The Oshawa Times, 22 Nov 1958, p. 6

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§ AJAX AND DISTRICT NEws Father And Son i PAPE RP rh I Ee | Re-Election | BOWMANVILLE® M J Areas In Elliott, mayor in 1931, has been nominated to run again for the] BOWMANVILLE -- Future Ipost of chairman of the Bowman- oo noils and = merchants were) ville Public Utilities, lurged Friday night to plan for| Mr, Elliott, who will begin his parking areas to compete with| 21st term on the commission, was other municipalities in attracting nominated Friday night at the an-| customers, Mayor Nelson E. Os-| nual Bowmanville nomination borne, in his last annual report as As ition el Abin onli pul Cin incite Go - a Amari | Nominated for Jrges Parking Town venture to the close co-operation of citizens and the work done by Rev. Arnold Herbert, centen- nial general committee chairman and general manager Ken Moris, The cost of the centennial cele- brations, remarked the outgoing mayor, were low in relation to the amount of publicity gained for the town, Mayor Osborne paid tribute to three retired public officials, for- mer police chief Sidney Venton, fire chief Hooper, and cemetery superintendent Highfield. The mayor also mentioned the retire- ment of town clerk Alick J. Lyle and the appointment. of his suc- cessor, Robert Reynolds, In congratulating Mr, Carruth- ers«on his acclamation as mayor his worship said the acclama- tion was in fact a strong vote of confidence as also in the cases of reeve-elect Higgon and deputy- reeve-elect Brough. ard, on right, is not certain | whether he will oppose his old seen shaking hands at the Darl- | chief in the elections, Mr. ington township nomination Rickard could be elected by meeting at Hampton Friday, | acclamation to his old position despite the fact that Mr. Rick- | of deputy, but he has 24 hours Rickard Holds Key To Darlington Election HAMPTON: Depity-reeve Gar-|office he will seek. He hinted, | The majority of council ex- set Rickard, ontil a late hour|that he may qualify again as pressed that Mr, Rickard will his morning had not made up deputy-reeve, |qualify as deputy-reeve and be- vis mind whether he will contest | Allan Thompon, of Taunton, a |COme the township's delegate to he reeveship at present occupied | ouncillor for two years, was | the Vited Counties Councl, »v Roy W. Nichols in Darlington i . re where, the council feels, 'he has ownship. If he decides to hold oinated for deputy Jecve ai) done a tremendous job." | in which to make up his mind whether he will go for reeve, and therefore make an elec- tion necessary, ~Times Stal Photo By MRS, CHARLES H. REESOR PORT PERRY The five lodges in District No. 8 were duly installed by the team from May- belle Rebekah Hodge No. 348. Port Perry and -Sister Luella Kennedy, district deputy presi- dent of District No. 8, officiated assisted by the following officers: | Deputy marshal, Sister Grace Love; dep. warden, Sister Minnie| Diamond; dep. rec. sec., Sister Marj. Wannamaker; dep: finan. cial secretary, Sister Lucille Gray; dep. treasurer, Sister Dora| Dowson; dep. chaplain, Sister| Florence Reesor; PNG's chair, | Sister Ethel - Whitter; inside guard, Sister Lola Bruce; outside guard, Audrey Geer; guards, Sis- ter Myrtle Rennick, Sister Norma Jeffrey; pianist, Sister Flossie Ploughman; soloist, Sister Joan Aldred and team captain, Sister REEVE ROY NICHOLS and his: deputy, G. B. Rickard are night. |mayor, told a nominating meet. | Three public school board ing that statistics show that by trustees were also nominated for 1980 the population in this section re-election and acclaimed. Theylof the province will be doubled.| are Rance Dilling, Robert Kent,| For this reason he urged a land Norm O'Rourke, this year's broad program for establishing chairman, parking areas to accommodate ; the Increasing super of gals. | . "Every week', he continued, | Teen Town Aids "we find more and more restric- . . tions on parking in other towns Springhill N S and cities, and the longer the bi dod delay in finding off sires; bei ing areas, the more costly it wil By Mrs. Charles H. Reesor | 0") 0 islation demands that PORT PERRY---The executive those who benefit from such members of Port Perry Teen! areas must also share the cost." | Town has extended thanks to| His spbech also highlighted the the Yevple 52 hunt Dery iol events during this centennial] yt rola ramer 16 donal |year, He credited success of the to the Springhill Disaster Fund. The attendance at the benefit dance was not as large as anti- Rebekah cipated, although many students from Uxbridge were on hand Some interested adults attended but the executive states it would have been happy to welcome a lot more parents at the event. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Ree- sor acted as chaperones and $75.00 was realized for the Spring- hill Disaster Fund, This has been forwarded. Special entertainment supplied Special entertainment was sup-| plied by Peter Lawrence, Bruce, and Brian Taylor during inter- mission, Next big event for Teen Town will be the New Year's Eve dance which will be held in the auditorium of the Port Perry public school, Dec. 31, This will |be the third annual New Year's| dance and Teen Town is looking forward to having a large crowd attend, | The Bowling League is off to a fine start and results for the Ms present post, it is not likely He says he will run as councillor| With the wardenship of the jaities played Saturday are a hat Were wil be a r reeve,| cle if Mr. Rickard would re- Counties due to come to Dutta Meteors 7: Meres 7: Chevies Nettie Aldred. rection. e goes for reeve,|turn as the deputy. If Mr, Rick-|there are strong rumors that Mr.| A 30's: a hen other incumbent councillors (ard decides to oppose Mr, Nich. Rickard may become candidate 5: Imperials 2; Caddies 0; Thund- GANARASKA CE NT at HAY Suter the vaee for Hie Geptkioly for. the, lop EXecitive Dost nan perhaps the Hist deputy - TOU %igh triple (s52)--Irene|Ganaraska Lodge No. 131, Port ¥ Nothing definate will be Row iy. Mr TY en | Jeevt fo heconie warden about | oy smely; Boys' high triple--(611) Hope. Sister M. Yeo was installed mtil tonight, 24 hours after the deputy post | --David Milne; Girls' high single/at N.G. and Sister Win. Sadler jomination meeting in the Dar-| Altogether five were nominated {--(203--Kaye Hastings; Boys (83 vice-grand, There were 4H ington Township Hall Hampton, | for councillor, Mr, Thompson and | high single--(215)--David Milne. present, ad the Ollie yreent a 100 years. Past wardens have |all been reeves. | As an indication that he might Friday this year's two other councillors | Sites, the Yarden race; Me Rick y. i Ss year's S, | vered a speech t rec- Reeve Roy w Nihaiae | Earl R. Trull, of RR 3 Bowman- ommended certain changes not S-YEAR SENTENCE $f fuses, a 3 bouquet of mvs, rp 4 po D gy-roeve pe, and Fred G. Smith, of Ty-only in the township, but" also in| TORONTO (CP) -- John reter nedy was presented with a flower A are io, wo {rone. A fourth nominee, Charles the road program of the United Needham, 26, was sentenced Fri- dish Jarnet Richa: hy io was an un-|oghorne, of RR 2 Bowmanville, | Counties, which is the biggest|qay to five years for committing At ' | mopessful candidate for reeve declined to stand again for coun-| problem to the counties' govern- grievous bodily harm with ag | At the close of the meeting a several years ago hog who hes cil, The fifth nominee, Robert ment, Srievols y 0t pot-luck lunch was served, | seth opty for gue ay i joe Tints Teton, has not Yet mv. deputy-reeve questioned] Needham was found guilty PORT PERRY INSTALLATION| he office of reeve. Mr. Nichols | . whether the roads being built in Wednesday by an assize jury| Maybelle Lodge 348, Port Perry MAY BE WARDEN the counties were good enough, Which acquitted him on a charge was installed Oct. 7. Sister Alpha Samells acting as feputy mar- Team Tours District presented with a four-piece silver tea service. ORONO NIGHT Heather Lodge No. 334, Orono, was installed Oct, 14. Sister V. Neilson was installed as N.G. and Sister Irene Heron as V.G. About 64 were present and Sister Ken- nedy was presented with a carna- tion corsage and also a bouquet of carnations. A silver 'take plate was presented to Sister Kennedy. Oshawa No. 3, Oshawa, chose a |rainy night for the installation, but 166 members were present, Sister Lena Harper was installed as N.G, and Sister Agnes Kirk as Vice-grand. A corsage of car- nations were presented to Sister Kennedy, and also a large ham- mered aluminum tray. The final installation was held at Beehive Lodge 125 at Bow- manville. There were 85 present and Sister Jean Rice was in- stalled as N.G. and Sister Mary Vinkle as vice-grand. Sister Ken- nedy was again presented with flowers and later in the evening with a beautiful brushed alumin- um tray. Degree Capt. Sister Nettle Al- dred surprised her team when she called them all to the centre of the floor, presented each with picture of the installation team, Following