|<] THE OSHAWA TIES, Wednesdoy, November 26, 1958 ARMOUR HANNA ; Chairman, publicity committee Secretary, publicity committee Chairman, Live Beside | Baby Bom Their Guns MATSU (AP) -- They live be- side their guns, these nearly for- goiten men of the offshore war. | They are the 20,000 Nationalist| soldiers on the Matsu Islands, all| but ignored while world attention focuses on the Communist shell- BROWN ELDON SOUTHWELL DON 58 finance committee 'Maps Too On Seaway Confusing Mid-Stream s of Mexico confuse most CORNWALL (CP) -- Mrs. Ver-tourists. The government has onica Cook of St. Regis, Que., was come up with one which in time expecting a baby when she drove may keep 'em rolling in the right |onto the ferry John J. Walsh at|direction, | MEXICO CITY (APX( -- The| map: |1ts United States terminal across| The country's first "'technically| 'Lucky Shopper Events Featured Downtown Lucky shopper days are ab rdde feature to the cordial ser Jt 4 where At an | spots on their premises range of articles from which customers normally pass. to choose. | vice and warm wel d ed to the public by member stores of the Oshawa Downtown Merchants' Association during the Christmas Shopping season. The 65 member stores have worked out a plan whereby 12 to 15 visitors to downtown stores receive attractive and useful gift= while Christmas shopping downtown, Lucky shopper days will be held throughout the downtown district on Nov. 20 and Dec. 6. In addition, lucky shopper nights will be held on the first two nights stores will remain open for special Christmas shopping, Dec. 11 and 12. ELIGIBLE FOR GIFTS Any person shopping downtown on these dates is el for gifts valued at not less than $5. It is not necessary to make a pur- chase but only to be in a pre- |arranged spot in any of the {association member stores when jan unscheduled announcement is made, Different stores will pick dif- |] {side trips. One traveller on a re- {cent trip through the Isthmus of | Tehuantepec carried six maps, all |different. One chart may have a town| . |70-car downtown parking lot onigiores and Ollie Hart, (Central d time, noticel Details of some sales are in.| be given that the personicluded in this special Downtown standing nearest to or on that Merchants Christmas supple- spot at the particular mom- ment and others will be displayed ent the anpouncement is in Oshawa advertisements will receive a gift. | throughout e Christmas seas- |KEPT ON FILE on. » Names 38 addresses of win- IMPORTANT COMMITTEES | Bers Bre town kept on file byl mye Downtown Merchants' As- Yo ng Merchants As-\o,oiation publicity committee, sociation executive with plang|yphich is responsible for the | 0g, Ma or a possible grand); iv shopper day plan, brillant Ay a |downtown Christmas lighting and Many Oshawa citizens have oiher public service projects, is been presented gifts on the first) made up of: Armour Hanna lucky shopper days which were (waimgey and Magill) chair- held Nov. 15 and 22, The Nov.| an and members, Sid Burns, 15 lucky shopper day coincided (gym Credit Jewellers), Mur with the opening of the ray Swartz, (People's Clothing will Wash Athol street west, , Visitors to the Oshawa Business| owe; Dou Joie Wary Dry disirict this season will be re- 4 celved at familiar stores where| Members of the Downtown friendliness and service have|Merchans' Association finance been the bywords for years, A|committee are: Eldon Southwell, warm welcome and utmost ef. (Davidson's Shoe Store) chair- fort to provide the best service pin TR ant pt ius, Teles possible will prevail, Iw . (Karn's Drug store) and MANY SALES {Norm Ward, (Ward's Auto Sup- There will be many Christmas ply). The finance committee has| sales featured as the downtown arranged financing for the sue- merchants endeavour to make cessful display of Christmas {shopping practical to the budget lighting downtown and other as- | well as to provide a wide sociation Christmas projects. as DYES HER OWN WOOL FOR TAPESTRY ART Three - quarters of a million | by Elizabeth Le Fort of Cape | stitches went into this tapestry | Breton Island. The art of creat- | ing scenes on tapestry is one of The Last Supper, one of | handed down from generation many such works of art being to generation on Cape Breton shown in Canada and the US. | and, dyeing her own wool to obtain desired colors, Miss Le Fort is able to make her work indistinguishable from oll paint. ing at a distance of five or six feet, Some of her work has sold for as high as $15,000, SHOP AND SAVE AT CHERNEY'S IN DOWNTOWN OSHAWA #4 of the Quemoys, 1% miles lhe St. Lawrence River from|complete" map will be used at/named Sante something, another . He. south. intal 24-h |Cornw all Island Tuesday. {first by the various ministries. |lists the same place under an old| Bl Be a dor. | The suspense was over when ater it may serve as a basis|Indian name, usually impossible | standby alert, sleping un fou | the John J. steamed into its is- for a general map. {to promounce. The government Bom hx illery A aces land anchorage. A son was born| The map based on aerial sur-|may have renamed a place a cen- | -- bi gy ry PIES lin midstream to the 18-year-old yous and photographs, shows ev: [tury ago, but stubborn natives | They live in an intricate sys. |"if€ of a seaway steelworker. ary town with over 500 population, stick to the old name. | tem of tunnels, pillboxes -and| the major highways, lakes, riv.