The Oshawa Times, 26 Nov 1958, p. 42

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samples of the appeared 55,000 HOME FILL-A-CARD TOMORROW'S NOS. N-4I N-42 GAME "F" BINGO 1 18 34 46 62 64 70 73 the tossing of explosive has unexploded ades" in Chicago Stadium. grenades. He said they | NHL President Clarence Camp-|t0 be homemade. bell said in a telephone interview from Montreal that as many as 25 of the small bombs were thrown during the game Sunday between Toronto Maple Leafs and Chicago Black Hawks. Mr. Campbell said the league dling everything fom m at nat ™ m1 5 Grenades poly Shar kd CRM Tossed In Hockey Game for pulling a tooth," he recalled. "And I made my own anaes TORONTO (CP)--The National) Hockey League is' investigating "gren-, 42 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 26, 1958 Active Doctor -- Locks Challenge Males ~ But Symbols To Women les and a terrific rush of air. Inves- 1 the inside of they MONTREAL (CP)--An active vault was charred. general practitioner for almost 60 ears, Dr. Fra MeN: WOULD HAVE COOKED Fo lly Te Naughton left the civic job to concentrate "Jf someone had been inside heto old age. on private work, would have been cooked," Mr.| The 87 - year - old doctor has| LIKES MODERN TREND Head said. "You can't waste time given up driving his car. | Dr. McNaughton said he fa- cutting your way through and youl" "1 don't want to give those fel- vors the. modern trend toward can't jake the chance of roasting|lows at the licence bureau a ialization in medici your vietim. chance to tell me I'm too old to| « ~ "The idea is to challenge the|drive," he said in an interview. re io 30 doubt about * 3 ingenuity of the vault makers But he still rises early every|tient better care and treatment and crack the problem, day to get to his offices in sub-|than the general practitioner was Modern bank vaults have com-urhan Westmount, where he|aple to ne Ry gsi press air ventilators that supply keeps up a practice he started in by." oxygen to a person trapped in a 1399 y. vault, The vents also act as com- A He said while he recalls the munication links with the trapped ACTIVE LIFE "good old days" fondly, he person. He t to watch his goo mourn their passing "I've been in a vault when the|diet, and he spends summer . door has slammed shut o me," Jackends fishing in the Gatineau| "It was a good life and I en- he said, "and even though I'm hha joyed every moment of it. But ined locksmith, panic] A native of Huntingdon, Que., 2 irs he and I can see what{he graduated in medicine from times change and you have to McGill University and set up his|change with them. first offices at Shawville, Que.| All six of Dr. McNaughton's sons were graduated from Me- Gill. One, Francis, Jr., has fol- There he spent five years, han- lowed his dad's footsteps and is chief neurologist at the Montreal Neurological Institute. thetic." He moved to Westmount in 1904 |and became the suburb's health |officer, while maintaining a pri- {vate practice. After 15 years, he " /| CALGARY (CP ience in the lock has convinced Morris Head of Calgary that women are more careful with keys than men. "Men bust them, lose them or get impatient and jam them in locks," he said. "Women take better care of locks because they symbolize security to women. They are only a challenge to men, The 41-year-old locksmith, who (has been in the business for 23 |years, is so adept at opening | safes that police hear him an- | nually in a lecture on safe-break- |ing. | AIDS POLICE He is often consulted after safe- |cracking jobs, police seeking his opinion on whether the job was that of an amateur or profes- sional, and on just how it was carried out. Mr. Head says some safecrach- ers now are using electronic hear- ing devices to detect the click of . tumblers. This method is so pre- 3 [lee that the United States ne Found Accidental . ernment has changed all the| -- T WER AUTOMOBILE locks on its top-secret vaults, be| ph ee says. They were replaced with go..y "31 of New Liskeard, died . Its main |anti-electronic devices that make|c "" "1 nich discharged ac- tist at an electrochemical lab- | difference from present storage lit impossible to detect the clicks. | .qontally > oratory in Sunnyvale, Calif., de- batteries is that the active | The Calgary expert specializes Berry ws shot through the monstrates the use of a new | chemicalseare stored outside the |in opening jammed safes and| temple Nov. 8 while driving home kind of electrical battery, | cell. In repeated experiments, vaults, and servicing them. He| from a rabbit hunting trip in Hud- which, within five years, may | scientists have been getting al- [opposes the use of acetylene|gon Township. be perfected to the point where | most 100 per cent fuel utiliza- torches in releasing a person However, Theodore Millétte, 29, it could power an auto, airplane | tion from the revolutionary bat- from a locked vault. "There's|or New Liskeard will face two or space ship. The new battery | tery. danger of explosion by burning|charges under the Game and EE emp w-------------- ~|through a door," he said. | Fisheries Act for carrying a | Mr. Head cited a case some|loaded rifle in a car and for not |years ago when he cut through a having a hunting licence. Stewart ldoor. As soon as the flame|Brown, 33, of New "Liskeard, {burned through the last layer of driver of the car, was admon-| metal, there was an explosion ished. | )--Long exper- ith busi tigation reveale CECILB.DEMILLE'S THE TEN COMMANDMENTS A PARAMOUNT PICTURE IN VISTAVISION AND TECHNICOLOR ' . Man's Shooting would happen to some poor devil suddenly trapped in the dark be- hind a fortress of steel and rein- forced concrete." ATTERY MAY PO £ « Dr. Ross A. Quinn, scien- | is called a" fuel cell" 53 57 60 52 58 54 19 21 24 25 26 29 30 Watch This Space For New Numbers Daily CHARLTON yuu Sut ANNC EDWARD G. HESTON: BRYNN ER BAXTER - ROBINSON DE CARLO - PAGET - DEREK | MATS, Adults 90 ) Students J5 )} Children Shown TWICE DAILY .. 1.30-7.30 P.M. BOX OFFICE OPEN FROM 1 P.M. -- FREE LIST SUSPENDED A GRAND PROGRAM FOR THE FAMILY Blood Transfusion Ban Discussed By Panel HAMILTON (CP)--A city law-|child would die without a trans- yer says the Children's 24 So fusion. ciety ordered blood transfusions paxpN 10 COURT for seven or eight children inl ye cniq the Children's Aid So-| Hamilton after their parents re- ciety can go before the courts if fused permission for the opera- a child is not getting proper med tions. . ay ical care. Gordon Sullivan, QC, said in a In the cases question he, panel discussion before about 200 Childrens' Aid representatives doctors, members of the Hamilton and the doctor met the parents. General Hospital staff: "I don't They asked certain questions and see how any doctor can refuse if the parents continued their re-| a transfusion to a child. fusal, the society told the doctor Dr. T. L. Fisher, secretary-ito give the transfusions, treasurer of the Canadian Med- My, Sullivan said he does not fecal Protective Association, the think there was "one chance in other member of the panel, rec-'5 000,000" of the doctor concerned smmended against overruling pa- being charged with common as- rents' refusals. sault. DISAGREES "I don't see how anyone can "To the best of our knowledge ace, damages after saving a a doctor has no right to do any-__ thing to any person without his permission, or in the case of a child, parental or guardian per- mission," he said. EVEN! 1.25 5 | Benefit of CANADIAN FEDERATION OF THE BLIND Not affiliated with the C.N.LB, -------------- BINGO CARDS ON SALE AT YOUR NEWS DEALERS! a ROBERT JEFFREY HOPE WAGNER - HUNTER - LANGE ey | LAST DAY: "THE RIVER'S EDGE" plus ""TRIAL"--ADULT | | Limited Engagement Starts TOMORROW LAST DAY "Wind Across The Everglades" & "Rooney" Recent Graduates Makes It Possible Now To Accept a Limited Number Of Registrations For The NEW YEAR'S TERM at the Oshawa Business College Monday January 5, 1959. Choose from the following Career Courses: Business Administration -- Private