|sfiverware, Mr. and Mrs, Martin ere, Kingston, visited Mr, -y Cartwright To THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, November 29, 1958 17. 3 Of Tl F t Leskard WA. {thanked their friends for the ul Angus Loucks. Ws |and lunch was served, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Young| wn : ar 2 u ure . | Guests were present from To-(and Michael, Toronto, spent the | . Bet Glen were Sogsinied in UN MISSION SPARKS RIOT : PY ° 0 eeting | onto, Uxbridge, Audley, Oshawa, weekend with Mr. and Mrs, C.| Have Election cided fo step down after holding] YAOULDE, French Cameroons Has Stick Steering wg, EE ears. 2 os : By MRS. C. MARTIN | Mr. a rs. Martin, or- fr. an , Jac ercer, By MRS. R. C. HILL There will be an election Mon- strators clashed in the c LESKARD -- The November mer Ila Bell Cornish, married in/Orono, visited Mr. and Mrs. R.| : iw meeting of the Leskard i Bowmanville Noy. 18, 1933. They Sutcliffe. BLACKSTOCK -- Cartwright|day, Dec. 1 for council with six town of Douala Wednesday dur- v HH | | .|ing the arrival of a United Na ? "Firebird tre of attention(and maximum confort. The suspension system fs be-| Association was held 'at the home| have lived in Leskard for the township nomination meeting competing for the three seats ~at the a ire Motorama| 3. An improved gas turbine en. [lieved to be the most advanced|of Mrs. Vaughn. Mrs. Martin|past 22 years. | HISTORIC BRIDGE {was well attended Friday after-\They are: Fred Trewin, Merrill|tions survey mission to the Cam. #196, is the first car ever de-|gine which Is lighter, more com. jever built. It employs intercon. opened the meeting with a poem, | PERSONALS noon when Reeve Bruce Ashton|Van Camp, Laurence Malcolm, jeroons, it was reported today. signed around a single stick con-|pact, 10 per cent more powerful nected front and pear siroiliand the devotional was given by | Opened in 1860, the Victoria and Bert Gibson were returned|John Hamilton, Ernest Swain|Two demonstrators and a palice- fil aystem which eliminates theiand consuines 25 per cenl loss sUings 10. SDPIOSS UNCOOL Mrs Geant, assisted Dy: Mrs. Buflip, Toychs .'confied to! Bridge over the St. Lawrence at|py acclamation. Jack Green and'and Mrs. Margaret Wilson, man were wounded. sonventional steering wheel, og Hi, (0 k= turbine engine able Miching Ss whe fing Loud: ui. Yaugha, Mts, chat- bed. | Montreal then was the. world's 7 n . car travels over wa . er, 's. Tennant an rs. ar- v . largest tubular s ridge. 4, A new air-oil suspension sys-| The rich glossy finish of Fire-|tin, Mr. .and Mrs. Douglas Smeath- larg el . tem that reduces pitching on|bird III is the same Magic Mirror| 1 was decided to send. a bale, A two-passenger, gas turbine|bumpy roads and offers improved acrylic finish which is standard|oef good used clothing to the Fred ; ~powered car, it is missile-like in|cornering and skid control. equipment on all 1959 GM cars.|Victor Mission again this year. / i We soi birverdies ces ? appearance as well as in engin-| 5. New Turb-Al brakes with a| Other features of Firebird ITI|All donations to £ For your carvenisnes slephonc erring . Tolls of the space|revolutionary anti-skid device include: A ' age Setafls, Tolls of The race that prevents wheel iock-up and 1. Special drag brakes at the without extre charge, at: i and | 4 @ 4 -- are ployed | resultant skidding. {rear of the car which open like : to guide the "ear automatteall : 6. The fist sage au d elacth 0 the jaws of an Aligstor 0 help to close the meeting, ry eaning % AJAX fort. |1c peratur ' -|slow the car a speeds. : A : Firebird IIT Is strictly experi bing all conventional sutomo-|" 2. A lighting system that {urns ber of" friends. and" mcigivors of § i HYDRO ELECTRIC mental, but it represents an un-|tive heater and air condition-|on automatically through photo-| .inered at the Oddfellows' Hall | | 1 Boni ao I ma, ct ee Gel he sl ig Oe fs i One Plain Skirt COMMISSION i c -|to ) . motive controls which will lead ature setfing even though the car|fluorsscent tube hasdiamp that Norman Bairston, ntly mar § fo stealer pleastie for the moter be driven from the North Pole to thro a carpet of light in front fied, C. Maru neuduced the or A Harwood h y { WS le and Wilfred Hawke read 2 arw A pirebirg Tl has an aerodynam- BO RGARE ow tive" a En Vai peat 2 lox)" Sout fiber 1.