the meeting delicious ent sandwiches, cake and cookies were served. DISTRICT MEETING Sister Kennedy called a dis- trict meeting November 4 at the Oddfellows' Hall, Port Perry, when over 50 were present from was stated that he will run for * re-eleption. A municipal election on Dec- He suggested a road program of attempting to murder Roy | Mr Rickard, who has also been ember 1 is dependent on the de- that would develop roads that David Henderson, 28. Henderson |shall. Over 100 members were 1 lod i sorhinated for deputy-reeve for a cision of Mr. Rickard and that would last 20 years. "We should later was convicted of bank rob- present and the officers present-|al ges in the district. | R " | sixth term, is undecided which'that of Mr, Tremble. keep our sights high", he urged. 'berys. Sige of gladiolia. Sister Myrtle|ton. past president of Rebekah Snelgrove was installed as N.G.| Assembly of Ontario conducted a and Sister Nettie Aldred as vice-|quiz on Rebekah work. Supper grand {as teived by Mar pelle Lodge i . {the club room, and a number of This lodge is home for the dis- the visitors stayed for the regular triet deputy president, who was meeting in the evening. Officers Elected For Hospital Aux. By MRS. CHARLES REESOR |maker; recording secretary, Mrs, PORT PERRY -- The 1|W. Ch + GOTT int se {retary, Mrs. L. Martyn; treasur- Banquet At Bay EILEEN FERTILE |son. The proceeds will go to the -- The!Sunday School Christmas Party. Helen Scott of Hastings was By MRS. FRENCHMAN'S BAY John: Mills, Representative--Phone Ajax 426 Son b set held Sat- Father 24 Sen oe and Pee home with her parents, Mr. and Ajax Nominations S et F or Monday os Softball teams was. pro: Ms. Fred Scot, during the week- claimed a huge success. | v 3uests of honor were Pickering The wedding of Marie Smith, {ll be nine, ten and eleven in Police Chief Reg. Parker, R. Hen- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Claude wi nine, d Smith, and Garry Balsdon, son of meeting of the hospital auxiliary Mr. and Mrs. Robert Balsdon,|was held Monday, Nov. 17, in the er, Mrs, D. Crozier; press re- will take place Saturday, Nov. 22/library. The president, Mrs, M.|porter, Mrs, George Holmes. lat Fairport United Church. (B. Dymond, was in the chair. | Contributions are gratefully ac- The Sunday School teachers After a welcome to the guests, knowledged as follows: were hostesses at a bridal shower| Mrs, Dymond spoke briefly on| Blackstock United Church WA {for Miss Smith last Tuesday,|the work of the auxiliary. 5 ; ! when she received many gifts. | Mps, W. Chapman, secretary, Greenbank United Church WA A dance was held Saturday for|renorted that the operating room $5. ! 40 members of the bowling league yas equipped with green linen,| Manchester United Church WA, at the Pontiac Inn. |costing approximately $700 and $25. Arthur Jones at the plano, and |, oiher $300 was spent on kitchen) Port Perry United Church WA Tommy Tomblin on the banjo equipment, and linen was pur- $100 ' AJAX -- Nominations will be, : peld in the Ajax Council Chac- Lord Durham School, derson, Rev. J. Wilkinson, who pets of the Monday evening, Nov.| Returning officer, B. C. Falby acted as Master of Coraonies, WM. for the purpose of nominat- # and Clare Butler, of Toronto, o 4 i makes special note that if a pro- the executive of OASA: also the ing persons for the offices ofi aged candidate is not present|..qcn Don Hopkins, and the base- or, reeve, deputy-reeve, Coud-\ at the nomination meeting his yo axecutiv Harry Colley, Har- tillor, Hydro commission and the hall execu ive, Harry Colley, nominating paper will not. be vey and Bill Fertile. school trustees. |valid, unless satisfactory evi: aqpne dinner was served by the ¥ the number of candidates is dence that the candidate consents |aqjes of the WA and the Home Pater that 18 Teduired to fill theis supplied to him. !and School Association. | licen u8 lec ion. wilt be id SRR --| Mr. Hopkins introduced the ball opem - Te A pe |players, giving amusing com- from 11 am. and will close at ELECT OFFICER Dents and remembering outstand- led Sister Kennedy with a cor.