Secretarial -- Junior Accountant -- Junior Secretarial -- Steno- grapher -- Clerk-Typist -- Special Grade Nine. in GET MORE OUT OF LIFE... GO OUT TO A MOVIE! SPECIAL MATINEES DAILY [FOR SCHOOL CHILDREN AT 3.35 P.M. WALT DISNEY'S SALUTE TO CANADA'S NORTH Walt Disneys TF WIR TECHNICOLOR Shop These Nights Placement Assistance available to Graduates Per- sonal-Individual Instruction -- Complete Modern A 14-year-old boy died in Win- nipeg Nov. 14 while a court con- sidered an application to allow a Bigod transfusion despite his pa- arents' refusal on religious grounds. Mr. Sullivan said this "was a shocking case where a child died while a judge thought about it DANCE You'll find that learning to dance at Arthur Murray's is quick, easy--it's fun and costs less. Studios J. Equipment, & 111 Simcoe St. S. Reserve Your Desk -- ACT NOW! Dial RA 5-3375 XN open daily Lo) 10 AM-10 PM. FEATURE DAILY 1:30-3:30-5:25-7:35-9:48 3 2420 20.20 24 2 20 2 2 22 3 BH BE EE EE HE BE ER HH Traditional Quality Since 1886 ad Diamond from Felt Bros overnight." "We would welcome a fest wcase," he said. He said in the cases of the sfusions administered over ents' objections his counsel based on provisions of the d Welfare Act and was given 5 when the doctor stated a B.C. Executive Finds Mother "In Marmora VANCOUVER (CP)--Alex Reid, after believing his mother to be idead for seven years, has found *hér alive in Marmora, and the M8-year-old woman will come here for Christmas with her son. Mr. Reid, an advertising execu- ive, said his "Christmas pres- ent" was brought to him by a riend from Ontario whom he had ot seen in a number of years but who knew his mother was live. 1 got on the long gone righ! away." id. "1 sonke to mother. # most thrilline, heart ¥ exverience of my life." "I told her to come ant here. tr live. She agree', and she'll be here for (hric'mas," Mr. Reid said he reccived a telegram seven vears a7o telling him his mother had died. "It came. frem a nerson 'wih the same name as one of my aunts. Now I+hink it must have heen addressed to the wrong Alex Reid." Mr. Reid has a wife and twc song, 13 and 14. Presidents 0f 2 Firms Complain TORONTO (CP) -- The presi- dents of Conadian General Elec- tric and Canadian Westinghouse say they fail to sce the instifica- tion of anti - trust suits filed against their parent United States corporations. The suits, filed Monday by the U.S. government, allege the firms had virtually closed the Canadian market to American radio manu- fag@rers since 1927, complaint said the firms opefated 'rough Canadian sub- sidiaries to establish a Canadian patent pool. The pool had started patent infringement suits against manufacturers and dealers of U.S. radio and television sets and refused to license dealers who in- tel to import U.S. sets into e do not understand the rea- son for the complaint," said Gen- eral Electric's Canadian pres- idedt, J. Herbert Smith "%he licensing policies of Cana- dian Radio Patents Limited and Canadian General Electric Com- pany Limited have been in strict compliance with Canadian law. TNH The Best Things Come In SHULTON Packages Hon 1 WILL YOU ACCEPT A 3 HOUR J [0 TRIAL LESSON? -- 4 | ARTHUR MURRAY | 11%2 SIMCOE ST .S., OSHAWA Phone RA 8-1681 ©, {AHS ; AF ariel dh EARLY AMERICAN OLD SPICE "Favorites"-- Toilet Water, Dusting Powder 3.50 DESERT FLOWER Toilet Water, Hand and Body Lotion * 2) J LAY 2 ol a 23 ZY N « a I ou > , £5 = 9 id NEW! ESCAPADE Spray Cologne 3.00 also available in Desert Flower 2 ot we Ld % * Rb 3 » Is iw FRIENDSHIP'S GARDEN "Charmer" -- Toilet Water, Bath Salts, Talcum, Body Sachet 1.50 § - distance said Mr. It was warm- AAR IT'LL JOLT YOU -HARD! Whose fault is it they run wild--after finding their respectable" parents at big motel parties! RRA RHF > OLD SPICE FOR MEN Body Talcum and After Shave Lotion 2.60 €, 3) 5) 1 > €, & & 3 » ¢, & 3 » & v3 3 2\¥ . > Ba Wl € 5 £9 a) J > STORES -- PRYING bi] un orf |. -- | TEEN ol > A J id Ne +, {4 V/ILLIAM C. 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