a ---------------- TE ESF Adoption Of 4 Children Authorized TORONTO (CP) -- A suburban souple's adoption of four small children was formally authorized Friday in an unprecedented cere- mony in York County court. Judge Robert Forsyth person- ally arranged the simple moving ceremony becaiise of the but)1 bope you will be amply re- warded for the contribution you unusually large number of chil- are making to the happiness of dren being adopted by one these children and to the good couple. The children, sisters of 6, 5, of society as a whole." He said the court authorizes and 4 years and their seven-year-|petween 1,200 and 1,300 adoption old brother, are former wards of the children's aid society. They sat dressed in their neat new clothes, ist. Judge Forsyth told the couple: called upon to perform." orders each year but the judge beside their new|tunate because adoption orders parents. The father is a machin-|"far out - weight in importance § Attention! ALL MOTHERS of Oshawa and Distrid WATCH The "TIMES" for Special Announcement er free "Jolly Jumper"' Comina Soon!!! City Controllers Leave Banquet TORONTO (CP) -- Three city rarely sees the people involved. controllers walked out of the an- |The judge said that was unfor- nual banquet of the Native Sons for Canada, Toronto assembly No.|the Queen." {107, after their hosts refused to| Assembly President J. A. Pi- {many of thé other duties we are play God Save the Queen when| card said the Native Sons had re-| {the toast to the Queen was pro-|ceived a letter from Prime Min-| | posed. the tables. The three were to have been head table guests. Albert Brohman, entertainment ish We are simply loyal Cana- Joseph Cornish, William R. Al- God Save the Queen is a prayer len and Mrs. Jean D. Newman| to T . [left Saturday night after the is-| 'I don't sing my prayers," Mr. sue had been argued for half an Picard said in reply to a ques- hour while 150 guests waited at tion by Controller Cornish. "I Ll ari 2 controllers the Queen would be ei ii i in ie ie Te dhe Oshavon Times played at the end of the dance. "We play O Canada on toasting! VOL. 87--NO. 276 PAGE SEVENTEEN OSHAWA-WHITBY, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1958 Farmers Inc ister Diefenbaker's office saying| her. majesty. feel you are not aware of the growing spirit of Canadianism." Mr. Picard was cheered when said: "We are not anti-Brit- | committee chairman,' told the dians." | -- SA RT Wo se Army convoy drivers "NO STOPLIGHT BY RUSSIANS FOR MOMENT ng Vg BU ay sa aw Wherever you drive, you can: depend on estone Ti "TOWN & COUNTRY" with Triple-Action Traction WINTER TIRES Firestone Dealers offering this unique pledge of performance have seen "Town & Country" tires in action. They know that exclusive Firestone Triple-Action Traction will pull you throtgh the deep snows and mud that bog down ordinary tires. They know youll be safer, too, from skidding and slithering on icy and slushy roads. Yes, you'll get traction when you peed it, and you'll enjoy quiet, hum-free driving on dry pavement. In thie country and the city, safe winter driving begins with traction +. . the safe, sure traction of Firestone "Fown & Country" tires. See one of these Firestone dealers who Guarantee | dependable fraction EAST END TEXACO SERVICE--King Street East at Darlington JACK'S FINA SERVICE--Maple Grove BESTWAY MOTORS--Dundas Street West, Whitby CLAYTON ORPWOOD TEXACO SERVICE--416 Park Road South WILSON & SON TEXACO--Simcoe Street North at Glovers Road FIRSTONE STORES--190 King Street East V. McLELLAN TIRE & BATTERY -- 38 Prince Street 385 ISS TORONTO (CP). -- Cash in- come of Ontario farmers this year will be more than $850,000, 000 compared to 9000.00 last year, the province's agriculture FOR THE NEXT department estimates. 2 MILES ji Officials said all-time records 2 © |in wheat, oats, barley and mixed You will Bt iN THE |grains helped in the increase. SOVIET ZONE - | a OO NOT S108 | 8 Provinces Agree On | North Roads MONTREAL (CP) -- Northern affairs minister Alvin Hamilton says eight provinces have al- ready agreed to projects under the federal - provincial split-the- cost plan for building northern roads to resources. He said the agreements will of West Berlin this week after | sula checkpoint at Dreilinden, | their intention of turning over an earlier military convoy had | faced 110 miles of Red-ruled | Berlin traffic control to East produce some 8,500 miles of re- been halted by Communist bor- | East German territory before | Germany, threatening Allied ac- |source development roads, but der guards. The trucks, rolling | reaching their West-German | fess to thelr snilirary garrisons gid wot specify their location. s I | in the divided capital. | He spoke Friday night to the through the West Berlin penin- | base. Russians have announced | --AP Wirephoto Phin Bg bk ff idle and Set Up Plan or To students of the University of [fee which have been supplying have been on strike since Sept, Montreal ob. dil vot menid Inco strike relief. ; reas: Mr. milton di mention i The Salvation Army and hel nya demand for inc ed| hich provinces had joined with [catholic organization are to| ages and benefits. {the federal government in sup- work together iu relief distri. The conference decided that|porting projects under a $110,000,- '|bution. 