he Sel of Fiot Raymond aan the Wit Street South. Dec.13| ome : mick ; said corporation, bearing sity m ome a eT Se NEW sump pump, with 40 feet of 14) te of the Seventh day of |school reports. Ww, MEA OE aor 28 Pas Yivaet. sibs Ae ty} se (1954 PONTIAC, good tires, good_condi- | SywNTNGS, plain colors, or gay stripes, |Home inch pipe. RA 59753. Vice. Fre South Dee. 1 August, 1958, sale of lands Until about three years ago, scientists scorned Prof. Dart's RA 3-2512; Whitby, MO 83231. 278¢|yion inside and out. $750. RA 5-203. prompt service. Free estimates. Order . Tans LOT 40x 105, water and sewer, orth 28 po CU Gelivery. Chair 4nd table| BALANGE of entire stock from La| and PE nly th Woletn Bl orears. of taxes in the west. Also lot 85 x 200 with wll RA 58 CAEVEOLET Biscayne two door; Yeatals, Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North, Joque Jacuuelize, Coats, alts, dremses, RA 8-1819. 27%c| Township of Whitby will be theory of an Osteodontokeratic A ud ess awa. A 3 31500 down full price, $13,000, brick,|considered, terms available, Phone os -- ibe "seen De FOURpiece chrome Kiichen furaiture.| held at my office, Brook- (bone, tooth and horn) culture four piece tile bath, colored fixtures,(RA 5-8640 after 5 p.m. Dec. 1. Vowest prices, | Kaiser Crescent, corner of Louisa Sorensder comission ai o rec-| [in Ontario, at the hour of |preceding the stone age. But he planer six roomy basement, io| 34 PONTIAC Chieftain sedan, 8 evlin- I iy pay ! rkwas Street. Phone RA 51213. Dec 18/08 Dyer one RA 5.6310, 1hsl 2 "o'clock in the afternoon persisted in his belief that South | iy ; . Pu y de! wi walls, only 22, Tele » | VACUUM cl , all makes, . Cc a] ih, odd : $4108. G, Newell, Bruker, 13 Pieper. 000 miles. Doctors car. Dial RA 83118 RANGE, heavy duty, Gurney, FA ee ashes, guaran;| NEW apartment size pianos ai reduced | On the _30W day * Degem A oan anaes i Jute; i * : : or 0 on oy WC AA SOL 2771 eed "rebuilt machines. Estimates free. (0%, FFI, CA Fa" oral ond costs' are sooner paid, |{ound with their remains RED SOLDIERS HAVE LE for sale -- witn garage, on i535 PONTIAC sed deluxe, dio, ntals, Vacuum aner T- * -- ES A . A er Te RAL FONTAN i ort mors LETTER dress of Bebeuline brocade, | joo "RA 8.1081 anytime. ul Christmas, But hurry -- the Pricetl Notice is hereby given that Now, finds at Kalkbank, a ISURE 8-6549. Dec. 1. car in trade. RA 5-0547. 278) RA 8.5814. 27%c SELLING furniture or _cleanifig out Barons" Home Furnishings, 424 JSimebe the list of lands for sale ig Jae She i Pietersburg, Apparently happy at their | the artillerymen have second '51 METEOR sedan, radio, $250. '53 Y's t, size 16, 1 t| your asement? ou get, your ee! od Cc. for arrears of taxes was and a! a ansgat, a ne age| Work are ese Chinese Henry J. good condition, $213. Apply Calition. RA S907 | Te est Brice we et Simons | APPLES, No. 1 Macs, $2 busheli| published in The Ontario site about 15 miles north of Pot.