The Oshawa Times, 22 Nov 1958, p. 3

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18 Seek ations PT I ANSI TR THE OSHAWA TIMES, Scturdey, November 22, 1958 3 w Harold Lobb Speaker Here Miss Mary Lee expressed greet-|living more effectively and hap- ings to the large group assembled |Pily because of the education pro- at the Genosha Hotel on Thurs- vided especially Jor them, di- day evening as several human- wi 15 2D igen basic medi rian and philantrhopic organiz- vel more tg rg ¢ Bele mei joined the Soroptimist Cal researc tec causes lof brain damage. The hope lies 12 Seats Following the close of the qual- ification period for nominees, who wished to contest seats on the Oshawa City Council, Board of Education and Separate School Board, at 9 p.m. Friday, City Clerk L. R. Barrand announced that there would be an election to Vt Fak, : wing x * EE Plc In Council Race 15 Contenders Vie For School Board Harry C. Andrews, Harold Hur James Markland and H. The members of the 1958 who are seeking re-election are: Harold B. Armstrong, Frederick' R. Britten, George K. Drynan, George Mortimer Brown, } Fletcher, Mrs, Annie Lee, C. wit select the members of each of the three civic bodies. All those elected will serve two-year trms, Fifty candidates are seeking elec- tion to the positions. [Club of Oshawa and District at liam Minett, Albert E. O'Neill; Stephen G. Saywell and William { T, Werry. 5 Mrs. B. C. Colpus and Dp. Claude Vipond, who were m : : : i ting the illness rather its November dinner meeting. in Prevent! q "he occasion. was. the Imina. than in trying to cure the patient. {tion of months of planning on the COMMUNITY OPPORTUNITY {part of the Soroptimists to bring| This week, for the first time in NINE OF TEN STUDENTS who won service awards for good citizenship and service within the school were present at the commencement cere. Prizes, A Are Pres Following is a list of the prizes, ches, awards and diplomas presented|Glavin, David Halliday, James at the Oshawa Collegiate and Vo-|Hughes, Nancy Minett, cational Institute Senior Com-|Waugh. mencement Exercises held in the R. S. McLaughlin, Awards for the Commercial Louise Thompson, Carol Cooper; Grade| Rose- in proficiency Grade Course 12, Gwendolyn Roberts, mary Stolze, Business and ) Women's Club Prize for profic jency in the Special Commercial Course, Judith Glover. HOME ECONOMICS PRIZES Foods and sewing, Grade donated by T. Eaton Company Ltd., Barbara McLaughlin, Foods, Grade 11, donated by Henderson's Bood Store, Isola mga Grade 11, dante b © Sewing, y y Saywell's Leather Goods, Grace 1, *Pwicker, " * Sarah J. V. McAdie Scholarship for proficiency in Grade 11 of he Lndustrial Course, Ste- phen B Grade 11 Drafting, Stephen Budeai. Grade 11 Motor Mechanics Industrial ST Corea Se school the General Mark Lovell oy. E. A Scholarships for general proficiency in Grade 11 of the General Course, Norma Sage| and Judith of udith Norden. Mrs. 1. Josephine Sykes Schol-| srehips for Middle School English, Mark by reversion to Mary ser, Patricia Rice. J. Albert Sykes Memorial Schol- erwhips for Middle School science, Randolph Mark by reversion to Fleanor Kratz, Cherie Mertens. Charles M. Ewing Prize for Grade 12 Classics, Eleanor Kratz. Classics rtment Prize for Grade 11 Latin, Norma Sage by reversion to Judith Norden by reversion to Grace Zwickers. SKETCHING CLUB AWARDS Pins -- Kenneth Bates, Andres Bohaker, Bette Brown, Norma Caverley, Suzanne Ebbs, Anne-| Katherine Gifford, Joyce Hen- nick, Margaret Hopkins, Mary Professional re the [Norbert