The Oshawa Times, 26 Nov 1958, p. 40

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Plutonium Put ToWork For Purposes Of Peace (readily available. Canada does| Some 12 pounds of plutonium By JOHN E. BIRD Canadian Press Staff Writer | CHALK RIVER, Ont. (CP) --| Plutorium -- the material which| gives the atomic bomb its ex- plosive power--is being It is being used to crease considerably the research capac- ity of the second most powerful atomic reactor operated by crown-owned Atomic Energy of Canada Limited at this great nu- clear establishment 135 miles northwest of Ottawa. Dr. G. O. Baines, executive as- sistant to Dr. W. B. Lewis, vice- president of the , said #in an interview that plutonium is CANADIAN BREAKS U.S.-GER First Canadian to capture a trophy in 1958 International jumping competition, Themas Gayford guides his mount, Blue bk | being used as a fuel, along with MEN MONOPOLY Beau, over a barrier at the two stiff jumpoffs to win the Royce A. Drake Memorial National Horse Show in New Challenge trophy, thus break: York. Gayford, captain of the | ing el ) breaks Canadian team, came through | and U.S, riders. fo patural uranium, in NRX, code name for the $11,000,000 reactor. NEW DISCLOSURE This is the first time the com- pany has disclosed this develop- ment, although plutonium has been used as a fuel in NRX since 1951, "We consider our success with plutonium as a fuel as quite an achievement," DraBaines said. Need for an atomic fuel more ted than natural ura- Cabinet Decides 'Develop New Wheat Strain nium became apparent early in 1951, It was found then that na- tural uranium could not produce sufficient atomic particles (neu- trons) within the reactor to keep it operating when it was loaded with special auxiliary equipment PEREZ WINS DECISION WILLEMSTAD, Curacao (AP) World flyweight champion Pas- {cual Perez of Argentina won a 1 BEATS MICHIGAN ANN ARBOR, Mich. (AP)--The | )-- | University of Toronto handed the in a soccer game watched by| University of Michigan's Wolver- * persons Sunday, It was! ine soccer club its first loss of the HUNGARY TOPS BELGIUM BUDAPEST, Hungary (Reut Hungary whi > AT (31 (40,000 unanimous decision over Tito the first Hungary-Belgium inter- season Sunday by scoring two: Rangone in a 10-round, non-title! national game here in more than| second-half goals for a 2 30 years. out, jet Saturday night. | not have the means to make ura- now being used in NRX is re- nium-235, produced in plants in | sponsible for producing from 10 the United States costing $1,000,- to 15 per cent of the 40,000 kilo- 000,000 to erect, {watts of energy produced by the The natural uranium rods in reactor. The plutonium is in the uranium-235, the material which |shape of the natural uranium makes the atomic process pos-|fuel rods. sible. More than 99 per cent of| Dr. Baines said experience ob- natural uranium is uranium-238 tained to date lends confidence which is not fissionable. to the continued use of plutonium The uranium-235 can be sepa- as a source of fuel enrichment rated from natural uranium for for atomic research reactors, use as a highly - concentrated Canada sill be able to rely on atomic' fuel. The cost is prohibi- its Chalk River reactors for an tive for Canada. abundant supply of plutonium, Other countries are using ura- NRX and NRU, the biggest Ca- nium-235 to enrich natural ura- nium fuel and must buy the bulk of it from the U.S, Enrichment of nadian reactor, can produce about 145 pounds annually, Most of which is sold to the U.S, natural uranium with one to two per cent by weight of uranium- 235, the amount of greatest inter- est for power reactors, costs from $35 to $110 a pound. But highly enriched uranium, in which 90 per cent of the atoms are uranium-235, costs about $7, 000° a pound. VALUED EXPERIENCE Dr, Baines said Canada's work with plutonium has enabled this country to "build up perhaps more experience in the use of this fuel than any other coun- This experience will be invalu- able in the event that plutonium can be used in' future in elec- tricity - producing atomic power plants, Canada's present plans Good Paintings As Investments WINNIPEG (CP)--~Two Cana- |dian art experts say paintings are among the world's safest in- vestments, They are Dr, R. H. Hubbard, chief curator of the National Gal lery of Canada, and John Korner, lecturer at the Vanccuver School of Art, They were h re to judge] a three-week exhibition opening Nov. 8 at the Winnipeg Art Gal- lery. There is one reservation, how- Flannelette PYJAMAS ASSORTED COLORS AND STRIPES. EDMONTON (CP) -- Plant sci- for tests on. fuels for atomic for power stations involve the|ever, Santa says... THE MOST WELCOME GIFTS COME FROM PEOPLE'S CLOTHING Our staff is well informed on all the lotest styles in men's clothing and will be pleased to assist you in your selection of a suitable gift for the mon in your