| artillerymen as they load guns Bey off. They have lobbed only. - COMBINATION [31 Bloor East. RA 54513 or RA S708 5 3150 allowance Tor your old tele. Street_South. Courdand, SL bushel, Pallock oretr| Go tin" "Siu p oy [gietersrus and about 70° miles! shelling the Quemoy island | Pneduarier as many shells re- INDOWS CHEV. Ta 5 Chey. T50, hi, 98._any mew Eleckiohome, Ad-|GUNS, ammunition and hunting sup-| daily. : OFel of September, 1958, and |from Kalkbank, have confirmed| group. Under the "evenday" cently as they did during Aug- WIN Both in fair condition. Apply Orpwood| RANGETTE, good condition. Apply, 1M plies, new and used. For the best ies: [SAMSONITE luggage -- The ideal that copies of the soid list i 0 he believes. bombardment of the islands, | ust and September. DOORS, AWNINGS, THE [Service Station, Park Road South. 278b Mary Street. = oi PoC Gireet West, RA 5.6311. Christmas gift for everyone Pay only| may be had ot my office. a RE MiLaR cided a PARTS off of '49 Ford; new generator, "Television, 918 Si Street|B, F, RICH Stores, tires, batter- -cons'| Tresaurer's Office, this thir- Ss em y BEST FOR LESS. way Television, meos Street|B. F GOODRI tores, s, Datter-|about our reduced prices. Barons Ew Degen BB wg Hollywood muffler, tall pipe, seats,|North. ec. 8.|jes, Kelvinator refrigerators, | Hi 424 Simcoe Street| teenth day of September, " CALL RA 8-8571 spesdomeler, clock, rear axle; bikes ix GEE sewing Tachipes -- #10 de. TOA) budget plan. RA 5-4543. South, en. oop. Sa, P sites, fo chose to one another geo- : ¥ h y Wie ¢ i brand new Singer to your WINE and cider barrels available, all > di- aphic: ut remote Whitby MO 8-4891 after 6 pu. Dec. 25 homie: 'A 'small deposit will hold yours| sizes. Oshawa Hardware and Electric, Os. A soem. a Cc. THOMSON, gro on any Sapient A ED | RICE Manufoctured in Whitby Cr) until Cl . Get the best -- get a|g Church Street. RA 3-7624. "56 PLYMOUTH "V-8" four-door sedan, ma Ta 500 M TS tter ru, special, ad Wi fully guaranteed Singer sewing REMNANTS sca gs, special, h followed the same bone SELLING furniture or cleaning out|s; So. Axminster and Wiltons. Nu-Way, Sept.20,27,0ct.4,11,18,25, | 00h nicues in making tools from -- ON -- push button drive, tutone, in excellent| our authorized dealer, Barons' COLONIAL RA 3-4887. Dec. 5 poe Fur 424" Simcoe Street|your basement? You will get your|i7ji Mary Street. Nov.1,8,15,22,29, Dec.6,13 the big bones." D ; y th. ec. 14| highest price when you phone RA 5-| . ALUMINUM [Soom et os iets ov BL me Gas, Trading Fon, ws SEECIAL, Sl CITE Me, Sl ED ii. wane 4idy Prom | " " ONE slightly used gravity all steel fur-|gi coe Street South. xminster s carpe! , $4. re u f sions, for all makes, Phone Clark 1614 5,00 and oil burner. RA 37718. 274 eal yard. Nu-Way, 174 Mary Street, INDEX human tools among his speci- - Nov. 3 EY WT RCA Victor combination radio and rec- Tiens For CoIpErisen proved Quali leg table, Phone RA 54797. ; i NERCTRY. rae donne O° "8 eve Phone TA FUL rd pare, for model, good onl ret wie 4517 wel Bedi TO WANT AD [lhe tonslized skulls and endo. ol . g ard. Nu-Way, . $7.95 a y y et * |lcranial casts of baboons and] @ Prompt Delive 2 0 dition, $175, Phone RA 8-0073 after BLACKSTOCK Sonditien, W113, THREE - piece chesterfield suite, wine C S brick' b tym 348| ond gray, chesterfield, folds into bed. CHAIN Wg AR TU is ol CLASSIFICATION | man-apes that nad been killed by c A very beautiful brick bun- | TYSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up t0|$80 cash.' Good condition. 