1t was decided that|the agencies would not be able [000 program of road building in resources would be "extended to to help miners with fuel and|Uhe next five or six years. {the limit" in supplying the bare |; 4ro bills. As the program develops," he - To Strikers |essentials of food and clothing. Representatives of | aiq 'the roads in the western SUDBURY (CP) -- A co-ordin-| Mayor Joseph Fabbro, who|the city welfare department, Red provinces will ultimately provide ated plan for supplying food and | chaired the meeting, said: "We|Cross, Sudbury District"Minister- | improved transportation to the clothing to needy families of In-|are not glamorizing this situa-|ial Association and several serv-|Yukon and Northwest Territories ternational Nickel Company|tion. A tremendous need for|ice clubs attended along withiand will link up with the ex- workers was drawn up Friday at these things has been indicated." |Salvation Army and Roman panded territorial roads system, a meeting of five welfare agen-' Nearly 14,000 Inco workers/Catholic welfare spok Claims were being staked right across the north and last year-- for the first time--a large group of claims were made as the re- veys by gr the Northwest Territories. . vi sult of airborne geophysical sur- prospecting. He said 'he world's greatest oil and gas search, in terms of area involved, is under way in the ome Million Cash Wheat, Barley Figure In Hike at $1,191,089,000 compared to $1,» 092,574,000 in 1957. The value of field crops was $314,000,000, poultry and eggs $163,200,000, dairy products $190, 100,000, livestock $339,675,000 and fruits and vegetables $73,635,000. Unusually favorable weather for grain production resulted in a yield for feed crops of 218,081,000 bushels compared to 182,140,000 in 1057, officials said. In addi- tion, record crops were harvested for dry beans, tobacco, sugar beets and soy beans. Black Bear Harpooned ' And Killed TOKYO (Reuters) -- A 250 pound black bear that terror- ized Japanese fishermen by swimming out to their fishing grounds, clambering into their boats and helping itself to | freshly-caught fish has been harpooned and killed. The bear's spree began ear- lier this week when it swam out into the bay where a solitary fisherman was hauling in his nets When the bear clambered into the boat, the fisherman dived into the bay. The bear followed, but ' the fisherman reached thé shore first. Three hunters armed with shotguns who went out in a boat to kill the bear were out- manoeuvred. The bear swam under water, came up at the stern and climbed in. The hunt- ers dropped their guns and jumped overboard. In another race to the shore, the bear finished fourth. time, however, than 50 fishermen New colours, new high fashion upholstery, new higher efficiency engine now gives you 48 miles per gallon. cYC LO MASSAGE New heater distribution we : o Easing nervous tension a . : © Relieving sore, aching control will give you even muscles more comfort this winter, fe World-wide popularity of the Renault Dauphine makes all these new features and more ging deep, ing (drugless sleep) I ing bl : wherever applied Giving relief from the moder- ate pains of medically diag- available at a new low price, nosed chronic and subacute tism whenever they strike, NEED, THIS HELP THEN CALL RA 8-6711 OSH. |] For Free HOME TREATMENT NO OBLIGATION ' Going to Europe--ask your Renault Dauphine dealer about our overseas delivery and repurchase, plan--low depreciation rates. SALES, PARTS AND SERVICE FROM COAST TO COAST 3 Bullets REGINA (CP) -- A Regina hunter narrowly escaped death Thursday when he was struck by three bullets from a single rifle. Carl Mitchell, 44, was ap- parently mistaken for a deer as he came over the crest of a hill. He suffered severe loss of blood after a bullet pierced an artery in his left arm. Police said a second bullet severed a muscle in his right arm and a third grazed his ribs and stom- ach. Police said the bullets were fired from a point near where the car of a five-man hunting party was bogged down in a field east of Zehner, 16 miles northeast of here. AUCTIONEERS SALE BY Ward-Price, 6 x 10' 6", side chairs, sofas, luncheon table, extension sideboard, walnut highboy, whatnot, and books, 250 year old running condition, inlaid and water colours, marble service wear, plated tea als "@™ *SUGCESTED RETAW PRICE, | "0.8. TORONTO. er §[108 VAN HEUSEN MOTORS LTD. 149 KING ST. WEST OSHAWA, ONT. HOUSE TEL. Limited, have Instructions to sell by auction the entire contents ot the residence of the late : MRS. K. V. MILLS 314 Simcoe St. South (the former Carswell Residence), Oshawa on the Premises Included amongst the 300 lots are: Oriental and domestic rugs and carpets including a Boukhara Early Canadian Furniture, Jakes & Hay Furniture, spinet desks, marble-topped tables, pair fine carved walnut framed gentleman's chairs, stools, spinning wheel, painted decorative china and service ware, plated fixture, pair of gilt framed mirrors, carved marble mantle, upright piano, etc., etc., etc. ON SALE WEDNESDAY NEXT (Nov. 26th.) at 2 pm. and 7 p.m. with a PREVIEW TOMORROW 6 P.M. <9 P.M. and WED. 9:30 AM, - 12:30 P.M. WARD-PRICE LIMITED 28 COLLEGE ST., TORONTO VALUATORS AUCTION been favoured with cabinets, drop leaf table, elaborately carved bedroom furniture, typist desk, bookcases mahogany wall clock in bracket clock, paintings decorative pieces, hand- set, ormolu ceiling light RA 5-5886