The Oshawa Times, 24 Nov 1958, p. 15

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32---Articles Wanted H A 37--Male Help Wanted 44--For Rent PIANOS wanted immediately make, or size, cash, Ostrander, Queen Street East, Toronto, H 720. Det WE pay cash for used furniture, appli. TV, sewing machines, pianos, Aso sell and exchange, 19) Prince Street, 1131, PIANOS, 10 ghts "or wr miniatu 8. Will pay cash. State make and ce, Write Box 237, Oshawa Times, Dec.20 , | WANTED -- heating #4 Jo} ONE service station attendant, knowl. \! |44--For Rent TWO rooms and kitchen, unfurnished, -| upstairs, Apply after 5 p.m. at 37 Fair 0% | paiiks Street. N, four RELIABLE man ro to aie small business, on a part Ume basis, Small investment required. Phone RA 58132. 2708 salesman, Will pay weekly draw on commissions, 20| Phone TEmple 9.1721, 2601 DRESSMAKER'S form, adjustable size 14. Phone RA 5.0651, 274 Ie time. Write particulars, +1310, FIVE - room apartment, 57 § Wii Street, Oshaw, refrigerator, Phone MArket 3.3611, } er, TV aerial, room Apart ground floor, private entrance, stove, frige, washer, dryer, $90 monthly, Ba dryer, stove, Near school. ONE large room in private home, suit able for one or two persons, in vicinity 200fj0f Oshawa Boulevard and wa n Streets. Phone RA 5-2261, { FOUR - room apartment, "private bath, | heavy wiring, suit working couple. RA 2iat ent, TWO - "room. "apartment, built-in cup- boards, sink, duplex. Apply 163 Bani- ing. RA 5-8830. 2741 THREE unfurnished rooms, central, reasonable, Phone RA 3.9287. 274b FUEL ofl salesman wanted, part or full Box 220, Osh- 2601 awa Times. a BOY'S junior sidewalk bieyol bicycle; pedal truek or tractor, RA 5-1 51867, 24e 35--Employment Wanted PR would oe ay kind of pa ork, Iai mall odd 7 or 38--Male or Female Help Wanted SEAMSTRESS for man's tailoring, wanted for steady work. Louls Tallsh A thi EXPERIENCED business and office administrator with accountancy train. ing, seeks Jemuberntive sideline, Em. ployed but and | "/41--Room and Board Cr 215 King Street East, ROOM, board, d single, Good | laf Private entrance, P56 Qittord Street or RA 36792. APARTMENT -- two Jooins, furnished, BINGLE "furnished bedroom in quiet Apply 38 irl preferred. Single One block from S/iheoe, bu bus, PARTMENT ~ central, ground ree tile floors, on heal wn and garage. RA person, $10 week- Appi e for Cotborne Street West, Dec.24 $75 -- FOUR . room, self - contained apartment, New stove and refrigerator. :|Adults only. Phone RA 54360. 274( ROOMS for rent, Centrally located. Dial ha 5-3259, 274f four rooms, bath, ell 2 | COMPLETELY _ furnished apartment, piece bath, child welcome. Available immed. with . three tely. RA 27, vate ICK , ld newly decorated, south end, near bus and school, $80 monthly. Available December 1. Write Box 20, Oshawa Times. double, sin European meal Four Corners, and GM, 20 Elgin East. RA si. free. RA 4] evenings. | Young man, experienced in hotel management, including bookkeeping, payroll, typing, fapmen, cashier, etc. Avail. able immediately. Desires to locate in Oshawa. Write Box 238 Oshawa Times 273¢ 'IROOM and board for gentlemen, pri- COMFORTABLE room, with lovely home atmosphere, excellent meals and parking. North Oshawa. Phone a LS 3 u st 3 applian one. RA BRIGHT Available Jan, 1. or evenings. N automate laundry, See airs, heated, Suitable for -2066 RA 3 -room Apartment, down. couple, rnoons 273 this | BOOMS -- Single beds, continuous - 273 | Water. Corner store, William and Mary Bt. 3 274 THREE - room sell - (- contained base- ment apartment, with four-piece bath, heavy duty wiring, TV aerial, Child A 5-4170. ROOM and board for gentiomen, good SEVEN . meals, single beds, 'hom parking space, closé to all "onth plants, 102 Mill or RA 33101, Dec. ROOM and board for gentieme| tinuous hot water, home privileges. Ap. ply 241 Ritson Road South, 2691 vate, close to South GM Lunches pack. ed if preferred. Homey atmosphere. RA 3-31 36--Female Help Wanted | LADY to care for children while mother works, must be reliable, live in, good home, and good wage. Phone 274b RA 5.7129, EXPERIENCED nurse required for nursing home, Phone RA 52330. 