The Oshawa Times, 26 Nov 1958, p. 37

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By STEWART MacLEOD (cess out of his store and was in Canadian Press Saff Writer |vited to take over another store ~ Shortly after to put it back on its feet, He suc the war, a London bookstore dis- played a somewhat grotesque car- toon depicting two scientists peer- ing around a bush at a prehis toric monster. "Roget's Thesaurus!" they ex- claimed with glee. This was a new stunt in Brit- ish bookselling, the first rea! break away from the traditional conservative dignity which gov- erned the business for centuries. And most of the customers prob- Ably thought that Tony Godwin, who concocted this new idea, didn't know much sbout running an English bookstore, FIRST VENTURE Actually, Godwin, then 26, knew practically nothing about the bus. iness although he had lived in England all his life and did his share of book-buying. Further- more, this was his first venture alter a wartime military life But, looking back, he thinks his ignorance of the subject was not such a bad thing. At feast he made a thumping financial sue- High Propaganda Fought In Korea By PHILIP KIM sand Pyongyang radios, deals in SEOUL, South Korea (Reuters) 'confessions' of soldiers who Although the shooting war in bave defected across the Korean Korea long since has ceased, a demilitarized zone propaganda battle still is being In spite of dense minefields, fought between the South Korean and constant patrols of the zone Broadcasting * System and the by the opposing sides, there | North Korean Cultural Broadcast-'still a small but steady traffic of ing Committee, defecting soldiers and officers in Pyongyang Radio, the major both directions, The defectors in station in North Korea, this fall evitably turn up in the record- expanded its Korean language ing rooms of the Seoul and program schedule beamed to Pyongyang radio stations South Korea to 872 hours a.week' A favorite of Pyongyang radio from 73% hours is a 'personal letter program" This station also broadcasts addressed to individuals in South Russian, Chinese, English and Korea from relatives said to be Japanese programs living in North Korea ap : Gets Material Off The Street ean War by Allled bombings, but LONDON (AP) the managing directorship of Bumpus, one of the city's biggest stores, Of course he has learned a lot since his first venture, off, To prove it, he once deliber ately misspelled a word in an ad vertisement posted in a subway station, Hundreds of letters were written about it. Godwin's pleasur e was not shared by the advertising depart. ment of the London transport ex- ecutive which was unaware of the experiment, When he first established his Better Books Shop, Godwin solici- ted the services of cartoonist Ron- ald Searle. Soon millions of Lon doners were exposed to his buy- ing suggestions -- and business boomed, ANCIENT METHODS Godwin thinks other bookstores should brighten up their sales piteh, "This country has the best imaginative literature and the { it continued broadcasting from underground studios, North Korean reporters at Pan- munjom, In the neutral zone, say that the station has been rebuilt with Soviet technical ald since the armistice of 1053 Countering the North Korean porary artist - poet . sculptor radio is a station In Seoul oper: Edouard Mesens, '1 pick up off ted by the government - owned the sidewalks, off the streets," "South Korean Broadcasting Sys- He's not kidding either y tem y The station broadcasts for 2% Seuens latest collection of 14 * hours daily a special program for objects, paintings and montages "brethren suffering in northern|!s stacking up Londoners in a Korea" and a one-hour program queue outside a Mayfair salon * intended for North Korean troops. They are paying hard money A one-hour dally Chinese - lan-|to look at artistic arrangements guage program sponsored by the Involving an old fish server, tel-| Nationalist Chinese Embassy ephone wire, bus tickets, lottery bere als ih put on fhe air by fhe stubs. old do w spapers, torn "stat. lor nese Com- stamps, oak leaves, a plece of $ Tufliplams a ed In North [calendar and milk bottle Toph x NO Mesens asks a uickly gets! REARLINE SUPPORT |trom £45 ($120) 16 £80 for each * Supporting the two front - line of his works. 