Hu Allan Jackson, James Johnston, Course, Bruce Travell. sky, e | Barry M Course, |liam Pascoe. A monies Friday night at Osh- | rather than put away and for- | gotten, the service awards this | | awa Collegiate and Vocational | | Institute. In keeping with a | trend to give students some- -| thing which can be displayed | Sitting are: wards ented Mary Fraser, Terence year were of a new design'in the form of an attractive pin: Jo-Ann Waugh, Jo-Ann The educated individual SECONDARY SCHOOL GRADUATION DIPLOMAS General Seven Options Kratz. Six Options -- Freda Dancey,|class at Oshawa Collegiate a Sheila Dancey, Carolyn Mann, Vocational Instityfe commenc |Cherie Mertens, Patricia Rice, ment Friday night Carole Robinson. Mr. Swinton, who is chairman Five Options -- John Ansley, of the Canadian Conference on | Mary Bell, Richard Benson, Rob-|education added, "The need for R. Swinton, vice-president 12, ert Boissoin, Jean Britton, Briap inner resources in greater today |Chaytor, Warren Clark, Nancy than ever before". line Derumaux, Mary Fraser,| The speaker pointed out, "The |Sandra Gaskell, Peggy Gower, brain-power of our youth is our | David Halliday, John Holden, | most precious national resource.' {Donna Jackson, Linda Kirk, Bar-|kNOWLEDGE {bara McLaughlin, Edward Mc- Lean. Five Options -- Randolph Mark {respect for learning, excellence Koga in, Amn ag Sd nowt" bn comand. Is (her, Paul Meagher, Lawrence|,. ot; encourage progress in the | Parsons, Donald Petre, John | giorq of learning." Ryan, James Slyfield, Diane a. gywinton noted that , "Michael Tolley, Jo-Ann juitionn ion, 00 'ehnert every will|10 years and that 90 per cent possess the only line of defence of the scientists produced in the J. Douglas Waugh Memorial with which to cope with the pres- history of the world were alive school auditorium Friday night.|Shield for Athletics, Albert Cox.|sures of our modern-day world. today. ' This was the opinion of Kurt 3 and | Which many : general manager of Encyclopae- scholarships and bursari -- Eleanor|dia Britanica of Canada Ltd. in Presented is add to the graduating nouncement that bis address > ne |and David Halliday were e. as the outstanding girl and boy| Awards and diplomas were pre- is the public'in the next 20 yea Sues : | Freda Dance,, Carol Fitches | winner, Mary Fraser was not and Nancy Minett. Standing: | present to accept her award, Terence Glavin, Douglas Brock, | She is studying in Switzerland. | Walter Aru, David Halliday | and James Hughes. The tenth | - --Oshawa Times Photo Education Seen Vital In World Of Today and six were first class honor graduates of grade 13. For the first time, all students achieving first class honor stand- Highlight of the program ining were presented with felt tabs academic awards,!which are designed to be dis- es were played in the same manner as with the an-lan athletic crest. Fifty-two stu- Nancy Minett|dents from grade 11, 12 and 13 selected received honor tabs. came of 1957-58. sented by the following people on Five boys and five girls were behalf of contributing citizens, or- chosen winners of a newly-design-| ganizations and the school: ] ed pin which will replace the for- Bishop, Miss G. Edmondson, Miss mer school service medals,|P. Ferguson, A. Hiltz, Miss D. These awards are given for good|VanLuyven, H. K. Wooster, M. citizenship and service within|Hutchison, Mrs. M. Yielding, Mr. the school, Saywell, F. R. Britton, Mrs. B. C. Principal G. L. Roberts opened Colpus, G. K. Drynan, G. A. the program with an address of|Fletcher, Mrs. C. C. Lee