262 Oshawa a 2 ee sl +| ALL wool Wilton &-ply hardtwist, 27 ® Courteous Service galow, two years new. Mod- [20 per cent. Nine months to pay. For|Blvd. S. or RA 57354. zi9f "pace heater, 3piece bath, sink aDS|jangth. 9, 12 and 1sdoot widths, grey,| | blows on their heads by double-| @ Reasonable Price ern, full cellar, air oil heat, peisonsl service at your home call RA| ces i Firnar cook range, trade. Chinn's, RA 3.7088. Dec.15 gre eon; Jioige, Tk ang vel Way, Ie Borrittirs Tidged bones from the fore-limbs storms, screens, heavy wiring : Apply 121 Walnut Street, Whitby. MO |yooes tain stroller, four months old. [174 Mary Street. 276 antelopes. o : ' 27% dit 3--Chiropracter The professor says that the For Delivery By Metered Trucks Phone: 54 CHEVROLET black, two-door, white 8-2269, after 5 p.m. in new $20. Phone RA 5-5036. | = pp z SCATTER rugs 27 x 54, clearing 70(| 4 i s § & Dentists man-apes invented the thug, or garage. E wi walls, custom radio, rear speaker, tur yu RCONI and Admiral, Hallicrafter, 275¢ R oot ignals, her, a ¢ per cent off. Nu-Way, 174 Mary St . New 6-room modern bunga- |&diticn "Whitby MO 83680. re | Rogers, Fleetwood for 1s "TV, Ra [SPECIAL chance purchase -- New Ger. EL Noung Servien black-jack-type of technique the : oT AG automatic Dec. 29|man tape recorder, AEE; 4 tapes and | gree machine electric portable, | SOP better part of a million years ago, . low, east suburbs. Large lot [mcm le TO TTR { . 53 CHEVROLET Bel Air, automatic|5-9181. microphone. Model 58. $220. 27 Park S| 7--Survevors crop. like new. darns, mends, etc., with at. "and mayhem and murder have and beautiful home. transmission, radio, loaded with extras. | =) : i . , |TV AERIALS, all channel, 'installed, Road South. RA 8-6979. 2756 will ¢ N treet. rok testis original cost $129.50. Kent's Service Station, 40 Albert SUset one year guarantee, $29. Kelly TV, 81| Gunung taken for storm sashes, mea. (sell $50. Call RA 5-897. Fil] 7o--=Veteringrions had as long a lineage as man RA tack Trades himself." 09 MO 8-3644 NESTLETON King West. RA 5-5121. * c. ake] Tee. Pleats | pan fires. most all sizes $55 B. F ' PRIVATE--'52 Meteor, good condition, zed Beatt: ly. RA 3-4989. Nov. 29 f a ido hrs 9--Buildi Material $5,000, two-storey, frame, |p... KELLY TV. vour author Y |order early. : H. h Store. RA 5-4543, no "The man - apes," he add OSHAWA WHITBY 3 gain, $430. Can be financed. Phone to $100 for your A esa ities -- ' 8, pI i Mga PIANOS, all makes and sizes, from $19] Soosnraanc nitting machine, made|| |0-- Sharpening Service "were the inventors of the tools I furnace, 7 rooms, centre hall, [RA 3.7512 275¢ PPO % , old washer on a new Beatty automatic up, terms, anc % hy , guaranteed. Ostrander Planc 11 =Business rtunit full cellar. A good home in |/5; CHEVROLET deluxe coach, racio, or wringer washer. 81 King West, = Foleo tg rg dl ty in England. take over payments, Sig 11--Busin oa hin and the techniques which pro- the village. heater, A-1 condition. RA 8-5451 betwen) Dee. B HOward 6-2313. Dec. § 4 i Soy awe Ne Sines PpGrtunities duced them and which Sapient 6 and 7 p.m, 2771 Lia short wave radios, | Soe Tal Tang chair set; one SKATES, new and used. Wi . man was still using 16,000 T - tuning, 11 pushbuttons, FM, Ah s | i one Uo ate Exchange". Used skates $1 up.