274 YOUNG weman for light lunch room, experienced, hours 6 to 11 p.m. Apply | in person, Smith's Coffee Bar, 317 Sim- coe Street South, INTERESTED in making mon » hovelty gifts, ete, for Christm RA 5-3338 2's ATTENTION housemaids and domes. ties! Would you like a job in Toronto? Apply Employees Unlimited, 76 Church Street, Toronto 1, Ontario EXPERIENCED waitress required, full time position. Apply in person to Albany Restaurant, 454 Simeoe Street South, 2 7 sell Dial WAITRE BES wi . Apply Mr, Campbell, Genosha Hotel, Dec.b EXPERIENCED housekeeper for | home | in country, Saturday afternoon and Sun day off, $80 monthly, Phone Brooklin 32aw, 2601 WANTED -- Secretary Apply Robinson Motors, Bowmanville, Box 1330, or by appointment, stating age. and | experience, 2701 PART-TIME SALESLADY For ladies ready-to-wear. Must be experienced. Write Box 230, Oshawa Times 269¢ OBSTETRICAL and OPERATING ROOM NURSES with post-graduate, or experience LL X-RAY and LABORATORY TECHNICIAN for 0 new small hospital opening January, 1959 40-HOUR WEEK Apply: Superintendent THE COTTAGE HOSPITAL , Ontario = bookkeeper, | |44--For Rent boards, heh 6 p.m THREE - piece bath, private entrance, | now, | ROOM in quiet home, fined lady or Seen RA 53169. 274f SIN ROOM and board for two gentlemen, [seven days a week, close to all South plants, three minutes drive to South GM. Avply Bind Valley Drive, 2731 | ROOM and board for "three men near north GM. RA 3-2863 ROOM and board for two private home, walking dis GM. Phone RA 5-550. | #OOM and Board for gen 273¢ | minutes from Four Corners. 24 Charles |RA 8 8180. .F + CONTAINED, four, and five room apartments, furnished or unfurn- Street, RA 8-8324. 270¢ PENSIONER would like other pension. ers to room and board with her. RA|is 5.0, ROOM and board for gentlemen, close R to downtown, Apply 23 East or RA 3.7814, BEST in town, single beds, all modern conveniences, close to south GM. RA 5.4229. Apply 536 Lorraine Street. ROOM arid board, single beds, contihu- ous hot water, Corner store, Wiliam and Mary Streets 271; ROOM or room and board, seven days a week, Apply 54 Oshawa Blvd, North Phone RA 8.6053 70f 43--Wanted to Rent WANTED six-room house area, business executive Phone AXminster 3-3383, a du A d in Whitby |g and family Agincourt ly, 2700 Rn Buckingham and Sim-/a iy th b GARAGE near coe Strets, RA 8.0023 LLOYD REALTY RENTAL AGENCY Our fee is less than a vacancy, only screened and reliable tenants, Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) 101 Simcoe St. N RA 8-5123 0 | gentleman R T |p Rm be 0 IN m R FURNISHED bedroom In private home, 'N for two girls, close to hospital and high | m, school. RA 8-089. 2741 | gy ROOMS on ground floor, vy duty wiring, 165 Ritson Road South room, self - contained apart. heat, lights, and water, three. available Dee.24 sink, cup- ment, RA 3-4009 central, GLE room cen'ral, ¢4| TWO furnished rooms, -| chen, entlemen in| RA nce to south | IMMEDIATE Dosstasioh, 270f | room |SEL fr RA 3.2428. 210 Mary St. second floor; 845 per ion hookup, Apply after (red 274 THREE rooms and bath, heated, unfur- nished apartment light wiring, working Road couple desired. 4 | THREE ba 0) Box 339 Oshawa Times. room house, two kitchens, North Wri TWO rooms, furnished of unfur all conveniences. Apply 268 Mala 273 Road. a with refrigerator, East. and kit built-in cup. .| boards, sink, Suitable for couple; no children, 99 Elgin 273 SELF . CONTAINED, three room apartment (new home), heavy wiring, Adults. Near NGM. Parking. RA am ec. MODERN four-room apartment, ghaventenses, hot water heating, laun. dry room, parking. Bus at door. A 165 Verdun Road. RA 3-3096. FURNISHED two-room apartment, pri- | vate entrance, space, heat and hydro supplied. Apply 184 i_Beatty Avenue. | TAREE - room apartment, private en. 272¢ | trance, adults only. 560 Drew Street, A 5.7586, Nov.27 TV outlet, par nice partment, wh, hed, Parking. Child welcome. 