C. W. welcome. S. G. Saywel!, chairman |Minett, A. "The necessity for you to have of the board of education, con-|Yanch, Mrs. K. R. Wagg, Mrs. |tario where there are Mrs. J. D. gratulated the graduates on behalf M. F. Kirkland, of the hoard. Of 165 students receiving grad- nard, D. Goldman, T. Huzar, uation diplamas, 85 had passed|Mrs. A. E. Lovell, Mrs. F. Wil- lary school graduation diplomas nick. in For Assault ary Forder, Jean Gimblett, th, Stanley Hyman, | a Gary Lockie, Douglas Luke, arch, Nancy Minett, Wil- street, Oshawa, was fined Four Options -- Edward Rob-/$25 in Oshawa Magistrate's erts, Peter Robinson, Edward Court Friday morning, on an Russell, Carolyn Schuermann,| assault charge. The court did Shirley Simpson, James Sparling, [not accept his story that the Joanne Storie, Grant Tunnicliffe,|other man ran into a door. Douglas Wallace. Henry's ome-time roommate, Three Options -- Helen Bed. Aurelio Pimenti Jeronimo, both ford, Patricia Bircham, Wayne eves blackened and holding a $2 Bradley, James Clark, Roderick|doctor's bill, said he was struck Dickson, Donna Dodwell, Alan|/on the nose Nov. 15. Henry, he Hamilton, Michael Johnston, Ed- said, seemed to be quite drunk at ward McGahey, Judith McGall, the time. Gary Minacs, William Oke, Owner of the rooming house, James Powell, Dennis Starkey | Louis Dupuis, testified he found "Henry sleeping in the kitchen, Waugh, Mrs. H. Bathe, F. May- to interested groups in the com-|this country, Canadians are ob- munity Mr. Harold Lobb, execu-|serving Retarded Children's tive director of the Ontario Re-\Week. This affords the eommun- tarded Children's Association. |ity an opportunity to become ac- Education is one of the particu- quainted with the needs of the |lar facets of the work of this| retarded child and respond to the| | Women's Service Club and the|appeal for assistance to them.| |Soroptimists have given active/The Retarded Children's move- support to the Oshawa Retarded ment is only 11 years old, The Children's Association. first school for he Benially re "The problem of the retarded tarded was opened in Kirt child is the inescapable problem | Lake in 1047. Since that j=ie the |of the community", said Mr. | Social 'attitude oyara this af ae] | Harold Lobb, as he addressed the HOR Sine change 15 Brgy Soroptimist Club and their guests," T" aspect of Sonu 4 o He painted a word picture of| Mr. Lobb%was ndodite] Fd children in government main. | George Wilson and br Ve tained hospital schools in Ontario|DIS ghallengits Words Be t iA with a waiting list of 2,000 addi-|B: Mackie. re : Eo wie tional children . requiring these|read the moving lines of the Be-| services, The estimated cost of tarded Children's Prayer js = providing bed accommodation in(2PPropriate conclusion to | |one of these schools is $10,000 and | Ve !N8: i : 3 A special appeal to the as- the daily maintenance therein is % $4 per child. The economic conse. | Sembled group by Mrs. W. F. Wil quence is a' cost of seven million 30™ Shdirman fond fhe ducations] |dollars per year to the taxpayer dren's Association, for their as- in this province. Because of thelSren s a5 Canvassers in the increase in in incidence of retar-|, tg : jdation and the prolonged toug{OLheoming satupaigu lor, fue evity of the 'afflicted due to the tarded Children. She also extend- improvement in medical science oy a gracious invitation to all to and care, the approximate 0st} itend the open house being held TS i A PT at the Glenholme School on Nov. (will be two hundred million dol-| pp fr two to five