|| 12--Dressmaking ig 16, yea Ss GREENBANK |1958 CHEVROLET four-door sedan, ex- magic-eye tuning pus girl's pleated reversible skirt, size 12; New skates $4.95 up. Largest selection|| 3g, rdening & Supplies |ago, not more than 70 miles . 'Whitby MO| $6,900, very fine 8-room Sellent condition. Phone itby 3791 | centre hall home in village ab p Veil, | USED _friges on highway. One acre, barn, "THEY said it couldn't be done". Well, ™v d dio = : : ' "Ed Wilson" is doing! ranges, rangettes, . and Ta $ymers tickets, best offer. Portable type-| | 1 garage. House is modern. BUYING or SELLING look at id wy. | GMA terms. Kelly Frigidaire, 81 King writer, adding machine. Reasonable. RAI |7--Money to Loan |brains than an ape. SEE B. H. CROWDER Out it goes, only $139, plus a set of 3 West. C. 2913.4434. TTS till Dec.15| 154 oan Wanted | "We have reached the stage y v ' arborite tables or 5-plece Kitchen SPECIAL discounts for builders, home- 18a--Mortgages | prophesied by Darwin that in a See . Wil x rens, PORT PERRY, TED CAMPIN hy 2 Chute Yr 21% cooking IRL tau SEE! |9--Personal series of forms leading insensibly YU 5-2367 MOTORS "THEY said It couldnt be done," well |frigerators and ranges. Kelly TV, 81 FRIGIDAIRE! 20--Cartage from ape to men the use of the King Street West. RA 35-5121. Dec. 29 21 --Personal Service term man would depend on the W, AM, LW, car radios. Three speak- rat SHY, Europe's finest. Terms. Now| two ladies" winter coats, size 12. Phone|;n "youn. Drayton Cycle, 204 Bond|} oo conoid Repairs pel / od | rs | -- t. : Py ary at Belly 7V, 81 King West, | __ Det. 8) ob i Steset Eas 15-- Instruction |" "Man most certainly originated 16 Insurance from a creature with no more washers, automatics, | CATIGNAL cash register, gives cus- -- AWA |"Ed Wilson" is doing it! Chopping | Ring Street Vest. lode x. PLU WILSON REAL ESTATE 607 KING ST. -- OSH prices to rock bottom. Lovely modern FRIGIDAIRE 1959 automatic washers SHEER LOOK -- S '3--Rad m I ) io Repairs | definition we used. (Just East of Wilsori Road bedroom suite. Triple dresser chest and|and dryers. Rated No. 1 over all AT Z--Raus Roel definition we used. - -4494 Res. RA 5-5574 [book bed. Reg. $269. Now only ob . Oe Low AX 3-4535 RA 3:44 as $188. Plus pi #7 kitchen chrome i a os Sy From HOME APPLIANCES 24--Moarket Basket | ture who made tools deliberately. 278b suite or boxspring and mattress, only g199 Kelly Frigidaire, 81 King West. 25--Pets and Livestock { 4 Try the 1959 9 cents. Wilson Furniture, 20. Chien Dec. 29| 90 SIMCOE ST. S. RA 5-5332/ | 5." coi ors Column ite i ase greatness Veto ries, i Street. I | GTDIAR ial big 10% TT. | e is defined as a creature Paris Styled FABULOUS sale now on. Many tems | fridge. ARE Rech SE ire no 51--Swap and Barter 27--Fuel, Wood | with a brain largr than that of a REDUCED FOR QUICK ; 2 . selling less than half price. Hostess noney down with trade. Only $199. i8--Summer Resorts | SALE Renault Dauphine chairs, smart coverings, regular $19.95, | GMAC plan, $2 weekly. Kelly Frigid. SPACE heater, Coca Soper; Tuo 280--Hunting gota, wii ges hei Sale $9.95; walnut and blond end tables, aire, 81 King West. Dec. 29 (tiller, steel door, com : Juad diready mented the