The Oshawa Times, 26 Nov 1958, p. 16

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6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Waednesdey, November 26, 1958 OFFICE HOURS == THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [EE RA 3-3492 B8--Building Trades Weed |15--Instruction 22--Radio and T.V. Repairs | 1--Accountants | MUSICAL instruction on Spanish|SPECIALIZED radio and television Please Note INDEX | VALE, Friediander, Hunter and Co. BRICK laying, block laying, general Accountants, and auditors. Licensed cement work. A. J. Groen, Bowman. guitar, piano accordion, saxaphone. We|service. All makes Fred Thompson, 157 i will teach in your home or our studios.|Elliot Street. Call RA 3.9792, " now In eftect for [Trustee in Bankruptcy, 54 King. Street |ville, MA 3-2070, Sesdiin ; TO WANT AD {East, Oshawa; B. L. Yale, CA: F For information phone RA 3.2848. Births, Memoriams, Cords of ~ (¥ riedlander, B Comm., CPA CLASSIFICATION wos CLANCY'S oniario Accounting] JACK C. MacDONALD TVET Ta sie Bi baw ELECTROHOME, Thanks -- | Accountants [Services ofiers complete bookkeeping! PAINTER & DECORATOR Royal Academy ballet, Highland. negt| RCA VICTOR, ADMIRAL, 9 AM. SAME DAY 2--Borristers [Street West, Room 1, Office RA 5.0397:| Paperhanging and Painting ster now. 424 King West. RA 56122 WESTINGHOUSE Residence, nA 3-7605. Gyptex TO eaten Sov lior dd ppointment only, Call | DEATHS -- | 3--chiropracter | Xow I experience. A m | A 5-1 11 AM. SAME DAY d=Dontists i$. T. HOPKINS and Company. Cert: Free Estimotes The finest dn leven ond DIAL RA 3-3492 (fled Public Accountants, 172 King All Work Guaranteed R. 054. PARKWAY TELEV|SION S--Nursing Services Street East, Oshawa, Ontario, RA 5-350 60 ists | MONTEITH, Monteith, Riehl and Co..| 50 Nassau St. RA 37080 B 7==Surveyors Chartered Accountants, Joensed Tes m.w.t, Dec. Music Studio tor all Instruments 918 Simcoe N.--RA 3-3043 Jo Veterinarions | tees, ax, shawa, ra A 3 ri i Piano Tunin, IR I HS Hon. J. W. Monteith, FAC; A. B. Mon. |9--Building Materials : 9 Smbuiging Yioow _.. , Lteith, E. Comm, CA; G. W. Reni, CA; 9 ALTO MUSIC SUPPLIES T.V. AERIALS -- Building |R. ¥. Lightfoot, CA; George W, Treth- New ond Used Pianos Sold ond Installed " 10==Sharpening Service wey, CA, RA 5-3527, 135 Simcoe Street hg Rig Foil pg {1 =Business Opportunities | North, Oshawa, DRY HARDWOOD {New ond Used) Moved and Repoired Full selection of all instruments 20-ft, aerial, $29 ond up. ter, Adria Bernice, on Thursday, No To--Business Opportunities 2--Barristers ' 477 Simcoe Street South vember 13, 1958, at the Oshawa Gen- Wanted aE a mmm -------- ; eral Hospital, A wisier 1 Mortey. | F | 2==Dressmaking MeGIBBON and Pasiese: Barriserns, USED BUILDING i Tre DINEEN -- Mr. an rs. Davi . Solicitors, Clients' funds available for 6 DEN (ie Nata Sofochan) are[] 13--Gardening & Supplies first mortgages. 20 Simcoe Street MATERIALS RA 3-4849 pleased to announce the arrival oftheir | 4=Household Repairs North, RA 5-3566. Charles C. McGibbon, : ALLSTATE Amp Tasoranes. $ave 2 son, Mark David, on Tuesday, Novem- || |S Instruction QC; Edgar F. Bastedo, Qc. 1] y. For ber 25, 1958, Te Deum laudamus. Many | | ¢-- insurance JOHN A, MacDONALD, BA, Barrister ULUGITOFF personal servies at your home, ea] FAST T.V. SERVICE tanks to Dr. J. E. Runde. 