3 stations in Korea 'are Moscow 'Mesens denies he is an artist. fod Peiping radio stations, on| h ' e Communist side, and on the Vater he wuts 3 8 Shucker Mj ! v he other side the * Inite Nan 0, ihe W¥oies o Soted Belgian - turned - Londoner said which also relays Voice of Amer. | I'M eating regularly -- three ica broadcasts from Washington, !imes a day--so I don't care a All these stations have Russian, reat deal. This makes me dif. . English, Chinese and Korean pro. ferent from many artists ¢ rams, "Let's say I'm also a poet. My The most common type of prop- object is to bring elements to 1ganda program, on hoth Seoul gether with poetic intention." "The mater| # . Roget's Thesaurus Was Start Of Selling Stunt . tandem, als T use for my art, sald contem-'000 Troops Bored | But UN Likes | most unimaginative bookshops ini GAZA STRIP (AP) -- It was the world -- 20 years behind the 80 quiet the two Danish soldiers times." on guard were reading. ceeded, and now is taking over. One London bookstore manager, They nad put aside their rifles tionale to pay Donato Mastrac- who has no intention of following and binoculars. this suggestion is Montreal-bors| The Danes belong to the United John Hoare who runs Hatchards,|Nations Emergency Force a fine old shop that hasn't been|(UNEF) dispatched to fhe Gaza One of the things he learned is changed for 160 years. His estab-|Sirip in March 1957 after with. |Posit box in an east-end branch that cartooning advertising pays lishment does a world-wide busi-| drawal of the Israeli troops that|of the bank during a burglary in ness and he has said that "per-|attacked Egypt haps a modernization job would'1956, drive everyone away." The continued calm is borin 1 " Sowa wy mena L2 the 5400-man force. But it's D) t t J Ni methods arises from the fact he just Wha The Uniied- Nations began the business without ex. perience The General in November Eo Te o a recently to continue UNEF for It you're into the trade |, hor yea; at an estimated or spend years learning the busl-| 0,04 of 610,000,000. The Soviet Un ness in an old-established firm |ion" ang iis satellites . refuse to you naturally accept the existing pay any of the special assess. framework, But when 1 started 1 : 4 didn't even know there was a ig Yt wmalst UNEP = Oper framework." This outpost on a hill is simi He decided the best systems i . to oihore along a 33-mile de- were bright lights, serve-yoursell| oo ion line, a plowed furrow counters, and heavy advertising. |, oi "cons ates' the narrow Gaza It would be difficult to weigh |g f Israel the results accurately. Both God- rp rom. era. win's store and Hatchards do a' UNEF Is deployed also along hefty business. the frontier between Israel and eee | EGYPL and down to Sharm el |Sheikh, which dominates the en- 2 C li ts trance to the Gulf of Agaba. Yc 18 FROM SEVEN NATIONS | Seven nations contribute men Together to UNEF--Brazil, Canada, Den- mark, India, Norway, Sweden BELGRADE, Yugoslavia (AP) and Yugoslavia. Indonesia, Fin- When Draga Brankovic and Boza/land and Colombia did at the Marjanovic go cycling the people start but have pulled out. of their Serbian village don't pay The Gaza Strip is divided into mich attention ; five sectors, manned by Danish, But any stranger in Osipaonica Norwegian, Swedish, Indian and certainly will turn to watch the! Brazilian contingents, Motorized two men, who form a peculiar Canadian and Yugoslav units pa- trol the rugged Sinai Desert. Ca- Both are disabled. Brankovic is nadian aifmen use three UN paralyzed and cannot walk, while planes for reconnaissance Marjanovie is blind following a! Amusement is scarce in the bomb accident, Neither is Capa: Gaza Strip. But movies are ble of riding a bicycle by himself. shown nightly in UNEF camps, But they can do it together. The and library facilities are avail aralyzed man steers while the/gple. The UN sends entertain blind one sits behind and does ment troupes regularly to the the pedaling area. Sports tournaments are or- EXPENSIVE CAMPAIGN | kanized among the various con- ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) -- The tingents. Republican state committee re. After three months each soldier ported Monday It went $988,0001s entitled to spend one week at | into the red to finance the cam. A leave centre with all expenses paign of governor-elect Nelson A.