life: and remember, SATISFACTIO GUARANTEED OR MONEY RFFUNDED, Beige and Charcoal All Sizes Christmas Special 19.95 SHIRTS WHITE & MERRIN. A ak anib In Rail Issue {entists at the University of Al- By JOHN LeBLANC |vincial governments--all except berta have developed a new rust- Canadian Press Staff Writer |Ontario and Quebec--against a resistant variety of soft white OTTAWA (CP) -- Indications |17-per-cent freight rate increase spring wheat called Kenhi, point to a federal cabinet decis-|granted by the board of trans-| It was developed specifically jon today that could avert the|Port commissioners last week, el-/for the southern Alberta irrga- crippling railway strike called fective on the strike date of Dec. tion area where it will be grown for Dec. 1. : under special contract for mil- The cabinet was meeting at| The unions want a 14-cents-an- ling companies using soft white 10:30 a.m. EST, and an announce- | hour wage increase amounting to spring wheat for production of ment of a strike-settling decision [Some $60,000,000 a year. The rail- pastry flour, Was lexpected later in the day, (ways have accepted, conditionall Epidemics of stem and leaf But no federal informant would |°" getting the freight rate in- rust in recent years have caused say Whether the cabinet was mer- crease, severe losse in yield and quality ely going to allow the latest Meanwhile, at Montreal head- of the Lemhi variety now grow- freight rate increase or pull some quarters of the railways and the ing in the region. sort, of financial formula out of 15 strike-threatening unions rep- the official sleeve. |resenting 130,000 non - operating entists crossed the rust-suscept- One high informant said Tues- workers, officials were standing iple Lemhi with the Kenya var- day 'that the cabinet is designing by waiting for word from the cab- jety, which is resistant to rust a plan that should end the threat inet. but otherwise unsuitable. To overcome these losses, sci-| power plants. The natural uranium fuel rods | [in NRX could be enriched with| etter plutonium or nradium~-25. NRX to enrich the natural ura- " READILY AVAILABLE [nium fuel rods. This quantity has | hazardly, sald Mr. Korner. The decision was made to use generated as much heat as could Dr, Hubbard. said paintings| plutonium because it was a by-|be obtained by burning 4,500 tons | Which are considered good today | product of the reactor and waslof coal. may be ignored in future, ga "The reasons some painters] |Vancouver, so he packed up and are not recognized until after use of natural uranium as a fuel, Since 1951 about 21 pounds of plutonium have been used in N "You must get adequate advice from a sincere art expert before you start collecting hap 3.95 PROROOEOOOEIEORN USE OUR LAYAWAY CHRISTMAS SPECIAL! ALL SIZES » headed up to Kitimat. He found their death is not necessarily due | e mil S |work there, but he was laid off|to stubbornness on the part of the Off Gain seven weeks later just after he[public," Dr. Hubbard said. *Of-| got his family settled. It was a|ten this work must meet the test | company house and they had to|of time in order to determine thel LONDON (CP) -- John Smith HéS PVE |and his family have already emi-|"8 '€8. grated to Australia and Canada| Mrs. Smith says she took her find another place, Mrs, Smith|value." gnant and their son broke and back to England, and they son to hospital, and she received are setting sail soon again. This/the bill two days later, "That's PLAN Dr. Hubbard is working on the | second volume of a work entitled | { European Paintings in Canadian | Collections, Another book, an an-| ; thology of Canadian art, is to be| published shortly. \ » Ct CREDIT? JUST ASK! STORE LIMITED [4 of the transcontinental rail tieup. "Everything is under control," he said. An announcement of the cabinet plan had been expected late Tues- day, but miscarried. GREEN EMPTY-HANDED In, Parliament Hill's East Block with the cabinet in session, acting prime minister Green sent word) out to waiting reporters that| there would be a statement at about 5:30 p.m. EST. But at 5:30 time it might be Australia, or|Canada all over," she says. | Finally Sm".h, got a job in a {dairy and they moved into a tiny flat. "We cut down on every- [thing," says Mrs. Smith, and af- ter saving all winter they had | enough money to return to their native London this summer, | The Smiths first '~ft England in 1952 when Smith, steel rigger, | gned up as a miucr for an as-| sisted passage to Australia. He| worked underground for eight months, then got a job in his ewn, line. By 1957 they had a house, a Both sides were ready to re- The offspring was a higher- sume negotiations swiftly, pro- wielding, I ry Ieher: perhaps South Africa, but it defi- vided the cabinet gave some that is resistant to stem rust--in.