17--=Money to Loan |and Solicitor, 101 Simcoe Street North. OR ? From A to Z TAYLOR -- Gary and Lilian wish 18--Loan Wanted |Phone RA 8.8511, J ¥ : 17--Money to Loon Guaranteed expert job nce the arrival a S00.) | gg Mort |DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Barrister oh Pion 15 ozs., on Wednesday, Novem: a Morigege and Solicitor, 26% King Street East, RA 5 2621 CLIENTS' money to loan on first mort: AS-mPreenal | Telephone: Business, RA 5.5501; Resi: Nov. 29 Siae. Mortgage and Sfreement of sale Call RA"8-5286 Hospital, A brother for Debbie and|| 20--Cartage dence, RA 8.5373. C 4 Faiiii Big og by ey Oshawa Electronics ber 26, 1058 at the Oshawa General, ne man TEOOMONACOONODNONDOTeN nee Tersy 2) ==Personal Service | MANNING F. Z, Barrister, Soli 10--Sh # fy MANNING F. SWARTZ, Barris arpening Service | CHRISTMAS TREES SANTA'S SHOWCASE | GIFTS FOR THE FAMILY (Cc [33 Worn Column al 42--Radio Repairs | citor, Notary, Money to loan. Henry| VIVASH -- John and Barbara (nee | 2 4 A 3-4697, | HAVE your law ond i " he ~Women's Column Block, 26% King Street East, RA 3-4697; yo awnmower now, um Williams) are happy to announce ¢ 23--Wo! and sec a i: gp or SPECIAL ~-- heat permanents, $6.50; cold waves, $5:50. Page Hairdressing, | Residence, Dial 3-4029. saws, scissors, knives, ete, Percy Nell, birth of their daughter, Mary Elizabeth.|| 24market Bosket (102 Highland. RA 8-8363. i JOSEPH P, MANGAN, QC, Barrister, . . FRED'S DRIVE-IN SANTA SUGGESTS HOBBY CRAFT M. F. Swartz, Barrister and Notary ._, < 396 Pine Avenue. RA 55363. Public, 26% King East, Oshawa, RA |" CC =0. 34607. 24--Market Basket on November 24, 1938, at the Oshawall 55 pers ang: Livestock BRS EE y Solicitor. A . Office, 14) General Howpial. Mother nd BEY] 26--Former's Column ea peat. Oshawa. RA 3420, ' . V11.KING 57. W. "YARDLEY or TUSSEY" and Models rt---- [| 27--Fuel. wooo residence, RA 53105. SAWS! SAWS! SAWS! 0g SHIRISTMAS TREES A COMPLETE LINE AT PHILIPS TELEVISION FIRST and second morgage, Sale askel 78=5 Resort EIGHTON, F , Drynan and| Th t er now for guaranteed de- a ts hased and sold, Hen |SWEET cider and apples W. T. Cox, DEATHS Se ---- : [Sturdoch, risers, © Bolicitors, No i rae eu al oe 30 tubes, Bor- POWELLS POLLARD'S RADIO ale and fenick, Barristers, 31 King 1% miles north of BTS, Bowmanville. ry Public, k Commerce Build : ' : < t it, X 4 B=-Summer_Bicpertios For Sole ine, Eee Street Noith, RA 3-3146;| Oshawa for sharpening Hand= Ricken, Quer till mid- 3514 JG STORE th 18350 TELEVISION ih TR! Ra 25---Pets and Livestock , G. L. Murdoch : ¢ 'Parki RA 3.4734 GERMAN Shepherd puppies of Bur iil, ABRAHAM -- Suddenly in Oshawa on ro NiiA Sionaages ranged - 4 wood) Planer Knives etr Lots 3 Prep Parking PHONE RA 3.9512 MONEY TO INVEST registered champion Tblood line. Pleker: LL en Bb pT ire DIM || 32--Articies Wanted ZT. SALMERS, BA, Barrigler, Solicl YOU NEVER SAW A SAW For Your In established business, must a. RI. i bio irs 2arzaret Foster, || 34--Auction Sales lor, ete., 134 Blmeos Street No aig | "AW LIKE THESE SAWS SAW RISTVAS | TREES a PARTY DRESSES, HATS, | GIFTS FOR HER be showing good return and |B, Bun Y healthy pedigree Glasgow, S:otiand and aunt of Corill 35.Empioymens Warved § GREER, Muryny and MacDonald, Bar LAWNMOWERS, SKATES, EH ; y. [Brune GLOVES, BAGS, SKIRTS ond stand thorough