406 Sim 270f coe North, Apartment 4. RA Sm, orl A 3-9358, Elgin Street|SIMCOE NORTH, four, and five-room A Dec.7| apartments, fully equipped. RA 5-634 between 9 a.m. 271; and 5 p.m. PARTMENT. central, two nd sink, ample storage space, uty wiring. Suit two ladies, PARTMENT three rooms, contained, three-plece bath, heavy wir: North downtown, unfurnished; central heat and water, No Available Dec 8 ren, $60 monthly RA 88173 ELF - contained unfurnished, and light, Vieinit Apply incinding bed itson school. adults, wa Blvd. South ASEMENT hree rooms, athroom and apartment, unfurnis private entrance, shower. Phone RA 3 large furnished room. nice 444 Fernhill Boulevard NE A 37070 HREE - rince and Bond Streets, month rent, Apply 40 Bu Avenue, Toronto 13, or telepl 4-294 evenings. roomed ajartments for orth Xford ICELY furnished' two nom ent. 123 Elgin Street West. A B-5420 ICELY, ent, private bath igerator, cupboards, furnished three - stove laundry, electr'c 904 Grierson Street after 5, RA 8.8387 th, for re- RA 3 X « Abply 35 Nass: ut Btroeh, iw dive To me, in" Southend 274¢ | past, FOUR rooms, w four washer, ryer, ™ aerial, furnished if desired. eman, three|Also a furnished bachelor apartment, ec Targe| street, rooms, private bath, built-in cupboards heavy or Souple | RA Nov "three. | room apartment with bath, $65 month- 197 Osh- private minutes' Dec.d| COMFORTABLE hot water. |School bus Phone FoR rent room apart. televi- hot water. Couple prefer «room apartment, with private gelf.contained, savy wiring: 26 Fairbank Street room brick house, 5 to 9 p.m. 12 pm, to 6 p.m. 33 Brock b5-9187, A | FURNISHED housekeeping room fof gentleman. Near hospital and down- town, Phone RA 3.4376, 542 Simcoe North, not APARTMENT -- three rooms, sell-con- tained, all conveniences, Central. Phone IRA 3-2180 or apply 162 Ritson Road South, 269¢ SINGLE room for gentleman or lady, Hse king [45--Redl Estate For Sale _45--Real Estate For Sale cooking privileges, Apply 66 Warren Avenue. 2001 THREE rooms, upper duplex, private bath, separate entrance, heavy duty| wiring, immediate possession. RA| 3.9248 after 6.30 p.m. 269i FURNISHED two - room apartment, , (refrigerator and cupboards, private en-| |trance, close to Duplate. Suitable for [tuple or bachelor. Apply 553 Howard |Stre 271 = three "room apartment, ¢ (downstairs, heated, Suitable for couple. Available January 1. Apply 180 Alma afternoons or evenings. 2711 14 2714 NICELY furnished single room, cen- trally located. All conveniences, Phone 3-3000 or 150 Burke Street, Dec.10 soli. ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, avail |able in private home. 82 Park Road 5 7 p.m. RA 8.8671, Nov. 28 two clean unfurnish private en RA 1378 D 1 with built-in Apply GROUND floor, ed rooms, sink in Kitchen, No children, Phone ehil 1. 270f trance 3 i TWO - room apartment y of cupboards, sink, duplex Banting Avenue 270f | MODERN. four hed, Piece bath, in nearly new duplex walk to downtown, 171 2841 RA 5.9510 269 NINE - room house for able December 6 or room apartment, four ght Crescent, 721 8110 month. Avail Phone RA 5 784¢ | 2724 farm house, hydro on good county roed Caesarea district YUkon 5-7994 TWO rooms and small kitchen, Couple] or one gentleman. Close to Shopping| Centre, RA 3-3181 after 4 pm 28 vent | furnace, garden, service iter | Phone Port Perry 272¢ made over int 5010 2701 of age, 270f | cottage, suit couple. RA 5 LARGE and cheerful, two-room avait ment, abstainers preferred, East Shou!d be seen to be appreciated 54233 | THREE large rooms, unfurnished, heavy duty wiring. Apply 42 Ritso South 270i THREE . 27 room apartment, comnact East End. Take baby lor child 7 or older. RA 5-4233 270 APARTMENT -- basement trance, children welcome rivate en Phones RA 2701 ah ee rooms, close fo bus, laundry | WO nl Thebes Reasonable, Will A fot | Lol gpa 145--Real Estote For Sale ROSSLYNN ESTATES 3 odio bungolow, red rug brick, N.H.A. resale. Beauti- fully landscaped, storm win- dows, new decorated, close to separate and public schools. Low down payment if desired. Immediate possession. Phone RA 5-2206 or . RA 5.6266 VICKERY & GOYNE RA 8-5155 39 PRINCE STREET NEW 6-ROOM BUNGALOW---GRANDVIEW AVE. §. A grand view of the city from this custom built home in the East end, Large L-shaped living room with large picture win- dow, dining room, three nice bedrooms and bright