|Ditely won't be Canada. ground for new talks. cluding race 158 and other new| The Smiths had one year in races--as well as leaf rust com-|Canada and, so far as they are mon to southern Alberta, |concerned, that was just about | Development of the new var- enough, fety from the original Lemhi.| They landed in Vancouver from Kenya cross to the stocking of Australia in the summer of 1957, 40,000 bushels of seed in eight|and until 40-year-old Smith, his Octopus-Hunt - ears * , : yife and fi hild left Kiti- Is Explained jin "ruins" ith vie st ou sas J ravicabe H ths ago they were not too VANCOUVER (CP) -- The se-| brid variety has been produced in|MoR too cret of successful octopus-hunting Canada," the university said in a happy. The biggest problem was p.m; Mr. Green turned up empty- handed. is to allow the prey to catch the statement. --| "We decided to call it (the an-| hunter, says Len Erlandsen, skin-| 5 { nouncement) off," he said. "We diver, who has had considerable vers recently caught two 50-| called it a day." experience in the sport. pounders in about 65 feet of wa- "When will there be an an- 'The idea is to float over the ter. One was given to Vancouver nouncement?'" a reporter asked. octopus until it comes up and|/Aquarium and the other was "Have you got an aspirin?" Mr. grabs you," he said. 'After that cooked for dinner. Green replied it is just a matter of surfacing, "After three hours in the pot The cabinet's decision revolves and getting untangled." around an appeal by eight pro-' Erlandsen and three other di-'sen. DELUXE ER CE pt | Big Reductions in other Cabinet Models and Portab WHILE THEY LAST! Reductions Apply to Present Stock Only i These are brand new machines priced to sell quickly in a big first-come, first-served clearance. A small layaway payment will reserve yours today! Just a flick of your finger with this Fingertip Automatic gives you: les also Fast, sturdy mending o Handsome monogramming © Hundreds of decorative stitches © Quick, perfect buttonholes o Pr I looking appliq © Buttons sewn on the easy way You can own a Fingertip Automatic for as little as 2 10 per week on r casy Budget Plan--and you deal only with SINGER. ' SINGER SEWING CENTER (nin 10 phone best wader SINGER SEWING MACHING COMPANY) anal it is just like cod," sald Erland- | finding work. "Several times I'd get a job," recalls Smith, 'then somebody else would come who'd do it for a bit less money and he'd be taken." He says this happened in Mr, Korner, who was born in |Czechoslovakia, has been with the Vancouver Sch * ~f Art five | years, He is leavin is year to 36 SIMCOE ST. N. OSHAWA RA 3.3612 devote his time to ,...nting. | CHRISTMAS SPECIAL car, and £700 when they heard about opportunities in Canada. | Looking back, they say it was a mistake to move at that time, but | Smith has few regrets. | Exclusive a extraordinary perfume value! ful gifts . , . give or keep the Perfume have a Coty Perfume 10.00 val L'Aimant Whatever the occasion, here's the charming and easy way to solve all your gift problems, Give individual perfume packages as delight- Quartette tray as one impressive present , . , four fine perfumes - Emeraude L'Origan COTY DESIGN FOR PROPER SHIELDING Four world-famous Coty fragrances, each in an exquisite purser flacon. Individually boxed -- if bought separately would be $2.50 each, (UP TO 16 FEET) FOR ALL CLASS "A" Is a New Law! EVERY ONE OF CANADA'S 750,000 PLEASURE BOATS OF CLASS "A" (up to 16 feet) OR CLASS "1" (16 to 26 feet) MUST HAVE PROPER LIGHT- ING - FORE AND AFT - IN COASTAL WATERS AND ON OUR LAKES AND RIVERS! THE NEW BURGESS BK 100 BOAT-LITE KIT IS FULL OF FEATURES NEVER BEFORE OFFERED TO SMAL BOAT OWNERS. 3 Look! at these Outstanding Features ' . Optically Perfect Red - Green Bow Light correctly shielded for maximum safety, New Plug -- In Stem Light with flag-pole feature.' the complete Perfume Corrosion-resistant Aluminum Alloy Material resists salt Quartette yourself and water atmosphere. to suit your every mood. Leakproof, Weatherproof,, 6 volt battery with enough power for 25 to 30 hours of continuous boating safety, ue...only $500 . Complete Kit is Ready to Install with simple tools, "Paris" "Rules of the Road" , , , showing lights on other boats ond what they meoa LIST PRICE 18.95 MITC Drug. R17 Telo] JE J CITY-WIDE FREE DELIVERY SPECIAL CHRISTMAS PRICE Now. PLUG-IN STERN LIGHT FLAG POLE (16 TO 26 FEET) and CLASS "I" += BOATS NO BK-100 BOAT-LITE KIT ALL IN ONE EASY-Tu-BUY PACKAGE Everything needed on small boats for safe navigation after dark is eontained in the Burgess Boat-Lite Kit; eombination red - green running light; stern-light; powerful é volt battery; toggle-switch; mounting bracket; twin-lead insulated wire (enough for a 26' boat); screws and necessary hardware, 353 KING WEST ALL MARINE SUPPLIES ELL' IN MID-TOWN ' OSHAWA 2-95 RA 3-931 . Goop PARKING 0 shuts LRuaaamd i

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