investigation, [908 from championship blood lines. B80; bell Ross of Oshawa. Resting 36--Female Help Wanted L ; a sob PR Scotch Pine, about 2,000. SWEATERS . oN RA 80823 after 5 p.m. 2728 Meintosh Juveral Home. 2 lng a isters, Solicitors an 3 3 tasies Public, ECISION GROUND Any quantity at 50c to 1.00 MILLINERY WORLD YOUR DAUGHTER'S part or full time participation Thursday, November 27, at 3 p.m. In-|| 38--mate or Female Help Wanted [|J. Murphy and James A MacDonald STAN'S SHARPENING gecarding to ti Priced be RA 5.1052 CHOICE preferred. Strictly confiden- terment Union Cemetery 39--~Agents Wanted [{OHN A_cAMERON. Bape. Sons SERVICE oo market. fre baie d id 5 King East Gift of Lessons, in Ballet -- tial. HAMILTON, Elsie MeGill -- At Civic|| 40--Cpportunities | East. RA 3.2269. NHA and private mort Cor. Ki d Burk loading Leroy Hamilton, Top -- Baton or Highland. APPLY ae \ 88200, i Hospital, Peterborough on Tuesday, No- | 41 --Room and Board gages arranged. . Ring and Burke Grower. Orono, Ont. Phone [BROWNIE STAR FLASH OUT! From-- BOX 241, OSHAWA TIMES |BOARDING, trimming, bathing, de: oes 2 {95 Dae Mooi, 3 he 42--Room and Bogrd Wanted RALPH 8. JONES, BA, and T RA 3-3224 TR16 i: Wrong : Now $11.95. Feat 1 QUIET HARVEY DANCE ' fleeing. Waubena Kennels, RA 56321. 0 0 | Gr ¢ Solici- . 95, EE pm Suid - Hamilton, Pontypool, and dear mother] 43--Wanted To Rent Greer, Atsvoiate Barristers ond Fe | T1--Busi 0 world's most IE hig ACADEMY 275¢| BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for of Joyes (Mrs, V. Ford, Kay (ue. Adios Remo For Sale Morigage loans available Fobdun, usiness Opportunities CHRISTMAS TREES Just right for youngsters or RA 5.6122 424 King St. W. Broad 114 Bien Street East. Percy Beggs), vian d ---Real Estate For Sa -- : a si [FOR rent -- Office space with tele- . mar Bhs Bint BRT LEBER , Ross, Wil M John JOHN A. CAMERON, Barrister, Solicl-| 1/0 . : . : : grown-ups alike, BEAUTIFUL white miniat i Sy Rowing Tt the dSa=fea Sie senses tor ang Notary, Public, 1844 King Strect Phone AREWOHINE SHTVICN, RA SAL a1 Seven Fire, White gnd Red MITCHELL'S DRUGS "A GIFT OF WARMTH" Money Available puppies, champion bred. Wil hod unt Morr! lle, | East. -2269, IN TIE Ya TTR i . " v 2 pood! ng an Morr Re Service in Pontypooi|| 47--Automobiles For Sale Gages arranged. _ _______|STORE for vent, 31 x 30, King Swestt 006 S70 SPICE WOO 9 Simcoe North KENWOOD' to Cas, AG El ay Kensal United Church at 2 p.m. Interment] 4g..Automobiles Wanted |GREER and Kelly, Cr hq, ee.13 feet : DIAL RA 3-3431 All wool blankets. Priced from RA 5-5062. Dec. Pontypool Cemetery 49--Automobile Repairs . |ltors, ete., Va Sitheoe I ou M " $1750 TO $20.95 50--Articles For Sale BA 3228. Reale a Turtose Vv MAN & WOMAN (or man FOWLER FORESTRIES ' Home Owners! ervers 306 King W. RA 5-1685 EMAN WARD'S Up to $3,000 for any good B RALPHS, James--At the Ajax and ] Pickering General Hospital, on Tues. || §)-Swop and Barter fiseriys BA, A a R only) to run Hotel with bevers 1685 fe 2 - ee Oil and Gas Heoters 31 Simcoe St. S., RA 5-1151 purpose, including down pay- : ment on home, payment of Reasonable Rates day, November 25, 1958, James Ralphs. | go __| g0ai Notices age room, in Western Ontario e , , ee Robinson oi Png CLASSIFIED AD RATES | 4--Dentists Catering to German class of [ isti i . HOME APPLIANCES SINGER existing mortgage, consolida- Phone hi Betty (Mrs, 'der oe ------------ -------------- Ne "51. Laurent, Montreal, 25 words of less [[DR. G. T. SCIUK. Office hours § to 6] people, Apply: GOOD EATING : tion of debts, or purchases of Quebec; dear brother of Henry Ruphs, Cosh Charge ||OFen evenings bY hone RA 52223. BOX 239, OSHAWA TIMES eg Soles 3 Service og pil Nova Scotia; Jane (Mrs Anthony 3 CONSECUTIVE | Si . 