ultra-modern kitchen, 4-piece tiled bathroom with colored fixtures and vantiy. Shaded lot 59 feet by 300 feet, Owner will consider exchange for older, large home. 6-ROOM BRICK 112-STOREY 4 BEDROOM HOME Upstairs rooms 17° x 12" ond 12' x 12' with 3-pc, bath, Downstairs living room, bright kitchen, two bedrooms and 4-pc. both. Finished recreation room, sheltered patio, hedged lot, Close to public end high schools. Listed ot $12,600 on N.H.A, terms. RIVERSIDE DRIVE Two-bedroom bungalow, 10 years old, situated on over on acre of land, potentially possible to divide 'into four lots. OWNER TRANSFERRED 6-ROOM RANCH BUNGALOW---CHEVROLET ST. Exceptionally fine home in top-notch condition, L-shaped liv- ing/dining room, very modern kitchen with built-in breakfast drea, three large bedrooms, tiled 4-pc. bathroom. Deep dry basement wired for electric dryer. Attroctively decorated, alumi- num combination windows, and other extras. Lot 63' x 125 nicely landscaped with stone patio. Will sell at cost, PARK LANE APARTMENTS FOR RENT--MARY ST. Large living/dining room, electrically equipped kitchen, 2 good sized bedrooms ond tiled 4-pc. bath, Just o few left, Choose your location now a good selection, AFTER 6 PM. CALL:-- S. MACKO -- RA 5.0771 JAY GOYNE -- RA 5-5378 R. VICKERY -- RA" 5.6342 Oil heating, recreation room. For further information, coll JEAN PEACOCK RISTOW & OLSEN, Reoltors RA 5.6165 2740 ROSSLAND MANOR N.H.A. 3 THREE-BEDROOM 2740 BUNGALOWS PRICED AT $12,800 AND $12,995 WITH 1200 AND $1395 DOWN K and R CONSTRUCTION RA 8-5234 SCHOFIELD INSURANCE™~ASSOCIATES LTD. REAL ESTATE NEW N.H.A. $1,000.00 DOWN Six 3-bedroom bungalows ready for ogcupancy. These homes feature large modern kitchen, large L-shaped living and dining room, 4-pc, ceramic tiled bothrooms, rec, room facilities, walk- out basements and many extros, For further information, please call John Zaokarow, evenings, RA 5-0494, CLOVERDALE $2,800 down -- 3-year-old bungalow. All newly Nice living room, LLOYD REALTY WE'VE MOVED TO SERVE YOU BETTER INSURANCE REALTORS $11,900 -- decorated, kitchen, modern with tiled walls, 3 bedrooms, 4-pc. tiled bath. Forced air oil heating, aluminum storm doors ond windows. Porch at front door, with iron railing. To see, please call Henry Stinson, evenings RA 5-0243, GOOD FAMILY HOME 6-room brick home with a brick garage, located on a corner lot in the Highland Ave, area. Home is comprised of a good-size living roem; dining room and a bedroom downstairs, 2 large bedrooms end 4-pc. tiled b The lot is enclosed with a tall privet hedge, close and shopping, Far further information, please call Sion Phillips, evenings, RA B-1496. OWNER TRANSFERRED A lovely six-room bungalow purchused only 2 years ago. Com pletely decorated throughout and exceptionally large recreation m for play or entertaining. Aluminum stcrms ond. screens, ceramic tiled bathroom, modern throughout Clrse to sch Oshawa Shopping Centre and buses For 'an appointment, leche call Bill McFeeters evenings, RA 5-1726 BEFORE 5:00 PM. -- RA 2.2265 BETWEEN 5:00 & 56:00 PM RA 8-1624, Open Evenings $1,199 DOWN $1,199 And you can enjoy the best Christmas of your lives in your own home, Large six room centre hall plan, brick bungalows. Witt. sparkling colored ceramic baths, holly- wood kitchen cabinets, ond many more extras, A present your family will never forget Just $70.00 ao month plus taxes, and a very low full price, By appointment only. Call RA 68-5123. n | upstaly sch modern kit te re Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. 101 Simcoe St. N. RA 8-5123 LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER 273 CHURCHILL AVE. 6-rocm ranch-style brick bungalew on 79' lot landscaped ond deccratcd, naturel fireplace, L-shaped living and dining rocm, tiled walls in bathreem, shower doors, high dry basement, ims mediate possession. Price reduced to $12,500 with $2,000 dewn. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Dec. 4 We WY yy THE OS'IAWA TIMES, Monday, November 24, 19 15 |45--Reol Estate For Sale 45--Real Estate For Sole. [81300] DOWN Wilson Road South, for LOT #0 x 0s. "water and sewer, worth this modern, three-bedroom home. wth weyt, Also lot 85 x 200 with well. RA {large modern kitchen, living and din-'g ggag Dec, 4 {ing room, finished rec room, landscap- pind ed. This home must be seen to be up- HIRE GOOD Workers | thorugh Help preciated, Call Fred Fairhart at RA | Wanted ads, Call RA 3. 56544. John A, J. Bolahood Limited,| = Realtors. 24 big liv. {ing room, three big bedrooms, big size LOT for 'wale -- with garage, on 209 iiichen, big dining room. hardwo d Anderson Street, Whitby. Phone RA| floors. Apply %9 Oshawa Blvd, North, 88549, , L Nov. 28 COMBINATION LOYD REALTY Wi NDOWS We've Moved to Serve DOORS, AWNINGS, You Better! STALL 'RA INSURANCE REALTORS L RA 8-857] Whitby MO 8-4891 OPEN EVENINGS OUTSTANDING VALUE Manufactured in Whitby NORTH OF ROSSLAND ROAD COLONIAL ALUMINUM | temo, port, natural firepace ond mony other features too num- -- PREFAB -- erous to mention. Price, down Garages catalogues THE payment and monthly pay- ments exceptionally low for this fine area. Coll ARTHUR WEINBERGER RA 8-5123, Lloyd Realty (Oshawa Ltd. 101 Simcoe Street North RA 8-5123 LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER 2740 Homes, Cottages, | Nothing down, available. COLONIAL HOMES 289 Pork Rd. S. RA 8.8571 515 Brock St. N. MO 8-4891 269¢ JUST 3 LEFT! NEW N.H.A. 3-bedroom brick bungalows on a large lot, located in the north end with reasonable taxes. Many extras including built in valance box in living room, wall to wall, cove ceiling with pattern, semi- divided basement, expert workmanship throughout. These ranch style homes must be seen to be appreci- ated. Be first, you, are not under any obligation. Full price as low as $11,380.00, with down payments of $1680.00 with one mortgage. Call OZZIE ADDISON--RA 3-2254 LLOYD AYERS REALTOR OPEN TO OFFER APARTMENT BUILDING 25 SUITES--MUST BE SOLD Showing excellent income. Inspection and details by appointment only. ASK FOR MR. BOLAHOOD AT RA 5-6544 JOHN. A. J. BOLAHOOD Limited -- Realtors 273b LAST CHANCE AT THIS PRICE seli-cont api bath, mod. child while mother works. RA 5 floor. 539 Albert 73 | - - x REE . room, self TAUNTON RD. E. 6-room tanch-style home with: attached double gorage on 165 x 264' landscaped lot with scenic view, close to school and church, on paved road and offering plenty of space for a grew- ing family. Modern large kitchen, forced air with oil heating, aluminum storms -- twindow in liv m and d'ning roocm--- $2,500 down with monthly payments of $85.00, Owner trans- ferred forces sale of this property, QUALITY HOMES BY S. JAC!ZSON & SON LTD trict, located at 1285 i Sinead df ern' Kitchen. second . ar thone_RA. : 56. 2741 | treet. RA 8-100, | a ng t, - (ancock' RA" 5 1 floor, adults, as oe [TOL poem apartment, furnished, | Th three - piece bath an 5 wa ncock, RA 5.1709. 24¢ | Children, pi gg Bo Wg J gen © | Rosehill Boulevard, Oshawa |rour - om furnished or unfurnished | {RA 3-4079. 275¢ | THREE rooms and bath, asement apartment, sink and cup! er A | RA 5-9460. |boards, stool and refrigerator, | UP wo -_room apartment with bath. 4 bathroom. Children welcome. Vacant, |T00m. Private edirahce, central loca: APARTMENT, three room. basement | Apply 111 Windsor Avenue or RA 3.9370 |ton. Phone RA. 3.7 2730 f'warm and comfortable, No objection to 274 | APARTMENT -- four rooms, unfurnish. one child. Located 70 Wilson South. | | ed, newly decorated, separate entrance, | APPIY 5 2721 15 BUILDING LOTS 15 N.H.A. APPROVED--BUILT-UP AREA 50° TO 75' FRONTAGES Only $2,300 each go Help Wanted R You Can Be In Your Own Home By Christmas IN OSHAWA'S FASTEST GROWING SUBDIVISION contained apart. | Apply 137 209¢ $35 month's 260( FOREMAN Concrete Products Foreman required for production of concrete pipe in new Toronto plant. Experience in con- crete pipe industry helpful, but not necessary. Excellent ing r THREE - room, unfurnished, self-con. jer wages, group insurance, and t pension 'plan afforded the right man. Address all re- plies in 2 oritiderce to: D. SPROAT, Nioge Concrete Pipe Ltd., Box 36, ST. CATHERINE'S, Ontario, | |and entrance iply 118 Division Street APARTMENT downstairs, five rooms. Apply | after 6 p.m LIGHT housekeeping room, |#d, suitable for working girl, | heat, Takis and water included 272¢ RA 3-3 ained, first floor apartment, very cen ral, heavy duty wiring, private bath, | One child welcome. Ap-| it equ 212 'Oshawa Boulevard Seith | al unfurnish- central Phone | 1 WHITBY CLASSIFIED FOR rent, beautiful newly decorated seven-roomed house, all conveniences including oil heating and laundry tubs, Imineiiate possession. RA 3.7473 Osh. awa RENT Bun, Mable Street, 'Whitby. urday or Su or Sunday. N Can be seen Sat- | 0 8 -3220. 