in the after. {lars to cover institutional main-| {tenance. These were the statisti-| |cal facts on which Mr. Lobb| based his statement that the re-| oon. Head table guests 'at the din- ner were Miss Mary Lee, acting | president of the Soroptimist Club The elections will be held Mon- day, Dec. 1. The polls will be open from 10 am, to 7 p.m. His Worship Mayor Lyman A. Gifford was accorded an acclam- ation as mayor and will be the first mayor in Oshawa's history 'to be so elected for a two-year term. The four retiring members of the Oshawa Public Utilities Com- mission, Commissioners Roy Fleming, William Boddy, Henry F. Baldwin and Edwin F. Arm- strong, were also returned to of- fice by acclamation, COUNCIL CANDIDATES Eight of the 20 inees for city council seats allowed their names to stand for the 12 alder- manic seats. Among these are all 12 members of the 1958 council. The six new candidates are. Gordon Attersley, Cephas B. Gay, Mrs. Alice Reardon. Clif- ford B. Stark, John Stezik and John Wacko. : The members of the 1958 coun- cil seeking re-election are: Edgar F. Bastedo, R. Cecil Bint, John G. Brady, Walter R. Branch, Fin- ley M. Dafoe, Norman Down, John W. Dyer, Sydney T. Hop- kins, Ernest Marks, A. Hayward Murdoch, Mrs. Christine Thomas and Albert V. Walker. Albert Hele and Robert H. Stroud, who were also nominated, failed to qualify. | | |tarded child is the concern of all. | 2rd the chairman of the evening, {SOCIAL CONSEQUENCES Mr. Lobb, A. Holdsworth, presi- He stressed the far reachingident of the Association for Re- |social consequences of the prob-|tarded Children of Oshawa and E. O'Neill, J. A.llem in a province such as On-|District. Mr. Lewis, director of 150,000 Children's Aid Society of the City persons retarded in some degree, of Oshawa and the County of Any family can qualify for a re-|Ontario; G. Wilson, charter presi- tarded child for genetic 'reasons, dent of the Oshawa Association Retarded Children; Miss the general academic course, 25,/son, Mrs. R. V.Cheffield, Mrs, mentality and have normal chil-|Helen Pardon, vice-president of world| vocational, 49 received second-|J. Gaskell and Miss Joyce Hen-|/dren should murmur in grateful the Beta Sigma Phi Sarotys {and those of us who enjoy normal | for thanks, 'There but for the grace|Mrs. Ralph Mackie and Bestwick of of God ge I". The burden of the Walter Delay Inquest | GOOD EVENING In Man's Death (Continued from Page 2) PETERBOROUGH (CP) -- An port Mr. Hopkins' motion; they awa, found dead near his car on|less, but this made it more le; a lonely road between Kinmount mate. an aliburton last June, has| been postponed indefinitely, pro-| City departmental heads, such vincial police said today. |as Mr. Tripp, can serve a useful The inquest has been postponed function by their appearance at several times in the last few|open Council meetings, but a fine months, while police investigated line must be drawn as to where the. possibility of foul play. [their duty ends. Is it unethical, or indiscreet, to call on them for Scots Plan giti- decisive opinions on highly con- troversial issues such as the Hop- {kins matter? Doesn't this smack too much of passing the buck? | ¥ or ilioge nic ou . hers of the Glenh Mr. Lobb emphasized the fact|teac yond to | This the point of learning to read. ciation, {in| day schools in this province are'County. Cancer Society Officers Named | Following is a list of the recently John Chmara, Oshawa; y elected officers of the Ontario|Fred Lloyd and Mrs. Margaret County Unit of the Canadian Can-|Lloyd; women's