| 7. A centralized . An ultra-sonic key rston to th munity, i s ach a Poe which acts as a brain gi (he opens the doors by high Aeques. Baw oe pi x One Pair Trousers (or ; ax) b AJAX in plastic|car"s advanced controls that|cy sound waves from as much as x a 4 Bubble. canopies over the passen- folds parly out of the car for I3 feet away from the car. |WAh & large mirror. a coffee WITH ANY $3.00 OR MORE ORDER ; ; This 1s & payment location gers and seven fins clustered) quick maintenance. ent | 3 Javer on be an ru Mrs, Bairston expressed their 263 : only. d the body, dominated by| The passenger compartment, the : h lunch was Pah X a high dorsal Yin at the tall, war tightly in the middle to passenger entry to insure that thanks, ho ie Puncllyud NOTE: Price of FREEAvicle.not to by Included in 4 Te make enquiries sbout your eccount The car's most significant sin-| portion of the body, is entered|the car will be comfortably heat- |; § the $3.00 or more order, 3 or to discuss any other hone bus] | the remairder of the evening. | 1 tem, Il wing doors on power op-ed or cooled to a set temperature, : | iness motters, call Long Distance ond gle feature, iS toptivl system, by Sull Wisg soon bo gh) Maximum access to the| Saturday evening about B50 ask for Zenith 67300. (Ne Long Dis- features combined and improved erated hinges which swing diag- n ¢ RE of "'no-hands" steering onally up to offer effortless pas- | "'under skin" through removable fiends and yeiatives gariered at] ok Yor eit and the single-stick Unicontrol in-|senger entry. Special contour panels including four power-oper- oN a ron Ao onop oF | IW. LOWRY, Maiioosr i i | 2 hich open much of P troduced separately by GM Re-|seats equipped with power oper-| ated panels wi A ' i ! search Laboratories last spring. |ated headrests and fooitests allow| he fatariot of te ol for show ie op catich of ns 2th wed BRANCH STORE: Kingston Rood Fam | B The wing-shaped Unicontrol|the car to be low and yet com-|and ser ses. ih mcoe Sou Py handle is i atop a four- fortable. Height at the top of a nl Touway ste Somes: SILVER WEDDING : RA 3.7021 RA 5.6498 4 THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY Inch control stick located in the bubbles (which give passengers) tion with '| Leonard Martin and Mrs. Alex Ain centre of the car and is easily 360 degree vision) is 44.8 inches. This could also be adapted 0 cain escorted Mr. and Mrs, Mar: FREE PICK up AND DELIVERY | OF CANAD operated by either passenger. It| The power compartment, locat- | communication with a control yj, te scats of honor and Alex 2 combines all steering, braking, ed behind the passenger compart. tower on a highway of tomorrow, Cain read the address and pre- accelerating apd park ing ment houses the new gas turbine sented the couple with a chest of functions. engine, transmission, fuel tanks To drive Firebird III, the Uni.|and special electronic 'nerve cen- Doctor Hops control stick is pushed forward tre". The fins emphasize the to accelerate. Deflecting it to|Power-plant and also act as high 2 : left or right steers in these direc- speed aerodynamic stabilizers. 1p 0 1p tions, and pulling back on the Hag » the ip of the dor- . handle applies the brakes. A in J " . a t button on the control handle ac.| Firebird III has a 119-inch For Opera on tuates a downhill retarder unit|Wheel base and 57-inch front and mounted on the differential. |rear treads. Overall length is| OTTAWA (CP) -- The doctor The Unicontro] handle, when|248.4 inches. Ground clearance hopped from ship to ship, taking rotated 20 degrees either left or|is 6.35 inches. Curb weight with | his patient along for an opera- right of centre, puts the car in|full fuel. and ofl tanks is Sais tion on the final stage, as the reverse. An 80 degree turn right/Pounds with slightly higher|Canadian navy participated in or left puts the transmission in| Weight supported at the rear| NATO exercises this week in the park. When the handle is in nor- | than in front for good braking. Bay of Biscay \ mal position, the car is in drive.