| The tourist-minded government | bunkers. Fortress Matsu is a growth and barren ground. Closer ers, forests, lowlands, ranchesis doing something about highway four-square-mile beehive of sub-/in, you can observe the network and farms. Special colors even In-|gigng, too. A major highway may | terranean fortifications carved |of 50 miles of dirt roads and clus- dicate types of foliage. [fork four ways, with no identify. | largely by hand and chisel out of ters of corrugated tin houses of | Current maps, including some ing signs pointing in any direc | rock. The four other Nationalist [the fishing villages put out by the government agen: (tion, This is slowly being rem | outpost islands of the Matsu' Also in close, Sou san Ke ir- cies, are conflicting, contradic-|edied. oup are the same. regular lines of trenches and row tory and confusing. 4 ey are strung from three tojafter row of barbed wire barrl:| Distances differ. names of of aon io Se past lock) 0 miles from the Communist|cades against landings towns vary, highways shown as nd me tyre were frequently | mainland. By Nationalist estl-| There are 11,000 Chinese civil jjncomplete may be beautifully | ¢ Fh ia Wey BL mate, 300 Red gun emplacements 'ians on the Matsu Islands, nearly paved "or vice versa" (which is! ® Lh I Bary els face them. all dependent on government held |, real vice) and terrain is some | slabs buried deep and "solidly. "Visitors invariably ¢ on 8 ide r|to survive. Those who were farm |imes up when it should be down. |g, JX" C0 BER AT "He Con rs wigs of Runes cae ou San Swivate oul) fiaher.| CARRIED SIX MAPS tourists may find thelr way --Approachin; ing the main PIPER oe are restricted to taking their! Tourists travelling the mainaround Mexico without outside | gom the sea, you see only aiboats mo more than 3,000 yards Pan American Highway do not help-- Just the new map, a clear less, mountain island of scrub! fiom the islands. suffer as much as those who take. vision, an i patience. | SAAR an RCA VICTOR ALL-NEW 21" SCREEN ] CONSOLE MODEL Here is your chance to purchase @ new 1959 television set and get o special trade-in. allow- once for your old TV vot, JAMA ADARRRARVRHVRVRARNY Lire SPECIAL CLEARANCE SALE MEN'S VERCOAT MEDIUM AND HEAVY WEIGHTS Thursday, Friday and Saturday Only! AT THIS VERY LOW PRICE aN Your Trade-In Accepted As Your Down -Payment 2 The. "Southvale" , , , with power transformer chassis that assures stronger, more reliable performance and longer tube life, Now a brighter, clearer picture! New stay-set volume con- trol , . . improved '"bal- anced" fidelity sound and beautiful cabinetry, It's all yours to enjoy the {inest in Christmas enter- tainment. od Ebi BG Ee Ee gu Hm Cy - RRR RIRINRS RN RT Mit BY 3) a TRINNY 4 1 & & ® & : 4 =. LA - & , & 0 FACTORY LIST PRICE $329.95 Your Trade-In Accepted As Down Payment Ezactly as Mustrated a ARBORITE-TOP OCCASIONAL TABLES TRA REGULAR TO 74.50 en 751 Here's an opportunity that you cannot afford to overlook, especially at these prices. Quality, style and warmth go into these fine overcoats offered to you at AANA tf > ¥, & be & Ti A ! &) A NEw ARM Ri Of MIT 5 MATERIALS. Crombies, Velours, Meltons, Elysion miortablt Spring. Constructic Ek 3 » STYLES: Single-breasted slip-on, slash pockets or button through patch pockets. td > ¥ PLEASE ALLOW ABOUT § DAYS FOR DELIVERY 2» 3 » SHADES: Brown, Navyblue, Oxford Grey, Teal Blue Choice of 5 UECORATOR COLORS & 5 » SIZES: 35 to 44. Also many tall sizes . EXTRA SPECIAL! WEY KENMAR RECLINING CHAIR Here's a perfect chair for Dad, but you can be certain it will get a lot of use from everyone in the family. It's not only comfortable . . . it's good looking . . . and notice the "heavy- wear" areas are upholstered in wash able Boltaflex. It's available in three eolours . . . Red, Green and Beige. - E: » GROUP 2 "MEN'S TOPGOATS 1 DOZEN ONLY FANCY TWEEDS REGULAR 39.00 TO 45.00 Sale 24.50 » tH Yu t ARERR Ls 0 GROUP 1 MEN'S TOPCOATS MOSTL" TWEEDS RAGLAN. SLEEVES SIZES 35 TO 42 REGULAR TO 55.00 Sale 39.50 ¥ » « 5 3 SRININ » Buy them separately or in a matched group of three. They make a perfect gift. The tops of the tables are heat and stain resistant . . . genuine Arborite in a wood grain effect. Available in three finishes , . . Walnut, Silver Fox or Light Oak . « . at one low price. Automatically to Any Position... for Reading, Relaxing or TV Viewing. RANA $6.00 DOWN DELIVERS Balance As Low As 1.00 Weekly PO OWNTOWN 7 INC UA AARNE {WT HH A