2741 D AN Tre YO Simos 5 SEWING MACHINES y NO PENALTY RA 5-6808 GRAND As low as $119.95 (easy FOR PREPAYMENT DEC. 18 Wrathall), and Jessie (Mrs, Tom - - Wrathall) of Cape Breton, N.S. Resting INSERTIONS ~~ 2.25 248 [| 5__Nursing Servic NO BONUS at the New Wm, E. Sherrin Funeral] 6 CONSECUTIVE rv TP RTT TR TTT Gopal, Nor» Higamay, Pickerieg Gun © CINSERTIONS 278 413 [AVNER oo en Ra NEW BEAUTY SALON RESTAURANT LOW COST MOVIES Ey Cabins ana For fast, friendly service call ewing abinets an ' of Harwood Road North, Ajax). no id within 7 da ec. i * arw a W not paid within 7 dave the . fg'izs Dec.11 FOR SALE (Upstairs) FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY owing SEABOARD Merry Christmas Notice of service and interment later. Charge rate will apply. : For CHa HC Above rates apply only to orl- Four work stations. Twe Chi food It eS d Sci Se ah A - Water. "|| ANDEN NURSING HOME ! ] inese food our specialty. / cissors and Scissor Sets nil ell Te tureing Home, Linde, 00 Mon. inet id arin ordered (Licensed) basins.. 5 dryers. Sickness Toke Out Orders FO KARN'S ® Buttonhole ond Zig-Zog DISCOUNT CANADIAN LTD, for any. Chil: , November 24, 1958, A, Ena Thomp-(l ot a later; date constitute a new KING ST. WEST forces sale. Apply 259 Sim- RA 3.9422 R CAMERAS AHachiments 294 Simcoe Street South SHETLAND A wife of the late Dr. John|| original order. Exclusive nursing home for coe St. S. (KARN DRUGS LTD. SINGER SEWING CENTER RA 5-1121 PONIES # (Formerly Bellvue) Creighton, QC; N. C. Fraser,| gqys Bandsaws (metal & strain, Apply Mrs, Thompson and dear mother of Prot: | and B listi A EY or wi ioral a Business Wiking convalescent and elderly peo- 2 - QUALITY BAKERY 28 KING ST. E. 14 Ontario Street, Oshawa say and guardian of Fred E. Tay-(l Each edditional line 75¢ per month. ple. (Men ond Women), --Dressmaking 77 CELINA ST. RA 5.7573 RA 3-462] 'RA 5.5443 M.W.F.Dec.8 of Toronto and grandmother of John || gop initial letter, abbreviation, Nurses ond dieticians in |CADIES and girls wear, . Phone RA 5.1348 ances and Elizabeth. Resting at the|l ¢ ong ¢ gign, figure, count as © attendance. Tray service, |in evening gowns and better dresses,| For the best Christmas baked 18a--Mortgages prod on Novae 37 fal] were: vor Shared ise eddijonal. ibis TV. Wore * |by appointment. RA 5-8772. Nov.28 goods on the table Gifts fx Jha Plisto-Fon LAMPS -- FANCY CUSHIONS |W WAVE clients' monies for ioans on 276d Ne ' : t ment L/ a . o uc -. § pm. Interment at Sunderland Ceme-|| 7 STUD one doy of PHONE RA 5-2330 13--Gardening & Supplies Look for QUALITY for Cro. "FORTE FOVIERY Chane "ar" arooments of wale. Louts" §.