| Sister Clara Beatty of Canning- Representative R. CZIRANEA BOWMANVILLE AND DISTRICT NEWS Phone MA 3-7224 OSBORNE RETIRES BOWMANVILLE Wilfred Carruthers Friday night became Bowmanville's new mayor by ac- clgmation succeeding Mayor Nel- son E, Osborne. Mayor Osborne retires after serving 10 years on council. Mr, Carruthers is the first mayor in the town's history to hold a two-year term of office. Acclamations were also accord- ed Dave Higgon for the post of reeve and Jack Brough for the pos! will, however, be town's six council seats. Five incumbent councillors were re-nominated along with five other citizens. Counci Lloyd Preston, Ivan Hobbs, Keith Lathang Ab Sturrock stated run for re-election for a two-year of deputy-reeve. There sound ue, 0. J. Presson, and| would Carruthers Elected | -Acclaimed Mayor E si8§ ili i it 3] H Installation Team Feted By MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT BROOKLIN -- Thursday eve- ning Sister Gloria Bailey, DDP, of Oshawa West District No. 7, Kinoven Rebekah Lodge No. 353, entertained her installation team and a few friends in the I00F Hall, Bagot street, Brooklin. After an evening of cards, lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Sister Robina Nes bitt. Following lunch, a gift was resented to Mrs. F. M. Holliday Gloria Bailey, DDP, on behalf of her installing team. Sisters Robina Nesbitt and Lor- na Cook, on behalf of the installa- tion team, then presented Sister Gloria Bailey, DDP, with a table lamp. HOME AND SCHOOL MEET The November meeting of the Home and School Association was held Tuesday evening in the sen- for school with a good attend- ance. The president, Mrs, Ted Draper, was in the chair. Foll reading of the min- utes and {al statement, the attendace plaque was awarded to Mrs. Alfred. Nelson's room for largest number of parents pres- Mrs. Carl Kidd presented a re- port of highlights of the regional conference held recently at Eben ezer Church, for services rendered by Sister and BOWMANVILLE -- Five per- sons were nominated Friday for the two vacant offices of trustee on the South Darlington Area Public School Board. So far only two have stated their intention to qualify, Three others have till 9 §i3, night Yo hate Wel Whsae Nominated were Harry 8. Oyler, of Mitchell's Corners, Mrs. Mitchell's Nominate Five For P.S. Seats have stated that they the trusteeship, Mr mbes TORONTO (CP) -- A suburban victed Friday of accepting in consideration for the adoption of a baby. Magistrate C. A. Tho- burn said he "might have been doing a very fine thing--I don't , year-old father of eight children, was re- leased on his own recognizance and will appear Nov. 27 for sen- tence. Defence counsel T. R. Deacon told the magistrate he was | Mrs. Alfred Spencer reported [thet four dozen cups and saucers had been purchased. It was decided to assist the 'Save the Children Fund" and a donation will be forwarded to the Mrs. R. 8. McLaughlin Memorial Fund, It was announced that an Poen House will be held at the junior| school, Meadowcrest, Friday, Nov, 28 at 8 p.m, Mrs. Ellen Bird introduced Mrs. Ross Fainley, and Mr, Wil- son, both teachers at Ajox, who discussed the Newcastle system of reading, illustrated with slides. This was considered a more pro- gressive method of teaching chil "shocked at the court's decision' and said he will appeal the con- | viction, . Receiving money in considera- tion for the adoption of a child is |a contravention of the provincial Child Welfare Act. CAN'T AMEND LAWS Doctor Convicted In Adoption Case Mr, Deacon sid the $600 was Scarborough doctor was con- not given and received in con- $600| sideration of was six weeks hyp couple received the child that any mention was made of money. strate Thoburn sald there was plenty of evidence "that cor- Toborates the $600 was agreed "lI don't know how peop! would arrive at an amount vi as $600 . . . right out of the blue." Dr. Lewin testified that the $600 was an"unsolicited gift." DEATH FALL leh domi Friday TORONTO (CP) -- Mrs. ALE of an apartment "My duty is to administer leg- when she lost her balance whi islati not to d legisla-|hanging tion," Magistrate Thoburn said.|may "Dr. Lewin might have been|ure. have sulisied 8 heart bee doing a very fine thing--I don't know, It is not my duty." Evidence was a woman and her husband paid $600 to Dr. Lewin some time after receiving a baby for adoption. dren to read. Mrs. M. Routley moved a vote of thanks. The meeting closed with lunch served by the committee in charge. TO TRAIN OFFICERS TORONTO (CP) -- Twelve fu- ture review officers in Ontario's driver demerit-points system are to take a two-week's course at the University of Toronto, The course will include lectures on detection of problem drivers, operations of the points system, case review, enforcement of re-| gulations, appeals, handling of | special cases such as alcholics | and diabetics. i FOR MISSED PAPERS IN AJAX if you have not received your Times by 7 p.m. cell AJAX TAXI PHONE AJAX 333 All calls must be placed before 7.30 p.m. SUBSCRIBERS THE TIMES BOWMANVILLE FOR MISSED PAPERS AND BOWMANYVILLE'S FINEST TAX! SERVICE PHONE STEVEN'S TAXI MA 3-5822 If you have not received your Times phone your carrier boy first. If you are unable te con tact him by 7:00 p.m. TELEPHONE STEVEN'S TAXI Calls Accepted Between 7 «7:30 p.m. Only a BE The SAVE 5¢--HUNT"S & SAVE 4c--HEINZ I pm. TORONTO (CP) -- Mrs. J. Os-|ing plays of each boy. added to the entertainiment.