273¢ Respectable ons of buy. FOR rent -- Nicely furnished room, gentleman Dittarted, Phone MO 82729 or MO 8-3577 272 WANTED to fails; adults, rn Intent -5223 wv. "Apply 208 | front apartment, "frig and stove, large tral, dally, MO 8.4752, pun AA old Fd Ra Na. FOR Rent ~ Three room heated un. furnished apartment on ground floor Central location. Phone MO. 8-2466. PANT cuffing and alterations, men's and ladies' wear; drapery alterations. La H. MacDonald, 1013 Centre South, Dec. 21 [FOR RENT -- Modern three-room | cupboard' space, oil heated, very cen MO 18-2398, 2701 RELIABLE, kind woman to baby sit A 26 Nov. 23 four « room modern apart tontatned Adults Reason: able rent. ' Phone 8-4282. 272e FOR rent -- apartment, large living/ room with fireplace, kitchen and bath,| suitable for business woman or couple. | Central, Phone M MO_8-2503, 272¢ TMENT -- = BH , modern, four) rooms, electric Poids and refrigerator. | MO 8-4238, ad WANTED « Male or female short order cook, evenings. David's Drive) Inn. MO 85-4086, 201 MIDTOWN Furniture. We buy, sell and exchange good u furniture, ap- pliances and skates, Phone MO 8.4081. Nov. 21 FOR RENT -- "Small futnishe furnished Taelt contained apartment, ~uit 'two gi men of two ladies. Mo 8-4436. Deed USED FURNITURE "savings, " erib, modern bedroom suite, sectional ches. terfield, guaranteed piano, $159.00. Re. frigerator (practically new) save $170 off new price, beds complete with spring mattress, $17; 2 piece chester. field suite, $39; Many more bargains.) ron rent « ment, self - $3,500 -- full price $16,- 500, brick, eight rooms, fire- place, three-piece bath, sun- room, divided basement, gar- den exit, toilet, tubs, oil furnace, highway location, trees, landscaped, extra large lot; mortgage with owner. $14,900 full price, home, three bedrooms, living room, dining area, kitchen, four-piece tile bath, divided basement, two bedrooms, liv- ing room, kitchenette, three- piece tile bath, oil furnace, paved driveway, landscaped, fruit trees, CALL P, H. THORNDYKE income | heavy wiring, | young couple. Phone RA 5-4837, | THREE - JARAGE, ruce, Athol streets. RA 3. Nov. 20.22.24 | Apply 438 Drew Street. 274f | THREE - upstairs, | private washroom. Ritson South, two blocks away from CPR railway. RA * Central, Suitable room "electric ot. RA room basement 1 conveniences, RA 3.9316. "apartment, 5-1424. 5- apartm central, vicinity 9396 - room apartment, OFFICE RENTALS Prominent Simcoe Street cation with large able immediately. RA 5-6165 RISTOW & OLSEN REALTORS 19 Athol Street West Oshawa 2740 FOR RENT 6-ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW Located on Athol St. East, 3 bedrooms, living room, din- ing room, kitchen, and 4-pc. bath, il heated, private drive, large back yard. $95.00 per month, Posses- sion Dec. Ist, CALL BILL McFEETERS Evenings RA 5.1726 Doytime RA 3.226% SCHOFIELD INSURANCE ASSN. LTD 27 Charles, | npw lo- parking area, Owner will alter to suit tenants. Combination of offi- ces or two entire floors. Avail- RA 5.3412 fof THREE room apartment, self-con 271F tained, sink and cupboards in kitchen, | hardwood floors, TV outlet, washing fa [pio and parking space, No children y 27 Rowe Street 272 located 21 wy ent SIX. room house, " centrally Phone RA 5.7830. three-room apartment, modern private, available December 1 RA 3.3772. 272( |MODERN, downtown apartment, three rooms and bath, heat and water in and cluded, use of 'washer and dryer, Avail. 269f| able December 1. RA 3.3867 or RA| 5.3531. 272¢ ONE extra large, furnished housekeep. ing room. Phone RA 8.1776 or apply 77 Gibbon Street, opposite the Shopping Centre. 