| The main engine is a new 225 The Yesult, 1a¢ navy 2 At the touch of a button, Auto- horsepower Whirlfire GT-305 re- Friday. et a Cas ete or. guide takes over steering con.|generative gas turbine. Engine [pen egtony x A x trol by electronically following a|Weight with accessories is less North Bay, hs low frequency powered cable in/than 600 pounds. It receives air Robertson Wis sirickeh aboard ighway. dition, a con-|from ducis located on either side] By = be maintain. | Of the car behind the passenger the destroyer ont Dr. Ho ed by push-buttoning a third elec- compartment and exsausts| By. Wh & gn was aris r tronic control -- Cruise-control, |through twin ports which extend company Wi ie Bi car This produces completely auto-|above it through the. back deck. (Te Bonaventure ant, desliover : mattic guidance and speed con-| In addition to furnishing the Tc™y bt hE all Other primary Firebird III fea-| Car's accessory power, the small tures are: engine also drives a 110-voit , a tricky 'arrangement 1. Use of a dual engine system 8enerator which provides 60-cycle| movin le between shi 66 bb) which employs 10 horsepower | electrical power which would be at sea BE of ropes his aluminum engine to drive all ac-|of great civil defense value' in|." co "He confirmed ap- eessories and frees the 225 horse- event of damage to home POWET | bongicitis. : power Whirlfire gas turbine en- systems. It is possible to plug into" 5 helicopter from Bonaventure . : gine to drive the rear wheels, [the car for power to run house-| arrier Robertson and his doctor 2. The most advanced passen-|liold" appliances or even whilet; the aircraft carrier where the = ger tment ever designed, | ing in remote areas. Either --~n'ion was successfully per offering maximum access Toom engine can operate independently fcrmed. Send relatives, friends and servicemen the NEW Overseas "The biggest engine ering, What is happening to GMC is the most excit- ! attitude of mind. It is demanding teamwork s : ing thing that has ever happened in the truck | of the highest order between men in engi- nt' - n r ¢ Edition of She Globe and Mail now design and quality co t ol industry. GMC is engaged in a gigantic engi- | neering, manufacturing, sales and service. And published in Britain every Wednesday program the industry has neering, design and quality-control program. it is paying off--by giving you lighter, tougher, | * It represents the greatest forward surge the better, more trouble-free trucks . . . and at an ever known brings you the truck industry has yet seen. And it is backed initial price that not only is competitive but greatest money-ma kin g, by the keenest brains and manufacturing know- in many cases is considerably below trucks : : how in the business. of other makes. Find> out what Operation Compiled and edited by the regular Globe and Mail staff in To- money-saving advances in But perhaps even more important. Operation "High Gear" can mean to you by visiting your ronto this all-Canadian newspaper tells the story of Canada from week t k t d ! rps $355. . p pe to week--tells the story you always mean to write home, but never do. rucks today: ; "High Gear" is a new philosophy . . . a new local GMC dealer soon. Printed every Wednesday by The Times in London it covers 'Britain / A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE SPECIAL CHRISTMAS OFFER ¢ 450 1-Year Subscription, only ; and most countries In Europe on day of publication. An attractive Christmas card will announce your gift ! V4 mssssssssTo order here for delivery there, use Mis COUPON sssssssnn: The Globe and Mall, Toronto 1, Ont Please deliver the Overseas Edition weekly to: 3 hh TT rp p--_-- NAM .oovanevoransennnansnanssarsessBUL $0 toviveeenreassennssnssssessans §¢ , GENERAL MOTORS ECL CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. WHITBY MOTORS LIMITED TORONTO, NOV.29 TO DEC.10 266 KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA WHITBY, ONT. . Address ..iisveenssnanarnnsiansesss AQArOSS +vvvivivseressennssssssanne ¢ sessnsnensnsnnsssssnsnsrasssc Instructions c.ieiiiiiniiiianes PREC RRL RRR RRR WAR RR RR. heheheh REE ay