Osteo. » terfield, truck, trailer, tile .nachine || 29--Summer Properties For Sale |dontokeratic culture which man- LB FROM Four doors, 44 miles a gallon, [regular $18.95, close out $4.99; modern tert bros Se trilight floor lamps with fibre glass all kinds. Chisn's, Park Road and Hil | 30 out an Found | kind inherited and was still using water cooled. , $9.95; shades, regular $29, below cost, $99%| MEAT DISPLAY. CASE |side. RA 3.7088. Trice For |a few thousand years ago, were AT space saving davenports, lovely Sover "Peterborough boat and trailer fir ings, regular $69, out they go, $36.95; 16-FOOT Peterborough boat and trailer, ¥ . VAN HEUSEN MOTORS tale ie and shades, many one of a| Modern, 12' double duty, [hoth in perfect condition. Reasonable 32--Articles Wanted only apes kind, regular $19.95 sacrifice $3.98.| i... 500. Phone collect |for quick sale, or will swap for best|| 34--Auction Sales m-- f 0 149 King W. Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street, | * car offered. RA 8-0179. 274f|| 35---Employment Wanted L : - A . 792 or write quickly, 36--Fi le Help Wi FULL DOWN PAYMENT RA 5-3557 "THEY said it couldn't be done'. Love- JOHN HARVIE LIMITED 52--Legal Notices re Help 2 yo Dec. 11|1y looking desks, arborite top, very spe- 2 TO QUALIFIED BUYERS 4 2 A | | SE on: Pivermice metat PETERBOROUGH "0" ETO CREDITORS | 39--cerms wanted ~~ | Campus Hoax 2 Revolutionary NEW FREE! 3- and 4-Bedroom CRANFIELD MOTORS |pridge sets, special. $19.95; GE_steam * i 4 + 0-=C\pportunities * Ranch Bungalows in 331 PARK ROAD SOUTH irons, regular $21.95, sale $15.95; six E ESTATE OF MARY Room and Bos PERMA GRIT f les IN TH 4) ma i | VANCOUVER (CP) -- Ubys ? | Picturesque Setting RA 3-2284 PL lag Mage Mg lh ow T. RUSSELL, late of the City | 42--Room and Boord Wanted SED CARS $20.95: broadloom scatter mats, $1.99; BUY N f Oshawa, in the County of ead ude mewepaper 1 U C of Oshawa, in 43=Wanted Te. Rent of the University of British Col- worth $565 4 BUILDER'S SACRIFICE fl verin, many lovely patterns : A. VICE oor. coverings: ot. Wilson Furni. A Ontario, Decaesed. 44--For Rent I I Loaded with Extras B.A. SERVIC OY 37: sents Ber IO Fi AND S VE having _ claims A5weReol oY For Sole |umbia, says the formation of free i i P ture Co., 20 Church Street. - 9a | um ays : Finished Recreation Room RAMBLER, METROPOPLITAN, nity for] PETERBOROUGH BOATS ao? Berson, hoy I oe a a love societies on the campus as ; PRODUCTS Il itch M.G., WOLSELEY, |WE pay highest price in I e Hollywood Kitchen MORRIS, G., WOLSE used furniture, Pretty's Used Furniture] EVINRUDE MOTORS T. RUSSELL, deceased, who 46--Real Estate Wanted | 2 mana h hoc ore tae N.H.A. 6% Mortgage RILEY SALES & SERVICE. |Siore. RA 33271. 444 Simcoe South. | | Budget Terms died on or about the 21st 47--Automobiles For Sale Ine or ably Frizay. dh 510% Carries as Rent y n % day of September, 1958, are 48--Automobiles Wanted . GO DIRECT SOUTH ON SABYAN MOTOR OAT KITS Free winter storage en mo ina ro: Tile proct J 4w=Automabtie Repairs | Reports of free love societies PARK TO LAKE , TURN SALES LTD BOA tors. Boat storage, Fo ey of some with the undessigned || S0--Articies For Sale operating at the university A : Ky 74 LEFT ON STONE, WATCH . approved. Service , Solicitors on or before the || 51--Swap and Barter started when arts student Sid| With this Olofson wrote a letter to Ubys- FOR MODEL HOME SIGN-- STUDEBAKER-VOLKSWAGEN $56.00 and up motor repairs. Open evenings I Dense, 105 5) Suey ne a SALESMAN ON PROPERTY SALES and SERVICE Open Evenings & Weekends | and weekends. After that date the Solicitors sey explaining that such socie- J ith thi f OVER WEKEND. 