| 26--Farmer's Column a. publication, Office . hours: Daily : on the label. BEST SELECTION our Large Selection | |Hyman. QC, 37 King Street East, Oh ERD farm stock picked up promis 33 'Squsdey § Tas 6--Optometrists a ------------ ng removed, wood cut. Phone Use Our Lay-Away er Je De awa, RA 340. Phone collect Bowmanville, MA 3.2679, For Funeral Flower REGULATIONS-- Hoy C. H. TUCK, Optometrist, specializing RA 5.9721. UPTOWN MEAT MARKET Small Deposit Plan. BE | TY HAYDL Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. Arrangements See The Daily Times shall not be [in muscle anomalties, evesight andl or omy DELICATESSAN JURY & LOVELL 15 King St, E MORTGAGES 28a--Hunting ' responsible for errors in advertise | glasses. Evenings, Mon., Wed, Fri, 6-8.| at: with cha : Inv in saw. Free estimates. o i - LEWINGTON'S ments submitted othwise than in jvaliiy evamined. 3 some, RA 5.6143 {RA J. mates 77 Simcoe St. N. "For Everything Photographic RA 5-2686 DEER rifles for rent, 15 per cent off : FLOWERS writing, nor. for more | tha J 3 Ta ,u of be | Oshawa - Bowmanville - Whitby | DRAPERY -- BROADLOOM all amunition and hockey equipment. incorrect insertion of ony ad- [WELL rotted garden manure. RA fers you the best in meat and € PHONE RA 3-9533 ' V7 --S |3-4345 761 | f FURNITURE Skate exchange. Sportsman's Corner, vertisement. nor beyond 'he price urveyors 345 ond assorted cold cuts for 105 Byron Street South, Whitby, MO 8-4511, Dec.8 24 King St. East, Oshawa charged for o single insertion of || --- N and associates On. LEN Bowlers' landscaping and garden. your Christmas Parties, G. T. BORTON anq es, OB CHRISTMAS SPECIAL GIFTS FOR DAD AGREEMENTS 30--Lost and Found the advertisements in which error ing service--lawns seeded, sodded, fer. En.| 08 RA 8-8172 (2doors from Karn's Drug : J : : occurs. And also reserves the right | tario Land Surveyors, Professional En. |" store). to at abr Bde PR gineering. 70 Harwood Avenue Soin, |ired, gardens sng lawns ploughed, Giaontic. Sovincs : 9 9 OF SALE LOST -- On Saturday, brown leather wallet containing sum of money and its own. clowsification. Alax. Phone Alex 728 Everything for your garden, RA 3-5783 R 2 i gon ------ | Ever; for your g ; 2 egular $50 Dance Course IN MEMORIAM {DONALD H, TROLLOPE, Omaviy Lone GARDENS Ta vioughed, Tawss a RE ACRES NOW ONLY $14.50 AUTO SEAT COVERS driver's licence. Finder please Tetum IF 3 DONEVAN and Associates, Land |oac it desired. Ale lignt blade work Students and minors not FOR CHRISTMAS First and Second Mortgages i En an a {Surveying and Engineering, 12 Bloor done. Specialised. Reasonable rates, CHEF: T. K. ISHII eligible. Installed after Christ #nd Agreements of Sale LOST! Black and tan Bassett hound, FARROW -- In lovi memory of [Suet East, Oshawa, Ontario. RA 313% iil Dinners, Lunches, Banquets. ARTHUR MURRAY STUD|O0S nstal'ed ater ris mas bought, sold and arranged on 1% miles northeast of Burketon, Satur. ng ry | RA William John Farrow, who passed | | Reserve now for -- 8-1681 Blankets, Packs, Cushions, | City and Farm property and day. November 22, Reward. Call Fred awa November. der |8--Building Trades COURTICE SOD AND CHRISTMAS PARTIES etc. Summer Cottoges, $2,000.00 |Wilams, TA 371. ant ine lis is y A SHELL QUEMOY [PLUMBING "and heating pipes, fittings,| LANDSCAPING SERVICE CHRISTMAS DINNER 4 WIDE SELECTION ond up. CORP. LTD. 12 to name "Susie", Phone RA 5.5091, 2768 FOWLER -- In loviag memory ot 4 TAIPEI (AP) Red Chinese fixtures. ig Jd used, SHEDgig rom A-1 field sod, sprayed and NEW vey DINNER Visit Oshawa's Largest at Simcoe St. North, Oshawa LOST -- Black