service, Mrs. cer Society? J. L. Beaton' and Mrs. O. D of | that retarded children are not be-|for Retarded Children, the Board being helped to learn even|of the Retarded Children's Asso- members of the Beta [shel gen BS een ga in Sg gt th Childre Aid Russell Henry, 34, formerly of inquest on Earl Mills, 44, of Osh. Were ready to support it, regard- |shelte workshops with amaz- sentatives e ens' a Jocalon " 2 diy g results. The 1400 children in Society of Oshawa and Ontario Lorna Thompson, Richard Vesey, | David Watt, Jack Whittick, Mar-| garet Winsley, Barry Wood. Vocational awakened him, saw he had a bottle of whisky, and watched him go upstairs. Moments later Walter Aru, Alan Brown, Carol he reported a good deal of noise, Cooper, Elizabeth Dean, Marjorie | 20d found Jeronimo in the down- Ellis, Dorothy Fish, David Fro- stairs hall, holding a bleeding lick, Philomena Gangemi, Ju-{7°5¢ on his way to call the |dith Glover. police. | Douglas Greentree, Gail Hamil- |ton, Barry Harkin, Raymond Har- Gala Ball Looked forward to with no little anticipation - from year to year the annual St. Andrew's Ball, one of the highlights of the social sea son in Oshawa, will be held i Hotel Genosha Friday, Nov. 28 On the stand, Hennv admitted at 9 p.m. This is the eleventh slapping Jeronimo because he/Year this gala event has been| had been '"'yapping" but claimed | under the auspicies of the St. Doen't it place them in a highly embarrassing position from! which they should be spared? Honorary president, E. H. Walk- | er; honorary vice president, T. L. | It's really tantamount to putting Wilson: president, J. F. Riley, in »|a highly trusted employee on the vice president, Keith Clarke sec- |spot, involving him unnecessarily "étary, Mrs. J. Anderson; treas- in a bitter family feud where he|urer, K. M. Hume; auditor, F. just can't win, If he supports 1oYd: [Mayor Gifford's strong voting| Directors: Clarence Bell, block, he offends the opposition| Bowmanville; John Borrowdale, (and remember this -- he must|Oshawa; Don Crothers, Oshawa; work with . M. B. Dymond, Port Perry; |rison, Lawrence Higgins, Robert | Knapp, Mary Kube, Michael Mc- | Namee. Margaret Morin, William 08- den, Kenneth Peterson, Marie '|Ritzie, Gerald Ross, Diane Saw- yer, Marguerite Stone, Thompson. Kotynski, Joy Anne Norton, Ted , Kathryn Reeve, Jean Smith, John Wilson. Prize, for the best work done/ in the Sketching Club in 1957-1958 Gregory Gabourie Art Department cellence in Art: Grade 12, Nora Lea Flegg. SECONDARY SCHOOL HONOR Grade 11, Douglas Graham. | GRADUATION DIPLOMAS Special Award, Andres Bohak-| Barry Appleby, Anne Baldwin, er. {George Barrand, John Branch, Junior Chamber of Commrece Ellen Brown, Robert Bryant, Wil- Trophy for Public Speaking and Jiam Burr, James Connolly, Al-| Debating, Dave Halliday. |bert Cox, Kenneth Cude, Mar- Oshawa Home and School Coun-|garet Eder, John Fisher, Caroll cil Award for proficiency and | Fitches, Marilyn Fletcher, Ter- 4 Prizes for ex-| School Teacher in Training, Bar-|Gordon Hall. bara Morrison. University Women's Club Schol- | M. F. Kirkland Memorial}, Ri¢ Scholarship for general proficien-| ' ey in Grade 13, Donald Pierson. James Lutton, Gordon "And orey"', a most the victim also ran into a door|Andrews on his way out of the room. that's likely turned to make it an outstanding y"', remarked Magistrate F. Success. |S. Ebbs, ordering Henry to pay Logi {the fine, plus the cost of Je UiS€| imo's medical attention. Society of Cchawal |and no stone is being left un-| | | The music will be provided by| -| Bill Burnett's Orchestra. The dan-| |cers will step through the Eight-| Gov't Plans Roads For U.S. Tourists promise of success to a Public|ance Glavin, Valeria Glendinning, TORONTO (CP) -- Lands and form of a box of white heather| Voters in London (Ont.) have| Forests Minister Spooner says Which is highly prized and proud-|demonstrated an aversion to se-| Mary Hezzelwood, David Hoag, the Ontario government is plan- ly worn by each of the dancers.