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH Brooklin Marine Storage MARINE STORAGE will proceed to distribute the CLASSIFIED AD RATES ties existed in his native Sweden 1G 5 AW wi IS anous 25 words or less ||30d asking if similar groups OSHAWA, ONT. Supply. Ltd AND SUPPLY LTD. said Estate having regard ordy existed in UBC : ; to the claims of which they Cosh Charge Sl . , > MURRAY WARSH| rer: randolon 3-3461 Phone 87 BROOKLIN, ONT. a ho 3 consecyive Next day a notice appeared in \ SKIL Or hita INSERTIONS 225 248 |the paper announcing formation REAL ESTATE DATED ot Whitby this 27th of a free 1 1 d 7 2700] MACKIE MOTORS BUY NOW AND SAVE DATED 3 Wn BI ecomomy on, in Re I a a S AN DER Will buy good clean cars. Peterborough boats, Evinrude PAINT SALE ALFRED M* it Dey bola. wiih, 7 pid the Jurued up at an organizational " Motors--budget terms. Free WOOTTON & WOOTTON, rge will apply. meeting. : IMMEDIATE Pay oft liens. Sell on con- ih PE on motors. At Almost Wholesale WHITBY, Ontario. Above rates apply only to orl Other letters appeared claiming ' ginal orders for consecutive inser- | existence of other free love so- OCCUPANCY signment. Trade up or down. Boat storage. Factory ap- Prices Solicitors for the fions. Subsequent insertions ordered || cieti Administratrix, at a later date constitute a new | C1€UeS. proved. Service centre for SUPER KEM-TONE You Can Be In Your NEW LOCATION motor repairs. Open evenings 599 gol. $1.80 GRACE LOMAX, original order. _ Ubyssey said, Olafson decided : and weekends. $5. gal. . qt. Nov.29,Dec.6,13 Professional and Business listings || it was "time to blow the whistle." Own Home By King St. East | MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY | SWING SATIN Pov. avibec 5. 2 ||. ze.o0-mer, monitors ws oly: || wrppty just "a Joke," hie said. "1 Christmas Formerly Varcoe's Drive-In | LIMITED $5.99 gal. $1.80 qt. | INVITATION TO TENDER Each initial letter, abbreviation, | want to apologize publicly for| a REGULAR | Brooklin, Ont. Phone 87 First Come First Choice $ ond c sign, figure, count as o [any harm to the university's re- IN OSHAWA'S FASTEST RA 5-5743 DEPARTMENT OF ors, gon. reraed 4 odditional. | putation." $6660 assitiea Advert ts || . GROWING SUBDIVISION | 38-- Automobiles Wanted NOW IS THE TIME WEBBING'S NATIONAL DEFENCE || ju(57 be in by 9 aim. the day of an what stone the 4 in AGRICULTURAL and publication. Otfice hours: ily - ' TO GET READY FOR HARDWARE DRIVE-IN GRAZING PRIVILEGES 8-5, Saturday 8-12. ares Wyse couldn't un- dition. Phone RA 57456, 7a shucted aluminum storm Works Company R.CE., 60 || CCl 0 bmitted othwise than in Shop that gives you A REGULAR : 352° | Dec. charged for a single insertion of | Roman Catholic school board OPEN FOR | PAID FOR oor ADA | ALUMINUM STOR its own classification. school students to attend teach S