| paged for ward use. Blue Ray Chapter, Order of the Parkside junior school and polls|of the Regular Baptist Church of |day for a social evening at the| There are outstanding bills lo serve the Lake Vista Gardens' Canada {home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Hender-| Co r ittee amounting to approximately $300. |Greer and Kelly, Queen street, Port Perry. Proceeds from the SUDBURY (CP) -- The nego-|at 3 p.m. \tiating committee of the Inter-| che following officers, have tions board for conciliation serv-| .. « ices in its dispute with Falcon. | 1° president, Mrs. B. Wanna negotiations between the union terruption. and Falconbridge have reached| The contract with mine-mill ex- . /the Sudbury district and about| In past. year Falconbridge con- § (2,200 union members, is the [tacts have followed the general | While Inco union members VALUED FISH have been on strike since Sept.| There are at least 30 varieties 4 3 5 i 8 1 Among prize winners were t Eastern St 5 Polls one to four will be in/born of Stratford Friday was| Mr. Butler presented jackets to|q Mrs. Donald Crozier, treasurer, ern Star, $5. Lord Elgin School in north Ajax. elected second vice-president of the boys with his congratulations. corse Batley 2 Belleville and ported total receipts as $2179.99, Shirley WA, $3. Polls. five to eight will be in the Women's Missionary Seciety| About 35 guests turned out Mon-|___ ephens. and disbursements were $1704.30. Anonymous, $10. CE The fifth annual doll festival is " n being planned and the dolls will Ki 4 Applies For be displayed in the window of in age gw [Doll Festival will be used to buy Conciliation (a 'recovery table. The draw | will take place Saturday, Dec. 13, national Union of Mine, Mill and 1059: ident Smelter Workers (Ind.) has apt 2 elected for goo: pres: ents Mrs. M. B. Dymond; Ist vice {plied to the Ontario labor rela-|,,.agident, Mrs. S. Rodman; 2nd bridge Nickel Mines. | Lynn O. Maclean, vice-presi- months, Falconbridge operations dent of Local 598, said Friday have continued without any in- an impasse after a series of pired Sept. 12 but continues in meetings begun in August. {force while a new one is being Falconbridge with six mines in negotiated. world's second largest nickel pro-| pattern set by Inco earlier in the ducer after International Nickel year. Company of Canada. 94. and before that had been |of sturgeon, valued for its caviar, working a four-day week for two in the ocean and freshwater lakes. SAVE 4c--TULIP STORE HOURS } Daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. SAVE 4c--SARONG YPC's ELECT EXECUTIVE AT AJAX This is the executive of the | . | Young Progressive Conserva- tive Association elected . in TOMATO SOUP. . . TOMATO JUICE CARNATION MILK . MARGARINE ....... SLICED PINEAPPLE . . KING at WILSON HIGHWAY NO. 2 2 aa 3 1-LB. TIN 11-0Z. BOTTLES 20-0Z. TINS TALL TINS CARTON 15-0Z. % GROCERY PRICES TO TUESDAY NOV. 25TH 29: 29: 41 23 19- Save 3c LYNN VALLEY PEA 15-0Z. TIN EFFECTIVE Ajax Friday evening. Front | row, fro mieft, Anne Green- | wood, vice-president, Oshawa; | Lynn Berry, Ajax president; William G. Newman, P.C. can- didate. Back row, Keith Bals- jon, Pickering; Ross McKin- | Ajax BrooKlin; Jack Malcolm, Brooklin. SEASONS TRAVEL 57 KING ST. E. OSHAWA Whether you travel far or near, Make your reservations right here. Remember: It is a FREE Service! Remember: It is a FREE Service! Handling AIR-SEA-RAIL-BUS transportation. Se ce IF CAMERAS - COSMETICS ee PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS PROMPT FREE DELIVERY 8 KING ST. E EE PHONE RA 3-2245 OSHAWA "phone RAS-3546 and Lyle Stevenson, Photo by John Mills. GREAT CATHEDRAL Istanbul's Aya Sofya Cathedral, pow a state museum of Turkey, was built in the sixth century, | 34 Fhe ONUS GIFTS :.. TOWELS oe CUTLERY e COOKWARE SILHOUETTE PICTURES e DINNERWARE See them on display at your friendly POWER-OSHAWA

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