|cret council meetings by election | Kenneth Hutcheson. Sheldon Kal- ning road links to enable United! Arrangements for the dance are/of J. Allan Joh some Reel, the Lancers and other lively dances and their "houghs" {will warm the hearts of aii Scots. {Modern dances will be intermingl- ed in the program so that all tastes will be catered to. A gesture of goodwill is re- |ceived each year from The Scots. man in Edinburgh -- one of the| Thomson newspapers -- in the| Initsky, Phyllis Kratz, David Lat- States tourists to bypass South. under the direction of William|over incumbent Ray A, Dennis. | hard Lawrence, Joy ce en Ontario on their way north. Dalgleish and Jack MacGregor. In a provincial affairs radio| Tickets are available from Presi-| MacLean, William McClelland, [broadcast Friday night. Mr, (dent Jim Reid, Secretary Bob| Thomas McDowell, John Meag-| Spooner said the new interna- Munn, Dr. Walter Bapty and| year). Too often has this Council toss- ed the ball to Mr. Tripp, or Mr.| Crome or Mr. McNeeley, or Mr. | Kerr for a final opinion when council was unable to agree. REMEMBER WHEN? these aldermen all|Mrs |W. M. Gibbie, Oshawa; V. M., |Harris, Whitby; T. Hopkins, Osh- Don i . Moore, Oshawa; Mrs. A. C, Me. |Greighton; ME AX. Kenzie, Beaverton; J. K. Shep- hard, Oshawa; Oshawa; manville; Mrs. G. Telford, Osh- |a wa; J: Menzies, Oshawa; H. M.. Sparkes, J. R. Stephens, Bow- The following headline and awa, and E. N. Weldon, Oshawa. news story lead is from page Campaign, Keith Clarke: educa- |one of The Oshawa Times of last tion and publicity, D'Arcy Bell, |R. Barnes, Mrs. Bert Mewett, Friend. | The conveners of the various | committees are: dressings sta- tions, Mrs. Fred Lloyd; visiting, |Mrs. Frank Mason; gift cupboard, | Mrs. George Russell; social, Mrs. |C. S. Lee; transportation, Mrs, | J. L. Beaton; telephone, Mrs. | W. R. Fisher. Members of the women's com- mittee are: Mrs. W. B. Syer, Bowmanville; Mrs. W. H. Ken- inedy, Whitby; Mrs. S. B. Ruth- |erford, Orono; Mrs. T. K. Higgs, Mrs, T. D. Thomas, Mrs. Mrs. J. J. Anderson, Mrs. George Telford, | Mrs. J. Delvin, Mrs. Charles M. Elliott, Mrs. R. Nesbitt, Mrs, D. Mrs. Tom Murphy, Mrs. A. D. Aldridge, Mrs. William Shaw and Mrs. W. A. Giroux, all of Oshawa. District representatives: Mrs. December 3 and ran alongside|Oshawa; extension, Mrs. A, C. the local rou election results: LONDON VOTERS OBJECT | | | TO SECRET MEETINGS" | nston as mayor | Johnston came out of retire ment to campaign against secret meetings by London city council on the anmexation of adjacent f ndup of municipal McKenzie; medical advisory, Dr. J. L. Beaton, Oshawa; Maurice BOARD OF EDUCATION Fifteen of the 22 nominees to the board of education filed their | qualifications to fill the 12 posi- | tions on the board. Of this sum- ber 10 are sitting members. The four new candidates are bers of the 1958 hoard, are seeking re-election. SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD All of the 17 nominated for the Separate School Board have quale, ified to contest the election. Twelve members will be elected. The mémbers of the 1958 board" seeking re - election are Rob- ert L, Clancy, Mrs. Winona' Clarke, James H. Gibbens, John J. Kelly, Rev. Felix Kwiatkowski," Frank Meagher, James B, Top- pings, Joseph L. Riordan and Michael Rudka, The new candidates are: Frank J. Baron, Louis G. Hughes, Cecil H. Jenkin, Clement Peter Kent, John A. Lawrence, Frank Markey, Leslie Prazmowski and Richard Sciuk. Rev. F. 8. Mahoney, Dermott Conway and John Wilkinson, who were members of the 1958 board, are not seeking re-election. 