2721 21% - ROOM apartment, furnished, re. frigerator, private entrance, heavy duly wiring, for couple or single, close to hospital, Mary Street, RA 3-2104 2 FURNISHED bedroom, suitable for couple or single people, lots of parking space. Apply 348 King Street West. 272f FIVE . room apartment, corner of Sim coe Bouth and John, private bath and entrance. RA 58544. 2724 ONE room for one or two girls. RA 272 8:0779, room bungalow, immediate Phone RA 5-5061. 2724 NICE, large bed - sitting room, suit- able for lady, use of kitchen and wash Ing facilities. Apply 452 Ridgeway Ave. nue. RA 8-5360, 2721 40 Two-year-old FIVE - ROOM BUNGALOW, finished rec. room. Vacant now. Jasper and Cedar St. PAT O'DONNELLY RA 5.6713 RA 5.6544 272¢ BUCKINGHAM MANOR APARTMENTS One and two bedrooms, elec- trically equipped, good loca- | 2e 'MO 8-4703 or G. NEWELL | BROKER PICKERING 143 | BEST APARTMENTS 272¢ To buy or sell elean used furniture dial MO 84881. Midtown Furniture (next to Legion) Whitby. Dec.12 PIANO, reconditioned, new keys, 2-year guarantee, is one now at Mid town Furniture, 113 Byron Stree South, Whitby. ov n SEPTIC tank clea way, new tanks installed CW Ward, 204 Chesthut West. Phone MO na Dee. 25 BUY and sell ubed furniture. Grixt) Furniture will pay eash for used ap pliances, furhiture. Apply basement, 131 Brock South MO 8-4822. Nov. 28 FOR RENT Shot guns, decoys, cartop boats and canoes, skill saws, waint sprayers (ga: ond elec tric), pipe dies, cement mixer, auiomotive tools WILDE RENTAL SERVICE AND SALES, WHITBY MO 8-3226 Dec. 18 AVON CALLING Opportunity for women to represent Avon Cosmetics part or full time, Excellent com- mission. Write Miss E. Outer. bridge, 42 Soranac Blvd, Trronte 19, Ontario, Nov.' NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF JAN EVERSTSEN, DECEASED. All persons having claims against the estate of Jan Evertsen, late of the Town of Whitby, in the County of Ontario, who died on or about the 28th day of August, 1957, at the City of Oshawa, ~in_the County of Ontario, are required to file proof of the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the Administra- trix on or before the 12th day of December, 1958, after which date the Estate's assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims of which she shall then have notice DATED . at Whitt 20th day of Novemb 1958 | | , this AD R. DONALD RUDDY gs Solicitor for the Administratrix 111 Dundas St. West, WHITBY Ontaria IN OSHAWA NOW RENTING 3 BLOCKS NURTH OF KING ST. ON WILSON RD. NORTH Private entrances to upper and lower apartments in new duplex, Beautifully decorated in pastel colors, 2 blocks to Coronation public school. 18- * foot family-size living room, 2 large bright bedrooms, lots of cupboard space, family sized kitchen, tgble and thair area. Tiled bathroom, bel- conies overlooking lovely landscaped garden. Children welcome. Stoves, refrigerator, washer, dryer and TV an- tenna included. NOW OPEN FOR INSPECTION IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Call or write FRANK HAZLETT 3005 BATHURST STREET TORONTO RUsseli 3-1733 on RUssell 7.9387 tion, $90 and $100. Apply 498 Simcoe St. North, Apt, 5. RA 8-8676 Dec. 14 APARTMENT Two bedrooms, refrigerator, stove, washer, dryer, T.V, outlet, located on Revine Road. Available December 1. Phone RA 3-2098. | 273f 45--Real Estate For Sale SORRY SOLD OUT of SORICHETT! homes for a few weeks. Mr. Sorichetti has promised to rush to com pletion as many as possible at the "'Slichter Subdivision In the meantime plans, prices the office for W ings, A | | | - | | | have t sk ever we and picture For details SCHATZMANN MO 8-3253 J. SCHATZ, REAL RA 5.8461 Whitby MO 8-333 Pickering 590 « ON HIGHLAND AND CADILLAC AVE No stoves, no refrigerators mcrtgoges -- just low-priced field in $888 FULL DOWN PAYMENT LOWER DOWN PAYMENTS CAN BE ARRANGED MODEL HOME OPEN FOR INSPECTION These 3-bedroom homes have terrific value at this low, low down payment, Featuring all the extras you would ex- pect in your house, Sewers, water and streets in and paid for. Near new school, ond bus service. FOR INFORMATION RA 8-1338 GUILDCRAFT HOME BUILDERS also no second money in