and white springer span- Ho rit Bho ghedhoiis RM ivy / owntown . h * |iel, PWHIN tatooed in left ear. Reward, OSHAWA Phone RA 5-3568. RA 8.1534, 2758 D dear husband and father, who passed| 3 : November 26, 1957, i .!stalitions at reasonable rates. Informa. fertilized. For free estimates hat AL gees Ty little of play, Shore Suns Fired 168 shells 3 Que |tion and estimates free on any type| ¢q|l Ed Knowlton. Phone MA 3.2561 TOYLAND LE ry PY Tg TE Loving and giving the whole of the| MOY beiween night and day-|f plumbing. Dial RA 5-424], J. Foley. Proprietress: Mrs. Royal Ishil See our complete selection AUTO-TRIM : >| FOUND -- Black and tan female hound. way. hole of thelyreak today, the Chinese Nation-|cEmENT work, driveways, sidewalks, RA 5-6047 oT , . 19--Personal Phone YU 52034 Port Perry. 2756 lar 1 , : Cor. Church and Bond St. -- dd a Ge - I. COLLIS & SONS ---- 10E counts, jet Times. | 3 | --Articles For Rent lied ad-writers serve HIGH school boy desires week-end A cherished smile, a heart of gold, |alist defence ministry reported. It|cellar floors, general repairs, plaster agette Cl The dearest Dad the world cold hold. was a resumption of shelling the ing, foundations, and cellar walls " | A 2 1083 . T Ww --Always rememoered and sadly miss. | cop ore islands on odd numbered Prompt. efficient service. RA 8.0632, HILLSIDE CHRIS MAS FOWL 50-54 King W. RA 5.6311 po te. agi d Mw Solve] "boy sires week-end | FREE LL. -3492. work, eferred. 275a ed by wife Della, son Ray and Elva | " Jaughies Juas ane Doug, "stawigsugh | days: |ALL Gpes dwelling repair, Fooling, LANDSCAPING MER'S TURKEYS Opposite Centre Street HAVE you a drinking problem? Write|5:40%8. : . s nd repairs. Chim 3 3 or rent, LAPLANTE -- In loving memory of 10 Boh ZORRO % [neve new: and repaired Dial RA 5.7247, SREEN JELVE] 20D sussly LY R S U A GIFT THAT CHRISTMAS iSeonaties Atiof¥raeus x 140, Times [SANTA Claus eomplste suits for rent ANE | HOLLYWOOD (AP) -- Arthur|Gordon May. ond lai . : HYPNOSIS relieve tension, fears, frus- -3204. Dec. 23 Specially selected; for fine PLEASES EVERYONE tration, complex fh vensind erin df d her, Evelyn, wh a A he Away five ears brio hy rr aver Johnston McCulley, 75, creator of CARPENTER work. framing, om. Everything for your garden, fone: Fresh killed, 'dressed 953 { y i i ming, Kitci Ci . Bt motliek you, are mol. forgotten Carte. Shed Sunay ght 1 oy Alterations and repairs, No jobs too blk PHONE RA 3-9020 and delivered. A BONUS its, educe weight, stop smoking; help RENT A FLOOR Th h h or too small, Work guaranteed. « aes Stl in memory you are with us|A former newspaper man, Mc-|335%. aay OSHAWA RA 5-0217 oy, With your purchase of o sult. |TINSMD, et, Consult Edwin Heath In| SANDER AND FINISHER As you always were before. | Culley wrote dozens of books. He CLEANING chimneys and fireplaces, SOD, TOPSOIL, MANURE | BOWMANVILLE MA 3-5049 way fo for Dad, you will receive @ |Bldg., 304 Dundas West, Whitby. Daily from Be al ® Pamchloreated Zorro for a vationaliiiiding and reraing euiere and] Nursery Stock, Garden Main. Dec 24 remember Suburban or Car Coat abso |phone Mo Fond LR DO-IT-YOURSELF . \d i replaces S " 3 4 2 [men's magazine, Fankie and Johnny. RA 81435. Nov.20 lenance, Jester Grading end your friends lutely FREE. Your Credit is HARRISON & KINSMAN CARD OF THANKS _CrReekcvemior swor [RASTERSGBifstisnd) (i osan tancscarns | CHRISTMAS FOWL this Chrisie Good At ELECTROLYSIS | _337 Simcoe St. 5. RA 3.4425 { NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP) -- Brit. alterations, archways Pin wo RA 5.1721 CAPONS & TURKEYS is to give them DUNN'S TAILORS Removal of Superfluous Hair. ish security forces said a Greek- Forking Burrenies Dec.19 DRESSED AND Books of Famous 16 SIMCOE ST. S Marie Murduft will be in DO IT YOURSELF! WE wish to extend in. Cypriot youth was shot dead to-| ~~ -- rT ERT 'layers Theatre Tick- BY Oshawa Dec, 2 and 3, Phone with the wer tools and thanks naa appreciation to. friends and| day while trying to escape. He WOILDING, aiterations id ov AJAX SOD SUPPLY DELIVERED «ts, They are good the DOWNTUWN OSHAWA Genosha Hotel on these dates equipment pO can rent at neighbors for the beautiful floral trib-| wag the seventh Greek Cypriot and waterproofing. Guaranteed work:| og dulivered and laid, field FRANK HOAG year round and come Saturdays 10 a.m, -- 4 p.m. Sans J.0rpeting isi corner ing urke. 3 utes, cards and acts of kindness, ini, . : ree) pr hip. Bob Taylor, RA 59168. Nov.28 : dia: i sof a dearly loved: husband and Killed in two weeks for not halt. |manshi SF loading. Loam, sand, fill and osslond. 'Rood. Wi attractively boxed in gift for appointment, Special thanks to Rev. Atkin. ing when challenged. (SANDY gravel, $650 per load, Screen a oe Ri Siena ig ied cartonettes. The cost is GIFTS FOR THE FAMILY 21--p ern} 3-3224. Chain Saws; Flzor, Albert St. and Rev, Mellow ed sa ps ? "NY ve i -=Fersona Vi i lati minster United Church. for tel PAKISTAN PAPER plata acyl 200 avalon a oh EAUT fbi YR spe Wg TW oo {ing words, Dr. Rundle and Dr ASS Ion bt ALL PLUM and heating supplies : BEAUTIFUL * HAND-SMOCKED japan y ' ' 1 mon RA Ltd PHONE AJAX 431 or TOWNLINE TURKEYS| be purchased by both Adults BABY'S NIGHTIES Salty. Alterations and pln rewing Hammers and many other Haro'd R. Stark, and Children and are accept- | Reg qr $71.98 for $1.50 [side Street. 32--Articles Wanted ses and attendants of the East Pakistan's Karnapulli pa- Phone R BE eri. 158 me, and all those who hein Ler Inill started export of paper lneoe Street South ! RA 5-3422 NOW FRESHLY KILLED able ot oll Famous Players lpn in 1958 with a first shipment off Cr Creo framing, trim DELIVERED OVEN READY T rs ; 12 AR BER Works Tal NE Ih ov heatres from Coast to Coast. HAND-SMOCKED y ot, Sms Nee BR Hn itom dom. RE aa and coPaife No Joba too DE SOURTICE S00 AND "The best is your best buy" o DOLL'S NIGHTIES, 50 JANE BLACK Slenderizing |g us cash for used furniture, apie t Il. Work guaranteed. RA NOW ® i izi i ances, IV, ® hi anos, Fey oe Work gers "AN Si sod spoved ana | DIAL RA 5.4233 oN RA 8-5700 Studio, Shnderiing roduind, [ios ao" sll and enchant 9 _ SR | fertilized. For free estimates OWNLINE RD. NORTH SALE team Both an bd Price Street, lass GRAVEL | oi eton OSHAWA a GIFTS 45) Simcoe St. South [HANGS Io wus ur miu t e Regent For All The Fomi RA 5-9602 For Appointment |Write Box 237, Oshawa Times. Dec.20 Cement $9.00 per head: Road ER {neys built and repaired, gas linings in. 14--Household Repairs The Holiday S ly eagson ac ™ 15 CHESTERFIELD rebuilt, recovered | RIDE WITH SHETLAND ate. RA TE. Movey ot Repsired RAG En Efficient," Ontario's Civil ser- | sory dues