0 Oshawa Man Has Opened Practice Here .- Dr. Robert K. Miller this month opened practice at 402 Mary street. He is a specialist in ob- stetrics and gynaecology. "th The son of Dr, and Mrs C,. 0. Miller, of Oshawa, he received: his early education at E. A. Lov... ell School, and the OCVI, before: entering the University of Toron. to, where he completed one year+ of a physical health course. Eo] » sl A we e School |' SPECIAL SPEAKER Rev. A M. Laverty, Chaplain at Queen's University, King- ston, will be guest speaker at the official opening of Adelaide McLaughlin School, Nov. 27, at 8 p.m. Mr. Laverty is well ed the faculty of medicine. He Sraduated in 1952 with the degree, Dr. Miller interned for a year at the Toronto General Hospital and practiced for a year in Port Colborne, as a general practions er. He then returned to Toronto, to complete a two year post graduate Compe in obstetrics and. . 2Y gy. ] course this fall, receiving a cer- .. |tified membership of the Royal. {College of Physicians and Sur- goons of Canada at the age of Dr. Miller married the former" Naty Burns, of Oshawa, in FASTER SOUND Sound travels through water at a mile per second, compared with» five seconds in air. known for his interest in educa- tional matters and a popular speaker on the subject. He received his BA from Victoria College and graduated from Emmanuel College in 1937. He served in the United Church NOTICE The Annual Meeting of the Ontario Riding Progressive Conservative Association will be held at Stephens and Clarence Bell, both of Bowmanville, Mrs. J. L. Beaton. ministry at Manitowaning, Man- itoulin Island and in Sterling prior to entering the Canadian Army. He was appointed Chap- lain at Queen's after his return from overseas after the 2nd World War. Mr. Laverty is a native of Toronto, TOWN HALL, SUNDERLAND Friday December 5th, 1958 8:00 P.M. J. L. SWEETMAN, President PETER BRODIE, Secretary-Treasurer Ontario Division representative: ANNUAL TURKEY 4 5 ) FR S( Tender EAT'N Prince Philip Chapter IODE| An- territory. TRUE-TRIMBEEF ({ 12 KING E. RA 3-3633 . '|her, Ronald Mitchell, Barbara tional bridge at Sault Ste. Marie, (Other members of the St. Scholarship for Grade 13 Eng | Morison, Ralph Myers. the Rainy Lake Causeway and dreWs Society of Oshawa. -- lish and History, Oe al Brenda Naylor, Sydney Nob-|International'Bridge at Fort| It is of interest that the St.| Stevenson h bin, Glenn Owen, Donald Pier- Frances will improve communi-|Andrews Society of Oshawa was for Grade 13 Science, Donald Pierson. | Squair Prize for Grade 13 French, Terence Glavin. | Laura L. Jones Prize for Grade| 13 German, Inge Voigt. Canadian Legion Ladies' Aux- iliary Scholarship for Grade 13 Mathematics, Donald Pierson by reversion to Barbara Morrison. Fannie E. Hislop Scholarship for Middle and Upper School Eng- lish, Barbara Morrison by rever- sion to Joan Wright. . Classics Department Prize for Grade 13 Classics, Terence Gla- bi Earl Edwards Gold Medal for excellence in the use of the English language, Diane