|pald by UNEF Rockefeller and his running] UNEF officials say that some mates, The Democratic party's/of the men--motly from Scandi- state chairman, Michael H. Pren-'navian countries ask for re- dergast, said the Democratic de- newal of their assignment at the ficit would be "less than $400,- end of their normal six - month tour of duty Enchantment ™ 4 *.5 Christmas Condle, gay and charming, contains six Blue Gran Petal Wafers for the LS - Blue Gross Bath Stand holds Mand Lotion, Flower Mist, Atomizer, hedart-shape Soap $5.00 "autumn so : pi oy Faberge our newest hit the pretty and practical Shower Kit, .. Fabergé cologne, soop in travel compact and bath powder shaker. .. all three matched together in a charming waterproot travel case 4,50 the set shown here in fall's own fragrance wonderful woodsy Woodhue also available in Aphrodisia, Blue Grass accordion-shaped Puff-Puff Dusting Powder, In shining foil container $1.25 ond $2.00 Blue Grow Mand Lotion end Bath S00p.......cnen $2.28 Flower Mist in one of three famous fragronces-- White Sparkling Tree Ball with two lovely surprises inside . . . Bive - Grows Solid Cologne for her Tigress or Flambeau $8 KING ST E, DIPYRE TSN Orchid, June Geranium, Care $2. handbag ond a Stop Red 8 KING ST. E PHONE, RA 32245 5 KING'ST Ww - 530 SIMCOE ST. § PHONE RA5-3546 OSHAWA BOWMANVILLE - PHONE MA 3-5778 | Calm At Gaza | Bank Responsible | For Deposits MONTREAL (CP) -- Buy ..ior Court has ruled a bank is as re- sponsible for money put in its sa- fety deposit boxes as for regular deposits. Mr, Justice Claude Prevost or- dered the Banque Canadienne Na- chio, Montreal cafe owner, $12,750 | and accrued interest. Mastracchio asserted the money was stolen from his safety de- January, 1956, The bank said renting a safety deposit box imposed no respon- sibility on the bank for its con- tents. New Airport Up-To-Date WELLINGTON, New Zealand (Reuters) -- When Wellington's $11,000,000 Rongotai Airport opens about the middle of April, 1959, |this capital will have one of the most up-to-date airports in the world. Stretching from Evans Bay to Lyall Bay, a distance of more than a mile, with Rongotai har- bor off the northern end of the |airstrip and Cook Strait off the southern end, the new airport is surrounded by hills. But the airstrip will have an over-run of between 350 feet and 450 feet at each end and radar and other navigational aids will] ensure safety in landings and takeoffs Few airports serving a capital city, or any other city for that matter, are as close to the centre of the city. About 150 houses had to be moved before work could begin on the site, EE EE EE ERE RE RE REL REET * & €, WY €, £3 WX & % AA AAA RAAAA AH ALAARAAA RA AAAL ALT AAT AHA AR ZARA AAA CHRISTMAS SPECIALS CAKE SAFE COMPLETE WITH ALUMINUM COVER WITH WARMER SPECIAL . COFFEE CARAFE 1 89 . 1.50 LAZY SUSAN THE PERFECT GIFT CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Reg. 6.50 [WX ® ELECTRIC CLOCKS ® GLASSWARE ® HOUSEWARES > © HARDWARE ® CANISTER SETS RUACHON PPUSSUS ----------.: FROM RA 3-4669 TREE LIGHTS ® ALL SIZES ® CHOICE OF COLORS up 1.80 Flintoff Hardware Ltd. 13 KING WEST SHOP AT MEAGHER'S Santa Says . . . FOR EVERYONE ON YOUR LIST USE OUR LAYAWAY PLAN! TRY 5 KING ST. WEST 317 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY PLAZA, MO 8-2338 | TAPE RECORDERS ELECTRIC "FRY PAN PORTABLE RADIOS OSHAWA had SE a wh a . MIXERS ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR Give the man in your life an ELECTRIC PORTABLE TELEVISION Pommmmyr-- MEAGHER'S RA 3-3425 AND SAVE! FOR LASTING = PLEASURE! SANDWICH GRILLS GRIDDLES DEEP FRYERS

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