Township, and Lot 17, East the paper said. idan re windows and doors installed i | WANTED a '51 rtible | - 3 : Atlantic Ave., Toronto 3, Ont- iti : FULL DOWN PAYMENT | a 51 convertible in bod con-| yo" U3 SAL SANCHO SAVE -- $AVE Aste ves Tonia on | roe for more than ve LOANS FOR TRAINING everything you need in a 570 CAN BE ARRANGED | : CALL TODAY FOR FREE | ALUMINUM PRODUCTS for the agricultural and graz- || the" advertisements in which error [| Sin JR RGC) Cote of in-| cut just about everything for a three (3) year period, AY El. ; Jig Saw=-2x4's, scroll value offer ever made with ~ AND SCREENS The areas offered are located i work and curves, too! power tools! terrific value ot this low, low 314 PARK RD. S, | | For any double hung window y 5 |ARRICIWIRAIR RA 3-9421 F % R A reaardless of size. Instaila- | Whitby Township. Tenders 3. Akos 2, Baniuily 18. Mine [SENN IETE| PERMA-GRIT files. Performance at anywhere LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid. WINTER 282 Ki REGULATION! : RA 5118) or RA 5-182. | | ing St. W. ONS " : $ 8 8 8 WANTED -- 5 i Chev, nv 9%: For the finest factory con- RA 3-4873 1. Tenders addressed to No. 2 rol, Daily, Yims shall not be i wishes them luck any Here's a "Saw-"n-Sand** FOR ONLY dition throughout, will pay cash. Write . incorrect insertion N LOWER DOWN PAYMENTS particulars to Box 355, Oshawa Times. 5 prices | co 0.0 MacFadyen's Real Seal noon 17 December, 1958, || vertisement. nor beyond he price || OTTAWA (CP) -- Ottawa's| home workshop. You can VALUE COMPLETE ing use of land located at occurs. And al the right MODEL HOME HIGHEST PRICES ALEX VAD A COMBINATION «= Comp X. Oshawa, Ontario, || fo classify advertising according 10 terest-free loans to enable high| with the powerful SKIL my: is the bigger double commencing 1 January 1959. INSPECTION ei per. | RA 3.9851 the West side of T First you get this high u 3 " on the West side of Torn- '1l di i These 3-becroom homes hove | DODD MOTOR SALES $16.95 EACH | 5 Reod'en'iot's" why | DAILY CROSSWORD QETEIEERER no ns oper Lut garde st now oC ARS] se wi price. You can't equal its J = do t, F he Du bi pis tion included may be submitted for the ° product [AGlE Rail SHO, Made of i near this figure. 3 witle 'Or 'parcels as followsen 5. German 8.Gold (Sp.) 21. Sharp. [RIEMLIoION 3 ade of tungsten-carbide Then, you get the most ect In your house. [49 Automobile Repairs FULL FACTORY GUARANTEE river 4. Through en ana nA particles, they can last a amazing new tool on the h Bl ; , mar. Sewers, water and streets in f FOR THE VERY [ NE R -1547 (a) A A BC D 9.1In this pl % D - Pe : andpod fr ™ "" 7 | BRAMLEY MOTORS BEST PONT IME OR Pd | rae Gate EECMAMGY {| lifetime in home work (rion ions r new school, churches | E and F-- . 7.014 | ( . & Frc) Ro | SALESLTD. ALUMINUM Ly afb SE Epi CTRNASMNGE) | "hors Use them iodape malls it pits jo vera FOR INFORMATION | 1271 SIMCOE NORTH Doors, Storms, Screens, Win- ATTENTION (c) Area O -- 10.2 acres. ko Akl 2 Hine BREAN mon twice as fast b PERMA-GRIT sandin i dows, Awnings ond Porch HOMEOWNERS 14. Small li 11. Af Lio 5] V cause sheet does a finishing job R A 8-1 338 d e Ata 25. Price 125 PERMA-GRIT cuts on that surpasses sand PHONE RA 3-4675 Railings. 