the ond no free rides the best house for the least Oshawa, TOTAL PRICE $11,500 WITH $1092 DOWN Check these features 7. Gravel drive 8. Aluminum storm windows 9. Aluminum storm, doors 10. Storm sanitary sewer and water . Clay brick . Partial stone front . Laundry tub: . Hot water heater . Electric light fixtures . Sidewalk sewer, These homes are under construction with N.H.A, mortgages re- payable at $66.61 per month, Close to public and separate ond high schools, only 4 [eft in this convenient location. LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE 3)2 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH DIAL 3-9329 or 5-6551 After 5:30 Digli-- 5-9191 Lloyd Metcalf ... 5.6243 Everett Elliott churches Joe Maga ....... Dick Barriage 5-6983 3-9290 274a CHRISTMAS A PICTURE BOOK HOME FOR LESS THAN RENT IN EXCLUSIVE ROSSLYN ESTATES HERE'S FAMILY LIVING AT ITS BEST! NO PIONEERING STREET LIGHTING DOUBLE SASH WATER A BEAUTIFULLY PLANNED COMMUNITY FOR MORE LIVING COMFORT ! Contact Your Rosslyn Agent: WILSON REALTOR SCHOFIELD INSURANCE RA 5:6588 RA 3-2265 BOLAHOOD REALTOR ~~ RISTOW & OLSEN RA 5-6544 RA 5-6165 VICKERY & GOYNE RA 8.5155 ROADS SEWERS SODDED Nov.30| BUILDERS' TERMS--BUY 4 OR MORE RA 5-6544 JOHN. A. J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS H. GOLDSTEIN REAL ESTATE BROKER 13 Bond Street East RA 8-5161 $500 DOWN $500 7-room 2-storey home just off Simcoe Street. Full, high base- ment, 5 bedrooms, extra large lot of 62 foot frontage with 144 foot depth, Frethly decorated and available for immediate possession, $500 DOWN $500' frame bungalow in TIP-TOP condition, Sluminum storm and screen windows, practically on a bus route. Large Kitchen with loads of cu board space. Call tonight tor an inspeciten and be settled wl fore the snow starts to fly, $800 DOWN $800 4-room frame bungalow with a new forced air oil burner, the taxes are very low and the monthly payments to suit pocket book. Dial RA B-5181 and SEE THE POSSIBILITIES FOR LIVING ENJOYMENT ON EASY TERMS. "SHOPPING CENTRE" 3 N.H.A. APPROVED LOTS WITH FRONTAGES OF 50' AN 45'. SEWER AND WATER CONNECTIONS. FIRST TIME bei B00 oncy NOW! CALL RA 8-5161 NOW R SALESME FORE 17 16 100 Lat' N TAKE YOU OVER BE- | | | fs complete with 2 blocks to school and Yes, your ah 274a - Lhe les For Sale 2 CHEVROLET Biscayhe (wo-doof, od mileage, spotless condition, trade Lonsidertd. terms available, Phone RA 5.8680 after 5 pin. Dec. 1° "34 BUICK, excellent condition. PI RA 5.7800 or apply 148 Ritson Road 269¢ 7--Automebiled ro Sole 47 --Automobil ARING at below cost, 49 Pon Stir: '50 Pontiac, $195: "55 Chevrol Bel-Air, $1395: '57 Chevrolet, 81695: '57 Meteor Niagara, $1595. All winterized in certifiet Sondition. Easy terms at Wellman's, RA 3.4431. 274c 80 CHEVROLET te custom radio, | nearly new ti frée from rust and mechanically s ind, $295. Terms. Well man's RA 3.4431, 274c '80 PONTIAC, directional signals. radio, good tires. Take look and name your price, Private, Phone RA 3.3179. 274c '1h MERCURY, radio, good running condition, $175. Phone RA 80073 » 4 pm. 274i 1957 METEOR coach, tw! few, one When: quick sale. Pi RA 8.8571. Al TATE Auto Insurance. Save up to 20 per cent. Nine months to pay. For LH service at your home call RA 5-2802. South, 7 PONTIAC deluxe, tomatic, radio, tutone paint, low mileage. May be fi.- fanced. Phone RA 3.2874 after 6. 269¢ HALE Auto Wreckers, Used Ford and Chevrolet motors, rear ends. transmis sions, for all makes, Phone Clark 1814. Nov. 31 579 Albert 2028 "Fontan, at '49 CHEV. Street. 8 ie 81 METEOR hardtop. radio, 273 overdrive, new tires and paint. RA 5-9274 or I 158 Colborne East. 272 TRUCK = °54 Fargo 14 ton, excellent cond'tion, 3' 000 miles. Apply 1250 I" wn. dar East. Whitby, '51 HUDSON, Rood runn'ng P "coach, Apply MACKIE MOTORS Will Pay off liens. BUYING ol SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST, -- CS 'AWA Just East of Wilson Read) RA 3-4494 Res. RA 5.5574 buy good clean cars. Sell on con- signment. Trade up or down, NEW LOCATION King St Formerly Varcoe's Drive-In RA 5.5743 | East (Continued on Page 16) if

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