collection. Here are vr lke new. Why pay more? Qur rates ME 50. foot tower and head E vants will omit coffee breaks | Betty Guthrie of Perth and Joan Srovel 5% y ore Anal. divs gi RCURY Id PONIES 15--Instruction | 2 $113.00 from their terms of service. | Goulding of Smiths Falls beside il and loo ni hi 10 Bond Street West. | 45 King E. LILLIAN Mae Marsh Dance Educator: . RA 5-2311 Phone RA 5.1348 | Dancing School, ballet. tap, baton, pre: Len and Lou's T.V. 89 Bloor Street East as They decided the coffee break | the Civil Service association - LT . ICALL Joe, RA 58018 for earpentry,| OSHAWA'S MOST MODERN p " was biog abused. Toe sesccia est | Salnting and Bandvman, APR TAXI SERVICE 276d | Magonte Tennis. RA 7280. av 31 RA 5.7844 « MA 3-3942 OPEN SATURDAYS fine and coarse $8.00 per | WILD BIRD TURKEYS 53304" for ime 74 CELINA ST. Open 10 a.m, == 10 pam: Tit Fhoé NA Susi load. Be satistied -- Dial ; Fresh Killed mediate delivery. Take advantage of Layaway : ' - |ACE CLEANING CONTRACTORS | Special for banquets and BOOKS and Budget Plan. Free park STORES, OFFICES, FACTORIES S dg RAP HAYNES FEEDING STATIONS PHONE RA 8-5392 BOOKS FOR ADULTS weewage | Floors, windows, walls ond | NO-1 WILD BIRD SEED : = i $2.75 FLOWERS FOR cellars cleaned. Washroom loor xperts Old tloors y Seria, i a or aw. Hurdword l MIX CHRISTMAS PARTIES CHRISTMAS specialty. thers, scrap iron and' metal, : PHONE RA 5-7165 TURNER teration Kitchen cgbinets | \ N i . gh 5 Enjoy this Colorful i LITTLE Christmas Flowers TRIMMING Cooper Smith Co.! RESERVE NOW FOR YOUR Canaries, Budgies. Cages, FLORISTS Lodies' and Gent's Hats (collect) i stands, and pet supplies of cleaned and blocked, $1.00 re MS A 3-2 ~ Chris s Cors 3 : RAS 2 | HAO? {DANCE deposit will hold till Christ Ph RR Bist Sorage Deliver shine a specialty OM SOD. TOPSOIL M Complete Catering RA 5.2737 PET STOCK SUPPLY OOOO NOOTIRCOI ONCE : 92. OPsO L, MANURE | 9 colro St. RA S.0343 PALM CIGAR STORE FOR WRECKING 3 ) ) nonce, Tractor Grading and T CHRISTMAS ls Co i Scrap iron and metal ig oo _- 14, Roto Tilling | | FURNITURE repaired and reuphalster. | ) netals TE " RANSPORTATION | Merry Christmas ed. See our materials for recovering. |22--Radio & TV Repairs bought Call GIVES UP COFFEE BREAK TEE | Trying to live up to the motto | tion also gave up demands for RA 5 A oil : {3.7212 | The Sate Way to Celebrate for any child! YOUR local chimney cleaner, chim. T. V. AERIALS INSTALLED SHAW RA 5-6047 Theatre Box Of- WESTERN TIRE DRESSMAKER'S form, adjustable Je RA 5-5279, SU PPLIES Chureh Suppers. TICKETS $1.10 ing opposite store. and HOMES BUILDING CONTRACTOR Priced from 32.35 od up, FROM cleaning and danitizing Raw furs, live poultry, fea- or tiling. Carpenter work al- | NG | SUNFLOWER SEED LIVING LOVABLES | Nov 29 CALL RA 3-719 Wirver: Lobhy | BUCKAROO RANCH | Tropical Fish, Aquariums, | R. B. REED & SONS HAT CLEANING RA 3-2043 EN CUPBOARD! 16 CELINA ST. | CHRISTMAS PARTY oll kinds. Cocker puppies. A | Winter Wreaths--Centre Pieces | 0 UT 10 S000 = opie CARS WANT E T SHARKY'S P y x k, Garden Main- ler -- 14--Houschold Repairs { 14 Simcoe N., Oshawa : : ? go | - i Dec. 13 be " s---- HAKDSAND AANSSCARING | Bruce R. Dalton, 75 Charles Street. RA on their crest, "Modern, Loyal, | a check-off system of compul

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