2. Those interested may in- | 35 Arm ofthe distance 26.Ysland Yesterday's Ave paper -- { and outlasts . GUILDCRAT HOME ; both forward and back asts . paper pwned BUILDERS CALL spect the property by arrange- Specialists in Ford service NOBODY OSHAWA ALUMINUM ment with No. 2 'Works Com- 16. Flower Fron ¢ HV Suny go and parts. Wheel alignment, | BUT NOBODY SALES & SERVICE . pany, RCE or with the C.O. 19. Man's chances 28. pu J 34 Flow Hoke, 2 Do ohery. finishing and Yee Nov.30 wheel balance, with latest For the best quality alumin- Camp X, Oshawa, Ontario, nickname 15. Cold " birds ol ows A ) Get the complete SKIL finishing job quickly, easily *"Saw-"n-Sand" Shop . . . and better with this SKIL "Refinisher Shop." 2A Trademark of SKIL Corporation [ | | |} - type equipment. Newest type can beat our quality prices um and expert installations, 3s i 20. 4 . ; ; . Successful bidd i . Retreat = symptoms 29.Observes 37. Warp- 450--Real Estate Exchange electronic tune-up equipment. ond guaranteed installations. Free Estimates required to oo Gers will be 21. Trays for ~32, Bog. 31. Rent again 38. Maa today! SIX room, 1% storey house, four CALL | All Work Guaranteed in good order, cut all noxious bricks ay! WINDOWS DOORS weeds and maintain fences. 23. Flyat " ®A Trademark of SKIL Corporation years old, situated in Lindsay, would Test-Drive the {ichange for heme in Oshawa MO DKW. 3-6 HOLODY AWNINGS RAILINGS ----leve ond. the new FIAT : ALUMINUM | Cash or Terms, 3 Tis ond vay not ke used 25. pd | H er an agricult x 46--Reol Estate Wanted | For economy ond perom- | RA 5.2431 | GUOREVAMDEVALK | 2, oreing purpose, nor | 21 Bultoons | PICKERING Bia dg payment for five-roomed| 9NC€. ; Arti 09 many any building or other 30. Where the AJAX Roa er pa fru). ANDY NAGY's | fim mien De. 131 wiwisn bs sonairierd wit | | Eee ri ss DY NAG erection be constructed with: | © Emerd AJAX LUMBER CO. LTD. SIMPSONS WOOD PROD room home in College Hill district, west] 408 King St. W. RA 3.7132 : partment of National = De- | 31.Vindictive : of Park Road. Desperate! Dial RA : Wi S | fence. retaliation ywesa Phone 10% ames. z9|50--Articles For Sale Inter- ed 32. Explains BOWMANVILLE WE have a customer who requires a (F. R. MILLER) 35. Anger NEWCASTL + Tr 8 room income home or bungalow |gition. Best offer. Phone RA 37541 ALUMINUM WINDOWS AND DOORS Deputy Minister, 36. Tribulation MASON & DALE HDWE E s Henry d Sch, : 78b i i e o . ll ev My on Tia." RA 3-2265 orl Real E its Kool Lite Aluminum Awnings . enti a: 3). peamtant 36. King £. MA 3.5488 G00DE'S HARDWARE LTD. evenings, RA 5-0243. z90/46--Real Estate Wanted CUSTOM AND OPEN AND CLOSE OTTAWA - CANADA 4 (E.L) a > 14 39. Otherwi! URGENTLY IN NEED OF SIX OR SEVEN ROOM RAILINGS~~Interior and Exterior HO SDr604/2 40. Fiexed i OSHAWA HOME, ANY DISTRICT. RELIABLE TENANTS Fireplace Furnishings and Bathtub Enclosures 277¢ . . \ tand WITH LOW DOWN PAYMENT. IF YOU CAN LES EVENISS SALES LT . -- --| (print) HARRISON & KINSMAN 3 y REED & SONS HOWE. HELP CALL RA 3-2254. 15 PRINCE ST 53 D 5.4632 USE 42. Game fish HOWE 0 8K) imcoe N. RA 3-4032 LLOYD AYERS.REALTOR uo Erie AAS ait Gara, oa sas0z | TIMES-GAZETTE | , oon 337 simon 1. #4 34025 SOOIEAR SERVICE STOR 5 Don Hows RA 5.0313 CLASSIFIED | , esumt : nL Ra an '