Vorner. Maycock Memorial Awards for general proficiency in Grade 12, Randolph Mark; Grade 11, Norma Sage. SERVICE AWARDS Service awards for good citi- genship and service within the gehool : Brock, Freda Dancey, Carol Fit-| Barbara Morrison, Brenda Nay- great industrial E {lor, Donald Pierson, Inge Voigt, |outh on their way to Timmins, Britton, Freda Dancey, Sheila|Noranda. Dancey, Sh Peggy Gower, Linda Kirk, Eleanor Kratz, Bar-|Carol Davidson, Carolyn Elliott, bara McLaughlin, Edward Mec-{Joan Elliott, Charlene Flath, Mar- Lean, Michael] McNamee, Ran-|garet Hopkins, dolph Cherie Mertens, John Ryan, James Sparling, Louis 'dith Norden, 1 Thompson, Michael Tolley, Jo- lyn Roberts, Norma Sage, Helen imprisonment, was Walter Aru, Douglas Ann Waugh, son, Gordon Ridgely, Glenn Pas. cation with the central American St [ coe, David Roberts, Gerald Shaw, | states. | Bruce Smith, Inge Voigt, Diane At the same time "a vast new | Vorner, Grace Webber, Jeanine tourist area" would be opened up | Werry, William Wilson, Joan with construction of the road! Wright, Louis Zuly. from Chapleau to Foleyet, pro-| HONOR TABS viding a direct rod link between | Honor Tabs for first class hon-| Sault Ste.' Marie and Timmins. ors in June, 1958, in.Grades 13, "It will thus be possible for 12 and 11: |American tourists entering Can- Grade 13 -- Terence Glavin,(ada at the Soo to bypass the centres to the | Diane Vorner. {Kirkland Lake and eventually to Grade 12 -- John Ansley, Jean | the province of Quebec at Rouyn- Katherine Derumaux, Mary Fraser, Norbert Huth, Budai, Carol Conlin, Joan Davis, {Vv Mark, Paul Meagher, |Anne LaRush, Nancy Minett, Knight, Clinton Elizabeth Newman, Ju- an Robb, Gwendo- |p, Schwarz, Rosemary Stolze , Tobie |j Grade 11 -- Joba Bailes, Gary Swarts, Grace Zwicker. t to the present. |sent making arrangements for of the coming Burns Supper which pj will be held Jan. 24. Judith Glover, Boddy, Judith Broadbent, Steven p {Robert Sommers, convicted last {week of bribery and conspiracy | Phillip Horwich, Friday on $34,000 bail from Oak-| Three nominees qualified as| Mc-|alla prison farm. tion set for next February. anized in 1947 and the first Andrews Ball was held in 1948 and each succeeding year org. Walter Beath Is Returned Walter Beath, reeve of East hitby township, was returned to fice by acclamation, Friday ght, when John Glover, the only | |other candidate for the reeveship ~|failed to qualify. I Neil Smith was acclaimed de- Minister Freed reve sind rooms On $4000 | es the post. | Three councillors will be elect- | VANCOUVER (CP) -- Former ritish Columbia forests minister As 1959 is the 200th anniver- sary of the birth of Robert Burns, | the society is very active at pre- w ed from the following candidates] who qualified: Gordon L. Corner, Horace Searle (seeking re-elec-| (tion) = Walter Holliday, Walter Thorndike, Charles M. Thomas| and Rohert Flett. ! while he held office, was released | candidates for school trustees. | The release of 47-year-old Som- They were: Vernon Powell, Wil-| mers, sentenced to five years' liam Snowden and John Snowden, | made pend- Who is seeking re-election. ADULTS $1.50 CHILDREN 12 & UNDER .. 75¢ HARMONY UNITED CHURCH ng an appeal against his convic-. The election date in East Whit-| \by township is Dec. 1. | KING EAST AT HARMONY RD. Meat Specials! Mon. Only ! Tender SIRLOIN and WING STEAKS n 7Qc FRESH MADE Country Sausage 5 ... 1.00 CUT-UP CHICKEN Legs, Thighs, Breasts . . 2~$1 SMALL LINK Pork Sausage 2 LBS. 1.00

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